Help me to make this workaround for dbms_output buffer(6502) problem click.

what i am trying is to store multiline records into single variable. Say ename||'---'||empno||chr(10) ( chr(10) fro newline) from table emp into variable x. On outputting x o/p should be
o/p to be :-
continued like that.
dbms_output.put_line( ) has buffer size of 255 so if more records x will not be displayed. value error will be there. for solution what i tried is to substring x again and again and display substring there and then.
Here is my code :-
x varchar2(4000);
y varchar2(100);
y1 varchar2(100);
i number;
j number :=1;
k number;
cursor c is select ename||'----'||empno||chr(10) from emp;
open c;
loop -- for all records to be in multiline manner in a single var
fetch c into y ;
exit when c%notfound;
end loop;
close c;
i:=instr(x,chr(10),1,1); -- initialise i with position of first appearance of chr(10)
k:=2; -- i initialise it 2 so as to find second appearance of chr(10) in the loop
loop -- this loop for outputting using substr
y1:=substr(x,j,i); --- getting the first record say smith--7306 like that
-- dbms_output.put_line(i);
j:=i+1; --- position from which next string to be extracted
i:=instr(x,chr(10),1,k)-i; -- length of next appearance of chr(10)
k:=k+1; -- incrementing for next chr(10)
exit when(i<=0); -- instr returns 0 when chr(10) not found so exit
end loop;
desired output :-
output i am getting is like :-
Not on expected lines. please help to correct this code.
regards ravi.

Is this not what you want?
  2     cursor c1 is select ename||'----'||empno details
  3                  from emp;
  4  begin
  5     for r1 in c1 loop
  6        dbms_output.put_line(r1.details);
  7     end loop;
  8  end;
  9  /
KING      ----7839
BLAKE     ----7698
CLARK     ----7782
JONES     ----7566
MARTIN    ----7654
ALLEN     ----7499
TURNER    ----7844
JAMES     ----7900
WARD      ----7521
FORD      ----7902
SMITH     ----7369
SCOTT     ----7788
ADAMS     ----7876
MILLER    ----7934
KING      ----8888
ADAMS     ----9999
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL>Why do you need chr(10) again?

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    import MarChat.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class LoginFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener,Serializable,MessengerConstants
          String _username=null,_password=null,_server=null;
          JLabel label1,label2,label3,label4,NewAcc,ForgPassLab;
             JTextField user,server,port;
          JPasswordField password;
          JButton ok;
             ImageIcon icon;
             private LoginFrame frame;
             private byte[] DigPass;
             private byte[] ReturnPass;
             javax.swing.JButton quit, register,check;
             Container container,container1;
             Panel topPanel,centerPanel;
        private Socket s;
             public static MainFrame MainF;
             private Socket socket;
          private Thread thread;
          private DataInputStream dis;
          private DataOutputStream dos;
            // public Socket s =null;
    public LoginFrame(JFrame frame)
             super("SIMSM Login Windows");
    public LoginFrame()
              super("SIMSM Login Windows");
    public void initial()
           Image iconImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("C:/SIMSM/Client/My/src/images/messengerImage.gif");
             /*********Top Panel*********************/
           /* ImageIcon imageI = new ImageIcon("C:/SIMSM/client/My/src/images/Face.jpg");
            JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel(imageI);
             topPanel = new Panel(new BorderLayout());
           /**********Center Panel******************/
           // centerPanel = new Panel(null);
            container = this.getContentPane();
         container.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            topPanel = new Panel(new BorderLayout());
             ImageIcon imageI = new ImageIcon("C:/SIMSM/client/My/src/images/Face.jpg");
            JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel(imageI);
             container.add("North",topPanel);  // "North",topPanel);
            label1= new JLabel(" Login name :");
            user= new JTextField();
         label2= new JLabel(" Password   :");
         password=new JPasswordField();
         label3= new JLabel(" Server          :");
            server= new JTextField("");
            label4= new JLabel(" Port               :");
         port=new JTextField(2979+"");
         ok=new JButton("Login");
            quit = new JButton("Quit");
         NewAcc = new JLabel("Get a new SIMSM ID......");
            register = new JButton("Register");
            ForgPassLab = new JLabel("If You Forget Your ID/Password ?");
            check = new JButton("Check it...");
         } // end initial method
      private void initDialogBox(JFrame frame)
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
           if (event.getSource() == register)
             RegFrame r = new RegFrame();   //call class register
           // if press Quit Bouttom
           if (event.getSource()== quit)
                                               "Are you sure to Exit SIMS chat system?",
                                               "Exit SIMSM ",
                                                new ImageIcon(exitIcon))== JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
           if(event.getSource()== ok)
                  String UserId= user.getText();
                  char[] pass = password.getPassword();
                  String Spass = new String(pass);
                  try {         
                    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
                      } catch (IOException ex) {
                  try {  
                      DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());
                      String mess = in.readUTF();
                     // in.close();
                     /* if(mess.equalsIgnoreCase("wrong password re-type it!"))
                      if(mess.equalsIgnoreCase("wrong ID and Password Try to register"))
                       //  doLogin(UserId,Spass);
                         System.err.println("Client Log in");
                 } catch (Exception ex) {
                }   //end if
                if (event.getSource() == check)
                    SignInProb chekPro = new SignInProb();
      public static  void main(String args[])
          LoginFrame logD = new LoginFrame();
    } //end class LoginEdited by: master2007 on Mar 8, 2008 12:05 PM

    s difficult to read all those lessons because i dont have an internet connection in my homeSearch around the tutorial pages, there's a download link somewhere. You can download the whole set and read offline. **
    i read most of themGood for you.
    so anyone can help me with my layout plz.Well it's difficult to cover your entire learning needs on a forum -- I'm sure you realize that.
    ** 34 MB, download from
    Edited by: Darryl.Burke

  • Help, been fighting with this sql for a day now

    Grateful if someone could give me a pointer here. fighting with this thing for a day and cannot get it right.
    Have 2 tables
    tbl_ate_jun & tbl_pd_jun
    both xt tables
    here are the creates for each.
        "ID"                  VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROJECT_NUMBER"      VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROJECT_NAME"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "DESCRIPTION"         VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROJECT_TYPE"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "CUSTOMER_NAME"       VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "OFFICE_FSR"          VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROGRAMS_FSR"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE)
        TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY "XE_FTP" ACCESS PARAMETERS ( records delimited BY newline skip 0 fields terminated BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION ( 'tbl_pd_jun.csv' )
        "ID"                        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PERSON_SSO"                VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "FIRST_NAME"                VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "LAST_NAME"                 VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_HOURS"             VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "FISCAL_YEAR_WEEK"          VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "ORG_TIER2_NAME"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "ORG_TIER3_NAME"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_REASON"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHERING_STATUS"         VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "ORG_TIER4_NAME"            VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "TIER4_MANAGER_NAME"        VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_CODE"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PERSON_COUNT"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "HOUR_TYPE"                 VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "APPLIED_FLAG"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "COST_CENTER_CODE"          VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_CLASS"             VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "VOUCHER_SUB_CLASS"         VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PROGRAM_TYPE"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PAYCODE_NAME"              VARCHAR2(500 BYTE),
        "PAY_CODE"                  VARCHAR2(500 BYTE)
        TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY "XE_FTP" ACCESS PARAMETERS ( records delimited BY newline skip 0 fields terminated BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION ( 'tbl_ate_jun.csv' )
      ) ;basically in tbl_ate_jun it has all the user ids (person_sso)
    Im trying to generate a report that has all person_sso numbers in first column.
    Second column have applied_hours, then office_hours, then programs_hours, then total_hours, then diff_hours (difference).
    here is the code so far but i just cant get it right, it never shows all sso's, each select individually works fine, but cant combine, doesnt work right.
    select a.person_sso,NVL(sum(b.applied_hours),0),NVL(sum(c.office_hours),0),NVL(sum(d.programs_hours),0),NVL(sum(e.total_hours),0),NVL(sum(f.diff_hours),0)
    tbl_ate_jun a,
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as applied_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as applied_hours
    tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code IN (select project_number from tbl_pd_jun
    where Office_FSR IS NULL AND Programs_FSR IS NULL)
    and tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code=tbl_pd_jun.project_number
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as office_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as office_hours
    tbl_pd_jun.Project_Number=tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Code AND tbl_pd_jun.Office_FSR = 'Y'
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as programs_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as programs_hours
    tbl_pd_jun.Project_Number=tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Code AND tbl_pd_jun.Programs_FSR = 'Y' 
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as total_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as total_hours
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as diff_sso,
    tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours as diff_hours
    WHERE voucher_code NOT IN (select project_number from tbl_pd_jun)
    and a.person_sso=c.office_sso
    and a.person_sso=d.programs_sso
    and a.person_sso=e.total_sso
    and a.person_sso=f.diff_sso
    group by a.person_ssoplease help. not every column will be populated with a sum of data, some would be empty if it didnt apply to that sso.
    Edited by: Jay on Aug 10, 2011 7:45 AM

    I think an outer join will work so im not going to post all the sample data.
    Can someone help with the syntax ? so i want to join all selects with a full outer join. i tried like this with 2 of them
    select a.person_sso,b.applied_sso,b.applied_hours from
    (tbl_ate_jun) a
    full outer join
    tbl_ate_jun.person_sso as applied_sso,
    sum(tbl_ate_jun.Voucher_Hours) as applied_hours
    tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code IN (select project_number from tbl_pd_jun
    where Office_FSR IS NULL AND Programs_FSR IS NULL)
    and tbl_ate_jun.voucher_code=tbl_pd_jun.project_number
    group by tbl_ate_jun.person_sso)b on a.person_sso = b.applied_sso
    but I get an error "No more data to read from socket"

  • Workaround for IE active content problem?

    a workaround for existing web pages to respond to the change in
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    doing the same document.write in an external file for the HTML
    files FlashHelp generates wherever I found the <object> and
    <embed> tags, but I get a script error ("Object expected") in
    the lines where I call the function. (The solution worked for me in
    simple HTML pages with Captivate movies, so I know it can work.)
    The only reason I can think of that it won't work is that the
    scripts are concatenating strings, not just showing a movie where
    the <object> and <embed> tags are. Has anyone found a
    workaround for FlashHelp so users don't have to manually activate
    the top and left panes? I put in a "wish" for Adobe to provide a
    solution on the site and later in an update or new version of
    RoboHelp (which is another issue in and of itself), but who knows
    when the developers will be able to come up with it. Thanks!

    Thanks for asking, Mimi. Here are more specific steps:
    1. Open Notepad or another program for creating text files.
    2. Create two functions. For example:
    function insertMaster1() {
    function insertMaster2() {
    You can call your functions anything you want, but the names
    must be different. Note that for the moment, they're empty, but
    we'll change that in a minute.
    3. Save the Notepad file with a JS file extension (for
    example, runactive.js). In Notepad, specify “All Files”
    for “Save as type” so that it doesn’t save as a
    4. When you generate your FlashHelp system, it creates a
    bunch of HTM files containing JavaScript in the destination folder
    you specified when generating your output. Locate wf_master.htm and
    wf_navpane.htm in the output folder. (If you leave RoboHelp to use
    its defaults, it puts your help system in an !SSL!/FlashHelp
    directory within your project folder.)
    5. Open wf_master.htm.
    6. In the <head> tags, insert a line that references
    your JS file:
    <script language=“JavaScript”
    7. Find the lines in the code that look like this:
    // Insert the “Master” SWF
    8. Highlight everything AFTER this commented-out block until
    the </script> tag. The last thing you highlight should be
    9. Cut the highlighted code and paste it into the first
    function in your JS file so it looks like this:
    function insertMaster1() {
    // Build up the variable string we will be sending
    strFlashVars = "uniqueHelpID=" + parent.UniqueID();
    ……(more code)
    10. In the place where you just cut all that code out of
    wf_master.htm, insert a call to the function:
    That’s all you need because all that code you just
    moved was already in <script> tags in the HTM file. The
    </script> tag should come immediately after this function
    11. Open wf_navpane.htm.
    12. Repeat steps 6 – 10 for wf_navpane.htm. The code
    we’re concerned with in this file looks almost exactly like
    that in wf_master.htm, but there are a few lines less this time.
    Put the code you take out of wf_navpane.htm into the second
    function in your JS file. Where you cut out the code from
    wf_navpane.htm, put a call to the second function (it should come
    right before the end of the <script> tags):
    13. Save your JS file and the two HTM files.
    14. Whenever you re-generate your output, RoboHelp is going
    to erase your new versions of these HTM files and create its own
    again. Copy your new versions of wf_master.htm and wf_navpane.htm
    to another location (can be a folder within your output folder).
    Now you have them so you can paste them back over RoboHelp’s
    versions each time you finish generating your output. For example,
    I would stow my wf_master.htm and wf_navpane.htm in a folder called
    "drop files." Then, after I get done generating my output, I copy
    those files and paste them in the output folder, letting them save
    over the ones that RoboHelp created.
    15. To test it once you've finished the swap, find the HTM
    file in your output folder that is named after your project. For
    example, if my project is called flying_monkey, I would find
    flying_monkey.htm. Open this HTM file in Internet Explorer, and you
    shouldn’t have any messages telling you that you have to
    press Enter or Spacebar or click on the panes to activate them.
    This runs from the same basic idea as Adobe’s
    workarounds for Flash—we’re going to a file external to
    the HTM files for the active content tags. Hope you find this
    useful! Let me know if you run into any problems.

  • Workaround for Firefox SVG hyperlink problem?

    I am struggling with the Firefox 1.5 specific problem when using drilldowns with SVG charts.
    In IE 6, Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox 1.0.7 it works fine, but not with Firefox 1.5.
    Whenever I click on a link in a chart the link will be opened inline on the same page similar to an IFRAME ( <img src="" border="0" alt="Image hosting by TinyPic"> ) . I don't want it inline. Seems to be a problem with the EMBED tag and Firefox 1.5.
    Did anybody find a workaround for Firefox 1.5 and SVG?

    Hi Carl,
    Thats awesome! Thanks :). Took me while to figure it out, but when I'm hooked on a problem, I usually don't give up that easily ;).
    I guess cross-browser SVG support still has a good way to go.
    That would be a good addition to the wiki.OK. Is linking to the blog article ok or shall I create a complete entry?

  • Workaround for some W510 Audio Problems. Lenovo, please take a look at this!

    Hi all
    I believe most or all of the people are affected with poor sound quality of W510. I do believe there are some people who bring their laptops along and not convenient to get a external sound card and external speakers on the road. I am not too sure, but what I think that causes audio problem in W510, T410 or T510 is due to the implementations of Combo Audio/Mic Jack. So far, I have not heard any audio problems from X201 or W701/W701ds with a separate mic and audio jack (1 green and red, instead of 1 combo) Listed machines are using Conexant 20585 SmartAudio HD Sound Card.
    The workaround is to force install Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD Driver through Device Manager
    Problem Partially Resolved
    1. Using Audio Director - Classic mode enables you to use both internal speakers and external speakers/headphone simultaneously. (By right, this should be in Multi-Stream mode, due to this driver not programmed for W510). However, the volume of the internal speaker will be reduced by half if an external speakers/headphone is plugged.
    2. The sound quality is improved (tested with internal speakers).
    3. Solved Irregular Volume Problems.
    Drawback of using this driver
    1. Using Multi-Stream mode in this case would not enables you to use both internal speakers and external speakers/headphone simultaneously. However it would just make your internal speaker to be louder. External speaker/headphone would not work if Multi-Stream mode is selected.
    2. Custom EQ is not usable, if used, only the right channel of internal speaker, external speaker/headphone would work, and the sound quality will be like a spoilt radio.
    3. Only Voice (VoIP) EQ is optimized for external speaker/headphone. Using Off, Jazz, Dance or Concert EQ would make you feel that the vocal (singer's voice) is diffused, blurred like excessive 3D effects.
    4. Even if any preloaded EQ is selected, after system has been restarted, the selected EQ would still be saved, but the band (31Hz - 16KHz would be changed back to Off EQ) It is ok as it just affects the graphics, not the sound.
    I know that Forum Administrators, Lenovo Staff, Community Moderators, Gurus and Volunteered Moderators/Users would be surfing around and looking for new post. Please take a look and leave a post or PM to me, thank you very much.
    It is alright if Lenovo don't think that there is any problems regarding the sound in W510. However, I do believe most users/owners of W510 would appreciate if the sound system could be further improved through a better driver or new revision of hardware to something like a T400 standards or something. Some users would spent so much $ just to get all-in-a-box solution and would not want to invest further just for a external card to sacrifice portability and use more $. Finally, I still do believe that W510 audio problems can be resolved.
    Best Regards

    Hi ckhordiasma
    Thanks for reviving ths old thread. How about trying Dolby drivers? It sounds great and could possibly resolve those issues without going through too much troubleshooting.
    The link is under my signature.
    Hope it helps!
    Happy 2012! 
    W520 (4284-A99)
    Does someone’s post help you? Give them kudos as a reward, as they will do better to improve | Mark it as solved if the solution works for you, so it could be reference for others in the future 
    Sound Enthusiast and Enhancement (Post comments, share mixes, etc.)

  • 8i+WebDB HELP:How to make longer fields for "News items"

    How do I create longer fields for my "News items"?
    If I try to publish long sized News I receive an Error:
    "Ora-02005: Implisit(-1) Length not valid for this bind or define
    data type". I HAVE chosen "long field" settings in the DB
    Are there any parameter settings in WebDB to allow longer

    Hi, Lu:
    If I understand your question correctly, you want to modify the FSG of recociliation account of Vendor/Customer to make sure Cost Center/WBS field display in transaction F-22/F-43 for example, right?
    I am not sure whether it is possible, I also tried in ECC6.0 but failed to show these two fields. And I think that doesn't make sense to assign CO object to AP/AR reconciliation account, but assign it to Revenue/Expense account in following line items.
    And You can use New General Ledger functionality Document Splitting to derive corresponding CO object information to Reconciliation Account line item, but it is enabled only in General Ledger level, not in subledger level.
    If you find any other meaningful solution, please also share with us.
    Thanks & BR, Lawrence

  • Urgeent Help: Can compressor make this...

    Preparing an ad for broadcast and our AJA Kona card has let us down so no output to DigiBeta. (long story). We're distributing the ad to TV stations by satellite and the facilitiy doing this for us will accept files via ftp in the following format;
    50 MB constant bit rate I Frame only MPEG-2 Program Stream direct from digital source.
    Now, that's a tad tecnical. Can compressor do that and if so, what settings?
    Help appreciated.

    Nope. Compressor 3 goes up to 40 Mbps for any mpeg2 stream.

  • I want dark themes support in Firefox. Can someone help me to make it worked for me.

    as look I have not found it same as chrome show me exact same as I got in non-high contrast theme.
    Firefox change the color that make it's hard to use in dark mode.
    any answer to get it worked for me.

    Maybe the NoSquint extension can do what you want.

  • Pls help me to execute this code for pert analysis..

    hi friend;
    i m new in java and i have downloaded some code for pert analysis which is giving some exception called run time .so,pls tell how to give the i/p..bcoz i faceing some at tha time. aur if u have pls send me pert analysis code..
    the code is below.......
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class Proyecto {
         * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              String texto = null;
              int n = 0, t = 0;
              Tarea tareas[] = null, inicio = null, fin = null;
              try {
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                   texto = in.readLine();
                   n = Integer.parseInt(texto);
                   tareas = new Tarea[n];
                   inicio = new TareaInicio();
                   fin = new TareaFinal();
                   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        texto = in.readLine();
                        tareas[i] = new Tarea();
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(texto, ",");
                        String nombre, tipo, tiempo;
                        nombre = st.nextToken();
                        tipo = st.nextToken();
                        if (tipo.equals("F")) {
                             tiempo = st.nextToken();
                        } else if (tipo.equals("A") || tipo.equals("P")) {
                   texto = in.readLine();
                   t = Integer.parseInt(texto);
                   for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
                        String org, des;
                        Tarea torg = null, tdes = null;
                        texto = in.readLine();
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(texto, ",");
                        org = st.nextToken();
                        des = st.nextToken();
                        if (org.equals(inicio.getNombre())) {
                             torg = inicio;
                        } else {
                             for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                                  if (org.equals(tareas[j].getNombre())) {
                                       torg = tareas[j];
                        if (des.equals(fin.getNombre())) {
                             tdes = fin;
                        } else {
                             for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                                  if (des.equals(tareas[j].getNombre())) {
                                       tdes = tareas[j];
                        if (torg == null || tdes == null) {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("Error en entrada de datos");
              System.out.print("Ruta Critica: Inicio, ");
              for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                   if (tareas[i].isCritico()) {
                        System.out.print(tareas[i].getNombre() + ", ");
              System.out.print(" Fin\n");
              System.out.println("Tiempo: " + fin.inicioTardio());
              System.out.println(inicio.getNombre() + " holgura: "
                        + inicio.getHolgura());
              for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                   System.out.println(tareas[i].getNombre() + " holgura: "
                             + tareas[i].getHolgura());
              System.out.println(fin.getNombre() + " holgura: " + fin.getHolgura());
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Tarea {
         private String nombre;
         private int tiempo;
         private int holgura;
         private ArrayList antecedentes;
         private ArrayList consecuentes;
         private int iniciomasrapido;
         private int terminacionmasrapida;
         private int iniciomastarde;
         private int terminaciontarde;
              this.antecedentes = new ArrayList();
              this.consecuentes = new ArrayList();
         void setNombre(String nombre){
         void setTiempo(int tiempo){
         public String getNombre() {
              return nombre;
         public int getTiempo() {
              return tiempo;
         public int terminacionRapida(){
              for (int i = 0; i < antecedentes.size(); i++) {               
              return (this.terminacionmasrapida);
         public int inicioTardio(){
              for (int i = 0; i < consecuentes.size(); i++) {
              return (this.iniciomastarde);
         int getHolgura(){
              return this.holgura;
         public void addAntecedente(Tarea t){
         public void addConcecuente(Tarea t){
         boolean isCritico(){
              return (this.getHolgura()==0);          
    public class TareaFinal extends Tarea {
         public int inicioTardio(){
              return this.terminacionRapida();          
         public int getHolgura(){
              return 0;          
    public class TareaInicio extends Tarea {
         public int terminacionRapida(){
              return 0;
         public int getHolgura(){
              return 0;          

    Here is your code in code tags
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package proyecto;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class Proyecto {
        private static int i;
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String texto = null;
    int n = 0, t = 0;
    Tarea tareas[] = null, inicio = null, fin = null;
    try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    texto = in.readLine();
    n = Integer.parseInt(texto);
    tareas = new Tarea[n];
    inicio = new TareaInicio();
    fin = new TareaFinal();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    texto = in.readLine();
    tareas[i] = new Tarea();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(texto, ",");
    String nombre, tipo, tiempo;
    nombre = st.nextToken();
    tipo = st.nextToken();
    if (tipo.equals("F")) {
    tiempo = st.nextToken();
    } else if (tipo.equals("A") || tipo.equals("P")) {
    texto = in.readLine();
    t = Integer.parseInt(texto);
    for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
    String org, des;
    Tarea torg = null, tdes = null;
    texto = in.readLine();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(texto, ",");
    org = st.nextToken();
    des = st.nextToken();
    if (org.equals(inicio.getNombre())) {
    torg = inicio;
    } else {
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    if (org.equals(tareas[j].getNombre())) {
    torg = tareas[j];
    if (des.equals(fin.getNombre())) {
    tdes = fin;
    } else {
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    if (des.equals(tareas[j].getNombre())) {
    tdes = tareas[j];
    if (torg == null || tdes == null) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Error en entrada de datos");
    System.out.print("Ruta Critica: Inicio, ");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (tareas[i].isCritico()) {
    PrintStream printf = System.out.printf(tareas[i].getNombre(), ", ");
    System.out.print(" Fin\n");
    System.out.printf("Tiempo: ", fin.inicioTardio());
    System.out.printf(inicio.getNombre()+ " holgura: ", inicio.getHolgura());
    System.out.printf(tareas[i].getNombre()+ " holgura: ", tareas[i].getHolgura());
    System.out.printf(fin.getNombre()+ " holgura: ", fin.getHolgura());
    }the a another class /*
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package proyecto;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    * @author Kenneth Rinderhagen
    class Tarea {
    private String nombre;
    private int tiempo;
    private int holgura;
    private ArrayList antecedentes;
    private ArrayList consecuentes;
    private int iniciomasrapido;
    private int terminacionmasrapida;
    private int iniciomastarde;
    private int terminaciontarde;
    this.antecedentes = new ArrayList();
    this.consecuentes = new ArrayList();
    void setNombre(String nombre){
    void setTiempo(int tiempo){
    public String getNombre() {
    return nombre;
    public int getTiempo() {
    return tiempo;
    public int terminacionRapida(){
    for (int i = 0; i < antecedentes.size(); i++) {
    return (this.terminacionmasrapida);
    public int inicioTardio(){
    for (int i = 0; i < consecuentes.size(); i++) {
    return (this.iniciomastarde);
    int getHolgura(){
    return this.holgura;
    public void addAntecedente(Tarea t){
    public void addConcecuente(Tarea t){
    boolean isCritico(){
    return (this.getHolgura()==0);
    then another class /*
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package proyecto;
    * @author Kenneth Rinderhagen
    public class TareaInicio extends Tarea {
    public int terminacionRapida(){
    return 0;
    public int getHolgura(){
    return 0;
    }and then  the tereaFinal class/*
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package proyecto;
    * @author Kenneth Rinderhagen
    public class TareaFinal extends Tarea {
    public int inicioTardio(){
    return this.terminacionRapida();
    public int getHolgura(){
    return 0;

  • HT204365 I updated my iPad to 7 and cannot enter the Ibooks or Itones store What settings should make this happen for me?

    I need help with settings to use Ibooks or Itones stores after updating my Ipad to OS 7

    Check: Settings - General - International - Calendar - Gregorian.

  • Help: how to make this WHERE CLAUSE?

         FLG IN (DECODE(C_FLG, 0, 'C', 1, '''A'', ''I'''));
    What I really want to achieve is:
    If C_FLG is 0 then the where clause becomes
    WHERE FLG IN ('C')
    If C_FLG is 1 then the where clause becomes
    WHERE FLG IN ('A', 'I')
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you in advance.

    How about:
    WHERE (C_FLG = 0 AND FLG = 'C') OR (C_FLG = 1 AND FLG IN ('A','I'))

  • Workaround for 503 error  please help

    Hi all
    I am looking for a solution that would redirect a 503 error to
    an error page.
    I have read the documentation which says i can write my own
    NSAPI function.
    I donot know how to write NSAPI.Could anyone help me with an
    easy workaround
    for this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    "Sree" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Hi all
    I am looking for a solution that would redirect a 503 error to
    an error page.
    I have read the documentation which says i can write my own
    NSAPI function.
    I donot know how to write NSAPI.Could anyone help me with an
    easy workaround
    for this problem.Well, I have no idea how to generate a 503 error, and you didn't mention
    what web server you're using, so I can't be of too much help, however, you
    might want to try adding to your obj.conf file:
    Error fn="query-handler" code=503 path="/path/to/file"
    Which in theory, should serve up the file located at "/path/to/file" when a
    503 error is generated.
    Joe Hourcle
    Networking and Information Technology
    The George Washington University

  • Can anyone make --this fix-- work for the FONT rendering issue?

    I found this bug report and proposed fix on the webkit buglist:
    Here is a link that one says can be used to fix the
    rendering issue with bold fonts.
    If anyone can make this work for Safari 3 on XP please let me know....
    Here are the text and link to the how to:
    You can fix rendering issues by changing language for non-Unicode programs. The
    You should restart system after applying setting.
    Hope this helps someone
    If not, then call apple support and complain....
    maybe if their support phones are getting hot... then they
    will fix this horrible bug

    I don't believe this is a support issue, it's rather a Bugdev issue. Use the Bug-Report field in Safari to report this directly to the engineers. I also think the bug is known and will be solved, it's therefore not really in the range of AppleCare. (Beta Software is usually unsupported!)
    MacBook Pro, MacBook, ModBook, iMac, Mac mini, PowerMac G5, iBook, Apple TV   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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