Help with email script

I am trying to create a script that will automatically send an email with information contained in a text file and the name of the text file changes daily based on the date. Currently the script is just sending the attachment and I couldn't figure out how
to use a wildcard to change the name of the file daily. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Dim ToAddress
Dim FromAddress
Dim MessageSubject
Dim MyTime
Dim MessageBody
Dim MessageAttachment
Dim ol, ns, newMail
MyTime = Now
ToAddress = "email@email"
MessageSubject = "Subject line"
MessageBody = "See attachment" 
MessageAttachment = "I:\Check 21 Report_*.txt"
Set ol = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set ns = ol.getNamespace("MAPI")
Set newMail = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.Subject = MessageSubject
newMail.Body = MessageBody & vbCrLf & MyTime

There are (almost) no wildcards in VBScript. You need to obtain the file name yourself, using code like this:
sFolder = "I:\"
Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder)
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
    WScript.Echo oFile.Path
Have a look at script56.chm (downloadable from the Microsoft site) and at the script repository in order to find out more about the file system object.

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    do shell script cmd
    results in the following error:
    error "hdiutil: mount failed - not recognized" number 1
    I'm not very experienced regarding AppleScript or using hdiutil, could somebody point out what's wrong with my script?
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    Does anybody have any suggestions on this script? Also, I've seen some tips regarding detecting which wireless network the Mac is connected to, which could work, but what about when connected via Ethernet?

    Edit: I need to clarify on my first script request:
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  • Need help with python script for Deluge

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    torrenttimedelta=`/usr/bin/python2 /home/bobby/scripts/deluge/ $1`
    subject="Started download new torrent!"
    message="$torrentname to $torrentpath"
    echo -e `date`"::Finished downloading torrent:$2 in: $3" with id:$torrentid >> ~/logs/scripts.log
    echo -e `sendEmail -t [email protected] -f [email protected] -u "deluge server notification: torrent $torrentname is complete!" -m "$torrentname has completed downloading at: $torrentpath and took $torrenttimedelta to complete :)" -xu [email protected] -xp password -v -o tls=yes -s` >> ~/logs/scripts.log
    echo ---------------------------------------- >> ~/logs/scripts.log
    This is to email me when a torrent is done and works. What I wanted to add to this email was the time taken to complete the torrent. I have gotten help from Deluge forum in this thread: … =9&t=36989  However I think it's something with Python within Arch that is the obstacle, and so that helpful person can't do much more IMO. The python script I'm using is:
    from deluge.ui.client import client
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    d = client.connect()
    def on_connect_success(result):
    print "Connection was successful!"
    def on_get_torrent_value(value):
    for torrent in value:
    print "%s: %s" % (torrent, value[torrent]["name"])
    client.core.get_torrents_status({}, ["name"]).addCallback(on_get_torrent_value)
    def on_connect_fail(result):
    print "Connection failed!"
    print "result:", result
    Now if I call this from shell directly, it works. However, including it with my email script at the top, Deluge itself freezes and no email is sent. I run ps aux | grep deluge and I can see that the script has run, but apparently died and all is just hanging. I kill the script process and Deluge resumes just fine, the email is sent. Kinda confused how to remedy this, appreciate any help Thanks
    P.S. When I get the email, the part that says ""$torrentname has completed downloading at: $torrentpath and took $torrenttimedelta to complete "" shows nothing where $torrenttimedelta should be, it just says "and took to complete"

    [edit]  Sorry, I don't use deluge and I messed up my test script. If the script is executable try `/home/bobby/scripts/deluge/ $1`
    Are there any other errors? or try running bash with debug output to see if it will tell you something else
    The problem you are having is bash doesn't recognize variables inside the tick marks.
    Hope that helps
    Last edited by rickeyski (2011-07-05 19:27:36)

  • I need help with this script please ASAP

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    The script (Sorry if it's a bit long):
    display dialog "Social Studies Exchange Trviva Game by Justin Parzik" buttons {"Take the Quiz", "Cyaaaa"} default button 1
    set Lolz to (button returned of the result)
    if Lolz is "Cyaaaa" then
    else if Lolz is "Take the Quiz" then
              do shell script "say -v samantha Ok starting in 3…2…1…GO!"
    #------------Question 1-----------
              display dialog "Around age 11, many boys left their fathers to become…" buttons {"Scholars", "Warriors", "Apprentices"}
              set A1 to (button returned of the result)
              if A1 is "Apprentices" then
                        do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                        do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 2--------
                        display dialog "Most children were taught
    to read so that they could understand the…" buttons {"Music of Mozart", "Bible", "art of cooking"}
                        set A2 to (button returned of the result)
                        if A2 is "Bible" then
                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #------------Question 3---------
                                  display dialog "In the 1730s and 1740s, a religious movement called the_______swept through the colonies." buttons {"Glorius Revolution", "Great Awakening", "The Enlightenment"}
                                  set A3 to (button returned of the result)
                                  if A3 is "Great Awakening" then
                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #-----------Question 4--------
                                            display dialog "_______ was
    a famous American Enlightenment figure." buttons {"Ben Franklin", "George Washington", "Jesus"}
                                            set A4 to (button returned of the result)
                                            if A4 is "Ben Franklin" then
                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 5-------
                                                      display dialog "______ ownership gave colonists political rights as well as prosperity." buttons {"Land", "Dog", "Slave"}
                                                      set A5 to (button returned of the result)
                                                      if A5 is "Land" then
                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 6--------
                                                                display dialog "The first step toward guaranteeing these rights came in 1215. That
    year, a group of English noblemen forced King John to accept the…" buttons {"Declaration of Independence", "Magna Carta", "Constitution"}
                                                                set A6 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                if A6 is "Magna Carta" then
                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 7--------
                                                                          display dialog "England's cheif lawmaking body was" buttons {"the Senate", "Parliament", "King George"}
                                                                          set A7 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                          if A7 is "Parliament" then
                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 8-----
                                                                                    display dialog "Pariliament decided to overthrow _______ for not respecting their rights" buttons {"King James II", "King George", "King Elizabeth"}
                                                                                    set A8 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                    if A8 is "King James II" then
                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 9------
                                                                                              display dialog "Parliament named ___ and ___ as England's new monarchs in something called ____." buttons {"William/Mary/Glorius Revolution", "Adam/Eve/Great Awakening", "Johhny/Mr.Laphalm/Burning of the hand ceremony"}
                                                                                              set A9 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                              if A9 is "William/Mary/Glorius Revolution" then
                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 10-----
                                                                                                        display dialog "After accepting the throne William and Mary agreed in 1689 to uphold the English Bill of _____." buttons {"Money", "Colonies", "Rights"}
                                                                                                        set A10 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                        if A10 is "Rights" then
                                                                                                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 11------
                                                                                                                  display dialog "By the late 1600s French explorers had claimed the ___ River Valey" buttons {"Mississippi", "Ohio", "Hudson"}
                                                                                                                  set A11 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                  if A11 is "Ohio" then
                                                                                                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #------Question 12---------
                                                                                                                            display dialog "______ was sent to ask the French to leave 'English Land'." buttons {"Johhny Tremain", "George Washington", "Paul Revere"}
                                                                                                                            set A12 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                            if A12 is "George Washington" then
                                                                                                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 13-------
                                                                                                                                      display dialog "_____ proposed the Albany Plan of Union" buttons {"George Washingon", "Ben Franklin", "John Hancock"}
                                                                                                                                      set A13 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                      if A13 is "Ben Franklin" then
                                                                                                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 14------
                                                                                                                                                display dialog "The __________ declared that England owned all of North America east of the Mississippi" buttons {"Proclomation of England", "Treaty of Paris", "Pontiac Treaty"}
                                                                                                                                                set A14 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                if A14 is "" then
                                                                                                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #-------Question 15-------
                                                                                                                                                          display dialog "Braddock was sent to New England so he could ______" buttons {"Command an attack against French", "Scalp the French", "Kill the colonists"}
                                                                                                                                                          set A15 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                          if A15 is "Command an attack against French" then
                                                                                                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
                                                                                                                                                                    display dialog "____ is the name of the teacher who runs this class." buttons {"Mr.White", "Mr.John", "Paul Revere"} default button 1
                                                                                                                                                                    set LOOL to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                                    if LOOL is "Mr.White" then
                                                                                                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Congratulations…you…have…common…sense"
                                                                                                                                                                              do shell script "say -v alex Do…you…have…eyes?"
                                                                                                                                                                              display dialog "I hope you enjoyed the quiz!" buttons {"I did!", "It was horrible"}
                                                                                                                                                                              set endmenu to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                                              if endmenu is "I did!" then
                                                                                                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Your awesome"
                                                                                                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v alex Go outside and run a lap"
                                                                                                                                                                              end if
                                                                                                                                                                    end if
                                                                                                                                                          end if
                                                                                                                                                end if
                                                                                                                                      end if
                                                                                                                            end if
                                                                                                                  end if
                                                                                                        end if
                                                                                              end if
                                                                                    end if
                                                                          end if
                                                                end if
                                                      end if
                                            end if
                                  end if
                        end if
              end if
    end if

    Use code such as:
    display dialog "Around age 11, many boys left their fathers to become…" buttons {"Scholars", "Warriors", "Apprentices"}
    set A1 to (button returned of the result)
    if A1 is "Apprentices" then
    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
    end if
    #----------Question 2--------
    display dialog "Most children were taught to read so that they could understand the…" buttons {"Music of Mozart", "Bible", "art of cooking"}
    set A2 to (button returned of the result)
    if A2 is "Bible" then
    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
    end if

  • NEED a java coder to help with a script for a programs of mine.

    I play a game, very competitively, and need someone to make and compile a script for me. I am willing to pay upwards of 100 USD for this script made to MY standards. There will be a lot of work involved...Probably 12 hours studying my game and the purpose of the script(s). I will be buying 2-3 scripts, at roughly 50-100 USD each, depending on the quality. I will transfer the money via paypal, or other means if we can reach an agreement.
    Please IM me at Chadtrapier on AIM or send an email to [email protected]
    Or...Add me on MSN - [email protected]
    We can reach an agreement with these scripts...
    Thank you, I will also check this thread, so reply if you would like.

    Ummm. Do you think that's a lot of money or something? Think in the range of 40-60 per hour. And if you're talking about warcraft I don't think they java hooks to make bots. I think you need to figure out what your problem is first and maybe learn to code them yourself.

  • Can anyone help with email in my old G4 17"  ??

    My G4 17", bought December 2004, is considered an antique by Apple, and no longer supported. (I now mostly use my early 2011 MacBookPro.)
    But the big screen on by G4 is very useful for Sibelius 4, the music program I mostly use (Sibelius 7 in the MacBookPro - but much too fussy for me.)
    Sibelius 4 in the G4 continues to work flawlessly.
    But my email account recently sort of died. It's  POP account (whatever that means). I can no longer receive messages, BUT I can still create and
    send new messages, and of course forward any saved message to myself in the MacBookPro.
    ALSO:  if I have to shut down the G4, it usually reopens with a horizontally divided display, and it usually takes many restarts before it will open
    will a full screen display (seems to reopen correctly more often if left in a cool place overnight.)
    Can anyone help with one or both these issues? I want to keep the G4 going as long as I can.  BTW, I don't use it for browsing anyone, Safari installed,
    because it is now so slow. The MacBookPro handles all that for me.
    Thanks very much, James Johnson in Plattsburgh NY (where it is still cold and wintry, o f--k)

    To RCCHARLES: THANKS !!!!  I did the safe boot start, following the link you provided, then waited, and waited, and waited, and ---
    Well that is interesting. Amoung other things safe boot does:
    -- check and fixes up your file system.  The files system allows you to keep files on your harddrive.
    -- Does all video rendering in software.
    You could have a one time glitch or harddrive is slowly failing.  If you never replaced the harddrive, it is time for a new one.
    You may want to consider getting a new harddrive.  The easiest way is to get an external drive.  No disassembly of the machine is required.
    You need an external Firewire drive to boot a PowerPC Mac computer [ a few G5's will boot from USB ].
    I recommend you do a google search on any external harddrive you are looking at.
    I bought a low cost external drive enclosure. When I started having trouble with it, I did a google search and found a lot of complaints about the drive enclosure. I ended up buying a new drive enclosure. On my second go around, I decided to buy a drive enclosure with a good history of working with Macs. The chip set seems to be the key ingredient. The Oxford line of chips seems to be good. I got the Oxford 911.
    I'd give OWC a call. 1-815-338-8685.
    FireWire 800 + USB 3, + eSATA
    save a little money interface:
    FireWire 400 + USB 2.0
    This web page lists both external harddrive types. You may need to scroll to the right to see both.
         (2) FireWire 800/400 Ports (Up to 100MB/s / 50MB/s)
         (1) USB 3.0 Port (Up to 500MB/s / 60MB/s)
         (1) eSATA Port (Up to 300MB/s)
    Has a combo firewire 800/400 port.  Not sure what this is.  Looks like you will  need 400 cable.

  • Help with Apple Script Code

    I found this Apple script online and here's how it works:
    tell application "QuickTime Player"
    if not (exists document 1) then display dialog "Please open a QuickTime movie." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with icon 1
    set thefile to (choose file name)
    save document 1 in thefile
    close document 1
    end try
    end tell
    +I run the Apple script+
    *1. It prompts me to open a movie file in Quicktime*
    +I open a movie in Quicktime+
    *2. It prompts me for an name and directory to save the new file in*
    +I enter a name and directory+
    *3. It saves a new reference movie in said directory with said name*
    This is useful if I want to customize every file, but unfortunately, I just want to mass create reference movies for a whole bunch of files.
    What I am looking for is for an Apple script that is a drag and drop application, so I can drop say 100 movie files or so, and have the Apple script create reference movie files with the same name and in the same directory automatically with no prompts.
    Since I am unfamiliar with Apple script I was wondering if someone would be able to edit my existing script to do what I want.
    Thanks so much for your help!

    Use Automator. It's great for repetitious tasks (like the one you've described), and it's very user-friendly. Open Automator, create a new workflow that executes the action you want, and you can apply that action to the resources you wish to edit.
    Good resource here:

  • Help with simple script

    I was wondering if someone could help me with a simple bit of action script 3. I need to make a movie clip (single_mc) disappear when the user clicks on the mouse (stop_btn). Here’s what I have so far.
    function setProperty(event:MouseEvent):void
    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setProperty);
    Also I was wonder if you could recommend an Action script 3 book for me. I would like one that is not a training book, but has situations and then the script written out. For example: I click a button and a movie symbol disappears from the stage. I am a graphic artist, that from time to time, needs simple interaction in flash, but cant justify the time to learn the script.
    Thanks for your time

    use the snippets panel to help with you with sample code for basic tasks.
    function setProperty(event:MouseEvent):void
    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setProperty);

  • Help with sizing script

    I found a script online that turns my images into a square (by extending the canvas size of the short side to match the length of the long side) which is awesome, but I would like to do an additional step and I have no scripting experience so hopefully someone can help.
    now that my images are square I want to set a maximum dimension of 2500x2500 px, i have found scripts to set a resolution to a specific size but what I want to make sure I avoid is upsampling, so I just want any image larger than 2500x2500 px to down sample to 2500x2500 px
    any knowledge on the code for this would be much appreciated.
    When I am at the machine with the script I currently use I will paste it here in the meantime if you know something about scaling images down but preventing scaling them up I could probably chimp with the code I have and make it work.

    Photoshop shipts with a plug-in script that will do that for you. its found under menu File>Automate>Fit Image. Set both width and height to 2500 and check do not resize images that fit so your small square images will not be resized up in size.  You could also just create an action that uses both scripts
    step 1 menu File>Scripts>Make canvas Square.
    setp 2 menu File>Automate>Fit Image.  The 2500 x 2500 no upsize option settings will be recorded into the step and when the action is used its dialog will be bypassed and the recorded settings will ne used.
    You can then batch the action using menu file>Automate>Batch or menu File>Scripts>Image Processor.

  • Help with Indesign script

    Would anyone be willing to help me with a script? I need to Find the first table using "ERTStyle1" table style, convert it to text, change the text style to "Tabfix" paragraph style, then convert it back into a table using the table style "ERTStyle2" convert the top row to a header. It needs to repeat this process until there are no tables left using the "ERTStyle1" table style.
    I think I could almost do this myself using VBScript, but I am relatively new to scripting, and to be honest, I am hoping I can use this script to jump start my knowledge of VB in Indesign.

    So all of this is just to set the column widths to the sizes pre-defined in a paragraph style, i.e., always the same?
    I feel like I almost could do that in VB!
    But in Javascript, all it needs is sth in the ilk of
    var myWidths = [ 10, 50, 100, 50, 12 ]; // in whatever units you fancy
    var myTable = app.activeDocument.stories[0].tables[0];  // (just grabbing some table)
    for (i=0; i<myTable.columns.length; i++)
    myTable.columns[i].width = myWidths[i % myWidths.length];
    .. and the most interesting thing here (written from top of my head) is the "myWidths" lookup: it doesn't matter how many columns there are in this table, 'cause the widths array wraps around. (But you won't need this because you know all of your widths in advance.)

  • Can anyone help with the scripting on this file?

    Hi, I hope someone with a bigger brain can help me out here.
    I've got an existing Flash CS3 file that makes up the result at
    The client has asked if I could add an extra tab at the top after 'Reconnecting' called 'Contact Us' with link to an extra page. All the design has been done in ActionScript 2 with references to XML files for the dynamic content because it's been done in other languages as well.
    I've amended the existing XML file with the correct references for a new page and an accompanying .swf file to play in the animation area.
    I've attempted a .fla version where I duplicated one of the existing tabs script, changed the XML references and changed the variables where necessary to 'con or 'Con' (representing Contact Us). Unfortunately it made the tab menu go completely off the page and was obviously wrong in some way.
    Can anyone give me a clue as to what to change here on the original file as I'm a bit of a novice with ActionScripts, hence me asking.
    For reference I've attached HTML files with the original file scripts and my incorrect version. The  timeline is 103 frames with the scripts placed at frame 1 and 102

    The buttons are all created using the same library object (but MC), except for the code you have in the revised file does not call on that for the con button.
    You have it calling on something with a linkage name of "con", which a quick check tells me doesn't exist--so it is undefined in the code when you try to use it.  I found this by using trace(newConBut._x); after its _x value was assigned, as I mentioned you should try.   So the first thing you want to do is change the following line from...
    var newConBut = _root.attachMovie("con", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
    var newConBut = _root.attachMovie("but", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
    so that it uses the but MC that serves that purpose in the library.  Then you want to correct the _x assignment of the buttons to what I think you had earlier...
    newConBut._x = 650-newConBut._width;
    newRecBut._x = newConBut._x-newRecBut._width;
    Here is a picture of what those changes do (note, without the XML file I had to finagle things just to work, so the biutton labels aren't what they will be)...

  • Help With dynamic scripting for Dervied Property

    I am trying to get the the list of child nodes and then loopthorugh those nodes to do some calculation in a derived propety using dynamic scripting. I tried with below script.
    var childEnumerator = node.GetChildEnumerator();
        var propValue = childEnumerator.GetCurrent().PropValue("Custom.Salary");
    While Evaluating this script I am getting below mentioned error. Any idea what i am missing here?
    DRM-16008: There was an error calculating Script property Custom.TotalSalaryExp for EMP_Zone/Emp/PPD1: TypeError: 'GetChildEnumerator' is not a function
    Please help me out. thanks fr your co-operation

    Try this instead...
    var childEnumerator = node.GetChildEnumerator();
    while(childEnumerator.GetCurrent() != null)
        var propValue = childEnumerator.GetCurrent().PropValue("Custom.Salary");

  • Help with formula script

    Hi guys,
    I need some scripting help with a formula I am trying to create. Basically, the RWDerived property should replace the Spaces in the descrption of a node with an underscore "_". The description property is the system description property. Thanks.
    -- Adi

    From the user guide:
    "The ReplaceStr function, which requires parameters for the old and new pattern, can take
    comma, space, tab, crlf, cr, lf, openparen, or closeparen, in square brackets ([]), in
    addition to normal text strings."
    It's much better to use "[space]" in your formula so that it won't break if someone edits it and changes the way whitespace is handled down the road. That checkbox is such an annoyance!

  • Please help with email and synching

    Hoping someone could help with my email!! I have my show filed messages to off. So, when I go in the hub and click my one email account, it shows all my filed emails, such as a folder named old mail. Now, I can fix this by clicking on the dropdown and click inbox, then it shows just my inbox and no filed messages. But if I get a text or FB and enter that in the hub, then click back in the email account it then shows all my filed messages. I just want to see my inbox and that is it! Why is this not working right? I'm on 10.1 and using Microsoft Exchange. I have my old mail being synced, but I don't want to see my old mail. It's literally thousands of emails.  If I unsych old mail then it is fine...but if I want to file something to the old mail file, then the whole thing sychs again and shows all my filed messages.
    I don't know why this is becoming so difficult, but I just can't continue with my email folder showing all of these folders I don't want to see. The email is hard enough without seeing a line of the body of the email and only the subject....this is making it even more crazy for me. I really want to stick it out....but not sure if I can...and I want to. Is this a bug or just the new way BB handles email.  Assuming its a bug being I have filed messages not to be seen.

    Finally, this plug-in is ready for beta testing on
    Thank you all who have participated in this program.

  • Help with email alignment

    Hi Guys, looking for some help with center alignment of an email.
    Its center aligning fine in dreamweaver preview and in the preview of mail chimp, but when I sent it to Gmail it's aligned to the left.
    Any ideas why this is?
    Bear in mind im a rookie in coding and Dreamweaver.
    Hope the code below helps...

    Thanks for responing!
    Removing display: inline-table; worked!
    Its now center aligned.
    Cheers osgood_

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