Help me setting up sound... please? [SOLVED]

Hello there. First of all I want to say that Arch Linux is awesome. I've been using it for some time now and can do most of the things I'd like to do - except for setting up sound. In fact, I have no idea of how to accomplish this. Would someone mind pointing me in the right direction? I've tried searching the forums and using the wiki, but I've yet to be able to do anything useful. Or anything at all. Also, I don't know what sound card I've got at the moment, so I'm not even sure it'll work, so any instructions on how to find this out would be appreciated.
Last edited by Kaerigan (2009-01-23 17:36:33)

Have you read this?
That should lead you in the right direction.
The gist of it is:
# pacman -Sy alsa-lib alsa-utils alsa-oss
# alsaconf
# gpasswd -a USERNAME audio
# alsactl store
---add alsa to your rc.conf file under daemons
That should work.. =]

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              LinkedList<Rectangle> rects = new LinkedList<Rectangle>();
              Rectangle myrectangle = new Rectangle(9.0,9.0);                                                                  
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              }  //End of for loop
         }  //End of unsorted
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    Part 1 : An Array List of Rectangles
    Enter length or 999 to exit: 3
    Enter width: 2
    Enter length or 999 to exit: 1
    Enter width: 2
    Enter length or 999 to exit: 10
    Enter width: 20
    Enter length or 999 to exit: 999
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    Rectangle: 10.0 by 20.0
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    Rectangle: 1.0 by 2.0
    Rectangle: 10.0 by 20.0
    Rectangle: 9.0 by 9.0
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    at java.util.LinkedList.entry(
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    finally here is the Rectangle class i'm using:
    public class Rectangle
        private double length;     // Instance variables
        private double width;
        public Rectangle(double l, double w)  // Constructor method
            length = l;
            width = w;
        } // end Rectangle constructor
        public double getLength()             // getter 
             return length;
        } // end getLength
         public double getWidth()             // getter 
             return width;
        } // end getWidth
        public void setLength(double l)      // setter 
             length = l;
        } // end setLength
         public void setWidth(double w)     // setter 
             width = w;
        } // end setWidth
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            return length * width;
        } // end calculateArea
        public void displayRectangle()         // display method
            System.out.println("Rectangle Length = " + length);
            System.out.println("Rectangle Width = " + width);               
        } // end displayRectangle
    } // Rectangle ClassHope you can help guys! thanks!

    LinkedList<Rectangle> rects = new LinkedList<Rectangle>();rects is an empty LinkedList at this point. It has no elements added to it.
    rects.set(1,myrectangle);So you can't set the item at index 1 (the 2nd element in the list) because it doesn't even exist. You need to add items to it.

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    Usually, it's In-Apps that these purchases come from (children).
    iTunes Store: About In-App Purchases
    iOS: Understanding Restrictions
    iTunes: Using Parental Controls

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    dinobunch, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Where do i insert the provider user name & password ?
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    delete every thing and if you can damged the software no problem because i have many important thing

    And if you didn't set up Find My iPhone, or it's not appearing in the Find My iPhone section of, then there's no way you can wipe the iPhone remotely. If, however, you set up a screenlock password, then someone would need to restore the iPhone to get past the passcode which will erase everything on the iPhone, and if you set the option to erase the iPhone after ten failed attempts at the passcode, your data is even more inaccessible.
    By the way, please be aware that you are not communicating with Apple when you post in these forums. These are user-to-user support forums, so in almost all cases the only people who will reply to your posts are, like me, your fellow users.

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    Hi Mr. Shahid,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Start with the troubleshooting tips in this article if you don't hear sound from your MacBook Air:
    OS X Mavericks: If you can’t hear sound from your speakers

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    select sessiontimezone from dual;
    Database: Oracle
    Operating system: AIX 5.3
    SQL> select systimestamp from dual;
    06-NOV-12 AM +00:00
    SQL> select dbtimezone from dual;
    SQL> Select DBMS_SCHEDULER.get_sys_time_zone_name from dual;
    By looking Doc ID: Note:149120.1 in Metalink:
    ALTER DATABASE <my db name> SET TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'
    ALTER DATABASE <my db name> SET TIME_ZONE = '+08:00'
    For reflecting the change I refreshed the db by shutdown and restart.
    but still the returning no timezone value for user schema, please help how to set the time zone in a proper way?

    SQL> conn sys/sys as sysdba
    SQL> select || '.' || || '.' || "Col TSLTZ"
      2    from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.user$ u
      3   where c.type# = 231
      4     and o.obj# = c.obj#
      5     and u.user# = o.owner#;
    no rows selected
    SQL>  select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
    SQL> alter database set time_zone='Asia/Kuala_Lumpur';
    Database altered.
    SQL> select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
    SQL> startup force;
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  426852352 bytes
    Fixed Size                  1375060 bytes
    Variable Size             260048044 bytes
    Database Buffers          159383552 bytes
    Redo Buffers                6045696 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SQL> select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
    Re: how to check db time zone
    Edited by: Ora on 5 Nov, 2012 11:36 PM

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