Help on where-used list(urgent)

i have a selection screen ,which takes list of table names
using these table names i need to fetch corresponding fields...n then need to put a where-used on these list of fields(scan all the abap custom developements ).
plss help me with this..

    Check and Run this program RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN-- Program that retrieves the Where Used List
You can reffer following links
wherer used list
<b>Reward points</b>

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    HI all ,
    i have a 0BATCH_0PLANT  navigational attribute ,  i want to find out  , where it has been used in the all the queries  .
    Thanks ,

    Nav-attribute will also be see as a attribute in the system search for it and click on where used list of it.
    Search for the Info object 0BATCH_0PLANT. double click on it -- click on the where used list of the nav-attribute.
    It will display all the dependent objects where its used.
    With this you can get the IC,DSO,MP names where this object is used. next with the help of those MP,IC and DSO you can get the list of queries.

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    go through these links

  • BOM Where used list

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    Is there any report of BOM which will suffice the requirement like if am putting any level of component like where used list the system will display the highest level of material.
    'A' having component X , Y AND Z
    'X' having compnent P Q and R
    P having component L, M and N.
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    I had gone through where used list report CS15 but which is giving only header of the selected component and my requirement it give top material of the assembly.
    Plz suggest its urgent.

    Probably it is not possible to have this in Standard SAP.
    You need to consider Custom report for this.
    In your case you wanted the diplay of Header Material.
    Say, your BOM is having 10 level structure and you wanted to have the 8/9th Level Material as input in your report and you wanted the Header Material (Lowest Level) as output.
    You need to conider the Low Level Code of the Input Material.
    One more thing is this same component may be part of some other Materials as well.
    Hope this helps in decision making and some sort of Logic to build the regport..

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    Dear ABAP gurus
    I know many of you have done this several times.
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    I did the where  used list - SE11 ( for specific key work called INSERT ).
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    any better procedure than spending hours in research...
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    thank you for your help
    Edited by: Raj Anvesh on Aug 3, 2011 9:58 PM

    Hi Anvesh,
    Maybe the data INSERTION is happening by BAPI,
    So just try to look for the concerned BAPIS.
    these are the bapis which are dealing with the IHPA table,
    Segregate them as needed and then go to the std program
    Revert for further clarification.

  • Short dump with Where-used list

    Hi All,
    I'm making some research on specific InfoObjects, and in some cases I want to know where are they being used, but when I try to use the icon for "Where-used list using Data Warehouse" I end up with an error, a short dump.
    Message class is: RSQBW
    Trigger Location of Runtime Error:
    Program: CL_RSQ_ISET_SERVICE===========CP
    Include: CL_RSQ_ISET_SERVICE===========CM016
    Row: 136
    Module Type: (METHOD)
    Does any one can help me to understand why is this going on and how to solve this?
    Thank you!!

    Hi Miriam
    In the short dump you should also see the name of the infoset in question.
    You probably have to adjust the infoset in transaction RSISET and they try to run the where used list again.
    Best Regards,

  • Table name for BW Query Where used list

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    Any help ?

    I dont think it is available...
    whats your exact requirement???
    you can make use of these below tables
    RSZELTDIR              Directory of the reporting component elements
    RSZELTTXT      Texts of reporting component elements
    RSZELTXREF      Directory of query element references
    RSRREPDIR             Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID)
    RSZCOMPDIR      Directory of reporting components
    RSZRANGE      Selection specification for an element
    RSZSELECT             Selection properties of an element
    RSZELTDIR              Directory of the reporting component elements
    RSZCOMPIC            Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube
    RSZELTPRIO      Priorities with element collisions
    RSZELTPROP      Element properties (settings)
    RSZELTATTR      Attribute selection per dimension element
    RSZCALC                    Definition of a formula element
    RSZCEL                 Query Designer: Directory of Cells
    RSZGLOBV            Global Variables in Reporting

  • Where used listing for Query Variables

    Can someone tell me how to get this list from the metadata repository or from the transport connector?
    I have read this thread "where used" list for BEx variables but this isn't working for us.
    Is there some config that is required which we have missing?
    We are running BI7 SP19 if this helps.

    Yeah I figured as much, but this is why I am thinking we have something missing, config or otherwise.
    Cause all I get when I do this is a new window with just the Variable details and nothing else, no where used list at all i.e.
    Page Creation Date: 17.03.2009 15:12:03
    Technical name: V_FSTMONTH
    Object version: Active version
    System: BWDCLNT200
    Description (Short): 1st of Month to Toda
    Description (Long): 1st of Month to Today
    Last Changed On 17.03.2009 13:25:39
    Last Changed by ARMSTEC
    Is there something I need to get our Basis Team to do ?

  • Function Module where-used list does not find update rule programs

    We have function modules called in update rules. The where-used list in the function builder does not find the update rule programs.
    For example, function DATE_GET_WEEK is called in an update rule to InfoCube YCUBE001. The activated program name for this update rule is GP3PWI6PKM5Y3K75A370DIS8I77. When I goto SE37, enter the function DATE_GET_WEEK, click the where-used button, check the programs option and search. The system does not find the program GP3PWI6PKM5Y3K75A370DIS8I77.
    Without this search capability it is difficult to do an impact analysis of changing function modules. Does anyone know of a solution?

    i think the reason is the code of update rules' generated program are stored line by line in table(rsaabap), update rules program itself stored in table rsupdrout, link with field codeid, another useful table is rsupdinfo which store infocube, infosource related.  other info may stored in some other rs* and rsa* tables.
    try to create following program in your system, and run, type in the function module name, and will display out the update rules program id, with additional useful info : which infoprovider, infosource, and detail info of the routine and infoobject in the update rule that using that function module. you may modify the program to have better display out list.
    hope this helps.
    data : lv_sfm,
           lv_line type string,
           lv_where type string.
    tables : rsaabap,RSUPDROUT,rsupdinfo.
    s_fm for rsaabap-LINE.
      loop at s_fm.
        concatenate s_fm-low ' ' into lv_sfm.
        concatenate '%' s_fm-low into lv_line.
        concatenate lv_line '%' into lv_line.
        write : / 'function module', 'update rule id', 'routine id', 'infoobject', 'infocube', 'infosource'.
        select * from rsaabap
        where line like lv_line and objvers = 'A'.
           select * from rsupdrout
           where codeid = rsaabap-codeid and objvers = 'A'.
             select single * from rsupdinfo
             where updid = rsupdrout-updid and objvers = 'A'.
               write: / lv_sfm, rsupdrout-updid, rsaabap-codeid,
                        rsupdrout-iciobjnm, rsupdinfo-infocube,

  • Function Module to do "Where-used-list"

    Dear sirs,
    Please could anyone help me? I'd like to know if there is any FM which I can pass the name of an abap object (program, include, table, function module, etc) and returns the where used list of it in an internal table.
    I need to map all transactions that call a report or are using an include.
    Thank you in advance,
    Fabio Purcino

    You can use the Function Module
    Read the Documentation of the same.
    there is one example.

  • Function Module to identify Where-Used list

    Hi All,
    Is any one aware of any Function Module(s) to identify where-used list of any given Info Object(s).
    I would like to use this in an ABAP Report.
    I do not want to use RSD1/metadata repository way.
    I was thinking of a way to write multiple selects on the various tables (RSZELTTXT, RSZELTDIR, RSZSELECT...) to get  ELTUID/TELTUID/SELTUID..., but that seems to get very lengthy.
    Have already checked a few posts but they only indicate the queries/Cubes in which a given IO is used, where as I am interested in all BW objects where a given IO is used.
    Thanks in advance,

    hi Sanny2 ,
    try this method... this will surely help
    if you want to know how where used list works then follow the steps.
    1 ) open tcode se11
    2) enter table name (example...MARA)
    3)  go to command window (where you often use to enter tcode ... Enter Tcode /h - which is debug switch on)
    4) select any field (example .. MATNR)
    5) press where used list button.
    6) you can navigate to source code (debugger mode)
    7 ) follow steps and trace the code HOW WHERE USED WORK,
    hope this helps
    let me know if useful

  • Function Module or Program to get where used list

    I´ve been searching for Function Module or program to get where used list for an object.
    I try using the FM 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' with parameters operation = 'CROSSREF', objectname = 'ZMYPROG', object_type = 'PROG'
    and in effect i get the list of object where the program is used, but the list is showed in standard screen.
    is there a function or program to obtain the used list for an object but in an internal table?
    I'm using version 4.6B.
    I checked the function module RS_INFOSYSTEM_CREATE_REQUEST, but i didn't obtain any result, is there a funcion or combination or FM to get the used list?
    Message was edited by: Alejandro López

    Hi Alejandro,
    Please check this sample program.
        OBJTYPE            = OBJTYPE
        ACTION             = SWBM_C_OP_WHERE_USED_LIST
        OBJLIST            = OBJECTS
        DEVCLASS           = p_scope_devclass
        OBJKEY             = p_scope_objkey
        NOT_EXECUTED       = 1
        BATCH              = 2
        OTHERS             = 3.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • FM for Batch where used list

    Hi ,
    I want to link the Finished goods to Raw Material and vise versa. I want all the levels from the Raw Material to Finished goods . Do u have any FM where we can give the Material number and batch and get the where used list corresponding to MB56?
    Kindly help.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Use FM  'CHVW_EXPLODE_ALL'  to get the Batch where used list

  • Traceability with batch class characteristics in batch where used list.

    I have a process order which issues 5 pallets or material and produces 5 pallets of another material. Each pallet is a seperate batch in my scenario.
    All materials are assigned to a batch class and i will be using a class characteristic to enter the issued pallet number (includes material number and batch number)  to the produced pallet batch. This way i want to create a traceability system.
    the problem is i need a way to create a hierarchical view or integrate this scenario to batch where used list.
    there is a badi for where used list to read external data. but i guess that is for something called "external batches"
    can you please guide me for the best practice of doing this?

    I think you have to use the mix of two functionalities:
    1. Original batch function
    2. Batch derivation
    This way you can pull the characteristics of the source material batch in to raw material as well as finish material batches.
    In this you have to create a nonvaluated material which is used as original batch mateial. You have to assign this material in material master of the RM and FG alongwith other required entries.  Also you have to use batch derivation function to pull the charactristics of this original material batch in to the RM and FG.
    Please go through the SAP help regarding Original batch and Batch derivation function to have more clarity.
    Please revert back in case of any further issue.

  • What is the transaction code for where used list

                    what is the transaction code for where used list and
               how to retrieve the previous delivery quantity and quantity delivered for a particular material  with reference to both material document number and material number.

    there is no transaction code for where-used-list..
    its one of the buttons in application tool bar which if you click will tell you where,in which program or tables etc this object is used.
    to retrieve the previous delivery quantity and quantity delivered for a particular material with reference to both material document number and material number,
    use tables <b>likp lips and mara</b> and use material number and document number in where condtion.
    pankaj singh
    <b>**** please mark all helpful answers</b>

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