HashCode() of arrays

I want to put some vectors into a set, so I wrote the following code:
Set<double[]> set = new HashSet<double[]>();
double[] x = new double[] { 1., 2., 3. },
         y = x.clone();
System.out.println(set.size()); // prints "2"The problem is that the standard hashCode() implementation of java arrays does not take into account the array values. That's why the vectors x and y hash differently. My question: How can I change this behaviour? The only way I see would be to encapsulate the array into its own class and override the hashCode() method, e.g. using Arrays.hashCode(double[] x).
I think that's pretty ugly :-( Is there a better way to do this?

Yes, indeed, the Arrays class might be helpful, as I pointed out in my original posting.
I would like to know how to change the default hashCode() for arrays. The Arrays class just gives me one possible way to compute a different hash value, but this function will not be used when I put the array into a HashSet.
For example, when sorting a collection, it is always possible to provide the sort method with a different comparator then the default one. That's what I am looking for here. The only solution I found is the code below. Really ugly. Especially when you have more than one array type, this code needs to be duplicated again and again. You cannot even use Generics because it's an array of primitive types!
It can't be that hard!! I have added some extra duke stars.
Thanks for your time
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class Test {
    private static class DoubleArray {
        double[] x;
        DoubleArray(double[] x) {
            this.x = x;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            final DoubleArray other = (DoubleArray) obj;
            return Arrays.equals(x, other.x);
        public int hashCode() {
            return Arrays.hashCode(x);
    public static void main(String[] ignored) {
        DoubleArray x = new DoubleArray(new double[] { 1., 2., 3. }),
                    y = new DoubleArray(new double[] { 1., 2., 3. });
        Set<DoubleArray> set = new HashSet<DoubleArray>();
        System.out.println(set.size()); // prints "1"

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              this.username = username;
         public String getUsername() {
              return username;
         public void setTradeId(String tradeId) {
              this.tradeId = tradeId;
         public String getTradeId() {
              return tradeId;
         public void setOperationTime(RawDateTime operationTime) {
              this.operationTime = operationTime;
         public RawDateTime getOperationTime() {
              return operationTime;
         public void setSequenceId(int sequenceId) {
              this.sequenceId = sequenceId;
         public int getSequenceId() {
              return sequenceId;
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              this.updateList = updateList;
         public RflxJournaledTrade getUpdateList() {
              return updateList;
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              this.trade = trade;
         public RflxTrade getTrade() {
              return trade;
         public void setVersion(String version) {
              this.version = version;
         public String getVersion() {
              return version;

  • Get value from the array based on the HashCode

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         PrintWriter out=null;
         int rows = 1000;
         int cols = 7;
         int [][] myTable3 = new int[rows][cols];
         int x = 0;
         System.out.print("Running HashJoin:Method loads the "+
         "smaller table in the memory and applies a hashing function "+
         "to common column and stores it in another table. "+
         "The larger table is then read from the file. "+
         "The same hashing function is applied to Col n of the table and a       matching record in the first table is looked up. A match will create a row in Table 3. ");          
    //Apply hashing function to smaller table and store it in the memory.
              Integer[] It2 = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest2 = new int[t2.length];
              Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
              for(int i =0; i <t2.length;i++){
                   It2[i] = new Integer(t2[0]);
                   hashCodest2[i] = It2[i].hashCode();
                   ht.put(new Integer(hashCodest2[i]),It2[i]);
              //Larger table get hashcodes
              Integer It1[] = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest1 = new int[t2.length];          
              for(int j =0; j <t1.length;j++){
                   It1[j] = new Integer(t1[j][4]);
                   hashCodest1[j] = It1[j].hashCode();               }
              //Based on the hashcode get the value from the Table2;
    out = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( "c:\\HashJoinTable.txt" ) );
              Enumeration e = ht.keys();
    //How do I get the value from the array based on the HashCode? Do I need to do a loop here???                         
              }catch(Exception e){}

    ok I got it......
              //Apply hashing function to smaller table and store it in the memory.
              Integer[] It2 = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest2 = new int[t2.length];
              Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
              for(int i =0; i <t2.length;i++){
                   It2[i] = new Integer(t2[0]);
                   hashCodest2[i] = It2[i].hashCode();
                   ht.put(new Integer(hashCodest2[i]),It2[i]);
              //Larger table get hashcodes and compare
              Integer It1[] = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest1 = new int[t2.length];          
              Hashtable ht2 = new Hashtable();
              for(int j =0; j <t1.length;j++){
                   It1[j] = new Integer(t1[j][4]);
                   hashCodest1[j] = It1[j].hashCode();               
                   ht2.put(new Integer(hashCodest1[j]),It1[j]);
              //Based on the hashcode get the value from the Table2;
    out = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( "c:\\HashJoinTable.txt" ) );
              Enumeration e = ht.keys();
              Integer t3[] = new Integer[t2.length];
                        t3[x] = (Integer) ht2.get(e.nextElement());                
              }catch(Exception e){}

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    Thanks for your help,

    JoachimSauer wrote:
    dkleinrath wrote:
    JoachimSauer wrote:
    But again: you don't usually need a perfect hash. Why do you think you need one?I use static HashMaps to store meta information about specific arrays. I also use a HashSet to search for unique arrays in a big collection of arrays.That's ok. Both HashMap and HashSet can work perfectly with in-perfect hash code (obviously, since perfect hash codes are not possible in many situations).
    What they can not handle is .equals() being "wrong" (i.e. inconsistent with hashCode()).
    This means that you can't directly use float[] as keys.
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    Thank you very much for your help.

  • Variable size array in a FlowPane

    If i have an array of variable size (for example a array of cards).
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    public class HandController extends FlowPane implements Initializable{
        @Override public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1){
        public void setHand(ArrayList<Cards> Hand){
            //this would work if the hand were static
            for(int i = 0; i < Hand.size(); ++i){
                FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("CardView.fxml"));
                CardController controller = new CardController();
                Parent card = (Parent)fxmlLoader.load();
    <fx:root type="FlowPane" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"
            <!--should i put something here?-->

    Well, I was bored...
    This "game" has a hand of up to five cards. You can deal from a deck to the hand, and then play (or discard) a card by double-clicking on it.
    The model comprises a Card class, a Deck class, and a GameModel class. The last one tracks the hand and deck and the relationship between them. Card and Deck were written from my memory of reading an example of using Enums by Josh Bloch.
    package cardgame;
    public class Card {
         public enum Rank {
              Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King
         public enum Suit {
              Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades
         private final Rank rank;
         private final Suit suit;
         public Card(Rank rank, Suit suit) {
              this.rank = rank;
              this.suit = suit;
         public Rank getRank() {
              return rank;
         public Suit getSuit() {
              return suit;
         public String toString() {
              return String.format("%s of %s", rank, suit);
         public int hashCode() {
              final int prime = 31;
              int result = 1;
              result = prime * result + ((rank == null) ? 0 : rank.hashCode());
              result = prime * result + ((suit == null) ? 0 : suit.hashCode());
              return result;
         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
              if (this == obj)
                   return true;
              if (obj == null)
                   return false;
              if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                   return false;
              Card other = (Card) obj;
              if (rank != other.rank)
                   return false;
              if (suit != other.suit)
                   return false;
              return true;
    package cardgame;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    import cardgame.Card.Rank;
    import cardgame.Card.Suit;
    public class Deck {
         private final List<Card> cards;
         private Deck() {
              cards = new LinkedList<Card>();
              for (Suit suit : Suit.values())
                   for (Rank rank : Rank.values())
                        cards.add(new Card(rank, suit));
         public static Deck newDeck() {
              return new Deck();
         public static Deck shuffledDeck() {
              return newDeck().shuffle();
         public Deck shuffle() {
              final List<Card> copy = new ArrayList<Card>(cards.size());
              Random rng = new Random();
              while (cards.size() > 0) {
                   int index = rng.nextInt(cards.size());
              return this;
         public Card deal() {
              return cards.remove(0);
         public int size() {
              return cards.size();
    package cardgame;
    import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding;
    import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyBooleanProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    public class GameModel {
         private ObservableList<Card> hand;
         private Deck deck;
         private BooleanProperty canDeal;
         public GameModel() {
              this.hand = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
              this.deck = Deck.newDeck().shuffle();
              this.canDeal = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "canDeal");
              canDeal.bind(new BooleanBinding() {
                   protected boolean computeValue() {
                        return deck.size() > 0 && hand.size() < 5;
         public ObservableList<Card> getHand() {
              return hand;
         public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty canDealProperty() {
              return canDeal;
         public boolean canDeal() {
              return canDeal.get();
         public void deal() throws IllegalStateException {
              if (deck.size() <= 0) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("No cards left to deal");
              if (hand.size() >= 5) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("Hand is full");
         public void playCard(Card card) throws IllegalStateException {
              if (hand.contains(card)) {
              } else {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("Hand does not contain " + card);
    }The CardController is the controller for a CardView. It takes a reference to a Card and its initialize method initializes the view to display it (the view is just a simple label).
    package cardgame;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    public class CardController {
         private final Card card;
         private Label label;
         public CardController(Card card) {
              this.card = card;
         public void initialize() {
              label.setText(String.format("%s%nof%n%s", card.getRank(),
    }The HandController is the controller for the display of the hand. This is where most of the action happens. The trick here is that it requires a reference to a GameModel, which needs to be injected from somewhere, so we need a setModel(...) method, or something similar. I didn't want to assume the order of events: i.e. whether the model is injected before or after the initialize() method is invoked. To keep this flexibility, I used an ObjectProperty to wrap the model, and listen for changes to it. When the model is updated, I register a listener with the hand (exposed by the model). This listener in turn rebuilds the views of the cards when the hand changes. There's also a "deal" button, whose disabled state is managed by binding to a property in the model (using a neat trick from the Bindings class to allow the model value to be dynamic).
    package cardgame;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
    import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
    public class HandController {
         private ObjectProperty<GameModel> model;
         private Pane container;
         private Button dealButton;
         public HandController() {
              this.model = new SimpleObjectProperty<GameModel>(this, "model", null);
              final ListChangeListener<Card> handListener = new ListChangeListener<Card>() {
                   public void onChanged(Change<? extends Card> change) {
                        try {
                             for (Card card : model.get().getHand()) {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
              model.addListener(new ChangeListener<GameModel>() {
                   public void changed(
                             ObservableValue<? extends GameModel> observable,
                             GameModel oldValue, GameModel newValue) {
                        if (oldValue != null) {
                        if (newValue != null) {
         public void setModel(GameModel model) {
         public void initialize() {
                        Bindings.selectBoolean(model, "canDeal").not());
         private Node loadCardView(final Card card) throws IOException {
              FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(
              CardController controller = new CardController(card);
              Node cardView = (Node) loader.load();
              cardView.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                   public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                        if (event.getClickCount() == 2) {
              return cardView;
         public void dealCard() {
    }Here are the FXML files:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
    <?import java.lang.String?>
    <StackPane xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" prefHeight="150" prefWidth="80" minWidth="80" maxWidth="80" minHeight="150" maxHeight="150">
         <Label fx:id="label" >
              <String fx:value="card"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane?>
    <?import java.lang.String?>
    <BorderPane xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" fx:controller="cardgame.HandController" >
              <FlowPane hgap="5" vgap="10" fx:id="container">
              <Button text="Deal" onAction="#dealCard" fx:id="dealButton"/>
    </BorderPane>The overall application is managed by a Game.fxml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>
    <BorderPane xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" fx:controller="cardgame.GameController">
              <fx:include source="Hand.fxml" fx:id="hand" />
    </BorderPane>with a GameController:
    package cardgame;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    public class GameController {
         @FXML private HandController handController ;
         private GameModel model ;
         public GameController() {
              model = new GameModel();
         public void initialize() {
    }Game.java is the main class:
    package cardgame;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
    import javafx.scene.Parent;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class Game extends Application {
         public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
              Scene scene = new Scene(FXMLLoader.<Parent>load(getClass().getResource("Game.fxml")), 600, 400, Color.DARKGREEN);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    }and then a style sheet
    .card {
         -fx-background-color: white ;
         -fx-border-color: black ;
         -fx-border-radius: 5 ;
         -fx-border-style: solid ;
         -fx-padding: 5 ;
    .card .label {
         -fx-text-alignment: center ;

  • Generating unique hascodes based on arrays

    Hi, I have a problem that I'm looking to solve but perhaps I'm getting it more complicated than really is.
    So, I have an object (BlaBla) that contains an array of bytes. BlaBla objects are stored in a hashtable. So, I need that the hashtable returns an object when they have the same array content (if they are in the same order).
    For example, two BlaBlas with the following arrays:
    [2, 3]
    [3, 2]are different, but the following BlaBlas are supposed to be treated as the same:
    [0,0,0,3]Basically, I want to count the occurences of the same sequences of bytes of BlaBlas in my Hashtable<BlaBla, Integer>.
    My approach is trying to write a hashCode() for BlaBla that returns an unique code for each different array but the same code for equal arrays, but with no success.
    Would you, Java gurus :P, suggest a more efficient approach ?
    Thanks you.
    Edited by: crp on Jan 26, 2009 6:32 PM

    crp wrote:
    My approach is trying to write a hashCode() for BlaBla that returns an unique code for each different array That's only possible if the number of possible arrays is <= 2^32.
    If your array will always hold exactly one int, then the hashcode is the int.
    If your array can hold one or two ints, but you constrain each int to only 2^16 possible values, then you can put one int in the high order two bytes, and the other in the low order two bytes.
    And so on. If you know enough about your possible values, it may be possible to set up your hashcode to be unique, but it can very easily become impractical.
    Hashcodes are not intended to be unique.

  • Trying to understand hashCode( )

    Hello again, I'm trying to understand the hashCode( ) method. I have a textbook which describes it this way:
    "A hashcode is a value that uniquely identifies an individual object. For example, you could use the memory address of an object as it's hashcode if you wanted. It's used as a key in the standard java.util.Hashtable[i] class."
    Please forgive me if this emplies that I may be a bit slow with this, but this explanation is too vague for me to grasph what's going on here. Can someone thoroughly explain (in a non scientific way), how and why this method is used?
    Thanks in advance.

    I thought the examples I provided might give you an idea why the hashCode method is useful. I'll try one more brief one, and if that doesn't connect that spare wire to the light bulb over your head, then I'll have to agree with schapel and suggest that you study up on your CS theory.
    This will be a really crocked up example, and you could skirt some of the issues with better design, but it's a valid example nonetheless.
    You run a greenhouse or an arboretum or something. You've got 25,000 Tree objects (forget their subclasses for now). Trees have properties like species, name (I don't know why you'd name a tree--just bear with me), location, age, medical history. You're going to put your Trees into a java.util.Set, so you've got a collection with one reference to each tree. However, you're getting overlapping subsets of your trees from various sources--that is getAllElms() returns some trees that are also in getAllOlderThan(10). You need to combine all those results into a 1-each collection of Trees.
    When you go to add an Object to the Set, the Set has to first check if that Object is already present. The Set implementation could iterate over all its elements and call equals() to see if that Object is already there. Or, it could first get the hashCode (let's say you've implemented hashCode to return the xor of the species and the age). So, maybe 100 out of your 25,000 trees are 50 yeard old Elms. Internally, if the Set implementation keeps a mapping from hashCode to an array of Trees with that hashcode, then it only has to copmare to those 100 trees that match, rather than all 25,000.
    As I said, this is a cheezy example. One problem is that if trees are mutable, this Set implementation won't work, since the Set won't know that a Tree's internal values (and hence, possibly, its hashCode) have changed.
    Is is making any sense yet?
    Okay so please help me understand this rudimentary,
    logical reason for wanting to use a hashCode( )? Say
    I create a top level class called "Plant.java". Now
    from that class I create a subclass called Tree.java
    from which several other subclasses and objects are
    created. Help me gain a basic understanding of why
    and how the hashCode( ) method might be beneficial.
    (lol... I feel sort of like I've opened up a cool new
    electronic toy, I'm standing here with a "spare wire
    in my hand wondering what the heck this part is
    Thanks again for your help. I really apprecitate it.

  • Using arrays in JAVA

    Hi Guys,
    I always had a few problems using arrays and now I need to use them and I am stuck.
    on my program i need to create an array of int with the numbers 1 to 1000 in it for this I have done:
    int[ ] array;
    on the class constructor
    array = new int[1000];
    to fill the array:
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
         array[i] = i;
    The problem is that I always get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error.
    I know how to solve it which is to create an array with 1001 elements but is there a more elegant way of creating the array or this is the way to do it?
    To put my question in another way if any of you Guys was creating this program which way would you do it.
    Best regards

    Sloppy of me. This is a bit better:
    package cruft;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    * A class for a one-based array of ints.
    public class OneBasedIntArray
       private int [] values;
       public static void main(String[] args)
          int [] values = new int[args.length];
          for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
             values[i] = Integer.parseInt(args);
    OneBasedIntArray intArray = new OneBasedIntArray(values);
    public OneBasedIntArray(int[] values)
    this.values = new int[values.length];
    System.arraycopy(values, 0, this.values, 0, values.length);
    public int getValue(int index)
    if (index <= 0)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("this array is one-based");
    return values[index-1];
    public void setValue(int index, int value)
    if (index <= 0)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("this array is one-based");
    this.values[index-1] = value;
    public boolean equals(Object o)
    if (this == o)
    return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
    return false;
    OneBasedIntArray intArray = (OneBasedIntArray) o;
    if (!Arrays.equals(values, intArray.values))
    return false;
    return true;
    public int hashCode()
    return (values != null ? Arrays.hashCode(values) : 0);
    public String toString()
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
    return builder.toString();

  • Arrays.sort() issue when Numbers are a string!

    Hey guys -- here is my problem.
    I am working on a TOP TEN SCORES mechanism for a trivia game. I have read in the score and the players name from a file. SO I have 2 different arrays topScores[] and topNames[] ---
    Now if someone plays the game and has a higher score than the lowest score, they get to put their score and name in the file and replace the low score.
    HOWEVER -- I do not know how to sort topSCORES[] and then make whatever sorted changes apply also to the topNAMES[] array.
    SO I thought - HEY I will concatenate the topScores and topNames into a single String array. And then SORT! This sounded like a great idea until I realized that the following will happen:
    100 tvance (first one)
    1000 dvance (second score)
    250 danderson (third score) !!!
    See my problem? When I sort this way - it is sorting alphabetically so it will put a 1000 score before a 200-900 score! ---
    **I hope I explained this adequately -- can someone help? Is there a way to sort the topScores array and have it also change the order of the topNames array as well?

    Create a new class - HighScore, which has a highScore and a name?Yup. This technique even has a name: object-oriented programming!
    import java.util.*;
    public final class HighScore implements Comparable<HighScore> {
        private final int score;
        private final String name;
        public HighScore(int score, String name) {
            if (name == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();
            this.score = score;
            this.name = name;
        public int getScore() {
            return score;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int compareTo(HighScore that) {
            if (this.score < that.score)
                return -1;
            else if (this.score > that.score)
                return +1;
                return this.name.compareTo(that.name);
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            else if (obj instanceof HighScore) {
                HighScore that = (HighScore) obj;
                return this.score == that.score && this.name == that.name;
            } else
                return false;
        public int hashCode() {
            return score ^ name.hashCode();
        public String toString() {
            return score + " " + name;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            HighScore[] top = {
                new HighScore(250, "danderson"),
                new HighScore(1000, "dvance"),
                new HighScore(100, "dvance")
            for(int i=0; i<top.length; ++i) {
    If you are using an older version of Java (1.4 or earlier), the generics won't be
    recognized. In that case the class definition would begin:
    public final class HighScore implements Comparable {And the compareTo method would begin:
    public int compareTo(Object obj) {
        HighScore that = (HighScore) obj;Good luck!

  • A suggestion : use "loop array list" instead of ArrayList / LinkedList

    ArrayList is good at:
    get / set by index : O(1)
    appending : O(log(n))
    remove last : O(1)
    and very bad at:
    add middle : O(n)
    remove from middle : O(n)
    LinkedList is good at:
    fast remove from middle, if your iteraror already goes there : O(1)
    convenient methods : addFirst, addLast, removeFirst, removeLast : O(1)
    and very bad at :
    get / set by index : O(n)
    here I want to make a suggestion : use "loop array list" instead of the ArrayList and LinkedList.
    a "loop array list" is based on array, just like ArrayList. But it has 2 member-variables : the start position, and the real size. the start position can be anywhere within array.length. an element of index "i" is stored in array[ start + i ], and when (start + i > array.length), loop to the beginning of the array; when (start + i < 0), loop to the end of the array.
    this "loop array list" has all the good sides:
    get / set by index : O(1)
    add first / last : O(log(n))
    remove first / last : O(log(n))
    add / remove from middle : O(n)
    (note : because we shrink the backup-array when the real size is too small, add / remove operation take O(log(n)) now.)
    the only problem is : add / remove from middle. let's take a look at it.
    1. the LinkedList does NOT really add/remove from middle in O(1), you has to locate the element, which is O(n).
    2. O(n) is acceptable, O(n^2) is not acceptable. try this : keep removing first element from an very big ArrayList ( size>10^6 ) until it's empty.
    the fact is, any list can perform batch-remove / batch-add operation in O(n) instead of O(n^2). it's easy : allocate a new list, iterate the original list, copy the element into the new list if condition is satisfied.
    so, instead of "remove from middle", what we need is a new methods : removeAllByCondition( Condition condition ), and now the batch-remove operation can be done in O(n)
    here is an implementation of mine. I've tested it on my computer( 512mem + 2G cpu, win2k + jdk1.5 ), it's amazing, just a little slower then ArrayList when add last, and a liitle slower then LinkedList when batch-remove. in all other cases, it's far more better then those 2 kinds of List.
    // source code : List2
    import java.util.AbstractList;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Set;
    public final class List2<T> extends AbstractList<T> {
    private static int initialArrayLength = 4;
    private T[] array;
    private int start;
    private int size;
    private void init( T[] newArray, int start_a, int size_a ) {
    array = newArray;
    start = start_a;
    size = size_a;
    private void init() {
    init( (T[]) new Object[ initialArrayLength ], 0, 0 );
    public List2() {
    public List2( Collection<? extends T> collection ) {
              collection.toArray( (T[]) new Object[ collection.size() * 11 / 10 + 1 ] ),
    private List2( T[] array_a, int start_a, int size_a ) {
         init( array_a, start_a, size_a );
    public static <TT> List2<TT> createV( TT... elements ) {
         TT[] array = (TT[]) new Object[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         System.arraycopy( elements, 0, array, 0, elements.length );
         return new List2<TT>( array, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Double> create( double... elements ) {
         Double[] array = new Double[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=0; i < elements.length; i++ )
              array[i] = elements;
         return new List2<Double>( array, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Integer> create( int... elements ) {
         Integer[] array2 = new Integer[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=0; i < elements.length; i++ )
              array2[i] = elements[i];
         return new List2<Integer>( array2, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Character> create( char... elements ) {
         Character[] array2 = new Character[ elements.length * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=0; i < elements.length; i++ )
              array2[i] = elements[i];
         return new List2<Character>( array2, 0, elements.length );
    public static List2<Character> create( String s ) {
         return create( s.toCharArray() );
    public List2<T> clone() {
         return new List2<T>( this );
    // basic
    public int size() {
         return size;
    private int index( int index ) {
         int i = start + index;
         if( i >= array.length )
              i -= array.length;
         return i;
    public T get( int d ) {
         if( d < 0 || d >= size )
              throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
         if( size == 0 )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
         return array[ index( d ) ];
    public T set( int index, T element ) {
         if( index < 0 || index >= size )
              throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
         int i = index( index );
         T oldElement = array[i];
         array[i] = element;
         return oldElement;
    private void copyAndSetToNewArray( int newArrayLength ) {
         T[] newArray = (T[]) new Object[ newArrayLength ];
         for( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
              newArray[i] = array[ index( i ) ];
         init( newArray, 0, size );
    public void addFirst( T element ) {
         if( size == array.length )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 3 / 2 + 1 );
         int i = index( array.length - 1 );
         array[ i ] = element;
         start = i;
    public void addLast( T element ) {
         if( size == array.length )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 3 / 2 + 1 );
         array[ index( size ) ] = element;
    public T removeFirst() {
         if( size == 0 )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
         T oldElement = array[ start ];
         array[ start ] = null;
         start = index( 1 );
         if( array.length > size * 2 + 1 )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 11 / 10 + 1 );
         return oldElement;
    public T removeLast() {
         if( size == 0 )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
         int i = index( size - 1 );
         T oldElement = array[i];
         array[i] = null;
         if( array.length > size * 2 + 1 )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 11 / 10 + 1 );
         return oldElement;
    public int removeAll( ListCondition<T> condition ) {
         T[] newArray = (T[]) new Object[ array.length ];
         int iNew = 0;
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ ) {
              T element = get( i );
              if( ! condition.isConditionSatisfied( this, i, element ) )
                   newArray[ iNew++ ] = element;
         int oldSize = size;
         init( newArray, 0, iNew );
         if( array.length > size * 2 + 1 )
              copyAndSetToNewArray( size * 11 / 10 + 1 );
         return size - oldSize;
    // aux
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
         if( obj == this )
         return true;
         if( obj instanceof List2 ) {
              List2 that = (List2) obj;
              if( this.size != that.size )
                   return false;
              for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
                   if( ! Tools.equals( this.array[ this.index(i) ], that.array[ that.index(i) ] ) )
                        return false;
              return true;
         if( obj instanceof List ) {
              List that = (List) obj;
              if( this.size != that.size() )
                   return false;
              Iterator thatIter = that.iterator();
              for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
                   if( ! Tools.equals( this.array[ this.index(i) ], thatIter.next() ) )
                        return false;
              return true;
         return true;
    public int hashCode() {
         int hashCode = 1;
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ ) {
              T element = array[ index( i ) ];
         hashCode = 31*hashCode + ( element==null ? 0 : element.hashCode() );
         return hashCode;
    public boolean isEmpty() {
         return size == 0;
    public T getFirst() {
         return get( 0 );
    public T getLast() {
         return get( size() - 1 );
    public T getRandom() {
         return get( (int) (Math.random() * size) );
    public int indexOf( Object element ) {
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
              if( Tools.equals( array[ index( i ) ], element ) )
                   return i;
         return -1;
    public int lastIndexOf( Object element ) {
         for( int i=size-1; i >= 0; i-- )
              if( Tools.equals( array[ index( i ) ], element ) )
                   return i;
         return -1;
    public boolean contains( Object element ) {
         return indexOf( element ) != -1;
    public boolean add( T element ) {
         addLast( element );
         return true;
    public void add( int index, T element ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    public T remove() {
         return removeFirst();
    public boolean remove( Object element ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "use removeAll( Condition ) instead" );
    public T remove( int index ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "use removeAll( Condition ) instead" );
    public void clear() {
    public Object[] toArray() {
         Object[] result = new Object[ size ];
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
         result[i] = array[ index( i ) ];
         return result;
    public <TT> TT[] toArray( TT[] a ) {
    if( a.length < size )
    a = (TT[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( a.getClass().getComponentType(), size );
    for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
    a[i] = (TT) array[ index( i ) ];
    if( a.length > size )
         a[size] = null;
    return a;
    public void sort() {
         Object[] a = toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a );
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
              array[ i ] = (T) a[ i ];
         start = 0;
    public void sortDesc() {
         Object[] a = toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a );
         for( int i=0, j=size-1; i < size; i++, j-- )
              array[ i ] = (T) a[ j ];
         start = 0;
    public void sort( Comparator<T> comparator ) {
         T[] a = (T[]) toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a, comparator );
         for( int i=0; i < size; i++ )
              array[ i ] = a[ i ];
         start = 0;
    public void sortDesc( Comparator<T> comparator ) {
         T[] a = (T[]) toArray();
         Arrays.sort( a, comparator );
         for( int i=0, j=size-1; i < size; i++, j-- )
              array[ i ] = a[ j ];
         start = 0;
    public String toString( String delimiter ) {
         return toString( "", delimiter, "", size() );
    public String toString( String prefix, String delimiter, String suffix, int max ) {
         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer( prefix );
         int dest = Math.min( max, size );
         for( int i=0; i < dest; i++ ) {
              stringBuffer.append( get(i) );
              if( i < dest - 1 )
                   stringBuffer.append( delimiter );
         if( size > max )
              stringBuffer.append( "...(" ).append( size() - max ).append( " more)" );
         stringBuffer.append( suffix );
         return stringBuffer.toString();
    // batch operation
    public boolean containsAll( Collection<?> that ) {
         Set<Object> thisSet = new HashSet<Object>( this );
         for( Object element : that )
              if( ! thisSet.contains( element ) )
                   return false;
         return true;
    public List2<T> subList( int fromIndex, int toIndex ) {
         if( fromIndex < 0 || toIndex > size || toIndex < fromIndex )
              throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
         int newSize = toIndex - fromIndex;
         T[] newArray = (T[]) new Object[ newSize * 11 / 10 + 1 ];
         for( int i=fromIndex, iNew=0; i < toIndex; i++, iNew++ )
              newArray[ iNew ] = array[ index( i ) ];
         return new List2<T>( newArray, 0, newSize );
    public void addV( T... that ) {
         for( T element : that )
              addLast( element );
    public boolean addAll( Collection<? extends T> that ) {
         for( T element : that )
              addLast( element );
         return ! that.isEmpty();
    public boolean addAll( int index, Collection<? extends T> c ) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    public void removeRest( T element ) {
         int position = lastIndexOf( element );
         if( position == -1 )
         while( ! Tools.equals( element, removeLast() ) );
    public void removeAllEquals( final T element ) {
         removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T currentElement) {
              return currentElement.equals( element );
    public void removeAllBetween( final T from, final T to ) {
         removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() {
              public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T element) {
                   if( from != null && ((Comparable) from).compareTo( element ) > 0 )
                        return false;
                   if( to != null && ((Comparable) to).compareTo( element ) <= 0 )
                        return false;
                   return true;
    public boolean retainAll( Collection<?> that ) {
         final Set<Object> thatSet = new HashSet<Object>( that );
         int removeCount = removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T element) {
              return ! thatSet.contains( element );
         return removeCount > 0;
    public boolean removeAll( Collection<?> that ) {
         final Set<Object> thatSet = new HashSet<Object>( that );
         int removeCount = removeAll( new ListCondition<T>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, T element) {
              return thatSet.contains( element );
         return removeCount > 0;
    // unit test
    private static int maxTestCount = 1000 * 1000;
    public static void unitTest() throws Exception {
         // thest thoese methods for one time
         Tools.ensureEquals( new List2(), new ArrayList() );
         Tools.ensureNotEquals( List2.create( "abcde" ), new ArrayList() );
         Tools.ensureNotEquals( List2.create( "abcde" ), List2.create( "abcdef" ) );
         final List<Double> list1 = new ArrayList<Double>();
         final List2<Double> list2 = new List2<Double>();
         Runnable[] tasks = new Runnable[] {
              // test those methods that do NOT change the list
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Tools.ensureEquals( new List2<Double>( list1 ), list1 );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( List2.createV( list1.toArray() ), list1 );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( List2.createV( list1.toArray( new Double[0] ) ), list1 );
                   double[] doubles = new double[ list1.size() ];
                   int i = 0;
                   for( double d : list1 )
                        doubles[i++] = d;
                   Tools.ensureEquals( List2.create( doubles ), list1 );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.isEmpty() == list2.isEmpty() );
                   Arrays.equals( list1.toArray(), list2.toArray() );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2.clone() );
                   Double notExistElement = -2.0;
                   Tools.ensure( list1.indexOf( notExistElement ) == -1 );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.lastIndexOf( notExistElement ) == -1 );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.contains( notExistElement ) == false );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.toString(), list2.toString() );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.toString(), list2.toString() );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.hashCode(), list2.hashCode() );
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.get(0).equals( list2.getFirst() ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.get(list1.size()-1).equals( list2.getLast() ) );
                   Double existRandomElement = list2.getRandom();
                   Tools.ensure( list1.contains( existRandomElement ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list2.contains( existRandomElement ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.indexOf( existRandomElement ) == list2.indexOf( existRandomElement ) );
                   Tools.ensure( list1.indexOf( existRandomElement ) == list2.indexOf( existRandomElement ) );
                   int from = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   int to = (int) (Math.random() * (list1.size()+1));
                   if( from > to ) {
                        int t = from;
                        from = to;
                        to = t;
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1.subList( from, to ), list2.subList( from, to ) );
              // test those methods that change the list
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int i = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.set( i, d );
                   list2.set( i, d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int i = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   Tools.ensure( list1.get( i ).equals( list2.get( i ) ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( 0, d );
                   list2.addFirst( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( d );
                   list2.addLast( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( d );
                   list2.addLast( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.remove( 0 ).equals( list2.removeFirst() ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.remove( list1.size() - 1 ).equals( list2.removeLast() ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int i = 0;
                   for( Iterator<Double> iter=list1.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++ ) {
                        if( i % 3 == 0 )
                   list2.removeAll( new ListCondition<Double>() { public boolean isConditionSatisfied(List2 list, int index, Double element) {
                        return index % 3 == 0;
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   double d = Math.random();
                   list1.add( d );
                   list2.add( d );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   Tools.ensure( list1.remove(0).equals( list2.remove() ) );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   if( list1.isEmpty() )
                   int r = (int) (Math.random() * list1.size());
                   Double element = list1.get( r );
                   int index = list1.lastIndexOf( element );
                   for( int i=list1.size()-1; i>=index; i-- )
                        list1.remove( i );
                   list2.removeRest( element );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   list2.removeRest( Math.random() - 2 );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Collections.sort( list1 );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Collections.sort( list1 );
                   Collections.reverse( list1 );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Comparator<Double> comparator = new Comparator<Double>() { public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) {
                        return o1.toString().substring(2).compareTo( o2.toString().substring(2) );
                   Collections.sort( list1, comparator );
                   list2.sort( comparator );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Comparator<Double> comparator = new Comparator<Double>() { public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) {
                        return o1.toString().substring(2).compareTo( o2.toString().substring(2) );
                   Collections.sort( list1, comparator );
                   Collections.reverse( list1 );
                   list2.sortDesc( comparator );
              new Runnable() { public void run() {
                   Double notExistElement = -2.0;
                   list2.removeAllEquals( notExistElement );
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2 );
                   list2.removeAllBetween( 0.5, 0.6 );
                   for( Iterator<Double> iter=list1.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                        double d = iter.next();
                        if( d >= 0.5 && d < 0.6 )
                   Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2 );
         System.out.print( "test List2 " );
         for( int i=0; i < maxTestCount; i++ ) {
              tasks[ (int) (Math.random() * tasks.length) ].run();
              Tools.ensureEquals( list1, list2 );
              if( i % (maxTestCount/10) == 0 )
                   System.out.print( "." );
         System.out.println( " ok" );
    // source code : ListCondition
    public interface ListCondition<T> {
    boolean isConditionSatisfied( List2 list, int index, T element );

    I have the following statement:
    private List list = new ArrayList();
    why not use private ArrayList list = new
    I know ArrayList implements List, so list has a wide
    scope, right? What's the benefit?
    JieBy using the interface you are not tied to a specific implementation.
    Later, you may determine that using a LinkedList is more efficient to your specific code and then all you need to do is change the statement to:
    private List list = new LinkedList();As long as you are not casting the list reference to ArrayList (or something along those lines) you would not need to change anything else.

  • Quickie - How to create a ArrayList Array?

    I hope this has a quick answer. What I'm trying to do is create an Array of ArrayList objects to replace a ragged array I had for strings. Basically the length of each 'row' of the array can be variable and I want to take advantage of ArrayLists features. So I created ArrayList
    as below:
    ArrayList[] headerInfo = new ArrayList[3];
    headerInfo[0] = new ArrayList<String>();  
    headerInfo[0].add("aString");If I iterate through each arrayList using a for each loop, will the order be preserved? Or is there a better way to achieve a 'variable length' ragged array?

    Also, if you end up having to keep a large number of empty spaces in your lists/arrays (so that the "x" and "y" line up with the object you are trying to represent), you can try a Map to reduce the overall memory needed (because you won't need to keep a space for "x,y" pairs that don't have a corresponding value). Your key can be a String generated as:
    String key = x + "," + y;Then your map could be:
    Map<String, String> myStrings = new HashMap<String, String>();The getString method would be:
    return myStrings.get(x+","+y);or the key could be a simple class:
    [For a HashMap, you need hashCode--maybe add the hashCode provided by Integer class for x to the hashCode provided by Integer class for y--I don't know a lot about implementing hashCodes, but that sounds possibly reasonable.]
    class Pair {
       private final int x;
       private final int y;
       Pair(int x, int y) {
          // set values
       // define "equals" (x == other.x, y == other.y)
       // define "hashCode"
       // define "toString" for debugging purposes
    Map<Pair, String> myStrings = new HashMap<Pair, String>();The getString method would be:
    return myStrings.get(new Pair(x, y));For mathematics, if the 2-d array was a numerical matrix, this HashMap would implement what is called a "sparse matrix".
    The map doesn't change your other classes. The other classes would still call:
    String myString = someClass.getString(2, 4);

  • Selecting one dimension of a two dimension array?

    hi, i want to select only one dimension of an array and put it into an arraylist (or casting the array verbatim into the arraylist)
    for example, here is an two dimension array:
    Object[][] data =
         {  { new Date(), "A", new Integer(1), Boolean.TRUE },
         { new Date(), "B", new Integer(2), Boolean.FALSE },
         { new Date(), "C", new Integer(9), Boolean.TRUE },
         { new Date(), "D", new Integer(4), Boolean.FALSE}
         };and i want to cast it into an arraylist, what i have in mind (a bit troublesome is the following:)
    ArrayList dataArray = new ArrayList();
    System.out.println(dataArray);when come upon the last System.out.println, i got some seemly useless addresses:
    [[Ljava.lang.Object;@f73c1, [Ljava.lang.Object;@789144, [Ljava.lang.Object;@1893efe, [Ljava.lang.Object;@186c6b2]
    how do you accomplish casting a two dimension array into an arraylist, but the second dimension of the arraylist is kept as Array of Objects? thanks alot!

    First, the strings that are printed out are the value of the hashcode for the specific object. That is the default value that is printed out for any object reference in a class that inherits the toString() method from the Object class. This is true for arrays. Your ArrayList contains array references in it..
    So, you are printing the object hashcodes for the arrays in your ArrayList, instead of the contents of those arrays. It would be better if you created ArrayLists, or even designed an object that stores your data, and stored those inside your ArrayList. ArrayList has an overwritten toString() method that will print the contents instead of the object hashcode, so an ArrayList containing ArrayLists would print your data the way you want. If you define your own class, you will need to provide a toString() method that prints the contents the way you want.
    PS, look at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/AbstractCollection.html#toString() for more information on the toString() method used by ArrayList.
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  • Char array conversion from String: toCharArray()

    Can anyone tell me why this code:
    import com.wuw.debug.Trace;
    class charTest
       public static void
       main( String[] args )
           String strIn = new String( "strIn" );
           Trace.DTRACE( "strIn: "+strIn );
           Trace.DTRACE( "strOut: "+strIn.toCharArray() );
    }produces this output:
    [DTRACE]: strIn: strIn
    [DTRACE]: strOut: [C@1fef6f
    and not:
    [DTRACE]: strIn: strIn
    [DTRACE]: strOut: strIn

    String.toCharArray returns an array of chars.
    An array is basically an object in java.
    Objects are converted to strings with the method toString - if it's not implemented in your class the string that method returns will be of the form classname@hashcode.
    In the case of a char array, the name of the class is "[C". The hashcode of you object seems to be "1fef6f" (in hex).
    You'll just have to remember that an array of chars is [i]not a string in java.

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