Help me transfer my music to iphone

hi. can somebody help me with my iphone. im having trouble how to sync my music to my iphone. i bought my i phone here in dubai and the salesman said to me not to download the latest version of itune that is 7.4 ver. i have to use the old version to transfer my music to my iphone. because it will blocked my phone. when i download the 6ver of itune then plug it to the USB so i can transfer.but nothing coming out. i canot see the iphone when i open the itune.thats why i cannot transfer my music to my phone. so please help me! also the picture if some body now how to transfer ? thanks

thanks for your help! Somebody already help me . i download the new version of itune that is 7.5 ver. but now my problem is when i tranfer a few Music and photos to my iphone and sycronize it ok but when i want to add more music and phot to my itune tell me that if im going to syncronize again it willgoing to erase the previous that i save to my iphone( i mean music and photo). so how im going to add my music and photo to my iphone. is that mean only One sycronize so it will not going to erase your previous donload. thanks for you help

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    Also these useful internet articles...
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    Hello there, glatey.
    The following Knowledge Base articles provide some great information on syncing and transferring content from you iOS device to your computer:
    Get help using iCloud Contacts
    iOS: How to transfer or sync content to your computer
    iOS: Import personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
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    The iphone is not a backup/storage device.  it simply mirrors the selected content of the computer to which you sync.  The sync is one way - computer to iphone.  The only exception is itues purchases:  File>Devices>Transfer Purchases
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    Two possibilities. The music may still be on your computer's disk, just not included in your iTunes library. If you go to the music folder on your hard drive (using Windows' Explorer or the Mac's Finder window), you can see if the music is still there somewhere. Look under "Music" and you probably have an iTunes folder inside there. If it's there, in iTunes you can select "File" - "Add Folder to Library", and the music should reappear (though playlists will have to be regenerated).
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    Try this:
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    Connect it to your computer, select it in the Devices frame, on the Summary Tab tick the box saying "Manually Manage music" and click Apply.
    Drag the songs from your library that you want to your iPod.

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    Thanks. No, I'm not sure. I remember that I may have physically connected my IPhone at some point to another authorized computer that had songs from other sources and songs originally downloaded from another old Itunes account that I no longer use. I think those songs did sync from the other computer to the Iphone. Is that possible? Is there any way to get those songs from my Iphone to my computer?

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