HELP: JPanel NOT shown

I have a simple program: one frame's content pane adds two JPanels.
Source as follows:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DragTest2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setSize(new Dimension(Constants.RECEIPT_WIDTH_X_AXIS,
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
int x = screenSize.width/2 - frame.getSize().width/2;
int y = screenSize.height/2 - frame.getSize().height/2;
frame.setLocation(x, y);
Container c = frame.getContentPane();
// Adding two panels
c.add(new DraggableJPanel(100, 200));
c.add(new DraggableJPanel(300, 400));
Insets insets = frame.getInsets();
public class DraggableJPanel extends JPanel {
private final JPanel p;
private final JTextField tf;
public DraggableJPanel(int x, int y){
tf = new JTextField(Integer.toString(x)+"---"+Integer.toString(y));
p = this;
tf.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() {
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
p.setLocation(p.getX()+e.getX(), p.getY()+e.getY());
Nothing fancy here.
However, when i run the program, i can NOT see any jtextfield. Moreover, if I comment out
the c.setLayout(null), I can see the 2nd Jtextfield (but in a wrong location, not 300, 400),
not the first.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

BorderLayout is the default layout for a contentpane. By default, add() adds a componetn to the center of
the border layout. You can only have one component
in the center. If you put another there, the first
is gone. Either use add(myPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH)
or change the layout.Thanks for the help.
I want to do the absolute positioning, that is why inside DraggableJPanel, I have setLocation( ) called:
However, for some reason, the JPanel doesn't show up at all.
Seems to me content pane is ignoring this setLocation call for some reason.
You pointed out a good diretion, i will continue investigate. Thanks again.

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    That is the help.

    The tutorial I believe you are referring to uses Visual Studio .NET 2003. So, it won't be in the exact same place as Visual Studio 2005.
    You should be able to right click on the database connection node and see an option for Query Window.

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    I made some of the changes with no luck. Here is some of the code:
    public class ConstructRoom extends JFrame
    //----Member objects and varibles
    private static String theTitle; //Varible for title of frame
    private JFrame theFrame; //Object for the JFrame
    // ----------------------------------------------------------- ConstructRoom
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    public class DimensionsPanel extends JPanel
    //----Member objects and varibles
    private JPanel dimensionsPanel; //The main panel to hold all info
    private Box panelBox; //Box for all boxes which is added to the JPanel
    private Box furnListBox; //Box for all related items of the furnList
    private Box dimensionsBox; //Box for all dimensions (x, y, z)
    private Box xFieldBox; //Box for all related items of the xField
    private Box yFieldBox; //Box for related items of the yField
    private Box zFieldBox; //Box for related items of the zField
    private Box buttonsBox; //Box for all buttons
    private Box clearBox; //Box for related clear button items
    private Box buildBox; //Box for related build button items
    private JLabel furnListLabel; //Label for the furnList comboBox
    private JLabel xFieldLabel; //Label for the xField
    private JLabel yFieldLabel; //Label for yField
    private JLabel zFieldLabel; //Label for zField
    private JTextField xField; //Text field to enter the x dimension
    private JTextField yField; //Text field to enter the y dimension
    private JTextField zField; //Text field to enter the z dimension
    private JComboBox furnList; //List of selectable furniture objects
    private JButton clearButton; //Clear button
    private JButton buildButton; //Build button
    // --------------------------------------------------------- DimensionsPanel
    public DimensionsPanel()
    //----Setting up dimensions panel
    dimensionsPanel = new JPanel();
    dimensionsPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    dimensionsPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150,150));
    dimensionsPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(),
    "Select Furniture and Enter Dimensions"));
    //----Initializing GUI components
    furnListLabel = new JLabel("Select from list ");
    furnList = new JComboBox();
    xFieldLabel = new JLabel("Enter Width ");
    xField = new JTextField();
    yFieldLabel = new JLabel("Enter Height ");
    yField = new JTextField();
    zFieldLabel = new JLabel("Enter Depth ");
    zField = new JTextField();
    buildButton = new JButton("Build Object");
    clearButton = new JButton("Clear Object");
    //-----Setting up the combo box and adding items
    furnList.addActionListener(new ComboProcessor());
    furnList.addItem(" "); //Default item
    furnList.addItem("Color Cube");
    furnList.setMaximumRowCount(6); //Max number of items before scrolling
    furnList.setSelectedItem(" "); //Set initial to default item
    //--Add the furnList to its box for placement in the JPanel
    furnListBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    furnListBox.add(furnListLabel); //Adding the combo box label
    furnListBox.add(furnList); //Adding the combo box
    furnListBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); //Spacing
    //-------------------------------- Start Dimensions Components
    //----Setting up the xField
    xField.setEnabled(false); //Disabled at start
    xField.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); //Disabling the Tab Key
    //----Adding the event listeners
    xField.addActionListener(new XTextProcessor()); //Enter Key
    xField.addMouseListener(new ClickProcessor()); //Mouse Click
    //--Add the xField to its box for placement in the dimensionsBox
    xFieldBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    xFieldBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    xFieldBox.add(Box.createGlue()); //Take up extra space
    xFieldBox.add(xFieldLabel); //Adding the text field label
    xFieldBox.add(xField); //Adding the text field
    xFieldBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(100)); //Spacing
    //----Setting up the yfield
    yField.setEnabled(false); //Disabled at start
    yField.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); //Disabling TAB KEY
    //----Adding the event listeners
    yField.addActionListener(new YTextProcessor()); //Enter Key
    yField.addMouseListener(new ClickProcessor()); //Mouse Click
    //--Add the yField to its box for placement in the dimensionsBox
    yFieldBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    yFieldBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    yFieldBox.add(Box.createGlue()); //Take up extra space
    yFieldBox.add(yFieldLabel); //Adding the text field label
    yFieldBox.add(yField); //Adding the text field
    yFieldBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(100)); //Spacing
    //----Setting up the zfield
    zField.setEnabled(false); //Disabled at start
    zField.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); //Disabling TAB KEY
    //----Adding the event listeners
    zField.addActionListener(new ZTextProcessor()); //Enter Key
    zField.addMouseListener(new ClickProcessor()); //Mouse Click
    //--Add the zField to its box for placement in the dimensionsBox
    zFieldBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    zFieldBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    zFieldBox.add(Box.createGlue()); //Take up extra space
    zFieldBox.add(zFieldLabel); //Adding the text field label
    zFieldBox.add(zField); //Adding the text field
    zFieldBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(100)); //Spacing
    //----Adding all dimension components to the dimensionsBox
    dimensionsBox = Box.createVerticalBox();
    dimensionsBox.add(xFieldBox); //Adding the xFieldBox
    dimensionsBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    dimensionsBox.add(yFieldBox); //Adding the yFieldBox
    dimensionsBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    dimensionsBox.add(zFieldBox); //Adding the zFieldBox
    //-------------------------------- End Dimension Components
    //----Setting up the clearButton
    clearButton.setEnabled(false); //Disabled at start
    //----Adding the event listener
    clearButton.addActionListener(new ClearProcessor());
    //--Add the clear button to its box for placement
    clearBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    clearBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); //Spacing
    clearBox.add(clearButton); //Adding the clearButton
    //----Setting up the buildButton
    buildButton.setEnabled(false); //Disabled at start
    //--Add the action listener here
    buildBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    buildBox.add(buildButton); //Adding the buildButton
    buildBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); //Spacing
    //----Adding both buttons the buttonsBox
    buttonsBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    buttonsBox.add(clearBox); //Adding the clearBox
    buttonsBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    buttonsBox.add(buildBox); //Adding the buildBox
    //----Create the JPanel (dimensionsPanel)
    //--Creating the main box to be added to the JPanel
    panelBox = Box.createVerticalBox();
    panelBox.add(furnListBox); //Adding the furnListBox components
    panelBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    panelBox.add(dimensionsBox); //Adding the dimensionBox components
    panelBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    panelBox.add(buttonsBox); //Adding the buttonsBox components
    panelBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); //Spacing
    dimensionsPanel.add(panelBox); //Adding all components to the JPanel
    System.out.println("end dimensionpanel");
    }//end DimensionsPanel()
    }//end class DimensionsPanel extends JPanel

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    I have an Interactive Report setup, I have added a new column to the report.
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    is that the problem? how do I update this list without rebuilding the report from scratch.
    Thanks Jade
    Edited by: user13002266 on 29-Jun-2010 16:22

    sure, so there actuall instructions in the item half way down the page of the item configuration.
    anyways so what you do it log into the application as the devloper login, so if you have a custon autorisation scheme you will need to set it back to apex, then when your logged in to you app... goto the page with the report, click the cog icon and there is a selext/adjust columns option... when you have finished click cog and save report... you will have an option to save as default... when you save the report your done, and all users will see you changed, remeber to change autorisation back to you custom one if you changed it.
    sorry im on my phone so spelling is prob bad and I dont have apex handy so I have to do it from memory. :)
    thanks jade, hope this helps... should work mint... ask again if you have problem's and I will update this when I have a pc and apex around.


    I have copied these problem on you site, as I could explain better then what they did, wich my problem remain the same as they have. And part me explaining what is really happen to my Laptop.
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    Turning off Java Script solves the issue and eventually frees the RAM.
    I am using XP Pro, 3 GB RAM. '''''
    My experince with Mozilla Firefox:
    Here what really happen when I install the Mozilla Firebox on my La[top you can see the file is there but when I click the program to open its does not shown on the screen but when I check with WTM (Windows Task Manager) its shows that is ON and you can only witness the laptop going very slow and I have to reboot it, and I can not install any other Mozilla :( because of the same problem and all the above.
    I really need Mozilla to work as soon as possible due to important deadlines I have pendent, and i can only use Chrome but is not my ideal program. Can you help me , please ?????
    Thank you
    Vitor Mendes

    If it opens in safe mode, you may have a problematic add-on. Try the procedure in the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article.

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    A replacement iPhone is usually a refurbished iPhone that has received new battery and case and repair of anything that may have been faulty.  The refurbished iPhone is indistinguishable from a new iPhone.  A number of the regulars on here prefer the refurbished Aplle products because they have been so thoroughly tested.
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    pls any one help me .

    Hi Shree,
    Three checkpoints:
    1. Make sure you have entered the correct outbound and inbound interfaces.
    2. Make sure you have activated your interfaces and mappings.
    3. Make sure the cache is up-to-date (you can refresh cache by transaction sxi_cache).
    Hope this helps.

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    if (k==0) /* sysname column */
                    renderer=new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
                    JComboBox combo= new JComboBox(sys_names);
                    editor=new DefaultCellEditor(combo);
            } else if (k==1) /* sys-ecp-dcs*/
                    renderer=new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
                    editor=new DefaultCellEditor(combo);
                   JComboBox combo= new JComboBox(sys_ecp_dcs_list);
        } else {
                     renderer = new cbhtol_TextAreaCellRenderer ();  // NEW
                    editor = new cbhtol_TextAreaCellEditor (this,m_table, m_data);
            TableColumn column = new TableColumn (k,
                                                  renderer, editor);
            m_table.addColumn (column); And the renderers:
    protected TableCellRenderer createDefaultRenderer() {
        DefaultTableCellRenderer label = new DefaultTableCellRenderer()
            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object valu
    e, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
              if (table != null) {
                JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
                if (header != null) {
                  Color bg=new Color(200,100,30);
              setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString()) ;
              return this;
        return label;
      } //table cell renderer
    class cbhtol_TextAreaCellRenderer extends JTextArea implements TableCellRenderer
      protected static Border m_noFocusBorder    =    new
      EmptyBorder (1,                1,              1,              1);
      protected static    Border    m_focusBorder =
      public Component
      (JTable table,
       Object value,
       int nRow, int nCol)
        Color fg=new Color(255,0,0);
        if (value     instanceof      String)
    setText ((String) value);
        else if (value instanceof Integer)
          (isSelected && !hasFocus ?         table.getSelectionBackground() : table.
    getBackground ());
             setFont (table.getFont ());
        setBorder (hasFocus ? m_focusBorder : m_noFocusBorder);
          causes looping and stops rendering the components surrounding
          the cells
          int rowHeight =     getPreferredSize().height;
        if (table.getRowHeight(nRow) <  rowHeight)
        table.setRowHeight (nRow,  rowHeight);
             return this;}
      // To fix JDK bug
      public String getToolTipText (MouseEvent event)
        return null;
    } //class text area cell renderer
    public Component
      (JTable table,
       Object value,
       int nRow, int nCol)
        Color fg=new Color(255,0,0);
        //ColorData cvalue = new ColorData(value);
        if (table.getModel().getValueAt(nRow, 11).toString().trim().equals("Lucent")
        else if (table.getModel().getValueAt(nRow, 11).toString().trim().equals("Nor
    (isSelected && !hasFocus ?         table.getSelectionBackground() : table.
    getBackground ());
        //setForeground (isSelected && !hasFocus ?
        //   table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground ());
        setFont (table.getFont ());
        //setBorder (hasFocus ? m_focusBorder : m_noFocusBorder);
        int rowHeight =     getPreferredSize().height;
        if (table.getRowHeight(nRow) <  rowHeight)
          table.setRowHeight (nRow,  rowHeight);
        return this;
      public String getToolTipText (MouseEvent event)
        return null;
    } //class ComboCellRendererPLZ HELP!

    Nothing wrong with the renderers! Silly coding mistake!!

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    Hi There,
    Can you confirm if you were able to download Presenter 10 successfully, Can you please paste the screen shot of the downloaded file for Presenter 10? Can you please check in control panel >Program and features and check if you are able to see Adobe Presenter 10 as a installed program?

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    I have a JPane to dynamically load other different JPanel at run time according to My click on different Tab, but my problem is that when I click the each diff Tab, the JPanel loaded is not shown up immediately,
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    After add or removing components from a panel on a visible GUI you need to revalidate() the panel, so the LayoutManager can be invoked.

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    If your computer starts image capture or some other camera software you should be able to quit that and then your iPad will show up in iTunes. Mine does this all the time.
    The preference on what to start up when a "camera" is connected is found in Image Capture. So start Image Capture. It's in the applications > Utility folder. Then look for preferences. In my version it's in the lower left corner. Select None or Nothing and quit the program. From then on your iPad should show correctly in iTunes. But you will most likely have to start your smear software manually when you do connect a camera to your computer.

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    help here. Thank you.

    Just for fun, I wrote a small test program that included the following lines:
    modeType.addItem("Pump_probe delay");
    modeType.setBounds(40, 150, 120, 30);
    add(modeType, null);As you can see, those lines are identical to the code you posted. modeType is a JComboBox that I'm adding to a JPanel that has no layout manager. In my program the combobox shows up perfectly.
    This tells us that the problem with your code is not those 6 lines, but something else. And without seeing the rest of your code it's awfully difficult to guess what it can be.

Maybe you are looking for

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