Handling Event of a custom component

I created a TwoStateButton from an AbstractButton. As long as it has two states, There's a repaint() occuring when the user clicks on it and it is written within the component.
I want to also handle the click event from outside the component (actionPerformed, something like that), how can I do this?
I am relatively new to Java but for God's sake don't answer "Use a JtoggleButton instead". My main goal is to understand the component creation and event handling in Java.
Vince D.

Forget about it, I discovered it myself... Sorry for interrupting
Vince D.

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  • How to handle events between two custom components?

    Hi ,
         i want to handle events between two custom components, example if an event is generated in one custom component ,and i want to handle it any where in the application.....can any one suggest me any tutorial or meterial in this concept...

    Events don't really go sideways in ActionScript by default. They bubble upward. If you want to send an event sideways, you will probably have to coordinate with something higher up in the event hierarchy. You can send the event to a common ancestor, and then pass it down the hierarchy as a method argument.
    Another option is to use a framework that supports Injection. There are a number around these days. The one I'm most familiar with is Mate, which allows you to handle events and inject data in MXML. Mate is meant to be used as an MVC framework, and you may want to look into it if your application is complex, but you can also use it to coordinate global event handling if you don't need that level of structure.

  • Listening in main application for event coming from custom component

    I have a custom component that im using for a login.  i watch videos and tutorials on how to pass variables between custom components and application. the problem im having is that must tutorials or explanation have you put the event on the custom component and then it refers to some function within the main app.
    Is there a way to just listen on the main app when that event kicks off? ive been trying for hours and i know there has to be something im missing it cant be that hard. any help i would really appreciate.

    Sounds like you're asking about addEventListener():
                   import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                   protected function windowedapplication1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                        comp.addEventListener("test", testHandler);
                   private function testHandler(e:Event):void {
         <local:TestComponent id="comp"/>
    Add an event listener on your custom component (first string is the 'type' of the event).

  • Can't receive events with a custom component

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    entails. Since it extends Panel, I assume that it would get all
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    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import mx.controls.Button;
    import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
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    import mx.containers.Panel;
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    import mx.states.SetStyle;
    public class MDIPanel extends Panel
    // Constants for MDI panel event names
    public static var MINIMIZE:String = "minimize";
    public static var MAXIMIZE:String = "maximize";
    public static var CLOSE:String = "close";
    public static var RESTORE:String = "restore";

    I'm curious to know if this is possible as well (or really the question should be, is there a non-hackish way to get a reference to the skin instance)?
    When I've needed to do something like this, I've always just dispatched an event off a skin part from within my skin. IE.
    Then I would just listen for the event on the skin part.
    This is a bit hackish, so it would be nice if someone could share a better solution. I've been meaning to look into it, just never have been able to justify the time looking for a better solution.

  • How to get an event both in custom component and into its instance

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    I want to know when a node is clicked both , into my component and after into the component sited into Jpanel
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    Any help ?

    tonnot wrote:
    Thank you.
    I think that a good answer can be ' Revise your code, because there must be a problem' Well, that's the life of a programmer. If you want to post an SSCCE, I'm sure somebody can help if you get stuck.
    And ...
    Why are you extending JTree? I'd bet you shouldn't be.Why not ? ....
    Why SUN develop the 'extends' functionality ? You should use extends if you're changing the behavior of an existing class. An example of this is extending JPanel and overriding the paintComponent() method to do some custom painting.
    You should not use extends if you just need an instance of an existing class. An example of this is extending JFrame instead of simply creating a JFrame instance.
    Without seeing your code, I can't be sure you're misusing extends. But many people do.
    Here's an example.
    public class MyProgram extends JFrame{
       public MyProgram(){
          setSize(200, 200);
       public static void main(String [] args){
          new MyProgram();
    public class MyProgram{
       public MyProgram(){
          JFrame frame = new JFrame();
          frame.setSize(200, 200);
       public static void main(String [] args){
          new MyProgram();

  • Can you dispatch events from a custom component skin?

    If so, how?

    I'm curious to know if this is possible as well (or really the question should be, is there a non-hackish way to get a reference to the skin instance)?
    When I've needed to do something like this, I've always just dispatched an event off a skin part from within my skin. IE.
    Then I would just listen for the event on the skin part.
    This is a bit hackish, so it would be nice if someone could share a better solution. I've been meaning to look into it, just never have been able to justify the time looking for a better solution.

  • How to throw and handle event defined in component interface

    Hi folks,
    I have defined a component interface with an event 'open_info'
    I have some sub components which are implementing that component interface. I also get the two events generated (the interface check box is not marked)
    I use those sub components and try to handle the event. but unfortunately the event is not handled.
    I'm not sure if I do everything right. I checked the interface checkbox at the events tab of the controller of the sub component. I then may handle the event in the embedding main component. but it appears to be a different event.
    probably I eed to access the interface controller and throw the event there, but I don't know how.
    I couldn't fnd documentation or wdr* components which deal with that issue. do you have any suggestions?

    Hi Stefan,
    Do the following in the component being used:
    say component name is ZCMP_01
    Create an Event with necessary parameters if needed, say Event name is EVNT_01 and has an importing parameter, say PARAM_01 type char10,
    Make sure you have set the interface check box. Now this event is available in the INTERFACECONTROLLER.
    Say ZCMP_01 has a view with a button, on click of the button, call a method in the COMPONENTCONTROLLER.
    Perform all the required operations, At the required point, fire EVNT_01
          PARAM_01 = 'sample' ).
    Now the other component that has to use ZCMP_01, say ZCMP_02
    In the component properties od ZCMP_02, add usage for ZCMP_01, say USG_CMP_01
    Go to the view in ZCMP_02 where you wish to handle the event EVNT_01 of ZCMP_01,
    Go to Methods tab, create an event hadler, say EVNT_01_HNDLR ... method type = Event Handler,
    Event = EVNT_01, Controller = INTERFACECONTROLLER, Component Use, USG_CMP_01.
    Now your event handler will have foll parametrs: WDEVENT .. type ref to CL_WD_CUSTOM_EVENT,
    PARAM_01 type CHAR10
    Handle the event as required.

  • How to handle value change events of select list in custom component?

    My HelloUIComp code...How to handle events for "Select"...if i choose option1 from select then one text box is to be displayed in custom component and if i choose another option then some other text box is to be displayed in custom components...
    public class HelloUIComp extends UIComponentBase {
        public static final String account="custom.account";
        public static final String RENDERER_TYPE = null;
        HtmlCommandButton button = createButton();
        //HtmlSelectOneMenu select=createSelect();
        public void processDecodes(FacesContext context) {
             Calling the lifecycle method "processDecodes" on the
             internal button is absolutely critical to create action events
        private HtmlCommandButton createButton() {
             FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
             HtmlCommandButton newButton = new HtmlCommandButton();
             //newButton.setOnclick("return func_1(this,event);");
             MethodBinding binding = context.getApplication().createMethodBinding("#{pc_MyProjectView.go}", null);
             return newButton;
      /*  private HtmlSelectOneMenu createSelect()
             HtmlSelectOneMenu selectCategory=createSelect();
             return selectCategory;
         public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
              String style = (String)getAttributes().get("style");
              String startdate = (String)getAttributes().get("startdate");
              String enddate = (String)getAttributes().get("enddate");
              //String add=(String)getAttributes().get("add");
              ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
             writer.startElement("table", this);
            writer.startElement("tbody", this);
            writer.startElement("tr", this);
            writer.startElement("td", this);
            writer.writeText("Account Category", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.writeText("Reg-No", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
            writer.writeText("Account-No", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
            writer.writeText("", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
            writer.writeText("Start-Date", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
            writer.writeText("End-Date", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.startElement("select", this);
            if (style!=null)
                   writer.writeAttribute("style", style, null);
            writer.startElement("option", this);
              writer.writeText("Select", null);
              //to access data
              Account accountObj;
              AccountData accountDataobj;
              List listOfAccounts;
              int noOfAccounts;
              accountDataobj=new AccountData();
              for(int i=0;i<noOfAccounts;i++)
              writer.startElement("option", this);     
              accountObj=(Account) listOfAccounts.get(i);
              writer.writeText(accountObj.getCategory(), null);
            writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.startElement("select", this);
              if (style!=null)
                   writer.writeAttribute("style", style, null);
              writer.startElement("option", this);
              writer.writeText("Select", null);
              for(int i=0;i<noOfAccounts;i++)
              accountObj=(Account) listOfAccounts.get(i);     
              writer.startElement("option", this);
              writer.writeText(""+accountObj.getRegNo(), null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.startElement("select", this);
              if (style!=null)
                   writer.writeAttribute("style", style, null);
              writer.startElement("option", this);
              writer.writeText("Select", null);
              for(int i=0;i<noOfAccounts;i++)
              accountObj=(Account) listOfAccounts.get(i);
              writer.startElement("option", this);
              writer.writeText(accountObj.getAccountNo(), null);
              //writer.startElement("option", this);
              //writer.writeText("00200155", null);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.startElement("input", this);
              if (style!=null)
                   writer.writeAttribute("style", style, null);
              writer.writeAttribute("readonly", "","");
              writer.startElement("td", this);
              writer.startElement("input", this);
              if (style!=null)
                   writer.writeAttribute("style", style, null);
              writer.writeAttribute("readonly", "","");
         public String getFamily() {
              return "HelloFamily";

    NewEclipseCoder wrote:
    How to handle events for "Select"...if i choose option1 from select then one text box is to be displayed in custom component and if i choose another option then some other text box is to be displayed in custom components...Two ways:
    1) submit the form to the server and render the desired textbox depending on the option.
    2) render all textboxes and use Javascript/DOM to display/hide them depending on the option.

  • Custom component and custom event problem

    hello , i have a strange problem since one week , is that i can't handle the events becoming from my custom component , here is my code :
    Event Class :
    package events
         import flash.events.Event;
         public class Ev extends Event
              public static const UPDATE:String="update";
              public var data:String;
              public function Ev(type:String,data:String)
              override public function clone():Event
                   return new Ev(type,data);
    MXML component :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   import events.Ev;
                   import mx.events.IndexChangedEvent;
                   protected function accordion1_changeHandler(event:IndexChangedEvent):void
                        dispatchEvent(new Ev(Ev.UPDATE,event.newIndex.toString()));
              <!-- Placer ici les éléments non visuels (services et objets de valeur, par exemple). -->
         <mx:Accordion width="200" height="200" change="accordion1_changeHandler(event)">
              <s:NavigatorContent label="Menu 1" width="100%" height="100%">
              <s:NavigatorContent label="Menu 2" width="100%" height="100%">
              <s:NavigatorContent label="Menu 3" width="100%" height="100%">
    the main container :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                      xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:local="*">
                   import events.Ev;
                   import mx.controls.Alert;
                   protected function comp1_onMenuChangeHandler(event:Ev):void
         <local:Comp onMenuChange="comp1_onMenuChangeHandler(event)"/>
    any help will be welcome !

    Not sure why your custom event is not working, I tend not to worry about 'custom' events unless I need to transfer a lot of information.
    Here is a way to 'simplify' event management.
    I just declare a new event in the meta data and then send it to notify that a change has been made. Although the parent can find the index value easily enough I also use two-way bind the navigators index so that it is directly available for the application to manipulate/read .
    http://gumbo.flashhub.net/events/  source included

  • How to handle custom component data on overviewset save button CRM UI

    I have added a custom component to a standard view which is enchanted.
    I can handle any data with my buttons on the component but after editing data
    i need the save the data when the save button on the overview(top) is pressed.
    I have redefined save button of overview but i cant get my data.
    My node name is Root. I think i couldnt bind it to overview.
    How can i do that?
    Thank you

    Probably it can be done by
    i am trying
    Thank you

  • Custom component property value handling at run time

    I would like to develop simple custom component which has three properties PROP1, PROP2 & RESULT . These parameters are bound to excel sheet cells as follows..
    cell A1 connected to PROP1
    cell A2 connected to PROP2 and
    cell A3 connected to RESULT.
    In excel A1 cell has excel formula set as =IF(A2<5,10,0).
    Custom component would be simple button display at runtime and on click of the same, I would like to perform following actions in sequence with N number of times.
    1. First push any random number to PROP2. (which is simple task, I believe)
    2. Pick new value of PROP1 which is changed due to existance of excel formula (+ using dispatchevent I could able to pass value to excel cell A2. But not able to read new value of PROP1+)
    3. check new PROP1 value equal to 10. If it is 10 then count it otherwise again push new random value to PROP2.
    4. Continue step 1 to 3 till N number of times. and finally
    4. Push number of counts for PROP1 value 10 to RESULT parameter.
    All the parameters are bindable (getter/setter with [Bindable]) in Flex component application and flex propertysheet application use binding ID to bind with cell address. with binding direction BOTH and SINGLETON
    Here is flex function code which triggered at button click.
    public function test002():void {
    while ( N < 100)
      this.PROP2 = Math.round(Math.random()*1000);
      dispatchEvent(new PropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, false, false, PropertyChangeEventKind.UPDATE, "PROP2", null, PROP2, this));
         if (this.PROP1 == 10)
       this.RESULT = cnt;
    My observations are as follows.
    - new push of value to PROP2 get reflected to excel A2 when button click event is over, not at the time of while loop process execution.
    - Also I observed PROP1 value never changes and it is the value which is recorded just before button click event of component at run time and remain the same till button click event is over.
    - Further to this I notice as click event is over, new value of PROP2 reflected in cell A2 and change value (if it passes IF formula of excel ) in A1 as well. Next button click action takes these new A1 and A2 values in consideration and process the function "test002".
    I would like to understand possibility of custom component event execution process, which can able to pass as well as read value from component parameters to underlying excel with changes due to excel formula existance.  If it is not limitations (If so) what is the set of commands which can be helpful to achieve this. I appreciate if anybody explain typical event execution required in such scenarios with some actionscript code directions.
    Edited by: Sandesh Darne on Feb 8, 2010 11:48 AM
    Edited by: Sandesh Darne on Feb 10, 2010 5:23 AM

    I have tried your solution. It works well immediately after xcelsius dashboard get displayed or preview. It does not wait click event to happen. So I modified further by adding one switch ( "switch001" in code piece shown below) to control iteration by click event. That stops running of iteration immediate after dashboard display.
    In order to see iteration I have to click twice on button. First click does send "frm" parameter value to excel and excel formula operates. The excel formula result send back to component via SETTER of "frmResult" . But it stops over there. If I click second time the iteration starts for 100 times.
    Also I try to export this to PDF. PDF file get generated. If I try to open PDF file it raise error.
    My code is attached here.
    "frm" is the parameter that sends random number to excel.
    "frmResult" parameter receives excel formula output and send it back to component.
    "test()" function operate on button click event and set switch001 and then calls "Calc" function for iterations.
    MXML code..........
           <mx:TextInput id="frmResultLabel" width="100" />
           <mx:Button label="test..." click="test()"/>
    Actionscript code
    public var cnt:int;
              public var N:int = 0;
              public var sum:int = 0;
              public var switch001:Boolean = false;
             public function test():void {
                   N = 0;
                   sum = 0;
                   switch001 = true;
              public function Calc():void {
              if (switch001 == true)
                if (N < 100)
                    this.frm = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
                else if (N == 100)  // return the result
                     this.frmResult = sum;
                     // Label component use to display frm and frmResult values at runtime
                     frmResultLabel.text = sum.toString() + ">" + this.frm + ">" + this.frmResult;
              private var _frm:int;
              private var _frmChanged:Boolean = true;
              public function get frm():int
                   return _frm;
              public function set frm(value:int):void
                   //if (value == null)  value = 0;
                   if (_frm != value)
                        _frm = value;
                        _frmChanged = true;
              override protected function commitProperties():void
                 if (_frmResultChanged == true)
                        // start the cycle again by generating a new random number,
                        // or write out the result

  • Add change event to a custom MXML component

    I am building an MXML project in Flash Builder 4.5
    I have a custom MXML component that contains a TextInput field. I want the custom component to have a change event that triggers a function in the main application.
    I created a test project to try and solve this.  At the moment, it appears to trigger an event once and then stops.  Please take a look and let me know where I am going wrong. Many thanks.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
               width="40" height="20">
            public var value:Number;
            protected function inputBox_clickHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
                if (event.keyCode == 38 ) {
                if (event.keyCode == 40 ) {
            protected function keyUp():void
                value = value++;
                dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
            protected function keyDown():void
                value = value--;
                dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
        [Event(name="change", type="flash.events.Event")]
    <mx:TextInput id="inputBox" x="0" y="0" width="40" height="20"
                  change="dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
                minWidth="955" minHeight="600" layout="absolute">
            private function changeTestLabel():void
                testLabel.text = String(myComponent.value);
    <CustomComponents:customComponent x="180" y="183"
        id="myComponent" value="0"
    <mx:Label id="testLabel" x="165" y="206" text="Test label"/>

    I have found the solution to this...
    The clue was that it worked the first time a change was made, changing the value to the default '0'.
    The problem was that the var value is type Number and the inputBox.text is type String.
    I therefore added the following function:
      protected function textChange():void
       value = Number(inputBox.text);
       dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
    I also changed the  change="dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))"  property to
    ... and that fixed it..
    Thanks to all those who took the trouble to look at this

  • Dispatching & listening for custom events from custom component [Flex 4.1]

    I'm giving this a try for the first time and I'm not sure I have the recipe correct!
    I have a custom component - it contains a data grid where I want to double click a row and dispatch an event that a row has been chosen.
    I created a custom event
    package oss
        import flash.events.Event;
        public class PersonChosenEvent extends Event
            public function PersonChosenEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
                super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
            // Define static constant.
            public static const PERSON_CHOSEN:String = "personChosen";
            // Define a public variable to hold the state of the enable property.
            public var isEnabled:Boolean;
            // Override the inherited clone() method.
            override public function clone():Event {
                return new PersonChosenEvent(type);
    Then I try to dispatch the event within the component when the datagrid is doubleclicked:
    import oss.PersonChosenEvent
    dispatchEvent(new PersonChosenEvent(PersonChosenEvent.PERSON_CHOSEN, true, false));
    And in the parent application containing the component I do on creationComplete
    The event does not seem to fire though. And if I try to evaluate the "new PersonChosenEvent(..." code it tells me "no such variable".
    What am I doing wrong?
    (It was so easy in VisualAge for Java, what have we done in the last 10 years?? )

    I've done this kind of thing routinely, when I want to add information to the event.  I never code the "clone" method at all.
    Be sure that you are listening to the event on a parent of the dispatching component.
    You can also have the dispatching component listen for the event too, and use trace() to get a debug message.
    I doubt if it has anything to to with "bubbles" since the default is true.
    Sample code
    In a child (BorderContainer)
    dispatchEvent(new ActivationEvent(ActivationEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE,null,window));
    In the container parent (BorderContainer)
    package components.events
        import components.containers.SemanticWindow;
        import components.triples.SemanticActivation;
        import flash.events.Event;
        public class ActivationEvent extends Event
            public static const LOADED:String = "ActivationEvent: loaded";
            public static const CREATION_COMPLETE:String = "ActivationEvent: creation complete";
            public static const RELOADED:String = "ActivationEvent: reloaded";
            public static const LEFT_SIDE:String = "ActivationEvent: left side";
            public static const RIGHT_SIDE:String = "ActivationEvent: right side";
            private var _activation:SemanticActivation;
            private var _window:SemanticWindow;
            public function ActivationEvent(type:String, activation:SemanticActivation, window:SemanticWindow)
                _activation = activation;
                _window = window
            public function get activation():SemanticActivation {
                return _activation;
            public function get window():SemanticWindow{
                return _window;

  • How to handle children of custom component

    does anybody know an example of how to develop a custom UIComponent which is able to render any kind of child? For example:
    <x:mycomponent columns="3" valu="#{list-of-items} var="item">
    <h:graphicImage url="#{item.url}/>
    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox />
    The result should be a table with 3 columns where each table-cell contains the result of the rendering process of its children, in this case a picture with a checkbox.
    I have tried it and managed to get the correct html-result. But I do not get the input of the checkbox if the above code snippet is a part of a html-form.
    So what I realy like to have is the sourcecode of some kind of UIComponent which does something like this.
    Kind Regards,

    Thanks for the swift reply Craig
    My custom component has 3 elements hence the currentTarget
    could be either the folder icon, the status icon or the text field.
    Is there some way of finding the parent of which ever of
    these sub items of the cusom component is clicked?
    Here is the code for my custom component
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="
    width="240" height="60" cornerRadius="15" borderStyle="none"
    backgroundColor="#ffffff" themeColor="#ff0000">
    public var studentName:String ="Student Name";
    <mx:Text x="64" y="24" text="{studentName}" />
    <mx:SWFLoader x="10" y="10" width="32" height="24"
    source="@Embed('assets/folderIcon.swf')" />
    <mx:SWFLoader x="19" y="42" width="11" height="11"
    source="@Embed('assets/cfStatusIcon.swf')" />

  • Unable to Edit the View in Custom Component

    Hi Experts,
    Please help me to resolve this issue !
    I am unable to lock the BOL Entity in my custom component using BTAdminH. I have written the below code in the Edit event Handler for Edit Button. The lr_entity->lock( ) condition statement is getting false and it is skipping the "set_view_editable( me )." code statement. Why??
    This is code excerpt that I have taken from edit button of the BP_HEAD/AccountViewSet and altered to my component/View
    DATA: lr_entity     TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
            lr_controller TYPE REF TO cl_ZVKH8_bspwdcomponent_impl.
          lr_controller ?= me->comp_controller.
          lr_entity ?= lr_controller->typed_context->btadminh->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    IF lr_entity IS BOUND.
      IF lr_entity->IS_LOCKED EQ abap_false.
        IF le_entity->IS_CHANGEABLE EQ abap_true.
           IF lr_entity->lock( ) EQ abap_true.
            me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ).
    and when I directly executed the below code in the Edit event Handler for Edit Button I am receiving the dereferencing NULL value exception. Why in my custom component in many places this happening??
      me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ).
    Exception Details
    CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL - Dereferencing of the NULL reference

    Hi Summit & NishaNC,
    Thanks for your responses !
    As suggested, I have debugged the code for ->lock( ) method and there are exceptions raised from some methods.
    Method GET_LOCK () -> Method GET_ROOT () ->Method GET_PARENT ()
    At GET_ROOT( ) method i have received an exception
    "Root entity BTAdminH could not be determined" and one more "Entity BTAdminH could not be locked"
    Later when I have checked in MODEL Browser, I found that the BOL object "BTAdminH" for my view is an Access object and not the Root Object.
    Hence, I have a question? Does the locking can be done only for ROOT Objects?
    If this is TRUE then I think this is the major problem with my custom component where even the cross component navigation is also not happening and in many places I am receiving "Dereferencing NULL Value" information.
    Also I have gone through some of the Threads and one information that I found from Sumit Mittal
    1. An access object is an independent entity, has primary keys of its own.
    2. A root object is a special access object that is at the top of the hierarchy based on business rules.
    3. A dependent object's primary keys are supplied by access objects and it's lifetime is bound to them. If the parent object is destroyed, the dependent object is also destroyed.
    4. Search objects are query objects useful for querying root objects
    5. Search result objects - Search objects return the results in the form of a result object together with a relation pointing to the root object.
    6. View objects - ?
    7. Dynamic search objects - Used in advanced search, supports ranges and operators
    Could you please specify in which scenarios we have to go for Access Objects and Root Objects

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