Hacking conky's own_window_type desktop to run on one virtual desktop

Since I have no dual screen setup (just a laptop) I'd like to use my virtual desktops to run different conky instances on (almost) every virtual desktop. I tried to accomplish this by using own_window_type normal in conky, and that works - until I call the desktop, then it just minimises like a regular app. That's not what I want.
People in #conky suggested I use the if_match functionality in conky, so I can keep using the own_window_type desktop setting, but that does not solve my issue since you cannot define different conky window sizes in one configuration file. I checked in with #openbox and they told me essentially Conky should not display on every virtual desktop (and frankly they have a point, since you can tell e.g. Openbox to sticky an app on every virtual desktop). However, one would need to hack the code for that (specifically the stuff that takes care of putting the desktop window type on every virtual desktop). That's where you guys come in, since my C knowledge is close to non-existent .
I was told to look at x11.c and specifically the init_window() function but I'm at loss where to start...
/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
* vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c
* Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
* Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
* All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
* Please see COPYING for details
* Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al.
* (see AUTHORS)
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include "conky.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "x11.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/Xmd.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#ifdef IMLIB2
#include "imlib2.h"
#endif /* IMLIB2 */
#ifdef XFT
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
int use_xft = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_XDBE
int use_xdbe;
#ifdef USE_ARGB
int use_argb_visual;
int have_argb_visual;
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
int own_window_argb_value;
/* some basic X11 stuff */
Display *display = NULL;
int display_width;
int display_height;
int screen;
static int set_transparent;
static int background_colour;
/* workarea from _NET_WORKAREA, this is where window / text is aligned */
int workarea[4];
/* Window stuff */
struct conky_window window;
char window_created = 0;
/* local prototypes */
static void update_workarea(void);
static Window find_desktop_window(Window *p_root, Window *p_desktop);
static Window find_subwindow(Window win, int w, int h);
/* X11 initializer */
void init_X11(const char *disp)
if (!display) {
if ((display = XOpenDisplay(disp)) == NULL) {
CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open display: %s", XDisplayName(disp));
screen = DefaultScreen(display);
display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen);
display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen);
get_x11_desktop_info(display, 0);
static void update_workarea(void)
/* default work area is display */
workarea[0] = 0;
workarea[1] = 0;
workarea[2] = display_width;
workarea[3] = display_height;
/* Find root window and desktop window.
* Return desktop window on success,
* and set root and desktop byref return values.
* Return 0 on failure. */
static Window find_desktop_window(Window *p_root, Window *p_desktop)
Atom type;
int format, i;
unsigned long nitems, bytes;
unsigned int n;
Window root = RootWindow(display, screen);
Window win = root;
Window troot, parent, *children;
unsigned char *buf = NULL;
if (!p_root || !p_desktop) {
return 0;
/* some window managers set __SWM_VROOT to some child of root window */
XQueryTree(display, root, &troot, &parent, &children, &n);
for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) {
if (XGetWindowProperty(display, children[i], ATOM(__SWM_VROOT), 0, 1,
False, XA_WINDOW, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes, &buf)
== Success && type == XA_WINDOW) {
win = *(Window *) buf;
PACKAGE_NAME": desktop window (%lx) found from __SWM_VROOT property\n",
*p_root = win;
*p_desktop = win;
return win;
if (buf) {
buf = 0;
/* get subwindows from root */
win = find_subwindow(root, -1, -1);
win = find_subwindow(win, workarea[2], workarea[3]);
if (buf) {
buf = 0;
if (win != root) {
PACKAGE_NAME": desktop window (%lx) is subwindow of root window (%lx)\n",
win, root);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": desktop window (%lx) is root window\n", win);
*p_root = root;
*p_desktop = win;
return win;
static int colour_set = -1;
/* if no argb visual is configured sets background to ParentRelative for the Window and all parents,
else real transparency is used */
void set_transparent_background(Window win, int alpha)
(void)alpha; /* disable warnings when unused */
#ifdef USE_ARGB
if (have_argb_visual) {
// real transparency
if (set_transparent) {
XSetWindowBackground(display, win, 0x00);
} else if (colour_set != background_colour) {
XSetWindowBackground(display, win,
background_colour | (alpha << 24));
colour_set = background_colour;
} else {
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
// pseudo transparency
if (set_transparent) {
Window parent = win;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < 50 && parent != RootWindow(display, screen); i++) {
Window r, *children;
unsigned int n;
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, parent, ParentRelative);
XQueryTree(display, parent, &r, &parent, &children, &n);
} else if (colour_set != background_colour) {
XSetWindowBackground(display, win, background_colour);
colour_set = background_colour;
#ifdef USE_ARGB
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
#ifdef USE_ARGB
static int get_argb_visual(Visual** visual, int *depth) {
/* code from gtk project, gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual */
XVisualInfo visual_template;
XVisualInfo *visual_list;
int nxvisuals = 0, i;
visual_template.screen = screen;
visual_list = XGetVisualInfo (display, VisualScreenMask,
&visual_template, &nxvisuals);
for (i = 0; i < nxvisuals; i++) {
if (visual_list[i].depth == 32 &&
(visual_list[i].red_mask == 0xff0000 &&
visual_list[i].green_mask == 0x00ff00 &&
visual_list[i].blue_mask == 0x0000ff)) {
*visual = visual_list[i].visual;
*depth = visual_list[i].depth;
DBGP("Found ARGB Visual");
return 1;
// no argb visual available
DBGP("No ARGB Visual found");
return 0;
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
void destroy_window(void)
#ifdef XFT
if(window.xftdraw) {
if(window.gc) {
XFreeGC(display, window.gc);
memset(&window, 0, sizeof(struct conky_window));
colour_set = -1;
void init_window(int own_window, int w, int h, int set_trans, int back_colour,
char **argv, int argc)
/* There seems to be some problems with setting transparent background
* (on fluxbox this time). It doesn't happen always and I don't know why it
* happens but I bet the bug is somewhere here. */
set_transparent = set_trans;
background_colour = back_colour;
window_created = 1;
if (own_window) {
int depth = 0, flags;
Visual *visual = NULL;
if (!find_desktop_window(&window.root, &window.desktop)) {
#ifdef USE_ARGB
if (use_argb_visual && get_argb_visual(&visual, &depth)) {
have_argb_visual = 1;
window.visual = visual;
window.colourmap = XCreateColormap(display,
DefaultRootWindow(display), window.visual, AllocNone);
} else {
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
window.visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen);
window.colourmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen);
depth = CopyFromParent;
visual = CopyFromParent;
#ifdef USE_ARGB
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
if (window.type == TYPE_OVERRIDE) {
/* An override_redirect True window.
* No WM hints or button processing needed. */
XSetWindowAttributes attrs = { ParentRelative, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0,
Always, 0L, 0L, False, StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask, 0L,
True, 0, 0 };
#ifdef USE_ARGB
if (have_argb_visual) {
attrs.colormap = window.colourmap;
flags = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWOverrideRedirect;
} else {
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
flags = CWBackPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;
#ifdef USE_ARGB
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
/* Parent is desktop window (which might be a child of root) */
window.window = XCreateWindow(display, window.desktop, window.x,
window.y, w, h, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual,
flags, &attrs);
XLowerWindow(display, window.window);
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - override\n");
} else { /* window.type != TYPE_OVERRIDE */
/* A window managed by the window manager.
* Process hints and buttons. */
XSetWindowAttributes attrs = { ParentRelative, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0,
Always, 0L, 0L, False, StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask |
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, 0L, False, 0, 0 };
XClassHint classHint;
XWMHints wmHint;
Atom xa;
#ifdef USE_ARGB
if (have_argb_visual) {
attrs.colormap = window.colourmap;
flags = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWOverrideRedirect;
} else {
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
flags = CWBackPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;
#ifdef USE_ARGB
#endif /* USE_ARGB */
if (window.type == TYPE_DOCK) {
window.x = window.y = 0;
/* Parent is root window so WM can take control */
window.window = XCreateWindow(display, window.root, window.x,
window.y, w, h, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual,
flags, &attrs);
classHint.res_name = window.class_name;
classHint.res_class = classHint.res_name;
wmHint.flags = InputHint | StateHint;
/* allow decorated windows to be given input focus by WM */
wmHint.input =
TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_UNDECORATED) ? False : True;
if (window.type == TYPE_DOCK || window.type == TYPE_PANEL) {
wmHint.initial_state = WithdrawnState;
} else {
wmHint.initial_state = NormalState;
XmbSetWMProperties(display, window.window, NULL, NULL, argv,
argc, NULL, &wmHint, &classHint);
XStoreName(display, window.window, window.title);
/* Sets an empty WM_PROTOCOLS property */
XSetWMProtocols(display, window.window, NULL, 0);
/* Set window type */
if ((xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)) != None) {
Atom prop;
switch (window.type) {
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - desktop\n");
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - dock\n");
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - panel\n");
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - normal\n");
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &prop, 1);
/* Set desired hints */
/* Window decorations */
if (TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_UNDECORATED)) {
/* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - undecorated\n");
fflush(stderr); */
if (xa != None) {
long prop[5] = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, xa, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) prop, 5);
/* Below other windows */
if (TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_BELOW)) {
/* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - below\n");
fflush(stderr); */
if (xa != None) {
long prop = 0;
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &prop, 1);
if (xa != None) {
Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW);
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1);
/* Above other windows */
if (TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_ABOVE)) {
/* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - above\n");
fflush(stderr); */
if (xa != None) {
long prop = 6;
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &prop, 1);
if (xa != None) {
Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE);
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1);
/* Sticky */
if (TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_STICKY)) {
/* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - sticky\n");
fflush(stderr); */
if (xa != None) {
CARD32 xa_prop = 0xFFFFFFFF;
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1);
if (xa != None) {
Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY);
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1);
/* Skip taskbar */
if (TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR)) {
/* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - skip_taskbar\n");
fflush(stderr); */
if (xa != None) {
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1);
/* Skip pager */
if (TEST_HINT(window.hints, HINT_SKIP_PAGER)) {
/* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - skip_pager\n");
fflush(stderr); */
if (xa != None) {
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1);
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to created window (0x%lx)\n",
XMapWindow(display, window.window);
} else
#endif /* OWN_WINDOW */
XWindowAttributes attrs;
if (!window.window) {
window.window = find_desktop_window(&window.root, &window.desktop);
window.visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen);
window.colourmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen);
if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, window.window, &attrs)) {
window.width = attrs.width;
window.height = attrs.height;
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to desktop window\n");
/* Drawable is same as window. This may be changed by double buffering. */
window.drawable = window.window;
#ifdef HAVE_XDBE
if (use_xdbe) {
int major, minor;
if (!XdbeQueryExtension(display, &major, &minor)) {
use_xdbe = 0;
} else {
window.back_buffer = XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(display,
window.window, XdbeBackground);
if (window.back_buffer != None) {
window.drawable = window.back_buffer;
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to double buffer\n");
} else {
use_xdbe = 0;
if (!use_xdbe) {
NORM_ERR("failed to set up double buffer");
if (!use_xdbe) {
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to single buffer\n");
#ifdef IMLIB2
cimlib_init(display, window.drawable, window.visual, window.colourmap);
#endif /* IMLIB2 */
XSelectInput(display, window.window, ExposureMask | PropertyChangeMask
| (own_window ? (StructureNotifyMask |
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask) : 0)
static Window find_subwindow(Window win, int w, int h)
unsigned int i, j;
Window troot, parent, *children;
unsigned int n;
/* search subwindows with same size as display or work area */
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
XQueryTree(display, win, &troot, &parent, &children, &n);
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
XWindowAttributes attrs;
if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, children[j], &attrs)) {
/* Window must be mapped and same size as display or
* work space */
if (attrs.map_state != 0 && ((attrs.width == display_width
&& attrs.height == display_height)
|| (attrs.width == w && attrs.height == h))) {
win = children[j];
if (j == n) {
return win;
void create_gc(void)
XGCValues values;
values.graphics_exposures = 0;
values.function = GXcopy;
window.gc = XCreateGC(display, window.drawable,
GCFunction | GCGraphicsExposures, &values);
//Get current desktop number
static inline void get_x11_desktop_current(Display *current_display, Window root, Atom atom)
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems;
unsigned long bytes_after;
unsigned char *prop = NULL;
struct information *current_info = &info;
if (atom == None) return;
if ( (XGetWindowProperty( current_display, root, atom,
0, 1L, False, XA_CARDINAL,
&actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems,
&bytes_after, &prop ) == Success ) &&
(actual_type == XA_CARDINAL) &&
(nitems == 1L) && (actual_format == 32) ) {
current_info->x11.desktop.current = prop[0]+1;
if(prop) {
//Get total number of available desktops
static inline void get_x11_desktop_number(Display *current_display, Window root, Atom atom)
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems;
unsigned long bytes_after;
unsigned char *prop = NULL;
struct information *current_info = &info;
if (atom == None) return;
if ( (XGetWindowProperty( current_display, root, atom,
0, 1L, False, XA_CARDINAL,
&actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems,
&bytes_after, &prop ) == Success ) &&
(actual_type == XA_CARDINAL) &&
(nitems == 1L) && (actual_format == 32) ) {
current_info->x11.desktop.number = prop[0];
if(prop) {
//Get all desktop names
static inline void get_x11_desktop_names(Display *current_display, Window root, Atom atom)
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems;
unsigned long bytes_after;
unsigned char *prop = NULL;
struct information *current_info = &info;
if (atom == None) return;
if ( (XGetWindowProperty( current_display, root, atom,
0, (~0L), False, ATOM(UTF8_STRING),
&actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems,
&bytes_after, &prop ) == Success ) &&
(actual_type == ATOM(UTF8_STRING)) &&
(nitems > 0L) && (actual_format == 8) ) {
if(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names) {
current_info->x11.desktop.all_names = NULL;
current_info->x11.desktop.all_names = malloc(nitems*sizeof(char));
memcpy(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names, prop, nitems);
current_info->x11.desktop.nitems = nitems;
if(prop) {
//Get current desktop name
static inline void get_x11_desktop_current_name(char *names)
struct information *current_info = &info;
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
int k = 0;
while ( i < current_info->x11.desktop.nitems ) {
if ( names[i++] == '\0' ) {
if ( ++k == current_info->x11.desktop.current ) {
if (current_info->x11.desktop.name) {
current_info->x11.desktop.name = NULL;
current_info->x11.desktop.name = malloc((i-j)*sizeof(char));
//desktop names can be empty but should always be not null
strcpy( current_info->x11.desktop.name, (char *)&names[j] );
j = i;
void get_x11_desktop_info(Display *current_display, Atom atom)
Window root;
static Atom atom_current, atom_number, atom_names;
struct information *current_info = &info;
XWindowAttributes window_attributes;
root = RootWindow(current_display, current_info->x11.monitor.current);
/* Check if we initialise else retrieve changed property */
if (atom == 0) {
atom_current = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", True);
atom_number = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", True);
atom_names = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", True);
get_x11_desktop_current(current_display, root, atom_current);
get_x11_desktop_number(current_display, root, atom_number);
get_x11_desktop_names(current_display, root, atom_names);
/* Set the PropertyChangeMask on the root window, if not set */
XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes);
if (!(window_attributes.your_event_mask & PropertyChangeMask)) {
XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
attributes.event_mask = window_attributes.your_event_mask | PropertyChangeMask;
XChangeWindowAttributes(display, root, CWEventMask, &attributes);
XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes);
} else {
if (atom == atom_current) {
get_x11_desktop_current(current_display, root, atom_current);
} else if (atom == atom_number) {
get_x11_desktop_number(current_display, root, atom_number);
} else if (atom == atom_names) {
get_x11_desktop_names(current_display, root, atom_names);
void update_x11info(void)
struct information *current_info = &info;
if (x_initialised != YES)
current_info->x11.monitor.number = XScreenCount(display);
current_info->x11.monitor.current = XDefaultScreen(display);
/* reserve window manager space */
void set_struts(int sidenum)
Atom strut;
if ((strut = ATOM(_NET_WM_STRUT)) != None) {
/* reserve space at left, right, top, bottom */
signed long sizes[12] = {0};
int i;
/* define strut depth */
switch (sidenum) {
case 0:
/* left side */
sizes[0] = window.x + window.width;
case 1:
/* right side */
sizes[1] = display_width - window.x;
case 2:
/* top side */
sizes[2] = window.y + window.height;
case 3:
/* bottom side */
sizes[3] = display_height - window.y;
/* define partial strut length */
if (sidenum <= 1) {
sizes[4 + (sidenum*2)] = window.y;
sizes[5 + (sidenum*2)] = window.y + window.height;
} else if (sidenum <= 3) {
sizes[4 + (sidenum*2)] = window.x;
sizes[5 + (sidenum*2)] = window.x + window.width;
/* check constraints */
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (sizes[i] < 0) {
sizes[i] = 0;
} else {
if (i <= 1 || i >= 8) {
if (sizes[i] > display_width) {
sizes[i] = display_width;
} else {
if (sizes[i] > display_height) {
sizes[i] = display_height;
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, strut, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &sizes, 4);
if ((strut = ATOM(_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL)) != None) {
XChangeProperty(display, window.window, strut, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &sizes, 12);
#endif /* OWN_WINDOW */
#ifdef HAVE_XDBE
void xdbe_swap_buffers(void)
if (use_xdbe) {
XdbeSwapInfo swap;
swap.swap_window = window.window;
swap.swap_action = XdbeBackground;
XdbeSwapBuffers(display, &swap, 1);
#endif /* HAVE_XDBE */
I guess this is one of the important bits:
switch (window.type) {
fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - desktop\n");
Reading the NET_WM spec (which all major WMs use as the standard more or less) does not tell me anything meaningful (at least not for me ):
_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP indicates a desktop feature. This can include a single window containing desktop icons with the same dimensions as the screen, allowing the desktop environment to have full control of the desktop, without the need for proxying root window clicks.
If anyone could tell me what to replace, that would be great .

Hi lewisspindlove,
Thanks for your input,
it doesn't happen when i have my desktop in a "single picture" mode, and,
it doesn't happen on other accounts, because besides mine(Admin), there is only
the Guest account and this does not occur on that account.
I tried your method of removing the wallpapers folder from Libary, then I
noticed that the computer will select ANY image which I last used when in
"single picture" mode, not "Change picture every 5mins" mode.
For example, let's say I have a picture which I saved in the Documents folder,
and I use that in "single picture" mode; after which I revert back to the folder which contains the pictures I want for "Change picture every 5mins" mode (which is stored somewhere else).
If i go to the Login window & log back in again, the computer selects the picture
I last used (the one in the Documents folder) as my background, BUT, after 5mins the picture changes to the ones I'm using for "Change picture every 5mins".
I hope I'm not confusing everyone!
This is a complicated & weird but ANNOYING problem!
Any ideas if an Archive & Install would help? Does that erase all of my stored data on my HDD?

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  • How do I get The ipad locked to run only one application for customers (perhaps a webapp)

    how do I get The ipad locked to run only one application for customers (just one web app, or video- instructions, or just safari). What I really want is that my customers to only use one app that has all my services. It is an interactive app so I would not like them to go surfing elsewhere while they are in my store.
    Is it possible to do this on the iPad ?

    Try this:
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    checkbox - clusters_MOD.vi ‏23 KB

  • The merge process could not allocate memory for an operation; your system may be running low on virtual memory. Restart the Merge Agent.

    I encountered this problem on our SQL2012 and I have tried different scenarios (see below) to no avail. I have decided to give up and check if someone here has encountered this and resolved it. 
    One thing I know, it's not a memory issue. Both servers we're using has lots of memory to spare and we monitor the memory as the replication goes through it's steps. 
    I hope someone can help me on this. Thanks!
    The Error:
    The merge process could not allocate memory for an operation; your system may be running low on virtual memory. Restart the Merge Agent.
    Our Scenario
    We're using SQL Server 2012 SP1. All subscriptions are pull based.
    We're using direct Merge Replication (not FTP or web sync)
    We already have 10 active replications with larger databases. Only 1 has this issue.
    Database size is less than 5 GB
    Rebuilding the publisher is not an option.
    What have I tried?
    There is no memory problem --- we have lots to spare
    I have tried re-initialization of the database. Same problem.
    I tried deleting the database and reinitializing it. Same problem
    New snapshot. Same problem.
    I tried changing the subscriber server but still same issue. 

    Here is the result for the sp_configure on our subscriber. We're doing a pull on the server with the issue.
    max server memory (MB)
    In addition, I made a comparison between the working servers and the one with the issue -- there seems to be a difference in the service pack. Publisher has none but the subscriber is operating on SP1. But still strange as only 1 database is affected. 

  • Stop an instance of JavaScript running in one tab

    I generally work with multiple (many) tabs open in Firefox. However, a JavaScript running in one tab can hang all of Firefox to the point where I have to stop and restart Firefox. Is there a way to kill / stop the particular script that is running that is causing Firefox to hang without bringing down Firefox entirely ?
    I realize NoScript or othert add-ons can be used to block JavaScript entirely, but that's not what I want at this point.

    If I could close the offending tab, I would do that and there would be no problem. The problem is that a script running in one tab has hung firefox entirely so that I cannot take any actions through firefox, such as closing the tab in question by clicking on the "X". At that point, nothing in firefox works and the only way out is to kill the firefox process/PID from Windows, or if a message comes up that firefox is not responding, then take the action to stop it. In any case stopping firefox entirely is what I am trying to avoid: it's like having to reboot the OS because one lousy process is causing a problem. What one would ideally like to be able to do is to kill the specific instance of the script (presumably javascript) from outside firefox, which might cause the specific tab to die, but not all of firefox. I generally know what tab is causing the problem because that's the one I'm working in, doing something and then it hangs. 98% of the time when it happens it's the "active" tab. It seems to me that one tab ought not be able to hang firefox entirely, just as one application's process should not be able to hang the OS entirely, and at least there ought to be tools or a method to deal with it without stopping firefox completely.

  • How can I decrease my font size in mail?  I have it set to small and yet it is enormous, letters running into one another.  I have rebooted and more.  Something is over riding my setting.  Any suggestions?

    How can I decrease my font size in mail?  I have it set to small and yet it is enormous, letters running into one another.  I have rebooted and more.  Something is over riding my setting.  Any suggestions?

    You haven't mentioned which mail it is,
    If it is G-mail go to settings --> general tab--> default text style , you can change your font size & then save at the bottom of the page

  • Hi, I have got three ipad minis which I would like to use in a business environment whereby the users can see and update a single calender.  Is this possible? Would they have to be run form one account?

    Hi, I have got three ipad minis which I would like to use in a business environment whereby the users can see and update a single calender.  Is this possible? Would they have to be run form one account?

    Drrhythm2 wrote:
    What's the best solution for this? I
    Copy the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder from her old compouter to /Music/ in her account on this new computer.

  • How to run qemu Linux virtual machines properly on android tabs.

    My tab specification's are 1.2 GHz quad core processor and 1 GB ram, 16 GB internal ROM.
    I want to run RHEL 5.0 X86 CLI I mean without any gui on my tab and so I followed the steps below
    At first on windows I have installed qemu manager and after that I have created a virtual machine RHEL with processor option as Pentium 3 and ram option with 256 MB. The installation was successful and I am able to boot properly into it.
    After that I have transferred the installation image to my tab. In order to run the virtual machine I have installed limbo qemu manager. I have selected the transferred image and specified the same options as above.
    When I run the above virtual machine I am unable to boot into my system properly and I getting the following errors
    kernel panic not syncing: kernel compiled for Pentium+ requires TSC feature.
    general protection fault : fffa [#1]
    Kindly suggest how to successfully run the above virtual machine on my tab.

    You don't say what tablet you have, but all of Lenovo's Android tablets that I know of have ARM processors, not X86 processors, so what you're doing isn't going to work.

  • I have recently had problems in getting my Adobe Premiere Elements 10 to run. One of the gentlemen was able to take over control of my computer, and got it working for me, however since that time the program will sometimes open but most times it just free

    I have recently had problems in getting my Adobe Premiere Elements 10 to run. One of the gentlemen was able to take over control of my computer, and got it working for me, however since that time the program will sometimes open but most times it just freezes the computer and I have to shut it down and re open without any success with opening the elements program.
    Can you help

    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 10 running on?
    What video card/graphics card does your computer use? NVIDIA GeForce? If so, please read the Announcement about the Premiere Elements 10 NVIDIA GeForce issue which is found at the top of this web site. Does that apply to you? The explanation for the situation and the fix (roll back of the driver version) are all included in that Announcement.
    We need to rule in or out this factor at the onset before we get to other questions
    a. non NIVIDIA video card/graphics card driver
    b. project preset and properties of source media
    c. computer details
    More later.
    We will be watching for your reply.
    Thank you.

  • Restrict number of concurrent programs running by one user.

    How can I restrict whole number of concurrent programs running by one user?

    I am not sure if I understand the question correctly, but if you are asking what I think you are asking, then you can restrict the number of simultaneous concurrent jobs that a user is allowed to run with this profile option;
    "Concurrent:Active Request Limit"
    I recommend that you set this at the User level and not the Site level since this parameter has caused problems for me in the past (certain types of transactions submit a batch of concurrent jobs, and if all the jobs are not able to start at the same time then the concurrent jobs go into a pending state and never complete. I have not worked out why this happens, so I just stopped restricting the number of concurrent jobs that a user could run).

  • The server is running low on virtual memory.

    When running a sheet in discoverer I am getting the following error after around 10 mins
    The server is running low on virtual memory. This can happen due to insufficient disk space or heap space on the server. Please contact your Discoverer Administrator for assistance.
    I have changed the following settings to
    maxvirtualdiskmem = 4096000000
    maxvirtualheapmem = 4096000000
    The query returns 625500 records with parameters selected
    and 834360 records without any parameters set
    Can anyone help

    Memory usage is going to depend on several things. While rows returned is part of it, other things like sorts, calculations, page items and report type can have a huge impact. Out of curiosity, is the report a crosstab? are there a lot of sorts, of some complex calculations?
    How many users are accessing Disco at the same time, and is there anything else on the same box as Disco?
    Also, after you changed the settings (and I am assuming the change was made to pref.txt), did you run applypreferences.sh and then bounce the app server? If not, the changes have not taken place.

  • Job skipped: An execution in the current run or one of the previous runs wa

    What does it means this error when jobs fail and how can be avoided? That is really boring..
    Skipped Reason: An execution in the current run or one of the previous runs was suspended by the system.

    It means exactly what it says. One of the previous runs of this job is in a Suspended status. Look at all the past executions until you find a Suspended run, then either resume or stop it.

  • 8130: CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR must only be run on one of the MASTER node

    plz give me some help~~thx
    帖子经 user11036969编辑过

    Here's the original post (the forum seems to have truncated it for some reason):
    Content of the new Post:
    Command> CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR abmmd ON "node1",abmmd ON "node2"
    > STORE abmmd ON "node1" PORT 21000 TIMEOUT 30
    > STORE abmmd ON "node2" PORT 20000 TIMEOUT 30;
    8130: CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR must only be run on one of the MASTER nodes.
    TypeMode =0
    plz give me some help~~thx
    This error means that when TimesTen is processing this statement and asks the operating sysstem for the official hostname of the local node the O/S is returning somethign different to 'node1' or 'node2'.
    it may be that you have incorrectly set the hostname to inculue a DNS domain (e.g. node1.xxx.yy.zzz).

  • Sorry, I didn't know where else to put this. My email was hacked so I had to make a new one and naturally I changed my iTunes account too. I had previously redeemed a $50 gift card on my own account and was wondering if there was any way in restoring it?

    My email was hacked so I had to make a new one and naturally I changed my iTunes account too. I had previously redeemed a $50 gift card on my own account and was wondering if there was any way in restoring it?

    Try contacting Apple through Express Lane (select your country, navigate to iCloud help and enter the serial number of one of your devices)

  • Getting all the threads running in one JVM from another JVM ...

    I want to get all the threads running in one JVM from another JVM.
    Is it possible ?

    I am going to write a java application that prints all the java application running at the background. And this application has a control over all the threads. means killing the threads, restart the thread etc

Maybe you are looking for