Help!  HTTP 404  Apex 3.0, XML_DB and RDBMS d - intermittent

I am having intermittent issues using Apex 3.0 responding through XML_DB. It responds correctly for a period of time (2-3 hours) while other times returns a HTML 404:
The requested URL /apex/f was not found on this server
I am using the internal XML_DB listener tied to Oracle enterprise on Solaris 10
For the listener status it shows listening to port 8080 ( the one I setup)
The only successful page when this occurrs is a directory structure similar to FTP
I used it successfully for over 1 week then it started acting strange with these failures. Its as if the process is no longer working.
To troubleshoot, I have stop/started listener
Two questions.
How do I troubleshoot whats going on internally? Logs?
Any bugs to be aware of?
Edited by: user488977 on Nov 6, 2008 2:15 PM

You should check the database alert log and verify that there are no errors reported there.

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    Hi Scott,
    Yes, I have modified the bug tracker application to support file upload by using a file browser object and created a "file_upload" table under the workspace schema to keep the linkage with the table WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$. The application works fine before but after I realize that the FLOWS_FILES schema can be unlocked and the free space in default tablespace SYSAUX has almost been used up more than 99%, so I first unlock the account FLOWS_FILES, then changed the password and move the table WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$ to tablespace FLOW_1 and changed the default tablespace and then rebuilt the index. I have moved the table back to SYSAUX tablespace now and have rebuilt the index also. However, upload a file and then press 'apply change' in the 'create issue log details' page, it gets the error HTTP 404 but if I do not attach any file. It goes without an error. The only thing I changed is on the database side of the FLOWS_FILES schema, so I think the problem resides on it but I don't know why even I moved the table WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$ back to SYSAUX, rebuilt the index but still it doesn't work.
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    Thank you, I was able to use what you said as well as this information here: Installing Apex 4 on Oracle XE:  Almost there, but no cigar yet!
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    I have not done this but I see no reason why 3.0.x will not work on RDBMS 11g.
    I hope you have 3.0 installable, it is not available for download anymore.
    There are a few things that you may need to do extra.
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    b. Install 3.0.x after existing Apex, if any, has been removed
    c. Go through the 11g specific steps, NETWORK ACL in particular, as given in the 4.1 installation documentation.

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    Following on from the previous problem I had with Error 33331, we moved the application to a new APEX installation. Everything was fine for 30 mintes until
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    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    I've put in tracing in the httpd.conf file at info level and switched on mod_plsql tracing. Everything went fine for another 40 minutes but we're now getting the same errors, the following is one of the mod_plsql trace files.
    I have a hunch caching is at the root of the problem ?
    <5952 ms>[ReqStartTime: 6/Feb/2008:16:13:59]
    <5952 ms>Request ID ReqID:528620_1202314439
    <5953 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mohawk)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=("
    <5975 ms>Doing alter session set nls_language= "AMERICAN" nls_territory= "AMERICA"
    <5975 ms>OpenCursor
    <5976 ms>Altered session to nls_language=AMERICAN nls_territory=AMERICA
    <5976 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5976 ms>OpenCursor
    <5977 ms>Status 1 (rc=0)
    <5977 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5977 ms>OpenCursor
    <5978 ms>DBCharSet is AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1, OWAVersion, 1001020000 (rc=0)
    <5978 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5978 ms>OpenCursor
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,1765) Logged in as (unknown)
    <5978 ms>(wpx.c,598) Going to select...
    <5978 ms>(wpx.c,652) Have been asked to execute a request
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,334) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1016) Enter ParseUrlData
    <5978 ms>POST
    <5978 ms>(wpu.c,257) Attempting to read 147 bytes
    <5978 ms>(wpu.c,262) We read 147, had 0, to get 0 bytes
    <5978 ms>[headers begin]
    <5978 ms>[headers end]
    <5978 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <5978 ms>[form_data]
    <5978 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1523) indx = 6, entryCnt = 6
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1844) Listing distinct actual names:
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_request
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_instance
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_id
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_step_id
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_names
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_values
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1848) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1853) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_request, type = 0, value (35) = APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_Level23XML
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_instance, type = 0, value (17) = 2989139092861589
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_id, type = 0, value (5) = 1122
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_step_id, type = 0, value (2) = 0
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_names, type = 0, value (15) = TEMPORARY_ITEM
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_values, type = 0, value (1) =
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,429) Arglist built, 6 unique entries
    <5978 ms>(wpx.c,659) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,2750) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information.
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,2768) Language for this request is en-gb
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,2819) Using user APEX_PUBLIC_USER for caching.
    <5978 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit
    <5979 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <5979 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit
    <5979 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <5979 ms>(wppr.c,460) start working with
    <5979 ms>(wppr.c,1164) The CALL block: len=1115, bind_count=14
    rc__ number;
    start_time__ binary_integer;
    simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63;
    simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%';
    simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%';
    simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%';
    simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%';
    simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%';
    simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%';
    simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%';
    simple_list__(8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
    if ((owa_match.match_pattern('', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then
    rc__ := 2;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__;
    <5979 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <5979 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <5979 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <5979 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)2
    <5979 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <5979 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <5979 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <5979 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <5979 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/
    <5979 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <5979 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <5979 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <5979 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <5979 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <5979 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <5979 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <5979 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <5979 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314439:,0
    <5979 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <5979 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <5979 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <5979 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <5979 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <5979 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <5979 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <5979 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <5979 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <5984 ms>Execute: ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <5984 ms>(wppr.c,640) Execute:declare
    objnum NUMBER;
    objtyp NUMBER;
    prename VARCHAR2(31);
    name VARCHAR(31);
    subname VARCHAR(31);
    dblnk VARCHAR(31);
    dbms_utility.name_resolve(:objname, 1, prename, name, subname,
    dblnk, objtyp, objnum);
    if (name is null) then
    end if;
    when others then :5 := 1;
    <5984 ms>(wppr.c,660) 6 parameter names
    <5984 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <5984 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <5984 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 4 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,704) misdefl=0, nenamei=0
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,744) print list of name, types, typeflags
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_REQUEST, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_INSTANCE, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_STEP_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 15=>32)
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_NAMES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 1=>32)
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_VALUES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <5985 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <5985 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <5985 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)2
    <5985 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <5985 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <5985 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <5985 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <5985 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/
    <5985 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <5985 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <5985 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <5985 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <5985 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <5985 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <5985 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <5985 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <5985 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314439:,0
    <5985 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <5985 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <5985 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <5985 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <5985 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <5985 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 8 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 9 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <5990 ms>ORA-6550 Execute ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <5991 ms>/pls/apex/ HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <5991 ms>(wpu.c,595) longjumping back to the beginning
    <5991 ms>(wpu.c,458) cleaning up before longjmp
    <5991 ms>(wpu.c,462) doing a rollback
    <5991 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'rollback' (rc=0)
    <5991 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    <5991 ms>(wpd.c,1820) Going to close cursor
    <5991 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5991 ms>(wpx.c,693) Shutdown has been called
    <5991 ms>(wpx.c,705) Going to logoff
    <5991 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection
    <5991 ms>[ReqEndtime: 6/Feb/2008:16:13:59]
    <5991 ms>[ReqExecTime: 39 ms]
    <3240798667 ms>[ReqStartTime: 6/Feb/2008:16:14:06]
    <3240798667 ms>Request ID ReqID:528620_1202314446
    <3240798667 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mohawk)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=("
    <3240798667 ms>OpenCursor
    <3240798667 ms>(wpd.c,1765) Logged in as (unknown)
    <3240798667 ms>(wpx.c,598) Going to select...
    <3240798667 ms>(wpx.c,652) Have been asked to execute a request
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,334) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1016) Enter ParseUrlData
    <3240798667 ms>POST
    <3240798667 ms>(wpu.c,257) Attempting to read 147 bytes
    <3240798667 ms>(wpu.c,262) We read 147, had 0, to get 0 bytes
    <3240798667 ms>[headers begin]
    <3240798667 ms>[headers end]
    <3240798667 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <3240798667 ms>[form_data]
    <3240798667 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1523) indx = 6, entryCnt = 6
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1844) Listing distinct actual names:
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_request
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_instance
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_id
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_step_id
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_names
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_values
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1848) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1853) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_request, type = 0, value (35) = APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_Level23XML
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_instance, type = 0, value (17) = 2989139092861589
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_id, type = 0, value (5) = 1122
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_step_id, type = 0, value (2) = 0
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_names, type = 0, value (15) = TEMPORARY_ITEM
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_values, type = 0, value (1) =
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,429) Arglist built, 6 unique entries
    <3240798668 ms>(wpx.c,659) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    <3240798668 ms>(wpd.c,2750) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information.
    <3240798668 ms>(wpd.c,2768) Language for this request is en-gb
    <3240798668 ms>(wpd.c,2819) Using user APEX_PUBLIC_USER for caching.
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240798668 ms>(wppr.c,460) start working with
    <3240798668 ms>(wppr.c,1164) The CALL block: len=1115, bind_count=14
    rc__ number;
    start_time__ binary_integer;
    simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63;
    simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%';
    simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%';
    simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%';
    simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%';
    simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%';
    simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%';
    simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%';
    simple_list__(8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
    if ((owa_match.match_pattern('', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then
    rc__ := 2;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__;
    <3240798668 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240798668 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240798668 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240798668 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240798668 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240798668 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/
    <3240798668 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240798668 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240798668 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314446:,0
    <3240798668 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240798668 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240798668 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240798668 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240798668 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240798668 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240798668 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798668 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798668 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798673 ms>Execute: ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240798673 ms>(wppr.c,640) Execute:declare
    objnum NUMBER;
    objtyp NUMBER;
    prename VARCHAR2(31);
    name VARCHAR(31);
    subname VARCHAR(31);
    dblnk VARCHAR(31);
    dbms_utility.name_resolve(:objname, 1, prename, name, subname,
    dblnk, objtyp, objnum);
    if (name is null) then
    end if;
    when others then :5 := 1;
    <3240798673 ms>(wppr.c,660) 6 parameter names
    <3240798673 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798673 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798673 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 4 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,704) misdefl=0, nenamei=0
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,744) print list of name, types, typeflags
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_REQUEST, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_INSTANCE, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_STEP_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 15=>32)
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_NAMES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 1=>32)
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_VALUES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240798674 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240798674 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240798674 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240798674 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240798674 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/
    <3240798674 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240798674 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240798674 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314446:,0
    <3240798674 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240798674 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240798674 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240798674 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240798674 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240798674 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240798674 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798674 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798675 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 8 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798675 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 9 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798675 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798679 ms>ORA-6550 Execute ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240798680 ms>/pls/apex/ HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240798680 ms>(wpu.c,595) longjumping back to the beginning
    <3240798680 ms>(wpu.c,458) cleaning up before longjmp
    <3240798680 ms>(wpu.c,462) doing a rollback
    <3240798680 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'rollback' (rc=0)
    <3240798680 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    <3240798680 ms>(wpd.c,1820) Going to close cursor
    <3240798680 ms>DeinitCursor
    <3240798680 ms>(wpx.c,693) Shutdown has been called
    <3240798680 ms>(wpx.c,705) Going to logoff
    <3240798680 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection
    <3240798680 ms>[ReqEndtime: 6/Feb/2008:16:14:06]
    <3240798680 ms>[ReqExecTime: 13 ms]
    <3240796167 ms>[ReqStartTime: 6/Feb/2008:16:23:03]
    <3240796167 ms>Request ID ReqID:528620_1202314983
    <3240796167 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mohawk)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=("
    <3240796167 ms>OpenCursor
    <3240796167 ms>(wpd.c,1765) Logged in as (unknown)
    <3240796168 ms>(wpx.c,598) Going to select...
    <3240796168 ms>(wpx.c,652) Have been asked to execute a request
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,334) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1016) Enter ParseUrlData
    <3240796168 ms>POST
    <3240796168 ms>(wpu.c,257) Attempting to read 162 bytes
    <3240796168 ms>(wpu.c,262) We read 162, had 0, to get 0 bytes
    <3240796168 ms>[headers begin]
    <3240796168 ms>[headers end]
    <3240796168 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=1776222419881214&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=Balance%20query
    <3240796168 ms>[form_data]
    <3240796168 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=1776222419881214&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=Balance%20query
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1523) indx = 6, entryCnt = 6
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1844) Listing distinct actual names:
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_request
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_instance
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_id
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_step_id
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_names
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_values
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1848) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1853) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_request, type = 0, value (35) = APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_Level23XML
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_instance, type = 0, value (17) = 1776222419881214
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_id, type = 0, value (5) = 1122
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_step_id, type = 0, value (2) = 0
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_names, type = 0, value (15) = TEMPORARY_ITEM
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_values, type = 0, value (14) = Balance query
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,429) Arglist built, 6 unique entries
    <3240796168 ms>(wpx.c,659) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    <3240796168 ms>(wpd.c,2750) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information.
    <3240796168 ms>(wpd.c,2768) Language for this request is en-gb
    <3240796168 ms>(wpd.c,2819) Using user APEX_PUBLIC_USER for caching.
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240796168 ms>(wppr.c,460) start working with
    <3240796168 ms>(wppr.c,1164) The CALL block: len=1115, bind_count=14
    rc__ number;
    start_time__ binary_integer;
    simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63;
    simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%';
    simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%';
    simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%';
    simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%';
    simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%';
    simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%';
    simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%';
    simple_list__(8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
    if ((owa_match.match_pattern('', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then
    rc__ := 2;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__;
    <3240796168 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240796168 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240796168 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240796168 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240796168 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240796168 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/
    <3240796168 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240796168 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(12)
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240796168 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)162
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(61)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:1776222419881214:::::
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314983:,0
    <3240796168 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240796168 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240796168 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240796168 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240796168 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240796168 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240796168 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796168 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796168 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796174 ms>Execute: ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240796174 ms>(wppr.c,640) Execute:declare
    objnum NUMBER;
    objtyp NUMBER;
    prename VARCHAR2(31);
    name VARCHAR(31);
    subname VARCHAR(31);
    dblnk VARCHAR(31);
    dbms_utility.name_resolve(:objname, 1, prename, name, subname,
    dblnk, objtyp, objnum);
    if (name is null) then
    end if;
    when others then :5 := 1;
    <3240796174 ms>(wppr.c,660) 6 parameter names
    <3240796174 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796174 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796174 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 4 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,704) misdefl=0, nenamei=0
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,744) print list of name, types, typeflags
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_REQUEST, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_INSTANCE, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_STEP_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 15=>32)
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_NAMES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 14=>32)
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_VALUES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240796176 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240796176 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240796176 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240796176 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240796176 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/
    <3240796176 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240796176 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(12)
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240796176 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)162
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(61)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:1776222419881214:::::
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314983:,0
    <3240796176 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240796176 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240796176 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240796176 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240796176 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240796176 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 8 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 9 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796181 ms>ORA-6550 Execute ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240796181 ms>/pls/apex/ HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240796181 ms>(wpu.c,595) longjumping back to the beginning
    <3240796181 ms>(wpu.c,458) cleaning up before longjmp
    <3240796181 ms>(wpu.c,462) doing a rollback
    <3240796181 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'rollback' (rc=0)
    <3240796182 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    <3240796182 ms>(wpd.c,1820) Going to close cursor
    <3240796182 ms>DeinitCursor
    <3240796182 ms>(wpx.c,693) Shutdown has been called
    <3240796182 ms>(wpx.c,705) Going to logoff
    <3240796182 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection
    <3240796182 ms>[ReqEndtime: 6/Feb/2008:16:23:03]
    <3240796182 ms>[ReqExecTime: 15 ms]

    Loanshark, this forum is for Oracle Portal caching questions, try posting your question in the APEX forum.

  • Portal is down and HTTP 404 - File not found

    Hi All,
    our Portal dispatcher is running and server is not connected. shows the following error...
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    http://server: 50000/index.html - im able to get
    http://server: 50000/irj/portal - getting...
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Please let us know urgently what went wrong..

    Hello Pradeep,
    Please check the below mentioned link :
    You can check the logs of the server for details.dev_bootstrap,dev_jcontrol,dev_serverX,std_server.out files can give you the details of what is wrong with the service.
    Also make sure that you are typing the correct url.
    http://<hostname>:5<instance no.>00/irj/portal.
    Edited by: Sandeep Sehgal on Mar 25, 2008 7:38 PM

  • Apex - HTTP 404 - wwv_flow.accept was not found

    a few days before we updated from 3.1.0 to After this update we get over all applications on some sides from time to time this error:
    HTTP 404 - /pls/htmldb/wwv_flow.accept was not found on this server.Before the update all of ou application are running fine, after update we get much trouble. Even the 4000 application (Apex application to create/edit user applications) runs this failure. In Oracle Apache Log we get the message
    Unerwartetes Übertragungsende in Kommunikationmeans something like Unexpected end in communication
    Some ideas what can cause this failure?
    PS: we're running Apex on Ora 10gR2 (, database and Oracle-Webserver are running on different hosts

    I've recently upgraded to the same version and I get the 404 every time I filter a popup LOV. A blank filter works fine but as soon as I hit Search to do_submit('FIND'), the popup goes to a 404.
    I've recompiled the whole schema and all objects are valid.

  • /pls/apex/f HTTP-404 \nf: PROCEDURE DOESN'T EXIST\n

    I'm experiencing some troubles in migrating an apex application. This is my situation :
    Currently, I have an apex application version 2.1 running on Oracle XE (on linux).
    The ultimate goal is to have an apex 3.0 application on oracle using oracle HTTP Server (on aix). To achieve this, I'm trying to reinstall the full apex 2.1 into this new environment so only need to run the apexins.sql script when I want to update to 3.0.
    These are the steps I took :
    1. export/import users flows_files and flows_020100
    2. Installed oracle HTML DB in a seperate Oracle home from the companion CD
    3. Created dads.conf as follows
    Alias /i/ "/oracle/app/oracle/product/HTTP/Apache/Apache/images/"
    AddType text/xml xbl
    AddType text/x-component htc
    <Location /pls/apex>
    Order deny,allow
    PlsqlDocumentPath docs
    AllowOverride None
    PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    PlsqlDatabaseConnectString creyfsbup:1521:XEORAMON ServiceNameFormat
    PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
    SetHandler pls_handler
    PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
    PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    PlsqlDefaultPage apex
    PlsqlDatabasePassword <password>
    Allow from all
    4. Restarted HTTP daemons
    5. Navigated to http:\\creyfsbup:7779\pls\apex
    This results in HTTP-404. This is an excerpt from my Apache error log :
    [Thu Mar 22 14:40:11 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 1174570811:,0] mod_plsql: /pls/ape
    Some observations :
    * All objects are valid
    * HTTP server (server:7779) is reachable
    Am I missing some privileges/synonyms?
    Is there something missing/wrong in my setup?
    All feedback is more then welcome.
    Best Regards,
    Rik De Vos

    You're not getting the SYS-owned package(s) that get installed with Application Express and you're not getting any of the grants to FLOWS_020100 and FLOW_FILES objects to PUBLIC (and maybe others). So I think your approach is not good.
    Besides that, I'm not sure that when you install 3.0 it will be able to recognized FLOWS_020100 and upgrade from 2.1 to 3.0, if that is your plan.
    Why don't you export your applications using the Application Export wizard and import them into one or more workspaces after you do a clean install of 3.0?

  • Down Time for  Installing APEX 4.2.1 and oracle HTTP server?

    Hi, all:
    I plan to install APEX 4.2.1 and oracle HTTP server on database.
    Is there any down time required during installation?
    I mean during installation, do I need to block users from accessing the database?
    Can they do their normal data entry / inquiry?
    ps. There will be server backup before installation.

    Documentation says
    3.1 Recommended Pre-installation Tasks
    Before installing Oracle Application Express, Oracle recommends that you complete the following steps:
    Review and satisfy all Oracle Application Express installation requirements. See "Oracle Application Express Installation Requirements".
    Shut down with normal or immediate priority the Oracle Database instances where you plan to install Oracle Application Express. On Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) systems, shut down all instances on each node.
    An alternative to shutting down the database is to prevent all users from accessing Oracle Application Express when upgrading your installation from a previous release of Oracle Application Express. Oracle only recommends this option in high availability production environments where planned outages are not available. For all other scenarios, the database should be shut down.
    To disable access to Oracle Application Express when the existing installation is using the Application Express Listener, shut down the appropriate application server where the Application Express listener is deployed.
    To disable user access to Oracle Application Express when the existing installation is using the Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql, you should either shut down the Web server or disable the Application Express Database Access Descriptor of the Web server.
    For an existing installation using the embedded PL/SQL gateway, you should disable the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server by setting the HTTP port to 0. This can be accomplished by starting SQL*Plus, connecting as SYS to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed, and running:
    Once you have prevented access from Oracle Application Express users, you should log into SQL*Plus as SYS, connecting to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed, and query V$SESSION to ensure there are no long running sessions which would interfere with the upgrade process.
    Back up the Oracle Database installation.
    Oracle recommends that you create a backup of the current Oracle Database installation before you install Oracle Application Express. You can use Oracle Database Recovery Manager, which is included in the Oracle Database installation, to perform the backup.
    See Also:
    Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide
    Start the Oracle Database instance that contains the target database.
    After backing up the system, you must start the Oracle instance that contains the target Oracle database. Do not start other processes such as a Web Listener. However, if you are performing a remote installation, make sure the database listener for the remote database has started.
    My Blog:

  • Trying to add four columns and getting HTTP-404 error

    I am trying to add 4 dropdowns in an form, but I am getting HTTP-404 error if i insert values in to those 4 dropdowns. Please guide me how to proceed with this.

    I got it to work this way I was putting in a wrong field that was not returning data now it works. Yay!!!!!
    when A1.DENIED_REASON in ('HS001','HS002','HS003') then 'MED NECESS'
    when A1.DENIED_REASON in ('HS004','HS005','HS006','HS007','HS008','HS013','HS014','HS016','HS017','HS019','HS020') then 'Admin Denial'
    when A1.DENIED_REASON is NUll and ap.advisor_decision = 'AAPPR' then 'Approved'
    else 'Unknown'
    end DENIED,
    To_Char(a1.admit_primary_date,'mm/dd/yy') As "Prim_Admit_Date",
    A1.service_admit_type AS "IP ADMIT TYPE",
    A1.service_user_defined_1 AS "OP Serv Type",
    UVD.user_valid_code_long_desc as "OP_Type_Desc",
    To_Char (AP.contact_date,'mm/dd/yy') As "Contact_Date",
         To_Char (AP.decision_date,'mm/dd/yy') As "Decision_Date",
    TO_CHAR (A1.insert_datetime,'MONTH-YY')AS "Month",
    FROM Windsoradm.auth_master a1
    INNER JOIN Windsoradm.auth_phys_advisor ap
    ON a1.auth_number=ap.auth_number
    INNER JOIN windsoradm.prov_master pm
    ON ap.seq_prov_id=pm.seq_prov_id
    LEFT JOIN windsoradm.note_master nm
    ON nm.seq_memb_id=a1.seq_memb_id
    INNER JOIN windsoradm.member_mv mv
    ON mv.seq_memb_id=a1.seq_memb_id
    INNER JOIN windsoradm.user_defined_valdt_codes UVD
    ON A1.service_user_defined_1=UVD.user_valid_code
    AND UVD.VALIDATED_TABLE_NAME = 'auth_master'
    AND UVD.VALIDATED_COLUMN_NAME = 'service_user_defined_1'
    Where mv.Line_of_Business <>'SFS'
    /*AND A1.PLACE_OF_SERVICE IN ('11','21','22','24')*/
    /*AND a1.active_physician_advisor = 'Y'*/
    /*AND (a1.closed_reason ='A06' OR a1.closed_reason is Null)*/
    /*AND A1.AUTH_NUMBER='415712'*/
    AND a1.insert_datetime Between To_Date ('04/01/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') and To_Date ('04/30/2012','MM/DD/YYYY')
    ORDER BY 1

  • Help:Upgraded webdb22 procedure urls fail w/http 404

    After upgrading webdb 2.2 to 3.0.6 (on the way to 3.0.9)all procedure urls error with http 404. Packages are valid, packages run when accessed through database objects, created public synonyms for them, granted execute to public, granted schema access to public, ...still the same error. Some of the packages are in different schemas than the site schema. All worked in webdb. Any ideas???

    I think that the message below (from your post) might be a clue...
    :: Unlocking encrypted volumes: [BUSY]
    It shows that decryption is still busy and therefore not completed. You may not have encryption set up correctly and your volumes are not ready.

  • HTTP 404 Not Found - FLOWS_030000.F

    I have an application which i exported (via apex) from a production database. I installed the exported file to development database and workspace. I did take measures to ensure the workspaceid's matched by editing the file, I also ensured wwv_flow_api.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id=
    would be the same by editing the application export file.
    I installed the application export to a new schema and workspace without any errors but when I run some of the pages, I'm getting an error of 404 Not found. Upon review of the Apace logs, I see.
    HTTP-404 ORA-20001: Package variable g_security_group_id must be set.
    ORA-06512: at "FLOWS_030000.F", line 276
    ORA-06512: at line 10
    I'm not seeing where "FLOWS_030000.F" is looking for g_security_group_id.
    Also, on import/install of the application in the new db, I did allow it to generate a new applicationid rather than using the existing one from the script since it was already being used. Both db's are

    I did install the app in a new workspace with an auto generated app id the first time without any luck. I then searched the forum on the error "package variable g_security_group_id must be set". This is where I found some responses to editing the export file to ensure the workspace id's will match.
    Anyway, I started over, deinstalled the app, took a current export and installed it into a new workspace with a new app id.
    The application is the Ask The Expert app with a few modifications. The error "ORA-20001: Package variable g_security_group_id must be set." is coming up when you are on page 41 (When you accept the New Questions Policy) and click the continue button. This should take you to Page 2 (Submit Question) page but it throws the above error. Running debug isn't helpful to me in trying to figure out why the error keeps coming up.
    What else can I do to troubleshoot? I can't even run page 2 alone so I'm fairly certain this is where the error is coming from.
    Any insight would be very helpful.

  • File Download - HTTP 404 Page Not Found Error

    Dear All,
    I have using file download facility for my application and it is working on my development server well.
    What all I have done is created a procedure for that and then give EXECUTE permission to APEX_PUBLIC_USER.
    In my development server I didnt change "wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local" function.
    It working fine.
    Now I have moved my application to new server and then in there creates the same procedure and give grants to APEX_PUBLIC_USER.
    But when I try to use download files it shows "HTTP 404 - The web page cannot be found" error.
    I have compared link pattern and all other things against my development server and everything works fine.
    I have already followed all the post with same issue and tried all the solutions they provided as well. But no luck..
    If anyone has any idea please help me to solve this.
    I am uisng Apex with Apex Lister in both environments

    I am trying to download an image stored in the blob column , I have created the procedure, grant execute to public, create public synonym,
    followed the steps in the doc but still with the error :
    HTTP 404 Not Found
    I have fixed the call to procedure without using the Item, but still not working.
    trying to run the page directly, but it is not working.
    the branch :
    Branch to PL/SQL Procedure
    On Load : Before Header.
    Any help I appreciate.

  • Object Browser Http 404 Page Not Found

    I have successfully installed Oracle XE 10.2.0 on Windows XP. I can access the Database homepage and I am also able to navigate to the following pages from there:
    - Adminstration
    - SQL
    - Utilities
    However any attempt to access the Object Browser page results in a Http 404 error.
    I also tried installing Oracle XE 10.2.0 Universal but got the same error.
    Any idea how to resolve this issue?
    Below is the content of the log file
    Oracle Database 10g CRS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2005 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_ocr_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:19.703: [  OCROSD][2360]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWARE\Oracle\ocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_gbl_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_gbl_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:19.703: [  OCRRAW][2360]proprinit: Could not open raw device
    2010-05-12 21:20:19.703: [ default][2360]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [33]
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_ocr_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:19.703: [ CSSCLNT][2360]clsssinit: error(33 ) in OCR initialization
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_ocr_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:21.703: [  OCROSD][2360]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWARE\Oracle\ocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_gbl_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_gbl_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:21.703: [  OCRRAW][2360]proprinit: Could not open raw device
    2010-05-12 21:20:21.703: [ default][2360]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [33]
    [  OCRUTL][2360]u_set_ocr_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:21.703: [ CSSCLNT][2360]clsssinit: error(33 ) in OCR initialization
    [  OCRUTL][6328]u_set_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    [  OCRUTL][6328]u_set_ocr_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:26.437: [  OCROSD][6328]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWARE\Oracle\ocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
    [  OCRUTL][6328]u_set_gbl_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    [  OCRUTL][6328]u_set_gbl_comp_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:26.437: [  OCRRAW][6328]proprinit: Could not open raw device
    2010-05-12 21:20:26.437: [ default][6328]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [33]
    [  OCRUTL][6328]u_set_ocr_error: Parameter was NULL
    2010-05-12 21:20:26.437: [ CSSCLNT][6328]clsssinit: error(33 ) in OCR initialization

    As I indicated in a previous email - I am experiencing the same 404 problem on the Object Browser Button. I downloaded and installed Oracle XE on 13-aug-10 (windows 7 32 bit). I have not altered the APEX installation. I get the same problem with login under system or login under another user. The 404 occurs immediately I click the Object Browser and also occurs if I click a drop down from the Object Browser. I can use the SQL button OK - and have used SQL to create tables and insert data into them. I know that this has worked since I have looked at them in Microsoft Access via an ODBC link. But I cant look at them in Object Browser.
    Any help would be appreciated

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