Help with loading multiple images via LoadVars

Hello everybody.
I need a hand loading multiple images using the LoadVars
method with a text file. I can get it to load 1 image but not
anymore than that. I am aware of other methods like using
components but I am looking for a method where I can access and
change all data from 1 text file (there will be text variable text
within the file aswell to, but I am more concerned with the images
at the moment).
Anyway on to the issue. I have created a much simple .fla
file that outlines my problem.
The movie contains 3 layers:
- top layer contains AS
- middle layer contains an empty movie clip with the
instance name of mcImage1
- bottom layer contains an empy movie clip with the instance
name of mcImage2
The AS layer contains the following code:
imagedata = new LoadVars()
imagedata.onLoad = function(ok){
} else trace("Problem Loading")
In the same folder of my .swf file I have a text file called
data.txt which contains the following
Also in the same folder of my .swf file I have two images
image1.gif and image2.gif.
When I run the flash the image2.gif is imported correctly.
image1.gif does not appear.
You can download my source files and all images here
Any help that can be shed on this problem is much

Glad to help. It is just that I see so many folks who have
two different parts of a problem smushed together – each
problem isn't so hard on its own, but together they are difficult
to wrap your head around. Always try and break down each step of
the problem and it will help you in the end.
That being said, I'm not quite so sure on this next problem.
I don't do so much timeline stuff along with the Actionscript. I
can get tricky. So this I don't quite have as much of clear mental
picture of what you are describing. But here are some questions
that I would ask – either of myself if I was doing it or of
Is there a stop() on frame one to wait for the
LoadVars.onLoad? Does the onLoad then say to play?
If not, what happens if we get to Frame 10 before the
LoadVars has even finished? That could be a problem.
Remember that the LoadVars object is an actual object that
will exist until it is deleted or removed in various ways. You can
access it at any time after it is loaded. The onLoad event handler
is just that thing you want to happen immediately after it is
So my design would probably be.
LoadVars on Frame 1.
Where I am stopped.
In the onLoad handler load the first image and tell the
timeline to play
On frame 10, the LoadVars object will still exist (unless
you've deleted it)
Get the variable out of the LoadVars and load the image.
If you want to check this. Put a stop() in frame 10 and run
it in the testing environment. When it gets to that frame, go to
the debug menu and List Variables. You should see that your
LoadVars object is still there.
Does that answer your question or am I totally missing the

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         var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
         trace(bytes.length); //Outputs: 4631
         //By the way, this image is a special format and will always be 160 by 160 pixels.
         myImage = new BitmapData(160,160);
         bytes.position = 0;
              myImage.setPixels(new Rectangle(0,0,160,160),bytes);
         } catch(e:EOFError){
              trace(bytes.position); //Outputs: 4628
         addChild(new Bitmap(myImage));
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    There is no getImage that accepts the parameters in the order in which you have given them. Try this:
    getImage( getCodeBase(), "flower.gif" );

  • Problem in Loading Multiple image in Single Sprite/MovieClip

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    package com.project.utils{
        import com.project.*;
        import com.project.utils.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
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            public var imgMc:MovieClip;
            public var imgObject:Object;
            public var loaded:Number;
            public function ImageLoader():void {
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
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                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
                imgMc = imgHolder;
                imgObject = imgObj;
                imgloader.load(new URLRequest(imgObj.FilePath));
            private function onImgLoad(Evt:Event):void {
                var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;
                try {
                } catch (error:Error) {
                try {
                    if (imgObject.URL != undefined) {
                        imgMc.buttonMode = true;
                        imgMc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                        imgMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                } catch (err:Error) {
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD"));
            private function onImageClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Image Attrs:"+imgObject.URL +" Target "+imgObject.Target);
            private function onImgLoadProgress(Evt:ProgressEvent):void {
                if (Evt.bytesLoaded>0) {
                    loaded = Math.floor((Evt.bytesLoaded*100)/Evt.bytesTotal);
                    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_PROC",loaded));
            private function onImageLoadFailed(Evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("Image Loading Failed");
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_FAIL"));
    Here I am loading some images using the above class in a for loop, like
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
                    //imgLoader=new ImageLoader;
                    var target:MovieClip=videolist_mc["list" + mcCount + "_mc"];
                    var imgObj:Object=new Object;
                    target.list_mc.urlObj=new Object  ;
                    target.list_mc.lable_txt.htmlText="<b>" + list[i].Label + "</b>";
    In this case, the works only on the last movie clip from the for loop. For example, if i am trying to load three image in three movie clips namely img_mc1,img_mc2 and img_mc3 using the for loop and, I am getting the image loaded in the third movie clip only img_mc.
    See at the same time, If i uncomment onething in the for loop that is
    //imgLoader=new ImageLoader;         
    its working like a charm. But I know creating class objects in a for loop is not a good idea and also its causes some other problems in my application.
    So, help to get rid out of this problem.

    package com.project.utils{
        import com.project.*;
        import com.project.utils.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        public class ImageLoader extends EventDispatcher {
            public var imgloader:Loader;
            public var imgMc:MovieClip;
            public var imgObject:Object;
            public var loaded:Number;
            public function ImageLoader():void {
    // better add you movieclip to the stage if you want to view anything added to it.
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
            public function loadImage(filepath:String):void {
                imgloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,onImgLoadPr ogress);
                imgloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onImageLoadF ailed);
                imgloader.load(new URLRequest(filepath));
            private function onImgLoad(Evt:Event):void {
                var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;
                try {
                } catch (error:Error) {
                try {
                    if (imgObject.URL != undefined) {
                        imgMc.buttonMode = true;
                        imgMc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                        imgMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                } catch (err:Error) {
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD"));
            private function onImageClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Image Attrs:"+imgObject.URL +" Target "+imgObject.Target);
            private function onImgLoadProgress(Evt:ProgressEvent):void {
                if (Evt.bytesLoaded>0) {
                    loaded = Math.floor((Evt.bytesLoaded*100)/Evt.bytesTotal);
                    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_PROC",loaded));
            private function onImageLoadFailed(Evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("Image Loading Failed");
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_FAIL"));
    Here I am loading some images using the above class in a for loop, like
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
                    var imgLoader:ImageLoader=new ImageLoader();
                    var target:MovieClip=videolist_mc["list" + mcCount + "_mc"];
                    var imgObj:Object=new Object;
                    target.list_mc.urlObj=new Object  ;
                    imgLoader.loadImage(pass the image file's path/name);
                    target.list_mc.lable_txt.htmlText="<b>" + list[i].Label + "</b>";

  • Load Multiple Images in Crystal Report using Paths

    Hi Guys,
    I am currently in need of developing a new requirement for our company's client. We have to load multiple images using just link in Crystal Report. Let's say that the images are stored in a folder (e.g., C:\Datafolder\Images\) and i have to fetch two images to show in crystal report (say, C:\Datafolder\Images\imageval1 and C:\Datafolder\Images\imageval2). These are actually dynamically created and therefore the number of images are not known and so i have to iterate through the list of image links.
    Is it possible using merely crystal report and how?. If not, can I do it using Crystal Report SDK?. Any help will be appreciated. Please take note that we're also using C# in developing our software applications.
    Thanks and best regards.

    There are also a number of KBAs:
    1296803 - How to add an image to a report using the Crystal Reports .NET inproc RAS SDK
    1199408 - How to load an image from disk into a dataset using CSharp (C#) in Visual Studio .NET
    Other related KBAs:
    1216239 - How to access a Crystal Report "Preview Picture" using the CR .NET or RAS .NET SDK?
    1373770 - How can I add a picture to a Crystal Reports subreport using the RAS .NET SDK?
    1320507 - How to change images dynamically in Crystal Reports based on parameter selection?
    And more. Please do use the search box in the top right corner. Simple search terms are best. E.g: 'crystal image net' or 'crystal image format formula', etc.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Load multiple images from directory?

    What is the best way to use CF to load multiple images from a
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    returns an array of file names. I am using a Flex front end, and
    wonder if I should just pass the file name array to Flex and let it
    loop through and load each image into an array. Or is it possible
    from within my CFC to use the file name array to get CF to grab the
    images and then pass that image array back to Flex? If so, is there
    any advantage to either approach? TIA,

    You don't want to pass the binaries to Flex, you should just
    give Flex the image names and load them via HTTP.

  • Loading multiple images in IE...

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    close tab in middle of loading process (after few images loaded).
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    address). NOTE that tab must be closed (not whole IE). Closing IE
    and running html again will work normaly.
    Is there any idea how to correct this? Note that I used
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    P.S. I use IE 7 under the Vista, but IE 7 with XP also have
    same behavior.

    If you mean that image service have simultaneous download
    limit, it does not. We have number of tile-generating services, and
    also prerendered images, and on every system we have same issue.
    Also, any flash-based map that load tiles are prone for this
    error (e.g. yahoo maps, flashearth even google flash maps).
    P.S. On Firefox it works ok.

  • Load Multiple Images using link in Crystal Report

    Hi Guys,
    I am currently in need of developing a new requirement for our company's client. We have to load multiple images using just link in Crystal Report. Let's say that the images are stored in a folder (e.g., C:\Datafolder\Images\) and i have to fetch two images to show in crystal report (say, C:\Datafolder\Images\imageval1 and C:\Datafolder\Images\imageval2). These are actually dynamically created and therefore the number of images are not known and so i have to iterate through the list of image links.
    Is it possible using merely crystal report and how?. Please take note that we're also using C# in developing our software applications.
    Thanks and best regards.

    Hi Chito,
    You cannot load multiple images dynamically. Using the 'graphic location' formula for the OLE Object, you can only point to a location that can load one image.
    For the second image, you'll need to manually insert another OLE Object and point the formula to the next image's location.
    You can try posting to the SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio space to find out whether this can be done using CR SDK.

  • Help with Dreamweaver flash image viewer

    Hi all
    Would like some help with Dreamweavers Flash image viewer.
    Everything is working properly except when i try to link a picture, and have set the imagelinkTarget value to _blank the link always navigates away from my site and does not open in a new window.
    I have tried all the values for the imageLinkTarget and nothing works..
    Here is my code
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0, 28,0','width','190','height','190','src','images/ad1','quality','high','flashvar s','flashlet={imageLinkTarget:\'_blank\',captionFont:\'Verdana\',titleFont:\'Verdana\',sh owCo ntrols:false,frameShow:false,slideDelay:5,captionSize:14,captionColor:#000000,ti tleSize:10,transitionsType:\'Fade\',titleColor:#333333,slideAutoPlay:true,imageU RLs:[\'images/image1.jpg\',\'images/image2.jpg\',\'images/image3.jpg\',\'images/ image4.jpg\'],slideLoop:true,frameThickness:2,imageLinks:[\'\',\'\'],frameColor:#333333,bgColor:# FF9966,imageCaptions:[\'Bowls Australia\',\'Sydney Morning Herald\']}','pluginspage',' ash','flash_component','ImageViewer.swc','movie','images/ad1' ); //end AC code
    </script><noscript><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0, 28,0" width="190" height="190">
              <param name="flash_component" value="ImageViewer.swc" />
              <param name="movie" value="images/ad1.swf" />
              <param name="quality" value="high" />
              <param name="FlashVars" value="flashlet={imageLinkTarget:'_blank',captionFont:'Verdana',titleFont:'Verd ana',showControls:false,frameShow:false,slideDelay:5,captionSize:14,captionColor :#000000,titleSize:10,transitionsType:'Fade',titleColor:#333333,slideAutoPlay:tr ue,imageURLs:['images/image1.jpg','images/image2.jpg','images/image3.jpg','image s/image4.jpg'],slideLoop:true,frameThickness:2,imageLinks:['',''],frameColor:#333333,bgColor:#FF9 966,imageCaptions:['Bowls Australia','Sydney Morning Herald']}" />
              <embed src="images/ad1.swf" quality="high" flashvars="flashlet={imageLinkTarget:'_blank',captionFont:'Verdana',titleFont:' Verdana',showControls:false,frameShow:false,slideDelay:5,captionSize:14,captionC olor:#000000,titleSize:10,transitionsType:'Fade',titleColor:#333333,slideAutoPla y:true,imageURLs:['images/image1.jpg','images/image2.jpg','images/image3.jpg','i mages/image4.jpg'],slideLoop:true,frameThickness:2,imageLinks:['',''],frameColor:#333333,bgColor:#FF9 966,imageCaptions:['Bowls Australia','Sydney Morning Herald']}" pluginspage=" ash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="190" height="190"> </embed>
    any help would be greatly appericated

    I just googled and found lots of folks with the same problem.  One fellow wrote this as a soluton:
    "All you have to do is
    remove the values from the imageLinks in the flash element. That
    should fix it."
    Does it?
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

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    I use,
    URL url = getClass().getResource("images/image1.png");
    Image image1 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);to load an image.
    Can someone tell me why, when I clean and build my project to create a JAR, my images fail to load.
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    URL url = getClass().getResource("images/file1.png");
    Image img= Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);The folder doesn't exist and so it can't find the image.
    Can someone tell me how to keep my file structure when I create the JAR or an alternative way to find the images within the JAR file.

  • Help with load xml driven swf in another swf

    Hello people ... (sorry for my Google transalte English)
    ... I am desperate, tapping in place last week.
    In fact, i make flash CD presentation in Adobe Flash CS5 AS2 (with minimal use of ActionScript). It  occurs to me the next problem ... need to load flash image gallery that i already have created, in new presentation file. Gallery  was created in Flash Slideshow maker and as products I have. Swf,. Xml  and folders with thumbnails and picture (no. Fla file).
    The concept of the presentation (as root is concerned) should look like in uploaded picture "izgled otvorenog cd-a". In each of the folder on cd presentation (as on picture) is a Flash presentation controlled by their xml file whose name I must not change. Exe file "Prezentacija 2011" is a presentation (Flash Projector) that i try to make. In the same presentation i create frames and for each of the frames added action:
    loadMovie ("02_Kapije/kapije.swf", "kapije_ucitavanje");
    kapije_ucitavanje._x = 23;
    kapije_ucitavanje._y = 167;
    stop ();
    (Of course, for each item varies loadMovie root and instance name).
    The problem is that presentations can't find xml file, apparently because they do not have the appropriate root. When  all the files of the one gallery set in the same folder with  the "Presentation 2011.exe" file, everything works normally (  however, as i said, i cannot change the name of Xml file and that disturb the concept of my CD presentation).
    How can I drive loaded swf file from the above script to use Xml file in its folder?
    P.S. ...and it looks so easy

    you're welcome.
    p.s.  please mark helpful/correct responses.

  • Please help with Load Variables / ASP

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    page, (which uses a response.write) to output the variable
    getfile.onRelease = function()
    myData = new LoadVars();
    myData.onLoad = function(success){
    if(success) {
    getfile_txt.text = this.strString;
    } else {
    getfile_txt.text = "error";
    the problem is that the output says "undefined", but when I
    access the .asp page through my web browser I get the expected
    result of the variable which is "Test1.Doc"
    if any1 can help with this, i would be massivley thankful,

    p.s strString is the variable that I am trying to pass from
    the ASP page.

  • Help with creating thumbnail images

    Hi there
    I need some help with a webpage that displays images.
    I am capturing an internal xml file ..and want to display:
    An Image or images with a width of 130 px and height of 130
    My problem is that when our users upload the pictures to the
    website ..they are not resized ..and they would not know how to use
    a program to do this.
    Is there a code or way to take the uploaded picture file and
    reduce it to a size of 130 x 130 in the existing page?
    It currently is displaying the full size image(s) which are
    take up 2 screens.
    thanks for your time ..Rob

    > Is there a code or way to take the uploaded picture file
    and reduce it to
    > a
    > size of 130 x 130 in the existing page?
    In the HTML you can just give it a width and height of those
    However, the full image is still loaded by the browser, so if
    the image is
    large, it's still going to be a bandwidth hog.
    Ideally, you'd resize on the server at time of upload. This
    can be done with
    various components depending on the particular back-end

  • Help with exporting and image size or boundaries?

    I am trying to slide the cat into the scene a little at a time foir an animation project I am working on. However, when I export the image the back ground of the image expands with a checkered back ground( showing here in white) and shows the whole cat.
    How do I just show a little of the cat on the image at a time when exporting. I am trying to give the impression that the cat is walking into the room. I do not want to have to cut the cat up.
    I would be thankful for any suggestions.

    Provide the name of the program you are using so a Moderator may move this message to the correct program forum
    This Cloud forum is not about help with program problems... a program would be Photoshop or Lighroom or Muse or ???

  • How to add metadata to multiple images via Template

    Wonder if anyone can tell me if it is possible to add Metadata to multiple images using a metadata template.  I see that I can add to multiple using Organizer but with that you have to type in the metadata.  In Elements 11 I can do it using a template but only for 1 image at a time.
    Is there a way to do this in Elements 11 or Organizer?
    Thanks in Advance.

    In the File properties dialog of the editor you can enter your values in the metadata tabs, then use the 'Import' button on the bottom of the dialog, switch to 'Export' and that exports your values as a template.
    As far as I know, this is to be used in the advanced dialog of the downloader : you can use your templates at import time for a batch of images.
    Otherwise, when you have selected many images in the organizer, you can click on the 'Add IPTC data' button in the tags panel on the right side : you have to enter the data which will be applied to all the selected files.

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