Having Problem with Asian Fonts

I'm having a problem installing the packages ttf-arphic-ukai and ttf-arphic-uming.  They install fine, but it completely corrupts all my fonts.
Any new applications that are launched (or when KDE is relaunched) have nothing but boxes for the fonts, and, when I log out of KDE to KDM, everything appears as boxes.  If I log in to KDE and check out the Fonts section in KControl, it just crashes.
Thinking it was just a KDE issue, I installed Fluxbox, and it won't even start.
This is a brand new installed based off of the 0.7.2 base ISO, and I've updated everything completely.  Before the fonts are installed, everything is working perfectly.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

On Friday I started to develop a page that had japanese translation. I had no problems with it.
Anyway, I realized something that may help you. No matter what font i choosed, japanesse characters where allways showed, and they were always the same.
It means that asian fonts override standard fonts. What can be happening to you is that you don't have the fonts properly configured (either the fonts by themselves, or in Xorg).
I don't know enough about fonts to give you more information about it, but what you should do after reading this is uninstall all asiatic fonts, install japanese fonts, install kde-i18n-jp and create an a user account with KDE set to japanese language and see if it works well to you. If it does not work then the problem is in your configuration. If it works well then do the same with the asian fonts. If they are still not working then to me it looks as a bug, and you should report it.

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    Are there any third party firewalls installed (e.g. Kaspersky, Norton, BitDefender, etc.)?  It sounds like something is blocking the software and third party firewalls have been known to block communication with the printer.
    How far in the installation process do you get (what options are you able to get to)?
    Is the USB cable connected at the start of the installation?  
    Do you receive any errors at all?  If so, what are they?
    Have you tried using Smart Install?  Smart Install works by connecting the USB cable to the computer.  By default, you should get a prompt to run a file.  Running this file starts the Smart Install process.  
    This video is a good guide to Smart Install.
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    <title>BBVA - Transfer&ecirc;ncias - Transfer&ecirc;ncias OIC</title>
    <LINK rel=STYLESHEET type='text/css' href="estilos/tablas.css">
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    <%@ include file ="includecbtf.jsp" %>
    <% String s = (String)datos.get("dt");
    java.util.StringTokenizer str = new java.util.StringTokenizer(s, "-");
    String anoServer = str.nextToken() ;
    String mesServer = str.nextToken() ;
    String diaServer = str.nextToken() ;
    <form method="post" name="captura" action="<%=urls.get("action")%>">
    <center> <!--1�center-->
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"> <!--table das transf e nome-->
    <td colspan="3"><img src="images/linea.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="250"><img src="images/traspasos.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="82"><img src="images/titular.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="169" class="fondotitular"><font class="texttitular"><%=datos.get("usuario")%></font></td>
    <td colspan="3"><img src="images/linea.gif" border="0"></td>
    </table> <!--Fim do 1� table-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 1� Center-->
    <center> <!--2� Center-->
    <!--Conteudo do table 2-->
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center" width="500"> <!--table referente a mensagem-->
    <td class="cabeceratitulo" colspan="2"><p class="titulotabla">Nota : As Transfer&ecirc;ncias para outras Institui&ccedil;&otilde;es de Cr&eacute;dito decorrem de acordo com os hor&aacute;rios da Compensa&ccedil;&atilde;o Interbanc&aacute;ria, n&atilde;o se responsabilizando o BBVA pela sua realiza&ccedil;&atilde;o fora das regras em uso.</p></td>
    </table> <!--fim do table2-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 2� Center-->
    <center> <!-- Inicio 3� Center-->
    <!--Conteudo da table Combo-->
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center" width="500">
    <td class="cabeceratitulo" colspan="2"><p class="titulotabla">Transfer&ecirc;ncia Conta a Conta para outras Institui&ccedil;&ocirc;es de Cr&eacute;dito</p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100">
    <p class="dato">Conta Ordenante:  </p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="300">
    java.util.Vector v = (java.util.Vector)(datos.get("ListaCuentas"));
    java.util.Hashtable elem;
    java.util.Enumeration e = v.elements();
    <!--1� Select-->
    <select name="conta" size="1" class="formgrisosc">
    while (e.hasMoreElements()){
    elem = (com.ibm.dse.base.Hashtable)(e.nextElement());
    String cuenta = ((String)elem.get("s_banco")).trim() + "-"+((String)elem.get("s_oficina")).trim()+((String)elem.get("s_dcontrol")).trim()+((String)elem.get("s_num_cuenta")).trim();
    out.println("<option value=\"" + ((String)elem.get("s_tipo")) + "$" + ((String)elem.get("s_clave_asunto")) + "\">" + cuenta + "</option>");
    </select> <!--Fim do 1� Select-->
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">Data de Processamento:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla">
    <input type="text" name="dia" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=diaServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla"> / 
    <input type="text" name="mes" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=mesServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla"> / 
    <input type="text" name="ano" size="4"class="formgriscla" value="<%=anoServer %>" maxlength="4" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <input type="hidden" name="dact" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=diaServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla">
    <input type="hidden" name="mact" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=mesServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla">
    <input type="hidden" name="aact" size="4"class="formgriscla" value="<%=anoServer %>" maxlength="4" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100"><p class="dato">Moeda: </p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc"><p class="dato">
    <!--Select 2�Ver este bem-->
    <select name="Moeda" size="1" class="formgrisosc">
    <option value="PTE" selected>Escudos</option>      
    <option value="EUR">Euros</option>
    </select> </p>
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">Import&acirc;ncia:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla"><input type="text" name="importancia" size="20" maxlength="15" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100"><p class="dato">Ref&ecirc;rencia:</p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc"><input type="text" name="ref" size="15" maxlength="10" class="formgrisosc"></td>
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">NIB Benefici&aacute;rio:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla"><input type="text" name="nibBeneficiario" size="30" maxlength="21" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100"><p class="dato">Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o p/ Conta D&eacute;bito:</p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc"><input type="text" name="debito" size="45" maxlength="45" class="formgrisosc"></td>
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o p/ Conta Cr&eacute;dito:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla"><input type="text" name="credito" size="45" maxlength="45" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="cabecera" colspan="2"><img src="images/1x1.gif" width=1 height=3 border="0"></td>
    </table> <!--Fim do table 3-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 3�center-->
    <center> <!--Inicio do 4� Center-->
    <!--Inicio da table 4�-->
    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
    <td valign="top"><img src="images/limpar.gif" border="0" alt="Apagar"></td>
    <td valign="top"><img src="images/continuar.gif" border="0" alt="Continuar"></td>
    </table> <!--Fim do 4� Table-->
    </form> <!--Fim do FORM-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 4� Center-->
    </body> <!--Fim do BODY-->
    </html> <!--Fim do Html-->
    Thanks pepole!

    thanks people! when i try to validate the action "PTE" he gaves me (if i put a ALERT...) null.
    the js code is : (Moeda is coin )
    //testa amount
    // var ent = (f.amount.value);
    var tamanho = f.amount.value.length;
    var valor = f.amount.value;
    decimals = 2; // Apenas pode ter duas casas decimais?
    if (((tamanho == 0) || (valor == 0)) && ok)
    alert ("A import�ncia tem de ser maior que zero.");
    ok = false;
    if((f.Moeda.value=="PTE") && ok)
    for (j = 0; j < tamanho; j++)
    xx = valor.charAt(j);     
         if ((!(xx.match(numeroER)) && ok))
    alert ("O Campo Import�ncia deve ser num�rico inteiro.");     
         ok = false;
              //if para limitar valor dos Escudos      
         if (ok)
         if (eval(valor) > 1000000)
         alert ("The field amount must be maxium 1 000 000 Pte.");     
         ok = false;
         if (ok)
              //function checkDecimals(f.amount, f.importancia.value) {
              if (isNaN(valor)) {
                   alert("O Campo Import�ncia deve ser num�rico e como separador decimal, o ponto.");
                   ok = false;
              else {
                   timeshundred = parseFloat(valor * Math.pow(10, decimals));
                   integervalue = parseInt(parseFloat(valor) * Math.pow(10, decimals));
                   if (timeshundred != integervalue)
                   alert ("Apenas pode ter " + decimals + " casas decimais. Por favor tente outra vez.");
                   ok = false;
              if (ok)
              {  //if to limit the value of the  Euros
         if(eval(valor) > 4988)
    alert ("The field amount must be maxium 4988 Eur.");     
         ok = false;
    }//end of amount

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    Could you start by resetting the zoom level on the page? To do that, you can either:
    * Press Ctrl+0 (that's a zero) on the keyboard
    * View menu > Zoom > Reset
    You also can use zoom to increase/decrease the size from there. This article describes the various mouse, keyboard, and menu methods: [[Font size and zoom - increase the size of web pages]].
    Any luck?

  • For users having problems with Mail functionality...

    Hello! I have been having problems with Mail functionality as well, so, I took a few steps to see if I could solve the problem on my own.
    My problems were:
    Mail would freeze when sending mail, or, when I pressed quit, it would freeze.
    If I toggled between inboxes too much it would freeze up.
    Even after trying the many techniques others offered on this board, Mail still froze up. So.. here's what I did:
    1.) Turn off the auto-retrieve mail function in the preferences/general menu. Set it to a manual check. Just check it yourself every once in awhile. It may not be as convenient, but it works, trust me.
    2.) Under the fonts and colors menu, set all three fonts to the SAME font (mines Century Schoolbook, but anything works) and turn off fixed-width font. Sometimes mail has a tough time decoding and working with texts, and causes it to freeze.
    3.) Clean our your main inbox! Place the emails that you want to keep, but don't need to be in your inbox in a new folder on your inbox bar (mines aptly named 'Saved Messages.' That way, when you open up Mail to your default account, it doesn't have 1,000+ messages to index. Also, try to keep the inboxes from having more than 100-200 messages per. It seems to frown on any more than that.
    After trying these three easy, steps, restart mail and see if things run smoother. I have had no problems since these changes, and mail runs a ton better. Plus you don't have to worry about deleting your library/mail folder anymore. Let me know if things work out so I can see if my theory is a universally proven thing. Thanks and good luck!
    iMac G5 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Good question. I have worked very little with IMAP other than as a testing device, so, on a daily routine I cannot say how it would function. However, I can only expect that by having the option to download all emails for offline viewing selected, you are right in it being a lag creator. Another suggestion would be, if you are running a single-computer setup, to have the account delete emails from the server after recieving them on your computer. Thus, you reduce the risk of repeat downloads or unnecessary build-up on the server end. DO NOT select this option if you run multiple computer set ups on one AppleMail account system or you will cause some discrepancies and/or data loss from system to system. Or, if you have emails redirected from a seperate server to Mail (i.e. I redirect mail from my university email account into Mail so that I don't have to go to the web-mail site to check it--> just like Gmail or Yahoo etc etc) you won't be able to check them from the web-based email system if you have the system delete them. Ok that sounded confusing. Solution: have the system remove emails from the server after a week (or any period of time, just not immediately) so that, in the off-chance you need to use the online system, you will have access, and will give you a chance to check the emails on other systems without a threat of data corruption (by corruption i mean that frustrating feeling you get when you can't find that super important email that was in your inbox just 10 seconds ago on your desktop etc.)
    I will see if I can learn anything more about IMAP Ernie. Its definitley the biggest problem source for Mail, POP and .Mac being simple and functional as long as you don't play with the settings too much. As far as the issue of Offline viewing goes, try turning it off and seeing how Mail functions.
    BEFORE you turn it off, however, I recommend saving all of your emails in your inbox as a text file or something so, in case the server burps and has a brain flatuence, you don't lose anything. Been there, done that, thrown the books against the wall in a frustrated rage.
    My only reserve about the Offline Viewing is whether or not Mail will, when you click "recieve mail," have to re-download the emails from the server each time. If so, then it may end up taking longer and lagging more. The issue here is obviously minimizing the amount of activity between Mail and the email server without jeapordizing information on the server or multiple Mail programs on the same account. When we can find that balance, I think Mail's potential will be realized. Keep the questions coming.

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    I am having problems with the month of October.  When I have the full month view, the synced items from google calendars won't show.  But they do for all the other months.  There is definitely a glitch somewhere because if I am on day view and try to click on day 15 of October, it will not let me.  It totally is acting weird.

    Free fonts, fonts from a reliable foundry?
    Have you tried removing them temporarily?
    Do you still have problems if you create a new Windows user account and log in with that? How about if you start in Safe Mode?
    And I would run a memory checker and see Troubleshoot font problems | Windows

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    Sorry for the late reply. My email firewall has become a little over zealous & sent a lot of my emails straight to my junk email folder, so I have only just now discovered your reply in my junk mail folder.
    The only "don't open files exceeding xxx megabytes" instruction I can find in my Prefs, is in the Bridge Prefs for Thumbnails, & mine is set at 1000mb. The biggest files I handle are bigger than 200mb so I should be able to open a few, not just one.
    However, this doesn't explain why I can open a psd format file of 180mb, close it, but then can't open a RAW format file of only 26mb immediately after.
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    However, thanks for the advice about the video card & memory.
    So, I'm still stuck as to what the issue is.

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    This is a major problem with Lollipop, but yo said it started 2 months ago.   Several people have fixed problem by removing FaceBook And Face book messenger and then re loading the apps again.   You might want to clear your cache before reloading.  Not sure this is your problem, but worth a try.  Good Luck

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    Apple ID FAQ   http://support.apple.com/kb/HE37

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    First try resetting your iPad by simultaneously pressing and holding the Home and Sleep/Wake buttons until you see the Apple Logo. This can take up to 15 seconds so be patient and don't release the buttons until the logo appears. Try again to see if the problem persists.
    If you still have the same issue, it's possible that something is lodged in the earphone jack. This can cause the iPad to think earphones are plugged in when they are not. Use a vacuum to try to suck any dust, lint or other foreign matter from the jack. If that still doesn't work, try CAREULLY using a toothpick.

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    You should be able to use the battery if you get a car type charger which recharges mobile devices.
    The full size iPads use a 10-12W charger, whereas the mini uses a 5W charger. Many car chargers only supply 5W. But at 5W, the car charger should give you some extra time on your iPad. It would be best to use a 10-12W car charger.
     Cheers, Tom

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    I am having problems with my music collection, after burning all of my music to the computer I organized it into folders and placed it in the iTunes Folder. As of now i realize this was a mistake. Starting on a new computer now. I cant get my music to transfer from the itunes folder on the old computer? I keep getting error "Can't Read from the source file or disk." Whenever I got to folder properties its always checked read only. But when i play the song it works just fine. Im sure this is just because I added music into itunes folder but is there anyway to fix it?

    WMA files are 'window media audio' files, which is a Microsoft format. If you want to add them to your iTunes library on your Mac then you will need to convert them into a compatible format first. If you still have your windows machine then iTunes for Windows can convert them from WMA to MP3 format : https://discussions.apple.com/message/24158701#24158701
    Or try a search for, for example, 'convert wma to mp3' to find programs to convert them.

  • I am having problem with MDV Studio.

    Hello happy guys, whatzup? Guess all ya 'r doing fine? Right!
    I am using Dreamweaver from Macromedia Studio 2004. I am having problem with Inserting Record into Access database using the forms I create on my .asp document. I am using IIS and Javascript as my Document Technology. The error I usually have is:
    "Technical Information (for support personnel)
    Error Type:
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
    /site_files/user_regform.asp, line 78
    Browser Type:
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5
    POST 41 bytes to /site_files/user_regform.asp
    POST Data:
    Tuesday, June 02, 2009, 1:49:39 PM"
    Please I need assistance on how to solve this problem. Thank you.
    Similarly, I don't really know how to write sql strings - I just give commands and Dreamweaver will generate the sql strings. Yet, I still observe errors. But I think, for the sql aspect, I'm undergoing a tutorial note that I downloaded on the internet.
    Please help me to solve this error problem at the moment. The sql knowledge is not the problem. I can get that at my leisure.
    Thank you.
    Eyo Eyo (Nigeria).

    It sounds like you do not have an internet connection (wifi arcs in the upper left does not mean you have a connection) since Safari does not work also.. Try the following:
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost.
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset networks settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iPhone and iPod touch: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

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