Help with editor

Is it possible to set up terminal so that any file created will be edited in, for example, textwranger.
So, for example echo mystring > file1
Now, is there a command that would allow me to open and edit file1 in textwrangler.
Thanks in advance.

If you just want a one-off, use open:
open -a TextWrangler file1
this will open file1 using the application TextWrangler (or any other application you specify.
TextWrangler also comes with a command-line tool edit which does pretty much the same thing:
edit file1
if you opted to install the command-line tools within TextWrangler. See Chapter 12 of the TextWrangler User Manual for more details.

Similar Messages

  • Need help with Editor

    I am brand new to doing a post, so please bear with me. I have Photoshop elements 8. the program is not allowing me to open the editor. Any ideas? I click on it and it acts like it is thinking and then nothing....

    oh my!! i think this may be WAY over my head!! i have a computer savvy friend that I will get to look at your suggestion. fyi, I had called the help line and for $30 they can talk to me. he suggested that i buy Photoshop 9 and get free "phone talk".
    Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 12:20:54 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: need help with Editor
    Try making a direct desktop icon for the Organizer and Editor and that will bypass the welcome screen and any advertising.
    On Windows right click on the desktop and select New >> Shortcut
    Browse to Computer OS C:
    And find the PSE Organizer application in Program Files or Program Files (x86) on Windows 7 - 64 bit.
    Inside the Adobe >> Photoshop Elements Organizer (yellow folder) you are looking for an application file “PhotoshopEementsOrganizer” with six small icons (e.g. representing thumbnails)
    Select it and click OK
    Click next
    Rename by taking out Photoshop Elements leaving just the word Organizer
    Then click finish
    You should now be able to launch directly form the desktop by double clicking on the icon.
    +You can set up a similar direct link to the Editor application (.exe file which has the blue PSE icon). As before take out Photoshop Elements just leaving the description Editor and it will show up clearly on the desktop.
    +You can keep the standard Photoshop icon which links to the welcome screen but I prefer to delete it from the desktop. If you ever need to get to the welcome screen you simply click Window >>Welcome on the top menu when the application is open.

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    Hi Mike..tried that as well but no joy.  A friend of mine was looking at it all and noticed that it was an I.E. thing as far as not letting me redownload the reader so I went to Mozilla Firefox and I could download a new version but....whenever I attempt to open a .pdf file I get that message, "Windows can not open the specified device, path or file. You man not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." 
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    It all worked just fine last Saturday but starting Monday when I was on my flight out to D.C.  no joy. 
    Sigh...Jim R.
    Jim R.
    Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 14:50:27 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help with opening Adobe Reader and downloading updates
    Under the help menu, there is an option to repair the installation of reader. Did you try that?

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    Bridge and Photoshop is a common file-based management system. (Not sure why you'd have used ACDSEE as well as Bridge.) In any event, it's on the way out. You won't be using it in 5 years time.
    Up to this the lack of processing power on your computer left no choice but to organise this way. But file based organisation is as sensible as organising a Shoe Warehouse based on the colour of the boxes. It's also ultimately data-destructive.
    Modern systems are Database driven. Files are managed, Images imported, virtual versions, lossless processing and unlimited editing are the way forward.
    For a Photographer Photoshop is overkill. It's an enormously powerful app, a staple of the Graphic Designers' trade. A Photographer uses maybe 15% to 20% of its capability.
    Apps like iPhoto, Lightroom, Aperture are the way forward - for photographers. There's the 20% of Photoshop that shooters actually use, coupled with management and lossless processing. Pop over to the Aperture or Lightroom forums (on the Adobe site) and one comment shows up over and over again... "Since I started using Aperture/ Lightroom I hardly ever use Photoshop any more..." and if there is a job that these apps can do, then the (much) cheaper Elements will do it.
    The change is not easy though, especially if you have a long-standing and well thought out filing system of your own. The first thing I would strongly advise is that you experiment before making any decisions. So I would create a Library, import 300 or 400 shots and play. You might as well do this in iPhoto to begin with - though if you’re a serious hobbyist or a Pro then you'll find yourself looking further afield pretty soon. iPhoto is good for the family snapper, taking shots at birthdays and sharing them with friends and family.
    Next: If you're going to successfully use these apps you need to make a leap: Your files are not your Photos.
    The illustration I use is as follows: In my iTunes Library I have a file called 'Let_it_Be_The_Beatles.mp3'. So what is that, exactly? It's not the song. The Beatles never wrote an mp3. They wrote a tune and lyrics. They recorded it and a copy of that recording is stored in the mp3 file. So the file is just a container for the recording. That container is designed in a specific way attuned to the characteristics and requirements of the data. Hence, mp3.
    Similarly, that Jpeg is not your photo, it's a container designed to hold that kind of data. iPhoto is all about the data and not about the container. So, regardless of where you choose to store the file, iPhoto will manage the photo, edit the photo, add metadata to the Photo but never touch the file. If you choose to export - unless you specifically choose to export the original - iPhoto will export the Photo into a new container - a new file containing the photo.
    When you process an image in iPhoto the file is never touched, instead your decisions are recorded in the database. When you view the image then the Master is presented with these decisions applied to it. That's why it's lossless. You can also have multiple versions and waste no disk space because they are all just listings in the database.
    These apps replace the Finder (File Browser) for managing your Photos. They become the Go-To app for anything to do with your photos. They replace Bridge too as they become a front-end for Photoshop.
    So, want to use a photo for something - Export it. Choose the format, size and quality you want and there it is. If you're emailing, uploading to websites then these apps have a "good enough for most things" version called the Preview - this will be missing some metadata.
    So it's a big change from a file-based to Photo-based management, from editing files to processing Photos and it's worth thinking it through before you decide.

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    Please do not duplicate a thread. The threads are answered as soon as possible. We are not Adobe. Just user to user.
    I have answered your most recent of the duplicates
    Premier Elements 13 Organizer Works. Editor doesn't. Log in doesn't work
    It is uncertain just how far we can go to help you since you do not appear to have Premiere Elements any
    longer.Seems you demanded a refund from Adobe Chat, got it, and now are left with a non purchased program which I
    am not sure can be used.
    Duplicates tend to confuse the person asking the question as well as those attempting to reply. As I suggested in the
    above mentioned thread, try to sort out your situation with Adobe via its Adobe Chat.

  • Please help with a new dual purpose PC build

    Hi everybody in AdobeLand! 
    I've been reading various boards and hardware sites and have started piecing together a dual purpose computer system.  It will be used for both video editing (of pre-shot hacked, high bitrate I-Frame Panasonic GH2 DSLR and camcorder footage using the AVCHD codec @ 1080p 24 and 30 fps) and webcasting/streaming purposes.  I would build two computers for each task, but it's just not in the budget right now.  I'm already stretching things as is. 
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    Back on topic:
    Here's the build as of right now...
    OS: Windows 7 64-Bit Professional (Windows 8 absolutely sucks!)
    CPU: Intel i7-4930k 6-Core Ivy Bridge (own)
    Motherboard: Asus P9X79 Pro (own)
    Memory: Crucial Ballistix 1.35v Sport DDR3L @ 32 GB (own)
    GPU:  EVGA GTX 770 FTW w/ 4 GB (will buy another HD monitor at a later date, hence the 4GB memory)
    Case:  Fractal Design XL R2 Full Tower
    CPU Cooling:  Noctua NH-D14 w/ SE2011 Bracket
    PSU: Corsair RM1000 Quiet Series / 80 Plus Gold / 1000 Watts
    Monitor: Dell U2412M Ultrasharp 24 inch / 1920x1200
    Optical Drive: LG Blu-ray Writer
    Keyboard: Microsoft 4000 Ergonomic
    HDMI capture cards: Blackmagic Designs Decklink Mini (x2)
    I bought two Samsung 840 Pro SSD drives:  one 128 GB and one 256 GB
    Thinking about possibly 2 (maybe 3-4 if I really stretch) Seagate ST3000DM001 3TB HDD's.
    I could sure use your help with any advise on arranging the storage to get the best bang vs. buck in speed and storage utilization (Wirecast can be setup to record live webcast sessions at 720p or 1080p in compressed files... probably no more than 120 minute webcasts... so that comes into play as well).  Just don't have the funds for an uber-expensive RAID controller card right now.
    Any opinions overall on the parts for the current build?  I still have time to send back and exchange anything already purchased.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.   

    What do you not understand from:
    With all the reading and writing going on, on the boot disk, it is understandable you need a (number of) dedicated disk(s) for video editing, especially with the bandwidths required when the clip duration is short and the number of tracks exceeds one and uses a codec more complex than DV. The kind of files used during editing are, in order of their need for speed:
    Media cache & Media cache database files, created on importing media into a project. They contain indexed, conformed audio and peak files for waveform display.
    Typically small files, but lots of them, so in the end they still occupy lots of disk space.
    Preview (rendered) files, created when the time-line is rendered for preview purposes, the red bar turned to green. Read all the time when previewing the time-line.
    Project files, including project auto-save files, that are constantly being read and saved as auto-save files and written when saving your edits.
    Media files, the original video material ingested from tape or card based cameras. Typically long files, only used for reading, since PR is a non-destructive editor.
    Export files, created when the time-line is exported to its final delivery format. These files are typically only written once and often vary in size from several hundred KB to tens of GB.
    When you are doubting which category of files to put on which kind of disk, especially when using both SSD's and HDD's, keep in mind that the speed advantage of SSD's over HDD's is most noteworthy with the Media cache & Media cache database. These files are frequently accessed, are small and there are many, so reducing latency and seek times and increasing transfer rates pays off by putting these on a SSD, rather than on a HDD, even if it is a raid0. Export files can go to the slowest volume on your system, since you only export once. To help you decide, I have added priority rank-numbers for speed, with 1 for the fastest volume and 5 for the least speed-demanding category.
    Well, in the benchmark tests we have not seen any noticeable difference between SSD and HDD in terms of performance, but logic dictates that there should be a small difference in performance when the volume used for media cache is a SSD, because of the much faster access time and lower latency compared to a conventional disk. If it is noticeable, it is specifically on this volume with the media cache and media cache database, due to the large amount of small files that need to be accessed and written. This argument does not apply to the media volume with a limited number of files, that are very big in size.

  • Help with build

    Hi all,
    I need a little help with building a new comp and any help will be appericiated.
    My wife is a video editor and she needs a new CPU.
    She is editing HD films from various cameras (she have several clients).
    The budget is around 1500-2000$ for the CPU without screens and software which she already owns.
    She is working with CS5.5 and using windows 7 pro 64bit.
    I read quite a lot in the past few days and I ended up more confused then I was, this is the setup which I thought of:
    CPU:       I was thinking about the i7 960 3.2 (310$) or the i7 2600k (330$).
    MB:         Asus p6x8D 1366 ddr 1600
    Graphics: Gigabyte nVidia GTX460 1gb gddr5 (210$) or gtx560(230$) the 570 is way off the budget (440$)
    BLURAY: Pioneer BDR-206
    RAM:      I don't know really.. I was thinking about 12gb but I am cluless about it.
    Power:     AX 850W Gold Active PFC 12cm Fan Modular (No particular reason, when I'll know my final setup I'll check the power I need with
    Case:      Antec / Thermaltake, No idea which model..
    OS HDD: I'm still puzzled weather to go for the small (60gb) ssd for the OS and programs or go for a 7200 rpm hd.
    HDD:       W.D Caviar black 1tb 7200 rpm, 64mb, Sata III * 4 with raid on board (Raid 0 or Raid 5?  - I'll save it for another thread).
    Coolers:   Help needed
    Any help will be more then welcomed.

    While waiting for a specific answer, you might read these recent discussions
    And one specific... SSD is high $$ and there is a thread concerning problems... forum search for ssd will find at least 2 message threads about using ssd or not

  • Need some URGENT help with 3 DVD mastering issues PLEASE! :

    Hi there,
    Firstly, I am running DVD SP 3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.7 on a G5 Dual 2 GHz 3Gb Ram plenty of HD space...
    I am creating a DVD with: An intro sequence, a main menu, 4 sub menus, and 4 sections with around 12 chapters each.
    I am having some big problems, and a pretty stuck. I will lest them separately below, numbered. If you are able to help, please refer clearly to which number you are helping with. Any help is MUCH appreciated! Many thanks!!
    1. Each of the 5 menus (1 main, 4 sub) have a background video, and a separate audio track. I added the background videos by simply dragging them to the assests panel, then from there onto the menu editor window. They are created in FCP and are properly encoded. However, when I click the motion button, or use the simulator, the videos do not show up. The music plays, but all i see is plain black.
    What is going on?!?!?!
    2. I am really struggling with rollover buttons. I have custom created buttons, and I wand them to have a soft red glow around them when hovered over. HOW ON EARTH DO I ACTUALLY DO THIS??
    The buttons are in photoshop so can be exported with/without background/glow in any format.
    3. Is it possible, once I have got the above rollover working, to have an image to the right hand side of my buttons which changes with the the button rollover. i.e. hover over button 1, see image 1. hover over button 2, image changes to image 2.
    PLEASE PLEASE give any help you can, I have a deadline coming up and am quite stumped. Thanks again!!

    I am still having problems regarding issue Number 1. PLEASE ANYONE HELP?!
    Sorry, I'm not sure about the motion menus. I avoid those whenever possible. But you might click on the menu in the storyline tab (whatever it's called -- the hierarchical view with the disc, tracks, slideshows, etc.) and look at the properties and see if there's anything you have to enable specifically for motion. And be sure the motion button is on on the main display/preview area, but it sounds like you already know how that works.
    For your information, here is a screen grab of the menu I am trying to create:
    I think it is obvious that when a button is hovered over, I want it to glow red, and the image to the right will change to match the respective button.
    First, your menus have to be layered menus. Unfortunately, there's no way to convert non-layered menus to layered menus, so if you already have non-layered, you'll have to just delete them and create new layered menus. The button (and menu item) to create a layered menu should be right by the normal new-menu item.
    Next, the graphical work is all in Photoshop.
    Side tip: You may already know this, but I found it's best to use 640x480 for the Photoshop document. When I do text and leave it as a text object in the Photoshop file, it resizes poorly in DVDSP. So this ends up being another 720x480 vs. 640x480 square/rectangular pixel conversion thing. DVDSP plays in the 640x480 world, at least as far as the designer can see. So I keep my images at 640x480, and it doesn't have to resize, and everything looks right.
    Moving on... Set up your basic background, the part that won't change (or will have other things covering it, like for your square image).
    Then put in all the buttons and images you'll be using, each part in a separate layer. This could have fifteen buttons (you have five buttons, and there can be three versions for each -- inactive, selected, and activated versions) and five or six square images (you said one for each button, and you might want a blank default if, say, you want to add a "back" button on the menu and want some blank or default image for the square when they're on the "back" button).
    Sometimes people don't bother with a separate "active" button state, but you usually want some visual feedback that they clicked the button. Also, I usually just build the default (unselected) button into the background; that's less hassle later on, and it will just draw the selected or activated buttons over that when the user is on that button.
    Line up all your buttons and images. All the square images lined up perfectly on top of each other, all the buttons in the right places (so you'll have three buttons stacked on top of each other in each spot). Give each layer a short but quickly recognizable name, and line them up in a consistent order. (button1-default, button1-selected, button1-active, button1-squarepicture, then button2-default, ... etc.) Photoshop and DVDSP don't care, but it makes it easier for you later.
    Note that earlier versions of DVDSP won't show Photoshop layer effects. (They handle layers, just not the effects, like inner glow, outer bezel, etc.) I don't remember when they changed this, but I think it was version 4.something. So if you're using that method to make your buttons glow, you may have to flatten each selected or active button layer, and you may even need to create a dummy blank layer underneath it first to give it something to flatten onto.
    Save the file as a standard Photoshop file (.psd). Drag the file onto your DVDSP layered menu and set it as the background.
    Now, in DVDSP, create all your buttons. Just drag boxes over/around the button pictures you have. Feel free to make them extra-big; users won't see the actual area you've selected, and bigger areas makes it easier for people to hit them if they're using a mouse on a computer to watch the DVD. You can point the buttons to their targets now if you want, and set the end jumps on the tracks if you want. (I tend to set the end jumps on the tracks so they automatically select the button for the next track.)
    Now's the fun part, since it will actually hook everything up and should be easy if your naming layer order were consistent. Click on the layered menu (in that hierarchical view) and look at the properties window. (Sorry I can't remember the technical names for all these windows; I'm doing this all from memory. So feel free to ask more questions if you can't find what I'm talking about.) One of the properties tabs should have a grid of checkboxes with a list of your layers. Make sure the background is checked for all of the states. Then check the layers you want to show for each button state, as well as the corresponding square image to show for each.
    Again, I'm doing this from memory, and I can't remember exactly how things are listed in that grid. But I remember it keeps your layers in the same order you put them in the Photoshop file and shows you those names, so it should make it easy to go down the list and check the right boxes.
    And another side tip: You can update the Photoshop file, but once you've put it in DVDSP, if you change the layer order, it will screw up the check boxes you checked. It always shows you the layer names correctly, but it keeps the checkboxes in DVDSP simply assigned to the layer number, so the fifth layer will keep the same checkboxes even if you juggle them so some other layer is now the fifth layer. So if you do juggle the layers in Photoshop, go back and fix the checkbox list in DVDSP.
    I put a sample Photoshop file based on yours in
    It's quick and dirty, but shows the layer layout, and you should be able to drop it on DVDSP to play with. (I also won't leave it there forever, maybe a few weeks, so anybody reading this in a month or more probably will get a 404 for that url.)
    Again, doing this from memory, so feel free to ask if anything doesn't work or doesn't make sense.
    G4/dual867   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   2GB/0.8TB

  • Help with e-mailing a form

    Hi, i am new to the forum and I just put up a new wesite for
    my company since the other one was outdated. I look around the
    forum to see what previous post could help me but no such luck. I
    am using Dreamweaver 8 and I need help with emailing a form.
    Here is the code of the form page and the script
    Can someone help me?

    The form needs to submit to a page that will have the email
    processing code
    on it. What you put there will depend on how you are sending
    the mail ..
    i.e. what server components are available to you on the
    server such as JMail
    or CFMail or PHPMail or ASPEMail .. etc. You already know
    what server model
    you are using and you should be able to find out what you
    have to work with
    on your host's web site.
    If this is not already an active web site with a server
    model, you can use
    something like Form Mail, a CGI script that will do that job
    for you ..
    available at
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004:
    A Beginner's
    Guide, Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "nitrodragon3000" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e8lsmd$151$[email protected]..
    > Hi, i am new to the forum and I just put up a new wesite
    for my company
    > since
    > the other one was outdated. I look around the forum to
    see what previous
    > post
    > could help me but no such luck. I am using Dreamweaver 8
    and I need help
    > with
    > emailing a form.
    > The website address is and the
    form is under quote
    > request.
    > Can someone help me?

  • Need help with XML transformation

    I am not sure this is the right place for this. But i will try it here. I am very troubled with my XSLT. Trying to transform a text Coupon which has the following html for it. So,
    _1. INPUT is:_
    This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :
    <p align="center">
    <p align="center">
    <p align="right">
    <b>also</b> whose <var>full_name</var> is Sadd Hossain
    <p align="left">
    <p align="left">
    He is a <font size="3">software </font><font size="4">engineer for</font><font size="5">
    *2. output needed  is:*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <TextMSG >
    This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :
    <TextMSG >
    <TextMSG align="center">
    <TextMSG >
    <TextMSG align="right" >
    also whose full_name is Sadd Hossain
    <TextMSG align="left" >
    He is a software engineer
    for S&H
    *3. XSLT for this*
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml"/>
    <xsl:template match="body">
    <xsl:for-each select="p">
    <!--xsl:if test="not[@align='']"-->
    <xsl:attribute name="align"><xsl:value-of select="@align"/></xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="font"><xsl:value-of select="@size"/></xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <xsl:for-each select="b">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    *4: the above xslt generating this output*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <POSMESSAGE><TextMSG align="" font="">
    This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="center" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="center" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="right" font="">
    also whose full_name is Sadd Hossain
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="left" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="left" font="">
    He is a software engineer
    for S&H
    *5: Need help with this. what should my xslt look like to get the desired output???????????????*
    any help or direction will be very much appreciated. Thank you_

    I have below suggestions:
    1. Please use code option given in message editor toolbar for posting any formatted content like XML, Java code snippet etc.
    2. replace & in your source XML with _& a m p ;_ (Without spaces, I have put spaces to make it visible here).
    3. I have modified your XSLT according output XML you have given. I am not sure what you want to do with some elements like <b>, <font>, <var> etc. change below XSLT as you require for these elements.
    Modified XSLT:
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
            <xsl:output method="xml"/>
         <xsl:template match="body">
                   <xsl:for-each select="p">
                             <xsl:if test=". != ''">
                                  <xsl:for-each select="@align">
                                       <xsl:attribute name="align">
                                            <xsl:value-of select="."></xsl:value-of>
                                  <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <TextMSG>This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :</TextMSG>
         <TextMSG align="center">Sadd</TextMSG>
         <TextMSG align="right">alsowhose full_name is Sadd Hossain</TextMSG>
         <TextMSG align="left">He is a softwareengineer forS&H</TextMSG>

  • In need of immediate help with FCP new user taking over colleagues position

    Good Morning. I am in urgent need of some help with a specific final cut pro question. My coworker and I have been working on a video project for our employer, a university. He ran the editor (FCP) and I ran the logistics of setting things up, keeping the contacts and scheduling, etc.
    He has left until late August and there are two major typos in his work which is posted to the web at the moment. I need to correct these typos and have less than a faint idea of how to do it.
    First of all, what is the file's last three letters? (.doc, .mov, etc...)
    Second, can I edit this as easily as I think I can? Just click in the text file along the bottom timeline and edit that way?
    How do I export the movie as an mp4 file after i have edited it.
    Anything else that would be deemed helpful is always appreciated!
    I really appreciate the help. I was never trained on this program because I never needed to be. Unfortunately, as it turns out, I did.
    Thanks for the help!

    You need to locate the Project file. Which will be somewhere in your colleague's User space.
    In the Finder, press command and F to activate the Find function.
    Make sure the following parameters are set:
    Search *This Mac* and Contents
    Kind is Documents
    Type the project name.
    The icon looks like this:
    Double click it to launch Final Cut Pro with the project.
    To locate the text overlay, click on the Timeline to make it active. Use the down arrow on your keyboard to jump from one cut to the next. The text overlay will look similar to this:
    Double click on the Text clip. This will place it in the Viewer (the left "monitor").
    Click the "Controls" tab above the Viewer and make your changes. Press Return.
    Clicking anywhere in the Timeline once more will update it.
    Make sure that no clips are selected and the Timeline is the active window.
    Go to the menu bar: File > Export > Using QuickTime Conversion.
    In the window that opens, make sure that Format is set to QuickTime Movie.
    Click the Options button. Look at the top of the next window.
    Does it say Compression Setting: H264? If it does, great.
    If not, click the settings button and choose H264 from the *Compression Type* button.
    At bottom left, drag the Quality slider to Best. Click OK.
    This brings you back to the previous window.
    Click on Size if you need to change something -there are a number of presets, but you can choose a custom size if you wish. Click OK.
    That window is dismissed and returns you to the Save dialog.
    Type a name and choose a destination for your file.
    Message was edited by: Nick Holmes

  • Help with editing a cell in a JTable. DESPERATE

    Hi! Is there someone out there that could help with some source code for editing a cell in my JTable when I run it as an applet??
    It works fine when I run it as an application.
    I manage to select the row and write a number in it, but I can't get out of the cell (it seems that the program stops??). I want to enter an integer in a cell and when I click enter or with the mouse in an other cell the value that I enter should update some other cell( multiply the entered value with some fixed number and update a cell in a second coloumn)
    I am really desperate now..... I have thought about using a MouseListener....
    I am using a tablemodel that is from AbstractTableModel.

    Are you using some cell editors?
    While converting inside them, you might be getting some exceptions (like parseexception)which is stopping you from proceeding further.
    Are you using your own tablemodel with custom datatypes?
    Hope this helps,

  • I cannot download updates to Photoshop Elements 9.  I get an error message that my serial number is not recognized or eligible.  Can you help with this?

    I cannot download updates to Photoshop Elements 9.  I get an error message that my serial number is not recognized or eligible.  Can you help with this?

    Which operating system are you running on?
    What updates are you trying to download?
    The last update was 9.0.3 - check by loading the editor and going to Help -> About Photoshop Elements
    The last supported Camera raw is ACR 6.5 - check by loading the editor and going to Help -> About Plug-ins -> Camera Raw
    Do you have a reason to update?

  • Help with Scrolling Text Item.

    Hi , need help with making a text item scrollable.
    i.e. A field is 30 characters and i can only display 10
    characters, now what I would like is a scroll bar under the text
    Is this possible. I am using Forms 5.
    Thanx for any help.
    Pankaj Patel.

    Petr Valouch (guest) wrote:
    : Pankaj Patel (guest) wrote:
    : : Hi , need help with making a text item scrollable.
    : : i.e. A field is 30 characters and i can only display 10
    : : characters, now what I would like is a scroll bar under the
    : text
    : : item.
    : : Is this possible. I am using Forms 5.
    : : Thanx for any help.
    : : Pankaj Patel.
    : Hi
    : You need that scrollbar under the item? You can set length
    : text item and its size independently, so you can have text
    : char(30) with size of 10 characters.
    An alternative is to declare the item as a multi-line text item
    with wrap set on. This would give you a vertical scroll bar on
    the item.
    Another option is to programmaticaly pop up an Editor, each time
    focus is moved to the item, or to actually change the width of
    the item when focus moves to it (and shrink it back when focus
    moves away.
    Simon Hedges

  • Search help with programming

    Can any one give example for search help with Programming?
    I hope we can create search help with help of coding.
    With Regards,Jaheer.

    yes u can create search help by using match code in programs
    for eq
    go with abap editor se 38
    provide the name of program
    parameters : vendor like lfa1-lifnr matchcode object yzob.
    double click on yzob
    provide description for search help
    provide selection method
    provide search help parameter
    enable check box for import and export
    provide lpos
    save check activate
    press f4 for check and import values i.e it will display a records list available in database table
    rewards points please

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Ability to change Network Header Number

    Hi Can someone please tell me if there is a way to change the network header number (regardless of the status).  I am looking initially for something similar to how you can change the project definition (field is open) or an appropriation request whe