Help-email dropping

What is wrong with my iphone, it keeps dropping all my emails after I go in it. Once I get out of the email when I go back all emails are gone. HELP

If AT&T is the email account provider for this account, more than likely the account is a POP account and can only be accessed as a POP account with an email client such as Outlook or with the iPhone's mail client.
Checking the account info with Outlook should reveal this. If the incoming mail server address includes POP, an indication the account is a POP account.
Check your account settings with Outlook for removing messages from the server when downloaded.

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    to be honest these are the solutions that may or may not work..
    first thing I would try is rebooting the phone by holding the sleep/wake button and home button for 15 seconds until you see the white apple logo
    if that doesn't work I would restore from backup and if that doesn't work I would restore as new if all else fails take it to your closest apple store they may replace the phone for a working one..

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    Alternatives for Help Resetting Security Questions and Rescue Mail
         1. Apple ID- All about Apple ID security questions.
         2. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
         3. Apple ID- Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security.
         4. Fill out and submit this form. Select the topic, Account Security.
         5.  Call Apple Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support in your
              country and ask to speak to Account Security.
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             set up a rescue email address in order to reset them. You must set up
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    How to Manage your Apple ID: Manage My Apple ID

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    Do not try to turn it on or charge it.
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    Hi Helen
    I think (from the other forum you posted to previously) that you are asking how to send email to a group in your address book, or other group of email addresses? You will need a third party app to do this, a number of which are available from the App Store.
    Our MailShot Pro app is unique, as it can turn addressbook groups into special contacts that you can use from any Mail-compatible app on your iPad (Such as Mail, Photos, Maps etc.) as though the ability to send to groups were built into your device.
    You can find MailShot Pro here on the App Store
    Soluble Apps
    Full disclosure: I am the developer of MailShot Pro, and may receive financial benefit from its sale.

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    נשלח מה-iPhone שליgg
    ב-28 בנוב׳ 2014, בשעה 02:45, Apple Support Communities Updates <[email protected]> כתב/ה:
    Apple Support Communities
    sandman512 has posted in the Using iPhone community.
    Can I get a text alert notification while in a messaging thread?
    So, I am currently using my wife's old iPhone 4S.  When I get a text message, my phone alerts me.  When I am in the open the text and reply, no problem.  The issue os that after I reply and I am in the THREAD, there is NO alert if the person replies.  Can I change this so I can receive an alert?  Thanks!
    To post a reply, go to the discussion in Apple Support Communities.                                                             
    You are receiving this email from Apple Support Communities. You can change your email preferences in your Apple Support Communities Profile.
    TM and copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 96-DM. Cupertino, CA 95014.
    All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Apple Support

  • Help with Drop Menus

    I am designing a site that has multiple pages of images.
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    Investigate using DW's Library items, or Templates, or
    ordinary Server-side
    includes. It's the only way to do it.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Chester_22" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f8cqap$gra$[email protected]..
    >I am designing a site that has multiple pages of images.
    > I added a drop menu to keep the site organized but I am
    now running into
    > problems. Because of the multiple pages, whenever she
    wants to upload
    > pictures
    > I have to adjust the drop menu on like 15 pages. So I
    did the site over
    > using
    > frames thinking this would help. But no. Now the frame
    cuts the drop menu
    > off.
    > So my question is. Is there a way to create a link or
    javascript that I
    > can
    > link to on each page and then only edit that one item.
    So when I go to
    > that
    > link/script and edit it, it will just link to all other
    pages that contain
    > that
    > link/script. I don't know if this is an easy fix, but I
    have just been
    > pulling
    > what little hair out I have.
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Kevin

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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

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    I tried another script posted here, but that was based on the assumption that there was only one choice per email address in the list.
    I wrote this on the change event of my list. I want the variable "emailAddress" to adopt the correct email address, based on the value of the option selected from the list:
    var emailAddress = "[email protected]";
    if (Customer.rawValue = "3"|"4"|"7") {
    emailAddress = "[email protected]";
    else if (Customer.rawValue = "5"|"8"|"15"|"20"|"21"|"26") {
    emailAddress = "[email protected]";
    else if (Customer.rawValue = "9"|"10"|"13") {
    emailAddress = "[email protected]";
    else {
    emailAddress = "[email protected]";
    Then I copied this (from the other topic), on the click event of a regular button ,which calls for a second, hidden button:
    EmailSubmitButton1.resolveNode("#event") = "mailto:"+ emailAddress;
    The form worked fine the first time, but after that, all submissions are going to [email protected] I'm thinkking that the variable emailAddress has now a fixed value, and does not change.
    I am new to Javascript, so I might have not written the code properly, any help will be greatyl appreciated!
    Thank you.

    I think your javascript syntax is problematic. Instead of the syntax
    if (Customer.rawValue = "3"|"4"|"7")
    if (Customer.rawValue == "3"|"4"|"7")
    Note the double equals sign. That's the equality comparison operator in javascript. The single equals is assignment.
    if that still doesn't work, try
    if ((Customer.rawValue == "3") || (Customer.rawValue == "4") || (Customer.rawValue == "7"))
    Hope this helps.

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    You can enter the sales tax rate for each province as the export value and
    then use the drop-down field directly in your calculations.
    On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 6:06 PM, jennam90934439 <[email protected]>

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    You can enter the sales tax rate for each province as the export value and
    then use the drop-down field directly in your calculations.
    On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 6:06 PM, jennam90934439 <[email protected]>

  • Email dropped from Inbox

    I have a new Galaxy SIII that seems to drop email from the Inbox without my deleting it. I have the mail account period to synchronize settings set for 1 month but the only email displayed in the Inbox is for the previous week. In an effort to fix this I tried changing the settings to 2 weeks which made no difference. I then changed the setting back to 1 month and now only the last 10 messages are displayed. The missing email is not in the Deleted items folder. This only happens with my default email account. I also have a Hotmail account which saves all messages back for 1 month.
    My question is how can this be fixed and also is there a way to save messages older than 1 month?
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Don. Thanks for the reply. The email provider is a local ISP that I have used for more years. The account is set up on the phone as a POP account. I have the account set to leave email on the server for 21 days as I access the mail from more than one computer in addition to the phone. When the email deletes from the phone it remains on the ISP server for the full 21 days and I can download to any other computers where I have the account set up.
    After trying to change the settings for Period to synch from 30 days to Two weeks and back again I was only able to see 1 day of downloaded email. So I deleted the account and set it up again. The full 21 days of mail from the server downloaded to the phone. The next day I looked at the mail and only the last two weeks of mail was displayed. I know that the mail is still on the ISP server and I could delete the account and set it up again to get it all but this is obviously not a permanent fix.
    Ideally I would like all my email to remain on the phone until I delete it from the phone. There are some messages that I would like to keep for more than 1 month and I assume I can use the save function but I’m not sure I trust that it will remain.
    I may check in at the local Verizon store because I know there are lots of users in the area that use the same ISP.
    Thanks again for your help and would like to hear any other suggestions you think might help.

  • Need help with Drop Down Menu _ URGENT!!

    Hello -
    I'm new to Dreamweaver. I actually have an old version
    (Dreamweaver MX 2004).
    I'm updating a website for work and this needs to be done as
    soon as possible so I'd appreciate if anyone can be so kind as to
    shed light on ANYTHING. =/
    This is what I need:
    I need a drop down menu; when a selection is chosen, I need
    information regarding that selection to appear on the bottom of the
    page. (I am working off an Excel sheet - it has list of service
    descriptions along w/ the unit price, frequency & other fields.
    So If I chose "database hosting" off the drop down list,
    information would be generated (ie. it's corresponding unit price,
    frequencies, etc.)
    I've attached an example of a code but I cannot use that code
    (which has JavaScript) to tweak what I need exactly.
    I am VERY new to this so if anybody can help be out I would
    GREATLY appreciate it.

    >I buy all their stuff as it
    > is excellent.
    Double Ditto!
    "Paul Gillard" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gedcoi$d65$[email protected]..
    > Hi
    > To be honest, the very best thing you can do is to get
    hold of a DW
    > extension
    > from
    and then you will be able to have a
    > completely
    > editable 'easy to implement' drop-down menu system! I
    buy all their stuff
    > as it
    > is excellent.
    > Cheers
    > Paul

  • Need help with drop down list in parameters

    Hi All,
    I have the following data set:
    DEPT1     DEPT2     DEPT3 DEPT4
    Commissioner's Office     Finance     Accounting     Accounts Payable
    Commissioner's Office     Finance     Accounting     Fiscal Analysis & Repo
    Commissioner's Office     Finance     Accounting     
    Commissioner's Office     Planning,Asset Mgt     Asset Management     Inventory & Tracking
    Commissioner's Office     Planning,Asset Mgt     Asset Management     Mobility & Congestion
    Commissioner's Office     Planning,Asset Mgt     Asset Management     Roadway Safety
    Commissioner's Office     Planning,Asset Mgt     Asset Management     
    Commissioner's Office     DesignProj Mgt & Tec     Bridge Dsgn Insp Hyd     
    In plus i have four parameters with searchlight options, the problem is when i select "Finance" from DEPT2 and in the next selection level i'm seeing all the departments "Accounting,Asset Management and Bridge Dsgn Insp Hyd" insted of just "Accounting". What i want is if i select a department in DEPT2, in the next drop down list(DEPT3) i want to see only the departement corresponding to the one i selected in dept2. Please need help.

    First of all you need to be using Discoverer 10g or 11g Plus not 9.0.4. Assuming you have the right version you need to present the parameters in the correct order. You can change the order on the parameters screen by selecting Tools | Parameters from the toolbar. You then use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to place them in the right order so that DEPT1 is offered first, followed by DEPT2, then DEPT3 and then DEPT4.
    Next, you need to check the radion button on the bottom of the right-hand side that allows linking of parameters then you make DEPT2 dependent upon DEPT1, with DEPT3 dependent upon DEPT2 and so on.
    While this works without hierarchies it works best when you have a hierarchy in place and even better when there is a composite index on the 4 items.
    Best wishes

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