Help passing procedure parameter

I created a pl/sql collection. Now i want to pass the whole collection into a procedure and then loop through the collection inside the procedure to find out if a particular attribute is existing in it.
I am not able to figure out how can I do that.Do i have to use a refcursor or something? please help. Its kind of urgent

> I created a pl/sql collection. Now i want to pass the
whole collection into a procedure and then loop
through the collection inside the procedure to find
out if a particular attribute is existing in it.
Two good reason not to do it like this come to mind.
Data is better and faster and easier and more performant to handle as Oracle data (aka data/rows in a table) - not as data inside a PL/SQL array. SQL allows you to sort, group by, filter, transform, analyse and so on. Oracle allows you to index and partition that data.
PL/SQL in comparison cannot do any of this.
The second reason is memory. It requires PGA (Process Global Area) to store data in PL/SQL. PGA is expensive as it is a dedicated resource. It can only service a single process. The SGA in turn (and its db buffer cache) services all Oracle sessions. So 1MB spend of system memory spend on the SGA has a lot more bite in the byte than 1MB spend on the PGA.
No, I'm not saying that these two reasons are absolutes and that PL/SQL collections/arrays are a bad thing. Simply that you need better reasons than these to justify throwing data into a collection and using a FOR LOOP to iterate through the data looking for something - especially when this is exactly what Oracle tables and Oracle SQL do brilliantly.
> Its kind of urgent
Arrgghh.. this is where I usually get on my soapbox and tell you that it is rude to assume that your problem is more urgent than other posters' problems here. And that it is arrogant to insist on that those (with paying jobs) provides answers and support here for free, give immediate attention to your problem.
So please, unless you like to see me foam at the mouth and wave my lead pipe in your general direction, do not claim that your problem is urgent when posting here (or any other similar forum for that matter).

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    you mean like this .....
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    p_sl_num NUMBER := 1001;
    p_description VARCHAR2(50) := 'Testing Val1';
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    inval2 test_type2 := test_type2();
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    inval1(1).val2 := 'testx2';
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    inval2(1).val1 := 'testy1';
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    p_main_val2 => inval2
    Can anybody correct me.

    Thanks for posting the DDL and sample code but whenever you post provide your 4 digit Oracle version (result of SELECT * FROM V$VERSION).
    How to assign Values to nested table and pass as parameter to procedure?
    Well you are doing almost everything wrong that could be done wrong.
    Here is code that works to insert data into your table (the procedure isn't even needed).
    p_sl_num NUMBER := 1001;
    p_description VARCHAR2(50) := 'Testing Val1';
    inval1 test_type1 := test_type1();
    inval2 test_type2 := test_type2();
    inval1(1) := test_object1('testx1', 'testx2', 'testx3');
    inval2(1) := test_object2('testy1', 'testy2', 'testy3');
    INSERT INTO test_object_tpe
    (p_sl_num, p_description, inval1, inval2);
    /See Example 5-15 Referencing a Nested Table Element in Chap 5 Using PL/SQL Collections and Records in the PL/SQL doc
    1. You don't even need the procedure since all it does is a simple INSERT into the table which you can do directly (see my code above)
    inval1(1).val1 := 'testx1';There is no element one (1) of 'inval1' since you haven't created any elements yet. You need to EXTEND the collection to add an element
    inval1.extend();And then there is an empty element but 'inval1' is a container for objects of type 'test_object1' not for scalars like 'val1', 'val2', and 'val3'.
    So you can't do
    inval1(1).val1 := 'testx1';You have to create an instance of 'test_object1'
    inval1(1) := test_object1('testx1', 'testx2', 'testx3');And so on for the other collection
    You don't need the procedure (as my sample code shows) but once you populate the variables properly it will work.

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    p_new_project IN typ_Project,
    p_position IN NUMBER )
    v_my_projects typ_ProjectList;
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    For example:
                    10, -- department number
                                99, -- project number
                                'New Project', -- project title
                                99999.99 -- project cost
                               ), -- new project
                    5 -- project position

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    PLEASE GUIDE. Thanks a bunch. I really appreciate it.

    From what I understand your variables that are passed into the
    procedure can be manipulated as local variable to the procedure.
    Here is my interpretation of what your attempting to do:
    create or replace procedure A (x in number) IS
    yes varchar2(3) := 'No';
    dbms_output.put_line('Start value for yes:'||yes);
    select 'yes' into yes from dual where x+1 = 2;
    dbms_output.put_line('End value for yes:'||yes);
    Call the procedure called "A" passing in a "1".
    Does this answer your question?

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    1. I want to write the strored procedure for insert.
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    Hi Ram,
    To call the callable statement use the below sample.
    stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call <procedure name>(?,?)}");
    stmt.setString(1,value);//Input parameter
    stmt.registerOutParameter(2,Types.BIGINT);//Output parameter
    seq = (int)stmt.getLong(2);//Getting the result from the procedure.

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    ETL_log_ID as a parameter in the execute sql task which populates the log table and pass the same value in the data flow task which populates the facts and dimension. Can you let me know how to pass the parameter in a step by step procedure.

    You can check the following :
    Regarding the usage in Dataflow task, Can you elaborate on that a little?
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>

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    some of the parameters there are BOOLEAN type ,can anybody help me to know , How to pass IN parameter as BOOLEAN for concurrent program in Apps(Environ)

    Already answered this on the SQL forum (How to give IN parameter as BOOLEAN in a concurrent program.

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    In my BSP application i have taken an input field and made its type "date" and its value also of type date and have set showhelp .
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    navigation->set_parameter( name = 'BEGDA' value = BEGDA ).
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    Hi Eddy,
    By truncation i mean the entire date becomes 10 char including the ' . ' eg(06.12.2006).
    so with begda being 8chars it takes my date as 06.12.200
    as a result my query is not getting executed.
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    I am new to this xcelsius. Your help will be really appreciated.

    if you do the following thing,i think it may be helpfull,
    First select Data in menubar>Connection->select required connection>select the useage option in connection definition window>give  trigger cell value as combo box destination cell.

  • Error while passing Application Parameter in Transaction iView editor

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    I am trying to pass some application parameters to one of the transaction iViews. Without passing any parameter in 'Application Parameters' field of the iView editor the iView can be previewed/displayed fine. But when I am trying to pass the parameters as follows <Screen_Parameter1>=<ABC>&<...>=<...> the preview is coming up with a Portal runtime error saying that the <Screen_Parameter1> is an invalid terminal property of the root context_
    Can anybody help me out with this?

    In any application parameter field u need pass screen_field
    u need to find the screen_field value first .
    login to backend ECC server , give u r required Tcode .
    click in  required field , press f1 -> click on Technical setting icon on top .
    in that screen , screen_field is the last field .
    copy  this screen_field value
    place ths screen _field value in application parameter field .
    example : rs38-programm=ztest
    here re38-programm is the screen field
      ztest is it's value .
    & this is used for the separator between 2 values

  • How do I Pass a parameter to a SQL Component Task where the source SQL statement is also a variable

    I have been tasked with making a complex package more generic.
    To achieve this I need to pass a parameter to a SQL Component Task where the source SQL statement is also a variable.
    So to help articulate my question further I have create a package and database as follows; -
    USE [KWPlay]
    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblTest] Script Date: 05/14/2014 17:08:02 ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTest](
    [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Description] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [ID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    I populated this table with a single record.
    I unit tested the SQL within SSMS as follows;
    SELECT * FROM dbo.tblTest
    Result; -
    DECLARE @myParam NVARCHAR(100)
    SET @myParam = 'Sad'
    UPDATE dbo.tblTest SET [Description] = @myParam FROM dbo.tblTest WHERE ID = 1
    SELECT * FROM dbo.tblTest
    Result; -
    Within the package I created two variables as follows; -
    Name: strSQL
    Scope: Package
    Data Type: String
    Value: UPDATE dbo.tblTest SET [Description] = @myParam FROM dbo.tblTest WHERE ID = 1
    Name: strStatus
    Scope: Package
    Data Type: String
    Value: Happy
    I then created a single ‘Execute SQL Task’ component within the control flow as follows; -
    However when I run the above package I get the following error; -
    SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
    Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "UPDATE dbo.tblTest SET [Description] = @myParam FR..." failed with the following error:
    "Parameter name is unrecognized.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
    Task failed: Execute SQL Task
    Warning: 0x80019002 at Package: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. 
    The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the
    SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure.
    I also tried; - 
    Name: strSQL
    Scope: Package
    Data Type: String
    Value: UPDATE dbo.tblTest SET [Description] = ? FROM dbo.tblTest WHERE ID = 1
    However I received the error; - 
    SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
    Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "UPDATE dbo.tblTest SET [Description] = ? FROM dbo...." failed with the following error: "Parameter name is unrecognized.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with
    the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
    Task failed: Execute SQL Task
    Warning: 0x80019002 at Package: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED.  The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches
    the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
    SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure.
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood

    Tried; - 
    Name: strSQL
    Scope: Package
    Data Type: String
    Value: UPDATE dbo.tblTest SET [Description] = ? FROM dbo.tblTest WHERE ID = 1
    and; - 
    Result; - 
    SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
    SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
    Therefore the answer was to put the parameter number rather than the parameter name under the parameter mapping tab-> parameter name column. 
    Kieran Patrick Wood

  • Passing a parameter list from a web form to a report

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    In client server mode all works well - i am able to pass parameter lists from my calling form to the relevant reports and view them (using RUN_PRODUCT).
    However, when i try and do the same by deploying the web Form I come up against several obstacles.
    1. How do you pass a parameter list over without using "Paramform=Yes" - a waste of time seeing a html version of the reports parameter form when all the necessary parameters have been selected in the form.
    2. if i use web.show_document, with paramform=no, the report runs but with it's default settings.
    Any light you can shed would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Tony ,
    Launcher form is just a simple form(Non database form) which will be having all fields that is required for the report and button to run the report .
    When button pressed trigger
    Pass all the parameters which are required using Run_product tool & Call the report by Web.Show_document
    Best way to see the report is in .pdf format in adobe acrobat reader
    I hope it will help you
    Rao guduru

  • [Web Dynpro ABAP] - Passing a parameter between 2 windows

    I'm trying to do a web dynpro application that displays in a popup the result of a research.
    Thus, I have:
              - main_view embedded to main_window
              - popup_view embedded to popup_window
    In main_view, I have an input field where the user can enter a string. After clicking on the "search" button, the popup has to appear showing all matches corresponding to the user research.
    In need to pass the parameter of the input field from main_view to popup_view but don't know how to do it.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    Edited by: Cristina CHEN MA on May 18, 2009 1:24 PM

    Thank you both for your time.
    TO:  Radhika Vadher   
    I tried your solution but I get an error message when using
    => method unknown, protected or private
    I used the wizard to get the node's attributes:
    DATA : lo_nd_tresult TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
               lo_el_tresult TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
               ls_tresult    TYPE wd_this->element_tresult.
    * navigate from <CONTEXT> to <TRESULT> via lead selection
      lo_nd_tresult = wd_context->get_child_node( name =
    wd_this->wdctx_tresult ).
    * get element via lead selection
      lo_el_tresult = lo_nd_tresult->get_element(  ).
    * get all declared attributes
          static_attributes = ls_tresult ).
    But I still have an error message:
    ls_tresult is not an internal table "OCCURS n" specification is missing
    Thanks again for any help you can provide =)

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