HELP! MuVo Micro N200 / MuVo TX

<SPAN>Hi! I want to buy an MP3 player and I?ve loved this ones! But in the forum people talk about some problems in both! Problems like backlight noise and clicks. Low quality radio. Low quality recording on FM and on voice recording.
<SPAN>I start to get scared and now I?m not sure if they are the right players?.
<SPAN><SPAN>-<SPAN> <SPAN>Can I turn the light off to avoid that noise? Does it solve the problem?
<SPAN><SPAN>-<SPAN> <SPAN>Can I see something on the LCD with the light off?
<SPAN>I just don?t understand why creative don?t solve this problem! Are they joking with our money?!!!:angry: The new ones on stores now still have it's
<SPAN>One more thing.. TX FM has ID3 tag, n200 don?, can I see the song titles on n200 like if using ID or 2 on PC? Or it will only shows something like ?Track 0?
<SPAN>And what about the radio and recording quality?
<SPAN>Can someone explain me these problems with details? Please..

The N200 does use ID3v2 tags, but those tags only.
The backlight buzz is something that isn't overly noticeable (even with the volume mid-way), just when you pause your song you can hear it for how long you've got the light on for.
Like said above, in a pitch black room, you cannot read the screen, but in ood lighting you can see the screen perfectly.
The radio on my N200's been perfect? Then again, I am living in London so the radio signals are never really out of range, but I've never had any problems with the radio. Though the radio recording is a bit dodgy at times, the quality isn't all that good, but it is decent.
All the encoded (from the line in) and the radio/voice recordings will be saved in a folder called "Recorded Tracks", the radio tracks will have the filename "FM<3 digit number>.wav" and the sound recording tracks will have "VOC<3 digit number>.wav" and encoding is something like "EN<3 digit number>.wmv" (I think)
The encoding bitrate is only 96, 28 and 60, and voice and radio recording I'm not too sure to be honest, I can find out later if you want me to.

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    What state has it left your player in? Can you switch it on? Can you connect to it from your PC?
    When you couldn't get any more files onto your player where were the files on it's Were they all in the root folder? There is a limitation to the FAT filesystem where you cannot put too many files or folders into the root folder. Create sub-folders and put your files in them.
    Let us know answers to the above questions. If you can't connect to your player there are a few things we can try to get you back up and running.

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    Hi Damon,
    That should be a standard USB to mini-USB cable (type A to mini B), any PC store should have those, and our online store has them too.

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    There is a known slight glitch in the N200, in that, for the 3 seconds when the backlight is on (say, when you press a button) you can hear a bit of a 'shh' noise. Apparently the level of the noise, or its being there at all, varies between individual players and what sort of headphones you go for. It's on mine, (black gb N200) but my plan from the start was to set the backlight to 'always off' as this saves batteries ( you can still read the screen, it just doesn't glow, in this setting). Even when it was on, it was for such a short amount of time, and so quiet, that it didn't bother me at all.
    Setting this aside, I think that a gb N200 would be a great present.
    Its main selling point, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's incredibly easy to use. You plug it in to the computer and save your songs onto it like you would save word files onto a floppy disc (remember them... ). As with a floppy disc, you organize the files into folders which you can name things like 'rock' 'classical' or give one an album name and stick all the tracks from an album into it.
    The supplied software is logical, friendly and nice looking, but you don't have to use it to organize your files, the player can also be accessed as a UMS device - and of course this means that it's not just music files you can store on it.
    Once you're out and about, it's child's play to select the folder you want to listen to, or you could just set it to 'random' if you'd prefer a surprise. You can also listen to a specific folder either in your set order, or listen to all the tracks within that folder randomly. The buttons and menus are logically set out and simple to get the hang of.
    I have no complaints either about the sound, which is excellent as far as I'm concerned.
    The player is also unbelievably tiny - the pictures do not do this justice! 'Cute' loving girls and 'gadget' loving boys will think this is amazing - I certainly do.
    The FM radio is a nice touch, and I find reception to be pretty good, especially if I'm listening in the library (of course with low volume and closed earphones!) and so not moving about a lot. - the earphone cord acts as the antenna, so you don't want to be jostling it around. This is an arrangement shared by most mp3 players with an FM receiver
    The battery life is better than certain other competitor'sand, for my amount of usage, really does seem to last forever.
    I would definitely go for the gb, not the 52mb, as even someone who is not a huge music fan will appreciate the extra space.
    Other features include voice recording, line in encoding, and recording of FM radio. While nice add ons, I would definitely say that if you want a voice recorder, buy a voice recorder etc, as these features are strictly little extras and are nowhere near as good quality as the players main purpose: - its mp3 and wma playback - which, as I have said, is excellent.
    I think you can tell that I love my little player, but even I am aware that it has its flaws.
    They don't matter to me, as the player does everything I want it to amazingly well, the question is: do they matter to you?
    Hope that helps
    PS (edit) - another plus is the fact that is flash memory based, which basically means that you can shake it around and there's nothing to rattle (or break!). Amazing if you're as clumsy as me.Message Edited by flaneur on 05-06-2005 :4 AM

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    The quoted number of songs assumes a recording rate of 64kbs, too low for quality sound. Sounds like your files might be recorded at 28 kbs. You could probably lower this to 96 kbs using Creative's software and still get very close to the same quality and increase the amount of music you can fit on your player.

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    bonjour SSR,
    Merci d'avoir r?pondu ? ma demande. Je suis un peu d?u par son contenu, mais il a le m?rite d'?tre clair et de confirmer h?las ce que je craignais. J'esp?re que ce probl?me sera corrig? dans le futur par un software.

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    I'm having the exact the same problem. I've been using mine with .WMA files for the last month and I've had no problem with it. Now that I've starting using .MP3 files I'm having this problem all the time. After studying the behaviour for awhile, I don't think it is as random as it appears. It is happening consistently with the same .MP3 files that I've ripped from CDs at 224khz. I don't have a problem with any 28khz files and I don't have a problem with the same songs ripped at 28khz. I'm off to the customer support page to make a warranty claim. I think that's the only way to get anyone's attention.

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    but the software sucks!
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    Have a search around, I'm sure this is answered elsewhere too!
    But basically your choices are:
    ) Drag & Drop from your operating system. The N200 appears in Win XP as a removable dri've and you can drag/copy/move/send files straight to it without needing any 3rd party software.
    2) Creative MediaSource software with N200 plugin (if you own a Creative soundcard). Fine if you like Creative software, will do the job. It's a matter of personal preference whether you like using the Creative software or not - personally I don't, but it looks pretty full-featured to me.
    3) Creative MuVo Media Explorer software (comes with the N200). Again, fine if you like Creative software, will do the job.
    4) Other media players with portable device support. e.g. Winamp 5 with gUSB plugin (which displays all connected devices such as N200 in Media Library window & allows drag & drop)
    Basically the software is neither a reason for or against buying an N200... you can either use the included software which will cover everything, or use your own, or use none. It's not really an issue... worth thinking about is the quality of the N200 itself (think backlight, clicks, etc which may/may not be fixed with firmware at the end of this month)

  • Question for Creative: MuVo Micro N200 - AC adapter accessorie

    The MuVo Micro N200 is a great wearable audio player, and I am close to purchasing - BUT - there's one thing holding me back: There doesn't seem to be a way for me to use it as my regular jukebox at home, without having to connect it to a computer. What I'm looking for is a way to plug the MuVo to AC power so that I don't use the battery when at home. Is there such an accessory? Like a USB-to-AC charger cable? And while we're at it, why not a USB-to-DC cable, for the car?
    Thanks for any insights

    I just got my n200 gb, and love it except the lag between getting it and getting the rechargeable batteries to go with it (Thanks Amazon...). If I was near a pc to power it through usb, I wouldn't need an mp3 player, and since I am always near a cigarette lighter in the car or a power outlet, I have decided to jury-rig a power adapter to fit where the battery normally goes (don't try this at home, kids...). A little radioshack love and the mod will save me on recharging time with the batteries (800mah does last a ridiculously long time in the thing, but why bother when I'm near other power anyway) and I will wait out creative's next gen flash player.

  • MUVO Micro N200 Proble

    Can you please offer me some advice?
    <SPAN class=copy>I Recei'ved my GB Muvo Micro N200 mp3 player on the 2nd July.
    My issue: Transfer errors appeared with 394.3 MB of free space. I contacted Creative Labs support via email.
    Their solution: Download new firmware upgrade and format Muvo N200. After doing this I couldn't transfer anything to my Muvo. I kept getting a transfer error message.
    2nd email from Creative Support: I'm told to use MSCONFIG and carry out various actions. I then tried to transfer music via the accompanied software mediasource,this failed. I tried Windows media player and it worked the first time, but music fails to show up in media player.
    Mediasource software fails to work properly (this came with the Muvo) and some song titles that display correctly to start with now end up with a title of "unknown" on the Muvo.
    I'm waiting for more feed back from creative today (5/07/05). Creative support request email numbers are: (KMM67988292452L0KM) from 3/07/05 and (KMM68632452L0KM) from 4/07/05.
    Is there anything I can do?
    Message Edited by balan on 07-6-2005 04:08 AM

    Read this thread to get more info on the root folder problem:
    I'm not sure if this was causing balan's problem - it depends on what his error message was while he tried to transfer files. If this was the cause then he should create sub-folders off of the root folder and put his files in them.

  • Can't update Micro N200 firmw

    I'm having some difficulty with my Muvo Micro N200. I'd like to update the firmware on it for a variety of reasons (can be supplied if it helps) but I can't seem to get it done. I'm using Win 98SE and the current firmware is ..0. I have no trouble loading songs onto the device as it is properly recognized as a mass storage device. I've loaded the updated device driver (MuVo_DRV_LB__03_00_250.exe) and I've tried updating to .5.0 (MuVoN200_PCFW_L4__5_0.exe) and .2.0 (MuVoN200_PCFW_LB__2_0.exe) but neither will update the device. I follow the update instructions (press and hold power button while connecting) as I start the firmware update program. An initial unpack occurs and if this is being done after having (re)installed the .03.00.250 driver, a second unpack happens that says something to the effect that a device was found but it flashes by too quickly to transcribe exactly. Then a wandering flashlight comes up saying looking for attached devices. It never finds in even though it is clearly connected and recognized? Any ideas. Thanks for the suggestions.

    I have followed the instructions.... install the latest driver, press the start button, while holding it connect the usb cable so muvo checks-in in recovery mode, start the firmware update... I have the latest driver, latest firmware.
    One thing though my pc checks the recovery mode in under standard usb (.) not 2.0. So it functions in reduced speed. That shouldn't be a problem right? I've got nForce2 board which is not the most usb2 friendly board out there. I've got Intel at work so may try that.
    On another note, after reading the .5 fw thread I see people mostly dissatisfied about it... volume scale mostly. My muvo came with .2 firmware which, so far, works correctly... no popping sound annoyance yet. I wanted to update becase of a better folder support (3 level subdirs, skip folder fix). Well any of it listed. But I like the volume scale as it is. So may leave it after all.

  • CREATIVE CTMUVON200512same as MUVoN micro n200 5

    Found this cheap mp3 player that looks exactly the same as n200 but it doesn't seem to have equalizer and no ID3-tag support. But I can't find no information about this CTMUVON n200 on Creative's page... so does it even exist? or have the site i visited just screwed up on information? here's the adress to the page:;pgid=3N9sy0IM90000E4i3hJQEeF0000MoUcpluX?Pro ductID=TuLD4QFWLTsAAAEDas5TYUBm&CatalogCategoryID= 8W_D4QFWhUAAAEDz22tBDZ%2e&filename=productpage_tex t%2cproducttype_text%2cprodtypes_vartypes_text&win dowtitle=CREATIVE%20CTMUVON20052
    specs seem kinda weird too... it's 3 cm long and doesn't support id3 tags either.
    please help

    Hi jacobr
    It certainly looks like the Muvo Micro N200! The official dimensions are:
    Size (WxHxD): 33.5 mm x 65.5 mm x 3.0 mm
    ID3 tag support is limited - only titles are displayed if available. If not then filenames are shown.
    It does have an equalizer - 5 presets and also a 5-channel custom setting.


    hi every time i try and download a song it says error. i put it into recovery mode and it fixes it but i have to unload all the songs off and then start again but the same thing happens again and sometimes i don't even know if my player goes into recovery mode because my computer doesn't detect it. is there anything i can do about the error every time i try an ddownload a song? please help i am relly frustrated!!

    "Download" as in from LimeWire or some such program? Or loading your player with songs.
    If it's from LimeWire, the song file is probably corrupted.
    If it's loading your player with songs, either you haven't installed the player's corresponding driver correctly, or something's happened to corrupt your firmware.
    Try downloading the firmware from Creative and re-loading it onto your player. Very easy to do.
    If that doesn't fix anything, try uninstalling and then re-installing the Creative MuVo N200 driver onto your computer. Get somebody that <EM>really</EM> knows what they're doing to help you.

Maybe you are looking for