Help Me With Classes Please...

ok i just starting programming in java about 4 weeks ago and i am a real novice so i could use a lot of help on this little problm.
anyway its basically a system to keep information for a hospital about their patients. there is a class and a sub-class. Patients is main class with attributes like ID, Name, Phone. Observations is a sub-class of Patients and has a sub-class of its own called Measurement-Observations with attributes like height and weight. (basically this: patients -> observations -> measurements) with the attributes slotted in there too of course.
so i was wondering how some of u experts would go about firstly declaring the class and sub-class and then go about adding a patients information into both classes when done.
any help is greatly appreciated, thanx

Let Patients be the main class
public abstract class Patients
   public abstract void setID(int ID);
   public abstract int getID();
   public abstract void setName(String name);
   public abstract String getName();
   public abstract void setPhoneNumber(String phone);
   public abstract String getPhoneNumber(); 
//Observations inherits from Patients
public class Observations extends Patients
   //declare variables
   private int ID;
   private String name;
   private String phoneNumber;
   public Observations(int ID, String name, String phoneNumber)
       this.ID = ID; = name;
       this.phoneNumber= phoneNumber;
   public void setID(int ID)
       this.ID = ID;
   public int getID()
      return ID;
   public void setName(String name) = name;
   public String getName()
       return name;
   public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)
      this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
   public String getPhoneNumber()
      return phoneNumber;
}And your Measurement-Observations class inherits from Observations
public class Measurement-Observations extends Observations
   private int ID;
   private String name;
   private String phoneNumber;
   private double height;
   private double weight;
   public Measurement-Observations(int ID, String name, String phoneNumber, double height, double weight)
       this.height = height;
       this.weight = weight;
   public void setHeight(double height)
      this.height = height;
   public double getHeight()
      return height;
   public void setWeight(double weight)
      this.weight = weight;
   public double getweight()
      return weight;
}How to use this in an application?
This is an example..a simpel one :)
import java.util.*;
public class MyPatients
   private Vector patientinfo;
   public static void main(String[] args)
       new MyPatients();
   public MyPatients
       patientinfo = new Vector();
       //to add info about a patient
       patientinfo.addElement(new Measurement-Observations(1, "John Smith",
"086-5768", 6.2D, 160);

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    Thank you for your link, I already had been on this particular website this afternoon. they only discuss problems in the application and nothing about how the MS Office application installation does disturb Mac OS.
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    at Source)
    at Source)
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    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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    I know it's a bit late for this. But I hope it will help all the people who encountered this problem.
    The only way to let octave work with streams is to use the --interactive switch (otherwise it will crash on the first error). Rembember that using this will need a different way to read data (BufferedReader won't work well).
    Hope this helps anyone, I spent very much time figuring this.

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    There are about 20 different things that could be wrong a this point; I'm not going to list them all. If you want specific help, you need to post specific information. This is usually done by posting either a stack trace from an exception, or a more complete section of code and a description of the problem and ALL the symptoms. You have all the information on what you've done, we have none of it.
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    2) follow the installation instructions
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    3) Here's an example of loading the driver and establishing a connection
    Note the form of the connection URL,
    This is what an URL without ODBC looks like; there is no DSN, which means no DSN has to be configured.
    4) The MySQL database has some built-in security, to prevent malicious connections from outside computers. Solutions to that and other common problems are here:

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    a reference to the thread, calls that method. the
    socket is closed, the main loop breaks (i dont
    remember now if an exception is thrown) and the thread
    i agree, i dont like this and it seems unreliable.
    about the method interrupt, what is the diference from
    retunrning from run method??
    thanks very much for your help!!you will have a method that is reading from the Socket, it will block until some data is available
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