Hearing Aid Setting

After setting hearing aid mode (telecoil) on my phone and hearing aids how am I supposed to use it (there is no apparent difference)? Is the setting compatible with UK hearing aids?

Hello Landypete1,
In hearing aid mode/telecoil mode, the magnetic signal of your BlackBerry device is modified to an appropriate level and frequency response to be picked up by hearing aids that are equipped with telecoils. 
What model BlackBerry and device software version are you using? After you enabled this do you see the H-T telecoil indicator appear at the top of the Home screen?
Thank you.
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    I had a similar problem and the streaming just stopped.  But I just kept playing around with it and it switched back to the headphone setting which was actually much louder than the headset.  It may be that one setting works better with some things than others.  Sorry I don't have a formula for you.  You may discover a pattern as you work with it.  Good luck!

  • IPhone hearing aid t-coil (telecoil) compatibility and clicking noises

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    Here are some details ...
    My wife wears two Oticon Synchro P hearing aids. They are about 4 years old. They are expensive hearing aids. They have a t-coil setting which she normally uses with telephones, and it works quite well with our Uniden land line phones and our old LG cell phones. The purpose of the t-coil is to inductively couple a telephone or other device to the hearing aid, rather than depending on acoustic coupling which often results in poor sound quality or lots of feedback. With my wife's hearing aids, when turned on, the t-coil does pick up some noise, more like a hum than white noise, but at an acceptable level. When we first tried the iPhone, just placing the iPhone speaker next to the ear with hearing aid with t-coil enabled, caused the noise/hum level to increase noticeably, to a level that was only marginally acceptable. There were other issues, as well.
    Except for the noise increase, it did not seem to matter if the t-coil was turned on or off, i.e. there did not seem to be any inductive coupling through the t-coil. Essentially the coupling was acoustic, resulting in poor sound quality.
    Last but certainly not least, we also got a loud clicking noise. Once again this was when the iPhone was next to the ear with the hearing aid with t-coil enabled. The noise sounds like a relay clicking, at a rate just slightly faster than I could count. This only occurred in the house, and was gone when we attempted to demonstrate the problem at a Verizon store. I took the iPhone back home determined to find the source of the clicking interference by turning off all the wireless phones and other electronics in the house. When I turned off my Linksys router, an old WRK54G model, the clicks went away. Okay, so I turned the router back on, and turned WIFI off on the iPhone - sure enough, no clicks. And there were no clicks when the t-coil was turned off, or when the iPhone was not in close proximity to the hearing aid (with or without WIFI enabled). So there is a interaction between the WIFI signal, the hearing aid t-coil, and the iPhone in combination.
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    Next, I looked at some of the router parameters, and noticed that the router sends a short preamble at a default interval of 100 msecs (10 per second) - roughly my guess of the click frequency. Changing this interval to 1000 msec (1 per second) did indeed change the frequency of the clicks to 1 per second!
    My theory on this is that we were hearing all the WIFI packets, but most of it sounded like noise, and only the periodic preamble broadcasts were identifiable as clicks. Strange, eh ?
    So what now ? Turn off WIFI on the iPhone? No. Change the preamble frequency permanently ? Probably not since I have no clue as to what effect that might have on the various WIFI devices that are used around here. Buy a different router ? Well, maybe, but the iPhone4 only supports 802.11 b/g/n on 2.4Ghz, so it's a toss-up whether or not a newer router would help. Buy new bluetooth hearing aids ? Not anytime soon. Buy the bluetooth add-on gizmo ? Probably not ... Few hearing impaired people really want all that hardware - they just want their t-coils to work.
    In the end, we didn't try another unit ... we simply gave up and sent the iPhone back. Since we really like the iPhone, we'll wait until the iPhone5 comes out, try that, and if it doesn't work, we'll find an Android phone from LG or some other manufacturer that does work.
    Apple says the iPhone4 CDMA has an M4,T4 (i.e. very good) rating for hearing aid compatibility, "Based on testing conducted by an independent laboratory following the ANSI standard C63.19, "American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids."" I think Apple needs to find a different lab, or do in-house testing of the top 10 hearing aids. A very large group of potential customers would appreciate it.

    I installed the iOS 5 on my iPhone 4 and I enabled the "Hearing Aid Mode". The loud clicking noise went away so now my wife can use my phone with that option enable.  She has the hearing aids.
    Currently she has a Droid and can hear ok using the t-coil.  She has never been able to use the iPhone with her T-switch because of the loud clicking noise. 
    So we got an iPhone 4S for her thinking that option would be available on the iPhone 4S (Hearing Aid Mode).  She hears the loud clicking noise because the "Hearing Aid Mode" option is missing on the iPhone 4S (not sure why that option does not show up - see other post). 
    We are going to have to return the 4S since it does not work with her hearing aid :-(.
    I guess another option is to give her my old iPhone 4 and I take the iPhone 4S :-).  We only have 3 days to return the phone, so we may return the 4S and have her test my iphone 4 for a month or so to see if it really works.
    So my comment is you may want to try an iPhone 4 again with iOS 5 installed and enable the "Hearing Aid Mode" option.

  • Hearing aid music accessories

    Hi all,
    After perusing through the support forum, I've come to think my question has been answered which was this: has such a thing been invented that would enable hard of hearing users to connect their iPods directly to their hearing aids with some sort of bluetooth or cable?
    I'm thinking there has been, but I'm unsure as to how to navigate around the different topics (mainly iPhone and iPod) to find out exactly what it is folks are using, and where I might purchase one. I wear Phonak BTE in both ears. I've not listened to an iPod in ages, simply because the ear buds aren't loud enough. Is there a way I can hook my iPod up directly to my hearing aids?

    Hi Lisa,
    I too have a severe hearing loss. The Siemen Tek system and my Rexton Cobalt system are basically the same except for price. Tek was introduced November 2008 and Cobalt was January 2009.
    The iPod Touch or iPhone is connected to the remote control with a cable that's included. Transmission from the remote control to the hearing aids is through a wireless (Bluetooth) connection. Bluetooth phones, cellular and landline, are also connected through the remote control. The remote control has buttons to answer and hang up calls and a small speaker.
    Another small transmitter, also included, has red and white RCA jacks that connect to a TV or stereo sound equipment. The transmitter connects wirelessly to your hearing aids that become headphones. There is a sound button on the transmitter that I'm still exploring. It seems to adjust the quality whereas the remote control can adjust the volume and treble settings
    Both the remote device and transmitter have rechargeable batteries and come with two AC charging units. The battery in the remote control is replaceable, but I don't think the transmitter battery can be removed.
    Treble and volume settings and programs (5 available) on the hearing aids are changed wirelessly with the remote. The BTE components also have a button that can change 4 of the 5 programs (not the cell or phone program). Volume and treble settings can only be made with the remote control. However, pressing one button on the BTE also changes the other BTE to the same setting. It pairs them automatically.
    The sound quality is quite different from my previous hearing aids and it takes a while for adjustment. They provide more high frequency sound that was a pleasant surprise when I listened to a violin concerto on my car radio. I had not been able the string instruments like that for years. The sound can be disconcerting at first since the rattling of paper and similar sounds are now present.
    A real bonus is that wind noise has been eliminated as the result of the new design.
    The batteries in the hearing aids are smaller #312's and don't last as long as my previous #13's. I get 7 to 9 days depending on how much I listen to TV or or my iPod Touch.
    Like all substitute devices, they're not perfect, but way beyond anything I had before.
    Hope this helps.
    Cheers, DGM

  • Hearing aid battery life

    If a pair of "made for iPhone" hearing aids is in "mute" mode, does the battery drain as much over a given period of time as if not in "mute mode?

    I started wearing Starkey Halo i110s the last week in June 2014. I am on the phone a lot for my job. I have a Phone setting that boosts the audio coming in from the phone and I also mute the hearing aid's environmental audio so I can hear the call better. I have had stretches of time when I have been on vacation and using my phone seldom for the duration of a set of batteries or most of a set of batteries. I typically get 6.5 to 7.5 days of use out of a set of batteries (mostly Xcell). I have noticed no significant difference between the length of time a set of batteries will last depending on the amount of time I send on the phone. I suspect that using the Halos as the phone headset, coupled with muting the environmental audio sort of cancel each other out from a battery drain perspective.

  • Hearing Aid Wearers

    I wear a behind the ear hearing aid and am entirely dependant on it.
    I have tried using a HDC-5 head set with my wife's 1600 pay as you go. - but all I get is tranmission interference. My ancient Ericsson with a simple head set gives me not such problems. I would like to up-grade to a nokia but am unsure as to the best combination or phone and head-set. Any suggestions.

    I believe any "Made For iPhone" hearing aid. More information: http://www.apple.com/accessibility/ios/hearing-aids/
    The bottom of that link has a list of "Compatible Devices"
    Following is one:

  • IPhone 5s with hearing aids via Bluetooth. Need to use the phone for voice, what's the best distance that the mic will pick up your voice

    I wear hearing aids that are made for Apple, the audio will go into the hearing aids via Bluetooth. I'll need to use my phone for voice only.. I drive for work and have a wok oh one too and both are synced to a bluetooh headset (LG). I'm trying to figure out how to talk on both phones ( use speakerphone on work phone?) without using a bluretooh headset.  I don't know the range of the microphone on the IPHON, thinking about hanging it around my neck or put the phone into a stand/holder on the dash and use the speakerphone feature.  Looking for ideas to make this simple

    You can't do anything with that problem.
    Take your iPhone to the closest Apple Store and they will give you new one for 200€/$ or if you bought your iPhone in less than 12 months you will get it for free.

  • Hearing Aids try to pair with multiple Devices!

    My wife just got a pair of Starkey Halo hearing aids, and we've had some problems getting them paired successfully, consistently, and keeping them paired.
    One key problem is our household has multiple iOS devices (iPhone 5, 6, 6+, iPad Air, iPod Touch) and the Starkey's appear to have infected them all, and I suspect this is because we utilize a single iTunes account for all our devices.
    My wife uses the iPhone 6, and the hearing aids were paired there.  This morning I noticed them paired on my 6+ and I'm assuming they are showing up on the other devices as well.  This morning I deleted the hearing aids from my phone and now I'm at work, miles away, and they are back...
    How can I stop this from happening?  Do I need to setup a 2nd iTunes account for the wife to use?

    You might need to take some extra steps to make sure the Halos and you phone competely forget about each other. Try the following --
    1. On both phones, make sure you are each connected to the correct iTunes account.
    2. With your wife, her phone and your phone nearby, open Settings->General->Accessibility->Hearing Aids->(your wife's hearing aids) then select "Forget this device."
    3. Ask your wife to make sure her hearing aids are connected to her phone.
    4. Have your wife remove the batteries from her hearing aids.
    5. Power down both phones.
    6. Have your wife power up her phone. wait until the TruLink app is fully aware of her hearing aids before you power up your phone.
    I think that should do it. Let us know.

  • How can I hear text notification in Resound hearing aid when in vibrate mode?

    How can I hear text notification in Resound hearing aid when in vibrate mode?

    You should turn off "Auto input monitoring". I only have L8 and there you find it under Options->audio->Auto Input monitoring. Would guess that its in the same place in L9

  • New iPod Touch will not pair with New Resound Linx hearing aid

    Received a new pair of hearing aids aweek ago,  Resound Linx.  Very nice indeed.
    Days after I purchase a New iPod Touch, down loaded all updates and the Resound Smart app.
    Followed instructions to the letter but am unable to pair the hearing aids with the iPod.
    Hearing aids work fine and have fresh batteries.  Bluetooth turned on, iPod continues to search
    but can not find hearing aids.  Has anyone had this problem, can anyone offer any suggestions.
    Many Thanks

    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"?

  • I want to communicate with a hearing impaired partner who has bluetooth compatible hearing aids.  Can I do this with an iPhone?

    I want to communicate with a hearing impaired partner who wears bluetooth enabled hearing aids.
    Ideally, I would use an bluetooth mic via an iPhone that would work directly with her hearing aids.  This would be done primarily in home and work environments.  
    Can I do this with an iPhone?  If so, how?

    troubleshooting messae http://support.apple.com/kb/ts2755

Maybe you are looking for