Help with date code

Sry about this amount of code lines.... but i realy need help...
I must insert into a table, the date, like 10/12/2009, and the time, like 22:34:12... but, when i select the date from a datepicker, and insert the time into a text field... i got this result:
if the date inserted was 12/12/2009 and the time 22:34:12
result is.......................12/12/0922 34:12:00 <<<<< it´s getting just the two lasts number of the year and inserting the two firsts number of the time into the year, like year 0922 ....
I´m using a javascript source to create a datepicker......
and that is the procedure to insert into the table.......
PROCEDURE set_atendimento(
p_id_chamado_atendimento IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado_atendimento%TYPE,
p_id_chamado IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado%TYPE,
p_informacao IN chamado_atendimento.informacao%TYPE,
p_datahora_inicio IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_inicio%TYPE,
p_datahora_fim IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_fim%TYPE,
p_hora_inicio IN VARCHAR2,
p_hora_fim IN VARCHAR2
v_inicio DATE;
v_fim DATE;
v_inicio := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_datahora_inicio || p_hora_inicio), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
v_fim := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
informacao = UPPER(p_informacao)
id_chamado_atendimento = p_id_chamado_atendimento;
(id_chamado_atendimento, id_chamado, id_operador, datahora_inicio, datahora_fim, informacao)
(SEQ_CHAMADO_ATENDIMENTO.nextval, p_id_chamado, pkg_operador.get_id_operador, v_inicio, v_fim, UPPER(p_informacao));
that is the JAVASCRIPT
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
showOn: 'button',
buttonImage: '/i/themes/fwsac/includes/jquery/images/calendario.gif',
buttonImageOnly: true,
closeText: 'Fechar',
prevText: '<Anterior',
nextText: 'Pr&oacute;ximo>',
currentText: 'Hoje',
monthNames: ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Mar&ccedil;o','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'],
monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'],
dayNames: ['Domingo','Segunda-feira','Ter&ccedil;a-feira','Quarta-feira','Quinta-feira','Sexta-feira','Sabado'],
dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
dayNamesMin: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
firstDay: 0,
isRTL: false,
showAnim: 'slide'
$('#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO , #P5004_DATAHORA_FIM').datepicker({ beforeShow: fdateRange });
function fdateRange(input){
return {
minDate: ( == "P5004_DATAHORA_FIM" ? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO").datepicker("getDate") : null),
maxDate: ( == "P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO" ? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_FIM").datepicker("getDate") : null)
what i must change to get the 4 numbers of the year and all numbers of the time and conca " || " with the date??
can someone help with this, pls??

Hello brugo,
Try this:
v_inicio := to_nchar((to_date(p_datahora_inicio || p_hora_inicio , 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
v_inicio := to_nchar((to_date(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim , 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');When I substitute strings: '10/12/2009' for p_datahora_inicio and '22:30:05' for p_hora_inicio, using this format string, I get: 10/12/2009 22:30:05 as a result.
You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct :)

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    //if(event exists on this day
    // Get results
    // print link for viewing
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    out.println("</tr><tr valign=top>");
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    } while(d.get(Calendar.MONTH) == month);
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    // Get results
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    Need Help with Dates
    Here is some information about dates:
    There are many edible palm fruits, and one of the most widespread and favored of these is the data (Phoenix dactylifera). Dates were cultivated in ancient land from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 6000 B.C. Then--as now--dates were a staple for the natives of those dry regions. Much later, Arabs spread dates around northern Africa, and dates were introduced into California by the Spaniards in 1765, around Mission San Ignacio.
    The date prefers dry, hot climates, because date fruits are injured at temperatures of 20 degrees F, and the damp climate of the California coast was not favorable for fruit production. In the mid-1800s, the date industry developed in California's hot interior valleys and in Arizona. Now the date industry in the United States is localized mostly in the Coachella Valley, where the sandy soils permit the plants to be deeply irrigated. Today the new varieties, mostly introduced in this century, produce about 40 million pounds of dates per annum, or over 60% of the dates consumed in this country. The rest are imported mainly from Persia. According to one survey, about one million people are engaged entirely in date palm cultivation worldwide.
    Hope that helps.

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    Class InetAddress has a method
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    You appear to have just collected a variety of code snippets and thrown them together, including a section of AS2 code ( gage.onRelease = function() {... )
    The suggestion I offered yesterday still stands.  You should find a tutorial regarding AS3 and the atan2 function.  Beyond that, what you show suggests this is a school assignment.  You should seek help from your fellow students and instructor if that is the case.

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    the error_
    F:\Java\Projects\ unreachable statement <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS
    int index;
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end delete method
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end getrecod
    3 errors
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Tools//tool class
    private int numberOfToolItems;
    private ToolItems[] toolArray = new ToolItems[10];
    public Tools()//array of tool
    numberOfToolItems = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < toolArray.length; i++)//for loop to create the array tools
    toolArray[i] = new ToolItems();
    }//end for loop
    }//end of array of tools
    public int search(int id)//search mehtod
    int index = 0;
    while (index < numberOfToolItems)//while and if loop search
    if(toolArray[index].getID() == id)
    return index;
    index ++;
    }//en while and if loop
    return -1;
    }//end search method
    public int insert(int id, int numberInStock, int quality, double basePrice, String nm)//insert method
    if(numberOfToolItems >= toolArray.length)
    return 0;
    int index;
    index = search(id); <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE
    if (index == -1)
    toolArray[index].assign(id,numberInStock, quality, basePrice,nm);
    numberInStock ++;
    return 1;
    }//end if index
    }//end if toolitem array
    return -1;
    }//end insert method
    public int delete(/*int id*/)//delete method
    }//end delete method
    public void display()//display method
    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfToolItems; i++)
    }//end display method
    public String getRecord(int i)//get record method
    // return toolArray[i].getName()+ "ID: "+toolArray[i].getID()
    }//end getrecod
    }//end class
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:08 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:09 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:10 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:11 AM

    ladsoftware wrote:
    Subject: Re: I need help with this code error "unreachable statement"
    F:\Java\Projects\ unreachable statement <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS
    int index;
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end delete method
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end getrecod
    3 errorsThe compiler is telling you exactly what the problems are:
    public int insert(int id, int numberInStock, int quality, double basePrice, String nm)//insert method
    if(numberOfToolItems >= toolArray.length)
    return 0; // <<== HERE you return, so everyting in the if block after this is unreachable
    int index;
    index = search(id);  //< -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE
    if (index == -1)
    toolArray[index].assign(id,numberInStock, quality, basePrice,nm);
    numberInStock ++;
    return 1;
    }//end if index
    }//end if toolitem array
    return -1;
    }//end insert method
    public int delete(/*int id*/)//delete method
    // <<== HERE where is the return statement?
    }//end delete method
    public String getRecord(int i)//get record method
    // return toolArray.getName()+ "ID: "+toolArray[i].getID() <<== HERE you commented out the return statement
    }//end getrecod
    }//end class

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    the Q for my code is :
    write a program that reads a positive integer x and calculates and prints a floating point number y if :
    y = 1 ? 1/2 + 1/3 - ? + 1/x
    and this is my code
       This program that reads a positive integer x and calculates
       and prints a floating point number y if :
                 y = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - ? + 1/x
       import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
        class Sh7q2
           // main method begins execution of Java application
           public static void main( String args[] )
          // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
             Scanner input = new Scanner( );
             int i = 1; // i is to control the loop
             int n = 2; // n is suppose to control the number sign
             int x; // a positive integer entered by the user
             int m;
             System.out.println("Enter a positive integer");
             x = input.nextInt();
                m = (int) Math.pow( -1, n)/i;
             while ( m >= 1/x );
          } // end method main
       } // end class Sh7q2 when I compile it there is no error
    but in the run it tells me to enter a positive integer
    suppose i entered 5
    then the result is 1...
    can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code

       This program that reads a positive integer x and calculates
       and prints a floating point number y if :
                 y = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - ? + 1/x
       import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
        class Sh7q2
           // main method begins execution of Java application
           public static void main( String args[] )
          // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
             Scanner input = new Scanner( );
             int i = 1; // i is to control the loop
             int n = 1; // n is suppose to control the number sign
             int x; // a positive integer entered by the user
             double m;
             int a = 1;
             double sum = 0;
             System.out.println("Enter a positive integer");
             x = input.nextInt();
             for ( i = 1; a <= x; i++)
                m =  Math.pow( -1, n+1)/i;
                sum  = sum + m;
             System.out.print("y = " + sum);
          } // end method main
       } // end class Sh7q2is it right :S

  • Help with date validation on input boxes.

    I need some help with date validation on input boxes.
    What I�m trying to create is a form where a user inputs dates and then the rest of the form calculates the other dates for them.
    i.e. � A user inputs 2 dates (A & B) and then a 3rd date which is 11 weeks before date B is calculated automatically.
    Is this possible and if so how do I do it ???

    to get third date try this:
    java.util.Date bDate = ...;
    Calendar yourCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    yourCalendar.roll(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -11);
    java.util.Date cDate = yourCalendar.getTime();Regards

  • Help with abap code in Transformation

    Hi Experts,
    we have a scenario where we load delta data from an DSO into a Cube.
    The records in the DSO looks like below.
    Location as (L)
    WorkOrder as (W)
    Startdate(DDMMYYYY)/time (HH:MM:SS) as (S)
    Finishdate/time as (F)
    || L1 ||W3||  21/04/2009/16:00:00 ||21/04/2009/20:00:00 || 
    Total time ( April 2009 ) for above Location L1 should be calculated as a difference between W1 and W2 since W3 is a overlapping record. So the result would be 13 Hrs. Work Orders are summarised, so we dont need work order info in the output.
    Can you experts help me with the code to implement??

    For each location, for example L1, move the records to an internal table itab.
    sort itab by startdate.
    read table itab index 1. 
    You will get the first value.
    sort itab by finishdate descending.
    read table itab index 1.
    you will get the second value.
    Calculate the difference and populate it to the internal table.
    finally modify the source package.
    I have just given the logic.  I hope you can build upon this.
    I hope it helps.

  • Need help with HTML5 code

    What is wrong with this code?  It does not play. It should play in Windows-7 and XP with IE8.
    Also, on the screen there is a large white area where the <video> code is.  Why?
    How do I get rid of it?
    <title>video testing</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <p>Click the <a href="Download" _mce_href="">Download">http://w">Download mp4 </a> button to start video.</p>
    <p>Click the <a href="Download" _mce_href="">Download">http://">Download webm </a> button to start video.</p>
    <p>Click the <a href="Download" _mce_href="">Download">http://w">Download ogg </a> button to start video.</p>
    <p>Click the <a href="Download" _mce_href="">Download">http://w">Download flv </a> button to start video.</p>
    <video width="480" height="270" controls="controls">
    <source media="all" src="rtp:UX-CT-Tour-Short-1024d12db.mp4"  type='video/mp4; codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />
    <source media="all" src="rtp:UX-CT-Tour-Short-1024d12db.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
    <source media="all" src="rtp:UX-CT-Tour-Short-1024d12dB.ogg" type="video/ogv; codecs=&quot;theora, vorbis&quot;" />
    <object data="id=player1" width="480" height="270">
        <param name="classid" value="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" />
        <param name="movie" value="player.swf" />
        <param name="flashvars" value="UX-CT-Tour-Short-1024d12db.flv & autostart=true" />
        <param name="allowfullscreen" value="false" />
        <param name="quality" value="high" />
        <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
        <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
    <embed flashvars="file=UX-CT-Tour-Short-1024d12db.flv & autostart=true" id="player1" src="player.swf"
    allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="480" height="270" />
    <p>here is some more text</p>

    Data load? Did it pass a syntax check?
    Anyway, maybe this will help:
    DATA: create_date              TYPE sy-datum,
          update_date              TYPE sy-datum,
          number_of_days_closed(4) TYPE c,
          alert_close_flag(1)      TYPE c,
          result                   LIKE number_of_days_closed.
    IF alert_close_flag EQ 'Y'.
      number_of_days_closed = update_date - create_date .
      CLEAR number_of_days_closed.
    result = number_of_days_closed.

  • Help With Crash Code  In PRE8 Please

    In an interest to turn some of my recent discussions in a more positive direction and in keeping with the primary function of this forum (seeking advice and solutions) and in a further effort to not continually ***** about PRE8, can someone please help with and interpret the following crash codes recently generated by PRE8?
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:                      AppHangXProcB1
    Application Name:                           Adobe Premiere Elements.exe
    Application Version:               
    Application Timestamp:                   4aa5c87c
    Hang Signature:                                ba8e
    Hang Type:                                        32
    Waiting on Application Name:       ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.exe
    Waiting on Application Version:
    OS Version:                                        6.0.6001.
    Locale ID:                                           1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1:         cb0b340a390054264815ceb8e3574d53
    Additional Hang Signature 2:         84f3
    Additional Hang Signature 3:         f0a90877ec38c16fd285cc410c83433d
    Additional Hang Signature 4:         ba8e
    Additional Hang Signature 5:         cb0b340a390054264815ceb8e3574d53
    Additional Hang Signature 6:         84f3
    Additional Hang Signature 7:         f0a90877ec38c16fd285cc410c83433d
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID:                                          749899167
    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:                      AppHangXProcB1
    Application Name:                           Adobe Premiere Elements.exe
    Application Version:               
    Application Timestamp:                   4aa5c87c
    Hang Signature:                                ba8e
    Hang Type:                                        32
    Waiting on Application Name:       ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.exe
    Waiting on Application Version:
    OS Version:                                        6.0.6001.
    Locale ID:                                           1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1:         cb0b340a390054264815ceb8e3574d53
    Additional Hang Signature 2:         84f3
    Additional Hang Signature 3:         f0a90877ec38c16fd285cc410c83433d
    Additional Hang Signature 4:         ba8e
    Additional Hang Signature 5:         cb0b340a390054264815ceb8e3574d53
    Additional Hang Signature 6:         84f3
    Additional Hang Signature 7:         f0a90877ec38c16fd285cc410c83433d
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID:                                          749899167
    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:                      AppHangXProcB1
    Application Name:                           Adobe Premiere Elements.exe
    Application Version:               
    Application Timestamp:                   4aa5c87c
    Hang Signature:                                ba8e
    Hang Type:                                        32
    Waiting on Application Name:       ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.exe
    Waiting on Application Version:
    OS Version:                                        6.0.6001.
    Locale ID:                                           1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1:         cb0b340a390054264815ceb8e3574d53
    Additional Hang Signature 2:         84f3
    Additional Hang Signature 3:         f0a90877ec38c16fd285cc410c83433d
    Additional Hang Signature 4:         ba8e
    Additional Hang Signature 5:         cb0b340a390054264815ceb8e3574d53
    Additional Hang Signature 6:         84f3
    Additional Hang Signature 7:         f0a90877ec38c16fd285cc410c83433d
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID:                                          749899167
    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:                      AppHangB1
    Application Name:                           Adobe Premiere Elements.exe
    Application Version:               
    Application Timestamp:                   4aa5c87c
    Hang Signature:                                af71
    Hang Type:                                        0
    OS Version:                                        6.0.6001.
    Locale ID:                                           1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1:         37a5e7ba79ac8a533571e7d8f2e8acd0
    Additional Hang Signature 2:         d900
    Additional Hang Signature 3:         431be4795d1c061aba02734aa57c4950
    Additional Hang Signature 4:         af71
    Additional Hang Signature 5:         37a5e7ba79ac8a533571e7d8f2e8acd0
    Additional Hang Signature 6:         d900
    Additional Hang Signature 7:         431be4795d1c061aba02734aa57c4950
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID:                                          811067413
    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:                      AppHangB1
    Application Name:                           Adobe Premiere Elements.exe
    Application Version:               
    Application Timestamp:                   4aa5c87c
    Hang Signature:                                7008
    Hang Type:                                        0
    OS Version:                                        6.0.6001.
    Locale ID:                                           1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1:         f0af3d01fb74f43241231d4e61778ffa
    Additional Hang Signature 2:         0fb3
    Additional Hang Signature 3:         a5f1d311bc7bfa26f067b42cbdeac6af
    Additional Hang Signature 4:         7008
    Additional Hang Signature 5:         f0af3d01fb74f43241231d4e61778ffa
    Additional Hang Signature 6:         0fb3
    Additional Hang Signature 7:         a5f1d311bc7bfa26f067b42cbdeac6af
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID:                                          781893170

    Here are my system specs.  Let me know if you need anything else.
    Operating System
    MS Windows Vista Ultimate SP2
               Installation Date: 06 March 2009, 02:58
               Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo T9550
                   Cores                       2
                   Threads                     2
                   Name                        Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo T9550
                   Code Name                   Penryn
                   Package                     Socket P (478)
                   Technology                  45nm
                   Specification               Intel Core2 Duo CPU  T9550 @ 2.66GHz
                   Family                      6
                   Extended family             6
                   Model                       7
                   Extended model              17
                   Stepping                    A
                   Revision                    E0
                   Instructions                MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, EM64T
                   Bus speed                   266.0 MHz
                   Rated Bus speed             1064.0 MHz
                   Stock core speed            2666 MHz
                   Stock bus speed             266 MHz
                   Average Temperature         36 °C
                       L1 data cache size              2 x 32 KBytes
                       L1 instructions cache size      2 x 32 KBytes
                       L2 unified cache size           6144 KBytes
                   Core 1
                       Core speed            1596.0 MHz
                       Multiplier            x 6.0
                       Bus speed             266.0 MHz
                       Rated Bus speed       1064.0 MHz
                       Temperature           37 °C
                       Thread 1
                           APIC ID     0
                   Core 2
                       Core speed            2660.0 MHz
                       Multiplier            x 6.0
                       Bus speed             266.0 MHz
                       Rated Bus speed       1064.0 MHz
                       Temperature           36 °C
                       Thread 1
                           APIC ID     1
                   Type                                DDR2
                   Size                                4096 MBytes
                   Channels #                          Dual
                   DRAM frequency                      399.0 MHz
                   CAS# Latency (CL)                   6.0 clocks
                  RAS# to CAS# delay (tRCD)           6 clocks
                   RAS# precharge (tRP)                6 clocks
                   Cycle time (tRAS)                   18 clocks
                   Number of SPD modules          2
                   Slot #1
                       Type                DDR2
                       Size                2048 MBytes
                       Manufacturer        Hyundai Electronics
                       Max bandwidth       PC2-6400 (400 MHz)
                       Part number         HYMP125S64CP8-S6 
                       Serial number       00007112
                       Week/year           52 / 08
                       SPD Ext.            EPP
                       JEDEC #3
                           Frequency             400.000000 MHz
                           CAS# latency          6.0
                           RAS# to CAS#          6
                           RAS# Precharge        6
                           tRAS                  18
                           tRC                   24
                           Voltage               1.8 V
                       JEDEC #2
                           Frequency             333.333344 MHz
                           CAS# latency          5.0
                           RAS# to CAS#          6
                           RAS# Precharge        6
                           tRAS                  16
                           tRC                   21
                           Voltage               1.8 V
                       JEDEC #1
                           Frequency             266.666656 MHz
                           CAS# latency          4.0
                           RAS# to CAS#          4
                           RAS# Precharge        4
                           tRAS                  12
                           tRC                   16
                           Voltage               1.8 V
                   Slot #2
                       Type                DDR2
                       Size                2048 MBytes
                       Manufacturer        Hyundai Electronics
                       Max bandwidth       PC2-6400 (400 MHz)
                       Part number         HYMP125S64CP8-S6 
                       Serial number       02008065
                       Week/year           52 / 08
                       SPD Ext.            EPP
                       JEDEC #3
                           Frequency             400.000000 MHz
                           CAS# latency          6.0
                           RAS# to CAS#          6
                           RAS# Precharge        6
                           tRAS                  18
                          tRC                   24
                           Voltage               1.8 V
                       JEDEC #2
                           Frequency             333.333344 MHz
                           CAS# latency          5.0
                           RAS# to CAS#          6
                           RAS# Precharge        6
                           tRAS                  16
                           tRC                   21
                           Voltage               1.8 V
                       JEDEC #1
                           Frequency             266.666656 MHz
                           CAS# latency          4.0
                           RAS# to CAS#          4
                           RAS# Precharge        4
                           tRAS                  12
                           tRC                   16
                           Voltage               1.8 V
    Mother Board
    Manufacturer   Dell, Inc.
               Model                      0P786H
               Version                    A04
               Chipset vendor             Intel
               Chipset model              PM45
               Chipset revision           07
               Southbridge vendor         Intel
               Southbridge model          82801IM (ICH9-M)
               Southbridge revision       03
                   Brand       Dell Inc.
                   Version     A04
                   Date        11/26/2008
                   Name                    Generic PnP Monitor on ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650
                   State                   enable
                   State                   primary
                   Monitor Width           1920
                   Monitor Height          1200
                   Monitor Bit             32
                   Monitor Frequency       60
                   Device:                 \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
                   Name                    Default Monitor on ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650
                   State                   disabled
                   State                   removable
                   Monitor Width           800
                   Monitor Height          600
                   Monitor Bit             32
                   Monitor Frequency      60
                   Device:                 \\.\DISPLAY2
               ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650
                   GPU                         M86
                   Device ID                   1002-9591
                   Subvendor                   Dell (1028)

  • Help with Data Matrix (2D) barcode

    Hey everybody,
    I need a little help with creating a dynamic Data Matrix barcode. The DM Studio help files explain the barcode, regions, data code words, etc, but don't really help with implementation of one. I can create a static one using the actual Barcode widget in DM Studio, but I'm unsure how to create a dynamic one. Minimally I'd need to change the barcode's content from document to document, but if you use the barcode object in your section, it doesn't appear as though it allows variables or variable information (i.e. DAL script results). We have 3 of 9 barcodes, but we create those by simply using the 3of9 font when outputting the barcode's content. With the Data Matrix barcode, that doesn't seem like the appropriate course of action because of additional attributes like Scale or Symbol Size.

    Hi Gregg,
    I would request you to try like this.
    1. First insert a normal field (not a bar code).
    2. Change 'Type' to Barcode.
    3. Change 'Format' to Data Matrix.
    4. Change 'Length' to 11.
    5. Change Symbol size, Scale appropriately.
    6. Use Rule as usual you would do for a normal field.
    7. Use Data Matrix bar code fonts (13504, 13505, or 13506) which are included with Documaker. If you have any other specific font for Data Matrix bar code, you may try that as well.
    These steps should allow you get a dynamic bar code.
    Thank you.

  • Help with data adquisition vi

    Good day.
    I have this vi in which I read two signals from a DAQ device and visualize them on screen and write them to a file. However, I need to modify it a bit and I don't know how. Currently, the signals are stored automatically after the vi starts running. I need to change that so the recording of the data only starts after a button is pressed (I want to first visualize the signal and them store it if I need it.) I tried using the Relay Express vi, but it made the program run slower meaning in a loss of data (high scan backlog). So, any ideas with this?
    Second, I need to remove the DC from my signal dynamically. I really don't care much for the scale of the graph charts that visualize the signal, but sometimes the signal moves away from the window of the chart and I can't see it. The autoscale y option is not good for me (I need to keep a constant window amplitude). Any help with this?
    Attachments: ‏355 KB

    Ha, I'm certainly no genius either but good coding style is really important.  Especially when you want to go back and modify or upgrade your code.
    Traditional DAQ is perfectly fine, you code is working so there's no real need to worry about DAQmx.
    See the pic for an example of subtracting an offset from your waveform.
    Do you understand what Dennis said?  You need to put a case structure around the 'Write to' and then wire your button to it.  That way you're collecting data all the time but it only gets written to file while the button is TRUE (assuming you put the Write VI in the True case).
    Using LabVIEW: 7.1.1, 8.5.1 & 2013
    SubOffset.JPG ‏34 KB

  • Noob needs help with this code...

    I found this code in a nice tutorial and I wanna make slight
    adjustments to the code.
    Unfortunately my Action Script skills are very limited... ;)
    This is the code for a 'sliding menue', depending on which
    button u pressed it will 'slide' to the appropriate picture.
    Here's the code:
    var currentPosition:Number = large_pics.pic1._x;
    var startFlag:Boolean = false;
    menuSlide = function (input:MovieClip) {
    if (startFlag == false) {
    startFlag = true;
    var finalDestination:Number = input._x;
    var distanceMoved:Number = 0;
    var distanceToMove:Number =
    var finalSpeed:Number = .2;
    var currentSpeed:Number = 0;
    var dir:Number = 1;
    if (currentPosition<=finalDestination) {
    dir = -1;
    } else if (currentPosition>finalDestination) {
    dir = 1;
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
    currentSpeed =
    distanceMoved += currentSpeed;
    large_pics._x += dir*currentSpeed;
    if (Math.abs(distanceMoved-distanceToMove)<=1) {
    large_pics._x =
    currentPosition = input._x;
    startFlag = false;
    delete this.onEnterFrame;
    b1.onRelease = function() {
    b2.onRelease = function() {
    b3.onRelease = function() {
    b4.onRelease = function() {
    I need to adjust five things in this code...
    (1) I want this menue to slide vertically not horizontally.
    I changed the 'x' values in the code to 'y' which I thought
    would make it move vertically, but it doesn't work...
    (2) Is it possible that, whatever the distance is, the
    "sliding" time is always 2.2 sec ?
    (3) I need to implement code that after the final position is
    reached, the timeline jumps to a certain movieclip to a certain
    label - depending on what button was pressed of course...
    I tried to implement this code for button number two...
    b2.onRelease = function() {
    if (currentPosition = finalDestination) {
    --> sliding still works but it doesn't jump to the
    appropriate label...
    (4) I wanna add 'Next' & 'Previous' buttons to the slide
    show - what would be the code in this case scenario ?
    My first thought was something like that Flash checks which
    'pic' movieclip it is showing right now (pic1, pic2, pic3 etc.) and
    depending on what button u pressed u go to the y value of movieclip
    'picX + 1' (Next button) or 'picX - 1' (Previous button)...
    Is that possible ?
    (5) After implementing the Next & Previous buttons I need
    to make sure that when it reached the last pic movieclip it will
    not go further on the y value - because there is no more pic
    Options are to either slide back to movieclip 'pic1' or
    simply do nothing any more on the next button...
    I know this is probably Kindergarten for you, but I have only
    slight ideas how to do this and no code knowledge to back it up...
    Thanx a lot for your help in advance !
    Always a pleasure to learn from u guys... ;)

    I made some progress with the code thanx to the help of
    Simon, but there are still 2 things that need to be addressed...
    (1) I want the sliding time always to be 2.2 sec...
    here's my approach to it - just a theory but it might work:
    we need a speed that changes dynamically depending on the
    distance we have to travel...
    I don't know if that applies for Action Scrip but I recall
    from 6th grade, that...
    speed = distance / time
    --> we got the time (which is always 2.2 sec)
    --> we got the disctance
    --> this should automatically change the speed to the
    appropriate value
    Unfortunately I have no clue how the action script would look
    like (like I said my action script skills are very limited)...
    (2) Also, one other thing I need that is not implemented yet,
    is that when the final destination is reached it jumps to a certain
    label inside a certain movieclip - every time different for each
    button pressed - something like:
    if (currentPosition = finalDestination) {
    that statement just doesn't work when I put it right under
    the function for each button...
    Thanx again for taking the time !!!

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