Is there a way to have an HTTP BUTTON that when the user clicks, Saves the PDF (“Save” or “Save As”) the PDF, then open the “Contact us” page on a website and the path is inserted in the upload path.  The “Contact us” page is run by formmail.v50

Yes, maybe.  You've got a complex series of actions there, and whether or not they can be done depends on the details.
First, there is a PostSubmit event, so yes, there is a place to put the code that will implement these operations.
Next, if the form is Enabled for Save in Reader then it can be saved locally, but this operation can only be done silently from a privileged context, which a form script is not.  But you can display a SaveAs dialog to the user and let them save it.
And finally, a script can open a web page with the app.launchURL() function.  But it can't directly access a field on that page.  There are several ways around this. For example, if that page was a server script that accepted query parameters then you could pass the path by tacking it onto the end of the URL.  Another option would be build the URL that the web page creates when the user presses the upload button and pass this into app.launchURL.  There are also other ways. But they get pretty complex and depend largely on the specific workflow, for example you could use the HostContainer object in Acrobat JavaScript.  .  
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often
Then most important JavaScript Development tool in Acrobat
The Console Window (Video tutorial)
The Console Window(article)

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    rpofclt wrote:
    > Hello,
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    you can't use the button itself if you want to maintain the
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    Best Regards
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    First, hopefully having all your code mushed onto the same line is a copy/paste error, otherwise it should look like...
    btn_recipe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
    function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
         gotoAndStop(1, "Recipe");
    If the intention is to click the buttons to make them work, then you should use CLICK instead of MOUSE_DOWN.  MOUSE_DOWN can be a persistent state whereas CLICK involves releasing it afterwards.
    As for the code to get you back home, where is it located on the timeline?  Are you getting any error messages when you try to use it?
    One thing you should learn to use is the trace() function.  It is useful for troubleshooting.  You can use it now to see if your second button is talking to the function at all...
    btn_home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouse5DownHandler);
    function mouse5DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
         trace("the button works okay");
         gotoAndPlay(1, "MainMenu");
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    Most folks here will recommend you get away from using scenes in a design that includes navigation--they have a history of being problematic.  Instead of using scenes, divide the one main timeline up into sections or use movieclips for the sections and manage their visibility... or do a bit of both.

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    I have a feeling that I've missed something obvious.
    I've created a movie clip to act as a button (I've called it
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    My main movie has one frame.
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    Technically, default button state, rollover state and rollout
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    FRAME 01.
    Default button state is one frame with a graphic of the
    button. Just a label at the start ("abs_up") and a "stop();" action
    at the end.
    FRAME 02 to 31.
    Rollover state is a 30 frame animation. Label at start
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    FRAME 32 to 62.
    Rollout state is a 30 frame animation. Label at start
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    All animations were achieved with tweens.
    My initial "abs_button" code:
    on (release) {
    getURL("targetPage.htm", "_self");
    on (rollOver) {
    gotoAndPlay("abs_button", "abs_over");
    on (rollOut) {
    gotoAndPlay("abs_button", "abs_out");
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    I've tried for 2 days to solve this, but I clearly need help.
    My experiments with variables simply didn't work.
    I would be grateful if someone could tell me where I'm going

    use this:
    on (rollOver) {
    Since the code is attached directly to the movieclip, you
    don't have to
    identify the clip. A gotoAndPlay() function takes a frame
    number or a
    frame label name as its argument, never the name of the clip
    contains the frame number or name.
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

  • UWL - Help with Decision Buttons

    Hello SDNers,
    I'm customizing the UWL iView to show approval itens only, and their respective decision buttons.
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    Where "reject" is the name I gave to the action.
    It also happens with the approval action.
    Below is the XML I've created.
    Does someone have a clue in what that message means, or what I've done wrong?
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi There,
    Make sure that your decisionKeys are correct.  I have seen issues with this many times.  Log on to the backend system and call  SAP_WAPI_DECISION_READ or SWK_DECISION READ for a specific workitem  (You can get the details of the workitem id from the support information on the UWL - enable this and you can check this specific workitem)  The decision key is an internal value (typically a numeric value) corresponding to the selected decision used by the provider.
    You will need to ensure that you have x amount of decisions configured in the xml file, where x = the amount of decisions configured in the backend system.
    For additional help with this topic please see the userDecision Action Handler documentation:
    Beth Maben
    EP - Senior Support Consultant II
    AGS Primary Support
    Global Support Centre Ireland
    Please see the UWL Wiki @  ***

  • Little bit of help[ with a button.

    Good day all!
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    come up, like a "ALT" box. Or have an image in the "ALT" box?
    I know how to do this in "Flash" i.e just drop in the image
    on the over state of the button event. Easy as pie! This is why I
    cant get to grips with Dreamweaver! I hate it!
    But I am willing to learn and maybe in time love???
    Thanks all!

    "satrop" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f0o4t7$954$[email protected]..
    > Good day all!
    > I need help making a button. This is what I want to
    > I have a bunch of text, One of the words "merino" is
    bule as to say there
    > is a
    > link hear! And I want an image of the "merino" to come
    up, like a "ALT"
    > box.
    > I know how to do this in "Flash" i.e just drop in the
    image on the over
    > state
    > of the button event. Easy as pie! This is why I cant get
    to grips with
    > Dreamweaver! I hate it!
    > But I am willing to learn and maybe in time love???
    HTML is a lot different from Flash! :-)
    I believe you could do this using DW's Show-Hide layer
    behavior - have
    mousing over the link trigger a layer with the image to
    appear. Someone else
    may have a better idea.
    Just FYI, having to mouse over a link in order to get more
    information about
    it isn't usually appreciated by users. You *might* want to
    re-think this
    Patty Ayers | Adobe Community Expert
    Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate

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    Just some simple action script will help and be much
    appreciated if someone can give me it.
    Basically i have a question to ask which requires radio
    buttons to answer the question.
    I have a question and the answers are A, B, C, D.
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    A to equal 1
    B to equal 2
    C to equal 3
    D to equal 4
    E to equal 5
    Would someone be able to tell me how to set up the radio
    button so that the value of the radio button is stored into an
    array called SCORE.
    i dont need a tutor for arrays, i can do them, i just need
    help with the radio buttons so a reference to an array would be
    enough, eg how to store the answer from the radio button in an
    Thank you

    Place the radio buttons on the stage and set their parameters
    to what you need. Make sure that for each group of radio buttons
    you give them the same group name. Then you could use something
    like this:
    var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
    var answerArr:Array = new Array(); = function(eventObj:Object) {
    radioGroup.addEventListener("click", listenerObject);
    radioGroup refers to the group name for the buttons. will refer to the actual radio button

  • Help with Social buttons ...

    I'm designing a muse site with social buttons that are created when you embed code from a site such as facebook, and others. They look like this on my site ...
    I would like to build a 'social' area on my site that looks like this instead ...
    So, to clarify when my user clicks on the 'f' in the lower of the two graphics above I'd like my website to behave as if the user had clicked on the 'f share' icon generated by the embedded html from facebook.
    Many Thanks!

    Hi Gary
    This would be a customization with codes for share.
    You can use Share This and use the embed code for the same view that you have mentioned , which will allow users to share the page where you will insert the code.
    - Select Website
    - Select the layout
    - Generate the code

  • Need help with encore buttons - highlights

    Hi All
    I am seeking help with Encode CS5. I have a project working fine except that I dont have highlights for buttons, at least I think thats what its called. So when the mouse or remote control navigates up/down toa button it changes colour.
    In the properties of my button, the highlight option is greyed out.
    How do I apply highlights ?
    many thanks
    Chris Anderson

    Hi Bill
    Thanks for your reply.
    Here are 2 screen prints. One from encore the other from photoshop.
    First time I have inserted images, and they seem a little small on this message - if you have any problems reading I could email to you.
    I have highlighted the first button - which is called 'Highlights' - same issue with all the other buttons.
    Do you have to use photoshop to add highlighting? or can you do this in encore - i dont have much experience with photoshop.
    Not sure how to check 'Color Set' ? can you tell me how to get that for you - same for transparency for states? - I havent experienced them or changed them as I dont know how to
    Yes it was duplicated - have left a message not to reply
    Thanks again

  • Update-Help cmdlet not able to update the help with https protocol.

    Hi all,
    I am using powershell 3.0 and trying to implement this updatable feature for our custom powershell module. But I getting the below error:
    PS C:\Users\scorchsvc> update-help -Module <modulename> -Force
    update-help : Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'modulename' : HelpInfoURI does not start with http.
    At line:1 char:1
    + update-help -Module modulename-Force
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (HelpInfoUri:Uri) [Update-Help], Exception
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidHelpInfoUriFormat,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.UpdateHelpCommand
    I am able to get this work if I use "http". Error message clearly says that it only expects http. But in the Microsoft help topic for Update-Help cmdlet, it is mentioned that cmdlet works for both http and https both.
    Here are my enteries:
    •HelpInforURI entry in module manifest file is:
                        HelpInfoURI = ""
    •HelpContentURI in HelpInfo.xml file is:
                       <HelpContentURI> </HelpContentURI>
    I am running powershell as an administrator.
    I am not behind any proxy.
    Windows firewall is off.
    I am mentioning it AGAIN that I am ABLE to update help for our custom module if I use http in HelpInfoURI.
    I am also able to access the URI in IE with http/https.
    Can any one please help?
    Vinay Ravish

    Hi vinay,
    It seems the certificate issue.
    Please access HelpInfoURI = with https header to see if your computer could access that.
    If it doesn't work, add it to your trusted site and download to see if there is related certification on that website to download and install it to trusted root certificate for test.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Help with submit button, signatures and locking fields*4iV3VHnvUFXw
    Well here's a doozy for ya. I have no idea what I'm doing as you will be able to see when you look at my form.
    What I want to happen is to have the user fill out the form, choose the operations manager and select submit button associated with the drop down box. All other dropdown boxes and submit buttons should be hidden. I need the form to lock so there are no edits except the signature field, the next dropdown box and submit button. I'd like to customize the email with a specific subject line and specify the email address based on the person selected from the drop down box. I'd like this to repeat itself until there are no more signature fields left. It is very important that this document follow the order specified.
    I tried to use an example Niall put out there to use regular buttons as submit buttons with script. I changed a couple things and it worked to submit the form based on the person selected but I still do not know how to lock the fields. Long story short, I broke what did work and don't know how to do what I really want to do or fix what had once worked. I don't understand javascript so please, if you're willing to help teach me, be patient and spell it out like i'm speaking a foreign language.
    Oh boy, even I don't want to do this. What a mess!

    I believe that you should re-post this in either the Forms or the Designer forum.  You are more likely to get the right folks to look at it there.
    Generally this forum is for building custom Document Service Component (DSC) plugins that extend the LiveCycle ES server side product.

  • Need Help with Advanced Button Actions

    I am a brand new Captivate 5 user and I have created a image button that I want to have a double action. When the user clicks on the image button, I want it to SHOW a new button AND SHOW another image. I used the Advanced Actions but it does not work when I preview project.  Help!

    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    Did you assign the advanced action to the image button as Success action? And the new button + the image have to be on the same slide, but with the status Invisible. You can not show hidden objects that are sitting on another slide then the slide with the advanced action.
    If you want to have more information about advanced actions, I do blog a lot about them. Here is the link to my blog:

  • Help with nav buttons please

    Hey there, i've recently been following a tutorial and I have come across a problem with the AS for the nav buttons,, the tutorial says to write:
    btnabout.onRelease = function(){
    btnport.onRelease = function(){
    btncont.onRelease = function(){
    I have done this and it came with an error saying needs to be in handler, so i re-entered this:
    btnabout.on(release) = function(){
    btnport.on(release) = function(){
    btncont.on(release) = function(){
    This code then came back with a Expected a field name after '.' operator.  btnabout.on(release) = function(){ can anyone please help me i'm starting to pull hairs out?!
    P.S it must be AS 2.0 as that is what my portfolio page uses.

    The problem with the first attempt was not the code, but where you placed it.  That code needs to be placed on the timelinein the same frame as where the buttons are  (preferably in a separate 'actions' layer).  This approach is the better approach than trying to place the code on the objects because it keeps all code in a single easy to find location... the timeline.
    For the second attempt, assuming you were still trying to attach the code to the buttons, you should change the code to....
    on(release) {
    but.... each of those needs to be attached to the button associated with it and not grouped together.  This is an older style of coding that is best avoided due to ending up with code hiding on objects.

  • Help with flash buttons actionscript 2.0

    Help please, I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Each button has this script
    on (release) {
    Once they work I want to import them to dreamweaver.

    Do you happen to have any kind of rollover code tied to anything that is containing the buttons?  I don't see the sense in having Flash buttons unless you have some form of animation associated with them, possibly triggered by rollover interactions.  If so, the rollover may be blocking access to the on(release) interaction.

  • Help with dynamic button click inside titleWindow

    Hi Everyone, Your Help is much appreciated
    I am building a flex application and I want the user to click
    on a button and send them to another website. Basically I am
    creating a tileList that holds thumbnails (created using item
    renederer) and on click a popup with the same image and button will
    be created. I get errors when I click the link button. This is what
    I have so far:
    // This is my custom item renderer
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
    <mx:Image source="{data.@thumbnailImage}" />
    <mx:Label text="{data.@title}" />
    // My TileList
    <mx:TileList id="tileList"
    itemClick="tileList_itemClick(event);" />
    // This is my code
    private function tileList_itemClick(evt:ListEvent):void {
    // Set the TitleWindow
    myTitleWindow = new TitleWindow();
    myTitleWindow.title =;
    myTitleWindow.width = 350;
    myTitleWindow.height = 600;
    myTitleWindow.showCloseButton = true;
    // Set the Image
    img = new Image();
    img.maintainAspectRatio = true;
    img.buttonMode = true;
    img.useHandCursor = true;
    img.source =;
    img.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , image_click);
    //Set the Label
    myLabel = new Label();
    myLabel.text =;
    // Here I set the Button but its not functioning
    var btn:Button = new Button();
    btn.label =;
    btn.buttonMode = true;
    PopUpManager.addPopUp(myTitleWindow, this, true);
    // This is the Part I can't get it to work
    private function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
    var url:String = "
    http://" + data.@link;
    var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    My xml looks like this
    <image title="Image One"
    description = "Search Google"/>

    What error?
    Is your url being concatenated correctly? Trace it.

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