HDD в ноутбуке почему то работает на скорости SATA 1 вместо SATA 2

Здравствуйте. Решил поменять в ноутбуке жесткий диск на SSD. Ноутбук Lenovo G575 (версия 20081). Запустил программу HWiNFO32. Она показывает что жесткий диск в системе работает на скорости 1,5 Гбит/сек т.е. SATA1. Почему так? Захожу в раздел BUS -> PCI BUS -> SATA HOST CONTROLLER - Gen2 3Gbps. Т.е. контроллер поддерживает SATA2. Сам жесткий диск тоже поддерживает SATA2. Никаких переключающих перемычек на нем нет.
В БИОСе стоит SATA CONTROLLER MODE - AHCI. Обновил БИОС до последней версии (1.07). Не помогает.
Изначально с ноутбуком шла WIN7 Home 64 бит. Переустановил на 32 бит (не запускались нужные мне программы). Драйвера установил все что были на офф сайте.
Собственно что хочу: ноутбук не шустрый, поэтому даже на SATA2 SSD диск должен дать хороший прирост для серфинга в интернете. Но меня теперь мучает вопрос, а не заработает ли свежекупленый SSD на 1.5 Гбит/сек как и мой текущий диск? Почему так происходит? Может что то включить надо? Или может эта модель ноутбука залочена как то под 1,5 Гбит/сек? http://s018.radikal.ru/i512/1507/bc/70cd2a958060.jpg

Аналогичное Ваше сообщение (как и это) спам-фильтр форума забраковал. Очевидно, из-за ссылок на файлохостинг.
Что касается проблемы...
Действительно, ноут должен иметь интерфейс sata II и даже поддерживать диски sata III (естественно, в режиме sata II), установленный диск - sata II, по факту видим, что он работает в режиме sata I.
Цитата из описания:
Hard disk drive
• 2.5” 9.5mm(7mm compatible) SATA II (SATA III capatible), 7200&5400rpm
Я думаю любой диск будет работать в таком режиме, sata I. Но, в конце концов, это можно проверить с другим диском, хотя бы на время.
Такой интерфейс - sata I - если где и присутствует в более-менее современных ноутах, то в отсеке для опт.диска (кстати, диск в каком отсеке?)
Если диск в штатном отсеке, то я бы предположил 2 возможные причины проблемы:
1. интерфейс принудительно установлен как sata I на уровне BIOS. Сложно сказать, что могло подвигнуть разработчиков ноута на такое. Версия BIOS, конечно, не новая, но сам ноут не такой уж и старый, к моменту его выхода на рынок вся компонентная база уже существовала. Теоретически, это можно выяснить, анализируя BIOS. Но лично я навыками дизассемблирования кода BIOS не обладаю.
2. Не установлены или некорректно установлены драйверы чипсета. Обычно они имеют несколько релизов после вывода на рынок. На странице загрузок для данного ноута нет таких драйверов. Наверняка на сайте AMD есть. Документация говорит, что ноут сделан на базе чипсета AMD M1.
Вообще, немного странно выглядит перечень поддерживаемых (точнее, неподдерживаемых) процессором инструкций, он очень скудный. Я бы для подтверждения версий проверил еще и "штатный" набор инструкций, согласно документации, для модели установленного в ноуте процессора и сравнил с имеющимся.

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    *Press F1 to continue*
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    If you remove the old HDD you can see ifs a IDE or SATA HDD but the Satellite A30 is equipped with a IDE HDD.
    You can use a bigger HDD. This should not be a problem but as far as I know this notebook has a 28bit LBA limitation. That means the disk size limit is 128GB and so you can only use an HDD up to 120GB.
    If you want to know more about this read the article on Wikipedia or here: http://www.48bitlba.com
    So you can buy a 120GB HDD or a 80GB HDD as you suggested. I have good experience with Hitachi and Seagate HDDs.
    Anyway, I think its a good idea to exchange the HDD. SMART error message appears only if there is something wrong with the HDD so backup your data as fast as possible. ;)

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    Hi Andrew
    > The following question is mainly to be addressed to authorized Toshiba support personnel
    I think you are in the wrong area if you are looking for an answer from an authorized Toshiba support.
    This is a Toshiba user-to-user forum! You will meet here Toshiba notebook owner and enthusiasts who share knowledge and tries solve problems but nobody from Tosh :(
    I could provide my experience with the M30 Satellite and the HDD upgrade possibilities.
    In my knowledge the Sat M30 supports a 40GB, 60GB and 80GB HDD for sure.
    In my opinion you could use the 100GB HDD but bigger HDDs will not run and functions correctly.
    So switch to a lower HDD size and enjoy the notebook!
    Ive goggled a little bit and found compatible HDD and the part numbers
    HITACHI GBC000Z810 -> 80GB
    HITACHI GBC00014810 -> 80GB
    TOSHIBA HDD2188B -> 80GB
    HITACHI G8C0000Z610 -> 60GB
    HITACHI G8BC00013610 -> 60GB
    TOSHIBA HDD2183 -> 60GB
    TOSHIBA HDD2184 -> 60GB
    I hope this could help you a little bit!
    Best regards

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    Well here is the biggest problem, the Mac that the drive came out of was damaged and we do not know the state of the drive. Especially since the drive was not being read by the Mac which was the reason for the ? at boot.
    Now it could be assumed that the Mac was flashing the ? at boot because the logic board got hosed when the Magsafes' Cord safety featres failed you! But it could be that it actually damaged the drive and if the Mac was running during the time of the accident, then the drive could have damaged some sector information (data).
    So back to Macdrive...
    Macdrive may not be able to read the drive because it is corrupt.
    Here is what I suggest:
    1. Make sure that you have the proper power to your external enclosure.
    2. Reboot the Windows machine and try again.
    3. Read this guide from Macdrives knowledge base and then attempt step-2, to repair the Mac drive.
    I would use caution as this is a 3rd party application that you will be using in an attempt to read through your disk and repair corruption. There is always a possibility of data loss.
    4. Contact Macdrives' tech support.
    One more thing! Can you boot the Mac into the OSX install DVD? If so then you can attempt a disk repair using OSX Disk Utilities form the install DVD.
    To run DU from the OSX install DVD:
    1. Power-on Mac and insert the DVD into the drive, then power-off.
    2. Power-on the Mac and immediately press and hold the "C-key" until you get to the OSX Installation Language selection screen, select your language then continue.
    3. From the Welcome screen, select Utilities --> Disk Utilities from the tool bar.
    4. In DU select your drive (if it appears) from the left pane then select First Aid in the right pane.
    5. From First Aid press the "Repair Disk" button, if DU reports errors then run it again until it read no errors found.

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    Your question is a little bit hard to understand but I think you want to replace the HDD with another (faster) model, right?
    Well, thats no problem. HDDs with 7200rpm will work, they are a little bit louder but they are faster so if you need more performance no problem.
    Also 750GB or more is no problem because SATA interface is not capacity limited. Theoretically 1TB or more should also work.
    Anyway, you can buy the 750GB you mentioned it will work. :)

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    How can I format this disk and use it with my mac? I was hoping to clone my original hard drive.
    HDD: Western Digital WD Scorpio Black 750 GB SATA 3 GB/s 7200 RPM 16 MB Cache Internal Bulk/OEM 2.5-Inch Mobile Hard Drive
    Enclosure: StarTech.com 2.5in Silver USB 2.0 External Hard Drive Enclosure for SATA HDD

    Any ideas on how to get the HDD to format, or whether it's a bad enclosure or hard drive?

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    Maybe I wasnt clear enough.  My question is that If I set the SATA drive up as my boot disk and a PATA drive up on IDE 3, will either the Intel or Promise driver allow me to run w/out raid on these channels now, and then add another PATA drive down the road to do a raid 0, or two SATA drives (total of three SATA, one boot, the others in RAID).  If I do add two SATA drives down the road, can I also keep the PATA drive, possibly on IDE1 or IDE2 as well? (total of four drives)

  • Hp dv6 internal hdd

    which internal hdd does a dv6 need ?
    ide or sata ?
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    neil_fl wrote:
    which internal hdd does a dv6 need ?
    ide or sata ?
    It requires a 2.5" SATA hard drive. 
    Best regards,
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  • Satellite A300-1J1 - How to install 2nd HDD?

    I bought a Satellite A300 and I see in the specifications that is possible to add a 2nd hdd. So I bought one and when I opened the hdd box, I didn't find a connector to connect to my hdd. I think I must install a SATA connector but I didn't find any way to proceed.
    PS : Excuse me if you find mistakes, I doesn't speak very well

    Thans for your answers.
    Here is the link http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/jsp/SUPPORTSECTION/discontinuedProductPage.do?service=UK&PRODUCT_ID=1 056110
    By the way, I'll take a photo to show you the box, maybe the connector is inside but I didn't notice it.
    PS : they changed specifications of the product, removing "box for 2nd hdd". You can see on this site, for example, and for french speakers http://www.ldlc-pro.com/fiche/PB00075521.html that they say "hdd 250 go + box for a 2nd hdd"

  • Second HDD for Satellite P200D possible?

    Hi, got a Satellite P200D which I've been very happy with, but need more space - is it possible to either fit a larger primary drive (curently around 200GB) or a secondary drive in the spare bay. If secondary drive is viable option, what leads, connectors, mounts etc do I need?
    Thanks in advance

    If you dontt have such a connector, you cant install a second HDD. Furthermore you cant buy such a SATA connector because they are fixed/soldered on mainboard.
    So your only option is exchanging the HDD with another model. As I wrote you can take a 500GB model. It must be a 2.5 HDD with SATA interface.
    I can recommend a Western Digital Caviar Blue series. Thats a good compromise between performance and noise.
    But of course, Toshiba HDDs will work too. ;)

  • HDD Failed. Possible new drive needed

    Good Afternoon,
    I have a quick question that i hope someone might know the answer too:
    Recently my MBP HDD decided to not boot up. I switch it on, get the chimes then the progress bar under the Apple Logo. It gets about a third of the way across before shutting down.
    I tried booting into Disc Utility and am unable to verify or repair the disc. When i go to erase the HDD i get an error saying it is in use. Any ideas how to get around this issue?
    I suspect the HDD is dead but have purchased a new SATA cable just incase it is that causing the issue. If it comes to the worst case and i have to replace the HDD i was thinking of going for a SSD instead of optical. I have 8gb memory in my Mac so it should work.
    Do you know where i can get a boot disc? I did not get one when i bought the Mac back in 2009. Once booted with boot disc i should be able to use my Time Machine backup to restore everything back to working order?
    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

    Hi and welcome to the forum!
    If you created recovery discs you can use them, if not there also an option to buy them from lenovo.
    Hope this helps.
    Maliha (I don't work for lenovo)
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    IdeaPad: U350
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