Hello, Im currently developing an application for my final project at University. Its supposed to be a JXME applicaition. The problem is i cant get the jxme/midp src's to compile. Im running jdk1.5, wtk22. if i compile as is from the repository i get an error saying target is saying1.1 and default target should be 1.5. if i change the target in build.xml to 1.5 i get errors saying ubable to find java.lang.String on classpath or bootclasspath. please help me. My project is due in 2 weeks and i havent done any coding as yet because of this hold up.!!!!

Hello buddy,
can you tell me from where you have downloaded the code for jxme and jxta??
waiting for reply
[email protected]

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    I wrote the code so that it catches any cycle (not only the "big" one).
    Otherwise it will enter infinite loop...
    The time complexity is O(N*logN): it can do at most N iterations (here N is your 'm'), and in each iteration there can be O(log N) comparisons (since I maintain TreeSet).
    Interesting issue: is it possible to supply such (x0, a, b, m) tuple such that all possible values from 0 to m-1 will be output? I think no :)
    Here is the program:
    package recurr;
    import java.util.TreeSet;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    public class Recurrences {
         private static long x0, a, b, m;
         private static TreeSet theSet;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              long l0, l1, l2, l3;
              try {
                   x0 = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
                   a = Long.parseLong(args[1]);
                   b = Long.parseLong(args[2]);
                   m = Long.parseLong(args[3]);
              } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
              System.out.println("X[0]: " + x0 + "\n");
              long curr = x0;
              boolean cut = false;
              int i;
              // initialize the set
              theSet = new TreeSet(new LongComparator());
              // we can get at most m distinct values (from 0 to m-1) through recurrences
              for(i=1; i <= m; ++i) {
                   // iterate until we find duplicate
                   theSet.add(new Long(curr));
                   curr = recurrence(curr);
                   if(theSet.contains(new Long(curr))) {
                        cut = true;
                   System.out.println("X[" + i + "]: " + curr + "\n");
              if(cut) {
                   System.out.println("Cycle found: the next will come " + curr + "\n");
              } else {
                   System.out.println("No cycle found!");
              System.out.println("Totally " + (i-1) + " iterations");
         private static long recurrence(long previous)
              return (a*previous + b)%m;
         static class LongComparator implements Comparator
              public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
                   if(((Long)o1).longValue() < ((Long)o2).longValue()) {
                        return -1;
                   } else if(((Long)o1).longValue() > ((Long)o2).longValue()) {
                        return 1;
                   } else return 0;

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    Thanks Ivano,
    Somebody has started the conversation.
    Let me put my questions again.
    This requirement is nothing to do with Payment procedure in the agreement type.
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    If you have a program that does not use bind variables you can get this error.
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    A Java program is required that will produce a number of reports based on the data from the Product file. This file contains the product name, cost, quantity and UPC. The file name must be input. Valid data from the file will be loaded into an array.
    A menu will provide the following options: (Note there are changes from previous assignment.)
    1     Display of all valid product information including extended price and GST including totals sorted by name.
    2     Display of all invalid records sorted by name.
    3     Search and display a certain product by name.
    4     Sort by UPC and use a binary search and display a certain product by UPC. (valid records)
    9 Exit.
    Processing requirements:
    Input the data from a file and load the records into an object array. Use this object array to produce the above reports.
    Code a class definition exactly as given in the following UML.
    (For specific students: you may code the UPC as an integer but if not numeric throw an exception that is handled in main. Document your choice in your submission).
    ? Name : String
    ? UPC : String
    ? Cost : Real
    ? Quantity : Integer
    + Product (Name : String, UPC : String, Cost : Real, Quantity : Integer)
    + Calculate Extended Cost() : Real
    + Calculate GST(): Real
    Input Record:
    Product name: String
    UPC: String
    Cost: real
    Quantity: integer
    Output Reports
    1. Display of all product information including extended cost and GST including totals of these 3 fields.
    Following is a sample of the output required:
    ************************ Product Cost REPORT ****************************
    Product                    Cost Quantity Extended Cost     GST     Total Cost
    Diamond Necklace 12345678901x 54,321.99 188 10,212,534.12 510,626.71 10,723,160.83
    Tissues 98989898989x 1.99 2 3.98      0.20     4.18
    TOTALS                         10,212,538.10 510,626.91 10,723,165.01
    2. Display of all invalid records and the count.
    Following is a sample of the output required:
    Invalid UPC Records = 1
    Count Record
    1          Tiara Diamond, 12345678901x, 36020.00, 2
    3. Search and display a certain product by name. Display appropriate message if not found.
    Following is a sample of the output required:
    Enter product name: CrownJewels
    CrownJewels 99999999991x     100,000.00 1 100,000.00 5,000.00 $105,000.00
    6. Display the product information sorted by name
    Following is a sample of the output required:
    ************************ Product Cost REPORT ****************************
    Product                    Cost Quantity Extended Cost     GST     Total Cost
    CrownJewels 99999999991x 100,000.00 1 100,000.00 5,000.00 $105,000.00
    Diamond Necklace 12345678901x 54,321.99 188 10,212,534.12 510,626.71 $10,723,160.83
    Pearls      88888888881x 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 500.00 $10,500.00
    RubyRing      77777777771x 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 500.00 $10,500.00
    Tissues      98989898989x 1.99 2 3.98 0.20     $4.18
    TOTALS          (complete these values)           xxx           xxx      xxx
    Java coding requirements for this assignment
    Main methods required
    1.     Load array with all records. Display exception messages only for records that have invalid data in any of the fields. Return array of valid records and logical size.
    2.     Validate the UPC. Display each report when requested from the menu.
    3.     Justify the data in the columns. Right justify numeric fields; left justify the alpha fields.
    4.     A method for each report required in the menu.
    Class methods
    5.     Use the object method for the extended cost.
    6.     Use the object method for the GST.
    You may use additional methods in the main program but do not add any methods in the class definition.
    Use DecimalFormat for rounding.
    Create an array to hold the objects. Assume that we only need to process a file of a maximum of 500 records but the file may be larger than 500 records.
    A Universal Product Code consists of 12 digits. The first digit (from the left) is the UPC type. The next five digits are the Manufacturer code. The next five digits are the product code which is assigned by the manufacturer. The final digit is the check digit. A person can determine the check digit of a Universal Product Code by doing the following:
    Step 1: Sum all of the digits in the odd positions together.
    0+4+0+1+5+9 = 19
    Step 2: Multiply the sum from Step 1 by 3.
    3 * 19 = 57
    Step 3: Sum all of the digits in the even positions together.
    6+2+0+1+8 = 17
    Step 4: Sum together the results from Step 2 and Step 3.
    17 + 57 = 74
    Step 5: Subtract the sum from the next highest multiple of 10.
    80 - 74 = 6 [check digit]
    Step 1: Create 5 or MORE additional records that will test all conditions. Include these in your documentation. Identify what field is tested in your test data. (Example: error in each field of the record, rounding up, rounding down, valid UPC, invalid UPC, formatting of report, file too large
    Step 2: Use the file attached.
    GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol pasting it made me go crazy,
    these are my codes so far, HOwever the problem is ONLY DISPLAY MENU SHOWS, nothing else even though i have enough codes that it can show something,
    My codes are as follows:
    I am working on Eclipse.
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.*;
    * Name : Sana Ghani
    * Date : July 10
    public class lab56
         public static Scanner file;
         public static Scanner parse;
         public static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
         public static Scanner searchInput = new Scanner(;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              Product1[] validProduct = new Product1[500];
              int logicalSize = 0;
              int menuChoice=0;
              String FileName = getFileName();
              case 1:
                   displayAllValidRecords(validProduct, logicalSize);
                   // Open an output stream
                   OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream ("myfile.txt");
                   // Print a line of text
                   new PrintStream(fout).println ("hello world!");
                   // Close our output stream
                   // Catches any error conditions
                   catch (IOException e)
                        System.err.println ("Unable to write to file");
              case 2:
              case 3:
                   binarySearchByName( validProduct,logicalSize);
              case 4:
              case 5:
              menuChoice = displayMenu();
         public static void display(Product1[]validProduct, int logicalSize)throws Exception
              String Product, UPC;
              double Cost;
              int Quantity;
              for(int index =0; index<logicalSize; index++)
                   Product = validProduct[index].GetName();
                   UPC = validProduct[index].GetUPC();
         public static String getFileName()
              String fileName;
              Scanner input = new Scanner(;
              System.out.print("Please enter a file name: ");
              fileName =;
              return fileName;
         public static int displayMenu()
              int menuChoice;
              boolean validFlag = false;
                   System.out.println(" Product Display Menu ");
                   System.out.println("(1)Display All Records");
                   System.out.println("(2)Display All Invalid Records");
                   System.out.println("(3)Search by Product Name");
                   System.out.println("(4)Sort by Product Name");
                   System.out.print("Enter your choice(1-5): ");
                   menuChoice = input.nextInt();
                   if ((menuChoice >= 1) && (menuChoice <= 5))
                        validFlag = true;
                   if (!validFlag)
                        System.out.println("You have chosen " + menuChoice + ", " + menuChoice +
                        " is not valid. Please try again");
              return menuChoice;
         public static String loadArray(Product1 [] ValidProduct, String fileName)throws Exception
              int logicalSize=0;//will always have to declare
              String record;//will always have to declare
              String Product, UPC;//variable names from
              double Quantity;
              double Cost;
              Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(fileName));//open
              record = file.nextLine();//read a line
              record = file.nextLine();//read a line
              for(int index = 0; index < ValidProduct.length && file.hasNext(); index++)//check to see if the file has data
                   record = file.nextLine();
                   parse = new Scanner(record).useDelimiter(",");
                   String Name =;
                   UPC =;
                   Cost = parse.nextDouble();
                   ValidProduct[index] = new Product1 ( Name, UPC, Cost, (int) Quantity);
    //               create the object-- call the constructor and pass info
              return logicalSize+".txt";
         public static double roundDouble(double value, int position)
              java.math.BigDecimal bd = new java.math.BigDecimal(value);
              bd = bd.setScale(position,java.math.BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);
              return bd.doubleValue();
         * This method will print report about valid records
         public static void displayAllRecords( Product1[]valid, int ValidProduct,
                   Product1[] invalid, int InvalidProduct)
    //          Print valid records
              displayAllValidRecords(valid, ValidProduct);
    //          Print invalid UPC records
              displayAllValidRecords(invalid, InvalidProduct);
         public static void displayOneRecord(Product1[]valid, int index)
              double extendedCost, GST, SumofGST = 0, // Total Extended Cost
              totalCost, SumOfTotalCost = 0; // Total Extended Cost + GST
    //          Print title
              System.out.println(leftJustify("Product", 50) +
                        leftJustify("UPC", 15) +
                        rightJustify("Cost", 10) +
                        rightJustify("Quantity", 5) +
                        rightJustify("Extended Cost", 15) +
                        rightJustify("GST", 5) +
                        rightJustify("Total Cost", 13));
              extendedCost = valid[index].CalculateExtendedCost();
              extendedCost = roundDouble(extendedCost, 2);
              GST = valid[index].CalculateGST();
              GST = roundDouble(GST, 2);
              totalCost = extendedCost + GST;
              totalCost = roundDouble(totalCost, 2);
    //          justify method ensures all values are of the same size
              System.out.println(//leftJustify(i+"",3) + ": " +
                        leftJustify(valid[index].GetName(), 50) +
                        leftJustify(valid[index].GetUPC(), 15) +
                        rightJustify(valid[index].GetCost()+"", 10) +
                        rightJustify(valid[index].GetQuantity()+"", 5) +
                        rightJustify(extendedCost+"", 10) +
                        rightJustify(GST+"", 10) +
                        rightJustify(totalCost+"", 10));
         * This method will print report about valid records
         public static void displayAllValidRecords( Product1[]valid, int validCounter)
              double extendedCost, sumOfExtendedCost = 0, // Total Extended Cost
              GST, sumOfGST = 0, // Total GST
              totalCost, sumOfTotalCost = 0; // Total Extended Cost + GST
              System.out.println("************************ XYZ Product " +
                        "Cost REPORT ****************************" +
    //          Print title
              System.out.println(leftJustify("Product", 50) +
                        leftJustify("UPC", 15) +
                        rightJustify("Cost", 10) +
                        rightJustify("Qty", 5) +
                        rightJustify("Extended Cost", 15) +
                        rightJustify("GST", 5) +
                        rightJustify("Total Cost", 13));
    //          Print Records
              for(int i=0; i<validCounter; i++)
                   extendedCost = valid.CalculateExtendedCost();
                   extendedCost = roundDouble(extendedCost, 2);
                   GST = valid[i].CalculateGST();
                   GST = roundDouble(GST, 2);
                   totalCost = extendedCost + GST;
                   totalCost = roundDouble(totalCost, 2);
    //               justify method ensures all values are of the same size
                   System.out.println(//leftJustify(i+"",3) + ": " +
                             leftJustify(valid[i].GetName(), 50) +
                             leftJustify(valid[i].GetUPC(), 15) +
                             rightJustify(valid[i].getClass()+"", 10) +
                             rightJustify(valid[i].GetQuantity()+"", 5) +
                             rightJustify(extendedCost+"", 10) +
                             rightJustify(GST+"", 10) +
                             rightJustify(totalCost+"", 10));
                   sumOfExtendedCost += extendedCost;
                   sumOfGST += GST;
                   sumOfTotalCost += totalCost;
         private static void sortByName(Product1 [] ValidProduct, int logicalSize) throws Exception
              Product1 temp;
              for (int outer = logicalSize-1; outer > 1; outer --)
                   for (int inner = 0; inner < outer; inner ++)
                        if (ValidProduct[inner].GetName().compareToIgnoreCase(ValidProduct[inner+1].GetName())>0)
                             temp = ValidProduct[inner];
                             ValidProduct[inner] = ValidProduct[inner + 1];
                             ValidProduct [+ 1] = temp;
         public static void binarySearchByName(Product1 [] ValidProduct, int logicalSize)
              int high = logicalSize - 1;
              int low = 0;
              int mid = 0;
              int count = 0;
              int compare = 0;
              boolean found = false;
              System.out.print("Enter a product name");
              String product = input.nextLine();
              while (high >= low && !found)
                   count += 1;
                   mid = (high + low) / 2;
                   compare = ValidProduct[mid].GetName().compareToIgnoreCase(product);
                   if (compare == 0)
                        System.out.println("Found: " + ValidProduct[mid].GetName());
                        found = true;
                   else if (compare < 0)
                        low = mid + 1;
                        high = mid - 1;
              if (!found)
                   System.out.println(product + " not found.");
              System.out.println(count + " steps");
         public static String leftJustify(String field, int width)
              StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(field);
              while (buffer.length() < width)
                   buffer.append(' ');
              return buffer.toString();
         public static String rightJustify(String field, int width)
              StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(field);
              while (buffer.length() < width)
                   buffer.append(' ');
              return buffer.toString();
         public static void displayValidRecords(Product1 [] ValidProduct, int logicalSize) throws Exception {
              long longMAX_POSSIBLE_UPC_CODE = 999999999999L;
              // set input stream and get number
              Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;
              System.out.print("Enter a 12-digit UPC number: ");
              long input =stdin.nextLong();
              long number = input;
              // determine whether number is a possible UPC code
              if ((input < 0)|| (input > longMAX_POSSIBLE_UPC_CODE)) {
                   // not a UPC code
                   System.out.println(input +"is an invalid UPC code");
              else {   
                   // might be a UPC code
                   // determine digits
                   int d12 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d11 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d10 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d9 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d8 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d7 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d6 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d5 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d4 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d3 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d2 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   int d1 = (int) (number % 10);
                   number /= 10;
                   // compute sums of first 5 even digits and the odd digits
                   int m = d2 + d4 d6 d8 + d10;
                   int n = d1 + d3 d5 d7 + d9 + d11;
                   // use UPC formula to determine required value for d12
                   int r = 10 - ((m +3*n) % 10);
                   // based on r, can test whether number is a UPC code
                   if (r == d12) {
                        // is a UPCcode
                        System.out.println(input+" is a valid UPC code");
                   else {   
                        // not a UPCcode
                        System.out.println(input+" is not valid UPC code");
    Any help would be great thanks !!
    Take care,

    1) It's your problem that you waited until the last minute before you went for help...not ours. We'll give your problem the same attention as anyone elses...therefore your problem isn't any more urgent than any other problem here.
    2) I don't intend on doing your entire assignment. Nor do I intend on reading all of it. If you need help with a specific requirement, then post the information/code relevant to that requirement. I don't know how to help you when you bury the problem inside a 9 mile long essay.
    3) Post code in tags so it's formatted and readable. (there's a *code* button up above that makes the tags for you).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Need to reinstall Acrobat XI - cloud says it's installed - help needed urgently!

    i am using osx / adobe creative cloud.
    needed to deinstall acrobat XI. did it with app cleaner by mistake.
    now acc tells me it is installed and i can not reinstall it again.
    help urgently needed!
    go to applications/utilities/adobe installers/acrobat XI deinstall (in my case)

    Hi rbt_11,
    Please go to
    Applications --> Utilities --> Adobe Installers and check if you have any uninstaller for Acrobat XI.
    Incase if you find the uninstaller then run that and uninstall the remnants of this software.

  • Help neede urgently(Problem in adding exponential numbers)

    Actually i want to add the contents of two files which contains exponential numbers.
    i'm not able to add these numbers. Can any one help me?
    import java.nio.*;
    class  userFile
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
                   BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              String s1,s2,s3;
              FileReader fr1,fr2;
              System.out.println("Enter first file :");
              System.out.println("Enter second file :");
              System.out.println("Enter new file :");
              fr1= new FileReader(s1);
              fr2= new FileReader(s2);
              BufferedReader fin1=new BufferedReader(fr1);
              BufferedReader fin2=new BufferedReader(fr2);
              String str1,str2,str3;
              double i1,i2,i3;
              OutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(s3);
              while((str1=fin1.readLine()) != null)
                   while((str2=fin2.readLine()) != null)
                   System.out.println("i3=" +i3);
                   str3 = Float.toString(i3);
                   byte buf[]=str3.getBytes();
              catch(NumberFormatException e)
    }I need help urgently.
    Thanks in advance.

    By "exponential number, do you mean one in scientific notation (eg. -1.55743e21) or what?
    What do your files look like?
    What problem are you encountering? Is an exception being thrown? If so, give us the exact message (copy/paste). Is the results simply not what was expected? If so, give us the input, the expected results and the actual results for us to compare and consider.

  • Help needed urgently to get the values from the jsp page.

    I am badly stuck into this problem.Please help me and find a solution.
    I am using ms-access and jsp.
    my database structure is as given below:
    m_emp_no | from_date | to_date | approver| status |
    1002 | 22/9/2008 | 23/9/2008|1003 |pending
    1004 | 29/9/2008 | 30/9/2008|1003 |pending
    2044 | 15/9/2008 | 16/9/2008|3076 |pending
    now this is exactly a leave apply scenario where a page is displayed and the user has to fill in the details to apply leave.then the approver has to approve that leaves so even, he should get the details in his account.
    for example here 1003 has to approve leaves for 1002 & 1004.i am able to fetch data from database for the particular approver here is the coding:
    <h2 align="center"><u><b><span style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><font color="#C0C0C0" face="Comic Sans MS">Leave
    Approval Requests</font></span></b></u></h2>
    <form method="POST" name="f1" action="update.jsp">
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:employee_details");
    PreparedStatement p=null;
    p=con.prepareStatement("select * from emp_leave_application where approver='"+username+"'");
    ResultSet r=p.executeQuery();
    %>  <table border="1" width="100%" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
          <td width="100%" bgcolor="#999966"><b><u><%=r.getString(2)%></u></b></td>
      <table border="1" width="100%" height="171" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
          <td width="100%" height="165" valign="top">
            <p align="left"><b>User ID</b>        :
    <input type="text" name="id" value="<%=r.getString(1)%>"  size="4   
    <p><b>Leave From</b> : <%=r.getString(2)%></p>
    <p><b>Leave From</b> : <%=r.getString(3)%></p>
    <p><b>Approve</b> : <select  size="1" name="approved">
            <option value="Approved">Approved</option>
            <option value="Cancelled">Cancelled</option>        </select></p>
      <table border="1" width="100%" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
                <td width="100%" bgcolor="#999966">
                  <p align="center"><input type="reset" value="Clear" name="B1"> 
                  <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B2"></td>
    this will display both the rows but when i try to retrieve the values into update.jsp using the code given below it gives me only one value which is the first 1002.
    but i need both the values to be inserted into the update.jsp only then the approver will be able to approve the leaves individually with respect to the m_emp_no.
    please help me out.
    thanks in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    My comments below are all between (((((( and ))))))
    <h2 align="center"><u><b><span style="background-color: #FFFFFF"><font color="#C0C0C0" face="Comic Sans MS">Leave
    Approval Requests</font></span></b></u></h2>
    <form method="POST" name="f1" action="update.jsp">
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:employee_details");
    PreparedStatement p=null;
    p=con.prepareStatement("select * from emp_leave_application where approver='"+username+"'");
    ResultSet r=p.executeQuery();
    %> <table border="1" width="100%" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
    <td width="100%" bgcolor="#999966"><b><u><%=r.getString(2)%></u></b></td>
    <table border="1" width="100%" height="171" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
    <td width="100%" height="165" valign="top">
    <p align="left"><b>User ID</b> :
    <input type="text" name="id" value="<%=r.getString(1)%>" size="4   
    ((((((( in the statement above, name="id" should be changed to something like name="id"<%=ii%>
    Where ii is a counter that tells you how many times you have gone through the loop so far.
    The reason for this is that each textfield you generate must have a unique name rather than all have the same name
    such as 'id'. This change will give them names such as id0, id1, id2. Then when you submit the page, you can uniquely
    identify each input textfield.))))))
    <p><b>Leave From</b> : <%=r.getString(2)%></p>
    <p><b>Leave From</b> : <%=r.getString(3)%></p>
    <p><b>Approve</b> : <select size="1" name="approved">
    (((( the above select also has to have a unique name for each time through the loop. Change it to name="approved"<%=ii%>
    <option value="Approved">Approved</option>
    <option value="Cancelled">Cancelled</option> </select></p>
    <table border="1" width="100%" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
    <td width="100%" bgcolor="#999966">
    <p align="center"><input type="reset" value="Clear" name="B1">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B2"></td>
    (((((((note you would be better off long term to put your business logic in a servlet and dispatch to the JSP page which will only have the responsiblity to display the data.
    Also, connection pooling is better than the above.

  • XML Generation using a sql query in an efficient way -Help needed urgently

    I am facing the following issue while generating xml using an sql query. I get the below given table using a query.
         CODE      ID      MARK
    1 4 2331 809
    2 4 1772 802
    3 4 2331 845
    4 5 2331 804
    5 5 2331 800
    6 5 2210 801
    I need to generate the below given xml using a query
    Can anyone help me with some idea to generate the above given CLOB message

    not sure if this is the right way to do it but
    /* Formatted on 10/12/2011 12:52:28 PM (QP5 v5.149.1003.31008) */
    WITH data AS (SELECT 4 code, 2331 id, 809 mark FROM DUAL
                  SELECT 4, 1772, 802 FROM DUAL
                  SELECT 4, 2331, 845 FROM DUAL
                  SELECT 5, 2331, 804 FROM DUAL
                  SELECT 5, 2331, 800 FROM DUAL
                  SELECT 5, 2210, 801 FROM DUAL)
              || listagg (xml, '</DATA><DATA>') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY xml)
              || '</DATA>')
      FROM (  SELECT    '<CODE>'
                     || code
                     || '</CODE><IDS><ID>'
                     || LISTAGG (id, '</ID><ID>') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY id)
                     || '</ID><IDS><MARKS><MARK>'
                     || LISTAGG (mark, '</MARK><MARK>') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY id)
                     || '</MARK></MARKS>'
                FROM data
            GROUP BY code)

  • Report for PO help needed (Urgent)

    Hi all,
    do anyone has code for a report which is used to create Purchase Order for materials which has purchase requisition.
    if anyone has the plz share it with me.
    bcoz it is urgently needed & it is required to be deliver today.

    Take the data from <b>EBAN</b> table and try to display the same after fecthing from it.
    PO related tables are EKKO and EKPO, EKET,and EKBE.
    Reward points if useful

  • A puzzling needed urgently!

    This is somewhat related to the topic I posted here (the app is the same) :
    So I managed to set things straight and pass the value of the floor selected from the drop down list to a page called FloorPlanRender.jsp (the parameter name is "floorselected", and I store this parameter into an integer variable of the same name as shown in the code for the whole page below). A controller class receives the request, initializes the DB connection and redirects to the appropriate JSP page (not shown in the codes below, but it works fine) -
    [BTW, I have posted the entire code for the page and classes involved...that was just to make the code more informative. The problem seems to be in a very small part of the code alone].
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.Iterator"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.ArrayList"%>
    <%@page import="seatplanner.beans.FloorPlanRenderElement"%>
    <% String base = (String)application.getAttribute("base"); %>
    <% String imageURL = (String)application.getAttribute("imageURL"); %>
    <jsp:useBean id="dataManager" scope="application"
    <!DOCTYPE html
         PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
      <title>Tech Mahindra SeatMaster&reg; | Floor Plan</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/TechMSeatPlan/css/pagestyle.css" type="text/css"/>
    <div id="all">
    <!-- Display logo -->
    <div id="toppanel"> <jsp:include page="TopPanel.jsp"/> </div>
    <br/> <br/>
    <!-- Display main content -->
    <div id="contentpanel">
    <!-- Store the floor selected and get the row and column count for the floor -->
    <% String floorselect = request.getParameter("floorselected");
       int floorselected = Integer.parseInt(floorselect);
       int rowcount = dataManager.getRowCount(floorselected);
       int columncount = dataManager.getColumnCount(floorselected);
       ArrayList<FloorPlanRenderElement> floorplanelements = dataManager.getFloorPlanElements(floorselected);
       Iterator<FloorPlanRenderElement> iterator = floorplanelements.iterator(); %>
    <!-- Create Table to display the grid -->
    <% if(!(floorplanelements.isEmpty())) // Checks whether the retrieved ArrayList is empty or not
    FloorPlanRenderElement anelement = new FloorPlanRenderElement();%>
    <table id="floorplan">
    <% while(iterator.hasNext())
         for(int i=1; i==rowcount; i++)
              { %>
                   <% for(int j=1; j==columncount; j++)
                        anelement =; // Store the elements one by one
                   <td width=30px height=30px> <img src="<%=imageURL + anelement.floorelement.getElementType() + "-" + anelement.floorelement.getOccupied()%>"/> </td>
                    <% } //close for...j loop %>
          <% } //close for...i loop %>
    <% } //close while... loop %>
    <% } //close if, start else
    else { %>
    No floor plan exists. Please choose another floor.
    <% } //close else %>
                        Now, using this value for floor selected, I have to get the rows and columns configured for this floor from a database. This involves performing a select max statement so that I can get the maximum row and column number respectively. So I call upon the relevant methods in the DataManager class by creating an object, which in turn gets forwarded to a class known as [The code for both are shown below]:
    package seatplanner.model;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import seatplanner.beans.FloorPlanRenderElement;
    public class DataManager {
      private String dbURL = "";
      private String dbUserName = "";
      private String dbPassword = "";
      /*Basic and connectivity operations */
      public void setDbURL(String dbURL) {
        this.dbURL = dbURL;
      public String getDbURL() {
        return dbURL;
      public void setDbUserName(String dbUserName) {
        this.dbUserName = dbUserName;
      public String getDbUserName() {
        return dbUserName;
      public void setDbPassword(String dbPassword) {
        this.dbPassword = dbPassword;
      public String getDbPassword() {
        return dbPassword;
      public Connection getConnection() {
        Connection conn = null;
        try {
          conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getDbURL(), getDbUserName(),
        catch (SQLException e) {
          System.out.println("Could not connect to DB: " + e.getMessage());
        return conn;
      public void putConnection(Connection conn) {
        if (conn != null) {
          try { conn.close(); }
          catch (SQLException e) { }
         /* Floor related operations */
         public ArrayList<Integer> getAllFloorNumbers() {
              return FloorPeer.getAllFloorNumbers(this);
         /* Floor Plan Rendering related operations */
         public int getRowCount(int floorselected) {
              return (FloorPlanRenderPeer.getRowCount(this, floorselected));
         public int getColumnCount(int floorselected) {
              return (FloorPlanRenderPeer.getColumnCount(this, floorselected));
         public ArrayList<FloorPlanRenderElement> getFloorPlanElements(int floorselected) {
              return FloorPlanRenderPeer.getFloorPlanElements(this, floorselected);
    package seatplanner.model;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import seatplanner.beans.FloorPlanRenderElement;
    /* This class handles all floor plan rendering operations */
    public class FloorPlanRenderPeer
    /* This method returns the number of rows configured for the floor */
    public static int getRowCount(DataManager dataManager, int floorselected) {
         int rowcount=0;
        Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
        if (connection != null) {
          try { 
              Statement s = connection.createStatement();
            String sql = "select max(grid_x_pos) from seatplanner.floorgridpart where floor_id =" + floorselected;
            ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
              try {
                  rowcount = rs.getInt(1);
              finally { rs.close(); }
            finally {s.close(); }
          catch (SQLException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not get row count: " + e.getMessage());
          finally {
        return (rowcount);
    /* This method returns the number of columns configured for the floor */
    public static int getColumnCount(DataManager dataManager, int floorselected) {
         int columncount=0;
        Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
        if (connection != null) {
          try {
            Statement s = connection.createStatement();
               try {
            String sql = "select max(grid_y_pos) from seatplanner.floorgridpart where floor_id =" + floorselected;
              ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
              try {
                  columncount = rs.getInt(1);
                        } finally { rs.close(); }
               } finally {s.close(); }
          catch (SQLException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not get column count: " + e.getMessage());
          finally {
        return columncount;
    /* This method returns all the grid elements needed to render the floor plan for the selected floor */
    public static ArrayList<FloorPlanRenderElement> getFloorPlanElements(DataManager dataManager, int floorselected) {
        ArrayList<FloorPlanRenderElement> floorplanrenderelements = new ArrayList<FloorPlanRenderElement>();
         FloorPlanRenderElement oneelement = new FloorPlanRenderElement();
        Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
        if (connection != null) {
          try {
            Statement s = connection.createStatement();
            String sql = "select distinct A.grid_x_pos, A.grid_y_pos, A.element_ID, B.element_type, B.occupied" +
                              "from seatplanner.floorgridpart A, seatplanner.floorelement B where (A.floor_ID = " + floorselected +
                              "and A.element_ID = B.ID) order by A.grid_x_pos, A.grid_y_pos asc";     
            try {
              ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
              try {
                while ( {
              finally { rs.close(); }
            finally {s.close(); }
          catch (SQLException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not get floor numbers: " + e.getMessage());
          finally {
        return floorplanrenderelements;
    }When I run the application and choose my floor, the result throws me a "No floor plan exists...." [the else...part in the jsp page].
    I have come to know that it is because for some odd reason, the rowcount and columncount variables are not being set properly. I have tested the queries used in the FloorPlanRender peer class in the mySQL query browser and they work (both the row and column count for floor 3 for example, should return 20). But they don't. When I printed out the rowcount and columncount variables, they were set to a 0. I thought the floorselected parameter wasn't retrieved from the previous page properly, but to my surprise it was successfully set to 3, indicating the desired floor number.
    I can't begin to see where the error is. There is nothing wrong with the DB connection or the query, but the correct value is not being set to the variables in the jsp page.
    Can someone please have a look at the code and guide me as to what possibly is going wrong? I have spent a lot of time and effort and still haven't spotted the mistake, if any. Your help is much appreciated.

    Again wrong usage of Iterator :)
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.Iterator"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.ArrayList"%>
    <%@page import="seatplanner.beans.FloorPlanRenderElement"%>
    <% String base = (String)application.getAttribute("base"); %>
    <% String imageURL = (String)application.getAttribute("imageURL"); %>
    <jsp:useBean id="dataManager" scope="application"
    <!DOCTYPE html
         PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
      <title>Tech Mahindra SeatMaster&reg; | Floor Plan</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/TechMSeatPlan/css/pagestyle.css" type="text/css"/>
    <div id="all">
    <!-- Display logo -->
    <div id="toppanel"> <jsp:include page="TopPanel.jsp"/> </div>
    <br/> <br/>
    <!-- Display main content -->
    <div id="contentpanel">
    <!-- Store the floor selected and get the row and column count for the floor -->
    <% String floorselect = request.getParameter("floorselected");
       int floorselected = Integer.parseInt(floorselect);
       int rowcount = dataManager.getRowCount(floorselected);
       int columncount = dataManager.getColumnCount(floorselected);
       ArrayList<FloorPlanRenderElement> floorplanelements = dataManager.getFloorPlanElements(floorselected);
       Iterator<FloorPlanRenderElement> iterator = floorplanelements.iterator(); %>
    <!-- Create Table to display the grid -->
    <% if(!(floorplanelements.isEmpty())) // Checks whether the retrieved ArrayList is empty or not
    FloorPlanRenderElement anelement = new FloorPlanRenderElement();%>
    <table id="floorplan">
    <% while(iterator.hasNext()){
    anelement =; // The every call would takes the pointer to the next element in the collection
    for(int i=1; i==rowcount; i++){ %>
    <% for(int j=1; j==columncount; j++){%>
    <td width=30px height=30px> <img src="<%=imageURL + anelement.floorelement.getElementType() + "-" + anelement.floorelement.getOccupied()%>"/> </td>
    <% } //close for...j loop %>
    <% } //close for...i loop %>
    <% } //close while... loop %>
    <% } //close if, start else
    else { %>
    No floor plan exists. Please choose another floor.
    <% } //close else %>
    </html>For god sake please bother to understand how any implementation of java.util.Iterator works
    for more info go through javadocs
    and i believe you have completey ignored my other suggestion of using enhanced loop in J2SE 5.0+ if iterator is confusing.
    Anyways,hope the above might help you in fixing of what you are trying to..

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