Help with Library link lists ..

Hi ,
I am working with Scott Mazur on a incorporating 8.1.7 in our code bace for our next product release. I am having problems with defining the library link list needed for builds. In the documentation it makes referance to $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc which I cannot find. I have installed the 8.1.7 on 3 platforms (Solaris, AIX and NT ) and none of the system have this information. Can you please point me to where I may find some help in this area. We are in a critical path right now so I would appreciate any help you could give me. The sooner the better.
Thank you for your time and help ,
Cheryl Pollock
Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications .
Pittsburgh office .
(412) 937-4970

You actually shouldn't try to get the library link lists directly. Rather, you should use the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ makefile like this:
make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ build EXE=yourexecutable OBJS="object list"
where yourexecutable is the name for your executable and the OBJS= includes a quoted list of all your object and library files.

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    I need help with my code. when I run it I only get the 3 showing and this is what Im supposed to ouput
    -> 9 -> 3 -> 7
    empty false
    empty false
    -> 7
    empty false
    Can someone take a look at it and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I could nto figure it out.
    Thanks.This is my code
    / A circular linked list class with a dummy tail
    public class CLL{
         CLLNode tail;
         public CLL( ){
              tail = new CLLNode(0,null); // node to be dummy tail
     = tail;
         public String toString( ){
         // fill this in. It should print in a format like
         // -> 3 -> 5 -> 7
    if(tail==null)return "( )";
    CLLNode temp =;
    String retval = "-> ";
         for(int i = 0; i < -999; i++)
    retval = (retval + temp.toString() + " ");
    temp =;
    retval+= "";}
    return retval;
         public boolean isEmpty( ){
         // fill in here
         if( == null)
              return true;
         return false;
         // insert Token tok at end of list. Old dummy becomes last real node
         // and new dummy created
         public void addAtTail(int num){
         // fill in here
         if (tail == null)
          = num;
                   CLLNode n = new CLLNode(num, null);
          = n;
                   tail = n;
         public void addAtHead(int num){
         // fill in here
         if(tail == null)
              CLLNode l = new CLLNode(num, null);
     = tail;
              tail =l;
              CLLNode l = new CLLNode(num, null);
     = l;
     = tail;
              tail = l;
         public int removeHead( ){
         // fill in here
         int num;
         if(!= null)
              tail =;
         public static void main(String args[ ]){
              CLL cll = new CLL ( );
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
              System.out.println(cll.removeHead( ));          
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
              System.out.println(cll.removeHead( ));          
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
    class CLLNode{
         int data;
         CLLNode next;
         public CLLNode(int dta, CLLNode nxt){
              data = dta;
              next = nxt;

    I'm not going thru all the code to just "fix it for you". But I do see one glaringly obvious mistake:
    for(int i = 0; i < -999; i++)That says:
    1) Initialize i to 0
    2) while i is less than -999, do something
    Since it is initially 0, it will never enter that loop body.

  • Hi i need help with my linked list

    im having trouble with my list
    this is where i create the studentlinked list. within my constructor for my college.
    public class MyCollege {
         private int capacity;
         public MyCollege(){
              StudentLinkedList studentList = new StudentLinkedList();
         }now my problem is in my add student method
    here it is.
    at the end of the method where i add the student to the linked list (studentList.add(aStudent);)is my problem. it says that studentList cannot be resolved.
    i understand that it cant find studentList. but i am creating it.
    why isnt it working???????????????????
    public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyCollege mc1 = new MyCollege();
         public void addStudent(int i){
                   Student aStudent = new Student();
                   String name,studentNumber, programmeCode;
                   int yearBegan;
                   if(i < capacity){
                        // this defines the buffer that will hold the data to be input
                        BufferedReader theDataStream;
                        theDataStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                        //enter the details of the student
                        System.out.println("Enter in the name of the student followed by their student number");
                        System.out.println("followed by the year they began in the college a and then the course code");
                        System.out.println(" hit enter after each one");
                        name = theDataStream.readLine();
                        studentNumber = theDataStream.readLine();
                        yearBegan = Integer.parseInt(theDataStream.readLine());
                        programmeCode = theDataStream.readLine();
                   }//end if
              }//end try
              catch(IOException e) {

    cheers got it striaght away
         private int capacity;
         private StudentLinkedList studentList;

  • Help with Stacked linked lists with nodes.

    I have 5 elements, { object1, object2, object3, object4, object5}; and I add then to the stack from object1 to object5 (from left to right). So the head node > object 5 > object 4 > object3> object2 > object1. (> represents points to.) So i made a method to get the nth element of the list in the order I input it to the list. The method is called ElementsAt(int i). But some reason, it always returns the last object in the list. I included my entire code because there may be something wrong somewhere else that maybe causing it.
    Note: There is also a list interface.
    public class MyList implements List {
         * The head node.
         private Node head;
         * The node it is currently reading
         private Node curr;
         * The previous node it has read.
         private Node prev;
         * A blank Node
         private Node blank;
         * The number of elements in the list
         private int numItems;
         * Default constructor
         public MyList() {
              numItems = 0;
              head = null;
         * Add an element in front of the list.
         * @param o The object to be added.
         public void addFront(Object o){
              if(head == null) {
                   head = new Node (o, null);
                   blank = new Node(o,null);
                   curr = head;
                   while (curr != null){
                        prev = curr;
                        curr = curr.getNext();
              numItems +=1;
         * Add an element in the back of the list.
         * @param o The object to be added.
         public void addBack(Object o){
              curr = head;
              if (head == null){
                   head = new Node(o ,null);
              else {
                   head = new Node(o, curr);
              numItems +=1;
         * Determine whether the list contains a certain object.
         * @param o The object it searches through the list to
         * see if it is present.
         * @ returns a boolean that describes whether object is
         * in the list.
         public boolean contains(Object o){
              boolean present = false;
              curr = head;
              while ((curr != null) && (present != true)){
                   present = (o.equals(curr.getElement()));
              return present;
         /** Remove an object in the list if it is in the list.
         * @param o The object it wants to remove.
         public void remove(Object o){
              if(head ==null){
                   return ;
                   head = head.getNext();
                   numItems -=1;
                   prev = head;
                   curr = head.getNext();
                   while ((curr!=null) && (curr.getElement() !=o)){
                        prev = curr;
                        curr = curr.getNext();
                   if (curr!=null){
                        blank = curr.getNext();
         /** Determine what object is at the nth place of the list.
         * @param i the nth place of the list
         * if the number is higher than the list, it is invalid.
         * @returns The element of the nth position of the list.
         public Object elementAt(int i){
              curr = head;
              Object blank = "";
              if ( i > numItems){
                   return null;
                   i = numItems - i;
                   for (int j=1; j<=i; j++){
                             blank = curr.getElement();
                             curr = curr.getNext();
                   return blank;
         /** Determine the size of the list.
         * @returns The size of the list
         public int size() {
              return numItems ;
         /** Makes the list empty
         public void makeEmpty() {
              head = new Node(null,null);
              numItems = 0;
         /** Returns The list as a string.
         * @returns String containing all elemnts of the list.
         public String toString(){
              String sum = "";
              curr = head.getNext();
              blank = head;
              prev = head;
              while(curr != null)
                   if(curr.getNext() ==null){
                        sum += "\n" + curr.getElement();
                        prev = blank;
                        curr = prev.getNext();
                        curr = curr.getNext();
                        prev= prev.getNext();
              if (head.getElement() !=null)
              sum +="\n" + head.getElement();
              return sum;
    }this is the program i use to test it.
    public class MyListTester {
         public static void main (String [] args)
              List list = new MyList();
              String one = "Object One";
              String two = "Object Two";
              String three = "Object Three";
              int five = 5;
                    //this should print out object Two, but doesn't
                    //this should print out object Three, but doesn't

    chuang7 wrote:
    So i made a method to get the nth element of the list in the order I input it to the list.
    * The node it is currently reading
    private Node curr;
    * The previous node it has read.
    These ('curr' and 'prev') should be local variables in the methods that need them, not instance variables.
    public void addFront(Object o)
    while (curr != null){
         prev = curr;
         curr = curr.getNext();
    blank.setNext(curr);At this point 'curr' is always null so this line is redundant.
    public void addBack(Object o)You can reduce this method to two lines of code.
    public boolean contains(Object o)
    curr.setNext(curr.getNext());You are modifying the list inside the contains method?
                   for (int j=1; j<=i; j++){Rethink this loop.
    public String toString()
    if(curr.getNext() ==null)
         sum += "\n" + curr.getElement()+"->"+curr.getNext();
         prev = blank;
         curr = prev.getNext();You are modifying the list in the toString() method?

  • Help needed in linked lists...

    I have been working on this computer assignment lately but I still don't understand linked lists yet..I did an assignment on array based implementation and now I am supposed to do the same thing in linked list implementation..
    I need help on how to change this into a linked list implementation..any help would be appreciated. Thank you..below is the code for the array based implementation..the only thing that needs change here is after where is says Array-based implementation of the ADT list.
    public class ListArrayBasedDriver {
      public static void main(String [] args) {
        ListArrayBased myGroceryList = new ListArrayBased();
        myGroceryList.add(9,"red beans");
        printList(myGroceryList); //print out original List
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("adding juice for 5th item...");
        myGroceryList.add (5, (Object) "juice");  //add juice
        System.out.println("item 5 is: " + myGroceryList.get(5)); //get position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("removing juice...");
        myGroceryList.remove (5); //remove item at position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
      public static void printList(ListArrayBased myList)
            //method prints a list, numbering the values,  e.g, "1.  milk" .... "5.  juice".... etc.
            int i;
            for(i=1; i <= myList.size(); i++)
                String tempString = new String((String)myList.get(i));
                System.out.println(i+" "+ tempString);
    // Array-based implementation of the ADT list.
    class ListArrayBased {
        private static final int MAX_LIST = 50;
        private Object items[];  // an array of list items
        private int numItems;  // number of items in list
        public ListArrayBased()
        // creates an empty list
             items = new Object[MAX_LIST];
             numItems = 0;
        }  // end default constructor
        public boolean isEmpty()
          return (numItems == 0);
        } // end isEmpty
        public int size()
           return numItems;
        }  // end size
        public void removeAll()
          // Creates a new array; marks old array for
          // garbage collection.
          items = new Object[MAX_LIST];
          numItems = 0;
        } // end removeAll
        public void add(int index, Object item) throws  ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (numItems > MAX_LIST)
            throw new ListException("ListException on add");
        }  // end if
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems+1)
            // make room for new element by shifting all items at
            // positions >= index toward the end of the
            // list (no shift if index == numItems+1)
            for (int pos = numItems; pos >= index; pos--) {
              items[translate(pos+1)] = items[translate(pos)];
          } // end for
          // insert new item
          items[translate(index)] = item;
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(
             "ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on add");
          }  // end if
        } //end add
        public Object get(int index) throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems)
            return items[translate(index)];
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(
              "ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on get");
          }  // end if
        } // end get
        public void remove(int index) throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems)
            // delete item by shifting all items at
            // positions > index toward the beginning of the list
            // (no shift if index == size)
                for (int pos = index+1; pos <= size(); pos++) {
                    items[translate(pos-1)] = items[translate(pos)];
          }  // end for
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException("ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on remove");
          }  // end if
        } // end remove
        private int translate(int position) {
        return position - 1;
       } // end translate
    }  // end ListArrayBased
    class ListException extends RuntimeException
      public ListException(String s)
      }  // end constructor
    }  // end ListException
    class ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
                extends IndexOutOfBoundsException {
      public ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(String s) {
      }  // end constructor
    }  // end ListIndexOutOfBoundsException

    Could someone check for me if this will work and if it doesn't what I need to do to make it work..Thanks...
    public class ListArrayBasedDriver {
      public static void main(String [] args) {
        ListArrayBased myGroceryList = new ListArrayBased();
        myGroceryList.add(9,"red beans");
        printList(myGroceryList); //print out original List
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("adding juice for 5th item...");
        myGroceryList.add (5, (Object) "juice");  //add juice
        System.out.println("item 5 is: " + myGroceryList.get(5)); //get position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("removing juice...");
        myGroceryList.remove (5); //remove item at position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
      public static void printList(ListArrayBased myList)
            //method prints a list, numbering the values,  e.g, "1.  milk" .... "5.  juice".... etc.
            int i;
            for(i=1; i <= myList.size(); i++)
                String tempString = new String((String)myList.get(i));
                System.out.println(i+" "+ tempString);
    // Linked List-based implementation of the ADT list.
    class ListNode
         //class to represent one node in a list
         class ListNode
              //package access members; List can access these directly
              Object data;
              ListNode nextNode;
              //contructor creates a ListNode that refers to object
              ListNode( Object object)
                   this( object, null );
              } //end ListNode one-argument constructor
              //constructor creates ListNode that refers to
              // Object and to the next ListNode
              ListNode ( Object object, ListNode node)
                   data = object;
                   nextNode = node;
              // end ListNode two-argument contructor
              //return reference to data in node
              Object getObject()
                   return data; // return Object in this mode
              //return reference to next node in list
              ListNode getNext()
                   return nextNode; // get next node
              } // end method getNext
    } //end class ListNode
    //class List Definition
    public class List
         private ListNode firstNode;
         private ListNode lastNode;
         private String name; // string like " list " used in printing
         //contructor creates empty List with " list " as the name
         public List()
              this(" list ");
         } //end List no-arguement constructor
    //contructor creates an empty list with a name
    public List( String listName )
         name = listname;
         firstNode = lastNode = null;
    } //end List no-arguement contructor
    //insert Object at front of List
    public void insertAtFront ( object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and lastNode refer to same object
              firstNode = lastNode = newListNode( insertItem );
         else // firstNode refers to new node
              firstNode = new ListNode ( insertItem, firstNode );
    } // end method insertAtFront
    // insert Object at end of List
    public void insert AtBack ( Object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and lastNode refer to same object
              firstNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
         else // firstNode refers to new node
         firstNode = new ListNode (insertItem, firstNode );
    } // end method insertAtFront
    // insert Object at end of List
    public void insertAtBack ( Object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and LastNode refer to same Object
              firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
         else // lastNode = lastNode.nextNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
    } // end method insertAtBack
    //remove first node from List
    public Object removeFromFront() throws EmptyListException
         if( isEmpty() ) //throw exception if list is empty
         throw new EmptyListException( name );
         object removedItem =; //retrieve data being removed
    // update references firstNode and lastNode
    if (firstNode == lastNode )
         firstNode =lastNode = null;
         firstNode = firstNode.nextNode;
         return removedItem; // return removed node data
    } //end method removeFromFront
    //remove last node from List
    Public Object removeFromBack() throws EmptyListException
         If ( isEmpty() ) // throw exception if list is empty
              throw new EmptyListException( name );
         Object removedItem =; // retrieve data being removed
         // update references firstNode and lastNode
         If ( firstNode == lastNode )
              firstNode = lastNode = null;
         else // locate new last node
              ListNode current = firstNode;
              // loop while current node does not refer to lastNode
              while ( current.nextNode != lastNode )
                   current = current.nextNode;
              lastNode = current; // current is new lastNode
              current.nextNode = null;
         } // end else
         return removedItem; // return removed node data
    } // end method removeFromBack
    // determine whether list is empty
    public boolean isEmpty()
         return firstNode == null; // return true if list is empty
    }     // end method isEmpty
    //output List contents
    public void print()
         if (isEmpty() )
              System.out.printf(�Empty %s\n�, name );
         System.out.printf(�The %s is: �, name );
         ListNode current = firstNode;
         //while (current != null )
              System.out,printf(�%s �, );
              current = current.nextNode;
         } //end while
         System.out.println( �\n� );
    } //end method print
    } end class List

  • Help with UL navigation list

    Hello all, I need some help with a left navigation menu I
    have created, you can see the code below:
    the problem I have is when I am putting a link to the UL it
    doesn't work ( probably because I have a background image in my
    CSS) i was wondering if I can do it with another way..
    css code
    .treemenu {
    margin : 0px 20px;
    padding : 10px;
    list-style : none;
    width : 200px;
    .treemenu ul {
    list-style : none;
    margin : 0px 5px;
    padding : 0px 5px;
    .treemenu li {
    display : inline;
    .treemenu a {
    display : block;
    padding-left : 0px;
    text-decoration : none;
    .treemenu .treeopen {
    background-image : url('../img/open.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;
    .treemenu .treeclosed {
    background-image : url('../img/closed.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;

    Hello all, I need some help with a left navigation menu I
    have created, you can see the code below:
    the problem I have is when I am putting a link to the UL it
    doesn't work ( probably because I have a background image in my
    CSS) i was wondering if I can do it with another way..
    css code
    .treemenu {
    margin : 0px 20px;
    padding : 10px;
    list-style : none;
    width : 200px;
    .treemenu ul {
    list-style : none;
    margin : 0px 5px;
    padding : 0px 5px;
    .treemenu li {
    display : inline;
    .treemenu a {
    display : block;
    padding-left : 0px;
    text-decoration : none;
    .treemenu .treeopen {
    background-image : url('../img/open.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;
    .treemenu .treeclosed {
    background-image : url('../img/closed.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;

  • Including Help in the Linked List Entries

    Can any one explain how to include Help text to the Linked List Entries like including normal help in the other APEX 2.2 items?

    Hi santhosh
    while you are creating the fieldcatalog there is a field called 'ROLLNAME' - Data element for F1 help.
    If your F1 help is in reference to this data element you can specifiy it here so that it appears on the List viewer. Otherwise you have to create your own data element with the documentation and specify it here for it to appear.
    In the Grid control, you can use events for triggering the same.
    Hope this helps.
    Reward points.

  • Please help with a link!!

    Hi All,
    I am having a problem with a link on this site that I am working on.   I would like to have  "Learn more about Mary" as a link which scrolls horizontally to the "About Mary"   page. All the pages are part of a tooltip composition widget. I tried using anchors unsuccesfully. I would be ever so grateful for any help.

    Hi Rita
    With Anchors what happens if you apply that ? It should work as the page should scroll up to menu options that you have placed on main page.
    But it seems you are using full screen slideshow and wants to link the text with the slideshow on Mary using the triggers.
    My suggestion would be to create a page or image/document about marry and then hyperlink the text with that page, this way users will be directed to About Mary page not the actual slideshow but the contents can be made same or insert the same slideshow on About Mary page, the effect would be same.

  • Can you help with D-link and two airport express stations

    I currently run a Dlink 604 wireless and 1 Airport express for iTunes in my front room.
    A Express is also linked to the Dlink via a cable.
    All works fine - G4 dual running OS x 10.3.9
    I would like help with a couple of things please:-
    1. I have no current security on my Express, so anybody can use the net connection through it. How do I change this and still be able to use my tower and laptop?
    2. I have a second Express from work that I would like to use upstairs. It does work but requires me to swap the network to use it for iTunes and then I have no internet.
    It was formatted at work so has different ip numbers etc.
    Can I make this station join my exisitng network?
    As my lap top is wireless will I be able to surf through it upstairs?

    1. You need to open the Express's configuration in Airport Admin Utility and change the Wireless Security settings to WEP or, preferably, WPA or WPA2. When you attempt to connect to the network from your computers, you will be prompted for the password.
    2. The easiest thing to do is to hard reset the second Express and then use the Airport Setup Assistant to configure the second Express to join and extend the first Express's network. To do a hard reset, hold down the reset button until the LED starts flashing rapidly.
    BTW, I know it can work because I have the exact same setup (D-Link DI-604 and two Expresses in an extended wireless network).

  • Help with Library Items

    How do I change the titles of a couple of pages, eg "Biography" to "About"  and how do I delete some pages?

    This question really has nothing to do with Library items.  And for benefit of those not following other threads, the link to the pages is here -
    So - what do you want to cover in this thread: titles, deleting other pages, or Library items?  How about we start with my first suggestion to you in the previous thread -
    In DW's Code view for the film_tv.html page, change this -
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    to this -
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    Save the page.  Make a similar change in any other page in your site containing that XML prolog
    ("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>"), i.e., delete it.
    Now, to get on with the Library items, in your local site, you will find a file called "main_nav.lbi" in the Library items folder.  Open it in DW. Again, in Code view, delete all of this -
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; }  function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} }
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
      var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
        d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
      if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
      for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
      if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
      var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
       if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}
    <body onLoad="MM_preloadImages('../images/navigation/home_f2.gif','../images/navigation/recordings_f2.g if','../images/navigation/theatre_f2.gif','../images/navigation/tv_f2.gif','../images/navi gation/reviews_f2.gif','../images/navigation/contact_f2.gif','../images/navigation/links_f 2.gif','../images/navigation/biog_f2.gif')">
    so that the library item's code looks begins like this -
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <tr align="left" valign="top">
    Save that Library item and allow DW to update all pages.
    Now that you have done that, say more about your other questions please.

  • Hashing with double linked list....

    Okay, everything compiles great but I'm getting a NullPointerException upon running the program.
    'line' is a string from a file to let you know that much. 'firstnode', 'nownode', and 'lastnode' are pointers in my array linked list 'anArray'. I know clever names. lol But hey, my professor uses variable names like 'X' 'T' and 'G' all the time, confusing bastard. :-) Anywho... I put a note in the code so you can see where this exception is taking place. Any help is 100% welcomed and appreciated!
         while( line != null )
         int hashindex = hash(line, 20);
         if(firstnode[hashindex] == null)
                 firstnode[hashindex] = nownode[hashindex] = lastnode[hashindex] = new ListNode( line );
                 nownode[hashindex] = new ListNode( line );
    //This line is the exception, if I comment it out, the next line throws it
              anArray[hashindex].CONS(nownode[hashindex], lastnode[hashindex]);
              anArray[hashindex].LCONS(lastnode[hashindex], nownode[hashindex]);
    //If I comment out the 2 lines above this line DOES NOT throw an exception, weird
              lastnode[hashindex] = nownode[hashindex];
         line = input.readLine();

    Okay, here's some more code... Just the top portion of the program. Keep in mind that methods like CONS, LCONS, CDR, and LCDR are just using the ListNode methods such as .ptr and stuff... My professor makes us use this ADT he provided. I can post ALL code if you would like but I dont think all that is necessary.
    static BufferedReader input, console;
    static List hashtable = new List();
    static List[] anArray = new List[20];
    static ListNode[] nownode, firstnode, lastnode;
    static String message = "";
    static int nodecount = 0;
    public static void openFile()
    //Opens the file for input and throws and exception if the file is not there
         File taskFile = new File("prices.txt");
             input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( taskFile ));
         catch( FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException )
         outputStuff("Error", "The file does not exist!", "error");
    public synchronized static void setupTable() throws IOException
         firstnode = new ListNode[20];
         nownode = new ListNode[20];
         lastnode = new ListNode[20];
         String line = input.readLine();
         firstnode[0] = nownode[0] = lastnode[0] = new ListNode( line );
         while( line != null )
         hashindex = hash(line, 20);
         if(firstnode[hashindex] == null)
                 firstnode[hashindex] = nownode[hashindex] = lastnode[hashindex] = new ListNode( line );
                 nownode[hashindex] = new ListNode( line );
              anArray[hashindex].CONS(nownode[hashindex], lastnode[hashindex]);
              anArray[hashindex].LCONS(lastnode[hashindex], nownode[hashindex]);
              lastnode[hashindex] = nownode[hashindex];
         line = input.readLine();
         for(int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
              while( nownode[i] != null)
              message += "String = " + nownode[i], 0 ) + "\tIndex = " + i + "\n";
         nownode[i] = anArray[i].CDR(nownode[i]);
         outputStuff("test", message, "blah");
    }//End setupTable

  • Need help with href link that submits

    I need some help. I dynamically create HTML that displays a horizontal row of page numbers in Position 8. Although they look like page numbers to the use, are not true Apex pages, but rather "logical" pages that change the content in a single Apex physical page. The URL that gets returned from the HREF sets a variable in the page. Then I need a submit to occur so that all my "after submit" processes run, and the page re-renders. Is this even possible? I've been unsuccessful so far.

    Two things...
    1. Be careful about "hard coding" values in a link. I don't know if you've already done this, but the link should use substitution variables as so...
    When the page renders each substitution variable will be replaced with the correct value.
    2. Not that it really matters, but you named your variable starting with P94000. Typically this would indicate the variable appears on page 94000. Is this the case?
    The problem with what you want to do is that it can be done so many different ways. Each way is not necessarily better than the other. Number 1 above is using a link in the traditional sense. It's a link to the same page (achieved by using app_page_id). It will not submit the page but it contains enough information to set the value of a variable and you can code off of that variable's value.
    You could use a JavaScript trick, but I wouldn't bother for this. In addition, you could use the request value over a variable value to feed off of but since you already started with the variable I'd stick with that.
    The first thing you need to do is figure out if your variables value is being set with the link... Let me know if you have more questions.

  • Help with sorting a list

    can anyone help me with sorting of a list by date?
    I have like 5 objects in the list, 4 are string and one is list.
    I want to sort them by Date..
    How can I do that?
    I don't know if I can use CompateTo?? I am new to programing, I would appreciate if anyone can explain with sample code.
    Your help is appreciated.

    ASH_2007 wrote:
    Hey thanks for your response, but there is a little problem with what I said earlier.
    Actually my List is a type of record (it's called Employee record)
    Here what exactly I have:
    for Iint i=0; i< employeeRecord.getList().size(); i++)
    EmployeeRecord emp = employeeRecord.getList().get(i);
    //so if I can not hold my date information in an object, coz it's says type mismatch
    //I am not sure how can I do this?
    }Can you please help with sample code?
    Thanks tonsEither cast or learn about generics. Also, use an Iterator or a foreach loop, NOT get(i).
    [Collections tutorial|]
    [Generics intro|]
    [Generics tutorial|]

  • Help abstract classes linked list

    I have a base abstract class Vegetable which is basically Node for a linkedlist
    The base class Vegetable has a few abstract methods Pumpkin, Carrot, Potato basically extends Vegetable
    Another class called VegetableCollection
    basically in VegetableCollection
    can this be done if the objects are different types eg Pumpkin, potato, Carrot?
    public void add(Vegetable addObject)
    head = new Vegetable(addObject);

    I have a base abstract class Vegetable which is basically Node for a linkedlist
    The base class Vegetable has a few abstract methods Pumpkin, Carrot, PotatoYou probably wouldn't have abstract methods with those names. Abstract methods are methods that you will need to define in every subclass. And a subclass called Pumpkin probably won't have meaningful definitions for methods called Carrot and Potato.
    can this be done if the objects are different types eg Pumpkin, potato, Carrot?
    public void add(Vegetable addObject)
    head = new Vegetable(addObject);
    }Here is an example of "polymorphism" at work:
    import java.util.*;
    abstract class Vegetable
      public abstract void identify();
    class Carrot extends Vegetable
      public void identify()
        System.out.println("I'm a Carrot.");
    class Pumpkin extends Vegetable
      public void identify()
        System.out.println("I'm a Pumpkin.");
    public class Test
      public static void main(String args[])
        LinkedList<Vegetable> myVegetables = new LinkedList<Vegetable>();
        myVegetables.add(new Carrot());
        myVegetables.add(new Pumpkin());
        Iterator<Vegetable> i = myVegetables.iterator();
        Vegetable v = null;
          v =;
    I'm a Carrot.
    I'm a Pumpkin.To get polymorphism to work, you need to:
    1) Define a base class with a method that you want in all the subclasses.
    2) Override the method in the subclasses so that it does what's necessary for that subclass.
    3) Store the subclass objects in a variable(or collection) whose type is the base class.
    4) Call the method on the base type variable. Then through the magic of polymorphism, java will examine the actual object stored in the base type variable to determine what subclass it is, and then java will call the version of the method in that subclass.
    As the previous poster mentioned, you need to define a class called Node, which has head, previous, and next members. Your Node class will also have a member variable called veggie, which will be of type Vegetable. Then you can assign a Carrot, Pumpkin, or Potato object to that member variable.
    I assume this is an exercise where you have to create your own linked list. Otherwise, you can use the linked lists provided by java, which are very easy to use.

  • No Qualified People Here?   Need Help with Contact - Linking Email

    I have two pages - XML, I'll post photos . Just need to link it to my email and also I page to link social buttons.

    It is getting late here, nearly 3:00 am.
    I'll get back to you later on. But I am still in a quandary regarding the question. What I have now is
    you post photos, presumably to the website
    you send an email to yourself with a link to the image
    somewhere (please state where) you want social media images with their relative links
    I just want to link it to my own email - probably refers to point 2 above
    so when someone sends it to me - someone sends what to you. Do you post the iphoto or does it get uploaded by someone else.
    we need to disregard the XML-file

Maybe you are looking for

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    When I try to save my class notes on Microsoft Word 2004, sometimes it works, and other times it will say "Word is connecting to the printer"....and then the program freezes and never unfreezes. When I force quit, I lose my notes for the whole class.