Need help with a button

I need help with a button. I created a button and set it up
so that when you click and hold it, the button becomes lighter in
color (I used Alpha). I want the button to stay this light color
after i release the click. Right now it goes back to the normal
color when I release the click. Can somone help we this?

rpofclt wrote:
> Hello,
> I need help with a button. I created a button and set it
up so that when you
> click and hold it, the button becomes lighter in color
(I used Alpha). I want
> the button to stay this light color after i release the
click. Right now it
> goes back to the normal color when I release the click.
Can somone help we
> this?
you can't use the button itself if you want to maintain the
DOWN state after
release as button automatically resets itself once the mouse
lives the HIT zone.
Use movie clip instead and on press simply send it to a frame
where there
is DOWN state like image.
Best Regards
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    I have a feeling that I've missed something obvious.
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    "abs_button") and placed it on the stage.
    My main movie has one frame.
    Within the "abs_button" movie clip there are 5 layers.
    Labels, actions, default button state, rollover state and rollout
    Technically, default button state, rollover state and rollout
    state could be on the same layer as they don't overlap, but I've
    given each animation its own layer for clarity.
    FRAME 01.
    Default button state is one frame with a graphic of the
    button. Just a label at the start ("abs_up") and a "stop();" action
    at the end.
    FRAME 02 to 31.
    Rollover state is a 30 frame animation. Label at start
    ("abs_over"), "stop()"; action at the end.
    FRAME 32 to 62.
    Rollout state is a 30 frame animation. Label at start
    ("abs_out"), "stop()"; action at the end.
    All animations were achieved with tweens.
    My initial "abs_button" code:
    on (release) {
    getURL("targetPage.htm", "_self");
    on (rollOver) {
    gotoAndPlay("abs_button", "abs_over");
    on (rollOut) {
    gotoAndPlay("abs_button", "abs_out");
    As it stands, the animation jumps to frame 1 of "abs_out" on
    I need the "abs_over" animation to always play through to the
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    large on rollover and shrinks again on rollout.
    I've tried for 2 days to solve this, but I clearly need help.
    My experiments with variables simply didn't work.
    I would be grateful if someone could tell me where I'm going

    use this:
    on (rollOver) {
    Since the code is attached directly to the movieclip, you
    don't have to
    identify the clip. A gotoAndPlay() function takes a frame
    number or a
    frame label name as its argument, never the name of the clip
    contains the frame number or name.
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

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    How do I apply highlights ?
    many thanks
    Chris Anderson

    Hi Bill
    Thanks for your reply.
    Here are 2 screen prints. One from encore the other from photoshop.
    First time I have inserted images, and they seem a little small on this message - if you have any problems reading I could email to you.
    I have highlighted the first button - which is called 'Highlights' - same issue with all the other buttons.
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    Thanks again

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    Right now I'm using javascript to submit the form. I'm using
         bUI: true,
         cTo: [email protected],
         cSubject: ""
    So I need to incorporate the script you gave me with this script that I'm already using?

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    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JFrame.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public class DVDInventory6
    public static void main(String[] args)
           Scanner input = new Scanner( );
           int j;
          DVD_Genre [] inventory = new DVD_Genre[5]; // Size of the array
          // create DVD object
          inventory [ 0 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Rocky", "Action/Drama", 01, 15, 9.95 );
          inventory [ 1 ] = new DVD_Genre( "RockyII", "Action/Drama", 02, 13, 14.95 );
          inventory [ 2 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Matrix", "Action/Sci-Fi", 03, 23, 14.95 );
          inventory [ 3 ] = new DVD_Genre( "MatrixII", "Action/Sci-Fi", 04, 17, 19.95 );
          inventory [ 4 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Bambi", "Family", 05, 33, 12.95 );
          // Print out a screen title
          System.out.printf("Welcome to DVD Inventory:\n\n");
       GUI gui = new GUI();
          for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
         double total = 0;
         for ( j=0; j<inventory.length; j++ )
             total += inventory[j].getvalueofdvds ();
    } // end for
    public static void sortDVD(DVD[] inventory)
         //DVD_Genre temp[] =  new DVD_Genre[1];
          int i, j;
          for (i=1; i <inventory.length; i++)
             for (j=0; j < inventory.length-i; j++)
                if (inventory[j].getdvdName().compareTo(inventory[j+1].getdvdName())>0)
                   // exchange elements
                   DVD  temp = inventory[j]; //new DVD_Genre [1];
                   inventory[j] = inventory[j+1];
                   inventory[j+1] = temp; //temp [0];
       }//end method main
    }//end DVDInventory6
          class DVD
          protected String dvdName; //  DVD title
          protected String dvdGenre; // DVD genre
          protected int productnumber;  // DVD product number
          protected int numberofproducts; // the number of products in stock
          protected double price; // the price of the products in stock
            public DVD (String name, String genre, int productnumber, int numberofproducts,
    double price ) // class dvd constructor
            this.dvdName = name;
            this.productnumber = productnumber;
            this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts;
            this.price = price;
    this.dvdGenre = genre;
           public DVD( String name, int productnumber, int numberofproducts, double price ) //
    class dvd constructor
            this.dvdName = name;
            this.productnumber = productnumber;
            this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts;
            this.price = price;
          public void setdvdName( String name ) // method to set dvd name
          this.dvdName = name; // store the dvd name
          public String getdvdName()// method to get dvd name
          return dvdName;
          public void setproductnumber( int productnumber )  // method to set productnumber
          this.productnumber = productnumber; // store productnumber
          public int getproductnumber()// method to get productnumber
          return productnumber;
          public void setnumberofproducts( int numberofproducts )// method to set
          this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts; // store numberofproducts
          public int getnumberofproducts()// method to get numberofproducts
          return numberofproducts;
          public void setprice( double price )// method to set price
          this.price = price; // price of the products in stock
          public double getprice()// method to get price
          return price;
          public double getvalueofdvds()// method to get valueofdvds
          return numberofproducts * price;
    } // end class DVD
    class DVD_Genre extends DVD
             private String genre; // genre of DVD
      private double restockingFee; // percentage added to inventory value
    public DVD_Genre(String name, String genre, int productnumber, int numberofproducts, double
       super(name, genre, productnumber, numberofproducts, price);
      this.genre = genre;
                    this.restockingFee = restockingFee;
          public void setdvdGenre( String genre ) // method to set dvd genre
          this.dvdGenre = genre; // store the dvd genre
          public String getdvdGenre()// method to get dvd genre
          return dvdGenre;     
    // Calculates restocking fee based on previous data.
        public double restockFee() {
         double total = 0;
         double restock = 0;
         total = numberofproducts * price;
         restock = total * .05;
                return restock;
        public String toString()
       DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
       return "\nDVD Title: " +  dvdName + "\nDVD Genre: " +  dvdGenre + "\nProduct number: " +
    productnumber +
              "\nNumber of products: " + numberofproducts + "\nPrice: " + price + "\nValue of
    DVD's: " +  Currency.format(numberofproducts * price) + "\nRestock Fee: "  +
    Currency.format(numberofproducts * price * .05);
    }// End class DVD_Genre
    class GUI {
    private DVD[] dvds;
        private int nCount;
    private double total;
    // Creates array DVD[]
        GUI() {
            dvds = new DVD[5];
            nCount = 0;
        public void add(DVD dvd) {
            dvds[nCount] = dvd;
    public void setTotal(double total) = total;
        DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
    //Displays the arrays contents element by element into a GUI pane
           public void display() {
      GUIDisplay(dvds, 5);
    public void GUIDisplay(DVD[] products, int numOfProducts)
              PanelFrame frame = new PanelFrame(products, numOfProducts);
              frame.setSize(600, 450);
    } // end class GUI
            class PanelFrame extends JFrame
            private JButton first;
            private JButton next;
            private JButton previous;
            private JButton last;
            private JButton add;
            private JButton delete;
            private JButton modify;
            private JButton search;
            private JButton save;
            JTextField dvdName;
            JTextField productnumber;
            JTextField numberofproducts;
            JTextField price;
            private DVD[] products;
            private int numOfProducts;
            private int currentIndex = 0;
    /** Creates a new instance of PanelFrame */
      public PanelFrame(DVD[] products, int numOfProducts)
            super("Welcome to the DVD Inventory");
            this.products = products;
            this.numOfProducts = numOfProducts;
            setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
            setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1,5,5));
    public class MovieGraphics extends Component
            private BufferedImage image;
            private boolean imageFound = true;
      public MovieGraphics()
           image = File("logo.jpg"));
      catch (IOException x)
          imageFound = false;
      public void paint(Graphics g)
      if (imageFound)
         0, 0, 200, 100,
         0, 0, image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null),
         g.drawString("Gary's DVD Krypt", 30, 30);
    } // end of class MovieGraphics
      public void showLogo()
            MovieGraphics myLogo = new MovieGraphics();
      public void showLabels()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            panel.add(new JLabel("DVD Title"));
            panel.add(new JLabel("Product number"));
            panel.add(new JLabel("Number of products"));
            panel.add(new JLabel("Price"));
      public void showInputFields()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            dvdName = new JTextField(10);
            productnumber = new JTextField(10);
            numberofproducts = new JTextField(10);
            price = new JTextField(10);
            productnumber .setEditable(false);
            panel.add(productnumber );
      public void showButtons()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            first = new JButton("First");
            next = new JButton("Next");
            previous = new JButton("Previous");
            last = new JButton("Last");
            add = new JButton("Add");
            delete = new JButton("Delete");
            modify = new JButton("Modify");
            search = new JButton("Search");
            save = new JButton("Save");
            ButtonActionHandler handler = new ButtonActionHandler();
      protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
      public void setFields(int i)
      public void setdvdName(int i)
    public void setproductnumber(int i)
    public void setnumberofproducts(int i)
    public void setPrice(int i)
    private class ButtonActionHandler implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    if (event.getSource() == first)
    addClicked = false;
    currentIndex = 0;
    else if (event.getSource() == next)
    addClicked = false;
    if (currentIndex == numOfProducts)
    currentIndex --;
    else if (event.getSource() == previous)
    addClicked = false;
    if (currentIndex < 0)
    currentIndex = 0;
    else if (event.getSource() == last)
    addClicked = false;
    currentIndex = numOfProducts - 1;
    if (currentIndex < 0)
    currentIndex = 0;
    else if(event.getSource() ==add)
    //add actions for add here
    if (!addClicked)
    int itemNum = incrementItemNumber();
    currentIndex = numOfProducts;
    addClicked = true;
    else if(event.getSource() ==save)
    //add actions for save here
    //we need to call
    addClicked = false;
    if (!updateProduct(currentIndex))
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have reached maximum number of products!");
    currentIndex --;
    else if(event.getSource() == edit)
    //add actions for edit here
    // Inventory.edit;
    addClicked = false;
    else if(event.getSource() == search)
    //add actions for search here
    // Inventory.findIndex;
    addClicked = false;
    String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Product Name: ");
    int index = searchName(name);
    if (index == -1)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No matching product found! ");
    currentIndex = index;
    Here are my errors:
    C:\java>javac cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    if (!addClicked)
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method resetFields()
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method incrementItemNumber()
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    int itemNum = incrementItemNumber();
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable itemNumber
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = true;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method updateProduct(int)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    if (!updateProduct(currentIndex))
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method saveProduct()
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable edit
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    else if(event.getSource() == edit)
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method searchName(java.lang.String)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    int index = searchName(name);
    23 errors

    and many more errors
    such as;
    * you need to declare a method called makeFieldsEditable that takes a boolean value
    eg private void makeFieldsEditable(boolean editable){
       // add your implememntation
    }* you need to declare a method called resetFields
    eg private void resetFields(){
       // add your implememntation
    }* you need to declare a method called updateProduct
    eg private void updateProduct(int index){
       // add your implememntation

  • Need help with linking buttons

    Can anyone help me with this problem I have.
    I have a gfx which I have created 6 shapes and converted them into simple buttons. I have urls sat inside an xml file. How can I get the buttons to use the urls set from within the xml file?
    Also how can I change the current external photo that is being loaded to load the url from a setting in the same xml file.
    I hope you arnt as confused as I am right now.
    I have packaged up the flash file which includeds the xml aswell.
    If anyone could help me out with this I would be very greatful.
    Thanks All

    Remove the code from all btns, as below paste it on main timeline
    Also no need to load xml twice as dome in image container...
    give an instance name to the outer container of btns - menumv
    use following method to openURL, use same for all the btns..
    var myXML:XML;
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("links.xml"));
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
    myXML = new XML(;
    menumv.carbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openURL);
    function openURL(e:MouseEvent):void
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(;

  • Need Help with Advanced Button Actions

    I am a brand new Captivate 5 user and I have created a image button that I want to have a double action. When the user clicks on the image button, I want it to SHOW a new button AND SHOW another image. I used the Advanced Actions but it does not work when I preview project.  Help!

    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    Did you assign the advanced action to the image button as Success action? And the new button + the image have to be on the same slide, but with the status Invisible. You can not show hidden objects that are sitting on another slide then the slide with the advanced action.
    If you want to have more information about advanced actions, I do blog a lot about them. Here is the link to my blog:

  • Need Help with Navigation Buttons

    What I'm seeking should be straightforward for those of you
    who have mastered ActionScript. (I'm using Flash 8 Professional.)
    I have 84 photographs that progressively show one complete
    rotation of a photographed object (a model airplane). What I'm
    envisioning are a pair of buttons. When the "forward" button is
    pressed, the plane would rotate clockwise, and stop rotating when
    the button is released. Same for the "reverse" button, but the
    action would be counterclockwise. In that way, the viewer can
    control exactly what angle to look at.
    I assume I'd put each of the photographs on a Flash frame and
    use ActionScript on the buttons to make Flash go through the frames
    as described above.
    Please let me know what the AS code would be, or perhaps
    provide a link to someplace where it is explained.

    I (think) I followed your instructions. The airplane rotates
    fine when the forward button is pressed, but nothing happens when
    the backward button is pressed. I’ll describe exactly what I
    did, in case I did something wrong.
    1. I drew a small dot off stage, made it into a movieclip
    object, and gave it the name apMC.
    2. On the movieclip timeline, I created a keyframe for each
    photo and dragged the photos from the library onto the keyframes. I
    placed a stop() code on the first and last movieclip frames.
    3. On the main timeline, I created three layers:
    “Movieclip”: Onto the first frame of this layer
    I copied/pasted the code that you provided.
    “Button Labels.”
    “Buttons”: I created the forward and backward
    buttons, giving them the instance names you suggested.
    Any thoughts as to why the backward button doesn’t
    work? If you wish, I could send you the .fla file to examine. If
    so, let me know where to send it.

  • Need help with Flash CS4 buttons/can't get buttons to control anything

    I need help with Flash CS4. I am making a banner with an animation (Image change into movie clip "3D Spiral") and added buttons but I cannot get the buttons to control the animation. Please help I am frustrated! If someone could help I would be most appreciated.

    Thank you.
    Michael J. Sheehan  allelois
    Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 18:48:09 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need help with Flash CS4 buttons/can't get buttons to control anything
    Hi there
    I'm not sure how you wound up where you did. But you wound up in the Adobe Captivate forums. Please stand by as I move your thread to the Flash forums.
    Cheers... Rick

  • I need help with storage.    5 GB are free.   So iCloud sends an email that I need more.   So I purchase 20GB and now I want to downgrade back to the 5GB.   I can check the 5GB box, but no DONE button appears.   Anyone have an answer?

    I Need help with iCloud storage.   5gb are free, so I get an email, that mine is just about full.   So I upgraded to 20gb and now I want to downgrade back to 5gb.
    tthe DONE button doesn't highlight, so my requested can't be completed.   Any help will be appreciated.

    Have you tried rebooting the computer? If not, the next step is to contact iCloud Support.

  • Need help with a currently "in-use" form we want to switch to Adobes hosting service

    Hi, I am in desperate need of help with some issues concerning several forms which we currently use a paid third party (not Adobe) to host and "re-distribute through email"...Somehow I got charged $14.95 for YOUR service, (signed up for a trial, but never used it)..and now I am paying for a year of use of the similar service which Adobe is in control of.  I might want to port my form distribution through Adobe in the hopes of reducing the errors, problems and hassles my customers are experiencing when some of them push our  "submit button". (and I guess I am familiar with these somewhat from reading what IS available in here, and I also know that, Adobe is working to alleviate some of these " submit"  issues, so let's don't start by going backwards, here) I need solutions now for my issues or I can leave it as is, If Adobe's solution will be no better for my end users...
    We used FormsCentral to code these forms and it works for the most part (if the end-user can co-operate, and thats iffy, sometimes), but I need help with how to make it go through your servers (and not the third party folks we use now), Not being cruel or racist here, but your over the phone "support techs" are about horrible & I cannot understand them or work with any of them, so I would definitely need someone who speaks English and can understand the nuances of programming these forms, to please contact me back. (Sorry, but both those attributes will be required to be able to help me, so, no "newbie-interns" or first week trainees are gonna cut it).... If you have anyone who fits the bill on those items and would be willing to help us, please contact me back at your earliest convenience. If we have to communicate here, I will do that & I can submit whatever we need to & to whoever we need to.
    I need to get this right and working for the majority of my users and on any platform and OS.
    You may certainly call me to talk about this, and I have given my number numerous times to your (expletive deleted) time wasting - recording message thingy. So, If it's not available look it up under [email protected]
    (and you will probably get right to me, unlike my and I'm sure most other folks',  "Adobe phone-in experiences")
    Thank You,
    Michael Corman
    Phenix City, Alabama  36869

    Well, thanks for writing back...just so you know...I started using Adobe products in 1987, ...yeah...back Illustrator 1 & 9" B&W Macs ...John Warnock's Helvetica's....stuff like that...8.5 x 11 LaserWriters...all that good stuff...I still have some of it working on a mac...much of it was stuff I bought. some stuff I did not...I'm not a big fan of this "cloud" thing Adobe has foisted upon the creatives of the world...which I'm sure you can tell...but the functionality and usefulness of your software can not be disputed, so feel free to do whatever we will continue to pay for, ...I am very impressed with CC PS on the 64 bit PC and perhaps I will end up paying you the stipend that you demand for the other services.
    So  I guess that brings us to our problem.. a few years back and at the height of the recession and near bankruptcy myself,  I was damn lucky and hit on something and began a small arts and crafts supply service to sell my products online to a very "niche market" ...I had a unique product and still sell that product (plus others) online...My website is Yes...but there is a market it seems, for everything now, and this is the market I service...Catagorically, these are 99%+ women that use these "adhesive, sticky backed vinyl products"  to make different "craft items" that are just way too various and numerous to go into... generally older women, women who are computer illiterate for the most part...and all this is irrelevant to my problem, but I want you to have every bit of background on this and especially the demographic we are dealing with, so we can get right to the meat of the problem.
    OK...So about two years ago, I decided to offer a "plain sheet" product of a plain colored "stick back" vinyl... it is available in multiple quantities of packs ( like 5 pieces, 10 pieces, 15 pieces, in a packi  & so on)...and if you are still on my site.. go to any  "GO RIGHT TO OUR ORDER PAGE"  button, scroll down a little...and then to the "PLAIN VINYL" will see the Weebly website order process.) You can back out from here, I think,..but, anyway this product is available in 63 colors + or - a few. So then the problem is,  how do they select their individual colors within that (whatever) pack?... .
    So my initial idea was to enable a "selection form" for these "colors" that would be transmitted to me via email as 'part" of the "order process".. We tried getting our customers to submit a  " a list" ( something my competitiors still do, lol, poor bastards)......but just unbelievable..I can't even begin to tell you what a freakin' nightmare that was...these people cannot even count to 10, much less any higher... figuring out what colors to list and send me... well, lets just say, it wasn't working......I had to figure out a better way...Something had to be done.
    So after thinking this all out,  and yeah...due to my total ignorance, i figured that we could make a form with Live Cycle Designer (Now Forms Central)...(back then something that was bundled with Adobe Acrobat Pro), I believe, and thats what this thing was authored in... and it would be all good...LOL!
    Well not so you well know, Adobe Acrobat would NOT LET YOU EMAIL anything from just wouldn't work (and I know why, and all that hooey), but not being one to take NO for answer,.I started looking for a way to make my little gizmo work.. So I found this company that said they can "hijack" (re-direct actually) the request to email, bypass the wah-wah, and re-transmit it to the proper parties.....for less than $100 a year,  I think...its called
    A nice gentleman named Joseph Silva helped us program the thing to go to his servers and back out. Please dont hassle them...I need them...for basically does work...try should get back a copy of the form that you filled out...good luck however,  if you're on MAC OSX or similar...
    I have included a copy of both of our forms (and feel free to fill it out and play with it)...just put test somewhere on it...(and you must include YOUR email or it will balk)..they are supposed to be mostly identical, except one seems to be twice as large....generating a 1.7 meg file upon submission, while the other one only generates a 600K file or so...thats another issue for another day or maybe you can advise on that also...
    OK so far so good......In our shop, once Grandma buys a 10 pack (or whatever), Only then she gets to the link on her receipt page ro the relevant "selection form" ,(this prevents "Filling and Sending"  with "no order" and "no payment", another early problem we had)... which they can click on and it will usually download and open up on their device if all goes well...Then our little form is supposed to be fillable and is supposed to ADD UP all the quantities, so grandma knows how many she is buying and so forth right on the fly,  and even while she changes her mind..., and IT'S LARGE so grandma can see it, and then it TOTALS it all up for them, ( cause remember, they can NOT add)..,  except there is a programming bug (mouse-click should be a mouse-up probably or something..) which makes you click in the blank spaces to get to a correct TOTAL...about 70-80% of our customers can enable all these features and usually the process completes without problems for them especially on PC's running Windows OS and Acrobat Reader X or least for most... Unfortunately it is still not the "seamless process" I would like or had envisioned for the other folks out there that do have trouble using our form....  Many folks report to us the following issues that we know of.  First of all it takes too much time to load up...We know its there anyway that you can see, to streamline this thing? I would love for it to be more compact...this really helps on the phones and pads as I'm sure you well know.
    Some just tell us,"it WON'T work"....I believe this is because they are totally out of it and dont even have Adobe Reader on their machine, & don't know how to get it ( yes, we provide the links).....or it's some ancient one can stop this one...
    It almost always generates some kind ( at least one time)  of "error message" which we do warn them about..., telling one,  basically that "Acrobat doesnt even like this happening at all, and it could be detrimental to ones computer files", blah-blah...(this freaks grandma out really bad)...& usually they end up not even trying to send it...  and then I get calls that even you wouldn't believe...& If they DO nut up and push the Red "Submit Form" button, it will usually send the thing to us (and also back to them at the "required email address" they furnished on the form, thats what the folks at the "fillable forms place" do) so, if it's performing it's functions, why it is having to complain?. What are we doing wrong?....and how can I fix it?...Will re-compiling it or saving it as a newer version of "FormsCentral" correct any of these problems ?
    Ok, so that should keep you busy for a minute and we can start out with those problems...but the next thing is, how can I take advantage of YOUR re-direct & hosting services?, And will it get rid of the error messages, and the slowness, and the iOS incompatibilities ? (amazingly,  the last iOS Reader version worked almost OK.. but the newest version doesnt seem to work with my form on my iphone4)  If it will enable any version of the iOS to send my form correctly and more transparently, then it might be worth the money...$14.95 a MONTH you say. hmmmmm...Better be good.
    Another problem is, that I really don't need 5000 forms a month submitted. I think its like 70-100 or less....Got any plans for that?  Maybe I'm just not BIG ENOUGH to use Adobe's services, however in this case, I really don't care whose I do use as long as the product works most correctly for my customers as well as us. Like I said, If I'm doing the best I can, I won't change anything, and still use the other third party, If Adobe has a better solution, then i'm all for that as well. In the meantime, Thanks for any help you can provide on this...
    Michael Corman
    (706) 326-7911

  • Need help with JTextArea and Scrolling

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MORT_RETRY extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JPanel keypad;
    private JPanel buttons;
    private JTextField lcdLoanAmt;
    private JTextField lcdInterestRate;
    private JTextField lcdTerm;
    private JTextField lcdMonthlyPmt;
    private JTextArea displayArea;
    private JButton CalculateBtn;
    private JButton ClrBtn;
    private JButton CloseBtn;
    private JButton Amortize;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private DecimalFormat calcPattern = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00");
    private String[] rateTerm = {"", "7years @ 5.35%", "15years @ 5.5%", "30years @ 5.75%"};
    private JComboBox rateTermList;
    double interest[] = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
    int term[] = {7, 15, 30};
    double balance, interestAmt, monthlyInterest, monthlyPayment, monPmtInt, monPmtPrin;
    int termInMonths, month, termLoop, monthLoop;
    public MORT_RETRY()
    Container pane = getContentPane();
    lcdLoanAmt = new JTextField();
    lcdMonthlyPmt = new JTextField();
    displayArea = new JTextArea();//DEFINE COMBOBOX AND SCROLL
    rateTermList = new JComboBox(rateTerm);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(displayArea);
    scroll.setLocation(150,270);//DEFINE BUTTONS
    CalculateBtn = new JButton("Calculate");
    ClrBtn = new JButton("Clear Fields");
    CloseBtn = new JButton("Close");
    Amortize = new JButton("Amortize");//DEFINE PANEL(S)
    keypad = new JPanel();
    buttons = new JPanel();//DEFINE KEYPAD PANEL LAYOUT
    keypad.setLayout(new GridLayout( 4, 2, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON KEYPAD PANEL
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount$ : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Term of loan and Interest Rate: "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Monthly Payment : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Amortize Table:"));
    displayArea.setEditable(false);//DEFINE BUTTONS PANEL LAYOUT
    buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout( 1, 3, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON BUTTONS PANEL
    buttons.add(CloseBtn);//ADD ACTION LISTENER
    rateTermList.addActionListener(this);//ADD PANELS
    pane.add(keypad, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    pane.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String arg = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    int combined = Integer.parseInt(arg);
    if (e.getSource() == CalculateBtn)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got try here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (arg != null))
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    monthlyInterest = interest[0] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[0] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    monthlyInterest = interest[1] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[1] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    monthlyInterest = interest[2] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[2] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Entry!\nPlease Try Again", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    }                    //IF STATEMENTS FOR AMORTIZATION
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    loopy(7, 5.35);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    loopy(15, 5.5);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    loopy(30, 5.75);
    if (e.getSource() == ClrBtn)
    if (e.getSource() == CloseBtn)
    private void loopy(int lTerm,double lInterest)
    double total, monthly, monthlyrate, monthint, monthprin, balance, lastint, paid;
    int amount, months, termloop, monthloop;
    String lcd2 = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    amount = Integer.parseInt(lcd2);
    termloop = 1;
    paid = 0.00;
    monthlyrate = lInterest / (12 * 100);
    months = lTerm * 12;
    monthly = amount *(monthlyrate/(1-Math.pow(1+monthlyrate,-months)));
    total = months * monthly;
    balance = amount;
    while (termloop <= lTerm)
    displayArea.append("Year " + termloop + " of " + lTerm + ": payments\n");
    monthloop = 1;
    while (monthloop <= 12)
    monthint = balance * monthlyrate;
    monthprin = monthly - monthint;
    balance -= monthprin;
    paid += monthly;
    displayArea.append(monthloop + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthly) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthprin) + "\t");
    displayArea.append(calcPattern.format(monthint) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(balance) + "\n");
    monthloop ++;
    termloop ++;
    public static void main(String args[])
    MORT_RETRY f = new MORT_RETRY();
    f.setBounds(600, 600, 500, 500);
    }need help with displaying the textarea correctly and the scroll bar please.
    Message was edited by:

    What's the problem you're having ???

  • I need help with this script please ASAP

    So I need this to work properly, but when ran and the correct answer is chosen the app quits but when the wrong answer is chosen the app goes on to the next question. I need help with this ASAP, it is due tommorow. Thank you so much for the help if you can.
    The script (Sorry if it's a bit long):
    display dialog "Social Studies Exchange Trviva Game by Justin Parzik" buttons {"Take the Quiz", "Cyaaaa"} default button 1
    set Lolz to (button returned of the result)
    if Lolz is "Cyaaaa" then
    else if Lolz is "Take the Quiz" then
              do shell script "say -v samantha Ok starting in 3…2…1…GO!"
    #------------Question 1-----------
              display dialog "Around age 11, many boys left their fathers to become…" buttons {"Scholars", "Warriors", "Apprentices"}
              set A1 to (button returned of the result)
              if A1 is "Apprentices" then
                        do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                        do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 2--------
                        display dialog "Most children were taught
    to read so that they could understand the…" buttons {"Music of Mozart", "Bible", "art of cooking"}
                        set A2 to (button returned of the result)
                        if A2 is "Bible" then
                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #------------Question 3---------
                                  display dialog "In the 1730s and 1740s, a religious movement called the_______swept through the colonies." buttons {"Glorius Revolution", "Great Awakening", "The Enlightenment"}
                                  set A3 to (button returned of the result)
                                  if A3 is "Great Awakening" then
                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #-----------Question 4--------
                                            display dialog "_______ was
    a famous American Enlightenment figure." buttons {"Ben Franklin", "George Washington", "Jesus"}
                                            set A4 to (button returned of the result)
                                            if A4 is "Ben Franklin" then
                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 5-------
                                                      display dialog "______ ownership gave colonists political rights as well as prosperity." buttons {"Land", "Dog", "Slave"}
                                                      set A5 to (button returned of the result)
                                                      if A5 is "Land" then
                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 6--------
                                                                display dialog "The first step toward guaranteeing these rights came in 1215. That
    year, a group of English noblemen forced King John to accept the…" buttons {"Declaration of Independence", "Magna Carta", "Constitution"}
                                                                set A6 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                if A6 is "Magna Carta" then
                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 7--------
                                                                          display dialog "England's cheif lawmaking body was" buttons {"the Senate", "Parliament", "King George"}
                                                                          set A7 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                          if A7 is "Parliament" then
                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 8-----
                                                                                    display dialog "Pariliament decided to overthrow _______ for not respecting their rights" buttons {"King James II", "King George", "King Elizabeth"}
                                                                                    set A8 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                    if A8 is "King James II" then
                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 9------
                                                                                              display dialog "Parliament named ___ and ___ as England's new monarchs in something called ____." buttons {"William/Mary/Glorius Revolution", "Adam/Eve/Great Awakening", "Johhny/Mr.Laphalm/Burning of the hand ceremony"}
                                                                                              set A9 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                              if A9 is "William/Mary/Glorius Revolution" then
                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 10-----
                                                                                                        display dialog "After accepting the throne William and Mary agreed in 1689 to uphold the English Bill of _____." buttons {"Money", "Colonies", "Rights"}
                                                                                                        set A10 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                        if A10 is "Rights" then
                                                                                                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 11------
                                                                                                                  display dialog "By the late 1600s French explorers had claimed the ___ River Valey" buttons {"Mississippi", "Ohio", "Hudson"}
                                                                                                                  set A11 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                  if A11 is "Ohio" then
                                                                                                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #------Question 12---------
                                                                                                                            display dialog "______ was sent to ask the French to leave 'English Land'." buttons {"Johhny Tremain", "George Washington", "Paul Revere"}
                                                                                                                            set A12 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                            if A12 is "George Washington" then
                                                                                                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 13-------
                                                                                                                                      display dialog "_____ proposed the Albany Plan of Union" buttons {"George Washingon", "Ben Franklin", "John Hancock"}
                                                                                                                                      set A13 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                      if A13 is "Ben Franklin" then
                                                                                                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 14------
                                                                                                                                                display dialog "The __________ declared that England owned all of North America east of the Mississippi" buttons {"Proclomation of England", "Treaty of Paris", "Pontiac Treaty"}
                                                                                                                                                set A14 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                if A14 is "" then
                                                                                                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #-------Question 15-------
                                                                                                                                                          display dialog "Braddock was sent to New England so he could ______" buttons {"Command an attack against French", "Scalp the French", "Kill the colonists"}
                                                                                                                                                          set A15 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                          if A15 is "Command an attack against French" then
                                                                                                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
                                                                                                                                                                    display dialog "____ is the name of the teacher who runs this class." buttons {"Mr.White", "Mr.John", "Paul Revere"} default button 1
                                                                                                                                                                    set LOOL to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                                    if LOOL is "Mr.White" then
                                                                                                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Congratulations…you…have…common…sense"
                                                                                                                                                                              do shell script "say -v alex Do…you…have…eyes?"
                                                                                                                                                                              display dialog "I hope you enjoyed the quiz!" buttons {"I did!", "It was horrible"}
                                                                                                                                                                              set endmenu to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                                              if endmenu is "I did!" then
                                                                                                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Your awesome"
                                                                                                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v alex Go outside and run a lap"
                                                                                                                                                                              end if
                                                                                                                                                                    end if
                                                                                                                                                          end if
                                                                                                                                                end if
                                                                                                                                      end if
                                                                                                                            end if
                                                                                                                  end if
                                                                                                        end if
                                                                                              end if
                                                                                    end if
                                                                          end if
                                                                end if
                                                      end if
                                            end if
                                  end if
                        end if
              end if
    end if

    Use code such as:
    display dialog "Around age 11, many boys left their fathers to become…" buttons {"Scholars", "Warriors", "Apprentices"}
    set A1 to (button returned of the result)
    if A1 is "Apprentices" then
    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
    end if
    #----------Question 2--------
    display dialog "Most children were taught to read so that they could understand the…" buttons {"Music of Mozart", "Bible", "art of cooking"}
    set A2 to (button returned of the result)
    if A2 is "Bible" then
    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
    end if

  • I need Help with a website I've created

    I need help with a website I've created ( I created the folowing site with dreamweaver at my current resolution 1366 by 768. Looks great on my screen resolution but if it is viewed on other resolutions the menu moves and some of the text above and below. How can I keep all content centered and working like it does on 1366 by 768 on all resolutions. The htm to my site is below I started off with a blank template through dreamweaver CS5.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>The Lighthouse Church</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        background: #42413C;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        color: #000;
        background-color: #000;
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
        margin-top: 0;     /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
        padding-right: 15px;
        padding-left: 15px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
        border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
        color: #42413C;
        text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
        color: #6E6C64;
        text-decoration: underline;
    a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
        text-decoration: none;
    /* ~~ this fixed width container surrounds all other elements ~~ */
    .container {
        width: 960px;
        background: #FFF;
        margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout */
    /* ~~ This is the layout information. ~~
    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
    .content {
        padding: 10px 0;
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
        float: right;
        margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
        float: left;
        margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the overflow:hidden on the .container is removed */
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0px;
    #apDiv1 {
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        top: 1px;
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        top: -2px;
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        left: 0px;
        top: 101px;
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        top: -5px;
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        left: 0px;
        top: -1px;
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        top: 1479px;
    #apDiv9 {
        left: -10px;
        top: -1292px;
    #apDiv10 {
        left: 200px;
        top: 1478px;
    #apDiv11 {
        left: 195px;
        top: 183px;
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    #apDiv12 {
        left: 198px;
        top: 1px;
    #apDiv13 {
        left: 1001px;
        top: 3px;
    #apDiv14 {
        left: 33px;
        top: 479px;
    #apDiv15 {
        left: 324px;
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        left: 674px;
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    #apDiv17 {
        left: -379px;
        top: 1001px;
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    body {
        background-color: #000;
        margin-left: 0px;
        margin-right: 0px;
    #apDiv21 {
        left: 19px;
        top: 233px;
    <div class="container">
      <div class="content">
        <div id="apDiv5">
          <div id="apDiv16">
            <div id="apDiv17">
              <map name="Map2" id="Map2">
                <area shape="rect" coords="4,2,77,28" href="" />
              <img src="paypal-donate-button.png" width="83" height="33" border="0" usemap="#Map" />
              <map name="Map" id="Map">
                <area shape="rect" coords="2,2,80,30" href=" Po9gSsRELLQp72IZ2-_8uvSmCLRO&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d9384d85353843a619606 282818e091d0" />
          <div id="apDiv21">
                        <p><img src="faithexplosion.png" width="314" height="225" /></p>
          <div id="apDiv14">
            <div id="apDiv15">
                  <p> Special Message from Perry Stone </p>
                  <h2> Was Jesus Born on December 25?</h2>
                  <p> 12/20/2010 </p>
                  <p><img alt="iStock_000003631829XSmall" src="" width="300" height="234" /></p>
                  <p>Last   year, in response to the growing number of Christians who celebrate   Hanukkah but hate Christmas, I wrote an article for this website titled   &ldquo;Hanukkah or Christmas?&rdquo; I explained why I think Jesus was either   conceived or birthed on December 25.</p>
                <div><a href=""> READ MORE</a>
                  <p> Prophecy Update </p>
                  <h2> What Happened to Global Warming?</h2>
                  <p> 12/17/2010 </p>
                  <p> </p>
              <p><font size="2">Special Word</font></p>
              <p><font size="2">January 7th, 2011</font></p>
              <p> <font size="2">Dear Viewers:</font></p>
              <p><font size="2">We have now entered into one of the most trying times; but also one of the most glorious            times in church history.  Many things are coming upon the world and also upon the church and we (the church) must be totally            prepared to take up our cross daily and venture out into the lost and</font></p>
              <p>  <a href=" h.aspx" target="_parent">Click Here for More</a></p>
            <p> </p>
            <!--//              weAddFlash("lhi09hdr.swf",800, 100,"true","true","high","showall","true","#ffffff");              //--></div>
            <p> </p>
          <img src="lighthousegraphic2.jpg" width="960" height="1509" />
          <div id="apDiv20"><img src="myspacebutton.jpg" width="89" height="30" border="0" usemap="#Map3" />
            <map name="Map3" id="Map3">
            <area shape="rect" coords="3,2,87,28" href="" />
      <p> </p>
    <!-- end .container --></div>
    <div id="apDiv10"><font size="1"><font color="#FFFFFF">Copyright 2011 The Lighthouse Church Inc.</font></font></div>
    <div id="apDiv11">
      <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
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    <div id="apDiv12"><font size="1"><font color="#FFFFFF">6 South Railroad Ave Wyoming,DE 19934</font></font></div>
    <div id="apDiv13"><font size="1"><font color="#FFFFFF">Phone:(302) 697-1472</font></font></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

    Look at all the apdiv's you have.  Those are absolutely positioned layers.  I'm assuming by your post that you are very new to Dreamweaver and HTML and CSS.  I would highly recommend not using absolutely positioned layers until you have a better grasp on HTML and CSS.
    Looking at your code I would suggest that you consider using one of Dreamweaver's built in, or downloadable templates as a starting point and work from there.

  • Need help with Berkeley XML DB Performance

    We need help with maximizing performance of our use of Berkeley XML DB. I am filling most of the 29 part question as listed by Oracle's BDB team.
    Berkeley DB XML Performance Questionnaire
    1. Describe the Performance area that you are measuring? What is the
    current performance? What are your performance goals you hope to
    We are measuring the performance while loading a document during
    web application startup. It is currently taking 10-12 seconds when
    only one user is on the system. We are trying to do some testing to
    get the load time when several users are on the system.
    We would like the load time to be 5 seconds or less.
    2. What Berkeley DB XML Version? Any optional configuration flags
    specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please specify?
    dbxml 2.4.13. No special patches.
    3. What Berkeley DB Version? Any optional configuration flags
    specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please Specify.
    bdb 4.6.21. No special patches.
    4. Processor name, speed and chipset?
    Intel Xeon CPU 5150 2.66GHz
    5. Operating System and Version?
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Relase 4 Update 6
    6. Disk Drive Type and speed?
    Don't have that information
    7. File System Type? (such as EXT2, NTFS, Reiser)
    8. Physical Memory Available?
    9. Are you using Replication (HA) with Berkeley DB XML? If so, please
    describe the network you are using, and the number of Replica’s.
    10. Are you using a Remote Filesystem (NFS) ? If so, for which
    Berkeley DB XML/DB files?
    11. What type of mutexes do you have configured? Did you specify
    –with-mutex=? Specify what you find inn your config.log, search
    for db_cv_mutex?
    None. Did not specify -with-mutex during bdb compilation
    12. Which API are you using (C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, other) ?
    Which compiler and version?
    Java 1.5
    13. If you are using an Application Server or Web Server, please
    provide the name and version?
    Oracle Appication Server
    14. Please provide your exact Environment Configuration Flags (include
    anything specified in you DB_CONFIG file)
    15. Please provide your Container Configuration Flags?
    final EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
    envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
    // exist, create it.
    envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
    // region.
    envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking subsystem.
    envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem.
    envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
    // subsystem.
    16. How many XML Containers do you have? For each one please specify:
    1. The Container Configuration Flags
              XmlContainerConfig xmlContainerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
    2. How many documents?
    Everytime the user logs in, the current xml document is loaded from
    a oracle database table and put it in the Berkeley XML DB.
    The documents get deleted from XML DB when the Oracle application
    server container is stopped.
    The number of documents should start with zero initially and it
    will grow with every login.
    3. What type (node or wholedoc)?
    4. Please indicate the minimum, maximum and average size of
    The minimum is about 2MB and the maximum could 20MB. The average
    mostly about 5MB.
    5. Are you using document data? If so please describe how?
    We are using document data only to save changes made
    to the application data in a web application. The final save goes
    to the relational database. Berkeley XML DB is just used to store
    temporary data since going to the relational database for each change
    will cause severe performance issues.
    17. Please describe the shape of one of your typical documents? Please
    do this by sending us a skeleton XML document.
    Due to the sensitive nature of the data, I can provide XML schema instead.
    18. What is the rate of document insertion/update required or
    expected? Are you doing partial node updates (via XmlModify) or
    replacing the document?
    The document is inserted during user login. Any change made to the application
    data grid or other data components gets saved in Berkeley DB. We also have
    an automatic save every two minutes. The final save from the application
    gets saved in a relational database.
    19. What is the query rate required/expected?
    Users will not be entering data rapidly. There will be lot of think time
    before the users enter/modify data in the web application. This is a pilot
    project but when we go live with this application, we will expect 25 users
    at the same time.
    20. XQuery -- supply some sample queries
    1. Please provide the Query Plan
    2. Are you using DBXML_INDEX_NODES?
    3. Display the indices you have defined for the specific query.
         XmlIndexSpecification spec = container.getIndexSpecification();
         // ids
         spec.addIndex("", "id", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         spec.addIndex("", "idref", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // index to cover AttributeValue/Description
         spec.addIndex("", "Description", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_SUBSTRING, XmlValue.STRING);
         // cover AttributeValue/@value
         spec.addIndex("", "value", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // item attribute values
         spec.addIndex("", "type", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // default index
         spec.addDefaultIndex(XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         spec.addDefaultIndex(XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // save the spec to the container
         XmlUpdateContext uc = xmlManager.createUpdateContext();
         container.setIndexSpecification(spec, uc);
    4. If this is a large query, please consider sending a smaller
    query (and query plan) that demonstrates the problem.
    21. Are you running with Transactions? If so please provide any
    transactions flags you specify with any API calls.
    Yes. READ_UNCOMMITED in some and READ_COMMITTED in other transactions.
    22. If your application is transactional, are your log files stored on
    the same disk as your containers/databases?
    23. Do you use AUTO_COMMIT?
    24. Please list any non-transactional operations performed?
    25. How many threads of control are running? How many threads in read
    only mode? How many threads are updating?
    We use Berkeley XML DB within the context of a struts web application.
    Each user logged into the web application will be running a bdb transactoin
    within the context of a struts action thread.
    26. Please include a paragraph describing the performance measurements
    you have made. Please specifically list any Berkeley DB operations
    where the performance is currently insufficient.
    We are clocking 10-12 seconds of loading a document from dbd when
    five users are on the system.
    27. What performance level do you hope to achieve?
    We would like to get less than 5 seconds when 25 users are on the system.
    28. Please send us the output of the following db_stat utility commands
    after your application has been running under "normal" load for some
    period of time:
    % db_stat -h database environment -c
    % db_stat -h database environment -l
    % db_stat -h database environment -m
    % db_stat -h database environment -r
    % db_stat -h database environment -t
    (These commands require the db_stat utility access a shared database
    environment. If your application has a private environment, please
    remove the DB_PRIVATE flag used when the environment is created, so
    you can obtain these measurements. If removing the DB_PRIVATE flag
    is not possible, let us know and we can discuss alternatives with
    If your application has periods of "good" and "bad" performance,
    please run the above list of commands several times, during both
    good and bad periods, and additionally specify the -Z flags (so
    the output of each command isn't cumulative).
    When possible, please run basic system performance reporting tools
    during the time you are measuring the application's performance.
    For example, on UNIX systems, the vmstat and iostat utilities are
    good choices.
    Will give this information soon.
    29. Are there any other significant applications running on this
    system? Are you using Berkeley DB outside of Berkeley DB XML?
    Please describe the application?
    No to the first two questions.
    The web application is an online review of test questions. The users
    login and then review the items one by one. The relational database
    holds the data in xml. During application load, the application
    retrieves the xml and then saves it to bdb. While the user
    is making changes to the data in the application, it writes those
    changes to bdb. Finally when the user hits the SAVE button, the data
    gets saved to the relational database. We also have an automatic save
    every two minues, which saves bdb xml data and saves it to relational
    [email protected]

    Could it be that you simply do not have set up indexes to support your query? If so, you could do some basic testing using the dbxml shell:
    milu@colinux:~/xpg > dbxml -h ~/dbenv
    Joined existing environment
    dbxml> setverbose 7 2
    dbxml> open tv.dbxml
    dbxml> listIndexes
    dbxml> query     { collection()[//@date-tip]/*[@chID = ('ard','zdf')] (: example :) }
    dbxml> queryplan { collection()[//@date-tip]/*[@chID = ('ard','zdf')] (: example :) }Verbosity will make the engine display some (rather cryptic) information on index usage. I can't remember where the output is explained; my feeling is that "V(...)" means the index is being used (which is good), but that observation may not be accurate. Note that some details in the setVerbose command could differ, as I'm using 2.4.16 while you're using 2.4.13.
    Also, take a look at the query plan. You can post it here and some people will be able to diagnose it.
    Michael Ludwig

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