Help On My Project Please

Hello guys
I am into my final year of my IS undergraduate course, and is about to start my final year project. And thats where I need some help cause I am desperately losing ideas.
The project is a 6 month schedule. I dont want to design a site or a traditional web based system cause that wont be challenging enough for the course. The implmentation need not be large, Report and the design is more important, though of course a well working prototype to evaluate the design is a must.
It should be a Web Related Area (A software product) cause thats where my existing knowledge is. I want to use Java, Xml, Web Services(Not used to) etc. etc. with whatever technology neccessary.
I need some info into the latest technologys, being into use. But everything should find the scope of 6 months. So Can you suggest some really good ideas. Please ...
Any Suggestion is greatly appreciated.

If they're cr@ppy tough, they're ideas!
Howabout something similair to what SETI(?I think?) did. Have a download that shares the processing between pc's.
A java app on cellphones that calcs golf scores(incl handicaps, skins etc) then automatically updates clubhouse system with some sort of wireless tech(therefore avoiding those stupid 1982 pcs you need to swipe your card on) that updates web based player db that you can check online.
some sort of home security system with a remote monitoring system. or monitoring traffic flow at busy intersections.

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  • Help with my project please

    Hi guys am back sorry to bother you but i was wondering if you can help me find out why my program telling me the element i search for is not in the array?
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    public class BusinessProyect {
         public static void main (String args[]) {
              String companyName, companyStreet, companyCity, companyState, companyZipCode;
                   companyName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business Name");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyStreet = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business Street");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyCity = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business City");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyState = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business State");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyZipCode = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business Zip Code");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
              System.out.print("Business Name: ");
              System.out.print(" "+companyName);
              System.out.print("\nAddress: ");
              String search = null;
              String[] businessProducts = new String[15];
              boolean found = false;
                        System.out.println("\n"+"The Product Sold");
                   for(int i=0; i<=14; i++)
                        businessProducts[i] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Name Of The Product " + (i+1));
                   for(int i=0; i<=14; i++)
                        System.out.println((i+1) + "." + businessProducts);
              bubblesort (businessProducts);
              System.out.println("\nSORTED NAMES");
              for (int i = 0; i < businessProducts.length; i++)
                   System.out.println(businessProducts [i]);
              search = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter name to search.");
              for (int i = 0; i < businessProducts.length; i++) {
                   if(search.equals(businessProducts[i++])) {
                        found = true;
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,search+" was found in element #"+i);
                   } // end if
              if (found == false)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,search+" was not found.");
         } // end main
         public static void bubblesort (String[] a) {
              for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++) {
                   for(int j=0; j<a.length-i; j++) {
                        if(a[j].compareTo(a[j+1]) > 0) swap(a, j, j+1);
                   } // end inner for
              } // end outer for
         } // end bubblesort
         public static void swap (String[] a, int i, int j) {
              String h = a[i];
              a[i] = a[j];
              a[j] = h;
    } // end swap
    } // end classEdited by: MoonShadow on Mar 13, 2008 6:26 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Hi guys i redo the code and is almost finish only got one last problem... When i search for a product name it gives me the wrong index number if i enter the name of a product that is in 15 it says found index 14 how can i add 1 so it well get the exact one...
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    public class MyFirstProyect2 {
         public static void main (String args[]) {
              String companyName, companyStreet, companyCity, companyState, companyZipCode;
                   companyName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business Name");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyStreet = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business Street");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyCity = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business City");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyState = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business State");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
                   companyZipCode = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Business Zip Code");
                        if (companyName == null) System.exit(0);
              System.out.print("Business Name: ");
              System.out.print(" "+companyName);
              System.out.print("\nAddress: ");
              String businessProducts[] = new  String[15], productName;
              boolean checkList = false;
              int temp, i, j, found;
              for (i = 0; i < businessProducts.length; i++) {
                   businessProducts=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Name Of Product ("+(i+1)+").");
                   if (businessProducts[i] == null) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You cancelled.","NAME SEARCH",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
              System.out.println("\n"+"The Product Sold");
              for (i = 0; i < businessProducts.length; i++)
                   System.out.println((i+1) + "." + businessProducts[i]);
              selectionSort (businessProducts);
              System.out.println("\nProducts Sold Sorted");
              for (i = 0; i < businessProducts.length; i++)
                   System.out.println((i+1) + "." + businessProducts[i]);
              checkList = true;
              productName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Name Product To Search: ");
              if (productName == null)     {     // user clicked the cancel button
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You cancelled.","NAME SEARCH",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                   checkList = false;
              while (checkList) {
                   found = BinarySearch(businessProducts, productName);
                   if (found != -1)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Product found on element "+found+".","NAME SEARCH",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Product not found"+found,"NAME SEARCH",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                   productName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Name Product To Search: ");
                   if (productName == null)
                        checkList = false;
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This Program Has Ended","YOU CANCELLED THE SEARCH",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
              public static int BinarySearch (String[] a, String searchValue) {
                   int left = 0;
                   int right = a.length - 1;
                   while (left <= right) {
                        int midpoint = (left + right) / 2;
                        if (a[midpoint].compareTo(searchValue) == 0)
                             return midpoint;
                        else if(a[midpoint].compareTo(searchValue) < 0)
                             left = midpoint + 1;
                             right = midpoint - 1;
                   return -1;
              public static void selectionSort (String[] a) {
                   for (int i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
                        int minIndex = findMinimum(a, i);
                        if (minIndex !=i)
                             swap(a, i, minIndex);
              public static int findMinimum(String[] a, int first) {
                   int minIndex = first;
                   for (int i = first + 1; i < a.length; i++)
                        if(a[i].compareTo(a[minIndex]) < 0)
                             minIndex = i;
                   return minIndex;
              public static void swap(String[] a, int x, int y) {
                   String temp = a[x];
                   a[x] = a[y];
                   a[y] = temp;
    }Edited by: MoonShadow on Mar 13, 2008 9:06 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Need help understanding a project please

    Hi, i just finished reading through this lab that i'm supposed to do, but have no idea what i am supposed to do. Could anyone here possibly help me understand it in an easier fashion? I would really appreciate it.
    For this assignment, we will create a number class that can help us create classes for objects like clocks or angles. The number class will have to be general enough so that we can define different bases for it. Clocks need numbers of base 24 (or 12) and 60. Angles need numbers of base 360 and 60. For now, we are going to simplify things and only define constructors, a toString method, and an increment method. Of course, a complete number class would have many other methods, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, comparing, and negating the numbers. Since a number is made up of digits, we will also define a digit class. The number and digit classes appear very similar because they have nearly the same methods. The differences are in the implementations of the methods.
    Write a number class that represents a number with a given base. The number class has two constructors. The default constructor sets the base at 10 and the value to 0. The other constructor accepts a decimal value and a base. The constructors will have to create all of the digits (as objects of the digit class) and store them in some kind of list. Create a toString method and an increment method. These two methods will use the corresponding methods of the digit class to do most of the work for them.
    Write a digit class that represents a single digit with a given base. The digit class has two constructors. The default constructor sets the base at 10 and the value to 0. The other constructor accepts a decimal value and a base. Create a toString method and an increment method. The increment method should return a boolean: true if there is a carry and false if not.
    For both classes, you can assume that the bases are restricted to binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal and the values are non-negative.
    Write a test driver that proves that your classes work.

    Myrdwin wrote:
    It's not that i didn't bother to ask him earlierSo, your teacher gave you the assignment, without giving you any opportunity to talk to him between when he assigned it and when it's due?
    I just finished the polymorphism lab with a bunch of farm animals last night. WHOAH! TMI!!! ;-)
    Am i just reading into the lesson to much and making it way more complicated than it actually is?Like I said, I'm not going to try to interpret the whole thing for you but a) It tells you what to do with the c'tors, and b) I would always assume that "create a method" or "define a method" or whatever he says means "create a *fully functional, correct* method", unless he explicitly states to leave it empty for now.
    My advice is to use your best judgment as to what's expected, and get started on that basis. At your first opportunity to speak to your teacher, explain your uncertainty and the assumptions you made.
    If you have specific questions along the way, post them here, along with your code or an SSCCE.
    When you post code, use the CODE button or [code] and [/code] tags to preserve formatting and make your code readable.
    Edited by: jverd on Oct 3, 2008 11:57 AM

  • Anyone help ol' man with Cocoa project, please?

    Hi all,
    I recently volunteered to help transcribe Birth, Marriage and Death (BMD) records dating back to 1837 for FreeBMD -- a registered charity -- to help folks trace their family trees online. Unfortunately, while the Mac software has some nifty features, it's still really s-l-o-o-w and tedious to use and I reckon the speed and accuracy could be increased 3x using a slightly different approach.
    I was reasonably okay with 'C' in the old days but never quite managed to get my head around OOP yet (probably due to my age). The app I have in mind consists of an ultra-simple text editor (a la Apple's 15 minute example project) with combined bare-bones image/PDF viewer plus a few extra bells and whistles, and I've already designed the interface -- about as far as I can get for now
    I see a lot of really knowledgeable folks replying to postings in this discussion group, many with huge numbers of posts under their belts, and I reckon this would be considered a fairly 'trivial' app that could be knocked out during a long coffee break for anyone experienced in Cocoa programming.
    If you feel you'd like to help with this charitable, not-for-profit project, please email me at "ojisanATadamDOTcomDOTau" and I'll send you what I've got, together with some good sample code that clearly addresses most of the problems.
    Your input will help me get a handle on what eludes me about OOP (I learn really well by example), make life easier for all the Mac volunteer transcribers out there, help MILLIONS of hobbyists trace their ancestors quicker (genealogy is the #1 hobby in the US, and probably also in Australia, UK, and Canada etc.), and help level the playing field with Windows (their transcription solution is currently better than ours).
    Kind regards

    Bob Lang1 wrote:
    Oooh! You're such a comedian, etresoft
    I aim to please.
    As for .NET, the major language for .NET development is C#, and this language is clearly based on Java with a few minor syntax changes. It uses exactly the same object model as Java, and even the underlying technology is similar to the Java Virtual Machine.
    I'm not attempting to convince you, just set the record straight.
    As long as we are setting the record straight, we should clarify a couple of things. .NET is the "virtual machine" part. You can use C#, J#, VB, or even a slightly twisted variant of C++ with .NET. For those of us who spent a few formative years swearing at MFC, .NET is a significant improvement.
    I haven't done much with .NET but I find it to be very much like Cocoa, both in the functionality it provides and the slightly twisted way you have to use it. In Cocoa, you have to use Objective-C or Objective-C++. In .NET, you have to use Microsoft's own slightly strange variants. If you can understand all the brackets, receivers, and messages in Cocoa, you shouldn't have any trouble with all the carets in .NET C++.
    You're quite right, it's obviously much less effort to write a program in Cocoa and then re-write it for .NET, than it is it to write it in Java in the first place and run it unchanged on three different platforms. Java is so portable that a Java program written on one platform doesn't even have to be re-compiled to run on another. If you write a program using Cocoa then you limit your market just to Macs - very much a minority platform compared to Windows. Write your program in Java and your market is literally unlimited.
    Everything you've said here is correct. Still, every Java program I have ever seen is clearly a "Java" program and usually cannot achieve the same level of integration with the OS that either .NET or Cocoa gives you by default. Java programmers still have to make an effort to ensure that their programs run and run well on platforms they didn't develop it on.

  • Doing research for undergrad student project - Please help!

    I'm doing research for a Computer Science project and could use some help. The project we have chosen is to develop a web-based application using web 2.0 techniques like AJAX. Not sure if the details of the application are pertinent to my question, so I won't post them at this point. Basically, we are trying to make a personal web finance app in a browser, similar to
    We are currently working through the software engineering phases of development, but we need to decide what our server platform will be and put something together.
    I recently attended a Sun Developer Days conf in Atlanta, and I like a lot of the new "web stack" support that is offered. Here is what we are thinking of using:
    Server apps:
    Operating System:     Solaris 10 (should we go with opensolaris? whats the difference?)
    Application Server:     Glassfish (Java EE 5) (or should we use Tomcat?)
    Web Server:     Sun Java System Web Server (or should we use Apache?)
    Database:          MySQL (or should we use Postgre?)
    Version Control:     Subversion (is this needed? will have 5 students collaborating on project)
    Client developer tools:
    IDE:          Netbeans 6
    Web 2.0 Framework:     GWT (Google Web Tookit)
    Does this stack make sense?
    Are there any tutorials or guides to help me set this up???
    overwhelmed student

    We are currently working through the software engineering phases of development, but we need to decide what our server platform will be and put something together.
    I recently attended a Sun Developer Days conf in Atlanta, and I like a lot of the new "web stack" support that is offered. Here is what we are thinking of using:
    Server apps:
    Operating System:     Solaris 10 (should we go with opensolaris? whats the difference?)OpenSolaris is a moving target, Solaris in theory is not. But then again, why not Windows, *BSD or any flavor of Linux?
    Application Server:     Glassfish (Java EE 5) (or should we use Tomcat?)Tomcat is a "reference" platform. From what I've seen Glassfish is the "next" version. Why not BEA or Websphere?
    Web Server:     Sun Java System Web Server (or should we use Apache?)Or Zeus for that matter.
    Database:          MySQL (or should we use Postgre?)Or Oracle of MS SQL server or Sybase?
    Version Control:     Subversion (is this needed? will have 5 students collaborating on project)Or CVS.
    Client developer tools:
    IDE:          Netbeans 6
    Web 2.0 Framework:     GWT (Google Web Tookit)There is nothing to help anyone give you tips on which way to go. A simple list of software is just a simple list of software. As you flesh out your project you also need to flesh out which each app can provide and hopefully then things get easier. You list no reason why you should tilt towards one app or another. Start with cost and go from there.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Customizing the Project panel

    This question was posted in response to the following article:

    Honestly, you did not get my point.
    What I am saying is, that the icon view has no rational order of files. Why is that?
    At least there should be a way to figure out, even if it is not possble to alter the sort criteria, in which order the files are listed in icon view.
    If I serach for a spezific file, sure I can use list mode, but what about "there were a couple of frames with that car, and it was shot after file X … a just let me fastly scrub trough the footage in that brandnew icon view … wait … where is … aehm .. ok, I scrub trough every file."
    Do not get me wrong, I love the new icon view possibilities so much, that I want to actually use them.
    Please just fix it Adobe, or tell me how to decrypt the sort mechanism.
    Am 13.09.2012 um 03:02 schrieb Jim Simon <[email protected]>
    Re: Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Customizing the Project panel
    created by Jim Simon in Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, & CS6 - View the full discussion
    How should an editor use this view seriously?
    Honestly, to sort manually.  If you want an auto sort, use List view.
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    Start a new discussion in Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, & CS6 by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • I need help organising my iPhoto please

    Can someone help me with my iPhoto.
    I have 14,400 photos in my iPhoto library.
    I have albums which contain the photos from the library,as I assumed once you created an album it would eliminate them from the library.
    Consequently I have lots of albums with what I thought was trying to was create some order ...but instead it's left me with photos everywhere.
    To create more dilema,I lost my hard-drive a few years ago and had not backed up any photos(5 years worth)....luckily for me my brother had backed up some and put them back into iPhoto for me but for some reason I now have 3 and 4 of the same photo.
    To make it more annoying the photos whilst there may be 3 of the same they are all different pixel sizes?Not sure how this happened?
    I've also got 3,300 photos in trash that I'm too scared to delete incase I don't have that exact photo in the library.
    Is there any easy way to sort this out,because the problem is getting worse as I try to create order?
    Is it possible to organize them all into folders that way I can delete them from the library and trash ?
    Thanks in advance

    leonieDF Hamburg, Germany
    Re: I need help organising my iPhoto please 
    Apr 6, 2013 9:07 AM (in response to flyinghostie)
    Would you mind to clarify a few points, please?
    I have 14,400 photos in my iPhoto library.
    I have albums which contain the photos from the library,as I assumed once you created an album it would eliminate them from the library.
    Consequently I have lots of albums with what I thought was trying to was create some order ...but instead it's left me with photos everywhere.
    That part is not clear to me.
    What kind of albums are you talking about? Do you mean iPhoto albums as seen in the "Albums" section of the source list?
    Yes the albums are contained in the Albums section
    as I assumed once you created an album it would eliminate them from the library.
    Albums will index and organize the photos in your library, but not store them and not remove them from the library. All photos need to be contained in an event. When you are referring to "library", are you referring to your iPhoto library or to the "Library" section in the source list in the iPhoto window?
    Yes the library I'm referring to is the Iphoto library.I do have Events also...will organising Events take them out of my Libraray?
    .but instead it's left me with photos everywhere.
    Perhaps you are confused by iPhoto showing you different views of the same photos.
    The top part of the source list "Library" gives you access to all your photos based on the events, as list of all "Photos", organized by the Faces, or organized by the Places. You can access the same photos in four different ways.
    The "Recent" section gives you access based on the date; but again you will see the very same photos, only grouped differently.
    These are the access paths predefined by iPhoto. The "Albums" section and "Projects" section will give you additional custom structures to retrieve your photos, the access structure you define yourself. But it will not remove the default organisation created by iPhoto, only supplement it with your own custom structures.
    To make it more annoying the photos whilst there may be 3 of the same they are all different pixel sizes?Not sure how this happened?
    Now, this is probably caused by the way you reimported your photos into your new library. When you take the folders from an iPhoto library and simply import all folders, you will import each photo in three different sizes, for the library contains thumbnails, previews, and full size original image files and versions.
    Would it be possible for you to repeat the import step from the backup your brother has made for you? It might be easier to sort your photos in the finder by size and only to import the full size image files, then to do that manually. What is the backup like, that your brother has made? Is it an iPhoto library or a folder containing photos and folders of your old iPhoto library?
    I'm not sure how my brother saved the photos as it's been years since he re imported them for me,I'd rather do this myself than trouble him again.I've thought maybe I can set up a folder on my desktop and drag all the main photos from the library into there,then delete iPhoto and start all over again?
    But before you proceed with deleting photos that you are not sure about, create a backup of the library, so you will be safe, if you accidentally delete too much.

  • My Mac was updated to Ÿosemite OS and since then the PS5 software doesn't open. I need help on this subject please.

    My Mac was updated to Ÿosemite OS and since then the PS5 software doesn't open. I need help on this subject please.
    They error message I get is "An unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred. Photoshop will now exit."
    This only started after I upgraded my OS to Yosemite.

    The upgrade has been know to break Photoshop CS5 installs. An Uninstall/Reinstall may be necessary.

  • If you want to access the PowerShell 3.0 Help in another language please vote for my Connect suggestion!

    All my Windows operating Systems are set to use the UI Culture: German
    With Update-Help or Save-Help you can download PowerShell help in different (any) language by use of the –UICulture parameter.
    Update-Help –UICulture en-US
    Because my Windows OS is set to use the German UI Culture and the Cmdlet Get-Help depends on it, I cannot access PowerShell help in a different Language (English) with Get-Help.
    There is still no translated German PowerShell help and even if I have installed the en-US verbose Help files I cannot use it (easily)!
    I made a suggestion on Microsoft Connect to add the –UICulture Parameter to the Get-Help Cmdlet, to make it possible to call Help in a different language then the Windows Ui Culture.
    As a workaround until then you can use the  .NET Class [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture to set the UI Culture and get Help in a different language.
    Function Get-HelpUICulture {
    param (
    # remember the UICulture
    $OldCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $OldCulture
    # set thread to given UICulture
    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $UICulture
    # call powershell help in given language
    Get-Help $HelpSearchString -Full
    # reset UICulture
    [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $OldCulture
    # Example: call PowerShell en-US help in verbose English:
    Get-HelpUICulture -HelpSearchString Get-Command -UICulture ‘en-US’
    If you want to access the PowerShell 3.0 Help in another language please vote for my Connect suggestion!
    Please click “Mark as Answer” if my post answers your question and click
    “Vote As Helpful” if my Post helps you.
    Bitte markiere hilfreiche Beiträge von mir als “Als Hilfreich bewerten” und Beiträge die deine Frage ganz oder teilweise beantwortet haben als
    “Als Antwort markieren”.
    My PowerShell Blog
    [string](0..21|%{[char][int]([int]("{0:d}" -f 0x28)+('755964655967-86965747271757624-8796158066061').substring(($_*2),2))})-replace' '
    German ? Come to German PowerShell Forum!

    Hello JosKW
    Thank you for your suggestions!
    In my 3 Part Blog Series about the new 3.0 PowerShell,  I offer a full blown Proxy Function for the Get-Help cmdlet to solve this better.
    For now I have the first two Articles Published at my Blog, the Third Part will follow soon:
    PowerShell 3.0 updateable help Update-Help, Save-Help und Get-Help Basics
    PowerShell 3.0 updateable help Update-Help, Save-Help und Get-Help using
    The Articles are written in German. I think you as a Dutchman can read this.
    Or you can use the Translate Button on my Page, to use Google Translate Service to read this in the Language of your choice. ;-))
    Cheers Peter
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  • I need a help !!! Please  ,I dropped my iPhone 5 in toilet and I didn't get fast  maybe 5mins before I get it because I didn't notice drop it and it won't work now  it's almost 1week I'm waiting it  still  it don't work ...

    I need a help !!! Please  ,I dropped my iPhone 5 in toilet and I didn't get fast  maybe 5mins before I get it because I didn't notice drop it and it won't work now  it's almost 1week I'm waiting it  still  it don't work ... But when I plug my charger it goes light and show up apple logo and die again I don't know what to do and it's so expensive here at Japan pls.. Help maybe there still way to get it work again
    Thank you ,Rean

    At this point it's clear that it's been damaged and will need to be take or sent to Apple for replacement.

  • Im stuck with this message "no bootable device, insert boot disk and press any key". Now i want to go back to mac os but everytime i turn on my laptop that message appear..kindly help... Please

    Im stuck with this message "no bootable device, insert boot disk and press any key". Now i want to go back to mac os but everytime i turn on my laptop that message appear..kindly help... Please .... Im using my usb as bootable device but it cant be detected..

    Reboot, hold the option key down, select OSX when the startup manager appears.

  • Advice on splitting an application amongst projects; please.

    Advice on splitting an application amongst projects; please.
    Hi jDev Team. Please advise on how you envisioned a developer (or developer team) to split up a large scale enterprise application amongst projects. For example, a typical accounting system with AR, AP, Inventory, and Order Entry. I would be inclined to have each of these modules as a jDev project in the same workspace, but the problem is that you really need to further segment the project for the various tiers.
    On the other hand, is it possible to setup different workspaces and somehow relate the workspaces together, because its really one big intermingled application, where the end user needs simultaneous access.
    Please advise. TIA.

    Right now we just use workspaces to contain all projects for various tiers. We're working on a more hierarchial structure for the future, but for now we just put it all into one workspace.

  • Need help for my project(how to call function in ancestor object)

    dear all, i need your help for my project.My problem is stated as follow:
    say i have a class call frameA and frameB, both of them are extend from
    JFrame, frameA structure can be described briefly as follow:
    public class frameA extends JFrame{
    private frameB fb;
    public frameA()
    fb=new frameb();
    public void func()
    now, my problem raised, after frameA and fb is created, how can i access the ancestor object(which is frameA) within fb's code,
    what should i add inside frameB? i need the answer urgently......
    thanx a lot!!!

    For this kind of problem, I believe you can use the inner class.
    Here's the sample code I hope will help:
    class MyApp{ 
    B bFrame;
    A aFrame;
    class A extends JFrame{
    public void doSomething(){
    bFrame = new B();
    class B extends JFrame{
    public void doSomething(){
    aFrame = new A();
    If you have further question, you can email me your task sample code at [email protected] and I will solve it for you.
    With my best,
    Zike Huang(Jim)

  • Uloading ebook using iProducer rec'd error: ERROR ITMS-9000: "Unable to parse nav file: toc.ncx" at Book. I don't understand and need help fixing it. Please Help

    Uloading ebook using iProducer rec'd error: ERROR ITMS-9000: "Unable to parse nav file: toc.ncx" at Book. I don't understand and need help fixing it. Please Help if you've the knowledge.
    Many Thanks

    Yep, i just did it again. The entire scroll-bar widget, complete with formatted text, graphics, etc., pasted itself nicely in another book. Two different files, the same widget.
    I use the scroll-bar widgets for most of my texts. (I have audio buttons on the side, and the scripts are within the widget, to the side). My only text is within widgets, and text boxes, naturally. 
    I am following your recommendation: cleaning files, etc. I am remaking the book anew. I need to convince the EPUB bot or whatever that my file looks and works nicely on all my devices. You would expect an error message when previewing the book: 'Hey Amigo, your file is flawed, stop working on it, and get back to the drawing board." Should be able to try again next Monday.

  • My iCloud is disabled. I've reset my password numerous times, but that doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how can I log onto my iCloud

    My iCloud is disabled. I've reset my password numerous times, but that doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how can I log onto my iCloud

    If your ID is disabled, you'll have to contact Apple for assistance, either by going to, then click More Produces & Services>Apple ID>iTunes Store, App Store or Mac App Store>Disabled Apple ID, or by contacting the Apple account security team:

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