Hand Held barcode tool for perform Search into the URM...

ECM solution allow Searching Records using a Hand Held Barcode tool. ?????

Hola hermano Portoriqueño!!
Si tu pregunta es si se puede, claro que si.
SI la hand held esta on-line, lo mas facil es hacer una aplicacion web (o la adaptacion del portal de UCM) y utilizar las herramientas de emulacion de teclado para barcoding que estan disponible por el fabricante de la handheld, de esta manera, lees el codigo de barra con el contenido de los campos a buscar y su contenido llena automaticamente los campos de busqueda de la aplicacion, disparando por web services la busqueda en cuestion.
Mi Compania se dedica acontruir soluciones moviles y representa a Symbol Technologies(motorola) en Argentina, tambien somos partners de Oracle y hacemos consultoria e instalacion de toda la linea de Content Management.
Si necesitas desarrollar algun proyecto avisame
un abrazo.

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    I am loading data into the infocube in BI7, with dso in between. By data flow looks like....
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    InfoCube (Customized)
    DSO (Customized)
    DataSource (Customized).
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    my first impulse would be to check if the DSO is set to "direct update". In this case there is no Delta possible, because the Change log is not maintained.
    My second thought would be to check the DTP moving data between the DSO and the target cube. If this is set to full, you will not get a delta. It is only possible to create one DTP. So if you created one in FULL mode you can't switch to Delta. Just create the DTP in Delta mode.
    Hope this helps.
    Kind regards,

  • Need to increase performance-bulk collect in cursor with limit and in the for loop inserting into the trigger table

    Hi all,
    I have a performance issue in the below code,where i am trying to insert the data from table_stg into target_tab and in parent_tab tables and then to child tables via cursor with bulk collect .the target_tab and parent_tab are huge tables and have a row wise trigger enabled on it .the trigger is mandatory . This timetaken for this block to execute is 5000 seconds.Now my requirement is to reduce it to 5 to 10 mins.
    can someone please guide me here.Its bit urgent .Awaiting for your response.
    vmax_Value NUMBER(5);
      vcnt number(10);
      id_val number(20);
      pc_id number(15);
      vtable_nm VARCHAR2(100);
      vstep_no  VARCHAR2(10);
      vsql_code VARCHAR2(10);
      vsql_errm varchar2(200);
      vtarget_starttime timestamp;
      limit_in number :=10000;
      idx           number(10);
              cursor stg_cursor is
                     to_number(to_char(CORRESPONDENCE_DATE,'DD')) crr_day,
                     to_char(CORRESPONDENCE_DATE,'MONTH') crr_month,
                     to_number(substr(to_char(CORRESPONDENCE_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY'),8,4)) crr_year,
             from  table_stg;
    type rec_type is table of stg_rec_type index by pls_integer;
    v_rt_all_cols rec_type;
      vstep_no   := '0';
      vmax_value := 0;
      vtarget_starttime := systimestamp;
      id_val    := 0;
      pc_id     := 0;
      success_flag := 0;
              vstep_no  := '1';
              vtable_nm := 'before cursor';
        OPEN stg_cursor;
              vstep_no  := '2';
              vtable_nm := 'After cursor';
              vstep_no  := '3';
              vtable_nm := 'before fetch';
        FETCH stg_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO v_rt_all_cols LIMIT limit_in;
                  vstep_no  := '4';
                  vtable_nm := 'after fetch';
    --EXIT WHEN v_rt_all_cols.COUNT = 0;
        EXIT WHEN stg_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    FOR i IN 1 .. v_rt_all_cols.COUNT
        if (upper(v_rt_all_cols(i).event_type) = upper('System_enforced')) then
                  vstep_no  := '4.1';
                  vtable_nm := 'before seq sel';
              select PC_SEQ.nextval into pc_id from dual;
                  vstep_no  := '4.2';
                  vtable_nm := 'before insert corres';
              INSERT INTO target1_tab
                  vstep_no  := '4.3';
                  vtable_nm := 'after insert corres';
              select COM_SEQ.nextval into id_val from dual;
                  vstep_no  := '6';
                  vtable_nm := 'before insertcomm';
          if (upper(v_rt_all_cols(i).event_type) = upper('REMINDER')) then
                vstep_no  := '6.01';
                  vtable_nm := 'after if insertcomm';
              insert into parent_tab
                 (ID ,
                vstep_no  := '6.02';
                  vtable_nm := 'after else insertcomm';
              insert into parent_tab
                 (ID ,
            END if; 
                  vstep_no  := '6.11';
                  vtable_nm := 'before chop';
             if (v_rt_all_cols(i).ACCOUNT_NUMBER is not null) then 
                      v_rt_all_cols(i).ACCOUNT_NUMBER := 'XXXX'||substr(trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).ACCOUNT_NUMBER),length(trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).ACCOUNT_NUMBER))-3,4);
              insert into child_tab
             end if;
                  vstep_no  := '6.1';
                  vtable_nm := 'before stateday';
             if (v_rt_all_cols(i).crr_day is not null) then 
              insert into child_tab
             end if;
                  vstep_no  := '6.2';
                  vtable_nm := 'before statemth';
             if (v_rt_all_cols(i).crr_month is not null) then 
              insert into child_tab
             end if;
                  vstep_no  := '6.3';
                  vtable_nm := 'before stateyear';
             if (v_rt_all_cols(i).crr_year is not null) then 
              insert into child_tab
             end if;
                  vstep_no  := '7';
                  vtable_nm := 'before type';
               if (v_rt_all_cols(i).product_type is not null) then
                  insert into child_tab
                end if;
                  vstep_no  := '9';
                  vtable_nm := 'before title';         
              if (trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).title) is not null) then
              insert into child_tab
                 VALUE )
              end if;
                  vstep_no  := '10';
                  vtable_nm := 'before surname';
              if (v_rt_all_cols(i).surname is not null) then
                insert into child_tab
              end if;
                            vstep_no  := '12';
                            vtable_nm := 'before postcd';
              if (trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).POSTCODE) is not null) then
              insert into child_tab
                  substr(replace(v_rt_all_cols(i).POSTCODE,' ',''),length(replace(v_rt_all_cols(i).POSTCODE,' ',''))-2,3));
              end if;
                            vstep_no  := '13';
                            vtable_nm := 'before subject';
              if (trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).SUBJECT) is not null) then
              insert into child_tab
              end if;
                            vstep_no  := '14';
                            vtable_nm := 'before inactivity';
              if (trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).UNREAD_CORRES_PERIOD) is null or
                  trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).UNREAD_CORRES_PERIOD) = '3' or
                  trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).UNREAD_CORRES_PERIOD) = '6' or
                  trim(v_rt_all_cols(i).UNREAD_CORRES_PERIOD) = '9') then
              insert into child_tab
              end if;
                          vstep_no  := '14.1';
                          vtable_nm := 'after notfound';
        end if;
                          vstep_no  := '15';
                          vtable_nm := 'after notfound';
        END LOOP;
        end loop;
                          vstep_no  := '16';
                          vtable_nm := 'before closecur';
        CLOSE stg_cursor;
                          vstep_no  := '17';
                          vtable_nm := 'before commit';
        DELETE FROM table_stg;
                          vstep_no  := '18';
                          vtable_nm := 'after commit';
      success_flag := 1;
      vsql_code := SQLCODE;
      vsql_errm := SUBSTR(sqlerrm,1,200);
      error_logging_pkg.inserterrorlog('samp',vsql_code,vsql_errm, vtable_nm,vstep_no);
      RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20011, 'samp '||vstep_no||' SQLERRM:'||SQLERRM);

    Its bit urgent
    NO - it is NOT urgent. Not to us.
    If you have an urgent problem you need to hire a consultant.
    I have a performance issue in the below code,
    Maybe you do and maybe you don't. How are we to really know? You haven't posted ANYTHING indicating that a performance issue exists. Please read the FAQ for how to post a tuning request and the info you need to provide. First and foremost you have to post SOMETHING that actually shows that a performance issue exists. Troubleshooting requires FACTS not just a subjective opinion.
    where i am trying to insert the data from table_stg into target_tab and in parent_tab tables and then to child tables via cursor with bulk collect .the target_tab and parent_tab are huge tables and have a row wise trigger enabled on it .the trigger is mandatory . This timetaken for this block to execute is 5000 seconds.Now my requirement is to reduce it to 5 to 10 mins.
    Personally I think 5000 seconds (about 1 hr 20 minutes) is very fast for processing 800 trillion rows of data into parent and child tables. Why do you think that is slow?
    Your code has several major flaws that need to be corrected before you can even determine what, if anything, needs to be tuned.
    This code has the EXIT statement at the beginning of the loop instead of at the end
        FETCH stg_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO v_rt_all_cols LIMIT limit_in;
                  vstep_no  := '4';
                  vtable_nm := 'after fetch';
    --EXIT WHEN v_rt_all_cols.COUNT = 0;
        EXIT WHEN stg_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    The correct place for the %NOTFOUND test when using BULK COLLECT is at the END of the loop; that is, the last statement in the loop.
    You can use a COUNT test at the start of the loop but ironically you have commented it out and have now done it wrong. Either move the NOTFOUND test to the end of the loop or remove it and uncomment the COUNT test.
    That basically says you don't even care what problem occurs or whether the problem is for a single record of your 10,000 in the collection. You pretty much just throw away any stack trace and substitute your own message.
    Your code also has NO exception handling for any of the individual steps or blocks of code.
    The code you posted also begs the question of why you are using NAME=VALUE pairs for child data rows? Why aren't you using a standard relational table for this data?
    As others have noted you are using slow-by-slow (row by row processing). Let's assume that PL/SQL, the bulk collect and row-by-row is actually necessary.
    Then you should be constructing the parent and child records into collections and then inserting them in BULK using FORALL.
    1. Create a collection for the new parent rows
    2. Create a collection for the new child rows
    3. For each set of LIMIT source row data
      a. empty the parent and child collections
      b. populate those collections with new parent/child data
      c. bulk insert the parent collection into the parent table
      d. bulk insert the child collection into the child table
    And unless you really want to either load EVERYTHING or abandon everything you should use bulk exception handling so that the clean data gets processed and only the dirty data gets rejected.

  • Speed dial only has one icon, to open up the windows. Another used to be on the other end of the tool bar for entering websites into the windows. Also do not know how to form another group.

    I have just downloaded Firefox into a new computer. The firefox I had in my old computer had one (9 pt) icon at one end that brought up the speed 9 speed dial windows. It also had another similar icon at the other end of the tool bar that you could click on and place a website you were looking at into a particular window. This add on does not have that feature, which makes it very hard to make entries into the windows.
    Also I have not found the way to add other groups of windows as I had before. I could even label them in categories. What to do?
    My Computer is an HP p6653w and my default browser is Firefox 3.6
    My operating system is windows 7.

    First, I am sorry to see your experience, however be aware that this forum is a peer-to-peer community and not a direct contact with HP.
    To clarify, the product specification do list the ink cartridges regionalization, the specifications itself reffer to HP Suresupply to locate the ink cartridges for your region, as well as the following document which clearly state that information:
    Firs be sure to have the latest software installed prior contacting HP support, which should be listed as 28
    You may find that information listed in the following document (Check the How can I tell which driver version I have? section), if you have any older version be sure to uninstall it and install the latest software, as listed within the same document:
    If you need, the latest software can be found below:
    Next ensure you have any of the 564 ink cartridges, once the printer being reset it require all the 4 ink cartridges to work
    Finally check the private messages I sent you prior contacting HP support , the envelope icon at the top-right part of that screen.
    The ensure you use the correct contact details lease double chekc it below:
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Oracle 10g tools for performance/troubleshooting

    I want to find some tools for moniting the performance and troublesooting. Any suggest? OEM tuning pack, statspack...etc

    Different tools for different troubles. What trouble are you trying to shoot?
    For general information, try the Performance Tuning guide.

  • Tools for Performance Testing ?

    We are planning to upgrade to Oracle version in SAP landscape. 
    Here is my question:
    We have one SAP box Oracle version 10 and other SAP box is with Oracle version
    Before upgrading to Oracle version in the Production, we wanted to test the performance of Oracle version,
    So we decided to run programs(report) in Oracle ver 10 box Vs Oracle version box to check how system taking time to execute.
    But my question is whether do we have any kind of performance analyser tools in SAP so that we can cross check with both the boxes performances.
    I heard tool called coverage analyser is it works in this scenario.

    Plz find the below link for performance analyzing techniques in SAP.

  • Monitoring tool for performance focused for Ebusiness.

    Hi partners,
    We are going to evaluate some "monitoring" performance tools for an Ebusiness environment, so I would like to know if you can give any recommendations about any tool focused for Ebusiness environment.
    Any advice will be really appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Francisco Mtz.

    二、     The following includes SGAgent for Oracle E-Business Suite Enterprise Edition monitor KPIs click here 。
    1.     SGAgent can monitor all KPIs those Oracle standard edition includes;
    2.     SGAgent can monitor more Oracle Instances 、more type database(Like DB2 MS SQL Server Sybase)、more Oracle E-Business Suite Instances at the same time and the same screen;
    3.     Oracle EBS Patch Monitor(KPI:Username、Patch Name、Patch type、language、Patch created date、last updated date);
    4.     Oracle EBS Profile Parameters monitor(KPI:Application username who updated the profile last、Last updated date、Application name、Profile Parameter name、Profile Parameter description、Language、Profile Value、Level ID、SQL Validation、Hierarchy type、Write allowed flag、Read allowed flag、last update by userid);
    5.     Oracle EBS Application users login monitor(KPI:Login ID、Oracle application login username、Login user description、Application users email address、Login start time、Login End time、login type、Operation system Session ID);Operation: Can kill user directly。
    6.     Oracle EBS Application users Activity(KPI:Program ID、Program type(Forms or Concurrent Programs)、Program name、Running Program Username、user description、Program start time、Program end time、cost time (Second)、Application User Email Address); Operation:Kill the running program(e.g. Forms ,Concurrent Programs, Concurrent Requests)。
    7.     Oracle EBS Discoverer Reports Top 10 running times per month(KPI:Instance name、month、Discoverer Report Name、Running times);
    8.     Oracle EBS Discoverer Reports Activity (KPI:SID,Serial#、Execute times、Oracle username、machine、os username、Program type、SQL、CPU Time 、PGA-ALLOCATED、PGA USED、PGA Freeable); Operation:kill the running Discoverer Reports directly。
    9.     Online realtime Suport:SGAgent user can press the button in the top menu,chat with TechWiz Engineers directly using text words。
    10.     Store and analyze Historical data
    11.     Remote monitor :SGAgent can send its output by FTP to a public IP. Then the clients can monitor his organization from the web with any device that support web browsing.
    Add my MSN;[email protected]

  • Can you modify the roll-up schedule for child servers into the parent?

    We have one parent server (which server some clients directly) and two child servers.  There appears to be a large delay (maybe 2 hours) between when a server reports into a child server and when that update reaches the parent server.  We would
    like to be able to query the master server on patch night and get an up to date accounting of patch status without having to wait for the roll-up.  Is there any way to change the roll up interval or to force a roll-up on demand (say right before generating
    a report of approved patches)?

    Here is the scenario:  The clients are set for a 3 hour detection frequency, and on patch day the patches are approved at least 3 hours before the earliest patch time.  The first patch window starts at 8:00PM on patch night and the servers are
    set to patch and reboot, so they start installing at 8:00 and after they finish and reboot they always report in to their reporting server within a few minutes after startup.
    This scenario is almost certainly doomed on principle from the start. Consider the following sequence of events that must occur between the time you approve the updates on the USS and the client system wants to install the update (at 8:00pm).
    The USS WSUS Server downloads the files for the approved updates from Microsoft. (This could run from minutes to an hour or more depending on the number of updates and available bandwidth, and I'm considering a liberal Internet connection for this activity.)
    The DSS WSUS Server(s) synchronize with the USS. The first sync event following the completion of any given update download will trigger the download of that file to the DSS as well. (How often your DSS syncs will drive this delay.)
    The DSS completes the download from the USS. (Like #1, this could run from minutes to hours, depending on the number of updates and available bandwidth.)
    The client system executes a detection with the assigned DSS and discovers that an approved update has a file available for download. (How often your client executes a detection will drive this delay, and even with a 3-hour detection, the client only has
    max TWO possible opportunities to find these updates between 10am and 8pm.)
    The client system completes the download from the DSS. (And these downloads must be completed BEFORE 8pm in order for the WUA to actually schedule the updates to be installed.)
    As such, the practicalities of getting from approval (even assuming mid-morning for that event) to fully downloaded by 8pm (so a total time span of ~10 hours end-to-end) is flirting with failure.
    For best results to make your 8:00pm installation time, you really need to approve the updates at least 24 hours in advance, and to ensure they get to the replica servers, probably closer to 48 hours in advance, all depending on what the actual
    DSS synchronization interval is, and the available connection bandwidth between the DSS and USS, and the USS and Microsoft.
    We would like to be able to see if all servers have patched as soon as possible after 8:00PM so we can start troubleshooting them and get them patched.
    The first hurdle here is when those systems are restarted after the updates are installed (assuming that the updates have actually gotten to the client system in time to be installed at all). The client system reports back to the assigned replica WSUS server
    following the restart. That state information is then uploaded to your upstream WSUS server during the next DSS server synchronization event. In addition, the reporting events from both the client-to-DSS and DSS-to-USS are processed asynchronously inside the
    The only way you could get that data "as soon as possible" is to set the client detection frequency to 2 hours, the DSS synchronization to 12 times per day, and even then, there's a potential delay of up to four hours between client restart and the
    availability of that status data at the upstream WSUS server. In order to get anything more "real time" than this, you'd have to implement a managed deployment tool such as
    SolarWinds Patch Manager.
    Furthermore, there are significant disadvantages to having 2-hour detections and 12x daily synchronizations, in terms of the amount of noise generated in the form of "events" reported at each of those activities a dozen or more times a day.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile: http://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/mvp/Lawrence%20R%20Garvin-32101
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

  • The asterisk(*) was attached to the search string when perform search from the baner.

    I run into a strange behavior with performning a search from the baner (top right). For example, I enter the string called "test" and click search. The asterisk will be attached to the string make it "test*". because of this, it come back with incorrect search result. have you run into this before. Thanks!

    Right click the Back/Forward buttons to get the list of sites you visited.
    There is an add-on you can install which displays that arrow on either button, but it's only cosmetic. See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/backforward-dropmarker/

  • Practicle tools for not to reinvent the wheel

    It might be that, it is only me who was not aware of the function list which you can find under: Signal Processing -> Point by point --> Other functions.
    Here you can find many very useful little functions, which can speed up development.
    Like the Boolean crossing, increment/decrement Pt by Pt, etc...
    I do not know why I did not see this part before )
    If there are others like me who did not run into these functions so far, maybe this info will help...

    Generally you do not do yourself any good by memorizing stuff, what you need to learn is where to look for your information. With Java this is simple: put in clear words what you need and do a google search for it. That will either point you to a third party API or a standard sun class. When dealing with any java api there is most likely a Javadoc available, so that would be your next stop (if not then the API most likely is not worth your time). If there is also some example code available you are good to go.
    Of course it also pays off to navigate around the maze that is java.sun.com and find the different tutorials and references available; there are quite a few hidden in there. And sign yourself up for the tech tips, some have proven to be invaluable to me. You can find a "subscribe now" link on this page:

  • Are there any Tools for changing settings of the PMU?

    Hello everybody,
    does anyone know a tool to access PMU-Settings?
    As the manual says, my PowerBook does only recharge my battery when it is below 95%. I would like to change that, so charging will commence only below 20% or so.
    With 95% I always have to remove my battery when on AC to prevent it being reloaded 4 or 5 times a day from e.g. 80% up.
    I would just like to save charging cycles and by that extend battery life.
    Thanks for any ideas.

    Hi Andreas --
    I'm not aware of any way to alter the re-charge settings of your PowerBook's Power Management Unit (or any other of its settings).
    However, in light of your stated concern about "saving charging cycles," I don't think you have anything to be worried about.
    Here's an excerpt from Apple's Lithium Ion Battery support page concerning the definition of a battery's "charging cycle:"
    Charge Cycle. Using and recharging 100% of battery capacity equals one full charge cycle.
    A charge cycle means using all of the battery’s power, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a single charge. For instance, you could listen to your iPod for a few hours one day, using half its power, and then recharge it fully. If you did the same thing the next day, it would count as one charge cycle, not two, so you may take several days to complete a cycle. Each time you complete a charge cycle, it diminishes battery capacity slightly, but you can put both notebook and iPod batteries through many charge cycles before they will only hold 80% of original battery capacity. As with other rechargeable batteries, you may eventually need to replace your battery.
    My read of the above is that a charge cycle doesn't occur every time you recharge your battery, but rather every time you use all of your battery's power. So, it's of no moment whether your battery recharges once a day or five times a day, the critical issue is how much of the battery's power has been used on a cumulative basis.
    The link to the whole page is here is you're interested: http://www.apple.com/batteries/
    -- JDee

  • How do I re-enter login info for web sites into the auto fill feature?

    When I first got my iPhone 4 I was asked if I wanted to save the login info for the sites I need to visit. This was very convenient.  But Inhad to change some passwords and clear cookies and now I have to manually re-enter the info again and again. How can I set it up so when I go to the 3 or 4 sites that I need to constantly visit already has he login info entered?  When I go to Autofill it has a switch for passwords  but no way to set them up. Help.  I am spending half my day reentering login info again and again.

    You could try going into settings, Safari, auto fill then turn on names and passwords.

  • Packing of partial quantities for 2 items into the same HU

    Hello, I am trying to pack partial quantities of 2 different materials in the same handling unit at once (without packing each HU separately):
    I have a delivery with 2 items, each with a quantity of 50. Now I want to pack 5 pieces of material 1 and 5 pieces of material 2 into each of the handling units. As a result I would expect to have 10 HU's in total. When I try it I always end up with 20 HU's. 10 with 5 pieces of material 1 and another 10 with 5 pieces of material 2.
    Can anyone help?
    Thanks in advance

    In delivery when you do packing:
    There are <b>2 sections of the scr</b>een. <b>In the top part</b> you need to select the packing material in which you will pack the finished item.
    <b>In the bottom part</b> of the screen you will have 2 line items/ Suppose line item "A" & line item "B". <b>Both items will show "partial qty" & "total qty" as 50</b>.
    For your problem to get solved look at the <b>partial qty field</b>.
    Do one thing for both the line items change the <b>partial qty from 50 to 5.</b> Now select the packing material and both the line items and click on the <b>"per part quantity" ICON</b>. The system will now create 10 different handling units in which there will be <b>5 pc of item "A" & 5 pc of item "B" in each handling unit</b>.
    Reward points if solution helps.
    Allabaqsh G. Patil

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