Heading in report script

I have a report like that:
                    07     Jan-Jul YTD     R12 Jul
2009     STO001     31111110     P31-111     34925.50     44631.48     257909.97
2009     STO001     31111110     P20-111     42.78     364.20     3704.85
2009     STO001     31111110     P53-111     5044.80     6740.31     44175.52
2009     STO001     31111110     P115     0.00     0.00     4018.71
However, I would like to have the header like that:
Ano     Presidencia     Contas     Produto     07     Jan-Jul YTD     R12 Jul
2009     STO001     31111110     P31-111     34925.50     44631.48     257909.97
2009     STO001     31111110     P20-111     42.78     364.20     3704.85
2009     STO001     31111110     P53-111     5044.80     6740.31     44175.52
2009     STO001     31111110     P115     0.00     0.00     4018.71
What can I do to obtain the report?
See my report script below:
//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
{ TabDelimit }
{ decimal 2 }
<ROW("Ano","Presidencia" ,"Plano de Contas","Produto" )
// Column Members
//{WIDTH 15}
<COLUMN ( "Período")
"Jan-Jul YTD"
"R12 Jul"
// Page Members
// Row Members
<DESCENDANTS "Personal Perfil"
<DESCENDANTS "Prêmios Emitido-"

Essbase reports do not put row headers on (Headers for the dimension members from the <rows command).
The best I have been able to do in the past was to have a file with the header info I wanted and after the report was created concatinate the header file with the report file using the Dos copy command.

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    I think the EUROPEAN keyword should do it.
    See: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12825_01/epm.111/esb_techref/rw_european.htm
    Cameron Lackpour

  • Substitution Variable in Essbase Report Script

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    TEXT 0 "Bud"
    TEXT 0 "12"
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    Your thinking is sound and creative, however due to the way they work you can't define a subvar as a concatenation of other subvars because it will be interpreted literally. e.g.
    sv1 = hello
    sv2 = world
    sv3 = &sv1 + &sv2
    sv3 interpreted by essbase will be: &sv1 + &sv2 and throw an error.
    (If you think about it, concatenating two 255 char subvars into another would still exceed the character liimit.)
    if you want to concatenate several long subvars, just define them and mash them together:
    &sv1 &sv2 = hello world
    Robb Salzmann

  • Assist with my SQL Reporting Script

    I have started writing a HTML SQL reporting script based off of Jeffrey Hicks tutorial
    Here is my entire script:
    ###################START SCRIPT#####################################
    #requires -version 3.0
    #Create a SQL Server report of said SQL environment
    #define an empty array to hold all of the HTML fragments
    #the fragments will break apart each HTML section in the final output so that you can out whatever information you like
    #save current location so I can set it back after importing SQL module
    $curr = get-location
    #import the SQL module
    Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
    #change the location back
    set-location $curr
    #get uptime
    Write-Verbose "Getting SQL Server uptime"
    $starttime = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query 'SELECT sqlserver_start_time AS StartTime FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info' -ServerInstance $computername -database master
    $version = Invoke-Sqlcmd "Select @@version AS Version"
    #create an object
    $uptime = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
     StartTime = $starttime.Item(0)
     Uptime = (Get-Date)-$starttime.Item(0)
     Version = $version.Item(0).replace("`n","|")
    $tmp = $uptime | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment -AS List
    #replace "|" place holder with <br>"
    $fragments += $tmp.replace("|","<br>")
    #SQL Host Information
    $smo = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $computername
    $fragments += "<h3>SQL Host Information Details</h3>"
    $fragments += $smo | select ComputerNamePhysicalNetBios,Name, Processors, ProcessorUsage, PhysicalMemory, PhysicalMemoryUsageInKB, MasterDBPath, BackupDirectory | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
    #Get Status of all SQL related Services
    Write-Verbose "Querying services"
    $services = Get-Service -DisplayName *SQL* -ComputerName $computername |
    Select Name,Displayname,Status
    $fragments += "<h3>SQL Services</h3>"
    $fragments += $services | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
    #get databases
    #path to databases
    Write-Verbose "Querying datases"
    $dbpath = "SQLServer:\SQL\Localhost\default\databases"
    $fragments += "<h3>Database Utilization</h3>"
    $fragments += dir $dbpath | Select Name,Size,DataSpaceUsage,SpaceAvailable,
    @{Name="PercentFree";Expression={ [math]::Round((($_.SpaceAvailable/1kb)/$_.size)*100,2) }} |
    Sort PercentFree | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment
    #get database backup information
    # Create an SMO connection to the instance
    $smo = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $computername
    $dbbackups = $smo.Databases
    $fragments += "<h3>Last Database Backup Information</h3>"
    $fragments += $dbbackups | select Name,LastBackupDate, LastLogBackupDate | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
    #Login & Service Account Information#SQL Host Information
    $smo = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $computername
    $fragments += "<h3>Login & Service Account Information</h3>"
    $fragments += $smo | select ServiceAccount, Logins | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
    #volume usage
    Write-Verbose "Querying system volumes"
    $data = Get-CimInstance win32_volume -filter "drivetype=3" -ComputerName $computername
    $drives = foreach ($item in $data) {
        $prophash = [ordered]@{
        Drive = $item.DriveLetter
        Volume = $item.DeviceID
        Compressed = $item.Compressed
        SizeGB = $item.capacity/1GB -as [int]
        FreeGB = "{0:N4}" -f ($item.Freespace/1GB )
        PercentFree = [math]::Round((($item.Freespace/$item.capacity) * 100),2)
        #create a new object from the property hash
        New-Object PSObject -Property $prophash
    [xml]$html = $drives | ConvertTo-Html -fragment
    #check each row, skipping the TH header row
    for ($i=1;$i -le $html.table.tr.count-1;$i++) {
      $class = $html.CreateAttribute("class")
      #check the value of the last column and assign a class to the row
      if (($html.table.tr[$i].td[-1] -as [int]) -le 25) {                                         
        $class.value = "danger" 
        $html.table.tr[$i].Attributes.Append($class) | Out-Null
      elseif (($html.table.tr[$i].td[-1] -as [int]) -le 35) {                                              
        $class.value = "warn"   
        $html.table.tr[$i].Attributes.Append($class) | Out-Null
    $fragments += "<h3>Volume Utilization</h3>"
    $fragments += $html.innerxml
    #define the HTML style
    Write-Verbose "preparing report"
    $imagefile = "c:\scripts\db.png"
    $ImageBits = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $imagefile -Encoding Byte))
    $ImageHTML = "<img src=data:image/png;base64,$($ImageBits) alt='db utilization'/>"
    $head = @"
    body { background-color:#FAFAFA;
           font-size:12pt; }
    td, th { border:1px solid black;
             border-collapse:collapse; }
    th { color:white;
         background-color:black; }
    table, tr, td, th { padding: 2px; margin: 0px }
    tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: lightgray}
    table { margin-left:50px; }
    margin: 0px 25px;
    .danger {background-color: red}
    .warn {background-color: yellow}
    <H2>SQL Server Report: $Computername</H2>
    #create the HTML document
    ConvertTo-HTML -Head $head -Body $fragments -PostContent "<i>report generated: $(Get-Date)</i>" |
    Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding ascii
    Write-Verbose "Opening report"
    Invoke-Item $path
    ######################END SCRIPT##################################
    I have 2 questions for help in regards to the above script:
    1)  For the Login and Service Account portion I can't get my output to show up properly.  Here is the snip from the script:
    #Login & Service Account Information#SQL Host Information
    $smo = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $computername
    $fragments += "<h3>Login & Service Account Information</h3>"
    $fragments += $smo | select ServiceAccount, Logins | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
    Here is how the output shows for this portion:
    I would like top have the login information show in the above table of the all the different logins.  When I run the script without HTML for that portion and just output to console it shows the login info as I would expect.
    2)  The 2nd question is, how do I add a variable to the bottom of the script to email the report to said email address.  This is probably simple but can't get my head wrapped around this part.
    Thanks all in advance!

    Thanks AnnaWY, that resolved the portion on how to email the report.  I was also able to utilize the following code which does the same thing as well:
    #Send an email with the contents of the report
    $MailBody= Get-Content $path
    $MailSubject= "SQL Server Report"
    $SmtpClient = New-Object system.net.mail.smtpClient
    $SmtpClient.host = "smtp.server.com"
    $MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
    $MailMessage.from = "[email protected]"
    $MailMessage.To.add("[email protected]")
    $MailMessage.Subject = $MailSubject
    $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = 1
    $MailMessage.Body = $MailBody
    I still have not been able to resolve the portion regarding the login/service account information not showing up in the table correctly.  For the time being I have removed it from the environment report and instead included it as a script of its own
    in our Security Auditing process.

  • Issue with report Script. DECIMAL option not working properly

    Hi All,
    One of my report scripts has the option { decimal n } set. Now I am getting this to work only for account members which has a '%' symbol in the name. For all other accounts, data is being exported as a whole number even though the cube has decimal values. This is an ASO cube. Any thoughts?

    Here you go,
    //ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
    {supall}{ROWREPEAT}{tabdelimit}{nameson}{noindentgen}{ SUPCOMMAS }{SUPMISSINGROWS}{ DECIMAL  9}
    <COLUMN (Period)
    July August September October November December January February March April May1 June
    <LINK(<LEV (Entity,0))
    <LINK(<LEV (Location,0))
    <LINK(<LEV (Stage,0))
    <LINK(<LEV (Business_Category,0))
    <LINK(<LEV (BD_Responsible,0))
    <LINK(<LEV (Type_Of_Program,0))
    <LINK(<LEV ("Client",0))
    "Contribution %"
    "SD Margin"
    "SD Margin %"
    "Indirect Costs"
    //"PBT %"
    "Total Tax"
    //"PAT %"
    "Manpower Total"
    "Billable agents"
    "Total Seats"

  • Report script taking too long to export data

    Hello guys,
    I have a report script to export data out of a BSO cube. The cube is 200GB in size. But the exported text file is only 10MB. It takes around 40 mins to export this file.
    I have exported data of this size in less than a minute from other DBs. But this one is taking way too long for me.
    I also have a calc script for the same export but that too is taking 20 mins which is not reasonable for a 10MB export.
    Any idea why a report script could take this long? Is it due to huge size of database? Or is there a way to optimize the report script?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks for the input guys.
    My DATAEXPORT is taking half the time than my report script export. So yeah it is much faster but still not reasonable(20 mins for one month data) compared to other DBs that are exported very quick.
    In my calc I am just FIXING on level 0 members for most of the dimensions against the specific period, year and scenario. I have checked the conditions for an optimal report script, I think mine is just fine.
    The outline has like 15 dimensions in it and only two of them are dense. Do you think the reason might be the huge size of DB along with too many sparse Dims?
    I appreciate your help on this.

  • Report Script- Performance Issue

    I ran this report script and it is taking around 2 hours to complete. Is there any possiblity to better tune this script. Please advice me where else can we better tune this.

    ID 581459.1:
    How to optimize Hyperion Essbase Report Scripts?
    To optimize your Report follow the suggested guidelines below:
    1. Decrease the amount of Dynamic Calcs in your outline. If you have to, make it dynamic calc and store.
    2. Use the <Sparse command at the beginning of the report script.
    3. Use the <Column command for the dense dimensions instead of using the Page command. The order of the dense dimensions in the Column command should
    be the same as the order of the dense dimension in the outline. (Ex. <Column (D1, D2)).
    4. Use the <Row command for the sparse dimensions. The order of the sparse dimensions in the Row command should be in the opposite order of the sparse
    dimension in the outline. (Ex. <Row (S3, S2, S1)). This is commonly called sparse bottom up method.
    5. If the user does not want to use the <Column command for the dense dimensions, then the dense dimensions should be placed at the end of the <Row command.
    (Ex. <Row (S3, S2, S1, D1, D2)).
    6. Do not use the Page command, use the Column command instead.

  • Report Scripts - Please Can Some One Help Me

    Hello Gurus,
    Is it possible to display 2 members of the same dimension in adjacent columns using Report Scripts? if not what is the best available option?
    Consider this Sample Outline
    The format of the desired report is
    ======= Jan Feb Mar
    1100 Cofee 8 8 8
    1200 Cofee 8 8 8
    1300 Cofee 7 7 7
    1400 Cofee 7 7 7
    1500 Soda 6 6 6
    Please Can some one help me in this regard!
    Thanks In Advance

    If I remember correctly when I wanted to do something similar I imported the report with the level 0 members into SQL Server and then joined on a mapping table (was a parent/child table in our case) to get the other column. In our situation we already had the mapping table readily available because this is where the dimension was built from!

  • Report Script returns no data and "java.io.FileNotFoundException" error

    When attempting to write to a new file (Eg: C:\TEST.txt), Report Script returns no data and "java.io.FileNotFoundException" error occurs.
    This error occurs only in Essbase release, however it works fine in release
    After running the report the script, it pops up the follwing message:
    "java.io.FileNotFoundException: ..\temp\eas17109.tmp (The system cannot find the file specified): C:\TEST.txt"
    When checked the TEST.txt, it was empty.

    Sorry folks, I just found out the reason. Its because there was no data in the combination what I was extracting.
    but is this the right error message for that? It should have atleast create a blank file right?

  • Report script taking very long time to export in ASO

    Hi All,
    My report script is taking very long time to execute and finally a message appears as timed out.
    I'm working on ASO Cubes and there are 14 dimensions for which i need to export all data for all the dimensions for only one version.
    The data is very huge and the member count in each dimension is also huge, so which is making me difficult to export the data.
    Any suggestions??

    Here is a link that addresses several ways to optimize your report script. I utilize report scripts for Level 0 exports in an ASO environment as well, however the majority of our dimemsions are attribute dimensions.
    These are the most effective solutions we have implemented to improve our exports via report scripts:
    1. Make sure your report script is written in the order of how the Report Extractor retrieves data.
    2. Supressing Zero and Missing Data
    3. We use the LINK command within reports for some dimensions that are really big and pull at Level 0
    4. Using Symmetric reports.
    5. Breakout the exports in multiple reports.
    However, you may also consider some additional solutions outlined in this link:
    1. The MDX optimizing commands
    2. Back end system settings
    I hope this helps. Maybe posting your report script would also help users to provide feedback.
    Edited by: ronnie on Jul 14, 2011 9:25 AM
    Edited by: ronnie on Jul 14, 2011 9:53 AM

  • Report Script issue

    Is it possible to create a Report Script that would export Period data (jan, feb, ... dec) condition being that the start period is a subvar. Eg. from &FcstMonth to Dec, where &FcstMonth is Aug.

    Hi Leo,
    I have a report script that is running with &FMonths set to "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"
    same should work on your side,

  • Report Scripts Issue

    I try to write the report script but cannot find out how to avoide this space-"movement". Is it possible to adjust this with some command? In the manual all the scripts look fine, properly aligned and centered. Cant get that in console. WIDTH, NAMESCOL could not help me. TABDELIMIT supresses many other formatting properties.
    Example is below, with a row value 615, which travels from the center of each column.
    Thank you
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0  
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0  
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0  
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0  
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                              615                           615                           615                           615                           615  
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0 
                                0                             0                             0                             0                             0

    it didn't really helped. Let us take a look at the sample.basic. I have the same problems:
    //ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
    <PAGE (Product, Measures)
    <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
    <ROW (Market)
                           Product Measures Actual 
                          Jan      Feb      Mar     Qtr1 
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== 
    New York              512      601      543    1,656 
    Massachusetts         519      498      515    1,532 
    Florida               336      361      373    1,070 
    Connecticut           321      309      290      920 
    New Hampshire          44       74       84      202 
      East              1,732    1,843    1,805    5,380 
    I think this script language is some tricky...cant understand well in short time. But we need this script to generate an output for a matrix printer.
    Edited by: Ole on 14.09.2011 18:28

  • Issue with the supshare Report Script Command

    Hi All,
    I have created a report script to extract the Level0 data for the members of the accounts dimension and It does work fine and the performance is also good. However I have a challenge here. The shared members are repeating and therefore I used “<supshare” command in order to avoid the repetition. It does work, however there is an issue here.
    For eg, I am trying to retrieve the data as below and they are level0 members. The NetExpense is a “Level0” member and also a “shared member”, However the original “Net Expense” comes under Level3 and since I have used <Supshare and asked to retrieve only Lev0 accounts it is therefore ignoring the “Net Expenses” for all the Dept and product intersections. Hope I am clear and not confused? Is there anything i could change or add to retrieve the correct data.
    Would anyone be able to help me on this issue.
    <supshare “Lev0 Accounts”
    Data Retrieval Ex : DeptA  NetExpense No Product  1200

    Thanks Glen. I tried the below link statement. This is an example. My accounts dimension has 8 childern (A to H) out of which 4 are level 0 members ("B"to "E") and the remaining have so many members underneath. The member"H" is where my confusion starts, it has 4 children (Ex 1,2,3,4) and all are shared members. Here i need not worry about children 2 and 3 since they have no data. Children 4 is a level 0 and a shared member, however the Children 4 main location is also located at Level 0. Therefore when i use supshare this appears only once. one problem is solved.
    Now coming to Children 1, this is a Level 0 for parent "H", however this is also a child of "A" and this by itself has levels underneath. So this Sup share is not allowing me to retrieve the data Child 1 though it is level 0 and since it is shared member.
    This case how do i modify the report in such a way i get all level 0 data of my accounts and suppress shared members. Hope i have not condused...
    <ROW (Accounts)
    <LINK(<DESCENDANT ("A", "Lev0,Accounts"))
    "B", "C", "D", "E"
    <LINK(<DESCENDANT ("F", "Lev0,Accounts"))
    <LINK(<DESCENDANT ("G", "Lev0,Accounts"))
    <LINK(<DESCENDANT ("H", "Lev0,Accounts"))

  • Error getting while executing report scripts

    while iam trying to execute a report script,the following error iam getting.
    pls help me.

    Can you run any of the sample report scripts in EAS? For example, try running one or more of the scripts shipped with Sample Basic in the environment.
    Tim Tow
    Applied OLAP, Inc

  • Use of Essbase substitution variables in filename of a MaxL report script

    Hey guys.
    Is there a way that I can embed the value of one or more Essbase substitution variables in the filename of a report script in a MaxL command?
    I'm running a report script that uses sub. vars for entities and accounts and based on which of those members are set in the variables I want the filenames to include those member names. I'm looking for a way to include the &varName in the filename using the export database command.

    Not really.
    If you want to do a lot of string mangling in a script outside of the report script, you can use DISPLAY VARIABLE:
    MAXL> display variable CurMo;
    application         database            variable            value
                                             CurMo               MayRegards,
    Robb Salzmann

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