Help getting started - introspection error - Coldfusion

When I attempt to introspect my CFC, I get the following error:
Unable to retrieve operationss and entities from the file.
Cannot connect to the server. The server may be down.
I tried reinstalling Coldfusion and rds, but I still get the same error.
I need to get this fixed before the trial runs out so I can decide if I want to purchase Flash Builder.
Please advise.

The likely cause would be the configuration of the server entries while creating the project.
Can you make sure that you are able to access the server by copy pasting the URL that you have given during project creation in the browser.
Also make sure you have enabled RDS on the server.
Also pls. send us the log that you find in your /.metadata folder

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    New User of Apple wrote:
    I just bought a mac mini after 20 years using a PC.  I need help getting started.  Any beginning manuals out there?  Thanks.
    Welcome back. Do not overlook the Finder and individual application Help menu support. The links provided above are great starter references. With tongue in cheek, they also may not be as current as the OS X release on your mini, so expect some differences.
    Here are a litany of keyboard short-cuts, last updated in June 2012, that may prove selectively beneficial.
    For actions like copy(c), paste(v), cut(x), print(p), and select-all(a), substitute the command key instead of control key.
    If you right click on a file, this menu will seem familiar. Press the option key and notice the menu changes. If you copy a file(s) from this menu, change to the destination and then press option with the right button menu to see copy file(s) changed to move file(s).
    To quickly view a file's contents, left click on the file icon, then press the space bar.
    The native file format for OS X is PDF. Thus, when you choose to print, you also have the option to save as PDF with web links preserved.
    Enjoy your mini.

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    ColdFusion has pretty good support for consuming SOAP web services, you might checkout the docs to get started: -7fbf.html
    Also I'd ask if FirstData if they have any ColdFusion examples they can point you to, while they will not help with specific tasks, they might point you to some resources for example: i-sample-code-cold-fusion

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    Hi Experts,
    My requirement is
    If DT_ID value of xmlmsg existed in the DT_ID of PART_ID_COLLES table then that record should be processd else should be skipped.
    And xmlmsg of PART_ID should start with "A" and followed only by the number then that record should be processed else should be skipped.
    And xmlmsg of DD_DAYS should contain only  the number and grater than or equal to 0 ,then that record should be processed else should be skipped.
    For that I have written this code.
    But if I pass dt_id as string value in xmlmsg I am getting invalid number error.
    DT_ID of PART_ID_COLLES table is number data type.
    SELECT xmlmsg.part_id part_id,xmlmsg.dd_days dd_days,xmlmsg.dt_id dt_id
                      FROM XMLTABLE(
                                'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset' as "rs"
                              , '#RowsetSchema' as "z"
                            '/z:row[not(@dt_id=following-sibling::z:row/@dt_id and @part_id=following-sibling::z:row/@part_id)]'
                            PASSING p_dd_days_vals
                                ITEM_NO             for ordinality
                              , dt_id    VARCHAR2 (20) path '@dt_id'
                              , part_id  VARCHAR2 (25) path '@part_id'
                              , dd_days  VARCHAR2 (20) path '@dd_days'
                           ) xmlmsg,
                           part_id_colles pic
                           WHERE REGEXP_REPLACE(TRIM(xmlmsg.dt_id),'^([0-9]+)$|.','\1') = pic.dt_id
                                 AND REGEXP_LIKE (UPPER(TRIM(xmlmsg.part_id)),'^[A][0-9]+$')
                                 AND (TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_REPLACE(TRIM(xmlmsg.dd_days),'^([0-9]+)$|.','\1')) >=0
                                 AND REGEXP_LIKE(TRIM(xmlmsg.dd_days), '^-?[[:digit:],.]*$') ;
    Sample message is
    <MESSAGE ID="12345">
      <DT_POSTED>6/20/2013 08:15:48</DT_POSTED>
      <DT_LAST_QUEUED />
    <WORK_UNIT GROUP="dd_days" ACTION="ADD" AFFECTED="dd_days">
    <RECORDSET TABLE_NAME="dd_days">
    <xml xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">
      <z:row dt_id="430" part_id="A5556689" dd_days="10"/>
      <z:row dt_id="550A" part_id="A8889965" dd_days="20"/>
    Please help me.

    Your code has ton of errors. Anyway:
    with part_id_colles as (
                            select 430 dt_id,xmltype('<MESSAGES>
    <MESSAGE ID="12345">
      <DT_POSTED>6/20/2013 08:15:48</DT_POSTED>
      <DT_LAST_QUEUED />
    <WORK_UNIT GROUP="dd_days" ACTION="ADD" AFFECTED="dd_days">
    <RECORDSET TABLE_NAME="dd_days">
    <xml xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">
      <z:row dt_id="430" part_id="A5556689" dd_days="10"/>
      <z:row dt_id="550A" part_id="A8889965" dd_days="20"/>
      </MESSAGES>') p_dd_days_vals from dual)
    SELECT  xmlmsg.part_id part_id,
            xmlmsg.dd_days dd_days,
            xmlmsg.dt_id dt_id
      FROM  part_id_colles pic,
                                   'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset' as "rs",
                                   '#RowsetSchema' as "z"
                     '/MESSAGES/MESSAGE/MSG/WORK_SET/WORK_UNIT/RECORDSET/xml/rs:data/z:row[not(@dt_id=following-sibling::z:row/@dt_id and @part_id=following-sibling::z:row/@part_id)]'
                     PASSING p_dd_days_vals
                        ITEM_NO             for ordinality,
                        dt_id    VARCHAR2 (20) path '@dt_id',
                        part_id  VARCHAR2 (25) path '@part_id',
                        dd_days  VARCHAR2 (20) path '@dd_days'
                    ) xmlmsg
      WHERE REGEXP_REPLACE(TRIM(xmlmsg.dt_id),'^([0-9]+)$|.','\1') = pic.dt_id
        AND REGEXP_LIKE(UPPER(TRIM(xmlmsg.part_id)),'^[A][0-9]+$')
        AND TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_REPLACE(TRIM(xmlmsg.dd_days),'^([0-9]+)$|.','\1')) >=0
        AND REGEXP_LIKE(TRIM(xmlmsg.dd_days), '^-?[[:digit:],.]*$')
    PART_ID                   DD_DAYS              DT_ID
    A5556689                  10                   430

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    I am a new user to LabView.
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    If anyone could help me out with some basic code to get me started, I would appreciate it.

    This FPGA VI has controls and indicators in it. It can only
    run on the FPGA targets that support Interactive Front Panel Communication
    (e.g. cRIO-9024) so that the host computer displays the FPGA VI front panel
    window and the FPGA target executes the FPGA VI block diagram. Please refer to
    LabVIEW Help (FPGA Module) for more information about the Interactive Front
    Panel Communication.
    However, support of Interactive Front Panel Communications
    varies by FPGA target – NI 9144 is one of the targets that doesn’t support it. With
    NI 9144, please use User-defined Variables to communicate between the host and
    the NI 9144 FPGA target, and then your FPGA VI automatically runs when you
    compile and download the FPGA VI to NI 9144 instead of clicking the Run button.
    Here is a document about the data transferring between the FPGA and the host. Section User-Defined I/O Variables for Custom FPGA I/O Data describes how to use User-defined Variables.
    Transferring Data between the FPGA and the Host (FPGA Module)
    Here is more information for your reference:
    1. Examples about programming FPGA on NI 9144:
    <NI Example Finder> >> Hardware Input and Output >> NI-Industrial Communications >> EtherCAT >> FPGA Fundamentals
    2. Help Topics:
    Menu> >> All Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-Industrial Communications
    for EtherCAT >> NI-IndCom for
    EtherCAT Help >> Programming
    the FPGA on NI 9144 Slave Device
    Feilian (Vince) Shen

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    This question was posted in response to the following article:

    Welcome to Business Catalyst. 
    From the sounds of your requirement it looks very possible to acheive what you are after with a combination of perhaps APIs and using our import features + custom report generator. 
    Here's a list of our API calls ->
    Also the various import options within BC ->
    Lastly our custom customer report generator ->
    I would also if you haven't already go ahead and test out BC.  It appears identifiers are what would be "users" having back-end access to the system to either generate a report or email broadcast who may also need to analyze incoming data. 
    If still needing assistance please reach out to our direct support so we can help guide you further if needed.  ->
    Kind regards,

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    Do you mean photo mkail or attachments? I’ve found it usually works best with web mail via Adobe after obtaining verification. I know some email services block bulk email completely and I’ve only tested it with Gmail which works fine. Should also work with other web mail e.g. Yahoo and Hotmail. Before you start it will help to check your internet security settings. If they are set to High, reduce the settings to Medium temporarily. Then follow these instructions.
    1. Log in to your mail provider on the web and add the following email to your address/contacts book.
    [email protected]
    2. Open Organizer and on the menu click:
    Edit >> Preferences >> Sharing
    3. Choose Adobe Email Service from the client dropdown menu.
    4. Add your name and email address to the fields provided and click OK
    5. Test the system (first use only)  by selecting a photo in organizer and choosing Share >> Photo Mail then click Next (Mac users should use attachments)
    6. Choose a contact then click  Next
    7. Click Next Step, then click Next - the sender verification dialog will open.
    8. Check you have spelt your email address correctly and hit the Resend E-Mail button.
    9. Go to your inbox (also check spam) and when the Adobe mailer message is received copy (Ctrl+C) the long verification code.
    10. Return to the verification dialog and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the Sender verification field and click OK. Wait for validation confirmation then click OK to continue

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    Thanks for any help or advice offered.

    Here are various resources for .NET development with Business Objects products.
    Check out the developer library tutorials under the Crystal Reports section for help as well as the Crystal Reports samples in the application packages and additional code sample.
    Developer Getting Started
    .NET Developer Resources
    Developer Library
    Links to our sample application packages:
    Additional Code samples
    Good luck,

  • Help getting started

    So, I'm trying to get started working with Flash using
    ActionScript. I've read some tutorials, browsed through some code,
    and feel like I have enough resources to do what I want, with one
    exception: I can't figure out how to get the actions I put on my
    first frame to run. I've downloaded examples, and they all seem to
    work; I feel like I've mimicked their syntax precisely, but it
    appears I'm missing something, because my script isn't running.
    Here's what I'm doing, step-by-step (using Macromedia Flash
    MX Professional 2004, Trial):
    -Create new Flash Document
    -Import to Library: 1.jpg (picture of a panda bear)
    -Window->Library to view library, drag 1.jpg onto canvas
    -Right-click picture, Convert to Symbol: Movie Clip named
    -Insert new layer above Layer 1, name it "actions"
    -In the Actions window, with "Current Selection" reading
    "actions : Frame 1", type:
    PandaClip.onRelease = function() {
    PandaClip._alpha = 0;
    which, from my understanding, should mean that, when I click
    on the picture, it'll disappear.
    -Ctrl+Enter to test movie.
    When I test the movie, I see the picture, but clicking on it
    does nothing (I don't even get the finger pointer indicating it's
    So... can anyone see where I went wrong? 'Cause it's been
    driving me nuts. If I attach an action to the PandaClip itself
    using on(release), it works fine and dandy, but I'd really like to
    be able to have some script run in the first frame...

    Are you giving it an instance name of PandaPic or whatever in
    the property inspector? Naming it PandaPic in the library doesn't
    make it targetable in actionscript. To target anything on the stage
    it must have an instance name in the property inspector unless that
    object is created dynamically which you are not doing in your

  • HELP GETTING Started with Sun Access Manager without TEARS.

    I am new to Sun Access Manager.
    I am quite familiar with how Sun Java Identity Manager works.
    The following is the issue I am facing.
    I've downloaded the following images from the sun website
    I've installed the components on sun solaris 10
    The following components were installed
    I am not sure what this is for
    I am not sure what it is.
    What is this I was expecting SUNWam the access management software!
    /opt/SUNWwbsvr -- This is the Web Server.
    I know how to use it.
    Can anyone tell me on how to go about it?
    Is there any online tutorial for the same.
    What is the difference between sparc version and x86. Can i use any of these on solaris 10?
    Anyhelp getting started would be highly appreciated.
    I am looking at doing the following things.
    ssl,fed, auth, custauth etc
    Thanks a ton in Advance.

    I documented my installation procedure for Access Manager 7.0 (2005Q4) and Portal 7.0. Take a look at my wiki page:
    It's a two node Access manager Legacy site and I also implemented session-failover using Message Queue and Berkeley Database.

  • Need some help getting started

    This is my occi.c (test file)
    #include <occi.h>
    Compile it
    gcc -I /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/ occi.c -o occi
    In file included from /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occi.h:39,
    from occi.c:1:
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:125:18: string: No such file or directory
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:129:18: vector: No such file or directory
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:134:16: list: No such file or directory
    In file included from /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occi.h:39,
    from occi.c:1:
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:145: error: syntax error before "oracle"
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:145: error: syntax error before '{' token
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:272: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:273: error: syntax error before "EnvironmentImpl"
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:273: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:274: error: syntax error before "Connection"
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:274: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/occiCommon.h:275: error: syntax error before "ConnectionImpl"
    There is a lot more of the error messages.
    What am I doing wrong? Or rather what is wrong? In this example I only include the header file and get lots of errors.
    Message was edited by:

    I think I found the mistake, at least it feels that I'm closer:
    [oracle@akurei master]$ g++ -I/u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/rdbms/public/ -L/u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/lib -l occi10 occi.c -o occi
    occi.c: In function `int main()':
    occi.c:5: error: `Environment' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:5: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
    occi.c:5: error: `env' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:5: error: `Environment' has not been declared
    occi.c:5: error: `createEnvironment' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:6: error: `Connection' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:6: error: `conn' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:9: error: `Statement' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:9: error: `stmt' undeclared (first use this function)
    occi.c:32: error: `Environement' has not been declared
    occi.c:32: error: `terminateEnvironment' undeclared (first use this function)
    With this file:
    #include <occi.h>
    Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment();
    Connection *conn = env->createConnection("marius","passord","orcl");
    Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement("INSERT INTO test(empno) VALUES(:1)");
    int empno = 2;
    I do not understand why environment is not declared. I though it should be as it is included through occi.h that include occiControl.h where it is declared.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction.

  • Need help getting started with the ML505 Development Kit

    First of all, an admission...I am a newb to the FPGA world. A babe in the wilderness. I am trying to run a simple little logic design to get my feet wet. Four inputs using the WEST, CENTER, SOUTH, and EAST pushbuttons feeding two AND gates which feeds an OR gate which turns on the NORTH LED. I have tried to use the Platform Cable USB to download the project to the XCF32P Platform Flash PROM using the iMPACT software. As of yet I have been unable to get the program to run. The iMPACT program says the programming was successful but after pressing the PROG button, the DONE LED does not turn on. I've tried different settings with the Configuration Address and Mode DIP switches with no success. To anyone using the ML505, given the gear I have at my disposal, what would you recommend? What modes have you used that worked? Thanks in advance.

    Here is the latest setup I have used in trying to get my FPGA to read from the Platform FLASH PROM. Configuration Address/Mode DIP switches set to 01011001 as per "My Own Platform Image Demonstration" method in the "ML505/ML506/ML507 Getting Started Tutorial" The Platform Cable USB is plugged into the JTAG connector on the ML505. Its status LED is green. In iMPACT the Boundary Scan reveals the following chain... TDI ----- xcf32p -----xcf32p-----xc9s144x1-----xccace-----xc5vlx50t-----TDO   The same mcs file is loaded into both PROMs (xcf32p). I start the programming cycle. It completes and says "Programming Successful" I press the PROG button on the ML505 and the DONE LED does not turn on and the design does not work. With the same chain I add the bit file to the xc5vlx50t so I have the PROMs loaded with mcs files and the FPGA with the bit file. I run the program function again. "Programming successful" is again indicated. The DONE LED lights and the design works. I then press the PROG button. The DONE LED turns off and the design ceases to function. I have also tried this with only one PROM loaded with a mcs file with no success. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

  • Help Getting Started with the Zen Vision:M (Z

    Hi,I just got my ZVM and want to get started with it. I have a couple of questions, first:?. I have Windows Vista. Can I just plug in the ZVM and go without using the Installation CDs? Or do I still need to install something off of the installation discs?2. Why 2 installation discs? There is with a black cover that says Easy Start CD and has the Urge and Window Media Player logo at the bottom. The other is just in a plain white bordered sleeve with a light colored disc that says Zen Vision: M Installation CD at the bottom. I think I want to start with the light colored disc, but want to make sure. Thanks.

    I think that the White disk that says Zen on it is the one you want it has Creative Media Source on it and is a very useful tool for me, the other disk has Windows Media Player on it and will also install a connection to a website that you can purchase tracks from (which i took off as soon as i found this out) not the WMP though, for some reason i could not get my Zen to work properly without the WMP loaded on my pc, however i use the Creative Media Source instead of the WMP.

  • Need help getting started -Editing software

    Hello everyone
    I need to get started with video editing on a Mac -
    I didn't touch an editing software since 1998 , it was premiere 4.2 on a PC !
    And didn't keep up with what's new but i'm now using a Mac!
    I assume now most software allow realtime rendering, and have great tools !
    So, I'd like to put together a holiday movie I shot on a DV camera-
    once finished , it would either play from the computer connected to a Video projector AND / OR burned on a DVD .
    I'd like to make something a bit creative : Split frames / moving Titles accross the screen etc...
    my questions :
    -If possible, I'd like to minimize the rendering process ( realtime?) What is a good editing software Imovie / Final cut ( which one?) / Premiere ?
    -What can I use to create split frame ( video)
    -What can I use to create moving titles ? ( important)
    -Can this be achievable on a Macbook 1,83GHZ / 2GB of RAM/ 250GB EXT. Harddrive FW.?
    Thanks for you inputs ( Open subject )

    You don't need timecode to make frame accurate cuts.
    You simply play or drag the playhead to roughly where you want it and then use the left and right arrow keys to move frame by frame to the exact frame you want.
    Incidentally if you hold down the Shift key, each touch of the arrow key will jump 10 frames.
    iMovie has a tremendous amount of potential which may be hidden away at first sight.
    Take a look at those fantastic and easy to produce titles - the hardest part is typing the letters!
    Incidentally, even FCE does not display the original tape timecode natively.
    P.S. The best way to unlock most of its secrets is to get a book. Most good libraries usually stock them or can get them for you.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

  • Newbie alert! - need help getting started

    (If there is a better place to post this message, please forgive me, and tell
    me where I should post.)
    My team is moving to the Weblogic app server platform, and my current task is
    to get my feet wet.
    I've picked up a few things after digging around in the documentation, and on
    this website, but I've got a few holes in my knowledge. If someone could point
    me at where I should read, I'd appreciate it!
    We've got JBuilder 9 Weblogic Edition installed on our dev boxen (Win2k PCs),
    an Oracle database (Oracle 9i on a Sun box) prepared, and an application server
    going (Sun Ultra-10 running Solaris 9 64-bit, named "wlapp"). I've installed Weblogic
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    the script), but I have no idea how to access it.
    I did a "ps -ef" and I can see a process called "htt_server" with a parameter
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    In the tutorial (
    it helpfully says "If you are interested in viewing or using the complete MedRec
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    Thanks in advance! --- Eric

    Can you provide us the server configuration you entered in the Project creation wizard (New Flex Project -> Configure ColdFusion server wizard)?
    The error shown looks like a configuration problem.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Dear experts, I hv question abt infoset query. I m not very familiar with infoset query and now i hv to make some changes in already existing query. I hv found the infoset in use. from this infoset i can find the query. Now the question is I just hv

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    my application has many customize UI Swings components, so please specify any suitable testing tool for Java Desktop apllication