Handling Projects & More--Help!!!

I currently have quite a collection of folders on several large hard drives named like "20091215" or "F30_20091215" and others... I need to consolidate ALL of my images (all JPEGs) using Aperture.
-Verification. I like to verify that my existing folders are being referenced by Aperture (AP). As I recall, I was often not able to verify these numbers... there was a discrepancy between the numbers in the folder in the Finder and the listing in AP. I think I had to switch to a list view to see the numbers... ouch.
-Projects. With rare exception, the folders of images (typically named as YYYYMMDD) are not really part of any real project. The correspond with the day the card was saved to the computer and reformatted. Even my collection of European pics from 2008 probably have a few shots (around the house perhaps?) from before and after that are not from my trip. So, if I were to created a project Europe 2008... I would feel compelled to move the pics that are not Euro related out of those folders... which could get tedious. I want to work smart and let AP do the heavy lifting. I need your help getting over this Analysis To Paralysis issue I'm having with getting my library setup. I need a workflow. I was thinking that each folder (dragged in to the AP window) could become a project... I was thinking that I would move the images to another destination so that I can ensure that their being referenced by AP....
Video. How do you handle video that's shot with your digital camera? I guess you have to manually deal with it... what's your workflow?
Duplicate Detection. I think some people mentioned that they didn't see much value in this but It's important to me when trying to get organized. When in doubt I can import a misc. folder of valuable images to verify that they've been imported. Any idea how this works when you are copying the images to a new destination on import?
Keeping your place... If I'm carefully dragging folders into AP, it seems that it would be easy to lose your place and forget what's been imported an what has not... do you have a any tips on avoiding this problem...? Perhaps color coding each folder that has been imported and verified?
Date & Time... I just imported a total of about 1,500 images from two different cameras.... Within Aperture I noticed that one camera is off by 3:51:17. I will need to add this value to get the correct time within Aperture. However, I noticed that the Finder reports the same file with the time 6 hours earlier. I'm quite sure that I did not ask Aperture to alter the time upon import. Also, the cameras show the time in Aperture as CDT (Central Daylight Time)? Okay, why does the Finder differ? What to do now? Also, when I do make the correction to the images from one camera, can I modify all of them within Aperture including the master file too??? I SHOULD update the master with the proper date & time right??? I normally use a third party application to alter the date & time to the proper value... if I do will Aperture see the update? Do the images know the time zone for which the Date & Time applies? I get the feeling there is an issue here with the Time Zones.
Cheers & Happy New Year!

I will try to sort through your questions one by one.
Verification: yes I too wish that Aperture listed the number of photos being browsed, and not just in list view but in other view modes too. Anyway, the discrepancy might be explained if you realize that Aperture counts versions, not masters. Therefore if you have more than one version for any master image, those counts will not match up.
Projects: well... the best I can say is that, you might want to give yourself a more clear definition of what a "project" is to you. For me, a project is not just how Aperture groups my photos. It's also how I shoot and work from beginning to end. So, a project is a group of import sessions from a certain event. I would, for example, import all my Europe photos into a Europe project, format my card, and then move on to shoot other things. Aperture allows you some flexibility. For example, I put all my past images in projects named after its year (2008, 2009, etc) and inside each of those, photos are grouped into "albums" by each event. But for this current year, I have a folder called "2010" in the Aperture Project Inspector tab, and in that 2010 folder I have one project for each event. At the end of 2010, I will make a "2010" project and move all of that year's images from their projects into their event-named albums within that 2010 project, and here comes year 2011. This lets me organize past photos into projects-by-year, while still letting me work on this year's photos grouped into projects-by-event. So, within the inspector tab you can have: folders> projects> albums and books. That's the hierarchy and you can use that structure to your liking.
Video: use iMovie or Final Cut, Aperture is not meant to handle any video.
Duplicate detection: such a function would be confusing to people who want to have several versions to work from a single master image. Duplicates can be avoided by managing and importing your images correctly, not moving or messing with the referenced files except through using Aperture, and giving names to images at the time of import in a way that prevents confusion.
Keeping your place: yes, I did my old folders by color-coding the finished imports with a blue label. However, new images should be imported straight from camera or card, use Aperture to rename the imported masters and append IPTC/EXIF data, and then the memory cards should be formatted IN CAMERA after each import. This last step helps to avoid confusion and prevent early card corruption.
DAte & Time: well, the questions here are overwhelming so I will answer the bigger ones. If you want to just edit Date&Time from images taken on, let's say, only D90 and not D40, then:
1) click on search icon (not the search field) top right of the window, to bring up a floating search HUD.
2) click the + icon top right in the search HUD, and select EXIF
3A) one of the EXIF data is camera model, so you would select that and type in the model name as it appears in Aperture's EXIF field (Nikon D90, etc).
3B)It is also possible to limit the search criteria by which import session, which date it was shot, etc etc.
4) hit enter and you get all the images that fit your criteria.
5)Select all the images you found, then go up to "Metadata" in the menu bar.
6) drop down to "Adjust Date and Time..."
and that's it.

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    It's the ever popular Inventory program again! I'm creating a GUI to display the information contained within an array of objects which, in this case, represent compact discs. I've received some good help from other's posts on this project since it seems there's a few of us working on the same one but now, since each person working on this project has programmed theirs differently, I'm stuck. I'm not sure how to proceed with my ActionListeners for the buttons I've created.
    Here's my code:
    // GUICDInventory.java
    // uses CD class
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class GUICDInventory extends JFrame
         protected JPanel panel; //panel to hold buttons
         protected JPanel cdImage; // panel to hold image
         int displayElement = 0;
         public String display(int element)
                   return CD2[element].toString();
              }//end method
         public static void main( String args[] )
              new GUICDInventory();
         }// end main
         public GUICDInventory()
              CD completeCDInventory[] = new CD2[ 5 ]; // creates a new 5 element array
             // populates array with objects that implement CD
             completeCDInventory[ 0 ] = new CD2( "Sixpence None the Richer" , "D121401" , 12 , 11.99, 1990 );
             completeCDInventory[ 1 ] = new CD2( "Clear" , "D126413" , 10 , 10.99, 1998 );
             completeCDInventory[ 2 ] = new CD2( "NewsBoys: Love Liberty Disco" , "2438-51720-2" , 10 , 12.99, 1999 );
             completeCDInventory[ 3 ] = new CD2( "Skillet: Hey You, I Love Your Soul" , "D122966" , 9 , 9.99, 1998 );
             completeCDInventory[ 4 ] = new CD2( "Michael Sweet: Real" , "020831-1376-204" , 15 , 12.99, 1995 );
             //declares totalInventoryValue variable
                 double totalInventoryValue = CD.calculateTotalInventory( completeCDInventory );
              final JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(display(displayElement));
              final JButton prevBtn = new JButton("Previous");
              final JButton nextBtn = new JButton("Next");
              final JButton lastBtn = new JButton("Last");
              final JButton firstBtn = new JButton("First");
              prevBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                        displayElement = (//what goe here? ) % //what goes here?
                        textArea.setText(display(displayElement));// <--is this right?
              nextBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                          displayElement = (//what goes here? ) % //what goes here?
                        textArea.setText(display(displayElement));// <--is this right?
              firstBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                        displayElement = 0;
                        textArea.setText(display(displayElement));// <--is this right?
              lastBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                        displayElement = //what goes here?;
                        textArea.setText(display(displayElement));// <--is this right?
              JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,2));
              panel.add(firstBtn); panel.add(nextBtn); panel.add(prevBtn); panel.add(lastBtn);
              JPanel cdImage = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              cdImage.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,400));
              JFrame      cdFrame = new JFrame();
              cdFrame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textArea),BorderLayout.CENTER);
              cdFrame.getContentPane().add(new JLabel("",new ImageIcon("cd.gif"),JLabel.CENTER),BorderLayout.NORTH);
              cdFrame.setTitle("Compact Disc Inventory");
         }//end GUICDInventory constructor
    } // end class GUICDInventory
    // CD2.java
    // subclass of CD
    public class CD2 extends CD
         protected int copyrightDate; // CDs copyright date variable declaration
         private double price2;
         // constructor
         public CD2( String title, String prodNumber, double numStock, double price, int copyrightDate )
              // explicit call to superclass CD constructor
              super( title, prodNumber, numStock, price );
              this.copyrightDate = copyrightDate;
         }// end constructor
         public double getInventoryValue() // modified subclass method to add restocking fee
            price2 = price + price * 0.05;
            return numStock * price2;
        } //end getInventoryValue
        // Returns a formated String contains the information about any particular item of inventory
        public String displayInventory() // modified subclass display method
              return String.format("\n%-22s%s\n%-22s%d\n%-22s%s\n%-22s%.2f\n%-22s%s%.2f\n%-22s%s%.2f\n%-22s%s%.2f\n  \n" ,
                                       "CD Title:", title, "Copyright Date:", copyrightDate, "Product Number:", prodNumber , "Number in Stock:",
                                       numStock , "CD Price:" , "$" , price , "Restocking fee (5%):", "$", price*0.05, "Inventory Value:" , "$" ,
                                       getInventoryValue() );
         } // end method
    }//end class CD2
    // CD.java
    // Represents a compact disc object
    import java.util.Arrays;
    class CD implements Comparable
        protected String title; // CD title (name of product)
        protected String prodNumber; // CD product number
        protected double numStock; // CD stock number
        protected double price; // price of CD
        protected double inventoryValue; //number of units in stock times price of each unit
        // constructor initializes CD information
        public CD( String title, String prodNumber, double numStock, double price )
            this.title = title; // Artist: album name
            this.prodNumber = prodNumber; //product number
            this.numStock = numStock; // number of CDs in stock
            this.price = price; //price per CD
        } // end constructor
        public double getInventoryValue()
            return numStock * price;
        } //end getInventoryValue
        //Returns a formated String contains the information about any particular item of inventory
        public String displayInventory()
              //return the formated String containing the complete information about CD
            return String.format("\n%-22s%s\n%-22s%s\n%-22s%.2f\n%-22s%s%.2f\n%-22s%s%.2f\n%-22s%s%.2f\n  \n" ,
                                       "CD Title:", title, "Product Number:", prodNumber , "Number in Stock:",
                                       numStock , "CD Price:" , "$" , price , "Restocking fee (5%):", "$", price*0.05, "Inventory Value:" , "$" ,
                                       getInventoryValue() );
        } // end method
        //method to calculate the total inventory of the array of objects
        public static double calculateTotalInventory( CD completeCDInventory[] )
            double totalInventoryValue = 0;
            for ( int count = 0; count < completeCDInventory.length; count++ )
                 totalInventoryValue += completeCDInventory[count].getInventoryValue();
            } // end for
            return totalInventoryValue;
        } // end calculateTotalInventory
         // Method to return the String containing the Information about Inventory's Item
         //as appear in array (non-sorted)
        public static String displayTotalInventory( CD completeCDInventory[] )
              //string which is to be returned from the method containing the complete inventory's information
              String retInfo = "\nInventory of CDs (unsorted):\n";
              //loop to go through complete array
              for ( int count = 0; count < completeCDInventory.length; count++ )
                   retInfo = retInfo + "Item# " + (count + 1);          //add the item number in String
                   retInfo = retInfo + completeCDInventory[count].displayInventory();     //add the inventory detail in String
              }// end for
              return retInfo;          //return the String containing complete detail of Inventory
        }// end displayTotalInventory
         public int compareTo( Object obj ) //overlaod compareTo method
              CD tmp = ( CD )obj;
              if( this.title.compareTo( tmp.title ) < 0 )
                   return -1; //instance lt received
              else if( this.title.compareTo( tmp.title ) > 0 )
                   return 1; //instance gt received
              return 0; //instance == received
              }// end compareTo method
         //Method to return the String containing the Information about Inventory's Item
         // in sorted order (sorted by title)
         public static String sortedCDInventory( CD completeCDInventory[] )
              //string which is to be returned from the method containing the complete inventory's information
              String retInfo = "\nInventory of CDs (sorted by title):\n";
              Arrays.sort( completeCDInventory ); // sort array
              //loop to go through complete array
              for( int count = 0; count < completeCDInventory.length; count++ )
                   retInfo = retInfo + "Item# " + (count + 1);     //add the item number in String
                   retInfo = retInfo + completeCDInventory[count].displayInventory(); //add the inventory detail in String
              return retInfo;     //return the String containing complete detail of Inventory
         } // end method sortedCDInventory
    } // end class CD

    nextBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   displayElement = (//what goes here? ) % //what goes here?
                   textArea.setText(display(displayElement));// <--is this right?
    });Above is your code for the "Next" button.
    You ask the question "What goes here"? Well what do you think goes there?
    If you are looking at item 1 and you press the "Next" button do you not want to look at item 2?
    So the obvious solution would be to add 1 to the previous item value. Does that not make sense? What problem do you have when you try that code?????
    Next you say "Is this right"? Well how are we supposed to know? You wrote the code. We don't know what the code is supposed to do. Again you try it. If it doesn't work then describe the problem you are having. I for one can't execute your code because I don't use JDK5. So looking at the code it looks reasonable, but I can't tell by looking at it what is wrong. Only you can add debug statements in the code to see whats happening.
    If you want help learn to as a proper question and doen't expect us to spoon feed the code to you. This is your assignment, not ours. We are under no obligation to debug and write the code for you. The sooner you learn that, the more help you will receive.

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    juddfromsherman oaks wrote:
    i have lost an fcpx project. when i search it, i'm directed to a backup file, but it's just (gibberish/code) text.
    The backups for your version are date-time stamped as the name and with an extension of .fcpproject. They look like this.
    The original project is named CurrentVersion.fcpproject.
    You need to replace the CurrentVersion with the backup file and rename it to be CurrentVersion.fcpproject.
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    Open up FCPX, which should now recognize your project.

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    Try using Preference Manager by Digital Rebellion (it's free) to delete your preference files for Soundtrack.

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    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... You need Adobe support to cancel a subscription
    -start here https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1703848
    -or by telephone http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/phone-support-orders.html
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    hello friends,
    I created tables..and set check table relation.
    how to create Database View, maintenace , projection and Help view

    have a look at this.
    4 type of views
    projection view
    check this link as well
    Database views are implemented with an equivalent view on the database.
    Projection views are used to hide fields of a table (only projection).
    Database views should be created if want to select logically connected data from different tables simultaneously.
    Database views implement an inner join.
    Application programs can access the data of a database view using the database interface. (Just as we write select queries on database tables, we can write them for views as well.)
    Includes in Database Views
    An entire table can be included in a database view. In this case all the fields of the included table will become fields of the view (whereby you can explicitly exclude certain fields).
    To include one of the tables in the view, enter character * in field View field, the name of the table to be included in field Table and character * again in field Field name on the View fields tab page of the maintenance screen of the view.
    You can also exclude individual fields of an included table. If you do not want to include a field of the included table in the view, enter - in field View field, the name of the included table in field Table and the name of the field to be excluded in field Field name.
    Inserts with Database Views
    If a database view contains only one single table, data can be inserted in this table with the view .
    You have the following options for the contents of the table fields not contained in the view:
    If the field is defined on the database with NOT NULL as initial value, the field is filled with the corresponding initial value.
    If the field is defined on the database as NOT NULL without initial value, an insert is not possible. This results in a database error.
    If the field is not defined on the database as NOT NULL, there will be a NULL value in this field.
    A maintenance view permits you to maintain the data of an application object together.
    The maintenance status determines which accesses to the data of the underlying tables are possible with the maintenance view.
    Read only: Data can only be read through the view.
    Read, change, delete, insert: Data of the tables contained in the view can be
    changed, deleted, and inserted through the view.
    Read and change: Existing view entries can be changed. However, records
    cannot be deleted or inserted.
    Read and change (time-dependent views): Only entries whose non-time
    dependent part of the key is the same as that of existing entries may be
    Maintenance View ( SE54 )
    You can use a maintenance view to maintain data, which is distributed over several tables, at the same time.
    Maintenance views enable a business-oriented approach to looking at data, while at the same time, making it possible to maintain the data involved. Data from several tables can be summarized in a maintenance view and maintained collectively via this view. That is, the data is entered via the view and then distributed to the underlying tables by the system.
    Creating maintenance View:

  • A Menu Applet Project (need help)

    The Dinner Menu Applet
    I would need help with those codes ...
    I have to write a Java applet that allows the user to make certain choices from a number of options and allows the user to pick three dinner menu items from a choice of three different groups, choosing only one item from each group. The total will change as each selection is made.
    Please send help at [email protected] (see the codes of the project at the end of that file... Have a look and help me!
    Design the menu program to include three soups, three
    entrees, and three desserts. The user should be informed to
    choose only one item from each group.
    Use the following information to create your project.
    Clam Chowder 2.79
    Vegetable soup 2.99
    Peppered Chicken Broth 2.49
    Chicken 12.79
    Fish 10.99
    Beef 14.99
    Vanilla Ice Cream 2.79
    Rice Pudding 2.99
    Cheesecake 4.29
    The user shouldn�t be able to choose more than one item
    from the same group. The item prices shouldn�t be visible to
    the user.
    When the user makes his or her first choice, the running
    total at the bottom of the applet should show the price of
    that item. As each additional item is selected, the running
    total should change to reflect the new total cost.
    The dinner menu should be 200 pixels wide &#56256;&#56437; 440 pixels
    high and be centered on the browser screen. The browser
    window should be titled �The Menu Program.�
    Use 28-point, regular face Arial for the title �Dinner Menu.�
    Use 16-point, bold face Arial for the dinner menu group titles
    and the total at the bottom of the applet. Use 14-point regular
    face Arial for individual menu items and their prices. If you
    do not have Arial, you may substitute any other sans-serif
    font in its place. Use Labels for the instructions.
    The checkbox objects will use the system default font.
    Note: Due to complexities in the way that Java handles
    numbers and rounding, your price may display more than
    two digits after the decimal point. Since most users are used
    to seeing prices displayed in dollars and cents, you�ll need to
    display the correct value.
    For this project, treat the item prices as integers. For example,
    enter the price of cheesecake as 429 instead of 4.29. That
    way, you�ll get an integer number as a result of the addition.
    Then, you�ll need to establish two new variables in place of
    the Total variable. Run the program using integers for the
    prices, instead of float variables with decimals.
    You�ll have the program perform two mathematical functions
    to get the value for the dollars and cents variables. First,
    divide the total price variable by 100. This will return a
    whole value, without the remainder. Then get the mod of the
    number versus 100, and assign this to the cents variable.
    Finally, to display the results, write the following code:
    System.out.println("Dinner Price is $ " + dollars +"." + cents);
    Please send code in notepad or wordpad to [email protected]
    Here are the expectations:
    HTML properly coded
    Java source and properly compiled class file included
    Screen layout as specified
    All menu items properly coded
    Total calculates correctly
    * MenuApplet.java
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    * @author Rulx Narcisse
         E-mail address: [email protected]
    public class MenuApplet extends java.applet.Applet implements ItemListener{
    //Variables that hold item price:
    int clamChowderPrice= 279;
    int vegetableSoupPrice= 299;
    int pepperedChickenBrothPrice= 249;
    int chickenPrice= 1279;
    int fishPrice= 1099;
    int beefPrice= 1499;
    int vanillaIceCreamPrice= 279;
    int ricePuddingPrice= 299;
    int cheeseCakePrice =429;
    int dollars;
    int cents=dollars % 100;
    //cents will hold the modulus from dollars
    Label entete=new Label("Diner Menu");
    Label intro=new Label("Please select one item from each category");
    Label intro2=new Label("your total will be displayed below");
    Label soupsTrait=new Label("Soups---------------------------");
    Label entreesTrait=new Label("Entrees---------------------------");
    Label dessertsTrait=new Label("Desserts---------------------------");
      *When the user makes his or her first choice, the running
         total (i.e. dollars) at the bottom of the applet should show the price of
         that item. As each additional item is selected, the running
         total should change to reflect the new total cost.
    Label theDinnerPriceIs=new Label("Dinner Price is $ "+dollars +"."+cents);
      *Crating face, using 28-point, regular face Arial for the title �Dinner Menu.�
         Using 16-point, bold face Arial for the dinner menu group titles
         and the total at the bottom of the applet & using 14-point regular
         face Arial for individual menu items and their prices.
    Font bigFont = new Font ("Arial", Font.PLAIN,28);
    Font bigFont2 = new Font ("Arial", Font.BOLD,16);
    Font itemFont = new Font ("Arial", Font.PLAIN,14);
    //Here are the radiobutton on the applet...
    CheckboxGroup soupsG = new CheckboxGroup();
        Checkbox cb1Soups = new Checkbox("Clam Chowder", soupsG, false);
        Checkbox cb2Soups = new Checkbox("Vegetable Soup", soupsG, true);
        Checkbox cb3Soups = new Checkbox("Peppered Chicken Broth", soupsG, false);
    CheckboxGroup entreesG = new CheckboxGroup();
        Checkbox cb1Entrees= new Checkbox("Chicken", entreesG, false);
        Checkbox cb2Entrees = new Checkbox("Fish", entreesG, true);
        Checkbox cb3Entrees = new Checkbox("Beef", entreesG, false);
    CheckboxGroup dessertsG = new CheckboxGroup();
        Checkbox cb1Desserts= new Checkbox("Vanilla Ice Cream", dessertsG, false);
        Checkbox cb2Desserts = new Checkbox("Pudding Rice", dessertsG, true);
        Checkbox cb3Desserts = new Checkbox("Cheese Cake", dessertsG, false);
        public void init() {
            add(cb1Soups); add(cb2Soups); add(cb3Soups);
            add(cb1Entrees); add(cb2Entrees); add(cb3Entrees);
            add(cb1Desserts); add(cb2Desserts); add(cb3Desserts);
           public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent check)
               Checkbox soupsSelection=soupsG.getSelectedCheckbox();
                   dollars +=clamChowderPrice;
                   dollars +=vegetableSoupPrice;
               Checkbox entreesSelection=entreesG.getSelectedCheckbox();
                   dollars +=chickenPrice;
                   dollars +=fishPrice;
               Checkbox dessertsSelection=dessertsG.getSelectedCheckbox();
                   dollars +=vanillaIceCreamPrice;
                   dollars +=ricePuddingPrice;

    The specific problem is that when I load he applet, the radio buttons do not work properly and any calculation is made.OK.
    I had a look at the soup radio buttons. I guess the others are similar.
    (a) First, a typo.
    cb1Soups.addItemListener(this);cb2Soups.addItemListener(this);cb2Soups.addItemListener(this);That last one should be "cb3Soups.addItemListener(this)". The peppered chicken broth was never responding to a click. It might be a good idea to write methods that remove such duplicated code.
    (b) Now down where you respond to user click you have:
    Checkbox soupsSelection=soupsG.getSelectedCheckbox();
        dollars +=clamChowderPrice;
        dollars +=vegetableSoupPrice;
        cb3Soups.setState(true);What is that last bit all about? And why aren't they charged for the broth? Perhaps it should be:
    Checkbox soupsSelection=soupsG.getSelectedCheckbox();
    if(soupsSelection==cb1Soups) {
        dollars +=clamChowderPrice;
    } else if(soupsSelection==cb2Soups) {
        dollars +=vegetableSoupPrice;
    } else if(soupsSelection==cb3Soups) {
        dollars +=pepperedChickenBrothPrice;
    }Now dollars (the meal price in cents) will have the price of the soup added to it every time.
    (c) It's not enough to just calculate dollars, you also have to display it to the user. Up near the start of your code you have
    Label theDinnerPriceIs=new Label("Dinner Price is $ "+dollars +"."+cents);It's important to realise that theDinnerPriceIs will not automatically update itself to reflect changes in the dollars and cents variables. You have to do this yourself. One way would be to use the Label setText() method at the end of the itemStateChanged() method.
    (d) Finally, the way you have written itemStateChanged() you are continually adding things to dollars. Don't forget to make dollars zero at the start of this method otherwise the price will go on and on accumulating which is not what you intend.
    A general point: If you have any say in it use Swing (JApplet) rather than AWT. And remember that both Swing and AWT have forums of their own which may be where you get the best help for layout problems.

  • Support project  (more details)

    Hi Guys,
       I am fresher in BW, I have client round in support project 
      What type off question they will ask, I need more details about tickets,
       How many types off ticket? Anybody Immediately I need answer me

    Hi Ravi,
    Normally the production support activities include
    R/3 Job Monitoring
    B/W Job Monitoring
    Taking corrective action for failed data loads.
    Working on some tickets with small changes in reports or in AWB objects.
    The activities in a typical Production Support would be as follows:
    1. Data Loading - could be using process chains or manual loads.
    2. Resolving urgent user issues - helpline activities
    3. Modifying BW reports as per the need of the user.
    4. Creating aggregates in Prod system
    5. Regression testing when version/patch upgrade is done.
    6. Creating adhoc hierarchies.
    Also refer these posts:
    Re: In production Support , how i can acquire the knowledge
    Re: How to resolve tickets  its urgent
    Re: production support issues
    production support
    we can perform the daily activities in Production
    1. Monitoring Data load failures thru RSMO
    2. Monitoring Process Chains Daily/weekly/monthly
    3. Perform Change run Hierarchy
    4. Check Aggr's Rollup
    To add to the above
    1)check data targets are ready for reporting,
    2) No failed or cancelled jobs in sm37 monitors and Bw Monitor.
    3) All requests are loaded for day, monthly and yearly also.
    4) Also to note down time taken for loading of critical info cubes which are used for reporting.
    5) Is there any break in any schedules from your process chains.
    Siggi's weblogs for data load error and how to restart process chain
    As the frequent failures and errors , there is no fixed reason for the load to be fail , if you want it for the interview perspective I would answer it in this way.
    a) Loads can be failed due to the invalid characters
    b) Can be because of the deadlock in the system
    c) Can be because of previous load failure , if the load is dependant on other loads
    d) Can be because of erroneous records
    e) Can be because of RFC connections
    These are some of the reasons for the load failures.
    1. Why there is frequent load failures during extractions? and how to analyse them?
    If these failures are related to Data, there might be data inconsistency in source system. Though we are handling properly in transfer rules. We can monitor these issues in T-code -> RSMO and PSA (failed records) and update.
    If we are talking about whole extraction process, there might be issues of work process scheduling and IDoc transfer to target system from source system. These issues can be re-initiated by canceling that specific data load and ( usually by changing Request color from Yellow - > Red in RSMO). and restart the extraction.
    What is the daily task we do in production support.How many times we will extract the data at what times.
    It depends... Data load timings are in the range of 30 mins to 8 hrs. This time is depends in number of records and kind of transfer rules you have provided. If transfer rules have some kind of round about transfer rules and updates rules has calculations for customized key figures... long times are expected..
    Usually You need to work on RSMO and see what records are failing.. and update from PSA.
    What are some of the frequent failures and errors?
    As the frequent failures and errors , there is no fixed reason for the load to be fail , if you want it for the interview perspective I would answer it in this way.
    a) Loads can be failed due to the invalid characters
    b) Can be because of the deadlock in the system
    c) Can be because of previous load failure , if the load is dependant on other loads
    d) Can be because of erroneous records
    e) Can be because of RFC connections
    These are some of the reasons for the load failures.
    for Rfc connections:
    We use SM59 for creating RFC destinations.
    Refer the help on creating source system:
    Data Validation:
    In BW any extraction we have to do Data Validation ..i.e.. data comparision between BW side and Source System side (Ex..R/3). Normally we do it in Unit Testing.
    Pls do check the link below
    Check the INSTGUIDES from market place related to 04S upgrade:
    Release notes for 04s:
    take a look in:
    www.service.sap.com/bi --> Product Information Previous Releases --> Media Library --> HOW TO... Guides --> Guide List SAP BW3.5 - Part of NW 04 --> Business Intelligence --> How to… SAP BW 3.5 upgrade prep & postupgrade checklist.
    Here you will find all necessary steps for an Upgrade.
    Source system
    Dead Locks
    Refer the lniks:
    Re: cube lock when multi-request insert at same time
    Re: Dataloading Shortdump
    ****Assign Points if Helpful****

  • Computer Program as Project. HELP!!!!

    Hey guys. I am a Grade 12 Student and I need to write some sort of educational software for schools. I am thinking of doing a program for grade 3 learners to help them improve their math skills.
    Maybe you guys can give me some ideas. It's for my senior year project and I am a little lost. Maybe you guys can give me some advice on the whole "Educational Software" theme.
    Any help or ideas will be appreciated.
    Thanx a lot!!

    When you talk with the teacher, have an idea of the time you have to allocate to your project. Try to get a feel on how many features you can deliver in your allotted time. Do not go along with everything the teacher asks for--this is called scope creep. You need to stay within your time constraints. On implementation:
    1 - do not procrastinate, you are not going to believe how much time is going to be involved in making changes and tweaking the project. Doing things for yourself is easy, now you have to be a mind reader, Houdini, and developer all in one--the problem is that a lot of the time, your client (the teacher) will not agree from one meeting to another on what they want: they tend to "think about it" between meetings and change their minds.
    2 - if you find things are getting too complicated--you're right, take a deep breath, have a Pepsi, take a walk and come back and look at things with a more objective outlook and see if you can simplify--don't be afraid to rewrite, many times it will be easier, more maintainable, and quicker just to rewrite that piece of code than it will be to try to coerce a bad design into the project.
    3 - don't use autogenerated code: if you cannot make it yourself, then what you are inviting with autogenerated code is a point in your project where you have no idea how to fix what is wrong--because it's in the autogenerated code.
    4 - BEFORE you start your project, become intimately familiar with the debugger in your IDE. The debugger is your best tool for fixing problems. Lean how to use it.
    These are just a few. Hope thy help you out.
    BTW: let me relate this to you--My senior project in college was to make a crosscompiler. We worked in 4 person teams on it and our class had 4 teams. My team chose a simple approach and the other 3 teams had really impressive specs and implementation goals. My team finished, got the A, and all was well. The other 3 teams recieved incompletes, and eventually substantially lesser grades than an A, because their scope was too broad. One of the most significant parts of the project is knowing what can be done in the time allotted--don't choke by biting off more than you can handle.

  • Adobe Premiere Elements 0.9 project crash, HELP!

    This is the first time I am using these forums, so I hope I posted this in the right sektions.
    I need help and solutions for a Project which constantly crashes on my Adobe Premiere Elements 0.9. This program has been awesome and helped me create some projects and videos successfully, up until.... well for about 3 days ago when my latest project crashed when I had just antered and checking the storyboard etc, triggering a "Serious Error" message and then it shuts down. I try again and again, but everytime I try to put something (any sound or video etc) on the storyboard and start working etc the same damn "Serious Error" message and then allways shuts down. It's allways this same and only project (which has worked fine before) that crashes like this...
    In an attempt to first solve the problem myself I went through the Premiere Elements 9 files and deleted finnished projects and automatic saved process on projects etc, but still won't work even better... The funny thing is that when I open another project (a finnished project I left saved just in case) and go through the storyboard there and messes around a little and such, it won't crash nor trigger the same message as my latest project. And that program even has some effects on every footageclip on it too, but still it works fine. Haven't touched the program or the program until and since yesterday night to give it some rest but it still won't work, the project just keeps crashing like when and since it first started a few days ago.
    I have also read through and tried some things from this Help/Troubleshoot page:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-elements/kb/troubleshoot-damaged-projects-premiere-element s.html
    I have so far been doing 1 and 2 of the "Beginning Troubleshooting", otherwise I have been reading it all and such. I am also kinda afraid to do the 3 of the first quests because I worked so hard on this project and even tough it just keeps crushing, I'm afraid to lose it. Other, I have deleted audios and such from my filegallery on my Adobe Premiere Eements, stuff I don't need anymore because its projects are already done. After I did that I also tried to create a new project just for testing. The amazing this about this is that this the new created project I created works just fine, I could do all kinds of the stuff, effects and advanced editing which I did on the same project before it started crushing. Tough I didn't save that test-project since I didn't find a reason to since it worked so good. And so the thing is that I can start and create a new project and start working and do usual stuff on it with no problem, same when I open up another project and do stuff, it all works just fine! It is just this one and only project that keeps crushing with this "Serious Error" message, all the time... Does anybody else have, or has had the same problem? What could the problem and error be and how to fix it?
    This crushing project do has some effects on every footageclip/videoclip on it, to set the right mood for the musicvideo I'm making. I am making a musicvideo, and I haven't even done the half of the project/video. The song I am making this musicvideo with is about 00:07:32 in length, and (tough this detail may have no influence or meaning) the music is Symphonic Metal. The actual file of the song is 6,96 MB in size. This is also not the first time I've done such projects with such long songs on this same program either, one of my last videos I managed to successfully make and create a musicvideo with a song which was about 13 minutes and 30 seconds in length, and I also used effects on pretty much every videoclip on that project too.
    The current filesize so far on the actual project.prel-file of my project that keeps crushing is 9.73 MB.
    I am also using Adobe Premiere Elements and doing this troubleing, crashing project on a PC, a Fujitsu Windows (I believe Windows 7, or even updated to a newer version?). It has a regular ATI-card. The computer also has 2 modems and there's still some pretty GB amount free on them. The PC's main system also has a RAM in 6.00 GB and the operative system is the 64-bites.
    In short, the PC should just fine be able to handle Adobe Premiere Elements 0.9 and all its projects, just as it has handled it all before plus all my PC games at that. So it must be something with my Adobe Premiere Elements and that specific project which is the problem, but what is the problem and the serious error and how to fix it?
    Could it help to save and create the actual video in this crashing project, delete that project then start a new project, upload and put in the videofile of the crashing project in that new project and then continue from there?
    In either cases, I need help with this. Please, help!

    Thanks so much for your reply, Steve!
    Even tough I trust you guys enough here on the official Adobe site/forums to answer those questions as best I can, I am at the same time not very fond of giving away too much information because of safety. I understand I have to If I'm to recieve the accurate answers and solution, but as this is the internet you can never know. But again, I trust you guys enough on here and thus I'll try to answer those questions as best I can, even tough I am not very good with such stuff about computers. The PC I am using is also not only mine, it is the family computer also which me and my whole family uses.
    The operating system on my computer (according to the computer propotions etc) is a 64-bites operating system and the computer/PC is also a Windows 7 Home Premium.
    The processor the computer/PC have is a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU and the RAM is 6.00 GB. However, (and I hope I make this understandable because the computer/PC is in swedish)the subscore of RAM in the computer's Performance-Classification/Ranking is 7,5. The processor subscore is 7,3 per second. And the free space? Well, we have two modems, let's say a modem A and a modem B. Adobe Premiere Elements 0.9 is set to save all its stuff etc on modem B, while modem A is the main modem and spaces all main stuff and other things of the computer/PC. Modem A has about 314 GB of free space, while modem B has 207 GB of free space. Modem A's capacity is a total of 489 GB in which 175 GB has been used, the modems filesystem is a NTFS. Modem B is also a NTFS filesystem and its capacity is a total of 439 GB in which 232 GB has been used. And the Disk Cleanup? I believe my that latest ran it for about a few weeks ago. We also have a CCleaner also. But about the Disk Defragmenter, I have no idea. What exactly does a Disk Defragmenter do?
    You mean, entering my project that keeps crushing and simply rename it by using "Save As"? If that is what you mean, I dunnow If that actually worked. When I still tried to do stuff and edit the crashing project (tough as said, it hardly took any changes and process before it triggered that message) and then crashed and shut down, and I opened up the program again (trying to open the same project that way), it asked me If I wanted to re-create the missing process from the last crash of the same project. I tried it and it automaticly was renamed to a for example Project.copy. But when I tried to work with that it was to no futher success, the project kept crashing. I haven't renamed the project by "Save As" tough, but I doubt it'll work, I even tried to rename the actual project file in the Adobe Premiere Elements files but nope... the project keeps crashing. But also about the same question, "Save As" under a new name but in its own folder? You mean the actual project folder or Adobe Premiere Elements preview folder of the projects?
    My camcorder is pretty old by now, have had it since I turned 15, it has worked pretty good since then. Its model is a Sony Handycam, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar OPTICAL 20x. Even tough the last thing maybe doesn't say anything, this is all I know about my camcorder, except that it is a model no. DCR-HC17E PAL. But in that Project  which keeps crashing, there are only a few actual camcorder clips used as I am making a Game-MusicVideo and most of the footage of the Video-game (actually a PC game) I'm making a musicvideo of is downloaded from Youtube mostly from a guy I asked permission for to download his recorded footage of the game. I used a Youtube downloader called ClipConverter. As I don't have a SD card I cannot make this footage myself. But some footage I recorded on my camcorder, but If I can find high quality clips and get them, I will. The other footages is actual official trailers of the PC games which also was downloaded from the net. But I can give you the stuffs filetypes and hoping that may help. The downloaded footage which was downloaded by this ClipConverter, are MP4 files. The other stuff (which were official trailers) and most of them are also MP4 files, the others are QuickTime-film files. Many of these downloaded footages and trailers are also in HD quality, at least some of them I think.
    The actual filetype ofthe footage I myself recorded with my camcorder are, well.... it says Videoclip in the file. Maybe it is AVI?
    The project settings? You mean the settings you set at first when starting as a new project? The general settings are, in editingsettings it is AVCHD 270p square pixel. This is kinda hard for me to tell since everything is in swedish in my program. But these settings has worked perfectly before, same with all files, footages and videoclips I have been using, also all the soundfiles etc. Even the actual crashing project worked perfectly before it started crashing... So why does it so suddenly start crashing now?
    The audio is a song I copied directly from its album and CD into the computer/PC and it seems to be in WMA format in filetype.
    And lastly, no I haven't rendered the timeline of the project ever, not even on my other projects. What does the rendering do and is useful for? I have very little knowledge of it. Other, I keep the Timeline mode open all the time because I can edit my videos much better with it, but perhaps that editing method make little influence of the actual problem.
    Other, yesterday when writing the post and topic, I forgot to mention that I restarded my computer right after I created a new project, that testing project. When finnished with the testing I restarted the computer. Since then I haven't touched the crashing project since now tonight, when checking its settings for this post. I am also right now trying to create and save the actual videofile of it, saving it on my computer. I'll soon see If it's successful without any crashing interruptions, plus that the video itself works and is smooth when I'll play it on Windows Media Player like all the rest of my other videos. I do this just in case I must create a new project to be able to continue with my musicvideo, as the first part of it I worked very hard on.
    Other and again, I am still puzzled about why this is even happening, that this project which worked perfectly fine before, just suddenly starts triggering that "Serious Error" message and crashes. And in this program which worked so perfect before. Has this happened to anyone else before? Has anyone else experienced the same issue I have? Is this a knowledgable issue which has solutions and ways to fix it?... :/

  • Project organization help needed

    I work for a rather large health care company and we are just beginning our move from eGate to JCAPS. We have approximately 100 separate interfaces, each with an average of five eWays.
    Our initial idea was to organize our JCAPS projects as follows:
    Outer Project (equivalent to eGate schema)
    Inner Project (equivalent to eGate eWay)
    - collaboration
    - connectivity map
    - deployment profile
    - any external files, schedulers, etc needed by the collaboration
    Inner Project for OTD's
    Inner Project for Queues and Topics
    Inner Project for shared collaborations that are used by multiple projects (such as resending, journalling, etc)
    My concern is if we make a change to a single project, when we go to export that project to our production system, we may be forced to export a lot more than we need.
    I would like to know how others have organized their systems interfaces, and any issues they may have come up with.
    Thank You

    I would be wary of creating projects within projects.
    The concept of project in JCAPS is nebulous.
    Even though JCAPS allows you to nest projects within projects the nested projects are treated more like folders.
    Like most other IDEs, projects are the ones created at root level.
    Unlike most other IDEs JCAPS does not have the concept of project view and file view.
    If you create an "Outer Project" and then inside it a bunch of "inner project" , JCAPS would treat the "Outer Project" as a project and all the inner projects as artifacts of this "Outer Project".
    If any other project were to refer to any one of these "inner projects", then JCAPS will assume that this other project is dependent on the "outer project".
    If you try to export this other project, it will export the whole "outer project" as a dependent project.
    So, if possible, I would try to create all projects at root level especially if they are going to be referenced by other projects.
    Use a flat structure rather than a hierarchical one. Use naming conventions to segregate and organize.
    Instead of
    If this looks too cluttered you might want to consider branching to separate major projects
    Also I would be careful of creating dependencies between projects.
    Lets say you have a JCD which refers to an OTD in another shared project.
    If somebody updates the OTD and creates a new version of the OTD, your JCD would automatically start referring to the new version.
    Without your knowing a build will pick up the new OTD.
    Of course if you know that a new version was created ,you can specify an older version of the OTD during a build.
    Not so if you are editing the JCD. Here you will be stuck with the latest version.
    This may or may not be what you want.
    A better alternative would be to copy over the OTD to your project and use the local version.
    Hope this helps.

  • Chapters..and more help

    We are about to be done editing our mountain bike film...its premiering in las-vegas at the end of the month. What i need to know is how can we put in chapters for each rider? And how can we have it so when viewing the main movie, you can skip forward to the next rider section? Is this all done in dvdpro? Will I be able to get this all done tonight?
    What would be the best way to export from final cut pro hd? We filmed on a Panasonic dvx100a
    Thanks for the help guys.

    You can do this very easily, but you have some other things to consider as well.
    First off, from FCP export via Compressor and use a compression setting that will accommodate any fast action, pans, zooms or fades that you have created. generally, a higher bitrate will be required for these parts, but do not go above 7.4MBPS if you are writing out to a DVD-R. make sure that at the same time you encode the video that you also encode the audio to AC3. There is a bookload of information about these two settings alone... so it may not come out exactly right first time!
    Your chapter markers set up in the timeline in FCP (not in the clip... the green ones along the top of the timeline) can be included in the export and brought right in to DVDSP as your chapter markers for the disc. Be sure to set them as chapter markers when you create them (if not, go back to one, press 'm' when on it and click the 'add chapter' button in the marker dialogue).
    When you export, make sure you keep all markers!
    Importing the encoded video into DVDSP should include the markers (not everyone gets this right first time...) All you then need to do is add the footage to the track (the markers should show up above the time line), add the AC3 audio beneath it and then switch to the outline view window. You can now drag the icon for the track you have just set up into the menu editor window to the right. If you hold it there for a second until the dialogue box appears you can select the option to create chapter menu and connect to track. This should then ask you which template for your menu you would like to use, and build the entire set of menus necessary (most menus have about 6 or 8 buttons. If your track has more chapters, a series of menus will be automatically created for you).
    When you select a button in a menu then the playback will start at that chapter and continue on through the rest of the track.
    If you want to return to the menu after playing a single chapter then you'll need to add stories to your project and place a single chapter into each. You'll also need to edit the button targets for each menu button to point to the correct story container and also set the menu call and end jump for each story to go back to the correct menu and button each time.
    You can create a 'play all' button which will allow you to skip forwards and backwards along the track as well... just point it to the track itself.
    If you do the simple way and don't add stories then you can skip back and forth after selecting a chapter to play. If you add stories and play one of those then you shouldn't be able to skip back and forth between the stories (this is normal... but some players do let you).
    As you can see... a few decisions to make before building the final disc!

  • FCP Project Settings Help - Mixing SD with HD

    I am trying to decide what settings to choose for my project and hope the experienced amongst you can shed some wisdom for me.
    I am doing a promo ad to be shown in church on a windows pc with windows media player through a SD projector onto a 4:3 sized screen.
    I will be filming a presenter with a Sony EX1 at 1920 x 1080 @ 25P. - square pixels
    I have been given stock footage to include into the project that is 320 x 180, i have more footage to be delivered but I know it will be around the same SD res, maybe a bit larger.
    The church auditorium has natural light and the projector is weak so video looks a little washed out at the best of times, so it is possible to get away with some pixelation as once its projected you really wont notice it.
    My question is what do you recommend I set my project up as and what would be the best to export it.
    I would like it to be widescreen (letterboxed) if possible.

    Ok thanks, that is the only version they have.
    It is a testimony about a women lost at sea in a canoe and the footage in question is a storm in the ocean, lighting, rain, waves etc...
    The other footage is DV Pal of her speaking in a church so not too bad there.
    I am actually trying to source some stock footage else where of a storm out to see at the moment as a last resort.
    I will make the project native to the XDCAM footage and export to DVPAL AVI 720 x 560 anamorphic and see how it looks.
    Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated.

  • ABAP Project lifecycle help..

    Hi all,
    I am learning SAP ABAP and have plans to get a job in this field.  Can anyone tell me about the life cycle of the project like getting functional specification and then writing technical specifications and etc.. till the last stage..
    Thanks much in advance..
      -Ashok Hansraj

    Hi Ashok
    this information may help you.
    This is a basic question but an important one if you are looking at careers in SAP. Technical SAP consultants are generally either programmers or systems administrators, whereas functional consultants bring value by combining particular business process knowledge, such as financial knowledge, with the "know-how" of configuring the aspect of SAP that pertains to that process knowledge. So for example, a functional SAP FI consultant generally has a financials background, and understands how to configure the FI tables in accordance with a user's business processes.
    The SAP Solution Manager supports you throughout the entire lifecycle of your solutions, from the Business Blueprint thru configuration to production operation. It provides central access to tools methods and preconfigured content, that you can use during the evaluation, implementation, and productive operation of your systems.</b>
    <b>to get more information on this just click below link</b>
    <b>more information on technical consultant</b>
    <b>information on development consultant</b>
    reward points for helpful answers and close the thread if your question is solved.

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