Help to move a simple CSS design to an ACE

Hi, I have a production system on a CSS11503, and the service will be moving to an ACE shortly. I'm nost sure how to convert a couple of "features" of the CSS configuration.
1. WebDAV support: I had to add the extra HTTP methods;
http-method parse RFC2518-methods
http-method parse user-defined-method POLL
http-method parse user-defined-method SEARCH
http-method parse user-defined-method SUBSCRIBE
http-method parse user-defined-method BMOVE
http-method parse user-defined-method BCOPY
http-method parse user-defined-method BDELETE
http-method parse user-defined-method BPROPPATCH
Do I still need to and how do I?
2. The stickiness: It is done with an arrowpoint thingy.
content HTTP-80
add service Online-1-80
add service Online-2-80
add service Online-3-80
add service Online-4-80
protocol tcp
port 80
vip address x.x.x.x
advanced-balance arrowpoint-cookie
balance aca
How do I acheive the same with the ACE.
I also intend to use HTTPS in the front, talking to HTTP backend. The balancing should not be affected by this, as the ACE can see the cookies etc.
Anyone able to guide me on this setup.

1. not required with ACE
2. The equivalent of arrowpoint-cookie in ACE is cookie insert.
More info on the cookie insert @
Finally for SSL termination look @
If you need additional help, do not hesitate.

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    Go to Window > CSS Designer or hit Shift + F11 to open the CSS Designer.
    If those don't bring it up, you're likely using a version that is older than the addition of the CSS Designer (DWCS6 or earlier).
    Go to Help > About Dreamweaver to check your version.
    If you do have CC or later and only get the old CSS Panel when you go to that menu or hit the shortcut, it would mean you need to hit Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P to switch the CSS Panel to the Designer.

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    Kevin from Cambridge

    Please let me know if you are willing to continue with this.
    That's why I'm here!
    The CSS in each of those stylesheets provides the "boilerplate" layout for your fluid grid pages. Without that CSS, you would have no "fluid" and no "grid". That's why both of them contain pre-defined rules, many of which correspond to the ID's already assigned to the HTML (or the tag(s)) that is/are written on the page when it is first opened.
    The contents of the @media pane are determined by the selections you made for the various widths and gutters in the New Page dialog that opened when you selected the Fluid Grid Layout option. You can adjust these as needed once they are written during this process.
    So what are your further questions?

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    What SDK version are you using?
    Let me start with the easy questions.
    Autocomplete in CSS
    Code hinting is supported in the CSS editor. If you're in a Flex 4 project, make sure you're using namespace qualified type selectors That's the typical problem people have during the transition.
    CSS Design View
    There are a few reasons why CSS Design View isn't supported for Flex 4. Flex 4 skinning, in many cases, replaces CSS styles. For example, backgroundColor isn't supported for every component. For more information, see or the Flex 4 reference CSS Design View is supported for SDK 3 projects, but not for SDK 4.
    Can you explain in more detail what you mean about setting styles on a component and moving them to a CSS file? Sounds like you're using Design view to set styles in MXML then convert them to CSS declarations. This should be fine since Design view should only let you set valid style properties.
    Jason San Jose
    Software Engineer, Flash Builder

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    MHMcginty wrote:
    I signed up about a month ago for the SINGLE PRODUCT that is CS6 and build 6006.
    Did I not sign up for Creative Cloud when I purchased the monthly subscription of Dreamweaver?
    Did you sign up for the Single App Creative Cloud subscription?
    If so, you downloaded CS6 back then.
    On June 17, Dreamweaver CC (the next major upgrade from CS6) was released. One of the new features in CC is the CSS Designer.
    CC should be a free upgrade for all subscribers so, for you, it should be a case of logging in to the Cloud and downloading CC.

  • CSS Designer in Depth | Creative Cloud for Web | Adobe TV

    Get an in-depth look at the powerful new CSS Designer tools in Dreamweaver CC. Intuitive visual editing tools help you generate clean, web-standard code and quickly apply CSS properties like gradients and box shadows. You can see the effects on your designs immediately, eliminating tedious tweaking and the need to go back and forth to Code view.

    The new CSS Designer feature in Dreamweaver CC is a very nice addition to the interface’s workflow. However, it’s not best for all workflows, whereby there should still be a non-assisted CSS editor option available, like in CS6, “without” all the new visual designer tools.
    In CS6’s CSS properties editor you can quickly glance at the currently selected element’s CSS properties and directly edit the actual property values in a column format making this a very precise and straightforward workflow process.
    For me, the ability to quickly edit CSS properties by clicking on respective elements in the design view editor is the biggest advantage and real power for using Dreamweaver over notepad type editors. Without this option (when working in split mode), it requires switching back and forth between different style-sheets and code view.
    Though I really like everything else I’ve seen so far, in this latest version, this seemingly small feature restriction will considerably slow down my overall typical workflow process in most cases.  So, until a non-assisted CSS properties editor option is available, I’ll continue using CS6. Please, please fix this soon! Hopefully this is only a short-term oversight and resolved in a very near future update.

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    Thank you in Advance
    be-designed, Slava

    Dear John,
    Thank you for you answer.
    I lost many ours looking for what is wrong with my CC Connect, Dreamweaver... I would suggest to Adobe to put a small info on a visible place for people to know about this.
    best regards

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    Hi Fernando, sorry for the delayed response.  CSS Design Mode is not available for Flex 4 projects, but it is still available in Flex 3 projects.  The reason for this is that designing components in Flex 4 is often a lot different, since it relies highly on the new spark skinning architecture.  There is, however, an Appearance panel available in design view which supplies a set of the main inheriting styles. Setting these styles in the Appearance panel will result in assigning values to a global style selector.
    I hope this helps,

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    That's not the worst of it. I made a few edits to a fluid layout using the new CSS design panel and all of the line feeds and line breaks have dissapeared making the code extremely hard to read, troubleshoot and edit. Has anyone seen this?
    Here's what the code looks like now:
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* Simple fluid media   Note: Fluid media requires that you remove the media's height and width attributes from the HTML */
    img, object, embed, video {          max-width: 95%;          margin-left: auto;          margin-right: auto;          display: block;}/* IE 6 does not support max-width so default to width 100% */.ie6 img {          width:100%;          }/*          Dreamweaver Fluid Grid Properties          ----------------------------------          dw-num-cols-mobile:                    4;dw-num-cols-tablet:                    8;dw-num-cols-desktop:          14;dw-gutter-percentage:          15;Inspiration from "Responsive Web Design" by Ethan Marcotte                     and Golden Grid System by Joni Korpi*/body {                    background:#333;          }.fluid {                    clear: both;          margin-left: 0;          width: 100%;          float: left;          display: block;          }.fluidList {              list-style:none;          list-style-image:none;          margin:0;          padding:0;          }          /* Mobile Layout: 480px and below. */ .gridContainer {          margin-left: auto;          margin-right: auto;          width: 96.7391%;          padding-left: 1.6304%;          padding-right: 1.6304%;          clear: none;          float: none;}#mainHeader {          width: 100%;          border-bottom: thin dotted #666666;          background-color: #FFFFFF;} #headerHome {          width: 100%;          margin-left: 0;          } #mainTitle {          width: 100%;          margin-left: 0;          clear: both;          display: none;          }#mainNav {          width: 100%;          clear: both;          margin-left: 0;          }#mainNavList {          width: 100%;          margin-left: 0;          }.manNavBtn {          width: 48.3146%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 3.3707%;          }#sideNav {          width: 100%;          background-color: #FFFFFF;          border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;          border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;}#mainArticle {
              width: 100%;
              clear: both;
              background-color: #FFFFFF;
    }#adSide {          width: 100%;          clear: both;          margin-left: 0;          background-color: #FFFFFF;}#          mainFooter {}#footer {}.zeroMargin_mobile {margin-left: 0;          }.hide_mobile {display: none;          }/* Tablet Layout: 481px to 768px. Inherits styles from: Mobile Layout. */@media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {.gridContainer {          width: 93.451%;          padding-left: 0.7744%;          padding-right: 0.7744%;          clear: none;          float: none;          margin-left: auto;          }#          div1 {}#mainHeader {          width: 100%;          border-bottom: thin dotted #666666;          }#headerHome {width: 36.464%;          margin-left: 0;          }#mainTitle {width: 61.8784%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 1.6574%;          display: block;          }#mainNav {          width: 61.8784%;          margin-left: 1.6574%;          clear: none;          float: right;          }#mainNavList {width: 100%;          margin-left: 0;          }.manNavBtn {width: 17.8571%;          margin-left: 2.6785%;          clear: none;          }#sideNav {width: 11.0497%;          }#mainArticle {width: 61.8784%;          margin-left: 1.6574%;          clear: none;          }#adSide {width: 23.7569%;          margin-left: 1.6574%;          clear: none;          }#mainFooter {}#footer {}.hide_tablet {display: none;          }.zeroMargin_tablet {margin-left: 0;          }}/* Desktop Layout: 769px to a max of 1232px.  Inherits styles from: Mobile Layout and Tablet Layout. */@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {.gridContainer {          width: 94.1149%;          max-width: 1000px;          padding-left: 0.4425%;          padding-right: 0.4425%;          margin: auto;          clear: none;          float: none;          margin-left: auto;          }#div1 {}#mainHeader {width: 100%;          }#headerHome {width: 20.6896%;          margin-left: 0;          }#mainTitle {width: 78.3699%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 0.9404%;          display: block;          }#mainNav {          width: 78.3699%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 0.9404%;          float: right;          }#mainNavList {width: 100%;          margin-left: 0;          }.manNavBtn {width: 17.2%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 1.2%;          }#sideNav {width: 20.6896%;          }#mainArticle {width: 49.5297%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 0.9404%;          }#adSide {width: 27.8996%;          clear: none;          margin-left: 0.9404%;          }#mainFooter {}#footer {}.zeroMargin_desktop {margin-left: 0;          }.hide_desktop {display: none;          }}#mainArticle img {          border: thin solid #333333;          border-radius: 6px;          -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px;          box-shadow: 0px 0px;          padding: 5px 5px 8px;          background-color: #E9E9E9;}
    Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this and turn it back into readable code without going through each line and looking for natural breaks?
    What a mess.
    Mac, OSX 10.8.4, Dreamweaver 13.0  Build 6391
    NOTE: If I use something like Styleneat to clean up this code it seems to break the styles for the Mobile and Tablet layouts and causes Dreamweaver to crash every time I turn on or off the fluid grid layout display.

    Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this and turn it back into readable code without going through each line and looking for natural breaks?
    What a mess.
      mg, object, embed, video  {  max-width : 95%;
    margin-left : auto;
    margin-right : auto;
    display : block;
      .ie6 img  {
    width : 100%;
      body  {
    background : #333;
      .fluid  {
    clear : both;
    margin-left : 0;
    width : 100%;
    float : left;
    display : block;
      .fluidList  {
    list-style : none;
    list-style-image : none;
    margin : 0;
    padding : 0;
      .gridContainer  {
    margin-left : auto;
    margin-right : auto;
    width : 96.7391%;
    padding-left : 1.6304%;
    padding-right : 1.6304%;
    clear : none;
    float : none;
      #mainHeader  {
    width : 100%;
    border-bottom : thin dotted #666666;
    background-color : #FFFFFF;
      #headerHome  {
    width : 100%;
    margin-left : 0;
      #mainTitle  {
    width : 100%;
    margin-left : 0;
    clear : both;
    display : none;
      #mainNav  {
    width : 100%;
    clear : both;
    margin-left : 0;
      #mainNavList  {
    width : 100%;
    margin-left : 0;
      .manNavBtn  {
    width : 48.3146%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 3.3707%;
      #sideNav  {
    width : 100%;
    background-color : #FFFFFF;
    border-bottom-right-radius : 4px;
    border-bottom-left-radius : 4px;
      #mainArticle  {
    width : 100%;
    clear : both;
    background-color : #FFFFFF;
      .zeroMargin_mobile  {
    margin-left : 0;
      .hide_mobile  {
    display : none;
      @media only screen and (min-width:481px)  { 
      #mainHeader  {  width : 100%;
    border-bottom : thin dotted #666666;
      #headerHome  {
    width : 36.464%;
    margin-left : 0;
      #mainTitle  {
    width : 61.8784%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 1.6574%;
    display : block;
      #mainNav  {
    width : 61.8784%;
    margin-left : 1.6574%;
    clear : none;
    float : right;
      #mainNavList  {
    width : 100%;
    margin-left : 0;
      .manNavBtn  {
    width : 17.8571%;
    margin-left : 2.6785%;
    clear : none;
      #sideNav  {
    width : 11.0497%;
      #mainArticle  {
    width : 61.8784%;
    margin-left : 1.6574%;
    clear : none;
      #adSide  {
    width : 23.7569%;
    margin-left : 1.6574%;
    clear : none;
      .hide_tablet  {
    display : none;
      .zeroMargin_tablet  {
    margin-left : 0;
      @media only screen and (min-width:769px)  { 
      .gridContainer  {  width : 94.1149%;
    max-width : 1000px;
    padding-left : 0.4425%;
    padding-right : 0.4425%;
    margin : auto;
    clear : none;
    float : none;
    margin-left : auto;
      #mainHeader  {
    width : 100%;
      #headerHome  {
    width : 20.6896%;
    margin-left : 0;
      #mainTitle  {
    width : 78.3699%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 0.9404%;
    display : block;
      #mainNav  {
    width : 78.3699%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 0.9404%;
    float : right;
      #mainNavList  {
    width : 100%;
    margin-left : 0;
      .manNavBtn  {
    width : 17.2%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 1.2%;
      #sideNav  {
    width : 20.6896%;
      #mainArticle  {
    width : 49.5297%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 0.9404%;
      #adSide  {
    width : 27.8996%;
    clear : none;
    margin-left : 0.9404%;
      .zeroMargin_desktop  {
    margin-left : 0;
      .hide_desktop  {
    display : none;
      #mainArticle img  {  border : #333333 solid thin;
    border-radius : 6px;
    box-shadow : 0 0;
    padding : 5px 5px 8px;
    background-color : #E9E9E9;

  • CSS Designer vs. the CS6 CSS tab

    Since designing responsive layouts, I've been using compound selectors like mad. The CS6 panel was pretty straghtforward in letting you choose your complexity (Less specific/more specific) based on a highlighted selction. In CC, the Compound path seems to be the default, and the CSS Designer seems simpler by providing (not needed) visuals of the properties and values. Anyone else have thoughts?

    Dear John,
    Thank you for you answer.
    I lost many ours looking for what is wrong with my CC Connect, Dreamweaver... I would suggest to Adobe to put a small info on a visible place for people to know about this.
    best regards

  • Problems with css-designer Panel

    can't display CSS selectors/properties  - just gives me an empty grey area. When I click in this gray area, dreamweaver crashes.
    Does anyone have similar problems and can help?
    Thanks in advance!
    (OS X 10. 7. 5. / macPro)

    very strange - I installed Illustrator CC and then I had no more problems with Dreamweaver! No more crashes when close or create files and no more problems with the CSS designer. Error messages during create fluid grid layouts are also gone ...
    Congratulations "pcepp" that you too have found a solution.

  • "Simple" table design?

    I have a very simple table design I need to set up, yet every setting I've tried is vexing me.
    Table requirements:
    1. Header with bold white text and black fill
    2. Alternating rows, every 2, after header of a different fill color
    3. All table text, excluding header, of a specific style
    4. Row strokes to be after every 2nd row, to separate the different fill colors
    I set up the following:
    A table style with the alternating 2 row fill colors, and row strokes as: Every other row, first 1 row weight 2 pt white, next 1 row weight 0 pt, white, SKIP FIRST 1 ROWS
    A paragraph style for the table text to set the font attributes
    This setup gives me exactly what I need, except it puts a black row stroke after my first row after the header.  I just want the first row stroke to be after the 2nd row (or 3rd row, if you count the header).  But it's like it keeps including the header.
    I would like to be able to set the header, row heights, left indent, etc., for my tables, but there is nowhere to do that in the table style.  Very frustrating, because you can do it manually in the toolbar or menu bars (table options that are not available in the style), and then it overrides your styles.
    I have a feeling this may be based on not understanding how table style, paragraph style, cell style and character styles, along with their "based on" settings coincide, but there are far too many combinations of those for me to grasp at this time.
    Thanks for any help.

    Figured it out, but I'd still like to know how to adjust ROW HEIGHT and COLUMN WIDTH in my table styles.  It appears that if you highlight a row or table, and then change those settings in the upper toolbar, that it does not affect the style.  But that's an arduous manual way to have to do it.  I would think these settings could be automated somehow. Thanks.

  • Can someone please help me re-install my Creative Design 5.5 on my Mac?  My MacBook Pro recently crashed and had to have the hard drive replaced.  The back up from Time Machine is not reinstalling the program.  Since I have the download paid, and codes, I

    Can someone please help me re-install my Creative Design 5.5 on my Mac?  My MacBook Pro recently crashed and had to have the hard drive replaced.  The back up from Time Machine is not reinstalling the program.  Since I have the download paid, and codes, I need direction on how to reinstall -- HELP?

    Hi bodegakc,
    If you have the serial number then please use the below mentioned link to download the product you are looking for .
    Also before installing Please go to Applications-->Utilities--> Adobe installers and if there is any uninstaller for CS5.5 , you can remove it and do a fresh install.
    You can also use creative cloud cleaner tool before installing.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Nikhil Gupta

  • Help, on movie rental I

    Help, on movie rental I am getting continual message "we could not complete your iTunes store request. An unknown error occurred (-42110). There was an error in the iTunes store. Please try again later."   This message pops up every time I have completed  the dowlaod and it appaers as a finished downloan in the movie rental folder. I have deleted it multiple times and re-downloaded the same movie but always the same result.... Help

    See the "Error 3001,"  "-42110," or "5103" section in the Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) section of the following document:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting

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