Having my macbook charged and ready for school

So 3 days a week I need to wake up and have my macbook on a full charge so I can use it to take notes with while in school. What's the best way to charge it without wearing down the battery? Should I plug it in before I go to bed and maybe have a scheduled shutdown 2 hours later? Any suggestions will be appreciated..

Honestly it probably won't matter much how you do it. Do what works best for you. As long as you're not leaving it charging for long periods of time or you're not using much of the charged capacity repeatedly then you're not going to cause any more than normal "wear" on the battery.

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              pVal.Action_Success == false &&
              pVal.CharPressed == 13 &&
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    Message was edited by: mroberts8
    Message was edited by: mroberts8

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    Seriously, look at the specs and price...
    Then compare... for example...
    Or try dell.
    http://www.dell.com/us/p/popular-laptop-deals?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&ST=cheap%20l aptop&dgc=ST&cid=35911&lid=894403&acd=52183,8,0,100035970,763349761,1296893920,, 11758726,5701123461&redirect=1
    Then ask yourself that question again.
    You should be able to get a 6-9 cell quad core with 4-8gigs ram and a 64 bit OS for 1/3 the price of the core duo 2gig air. 9 cell battery is where your cost goes up, it's the difference between 9 hours (6 cell) and 13 hours (9 cell) of battery life.
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    17" Intel Imac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Thanks. I'm actually interested in post-production
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    relocate there, but it's only 3 hrs. north of me. I'm
    in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    Thanks for all of the help.
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