Hangling OnProgress event in JavaScript

Does anyone have an example of working code that loads movie and subribes for OnProgress event in JavaScript and this event is fired?
I don't have such one. In my examples OnProgress event and even OnReadyStateChange are not fired at all for flash movie.
I used the following example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var FlashHandling = {
        OnProgressHandler: function() {
            alert("OnProgressHandler: ");
    <object width="470" height="353"
        <PARAM name="movie" value="http://video.rutube.ru/e9cc55959af333eb3725d6111da30590" />
        <PARAM name="wmode" value="window" />
        <PARAM name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
        <EMBED src="http://video.rutube.ru/e9cc55959af333eb3725d6111da30590"
            allowFullScreen="true" >

Hi Frank
thanks for your response but then also it is not working.
I have on main jspx page in which i am having region, the region contains fragment with that custom component.
firstly the javascript code is not loaded on the page then i get the key event but when i refresh the page the javascript code,
is loaded on the page and then i do not get the key event

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    Hi Victor,
    well, onMouseUp("blablup");
    I do not finally get your problem - do you want to send an event? So just add it to the URL and send the URL  -or do you want to excut the form? Why then not add the "event" to a hiden field in the form and execut that form then?
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    Hi Mathias,
    What i understood is that you want to triger a server side event (simulate onClick event of button)from a client side event (javascript confirm popup), based on the choice of user..
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    No, you can only register for mouseclicks from a plugin.

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    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1" id="cb1"
    function parent()
    // here we need event
    // so i have done this code but its not working
    var event=new AdfActionEvent("AdfRichCommandButton [oracle.adf.RichCommandButton] id=cb2");
    event.Init("AdfRichCommandButton [oracle.adf.RichCommandButton] id=cb2");
    function childfunction(event)
    var source = event.getSource();
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    You need to use the ADF Faces JavaScript API to queue an event and listen to it with a serverListener.
    See for example:

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