Help: the header and footer in the dreamweaver are doubled
this is my site how can i fix it.
i'm using the basic template

Issue resolved.
had to change the Main Template.html to  {tag_pagecontent}

Similar Messages

  • Header and Footer Not Displayed

    I have created an rtf template and have a header and footer sections, but they are defined within the body with tags, e.g., <?template:header?> and <?end template?>. In the header section, for example, I then call <?call:header?> to display the header. When I preview the data in PDF from BI bublisher, everything is just fine. But, when I then register the template in Oracle Applications and run it as a concurrent program, the header and footer are not displayed at all in PDF output. It's as if the header and footer are totally being ignored. I even tried just putting plain text in the header and footer in the rtf template, but it's still being ignored. What could be the issue? I also tried increasing the header and footer margin area thinking that perhaps there's too much to display and I'm not giving enough space, but this didn't seem to help either. I'm working in a different instance as I have switched job. I have worked on other rtf templates and have integrated into Oracle Applications, but never run into this issue before. I've always been able to display header and footer. Could I need a patch of some sort or am I missing some setups that I'm not aware of?

    Have you verified that the XML/BI publisher version that the server is running is the same version as what you are running on the desktop? Not sure if this will make a difference, but worth a check.
    If they are the same, can you post the tags you are using exactly as they appear in your template?

  • How to disable Header and Footer in MS word with VB code

    Hi Tea,
    We need to disable Header & Footer in MS word (Restrict user to edit Header and Footer). So we are trying to write a VB code.
    What ever code we tried it is not working .
    Can you please provide any solution how to diable H & F in word using VB code.
    Thank you inadvance.

    A relatively simple way to do this without VBA:
    Select the body of the document (Ctrl+A).
    On the Review tab of the ribbon, click Restrict Editing.
    Tick the check box "Allow only this type of editing in the document".
    Leave the dropdown set to the default "No changes (read only)".
    Under Exceptions, tick the check box for Everyone.
    Click "Yes, Start Enforcing Protection".
    If you wish, enter a password (don't forget it - you'll need it if you ever want to unlock the document), then click OK.
    Save, close and reopen the document. The header and footer won't be editable.
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (

  • How do i add images in the header and footer to a PDF using iText

    Hi ,
    I want to add images to the header and footer of every page while i am genrating a pdf i have created a separate class called EndPage which i am instanceiating its default constructor in another class 's button action method.
    The above code genrates a PDF for me however it genrates a file with file size zero bytes and does not open it following is my sample code
    //**********Any Help would be appreciated
    Thank You
    public class My_Class
    public String pdf_action()
    EndPage ep=new EndPage();
    return null;
    }//My_class Ends
    class EndPage extends PdfPageEventHelper
    * Demonstrates the use of PageEvents.
    * @param args no arguments needed
    public EndPage()
    try {
    com.lowagie.text.Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 70, 70);
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("D://proposals/endpage.pdf"));
    writer.setPageEvent(new EndPage());;
    String text = "Lots of text. ";
    for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
    text += text;
    document.add(new Paragraph(text));
    catch (Exception de) {
    public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
    try {
    Rectangle page = document.getPageSize();
    PdfPTable head = new PdfPTable(3);
    for (int k = 1; k <= 6; ++k)
    head.addCell("head " + k);
    head.setTotalWidth(page.width() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
    head.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, document.leftMargin(), page.height() - document.topMargin() + head.getTotalHeight(),
    PdfPTable foot = new PdfPTable(3);
    for (int k = 1; k <= 6; ++k)
    foot.addCell("foot " + k);
    foot.setTotalWidth(page.width() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
    foot.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, document.leftMargin(), document.bottomMargin(),
    catch (Exception e) {
    throw new ExceptionConverter(e);

    Thanks for the quick response.
    The problem is that when I keep the logo as a watermark, the pdf is not adjusting itself to include the logo as header.
    But if I add a header text via Tools -> Headers and Footers, the pdf is adjusting itself so that the header text is at the beginning , not overlapping with the contents of pdf.
    But while using logo as watermark, some times overlapping of the pdf contents and logo is happening.
    Is there any way to add a logo in the Header and Footer via the option in Tools -> Headers and Footers

  • How to change the header and footer in the Section Breaks Next Page using OpenXML?

    I have a word document file in which I added a Section Break of Next Page, now I want to change the header and footer of that page.
    Scenario of example, I have a doc file which has four pages with headers and footers and added fifth page in the section break next page, I want to change the header and footer of the fifth page only. This is achievable manually by deselecting the Link to Previous
    button in the Word Application but I don't know how to change it using XML?
    My code that adds the new page in the section breaks is:
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string path = @"C:\Riyaz\sample.docx";
    string strtxt = "Hello This is done by programmatically";
    public static void OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(string filepath, string txt)
    using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"C:\Riyaz\sample.docx"))
    Paragraph p1 = document.InsertParagraph();
    p1.Append("This is new section");
    Please help.

    Here is the sample for your reference:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
    namespace WordAddNewFooterHeader
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string path = @"E:\Document\TestHeaderandfooter-Copy.docx";
    string strtxt = "OpenXML SDK";
    OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(path, strtxt);
    public static void OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(string filepath, string txt)
    // Open a WordprocessingDocument for editing using the filepath.
    WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filepath, true);
    MainDocumentPart part = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart;
    Body body = part.Document.Body;
    //create a new footer Id=rIdf2
    FooterPart footerPart2 = part.AddNewPart<FooterPart>("rIdf2");
    //create a new header Id=rIdh2
    HeaderPart headerPart2 = part.AddNewPart<HeaderPart>("rIdh2");
    //replace the attribute of SectionProperties to add new footer and header
    SectionProperties lxml = body.GetFirstChild<SectionProperties>();
    HeaderReference headerReference1 = new HeaderReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = "rIdh2" };
    FooterReference footerReference1 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = "rIdf2" };
    //add the correlation of last Paragraph
    OpenXmlElement oxl = body.ChildElements.GetItem(body.ChildElements.Count - 2);
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = oxl.GetAttribute("rsidR", oxl.NamespaceUri).Value };
    HeaderReference headerReference2 = new HeaderReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = part.GetIdOfPart(part.HeaderParts.FirstOrDefault()) };
    FooterReference footerReference2 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = part.GetIdOfPart(part.FooterParts.FirstOrDefault()) };
    PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)12240U, Height = (UInt32Value)15840U };
    PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)720U, Footer = (UInt32Value)720U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U };
    Columns columns1 = new Columns() { Space = "720" };
    DocGrid docGrid1 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 };
    oxl.InsertAt<ParagraphProperties>(paragraphProperties1, 0);
    body.InsertBefore<Paragraph>(GenerateParagraph(txt, oxl.GetAttribute("rsidRDefault", oxl.NamespaceUri).Value), body.GetFirstChild<SectionProperties>());
    //Generate new Paragraph
    public static Paragraph GenerateParagraph(string text, string rsidR)
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = rsidR };
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs();
    TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5583 };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = text;
    Run run2 = new Run();
    TabChar tabChar1 = new TabChar();
    return paragraph1;
    static void GenerateHeaderPartContent(HeaderPart hpart)
    Header header1 = new Header();
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Header" };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = "";
    hpart.Header = header1;
    static void GenerateFooterPartContent(FooterPart fpart)
    Footer footer1 = new Footer();
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Footer" };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = "";
    fpart.Footer = footer1;
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • How to retrive Header and Footer Information on the basis on child item

    Header and Footer should be come on the basis of <Company_ID265> condition, <Company_ID265> having only two value, which is under below path and it is repeatative. I have pasted XML file as well.
    Could you please provide the solution.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" standalone="no" ?>
    - <!-- Generated by EnterpriseOne Universal Batch Engine
    - <R03B20>
    - <Properties>
    <Title>A/R Delinquency Notices Print</Title>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2_Column_Headings Language="E">
    <Document_Number_ID2>Document Number</Document_Number_ID2>
    <Invoice_Date_ID4>Invoice Date</Invoice_Date_ID4>
    <Due_Date_ID6>Due Date</Due_Date_ID6>
    <Foreign_Open_Amount_ID10>Foreign Open Amount</Foreign_Open_Amount_ID10>
    <Currency_Code_ID22>Cur Cod</Currency_Code_ID22>
    <Open_Amount_ID12>Open Amount</Open_Amount_ID12>
    <Base_Currency_ID14>Base Curr</Base_Currency_ID14>
    <Address_Number_ID18>Address Number</Address_Number_ID18>
    <Unique_Key_ID__Internal__ID20>Unique Key ID</Unique_Key_ID__Internal__ID20>
    <Total_No._of_Sent_Reminders_ID16>No. Rem</Total_No._of_Sent_Reminders_ID16>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2_Column_Headings Language="">
    <Document_Number_ID2>Document Number</Document_Number_ID2>
    <Invoice_Date_ID4>Invoice Date</Invoice_Date_ID4>
    <Due_Date_ID6>Due Date</Due_Date_ID6>
    <Foreign_Open_Amount_ID10>Foreign Open Amount</Foreign_Open_Amount_ID10>
    <Currency_Code_ID22>Cur Cod</Currency_Code_ID22>
    <Open_Amount_ID12>Open Amount</Open_Amount_ID12>
    <Base_Currency_ID14>Base Curr</Base_Currency_ID14>
    <Address_Number_ID18>Address Number</Address_Number_ID18>
    <Unique_Key_ID__Internal__ID20>Unique Key ID</Unique_Key_ID__Internal__ID20>
    <Total_No._of_Sent_Reminders_ID16>No. Rem</Total_No._of_Sent_Reminders_ID16>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2_Group>
    - <Header_Section_S3>
    <Delinquency_Report_ID225>DELINQUENCY NOTICE</Delinquency_Report_ID225>
    <As_of_Date__ID46>As of Date</As_of_Date__ID46>
    <NameAlpha_ID38>Freightliner PL Spolka z.o.o.</NameAlpha_ID38>
    <AddressLine1_ID29>Ul. Jasna 15</AddressLine1_ID29>
    <AddressLine2_ID32>00-003 Warszawa</AddressLine2_ID32>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Maintenance CL66 8561-02</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Sales Order1222</NameRemark_ID7>
    <Currency_Description_ID2>TOTAL CURRENT BALANCE DUE</Currency_Description_ID2>
    - <Header_Section_S3>
    <Delinquency_Report_ID225>DELINQUENCY NOTICE</Delinquency_Report_ID225>
    <As_of_Date__ID46>As of Date</As_of_Date__ID46>
    <NameAlpha_ID38>Interporto Servizi Cargo S.p.A.</NameAlpha_ID38>
    <AddressLine1_ID29>Via P.E. Imbriani 30</AddressLine1_ID29>
    <AddressLine2_ID32>I - 80132 Napoli</AddressLine2_ID32>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Maintenance F4-086</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Loco clean F4-085</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    - <A_R_Delinquency_Notice_Detail_Join_S2>
    <NameRemark_ID7>Accounts Receivable Trade -</NameRemark_ID7>
    <Currency_Description_ID2>TOTAL CURRENT BALANCE DUE</Currency_Description_ID2>
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi there
    Display your Topic List pod. Press Ctrl+A to select all the topics. Then right-click the selection and choose Properties. From the Properties dialog click the General tab. There you may choose the Template/Master Page. When you click OK all the topics should now be associated with the Template/Master Page.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

  • Need to remove the header and footer regions on one page

    I have a requirement to remove the header and footer regions on one page only. The regions I'm referring to contain the following:
    Company logo, Home link, Logout link, Preferences link
    Copyright info, Privacy Statement, Home link, Logout link, Preferences link
    These are the standard Oracle header and footer regions/page items, so I am not specifying a particular page name, although it would be the create time cards page we want to modify.
    Also, we only want to remove these regions/items from ONE page, not an entire responsibility.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    In order to hide,
    Home link, Logout link, Preferences link
    Use this code in the processrequest of the controller on the page on which you want tohide these
    OAPageLayoutBean page = pageContext.getPageLayoutBean();
    And for hiding the Copyright info, Privacy Statement:
    Click on Personalise page link
    then Click on Choose Context
    Choose "OAFooter" as Scope
    and click "Apply"
    and then Personalise the Copyright and Privay Statememnt icon and set rendered as False.
    Edited by: Gauravv on Aug 25, 2009 8:36 PM

  • How do you print from safari without the header and footer?

    I may be missing something but...
    When printing in Safari how do you remove the header and footer.  I am using PDF creator to save pages as PDF for things like online pay slips and want them to be 'clean'.
    Running Safari 5.1 on Windows Vista
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I may be missing something but...
    When printing in Safari how do you remove the header and footer.  I am using PDF creator to save pages as PDF for things like online pay slips and want them to be 'clean'.
    Running Safari 5.1 on Windows Vista
    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Error occured while genrating header and footer for the PDF

    Hi All ,
    I am getting a following error whenever i try to excecute the code to print header and footer while genrating a PDF what could be the reason.Any help would be greately appreciated. following is the error stack trace: i am excecuting it in the command prompt an using jdk1.5.0.1
    C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\java\Test>java EndPage
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: EndPage (Unsu
    pported major.minor version 49.0)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(

    Looks like the EndPage class was compiled with a later version of Java (49.0 == Java 1.5) and you are trying to run it with older version of java.exe. Type
    java -version
    to verify.
    Also this forum is for Sun Java Studio Creator related questions. Please ask such questions on java tools forum.

  • Is it possible to resize the header and footer on a webpage before you print the page you want the print?

    It seems to me the header and footer on every page I want to print is so darn small. If possible I'd like the header and footer size in Firefox to be close to the size of my other browser, Microsoft's IE8 browser.

    Glad I could help.
    But not all of us are gentiles.

  • After applying full scroll bar to the page including header and footer, Text editor ribbon actions cause page to automatically scroll down (while applying formatting)

    After applying full scroll bar to the page including header and footer, I have provided content to
    the page more than 100 lines and try to format the text from ribbon actions(format text area). On mouse over of font or fore color, the control jumps to the highlighted content area and not able to select the color. The page scrolls down and not able to click
    on any action.
    Consider this scenario also.
    A content editor web part is added toward the bottom of the page.
    Text is added to this (direct in the web part, not via a 'content link')
    You highlight some text and go to the Markup Style dropdown...
    Everything is fine until you hover over the "Paragraph" markup style, and suddenly the page scrolls to the web part you are editing, and you didn't have a chance
    to click and apply the "Paragraph" formatting
    I have tried testing this with text typed directly into the Content Editor, text pasted in from somewhere else, and text pasted in from somewhere else using "Paste as
    Plaintext" option in the ribbon.  In each scenario, I get the same results.
    Furthermore, I have also tested this in both IE8 and IE9 and get the same results.
    I can get it to occur most regularly with trying to apply the Paragraph "Markup Style" but
    I've also seen this happen with Font Size (any font size).  It's very frustrating since you aren't able to actually apply the formatting you need because the page jumps before you can click.  Has anyone experienced this before. Any feedback would

    According to your post, my understanding is that after applying full scroll bar to the page including header and footer, Text editor ribbon actions cause page to automatically scroll down (while applying formatting).
    I try to apply full scroll bar to the page including header and footer, the ribbon is missing after I scroll down to the web part. And I cannot apply the "Paragraph" markup style to the content.
    I recommend to use the SharePoint core styles to preserve the native functionality and GUI.
    By design in SharePoint, the ribbon is always at the top. When you select the content, you can apply the "Paragraph" markup style in the ribbon.
    Linda Li
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Removing the header and footer in Pages

    I just began to use Pages after purchasing a new ibook. In AppleWorks, headers and footers were never inserted by default. In Pages, how can I remove the header and footer in Pages so I can have more space for the body section of the document?

    I had already set page margins to zero, and I disagree with you: Headers and footers still appear with a height of approximately 1/8 inch.
    SInce I posted my previous message, I have experimented a bit. I was able to (almost but not quite) totally eliminate the header and footer by clicking into the header and footer area and reducing the font size to the absolute minimum. After having done that, the body was basically in-line with 0" on the vertical page ruler.
    Also, in my opinion, whether or not most printers do a full page bleed is irrelevant. I should be able to work with the page body without its being offset from the page ruler if I don't want to employ a header or footer.

  • Avoid printing Header and Footer in the last page

    Could anyone please let me know how to avoid print the header and footer in the last page?
    Note: I'm printing RTF template for publishing the output.
    Looking forward for your valuable inputs/suggestions.
    Thanks in advance,

    My report got FROM PO & TO PO parameters and i need to print footer only in first page of each PO. Tried with section but now i am getting first page of all PO contionious and then all lines together.
    Please call me or sent replies to [email protected]

  • Customizing header and footer in the printed documentation

    I'm using a trial version of RoboHelp 2007 and Word 2003.
    I have two question about customizing the header and footer
    of the printed documentation.
    In the printed documentation the footer repeat at the bottom
    of each page and contain page numbers, which appear left-justified
    on even-numbered pages and right-justified on odd-numbered pages.
    How can I customize the footer, that pages numbers appear
    always right-justified?
    In the printed documentation the header repeat at the top of
    each page and are blank on the first page of sections. The name of
    the manual appears on even-numbered pages, left-justified. The name
    of the root chapter appears on odd-numbered pages, right-justified.
    How can I customize the header, that
    on every page the name of the root chapter and the name oft
    the manual appears? Furhermore I want to include a picture in the
    header. How can I realise this?

    You can't from RH. See the article on my site.
    Images in the header are tricky. If you use the setting that
    I think enables that, you will also get the images in the TOC. Try
    putting a two cell table and putting the heading in one and the
    image in another.

  • Unsupported version Error while generating header and footer for the PDF

    I want to genrate header and footer for the PDF file however on the call of the EndPage class i got a Unsupported Version Error Unsupported major minor Version Error and Class loader Define class
    What has gone wrong ?.

    Can you provide more information about what you were trying to do? In particular, what does your code like like?
    Also, can you include the stack trace, and the complete error message?

Maybe you are looking for