Char array conversion from String: toCharArray()

Can anyone tell me why this code:
import com.wuw.debug.Trace;
class charTest
   public static void
   main( String[] args )
       String strIn = new String( "strIn" );
       Trace.DTRACE( "strIn: "+strIn );
       Trace.DTRACE( "strOut: "+strIn.toCharArray() );
}produces this output:
[DTRACE]: strIn: strIn
[DTRACE]: strOut: [C@1fef6f
and not:
[DTRACE]: strIn: strIn
[DTRACE]: strOut: strIn

String.toCharArray returns an array of chars.
An array is basically an object in java.
Objects are converted to strings with the method toString - if it's not implemented in your class the string that method returns will be of the form classname@hashcode.
In the case of a char array, the name of the class is "[C". The hashcode of you object seems to be "1fef6f" (in hex).
You'll just have to remember that an array of chars is [i]not a string in java.

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    Any reason why you aren't using NSString in place of char?
    char *myName = "Apple.txt";
    NSString *myName = @"Apple.txt";

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    Hi Jmcmullen,
         Found one more issue on the same. I have one value like "00000000" for the column(EmpHiredate)
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    =IIF(Fields!EmpHireDate.Value = "00000000","2000/10/21",Format(CDATE(MID(Fields!EmpHireDate.Value,1,4) + "/" + MID(Fields!EmpHireDate.Value,5,2) + "/" + MID(Fields!EmpHireDate.Value,7,2)),"dd/MM/yyyy"))
    Please Suggest. 
    Thanks ,

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    Hi Michael,
    for the poor performances you have to check the guides about performance on bpc if you have scheduled regurarly optimize during day and night (just verify that never factwb reach 50.000 and fac2 500.000 records) maybe you need to change some parameter on the server as MaxThreads.
    For the conversion string error on admin console see please this note 1803092 - Set application set status error

  • Please help me with my code (has conversion from string to int)

    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    public class Test3 extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
    {   Form mForm;
        Command mCommandQuit;
        Command mCommandItem;
        TextField input,prime1,prime2,prime3,output;
        Display mDisplay;
        int i,j=0,k1,k2,p,q,b;
        //int [] current=new int [1000];
        String mstring,a="";
        String [] temp=new String [1000];
        public void startApp()
         mForm=new Form("RSA Encryption");
         mCommandQuit=new Command("QUIT",Command.EXIT,0);
         mCommandItem=new Command("ENCRYPT",Command.ITEM,0);
         mForm.append("Enter text:\n");
         input=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.ANY);
         mForm.append("Enter first prime number(p):\n");
         prime1=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.ANY);
         mForm.append("Enter second prime number(q):\n");
         prime2=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.ANY);
         mForm.append("Enter d:\n");
         prime3=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.ANY);
        public void pauseApp()
        public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
        public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)
         else if(c==mCommandItem)
         {p = Integer.parseInt(prime1.getString());
             q = Integer.parseInt(prime2.getString());
             b = Integer.parseInt(prime3.getString());
             //breaking up of big string into ints
                {if (mstring.charAt(i) == ' ')
             mForm.append("\n\nThe array is:\n");
             for(i=0;i<temp.length && temp!=null;i++)
    {k1=Integer.parseInt(temp[i]); ***********************
    k1=k1 %(p*q);
    k2=k1 %(p*q);
    a=a+new Character((char)k2).toString();
    output=new TextField(null,a,100, TextField.ANY);
    this code basically takes an input of string like " 179 84 48 48 155 " (with spaces)
    then it creates smaller strings in an array like "179","84","48","48","155" without the spaces
    then it creates int values 179,84,48,48,155 and finally after some math functions it prints the corresponding letters.
    the problem is that it is not printing the letter because of some exceptions-->java.lang.NumberFormatException .it comes in the line where i have put stars
    could anybody please help me print the letters                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    thanks for all ur help guys, but me and my team member solved it on our own. here is the new code:
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    public class Test3 extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
    {   Form mForm;
        Command mCommandQuit;
        Command mCommandItem;
        TextField input,prime1,prime2,prime3,output;
        Display mDisplay;
        int i,j=0,l,k1,k2,p,q,n,b;
        String mstring,a = "";
        String [] temp=new String [1000];
        public void startApp()
         mForm=new Form("RSA Encryption");
         mCommandQuit=new Command("QUIT",Command.EXIT,0);
         mCommandItem=new Command("DECRYPT",Command.ITEM,0);
         mForm.append("Enter text:\n");
         input=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.ANY);
         mForm.append("Enter first prime number(p):\n");
         prime1=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.NUMERIC);
         mForm.append("Enter second prime number(q):\n");
         prime2=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.NUMERIC);
         mForm.append("Enter d:\n");
         prime3=new TextField(null,"",100, TextField.NUMERIC);
        public void pauseApp()
        public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
        public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)
         else if(c==mCommandItem)
         {p = Integer.parseInt(prime1.getString());
             q = Integer.parseInt(prime2.getString());
             b = Integer.parseInt(prime3.getString());
             //breaking up of big string into ints
                {if (mstring.charAt(i) == ' ')
             mForm.append("\n\nThe result is:\n");
    k2=k2 %n;
    k1=k2 %n;
    a=a+new Character((char)k1).toString();
    output=new TextField(null,a,100, TextField.ANY);

  • Conversion from string to Date Query.

    I need a way to convert a date format which is in string to a date data type.
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    Have used the SimpleDateFormat class but it returns an unparseble data error.
    Any thoughts????
    Sam W

    Please don't crosspost:

  • Conversion from String to int..NumberFormatException??

    Hey all
    I am trying to read in a file that has nothing but numbers listed one per line. I am using the bufferedReader class and reading in by line. When I check to see if the one 'string' is the same as another, it says they are the same, when really they are different. I then thought to convert the numbers to integers after reading them in, but it gives me a number format exception. My process is simple:
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    2) int variable = Integer.valueOf(line).intValue();
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    hi...try this..
    1.Use filereader instead of bufferedreader..OKAY
    2. OR USE...
    String str = br.readLine();
    use... int sanjeev = Integer.parseInt(str);
    3 OR...and helloooo one thing u r checking that these 2 strings r same..
    get CLEAR IDEA about equals method and "=="..

  • Conversion from String to Int

    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    int Ze=0;
    String Temp = "512";
    Ze = parseInt(Temp);
    I got an error saying --->>
    cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method parseInt(java.lang.String)
    I tried using ...Integer(Temp)
    and it gives me a similar error message.
    where Did i went wrong???
    Bookmark that page. It's the index to the documentation of every class in Java 1.5.0. If you've got a different JDK, look on the download page and find the Documentation. Look for the API documentation in that.
    Go look up the Byte class and see. The API documentation tells every available method for every available class in the java.*, javax.*, and org.* packages. Better start getting used to using it now rather than later.

  • Run time error message - Conversion from string "Mobile Telecommunications" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.

    I get a error message when I select an element in the combo box, please review my variables:
     Public Sector As String
        Public Index As Decimal
    ...and code
     Select Case ComboBox1.Text
                Case "Banks"
                    Sector = "Bank" And Index = -0.086
                Case "Mobile Telecommunications"
                    Sector = "Mobile Telecommunications" And Index = -0.024
                Case "Real Estate Investment Trusts"
                    Sector = "Real Estate Investment Trusts" And Index = 0.132
            End Select

    And is a boolean operator. Try it like this instead:
    Select Case ComboBox1.Text
    Case "Banks"
    Sector = "Bank"
    Index = -0.086
    Case "Mobile Telecommunications"
    Sector = "Mobile Telecommunications"
    Index = -0.024
    Case "Real Estate Investment Trusts"
    Sector = "Real Estate Investment Trusts"
    Index = 0.132
    End Select
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.

  • Conversion from string to date

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    HaHaHa jboeing is Sooo instructional. Yes, please to read instructions, bang head for four hours and then do this -import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class DateTest
       public static void main(String[] args)
          String dateStr = "09/09/02";
          Date date = new Date();
          SimpleDateFormat sDF = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
             date = sDF.parse(dateStr, new ParsePosition(0));
          }catch(NullPointerException npe)
          {System.out.println("bad parse");}
          java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(date.getTime());

  • Conversion from u0091Stringu0092 to type u0091Dateu0092

    I am fetching a date from DeliveryDate TextBox from Sales Order. I enter as 10/03/2007. As I need to fetch this value and store it in Production Order DueDate records through SDK Code.When I fetch this value from code,I get as 20070310. When I try to update my Production Order DueDate it gives me an Error Msgbox “Conversion from string “20070310” to type ‘Date’ is not valid.” Here is my code to update production order.
    Dim DelDt As String
    DelDt = MyForm.Items.Item("12").Specific.value
    Here DelDt shows 20070310
    Now I have created an object of ProductionOrder and try to add Records,
    sboProdOrder.DueDate = DelDt
    On the above line it gives me that messagebox.
    Can any one help me as to how can I convert this code in a working one or how to convert the string to date in VB.Net
    Thanks a lot

    Hi Murtuza,
    Retrieving the value from a date-field through the value always returns the date as a string in the format yyyymmdd.
    the field DueDate is a field of type DateTime.Date. to enter the date in this field, you must convert the string to a date.
    The following line converts the date-string to a date.
    new DateTime.Date(left(DelDt,4), mid(DelDt,5,2), right(DelDt,2))

  • Struts/ADF/Toplink conversion from 10.1.2 to 10.1.3

    Hi. We have a J2EE application based on Struts/ADF/Toplink.
    We just let the JDeveloper migrate the whole application itself.
    We solved a few minor problems, but now we have the greater one:
    - we have in domain classes some getX...(), setX...() methods, intended for example
    for getting attributes of nested objects or for conversion from String to Date.
    In older version, when you had some getXSomeAtr() method in domain class, the attribute
    XSomeAttr was automatically generated into Data Control.
    In newer version it's not! If you want the attribute to be in data control, you must
    have an private attribute XSomeAtr declared in domain class.
    Example - we have these attibutes (first two has their own getters and setters and are
    mapped in toplink, the third is unmapped)
         private Date datum;
    private String nazev;
    private String XDatumAsDate;
    and methods
    public String getXDatumAsDate() {
    return OurUtils.dateToStringAsDate(getDatum());
    public void setXDatumAsDate(String datum) throws ParseException{
    Date d = OurUtils.StringToDateAsDate(datum);
    And the form look like this
    <html:text property="XDatumAsDate" .../>
    <html:text property="nazev"     .../>
    Reading is ok, but attempt to modify date in input field ends with
    "JBO-35009: Setting attribute for XDatumAsDate in object methodRSICollection failed"
    Are we doing something wrong ? We just need to have the date entering under our control and
    be able to enter dates in various formats.
    Thanks in advance for any comments.

    I compared the both old and new data control xml files and found the difference. The previous attribute descriptor has IsUpdateable="true" but the new has IsUpdateable="0".
    Manually changing won't help - data control generation of any class regenerates all data controls and puts back IsUpdateable="0". I'm stuck now.

  • Arrays into a string

    What is the easiest or best way to copy a char array into a string?

    String myString = new String(charArray);

  • Help:How to get a java String value from a C char array?

    Hi,everyone,could you help me?
    the following is a C struct that i want to recieve a short message:
    struct MO_msg{
    unsigned long long msgID;          //Message ID
    char      dest_id[21]; //Destination Mobile Phone Number
    char      service_id[10];     //
    Now I want to put the "dest_id " value of this struct into a Java String variable.But I dont know how to implement it!
    The following is a block of source code that i implement this functions.But it cant get a String value ,and throw out a Exception:
    at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_md_EMAP_thread_RubeMOTSSX_getMO
    (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jint connId, jobject mo){
         struct MO_msg MO;
         tssx_cmpp_api_debug_flag = 1;
         int result = CMPP_Get_MO((int)connId,&MO);
         if (result == 0){
              jclass cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env,mo);
              jfieldID msgId = (*env)->GetFieldID(env,cls,"msgId","J");
              jfieldID dest_Id = (*env)->GetFieldID(env,cls,"dest_Id","Ljava/lang/String;");
              jfieldID serviceId = (*env)->GetFieldID(env,cls,"serviceId","Ljava/lang/String;");          
         return result;
    Please help me!Thanks!

    bschauwe:Thank you for your help!
    Yes,just as you say,using NewString Or NewStringUTF can import a C char array into a Java String variable! But now I have another question,when i use these two functions ,i found that it cant deal with Chinese character!
    do you have such experiences to deal with another language charset?if you have ,can you tell me how to deal with it.

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    So I figured it out... from the lack of info on the web and forums I doubt it will be useful to anyone else, but will post a brief solution.
    So I dumped the raw bytes to a file to look at how they are packed.  The first 4 bytes (int) is the number of strings in the message.  The next 4 bytes (int) are the number of chars that follow, then the corresponding chars, sans any null term character, then the very next int would be the number of chars in the next string and so on and so forth.  So I ended up writing my own charArrUnflatten function.  Anyway, after all this I might try to recode everything to use network vars.  Cheers.

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