Hashtables and Objects, ugly.

Let's see...
I'll give you everything, then highlight problems.
package Analyze;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Work {
    public static int Operate(String directory, String filename, String directory2, String filename2, String ext, int number) {
        int sum=0;
            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(directory+filename));
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(directory2+filename2+ext));
            String str;
            int b;
            int w;
            int low=10000;
            int high=0;
            int count=0;
            Hashtable table=new Hashtable();
            while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
                if  ((w=str.indexOf("Total Run Time"))>0)
                {w=str.indexOf("Total Run Time");
                 String substr=str.substring(0, w-1);
                 String change="<TH>";
                 String newString=Replace.replace(str,substr,change);
                 int z=newString.indexOf(":");
                 String substr2=newString.substring(0, z+2);
                 String change2="";
                 String finalString=Replace.replace(newString, substr2, change2);
                 int i = Integer.parseInt(finalString);
                 int q=1;
                 if (table.get(new Integer(i))==null)
                    {table.put(new Integer(i),new Integer(q));}
                 if (table.get(new Integer(i))!=null)
                    {int v=Integer.parseInt(table.put(new Integer(i),new Integer(q)));
                     table.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(v));
                 if (i>high)
                 if (i<low)
            BufferedWriter instances = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("C:\\development\\test\\test_Local\\archives\\number"+Date.whatMonth()+Date.whatDay()+Date.whatYear()+"test"+number+".txt"));
            for (int n=0; n<=high; n++)
                { if (table.get(new Integer(n))!=null)
                  {instances.write(table.get(new Integer(n))+" threads took "+n+" seconds.");
            String strSum=""+sum;
            String strLow=""+low;
            String strHigh=""+high;
            double average=(double)sum/count;
            String strAverage=""+average;
            String strCount=""+count;
            out.write("<HTML> <BODY>");
            out.write("<P>These are the results of the stress test conducted for: "+Date.whatMonth()+"-"+Date.whatDay()+"-"+Date.whatYear()+"<P>");
            out.write("<BR><I>Total number of users ----- </I>"+strCount+" <B>(Note: This number is number of users multiplied by number of cycles.)</B>");
            out.write("<P><B>Time to complete in seconds: </B>"+strSum);
            out.write("<BR><B>The quickest thread took</B> "+strLow+" <B>seconds.</B>");
            out.write("<BR><B>The longest thread took</B> "+strHigh+" <B>seconds.</B>");
            out.write("<BR><B>The average is </B>"+strAverage+" <B>seconds.</B>");
            out.write("<P><P>The corresponding log file is: <a href=archives/"+filename2+Date.whatMonth()+Date.whatDay()+Date.whatYear()+".txt> Located in the archives bin. </A>");
            out.write("<P><P>The list of times and their instances is located :<a href=archives/number"+Date.whatMonth()+Date.whatDay()+Date.whatYear()+"test"+number+".txt> here </A>");
            NewFile.MakeFile(directory, "testlist.html");
            BufferedWriter lister = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(directory+"testlist.html", true));
            String strNum=""+number;
            lister.write("<a href="+filename+">Results from: "+Date.whatMonth()+"-"+Date.whatDay()+"-"+Date.whatYear()+"(Test number: "+strNum+")</A><P>");
           /* File file=new File(directory+filename2);
            int compare=1;
            if (file.exists())
            {BufferedReader text = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
             String stuff;
             if( (stuff=text.readLine())!=null)
            float second=((compare/sum)-1)*100;
            int benchmark=1500;
            float third=((benchmark/sum)-1)*100;
            String strThird;
            String strSecond;
            if (second < 0)
                strSecond="<font color=red>"+second+"% </font>";
            else strSecond=""+second+"% ";
            if (third < 0)
                strThird="<font color=red>"+third+"% </font>";
            else strThird=""+third+"% ";
            out.write("<BR><B>Compared to yesterday, there has been a </B>"+strSecond+"<B>change</B> (Note: Positive values shows the processes being done faster. Negative values demonstrate a dropoff in performance.)");
            out.write("<BR><B>Compared to the benchmark, there has been a </B>"+strThird+"<B>change</B> (Note: Positive values shows the processes being done faster. Negative values demonstrate a dropoff in performance.)");*/
            /* BufferedWriter cout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("C:\\development\\test\\test_Local\\archive"+Date.whatMonth()+Date.whatDay()+".txt"));
            cout.close(); */
           File fil = new File(directory2, filename2+ext);
            if (fil.exists()==false)
                System.out.println("File doesn't exist!");
            File archive = new File("C:\\development\\test\\test_Local\\archives\\");
            if (archive.exists()==false)
           /* File other=new File("C:\\development\\test\\test_Local\\archives\\"+filename2+Date.whatMonth()+Date.whatDay()+Date.whatYear()+".txt");
            boolean success= fil.renameTo(new File(archive, other.getName()));
            {System.out.println("Could not move file");*/
        catch (IOException e)
        return number;
}Now, I don't really understand hashtables, so this may be completely wrong. However, here's the goal:
I'm taking in a ton of ints, ranging from 1 to infinity. I want to create a hashtable which has the integer as the key, and the number of times it has come up as its value. Now, if an integer comes up more than once, I need to increase the value, I can't just throw it out. However, the hashtable keeps telling me that if I'm getting the value from a key I select and trying to put it into a new int, I'm an idiot because the value is of type Object. Now, how are objects going in, and not ints? Is my compiler just being crazy, or is it me?
Also, is it necessary to create new Integers everytime I use a method from the hashtable? I haven't gotten past the compiling stage, so I don't know how the execution will go...
Please note, everything except for the hashtable works. I have a classes that handle almost everything else, so Date.whatMonth() is really a valid command ;) Everything that's commented out is because I haven't completed the feature. Don't worry about that stuff.

Okay, let's start with the return type.
Hashtable.get(key) returns a value of type Object, as I'm sure you've noticed. It does this because that's as much as it can guarantee about the returned data; it could be any kind of Object, depending on what you put in. Java, however, remembers what kind of Object it is and stores its type internally.
Object o = new Integer(1);
System.out.println(o.intValue());...is illegal. Object.intValue() doesn't exist, and that's what you're asking it to do. However...
Object o = new Integer(1);
System.out.println(o.hashCode()); // legal because Object.hashCode() exists
System.out.println( ((Integer)o).intValue() ); // legal because the Object was constructed as an Integer
System.out.println( ((Short)o).shortValue() ); // throws a ClassCastException because the Object was not constructed as a ShortThus, all you need to do is recast the return value of Hashtable.get(Object) to the type that you know it should be. For example,
Integer integer = (Integer)(my_hashtable.get(key_that_maps_to_integer));...is legal.
Now, as for creating Integers every time... well, you probably shouldn't. I would recommend creating the following class to use as the value and the key. Note, however, that any object you create that is used as the key in a Hashtable should probably override the equals(Object) and hashCode() methods of Object.
public class MutableInteger
    protected int m_value;
    public MutableInteger(int base)
        m_value = base;
    public int getValue()
        return m_value;
    public void setValue(int new_value)
        m_value = new_value;
    public int hashCode()
        // This must be done or all of the keys will map to the same hash code.  That would reduce the performance of the Hashtable to a linked list!
        return m_value;
    public boolean equals(Object o)
        // This must be done because, without it, no two MutableIntegers will be considered the same.
        if (o instanceof MutableInteger)
            // If the other MutableInteger has the same internal value, consider it legal.
            return (  ((MutableInteger)o).getValue() == m_value );  // Note the use of casting here.  instanceof has guaranteed that this cast is legal.
        } else
            // If the Object isn't a MutableInteger, it can't be equal to this one.
            return false;
}Now, your code would read...
MutableInteger key_object = new MutableInteger(0);   // Use as the key
MutableInteger value_object = null;
Hashtable table=new Hashtable();
while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
    if ((w=str.indexOf("Total Run Time"))>0) {
        w=str.indexOf("Total Run Time");
        String substr=str.substring(0, w-1);
        String change="<TH>";
        String newString=Replace.replace(str,substr,change);
        int z=newString.indexOf(":");
        String substr2=newString.substring(0, z+2);
        String change2="";
        String finalString=Replace.replace(newString, substr2, change2);
        int i = Integer.parseInt(finalString);
        int q=1;
/*new*/ key_object.setValue(i);
/*dif*/ if (table.get(key_object)==null) {
/*dif*/     table.put(key_object,new MutableInteger(q))  // Created as a MutableInteger.  The Hashtable won't remember, but the JVM will.
/*new*/     key_object = new MutableInteger(0);  // Because the old one now belongs to the table.
/*dif*/ if (table.get(key_object)!=null) {  // Won't this always be true?  You just put a value in there.
        // Am I correct in understanding that this code is designed to increase the value stored in the table by "q"?  If so, use the following code.
/*new*/     value_object = (MutableInteger)(table.get(key_object));  // Note the cast.  We know that the Object returned was constructed as a MutableInteger; after all, we put it there.
/*new*/     value_object.setValue(value_object.getValue()+1);
/*new*/     table.put(key_object,value_object);
        if (i>high) high=i;
        if (i<low) low=i;
}Good luck, and have fun! ;)

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    <child attr2="val2" attr3="val3"/>
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    f.child.attr2 "@attr2",
    f.child.attr3 "@attr3"
    FROM family f
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    CURSOR (
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    FROM TABLE(f.child n)
    ) AS "child"
    FROM family f
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    Column Name
    1. SYS.XMLTYPE ----- As a row
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    Can you get the exact wording for that error? Is it can't mount iPod?
    Also, make sure iTunes is up to date...
    Finally, make sure your iPod's battery is charged up.

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    A good place to ask advice about web development is at the MozillaZine "Web Development/Standards Evangelism" forum.
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br>
    You need to register at the MozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.

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    We have installed the SUP Personal developer edition 2.0 on a windows 2008 server. I am trying to create a sample application for getting the list of sales orders by using the SAP BAPI. Once I have the MBO in place, I see that I cannot view the 'Roles' and 'Object Queries' tabs in the 'Attributes' section of the MBO properties.
    Does anyone know why this happens? Is it due to configuration issues? Do help me out as we're trying to get a demo working.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Vaishnavi,
    Check whether you have selected "Advanced" mode . You should be able to see it.

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    We are considering starting a new project using JSF/ADF/Toplink using a already existent database. How is it possible to create toplink object from tables when tables belongs to different schemas? I think there must be a way to do this and in jdevelo

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    Hi guys. I need to assign an account in the moment that I make a Good Issue from the warehouse to subcontractor. Actually the system don´t create any FI document. Is there any way to do this??? Can you help me on this, please. Thanks in advance!!! Ed