Hard drive kaput?

A few months ago, I posted about some problems with my Powerbook G4 in this thread: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2240469&tstart=0 (it's archived now, so I can't reply there.) It was suggested that my hard drive directory was badly corrupted and needed a utility like Disk Warrior to fix it (Disk Utility from the install dvd was unable to fix everything.)
I used Disk Warrior to repair the HD directory, and it said that it completed all the repairs successfully. However, all of the usability issues I was having persisted-- the menu fonts continued to display as boxes, Spotlight couldn't complete indexing, etc. Over the last two weeks, my Powerbook has started lagging and freezing more and more often, and only responds to a hard shutdown (holding down the power button for 5 seconds-- the ctrl-command-power combo doesn't do anything.)
Yesterday it froze again and I shut it down, and now I can't get it to boot at all. When I turn it on, I get the startup chime and the light on the front latch comes on, but there's no sound of the HD spinning up, and nothing happens on the screen. I tried resetting the PMU, but that didn't help. I attempted to reset PRAM/NVRAM, but since the disc won't spin to start up, it doesn't get far enough for this to happen; same goes for trying to start it in safe mode or holding down the option key. On one attempt to start it, the disc did spin and start to boot up, but it got hung up on the blue screen (usually where the OSX logo and loading bar appear) with a spinning wheel. On this try, I did manage to insert the install dvd that came with the computer, so after shutting it down again, I restarted off of the dvd. Went into Disk Utility, and verified my HD disk and volume, both of which checked out okay. It also said my S.M.A.R.T. status was verified. I started to repair permissions, and it froze while doing this. I had to shut it down again, and now I can't get it to even boot from the dvd, let alone run Apple Hardware Test, as it just gives me the chime and the light and nothing else. (Plus now the install dvd is stuck in the drive, yay.)
Is this the end for my hard drive? Or could it be something else? I was going to try erasing it and reinstalling the OS and software, but I can't get far enough to try that. I did back everything up recently, so thankfully I haven't permanently lost any of my data, but I need a working computer again.

Welcome to the Apple discussions.
Have you tried these:
Boot holding the shift key down? This is a safe boot.
Boot holding the C key down - this tells the system to boot from the DVD
Boot holding the option key down - this allows you to choose the Apple hardware test
If none of those work, then it's likely you have a logic board issue. The least cost solution is to have your Apple store send it out to the Apple depot for repair. If your case is in good shape, then it will run around $350, where the Depot will replace anything needed to bring the system as close as possible to 'as new'. It costs more if they replace the aluminum case too. Replacing the logic board in the store runs about twice sending it to the Depot.
You might find a used logic board and replace it yourself, if you're comfortable inside a computer.

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    2). No and this is my bad; I've not backed it up.  Luckily, there honestly isn't a ton of irreplaceable stuff on it so in worst case scenario it's not a disaster.  It's more of a nuisance. 
    3). I used OSX Leopard. 
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    I tried rebooting while holding the Option key.
    If the startup disk is not available from the Startup Manager window, that's an indication that the disk has failed 
    Genius Bar was most likely correct.

  • Powerbook Hard Drive Kaput?

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    Hi Jeffro
    I wouldn't necessarily say the PowerBook is "trashed" just yet.
    Firstly is it still under warranty? If so then it can be repaired under warranty.
    If it is out of warranty then you can either get it repaired/replaced (for a hefty fee) or source the component (ie. a motherboard) online and replace it yourself. Both components and replacement instructions can be found at http://www.ifixit.com - but I should warn you that the job is not an easy one for novices. Alternatively you can source the component and get an Apple Authorised Service Provider to do the replacement.
    Whatever you intend to do it is worth getting the PB checked professionally first and have the problem confirmed.
    15" 1.25GHz/12" 1GHz PBs, PPC Mac minis, 12" iBooks G3/G4,   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Cube, TAMs, iPods 2G/4G, iPs, AEBS, AX

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    Well at least you have a backup. You can clone things back to the new hard drive (booting from the clone) or install the new hard drive, install on it and then boot from the clone and use the Migration Assistant (/Applications/Utilities/Migration Assistant).
    Rev A. Dual 1.8 G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    Rev A. Dual 1.8 G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    "Checking HFS Plus volume
    Invalid node structure
    Invalid node structure
    Catalog file entry not found for extent
    Volume check failed
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    1 HFS volume checked
    1 volume could not be repaired because of an error"
    I've tried everything - power on, power off, disconnecting and reconnecting every cable both on the Mac and on the external HD, but nothing seems to work.
    I tried looking at solutions in the Apple Support section, but frankly, I've not had much success and am not even sure whether I did the right things.
    Losing the disc would be a disaster - not least because I've painstakingly organized 18,000 songs in my iTunes library, and those songs are all stored on the spoilt HD!
    The only other thing I can add is that the disk went bad after I Installed the latest Apple security update a few days ago. I don't know whether that had anything to do with this.
    Finally, I've had some problems in the past with this HD - which is housed in a casing that has the same form factor as the Mac mini - in that it sometimes did not mount. But I believe that has been due to some loose internal connections between the disk and the casing. At any rate, that has not been a major problem.
    Clearly, since the Mac mini says the disc is unreadable, it can "see" the disc.
    Could somebody please help? Thanx.

    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    When you get this message, does is also show a -9972 error number? If so, the Apple disk utility can't repair the drive. As Boece recommended, Disk Warrior, or similar, program would be your next step, and it can often repair what Disk Utility can't repair. However, if Disk Warrior can't repair it, then you want to look at other software to try and recover the data, as the next step would be an erase and restore. And if that didn't work, then the drive is toast. There are services that can recover the data off a dead drive, however, they are not inexpensive.
    Some other thoughts ... can you open the hard drive case and pull the short cable off the hard drive and put it back on? Make a difference? Do you have another mac available to you that you could hook your external hard drive up to? Just to see if there's any difference in accessing it? Is it only a USB connection or can you also connect via firewire?

  • My Time Capsule "went Kaput" but I "think" the Hard Drive is ok.

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    So I've spent the day wondering what tack to take with this thing. I'm not clear on why it would disable the WiFi connectivity but that's what happened with the first one too. I can't imagine paying to recover 1TB of data so I was trying to figure someting else out.
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    2. I thought about trying to connect the TC to my iMac and attempt downloading files from the disc direct, if that were even possible, but I was assuming I'd need a crossover ethernet cable, which I had--once--but couldn't locate.
    3. I tried daisychaining a USB through some other externals to the iMac but that didn't work.
    4. However I had it in the back of my mind that TM created some sort of proprietary file system when backing up to TC and that they wouldn't be available anyway. Reading above I can't tell if I was right or wrong in that supposition.
    Anyway, you all sound like a clever bunch. What would be the best approach to take here? I ordered myself a Netgear router from Amazon as a back up just in case. (I can return it within 30 days if I don't use it)
    5. Is it possiblle to remove the drive and just use the TC as a router?
    6. I can't tell you what itereation of TC this is. The drive isn't being recognized so I can't get any info on it. It's at least from 2010, I should think. I think it may be a 3rd gen and my first one a 2nd gen but that would only be a guess.
    Sorry to go on...
    I have added some numbering to help answer.
    Let me start with number 6 because it matters.
    6. Get the model number off the rubber base mat.. it is A1xxx .. you may need strong glasses to read it.
    It can make a huge difference if it is gen2 or gen3.
    1. You can remove the drive.. the TC then becomes an airport extreme. But the power supply might be dead.. particularly if it is gen2.
    2. You do not use cross-over cables anymore.. and haven't for several years. All networking is now auto sensing. And yes, if the disk still works then plug in TC to the computer by standard ethernet patch cable direct to the computer. You might need to factory reset to get it going.
    3. USB is only for disk and printer connection to the TC. You cannot link to TC via USB. 
    4. The file system of the TC is standard Mac HFS+.. but the sparsebundle is not directly readable.. you need to use TM to get the files out of it.. that is possible even with hard disk out of the TC.. if the disk still works. See Pondini http://pondini.org/TM/FAQ.html  Q14-17 on how to get info out of the TM sparsebundle and Q18 on how to move the files.
    5. Yes, we covered that one.
    Basically you have to pull off the rubber peice on the bottom- its a pain- you wind up ripping it off.
    Heat the rubber mat with a heat gun or even just a hair dryer on highest heat lowest fan setting.. heat for a good 5min and then slowly peel.. the glue will all come up with the mat.. keep heating if it catches. I have never ripped one.. (repaired around 100 of them if I heated the mat).
    Best instructions for disassembly here.
    It includes the use of heatgun.

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    I thought I had backed it up on another computer but it turns out I only backed-up the iTunes application, not the files. I won't pay someone a couple grand just to extract my iTunes library. Other than recording all my CDs again (hundreds of them) any other options I should consider? Thanks.

    So the hard drive is bad, but you think you can get some files from it?
    The default itunes setup puts the itunes library database in this folder on Vista
    iTunes Library.itl, it's what holds all the ratings and playcounts, playlists, etc.
    The itunes library content is stored in subfolders in the same place, the itunes folder.
    Sorted by subfolders for artists and then subfolders for albums, this is all the CDs you ripped.
    If you can't get it from the failed hard drive, and it's all on an ipod, there are 3rd-party ipod managers you can buy that will get it off the ipod onto your new PC.
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/copying-music-from-ipod-to-co mputer/P2/

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    From what I have read and am trying to understand, is that I probably shouldn't have used time machine. I need to use the external hard drive like a basic flash drive where I can put things on and get things off without having it automatically update through time machine everytime I connect it to my computer.
    Not tech savvy at all and barely understand basics. I need very simple and easy to understand explanations.

    sydababy wrote:
    and then deleting them off of my computer.
    BIG BIG MISTAKE ..... youre making a linchpin deathtrap for your data trying to shove everything on a single fragile HD.
    Dont suffer the tragedy other people make, buy another or 2 more HD, theyre cheap as dust.
    The number of people who have experienced terror by having a single external HD backup is enormous.  One failure that WILL HAPPEN, and kaput,......all gone!
    Dont do it, its all about redundancy, redundancy, redundancy.
    follow here:
    Methodology to protect your data. Backups vs. Archives. Long-term data protection
    Deleting them off your computer is fine....having only ONE copy is extremely BAD.
    The Tragedy that will be, the tragedy that never should be
    Always presume correctly that your data is priceless and takes a very long time to create and often is irreplaceable. Always presume accurately that hard drives are extremely cheap, and you have no excuse not to have multiple redundant copies of your data copied on hard drives and squirreled away several places, lockboxes, safes, fireboxes, offsite and otherwise.
    Hard drives aren't prone to failure…hard drives are guaranteed to fail (the very same is true of SSD). Hard drives dont die when aged, hard drives die at any age, and peak in death when young and slowly increase in risk as they age.
    Never practice at any time for any reason the false premise and unreal sense of security in thinking your data is safe on any single external hard drive. This is never the case and has proven to be the single most common horrible tragedy of data loss that exists.
    Many 100s of millions of hours of lost work and data are lost each year due to this single common false security. This is an unnatural disaster that can avoid by making all data redundant and then redundant again. If you let a $60 additional redundant hard drive and 3 hours of copying stand between you and years of work, then you've made a fundamental mistake countless 1000s of people each year have come to regret.

  • Had to get new hard drive and need to reinstall iTunes

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    Hi I can't figure out how to post a question of my own, so I'm asking it on this one because it is close to mine.
    I just switched from a Sony Viao to a MBP, and tried to transfer my ITunes library from the Sony to my new MBP using a USB stick. I put all the music in my music library onto the stick, it said that it used 4.99 GB, and when I tried to put the music onto my MBP it only added 1.98 GB.
    I thought that maybe the music it wasn't transferring was the music I purchased on my earlier laptop, but it transfered a few of my movies that I purchased off of ITunes. Please Help?

  • My hard drive removed from a laptop  no photograph files left can I recover them?

    Please HELP with advice someone if you can. I had a white unibody laptop which was snow leopard but upgraded to Lion. A couple months ago my daughter splashed a small amount of water on it whilst it was unplugged when I was working on it. No apparent damage but the battery was low. Later after I forgot about the water splash I (stupidly) unknowinlgly plugged into a power source but it must have 'blew' as it never started up. I may have tried a few times after trying to power up, including holding down power key for a good while but nothing dead.. kaput.
    A few weeks ago I got myself a new laptop, with mavericks on it. But I really needed my data off old laptop, so I took it to a simply fix it  store who do apple repairs, and they took out the hard drive and put it in a case that could be plugged into my new laptop. I got it home and tried it, but it would not open iphoto obviously because, different system/update issue ect. SoI searched to see if i could find the photo files maually but ll I could find were a few files from my documents. Everything that was on the desk top, music and photo files were missing!. I took it back to simply fix it and they said that they searched everywhere and tried booting it up on an older sytem but they could not find any of the files that were missing.
    I am gutted, as all my personal photos of which I never backed up are gone. I really need /want some of these pictures back . Does anyone know what may have happened? The guys at simply fix it said , all they done was removed the hard drive, and encase it. They never moved files or anything. Is it possible they may have been damaged with the water and plug into electric? Or could it have been me trying to start it up after water damage and I ruined part of hard drive.
    The rest of my applications and documents are all ok, its weird just music , desk top, and photo files gone.
    Is it worthpaying for a data recovery which simply fix it will charge me £100?
    Any advice much appreciated. Sorry I cant tell you what sytem my old mac was as I dont have the hard drive with me to find out it was bought in Jan 2011 new white unibody snow leopard.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Again, Well I found Carbon Copy Clone on my old hard drive so I didn't even need to download it. I just dragged it onto my desktop and I did as you said.  Using CCC and within the folder of users which has my folder of old hard drive there now shows a file called.autodiskmounted (whatever that means) and then it has a version of my hard drive below that called hard drive 1, which has nothing, but above both of these folders, there is a folder with an old user name which shows up empty on the hard drive when I search it, but actually shows lots of folders on the CCC. So without getting too excited, it lists some folders and amongst them are folders I cant see normally in the old hard drive, like my safari settings and favourites, and movies music and pictures. However in the movies pictures and music folders I can only see a  blackish square that looks a bit like a blank screen with the text.localised after it .
    Does this mean anything to you / Is there  apossibility they may be there? When I selected my new laptop as the destination i got this message below so I did not proceed any further as I'm not sure it will back up the files I need..
    To avoid system instability, CCC has applied a filter that will exclude system files from the backup task.
    If you would like to restore your Mac OS X system files, restart your computer from the backup volume and try the backup task again.
    If you are trying to restore a single item or folder, click the "?" button for additional suggestions.
    Is it worth giving it a try? Thanks for this btw, its further than I've got before!!

  • Setup problem importing library from external hard drive

    my old iMac died, and I am setting up iPhoto on my new iMac (10.7.2).  I had backed up my iPhoto library to an external hard drive before the old iMac went kaput.  However, when I try to import this library when setting up iPhoto, the Library file itself is inhibited / not selectable. 
    I also tried copying the Library to my Pictures folder on the new iMac, but that is failing (error code -36) about a third of the way through.  That incomplete file, also, is inhibited. 
    appreciate any suggestions on how to confront this problem.  thanks.

    Thanks, Terence. 
    When I held down the command/option keys, it prompted me to select a Library.  This time, I chose the Library resident on the EHD.  iPhoto then indicated it needed to run an upgrade in order to render the library (paraphrasing - I should've written down what it said).  That took about 20 minutes, and then it proceeded to import.  I could see all of my Events, and everything appeared to be good to go.  My plan was going to be to then figure out a way to get the photos individually backed up and then monkey with it some more until I could have the Library resident on the Mac HD and backed up on the EHD.
    However, before I got that far, I noted that many of my Events were empty.  I would see a thumbnail image for it, but clicking in it would indicate that there were zero photos in that Event.  I'm flummoxed. 
    Right now, I am individually exporting the files to newly created sub-folder within Pictures so that I at least have a copy of everything on the new iMac, but that is failing about a third of the way through and yielding an error indicating that the files cannot be copied to users/....  Further, I'm not exactly sure what to make of the empty Events issue.  I read another thread on this that says to close and re-launch iPhoto with Command/Option held down and run the repairs, but someone had written that their empty events vanished when they closed the application.  Should I proceed?
    Thanks again to you both.

  • W510: How to access my data from a functional hard drive after motherboard failure

    I made a mistake and paid the major price .
    That mistake being spilling a sugary drink on my laptop. I know, I know, my keyboard can and protect against damage from spills, but it was an entire glass. Anyway, I panicked and shut the system down and turned it upside down and removed the keyboard. And being the impatient person I am, I made what was probably the ultimate mistake. I didn't give everything adequate amount of time to dry and tried booting the system back up. There went my computer. Or at least I think.
    Symptoms: It started to bootup, kept beeping, then at a certain point just shut down and wouldn't turn back on.
    Anyway, I'm assuming my laptop went kaput. Now to the point of this thread. I had not undergone a recent backup and can't recall when the last backup was actually done. Assuming that my hard drive is ok, I would like to get all of my data so I saw several possible options:
    -send the system to a data recovery service where I'm not going to pay below $300, but probably 2 to 3 times that
    -buy an equivalent model laptop and put the HDD in there
    -by an external SATA hard drive enclosure and attach it via USB to another computer
    I bought an external enclosure and assembled it this evening. I had read about difficulty accessing data with a non-Lenovo system because of data encryption. I proved that out by attaching it to my work laptop (a Dell) and I couldn't access my data directories. If I have access to another Lenovo Thinkpad, will I be able to access the data if connected via USB? I'd read that I can access the hard drive contents if it is connected to another Thinkpad, but I wasn't sure if that means I have to have it interfaced via the SATA connection or if it will still work via USB.
    I'll appreciate any suggestions for accessing my data.
    Best Regards!
    Go to Solution.

    I didn't have a password on the drive itself, but I did have a Windows password.
    Connecting the drive to a Dell via SATA external usb enclosure and attempting to access the data directory gives the below prompt (See image below). I understand that I could click continue and try to gain permanent access, but I haven't attemped yet because I also don't want to permanently mess something up so that I can't access.
    So this was connected to my work computer, which is a Dell. I do have access to another Thinkpad (X200 series tablet) with the same results. I'm concerned that if I do follow the steps to gain permission to the folder that the data will also be encrypted. I read at this Lenovo link http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/research/hints-or-tips/detail.page?&LegacyDocID=MIGR-69621 about full data encryption. I don't recall ever manually setting up encryption.
    Alternatively, could I boot from the old drive using the X200?
    Any help appreciated.
    Thanks again.

  • 2009 imac hard drive data recovery

    Hello, last Friday my imac got stuck on the grey screen/apple logo/spinning gear when I went to restart.
    I attempted a restart because any operation I attempted to perform - clicking a link, typing a word - had serious lag time and I could hear a noise it making it hadn't made before. I hadn't backed up in a while, and there's some stuff on there I'd like to recover. So, here I am a week later...
    Part 1: Entering Target Disk Mode did not work, or my iMac wouldn't mount through firewire as an external drive. So I removed the internal drive and put it into an external enclosure. It mounted on the MacBook and I could see my Documents folder and everything. I initialized a new Lacie 2TB drive so I could copy everything off of the iMac drive. When I went a few folders into the Documents folder to start to copy stuff onto the Lacie, it froze. After a few minutes the iMac drive was no longer mounted and there was a notice that it was not ejected properly. I restarted the drive, but it no longer would mount. This was very frustrating as I was so close to retreiving my data, and then when I was right there it decided to go fully kaput. Disk Utility can see the iMac drive, but can't repair it - just says I should back-up as much data as I can and then reformat it, which is a catch-22 b/c I can't mount the drive to back-up any of the data. Anyways, I am currently running a Diskwarrior rebuild on the drive. It's in Step 5 and has that "speed reduced by disk malfunction" number going up. I've set the MacBook and it's display to never go to sleep - it already did once, but I woke it back up and Diskwarrior seemed to not miss a step and hopefully that didn't cause a problem - but I've read some people saying it's taken days and in some cases weeks for Step 5 to complete. I won't let it run that long without going to sleep, so I'm probably out of luck in getting into that drive.
    My question is, does anyone see anything that I missed or could try differently in the above? Yes, I should have had a current back-up and then I wouldn't be in this position, but here I am. I was so excited when I got the drive to mount that first time in the external enclosure. I'm kicking myself that I should have just dragged and dropped the whole Documents folder onto the new Lacie as soon as I saw it, rather than trying to navigate into sub-folders. Was there anything I could have done to get it to mount again? Should I cancel Diskwarrior and try to mount it on a different computer? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
    Part 2: My currently hard drive-less 2009 iMac... I am unfortunately past the option of getting the HD replaced for free from Apple because of the recall they were doing, so I'd have to purchase a new HD and install. The problem is I've moved recently and I can't for the life of me find the original install disc, nor remember if there ever was one. I have this sinking feeling that if there was one, it got purged in the move by accident.
    My question is, is it possible to even install a new HD in the iMac without the install disk? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    Update. ha!
    Diskwarrior finished doing its thing. I previewed my recovered drive, and voila, there was my old drive. I am currently moving all important folders over to the Lacie. My Documents folder ended up being in the Recovered Folders folder, which I had to search around for, but I found it.
    Lesson. Use Time Machine regularly. If I was, I would have a bootable copy of my computer that I could install to a new HD  in my iMac.

  • Will this hard drive work on a T43?

    My T43 hard drive (Fujitsu MHV2060AH) went kaput.I bought a new one, a 120Gb WD drive, just to find out T43s have a very limited list of hard drives they like. So now I have to return this drive.
    So, I can't find my old hard drive model, but I found a similar one on newegg - Fujitsu MHV2060AT (http://is.gd/rFl8).
    Does anyone know if this hard drive will work on my T43?

    When you said that it will not work with your T43 do you mean that you bought a SATA HDD rather than an IDE? If you have an IDE and you are just getting the ERROR 2010, saying that your HDD is not supported and that you might need to update the firmware or something, you don't have to worry, as it should still work. You will just have to decide whether you can stand the error message everytime you boot. I really doubt you will be able to find the old supported HDDs for the T43.
    T60-2GB RAM-320HDD- XP PRO SP3 || Dell D620-2.5GB RAM-320GB HDD-XP PRO SP3

  • How do I recover my iPhoto library from an external hard drive?

    I have an ancient iMac (2006!) that has housed my photos in iPhoto ever since.  I have the iPhoto library backed up (using Time Machine) on an external hard drive .  Well, my computer has finally given up the ghost and won't turn on.  The repair shop says it's not worth the money to repair it any longer, which I don't doubt.  Before I let them dispose of it, I want to make sure I can move my iPhoto library to my husband's (2013) laptop.  When I click on the iPhoto library that shows on the external hard drive menu, iPhoto opens but tells me that it cannot use a backup library as a main library.  What do I do?  How can I move the backup library onto another device?  OR do I need to retrieve the photos somehow from my kaput desktop computer?

    You can restore the library file from the Time Machine backup to a hard drive. Please visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things Time Machine where you will find out how that is done. Or you can simply copy your iPhoto Library file from the computer's /Home/Pictures/ folder to any external device in order to move it to another computer. Do not forget the preference file(s) located in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder: com.apple.iPhoto.plist. Also, from the same location copy: com.apple.iPhoto.LSSharedFileList.plist if it is there.

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