Help using "to do" in Mail and iCal.

Would someone please explain to me the relationship between the to do lists in ical and Apple mail? I've searched everywhere on the Apple support site but find nothing. Do changes made to a "to do" in ical automatically get reflected in mail, and vice versa? Many thanks.

Okay, got this to work. Here's what I did...
-Made sure syncing was on and set to auto in .Mac sys panel.
-Went to iCal prefs and made sure sync with .Mac was checked
-In iCal, selected file->new calendar (on .Mac)
Then a new blank calendar showed up AND another one called "calendar". The one called "calendar" included my "to-do" list from
I just deleted the blank one I created and everything is working fine.
Now all I have to do is figure out how I can get it to work with my other (non .Mac) IMAP accounts.
Hope this helps.

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    Try these things:
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    Restart and test. 
    If the problem still happens, reply and list the steps you have done.
    Good luck!

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    LindsayB63 wrote:
    To those of you using Mail and iCal in Leopard...
    What do you think of the new features? How does it handle things such as meeting invites and tasks?
    I'm trying to determine whether or not to upgrade, and this is the determining factor. I have yet to find "professional" mail/calendar/task manager program for my Mac that makes doing business with Outlook users, easy (Entourage is terrible...)
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    No Mail plugins.... I'll check for disk corruption and do a safe boot later.
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  • Mail and iCal Syncing Headaches

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    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Hi BDAqua and Carolyn...
    My OS X came configured with the .Mac preference pane in System Preferences beginning with whatever release of OS X offered it, but I did not subscribe to it, as I had no need. However, Mail and iCal had been attempting to sync from day one. Never knowing why, it eventually began to annoy me. So much so, that at one point, I removed the .Mac preference pane - AND every file I could find related to .Mac - but the attempt by Mail and iCal to sync persisted (I don't have iDisk or, at least, it's not in my Applications folder).
    What makes this annoying is that while Mail attempts to sync, it prevents me from switching mailboxes and displaying or composing a message. iCal just sits there. I can't even hide iCal while it needlessly churns away.
    I put the .Mac preference pane back where it belonged earlier this year and subscribed ONLY for the purpose of transferring files from my G4 dekstop to my MacBook, as instructed by an Apple support person. I've since discovered on my own that I could have done the transfer much more simply and quickly using a firewire cable; thank you, Apple support person.) Once the transfer was completed, I made sure to turn any and all syncing preferences off, and I've let my .Mac account expire. But my username and password remained in the .Mac preference pane, until I just now deleted them, at Carolyn's suggestion. Prior to doing that, the .Mac preference pane confirmed that my account had expired 206 days ago.
    Before beginning this paragraph, I launched iCal and moved an item from yesterday to day and then Quit. iCal still spent a few seconds attempting to sync (perhaps to the phases of the moon, or the Fall TV season, I don't know). However, Mail - upon launching at this point - seems to only check the appropriate servers. I did see the syncing message, but only for a split second.
    Am I to believe that even though my .Mac account had expired long ago, just the fact that my username and password remained in the preference pane was enough for these applications to continue sync attempts? That would seem odd to me; since 1986 my Macs have been smarter than that.
    Thank you both, BDAqua and Carolyn, very much. I'll wait just a while before I call this problem... err, annoyance solved.
    UPDATE: Just before beginning THIS note, I launched Mail again, and it still attempted to "Register syncing prefs with .Mac," but only for a couple of seconds. I just don't understand.
    But, thanks again.

  • Simultaneous Mail and iCal problems - iCal shows old to-dos

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    Mail and iCal launched simultaneously even though I clearly selected just Mail in Quicksilver. Mail displayed the welcome screen and asked me to set up a new account. iCal displayed about 30 alarms dating from early 2006 to today (9/22/2007). It also asked me if I wanted to changed the time zone setting in iCal to match the change on the computer. My calendars seemed in tact in iCal, but my to-do list is completely outdated. I now have old action items dating back to 8/2006.
    After several other trouble shooting steps detailed in another post (, Mail opened up by itself (no iCal) and all my accounts and messages were there.
    iCal, however, still has all the old to-do items.
    Does anyone know or have any idea why this happened and how I can fix the to-do list?

    No problem with Calendar but Mail keeps syncing with the server.  The activity window is full all the time - apparently re-syncing though no new mail is downloaded.  Rang in but they have no idea what's causing it and have sent diagnostic to engineers.  In 10.8, just a quick burst of activity when mail was checked for but now it's constant.  As a result, emptying the Deleted Items mailbox is very slow.  Am worried about the amount of bandwidth being eaten up.

  • Mail and iCal are constantly synicing with OS X Mavericks

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    No problem with Calendar but Mail keeps syncing with the server.  The activity window is full all the time - apparently re-syncing though no new mail is downloaded.  Rang in but they have no idea what's causing it and have sent diagnostic to engineers.  In 10.8, just a quick burst of activity when mail was checked for but now it's constant.  As a result, emptying the Deleted Items mailbox is very slow.  Am worried about the amount of bandwidth being eaten up.

  • Mail and iCal no longer syncing To Dos

    I have been an avid user of the 'To Do' functionality in Mail and iCal for several years now. For some reason, they have recently stopped working together. I can create new 'To Dos' in Mail, but they do not show up in iCal. Similarly, I can edit 'To Dos' that were previously created in Mail (and still visible in iCal), but the changes do not propagate. I can, however, manually add new To Dos in iCal just fine.
    I am saving all my 'To Dos' to the 'On My Mac' account, and they show up fine in Mail. I have tried changing the calendar the events are associated with to no effect. Indeed, I have even created new calendars to add 'To Dos' to in case that worked, but it has not. If I ask Mail to reveal in iCal, it shows iCal alright, but not the new To Do. Similarly, if I ask iCal to 'Show in Mail' of an old event, it will pull up Mail, but not the right event.
    Any idea what might have broken the link between Mail and iCal? This has been going on for a while, not sure if before or after the upgrade to 10.5.7, unfortunately. Also, I ran 'Busy Mac' for a while, but turned it off several months ago once Google sported proper CalDAV integration, and things were working fine.
    Message was edited by: Snoeren
    Message was edited by: Snoeren

    Works for my almost instanly i create a ical event in my computer it shows in mobileme in the browser,are you creating new events in mobileme home as show below::

  • Mail and iCal are creating zombies...

    Earlier this week I had to do a complete rebuild of my MacOX Leopard system when
    my MBP refused to boot, ditto with the backup and an "Archive and Restore" crashed
    with a buffer overflow error.
    With the new system installed and updated to 10.5.5 I have noticed that Mail
    is generating "Zombies". The zombies are the procs named AddressBookSync
    in the ps listing.
    I have seen more than one of these creatures in the ps listing.
    ICal is also creating zombies, the proc is named iCalExternalSync.
    A zombie is a process that has terminated and whose final status has
    not been harvested by it parent...
    It might be the case that Mail and iCal will utimately reap their
    dead children...
    Does anyone know the scoop on these puppies?

    No problem with Calendar but Mail keeps syncing with the server.  The activity window is full all the time - apparently re-syncing though no new mail is downloaded.  Rang in but they have no idea what's causing it and have sent diagnostic to engineers.  In 10.8, just a quick burst of activity when mail was checked for but now it's constant.  As a result, emptying the Deleted Items mailbox is very slow.  Am worried about the amount of bandwidth being eaten up.


    Hi , 
    I have a BBZ10 , and I have  a problem in sending e.mail and with the syncronization of the calendar with iCal of my MAC. 
    My smtp is configurated with the details of my domain , and the configuration is ok. 
    ICal is also configurated by following the instruciont found on this site. 
    In fact, after setting the mail account and the calendar everyting works good. 
    But at an certain point I have had a problme that is the mail the I send seem to be sent but the recipient of the mail do not receive it, seme thing with iCal, the event that i create do not appear any more on my MAC. 
    Thank you for your help 

    Hey dantefav77,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    Do you get a red X or a specific error message when sending out emails?  Also what type of email account are you using on the BlackBerry Z10?
    How often do you lose the connection with iCal and sending?
    I look forward to your reply.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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