Help with Query

Hi All,
our auditors wanted a report, basically FBL3N + the vendor name, i tried using
tcode O758 to just add the vendor number there but looks like i have to add
in BSEG inorder for it to appear in O758.
so i created a query which does this.
I was able to link BSIS to BSISK with BELNR and BSIK to LFA1 with LIFNR
to get the open items
to get the cleared items i linked BSIS to BSAK with BELRN and BSAK to
LFA1 with LIFNR. This works fine but i want to combinbe these reports
so that we get the open and cleared items both in the same report.
BELNR first sits in BSIK and once its cleared it goes to BSAK and theres no
AUGBL in BSIK but its there in BSAK so not sure how to link these tables.
Linking BELNR from BSIS to BSAK and BSIK doesnt work .
please advice........

looks like i havent figured it out fully, i am not getting the vendor name to show
only the vendor number, have to test it fully . will let you know Ravi

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    I want some help with a query using a base rate and the result use in the next calculation year.
    Here an example:
    create table rate_type(
    rate_type_id    number,
    rate_desc       nvarchar2(50),
    rate_base_year  number
    insert into rate_type(rate_type_id, rate_desc, rate_base_year) values (1, 'Desc1', 4.6590);
    insert into rate_type(rate_type_id, rate_desc, rate_base_year) values (2, 'Desc2', 4.6590);
    create table rates (
    rate_type_id number
    rate_year    number,
    rate_value   number
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (1, 2012, 1.2);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (1, 2013, 1.3);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (1, 2014, 1.4);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (2, 2012, 1.2);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (2, 2013, 1.3);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (2, 2014, 1.4);The calculation for the first year should be the base rate of the rate type. The next year should use the result of the previous year and so on.
    The result of my sample data is:
    2012 = 4.659 + 1.2 + 4.659 * (1.2 * 0.01) = 5.9149
    2013 = 5.9149 + 1.3 + 5.9149 * (1.3 * 0.01) = 7.1859
    2014 = 7.1859 + 1.4 + 7.1859 * (1.4 * 0.01) = 8.4721Query result:
    NAME 2012 2013 2014
    Desc1 5.9149 7.1859 8.4721
    How can I do this in one select statement? Any ideas?

    Assuming you are on 11.2:
    with t as (
               select  a.rate_type_id,
                       count(*) over(partition by a.rate_type_id) cnt,
                       row_number() over(partition by a.rate_type_id order by rate_year) rn
                 from  rate_type a,
                       rates b
                 where a.rate_type_id = b.rate_type_id
         ) as (
                select  rate_type_id,
                        rate_base_year + rate_value + rate_base_year * rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  t
                  where rn = 1
               union all
                select  t.rate_type_id,
                        r.result + t.rate_value + r.result * t.rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  r,
                  where t.rate_type_id = r.rate_type_id
                    and t.rn = r.rn + 1
    select  *
      from  (
             select  rate_desc name,
               from  r
               where rn <= cnt
      pivot (sum(result) for rate_year in (2012,2013,2014))
      order by name
    NAME             2012       2013       2014
    Desc1        5.914908  7.2918018 8.79388703
    Desc2        5.914908  7.2918018 8.79388703
    SQL> Obviously pivoting assumes you know rate_year values upfront. If not, then without pivoting:
    with t as (
               select  a.rate_type_id,
                       count(*) over(partition by a.rate_type_id) cnt,
                       row_number() over(partition by a.rate_type_id order by rate_year) rn
                 from  rate_type a,
                       rates b
                 where a.rate_type_id = b.rate_type_id
         ) as (
                select  rate_type_id,
                        rate_base_year + rate_value + rate_base_year * rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  t
                  where rn = 1
               union all
                select  t.rate_type_id,
                        r.result + t.rate_value + r.result * t.rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  r,
                  where t.rate_type_id = r.rate_type_id
                    and t.rn = r.rn + 1
    select  rate_desc name,
      from  r
      where rn <= cnt
      order by name,
    NAME        RATE_YEAR     RESULT
    Desc1            2012   5.914908
    Desc1            2013  7.2918018
    Desc1            2014 8.79388703
    Desc2            2012   5.914908
    Desc2            2013  7.2918018
    Desc2            2014 8.79388703
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

  • Help with query output

    Hello, I have the following query that I'm running in Oracle SQL Developer 1.2.1
    WITH group_by_4_column_results AS
    (SELECT m_atschunk.employee AS employee,
    M_ATSCHUNK.rolloffDaysCount = '108545043' AND m_atschunk.infractiondate BETWEEN SYSDATE - 365 AND SYSDATE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rolloffs,
    M_ATSCHUNK.INFRACTIONDATE + 365 as infractionDate
    group by employee, infractionDate, rolloffDaysCount
    SELECT g4.*,
    SUM (rolloffs) OVER (PARTITION BY employee) AS total_rolloffs
    FROM group_by_4_column_results g4
    It will output the key elements of what I need. But where it sums up the 'total_rolloffs', I need to add that number back into the infractiondate column. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    (EMPLOYEE varchar(50),
    ROLLOFFDAYSCOUNT varchar(3),
    VALUES ('PHIL','YES', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('PHIL','YES', (to_date('2010/01/02 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('PHIL','YES', (to_date('2010/01/03 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('PHIL','YES', (to_date('2010/01/04 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('PHIL','YES', (to_date('2010/01/05 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('PHIL','NO', (to_date('2010/02/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('PHIL','NO', (to_date('2010/03/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','YES', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','YES', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','YES', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','NO', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','NO', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','NO', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))),
    VALUES ('NIKI','NO', (to_date('2010/01/01 08:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss')))

    Phil3061 wrote:
    I need to add that number back into the infractiondate column.Well, in general you need to use UPDATE or better MERGE. Howebver, your data sample does not show any rollofs:
    EMPLOYEE                                           ROL INFRACTIO
    PHIL                                               YES 01-JAN-10
    PHIL                                               YES 02-JAN-10
    PHIL                                               YES 03-JAN-10
    PHIL                                               YES 04-JAN-10
    PHIL                                               YES 05-JAN-10
    PHIL                                               NO  01-FEB-10
    PHIL                                               NO  01-MAR-10
    NIKI                                               YES 01-JAN-10
    NIKI                                               YES 01-JAN-10
    NIKI                                               YES 01-JAN-10
    NIKI                                               NO  01-JAN-10
    EMPLOYEE                                           ROL INFRACTIO
    NIKI                                               NO  01-JAN-10
    NIKI                                               NO  01-JAN-10
    NIKI                                               NO  01-JAN-10
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> WITH group_by_4_column_results AS
      2  (SELECT m_atschunk.employee AS employee,
      3  SUM(CASE
      4  WHEN
      5  M_ATSCHUNK.rolloffDaysCount = '108545043' AND m_atschunk.infractiondate BETWEEN SYSDATE - 365 AND SYSDATE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as
      6  M_ATSCHUNK.INFRACTIONDATE + 365 as infractionDate
      8  group by employee, infractionDate, rolloffDaysCount
      9  )
    10  SELECT g4.*,
    11  SUM (rolloffs) OVER (PARTITION BY employee) AS total_rolloffs
    12  FROM group_by_4_column_results g4
    13  /
    EMPLOYEE                                             ROLLOFFS INFRACTIO TOTAL_ROLLOFFS
    NIKI                                                        0 01-JAN-11              0
    NIKI                                                        0 01-JAN-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 01-JAN-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 02-JAN-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 03-JAN-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 04-JAN-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 05-JAN-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 01-FEB-11              0
    PHIL                                                        0 01-MAR-11              0
    9 rows selected.
    SQL> So adjust data sample and based on it tell us what are the expected results.

  • Need help with query that can look data back please help.

    hi guys i have a table like such
        "FGL_GRNT_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_FUND_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_ACCT_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_ORGN_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_PROG_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_GRNT_YEAR" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_PERIOD"    VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_BUDGET"    VARCHAR2(60)
      )and i have a data like such
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','10','1','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','0');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','10','14','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','10','2','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7470','4730','02','10','2','200');I bascially need to get the total of the budget column. however its not as simple as it sound(well atleast not for me.) the totals carry over to the new period. youll noticed the you have a period column. basically what im saying is that
    fgl_grant_year 10 period 1 = for account 7600 its $100 and $100 for period 2 you see 100 dollars again this is not to be added this is the carried over balance. which remains $100.
    so im trying to write a query that basically does the following.
    im given a period for the sake of this example lets say period 1 i get nothing else. I have to find the greates grant year grab the amount for period 14(which is the total from the previous year) and add it to the amount of the current period. in this case period 1 grnt_year 11
    so the expected outcome should be $700
    240055     240055     7240     4730     02     10     14     200
    240055     240055     7600     4730     02     10     14     100
    240055     240055     7600     4730     02     11     1     400keep in mind that im not given a year just a period.
    any help that you guys can offer would be immensely appreciated. I have been trying to get this to work for over 3 days now.
    finally broke down and put together this post
    Edited by: mlov83 on Sep 14, 2011 8:48 PM

    wondering if you can help me modify this sql statement that you provided me with .
    table values have been modified a bit.
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','00','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','0');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('360055','360055','7200','4730','02','10','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('360055','360055','7600','4730','02','10','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','10','14','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','2','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','11','2','600');i need to take one more thing into consideration. if the greatest year has a value on period 00 i need to ignore the period 14 and the current period total would be
    the current period +(current period - greatest year 00)
    hope that makes sense so in other words with the new data above. if i was querying period two of grant year 11. i would end up with $800
    because the greatest year is 11 it contains a period 0 with amount of $400 so my total should be
    period 2 amount $ 600
    period 0 amount $ 400 - period 2 amount of $600 = 200
    600+200 = $800
    if i query period 1 of grant 360055 i would just end up with 800 of grnt year 10.
    i have tried to modify that query you supplied to me with no luck. I have tried for several day but im embarrased to say i just can get it to do what im trying to do .
    can you please help me out.

  • Need Help With Query Using Aggregation

    If I have a table, defined like this:
    CREATE TABLE range_test
    range_id NUMBER(20) NOT NULL,
    grade CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
    lower_bound_of_range NUMBER(5,2) NOT NULL,
    upper_bound_of_range NUMBER(5,2) NOT NULL,
    And I wanted to query the table to find the range associated with the last inserted row for each 'grade' (e.g. 'A', 'B', 'C', etc), how would I go about that?
    I want something like the following, but I know that this won't work right:
    range_test GROUP BY received_date_time_stamp;
    Thanks for your help. . .I'm frustrating myself with this one and I think it should be possible without having to use PL/SQL (i.e. SQL aggregate functions or sub-queries should work).

    Perhaps something along the lines of...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select deptno, empno, ename, hiredate
      2  from emp
      3* order by deptno, empno
    SQL> /
            10       7782 CLARK      09-JUN-1981 00:00:00
            10       7839 KING       17-NOV-1981 00:00:00
            10       7934 MILLER     23-JAN-1982 00:00:00
            20       7369 SMITH      17-DEC-1980 00:00:00
            20       7566 JONES      02-APR-1981 00:00:00
            20       7788 SCOTT      19-APR-1987 00:00:00
            20       7876 ADAMS      23-MAY-1987 00:00:00
            20       7902 FORD       03-DEC-1981 00:00:00
            30       7499 ALLEN      20-FEB-1981 00:00:00
            30       7521 WARD       22-FEB-1981 00:00:00
            30       7654 MARTIN     28-SEP-1981 00:00:00
            30       7698 BLAKE      01-MAY-1981 00:00:00
            30       7844 TURNER     08-SEP-1981 00:00:00
            30       7900 JAMES      03-DEC-1981 00:00:00
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select deptno, empno, ename, hiredate
      2  from (
      3        select deptno, empno, ename, hiredate
      4              ,row_number() over (partition by deptno order by hiredate desc) as rn
      5        from emp
      6       )
      7  where rn = 1
      8* order by deptno, empno
    SQL> /
            10       7934 MILLER     23-JAN-1982 00:00:00
            20       7876 ADAMS      23-MAY-1987 00:00:00
            30       7900 JAMES      03-DEC-1981 00:00:00

  • Need help with Query

    Good day everyone! I need help writing a query. I have this table with the following data in them...
    A123            11          100  
    A456            11          200
    A123            10          50
    A456            10          100I want the output to look like this:
    A123               100                              50
    A456               200                              100The user will input the fiscal year and based on that input, I want to get the prior year value as well.
    Thank you for all your help!!
    Edited by: user5737516 on Jun 29, 2011 6:48 AM
    Edited by: user5737516 on Jun 29, 2011 6:50 AM

    user5737516 wrote:
    Good day everyone! I need help writing a query. I have this table with the following data in them...
    A123 11 100
    A456 11 200
    A123 10 50
    A456 10 100
    I want the output to look like this:
    A123 100 50
    A456 200 100
    The user will input the fiscal year and based on that input, I want to get the prior year value as well.
    Thank you for all your help!!what is prior year?

  • Query off of Oracle using WinSql - Need help with query

    I am trying to query off of Oracle using program WinSql.
    I have a table(tticpr200110) that has the following sample data:
    ITEM     CODE     T$AMNT
    23500076 ACL     .0049
    23500076 APM     0
    23500076 APO     .0093
    23500076 EXP     .0001
    23500076 RES     .0072
    and what I want it to look like is:
    ITEM     ACL     APM     APO     EXP     RES
    23500076     0.0049     0     0.0093     0.0001     0.0072
    (actually I need the last 2 columns added together to be MATL-but can deal with that down the road).
    Seems simple enough, but I don't know to put into the columns.
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated as soon as possible would be even better.

    My table - tticpr200110 when it runs I get the following sample data for part number 23500076:
    The first coloumn ITEM is the part number.
    The second column CODE is 1 of 5 different cost codes
    The third column is the cost for that code for that part.
    23500076 ACL 0.0049
    23500076 APM 0.0000
    23500076 APO 0.0093
    23500076 EXP 0.0001
    23500076 RES 0.0072
    I want to make a query that makes the data look like this:
    23500076 0.0049 0.0000 0.0093 0.0001 0.0072
    (similar to a pivot table in excel or acess)
    I hope this helps better.

  • Need help with Query to determine Credit Memos and Invoices

    Hi All
    Thanks for all the help here.
    I need a query to determine any credits or invoices issued within a given period.
    OINV and ORIN with UNION ALL?
    Please advise any help.
    Thank you!

    Hi Daniel,
    Please check below Query.
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] as 'Invice No', T0.[DocDate] as 'Invoice Date', T0.[CardName] as 'Invoiced Customer', T3.[DocNum] as 'Credit Memo No', T3.[DocDate] as 'Credit Mamo Date', T3.[CardName] as 'Credit Memo Customer' FROM OINV T0  LEFT JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry] LEFT JOIN RIN1 T2 ON T2.[BaseEntry] = T1.[DocEntry] AND T2.[BaseLine] =  T1.[LineNum] LEFT JOIN ORIN T3 ON T2.[DocEntry] = T3.[DocEntry] WHERE T0.[DocDate]  >=[%3]  AND   T0.[DocDate] <=[%4]
    Hope this helps
    Atul Chakraborty

  • [Oracle 8i] Help with query performance

    The following query is running VERY slowly for me:
    SELECT     oord.part_nbr
    ,     sopn.ord_nbr
    ,     sopn.sub_ord_nbr
    ,     sopn.major_seq_nbr
    ,     sopn.wctr_id
    ,     sopn.oper_desc
    ,     SUM(pact.act_dlrs_earned+pact.act_brdn_dls_earned+pact.tool_dlrs_earned+pact.act_fix_brdn_dls_ea)
    ,     pact.activity_date
    FROM     PACT pact
    ,     SOPN sopn
    ,     OORD oord
    WHERE     pact.order_nbr          = sopn.ord_nbr          AND
         pact.maj_seq_nbr     = sopn.major_seq_nbr     AND
         sopn.sub_ord_nbr     = pact.sub_order_nbr     AND
         sopn.ord_nbr          = oord.ord_nbr          AND
         sopn.sub_ord_nbr     = oord.sub_ord_nbr     AND
              pact.activity_date     >= ?          AND
              sopn.rework_ind          = 'N'          AND
              (oord.part_nbr, sopn.major_seq_nbr, sopn.wctr_id)
              NOT IN     (
                        SELECT     rout.doc_nbr
                        ,     rout.major_seq_nbr
                        ,     rout.wctr_id
                        FROM ROUT rout
                        WHERE     (rout.begn_eff_dt    <=SYSDATE)     AND
                             (rout.end_eff_dt    >SYSDATE)     AND
                             (rout.po_rework_ind    ='N')       
    GROUP BY     oord.part_nbr
    ,          sopn.ord_nbr
    ,          sopn.sub_ord_nbr
    ,          sopn.major_seq_nbr
    ,          sopn.wctr_id
    ,          sopn.oper_desc
    ,          pact.activity_dateI sent a request off to my IT department (specifically asking for the explain plan and tkprof, as described in the [main post on this topic|] ), and they replied with a screen shot of the 'explain plan' the tool they use (Toad) provides.
    I don't know if anyone can help me based off this, since I know it's not really what the main post says to provide, but it's all I was given.
    My IT department also made a few changes to my original query (see below) and told me it got rid of one of the full scans of the PACT table, but they aren't sure why it helped, and I have to say I'm suspect of any fixes where it's not understood why it helped.
    SELECT     oord.part_nbr
    ,     sopn.ord_nbr
    ,     sopn.sub_ord_nbr
    ,     sopn.major_seq_nbr
    ,     sopn.wctr_id
    ,     sopn.oper_desc
    ,     SUM(pact.act_dlrs_earned+pact.act_brdn_dls_earned+pact.tool_dlrs_earned+pact.act_fix_brdn_dls_ea)
    ,     pact.activity_date
    FROM     PACT pact
    ,     SOPN sopn
    ,     OORD oord
    WHERE     sopn.ord_nbr          = pact.order_nbr     AND
         sopn.major_seq_nbr     = pact.maj_seq_nbr     AND
         pact.sub_order_nbr     = sopn.sub_ord_nbr     AND
         oord.ord_nbr           = sopn.ord_nbr          AND
         oord.sub_ord_nbr     = sopn.sub_ord_nbr     AND
         (pact.activity_date >= ?)               AND
         'N'               = sopn.rework_ind     AND
         pact.order_nbr          = oord.ord_nbr          AND
         oord.sub_ord_nbr = pact.sub_order_nbr          AND
         (oord.part_nbr, pact.maj_seq_nbr, sopn.wctr_id) NOT IN
              SELECT /*+ INDEX_JOIN(ROUT) */     rout.doc_nbr
              ,                    rout.major_seq_nbr
              ,                    rout.wctr_id
              FROM     ROUT rout
              WHERE     rout.begn_eff_dt     <= SYSDATE     AND
                   rout.end_eff_dt      > SYSDATE     AND
                   'N' = rout.po_rework_ind
    GROUP BY     oord.part_nbr
    ,          sopn.ord_nbr
    ,          sopn.sub_ord_nbr
    ,          sopn.major_seq_nbr
    ,          sopn.wctr_id
    ,          sopn.oper_desc
    ,          pact.activity_dateAny help on this would be appreciated... when I run this (right now) for 2-3 months of data, it takes a minimum of 3 hours to complete, and I'll eventually need to run this for up to a year's worth of data.

    Well, let's see.
    You get 156 rows returned using IN and 121 rows using exists.
    You need identify the 'missing records' and conclude if that's correct or not, I'm not able to do that from remote, without knowing your data or system.
    It would be helpful if we could see cost and cardinalities, you (or your IT dept.) can get them easily be running the queries from your SQL*Plus prompt.
    SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLYbefore running the queries.
    That gives you the explain plan and additional statistics (sorts in memory and sorts to disk).
    Since you use a group by, and you're on 8i can you also post results of these queries:
    select banner from v$version;
    select name, value, isdefault from v$parameter where name like '%area%';Finally, does below query give you a different plan?
    select oord.part_nbr
    ,      oord.ord_nbr
    ,      oord.sub_ord_nbr
    ,      pact.major_seq_nbr
    ,      sopn.wctr_id
    ,      sopn.oper_desc
    ,      sum(pact.act_dlrs_earned + pact.act_brdn_dls_earned + pact.tool_dlrs_earned + pact.act_fix_brdn_dls_ea)
    ,      pact.activity_date
    from   oord oord 
    ,      pact pact
    ,      sopn sopn
    where  oord.ord_nbr       = pact.order_nbr
    and    oord.sub_ord_nbr   = pact.sub_order_nbr
    and    oord.ord_nbr       = sopn.ord_nbr
    and    oord.sub_ord_nbr   = sopn.sub_ord_nbr
    and    sopn.major_seq_nbr = pact.maj_seq_nbr
    and    (pact.activity_date >= ?)
    and    'N' = sopn.rework_ind
    and    (oord.part_nbr, pact.maj_seq_nbr, sopn.wctr_id) not in ( select rout.doc_nbr
                                                                    ,      rout.major_seq_nbr
                                                                    ,      rout.wctr_id
                                                                    from   rout rout
                                                                    where  rout.begn_eff_dt <= sysdate
                                                                    and    rout.end_eff_dt > sysdate
                                                                    and    'N' = rout.po_rework_ind)
    group  by oord.part_nbr
    ,         oord.ord_nbr
    ,         oord.sub_ord_nbr
    ,         pact.major_seq_nbr
    ,         sopn.wctr_id
    ,         sopn.oper_desc
    ,         pact.activity_date

  • Help with query rewrite and materialized views

    Hello everybody,
    I'm currently learning how to use Oracle (10G Enterprise) and in particular, Materialized Views.
    I seem to have a problem making the optimizer use a materialized view. I have already set the OPTIMIZER_MODE, QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED and QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY as needed.
    I need to create a materialized view for the following query:
    and PS_SUPPCOST =
    I created it using the following code:
    WHERE lower(P_COMMENT) LIKE '_o_a%' or lower(P_COMMENT) LIKE '_o_u%'
    and PS_SUPPCOST=
    I have created the statistics using:
    execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('frandres',' mv_q1');
    execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('frandres','PARTSUPPLIER');
    execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('frandres','PART');
    Both partsupplier and part are tables and not views.
    When executing Q1, the plan does not use the materialized view. Furthermore, when using explain rewrite:
    and PS_SUPPCOST =
    I get the following message:
    QSM-01150: query did not rewrite
    QSM-01263: query rewrite not possible when query references a dictionary table o
    r view
    QSM-01219: no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query
    What I can't understand is why it says I am referencing the dictionary or a view?
    If I remove the (lower(P_COMMENT) LIKE ''_o_a\%'' or lower(P_COMMENT) LIKE ''_o_u\%'') condition to the query (using the same materialized view), I get the following message from EXPLAIN_REWRITE:
    QSM-01150: query did not rewrite
    QSM-01219: no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query
    Which is reasonable.
    I don't know if the like condition is messing up my materialized view. Can anyone please help?
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Edited by: user12072111 on Oct 29, 2009 9:43 PM

    The patch set is supposed to fix this ( [List of bugs fixed (MVs)|] )
    In particular:
    5052568      Query rewrite does not work for SQL with LIKE clause.
    Thank you very much for your message!
    The downside is that I'm only using Oracle for educational purposes and consequently have no Metalink id, so I can't install the patch. Thanks a lot though!

  • Need help with query for converting columns to rows

    I know this is a very common question asked in the forum. I have searched regading this, i did find some threads, but i was not able to achieve what i require from the answers posted. So anybody please help me.
    I have a table which is having multiple columns as follows:
    Insert into table_1 (X,Y,Z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) values (0,0,2,0,0,1,3,0,0,0,0,0);I want to convert the result into a two column, multiple rows i.e., I want the result as follows:
    Col1 Col2
    X      0
    Y     0
    Z      2
    A     0
    B     0
    C     1
    D     3
    E     0
    F     0
    G     0
    H     0
    I      0Please anybody help me in writing the query for this..

    Is this what you are expecting:
      2  (
      3  SELECT 0 X, 0 Y, 2 Z, 0 A, 0 B, 1 C, 3 D, 0 E, 0 F, 0 G, 0 H, 0 I FROM DUAL
      4  )
      5  SELECT  'X' col1, X col2 FROM T
      6  UNION ALL
      7  SELECT  'Y' col1, Y col2 FROM T
      8  UNION ALL
      9  SELECT  'Z' col1, Z col2 FROM T
    10  UNION ALL
    11  SELECT  'A' col1, A col2 FROM T
    12  UNION ALL
    13  SELECT  'B' col1, B col2 FROM T
    14  UNION ALL
    15  SELECT  'C' col1, C col2 FROM T
    16  UNION ALL
    17  SELECT  'D' col1, D col2 FROM T
    18  UNION ALL
    19  SELECT  'E' col1, E col2 FROM T
    20  UNION ALL
    21  SELECT  'F' col1, F col2 FROM T
    22  UNION ALL
    23  SELECT  'G' col1, G col2 FROM T
    24  UNION ALL
    25  SELECT  'H' col1, H col2 FROM T
    26  UNION ALL
    27  SELECT  'I' col1, I col2 FROM T
    28  /
    C       COL2                                                                   
    X          0                                                                   
    Y          0                                                                   
    Z          2                                                                   
    A          0                                                                   
    B          0                                                                   
    C          1                                                                   
    D          3                                                                   
    E          0                                                                   
    F          0                                                                   
    G          0                                                                   
    H          0                                                                   
    C       COL2                                                                   
    I          0                                                                   
    12 rows selected.

  • Please help with query for 5 lastest opening balance  !!!!!!!!!!!

    Can anyone plese tell me or guide me how to write the query to show the 5 lastest opening balance from the A/R invoice on the specific BP partner?
    The box to input "BP partner"
    and then show,
    Lastest transaction | Ship date | Invoice number | Balance Amount | Culmulative
    Your help will be very very appreciated.

    This is very good but I would like to show only the top 5 remaining invoice. I think that I have to combine it with JDT1. I have seen one query that may be able to apply on my case.
    T1.CardCode + '' AS 'BP Code',
    T2.Notes2 AS 'BP Name',
         WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN 'IN'
         WHEN T0.TransType = 14 THEN 'CN'
         WHEN T0.TransType = 30 THEN 'JE'
         WHEN T0.TransType = 24 THEN 'RC'
         WHEN T0.TransType = 46 THEN 'PS'
         ELSE 'Error ! ! !'
    END AS 'Doc Type',
    T0.Ref1 'Doc. Number',
    ISNULL(T0.FCCurrency, ' - ') AS 'Ccy',
    (T0.BalFcDeb - T0.BalFcCred) AS 'Bal. F. Ccy',
    (T0.BalDueDeb - T0.BalDueCred) AS 'Bal. Rs',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, '[%1]') <= -1)                     ,0) AS 'Future',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, '[%1]') = 0)                         ,0) AS 'Current Mth',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, '[%1]') = 1)                         ,0) AS '1 Mth Ago',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, '[%1]') = 2)                         ,0) AS '2 Mth Ago',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate ,'[%1]') = 3)                         ,0) AS '3 Mth Ago',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, '[%1]') between 4 and 6)    ,0) AS '4 - 6 Mth Ago',
    ISNULL((SELECT T0.BalDueDeb -T0.BalDueCred WHERE DateDiff(mm, T0.RefDate, '[%1]') >= 7)                       ,0) AS '>7 Mth Ago'
    FROM JDT1 T0
    INNER JOIN OCRD T1 ON T0.ShortName = T1.CardCode
    LEFT OUTER JOIN OCPR T2 ON T1.CardCode = T2.Cardcode
    T1.CardType = 'C' and Balance != 0
    and (T0.BalDueDeb - T0.BalDueCred) != 0
    but still try to figure it out....

  • 11g: Multicolumn pivot - help with query

    Hi everyone,
    My first attempt at posting here was not very successful. I have now read the rules, and done more homework.
    I'm fairly new to Oracle databases, but have some experience with MySQL and Postgres from earlier.
    First of all, here is an example table of what I have today. This is only an extract of the full table, but these fields are the interesting ones.
    CREATE TABLE trans
         ("FROM_LIC" int, "FROM_LOCATION" varchar2(18), "TO_LOCATION" varchar2(18), "CREATE_DT" timestamp)
               VALUES (4100002563, '215', 'INN_MONO_05', '04-Mar-2013 11:54:21 AM')
               VALUES (4100002563, 'INN_MONO_05', 'INN_MONO_06_BANE_R', '04-Mar-2013 11:55:08 AM')
               VALUES (4100002563, 'INN_MONO_06_BANE_R', 'TROLLEY_19', '04-Mar-2013 12:01:06 PM')
               VALUES (4100002563, 'TROLLEY_19', 'UT_OPPLAST_5_2', '04-Mar-2013 12:01:56 PM')
               VALUES (4100002563, 'UT_OPPLAST_5_2', 'STG010801', '04-Mar-2013 12:01:56 PM')
               VALUES (4100003259, '231', 'INN_MONO_04', '04-Mar-2013 02:18:31 PM')
               VALUES (4100003259, 'INN_MONO_04', 'INN_MONO_04_BANE_L', '04-Mar-2013 02:19:28 PM')
               VALUES (4100003259, 'INN_MONO_04_BANE_L', 'TROLLEY_5', '04-Mar-2013 02:22:41 PM')
               VALUES (4100003259, 'TROLLEY_5', 'UT_OPPLAST_3_1', '04-Mar-2013 02:23:35 PM')
               VALUES (4100003262, '243', 'INN_MONO_06', '04-Mar-2013 01:37:49 PM')
               VALUES (4100003262, 'INN_MONO_06', 'INN_MONO_06_BANE_R', '04-Mar-2013 01:39:09 PM')
               VALUES (4100003262, 'INN_MONO_06_BANE_R', 'TROLLEY_10', '04-Mar-2013 01:43:48 PM')
               VALUES (4100003262, 'TROLLEY_10', 'UT_OPPLAST_5_2', '04-Mar-2013 01:44:58 PM')
               VALUES (4100003262, 'UT_OPPLAST_5_2', 'STG010904', '04-Mar-2013 01:46:30 PM')
               VALUES (4100003263, '231', 'INN_MONO_04', '04-Mar-2013 02:18:31 PM')
               VALUES (4100003263, 'INN_MONO_04', 'INN_MONO_04_BANE_R', '04-Mar-2013 02:19:20 PM')
    SELECT * FROM dual
    ;As of now, I have a query that returns a data grid from the table, looking exactly like the example table I've included.
    Here is a copy of the query that gives the example table as a result from the table in our database:
    select * from (
        select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where to_location like 'INN_MONO___' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)
        select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'INN_MONO___' and to_location like 'INN_MONO%BANE%' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)
        select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'INN_MONO%BANE%' and to_location like 'TROLLEY%' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)
        select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'TROLLEY%' and to_location like 'UT_OPPLAST____' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)
        select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'UT_OPPLAST____%' and (to_location like 'STG%' or to_location like 'UT_OPPLAST%GULV') and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)
      ) order by from_lic, create_dtI would be delighted if you could help me formulating a new query that gives THIS output, from the same table, with the same constraints as in the original query:
    CREATE TABLE new_table
         ("FROM_LIC" int, "FLOOR" timestamp, "INFEED" timestamp, "TROLLEY" timestamp, "OUTFEED" timestamp, "STAGING" varchar2(16))
         INTO new_table ("FROM_LIC", "FLOOR", "INFEED", "TROLLEY", "OUTFEED", "STAGING")
               VALUES (4100002563, '04-Mar-2013 11:54:00 AM', '04-Mar-2013 11:55:00 AM', '04-Mar-2013 12:01:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 12:01:00 PM', '03.04.2013 12:01')
         INTO new_table ("FROM_LIC", "FLOOR", "INFEED", "TROLLEY", "OUTFEED", "STAGING")
               VALUES (4100003259, '04-Mar-2013 02:18:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 02:19:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 02:22:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 02:23:00 PM', NULL)
         INTO new_table ("FROM_LIC", "FLOOR", "INFEED", "TROLLEY", "OUTFEED", "STAGING")
               VALUES (4100003262, '04-Mar-2013 01:37:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 01:39:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 01:43:00 PM', '04-Mar-2013 01:44:00 PM', '03.04.2013 13:46')
    SELECT * FROM dual
    ;What happened here is that for each instance of from_lic, the line yielded from
    select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where to_location like 'INN_MONO___' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)The value for CREATE_DT ---> in the new column called FLOOR.
    And the following for the rest of the columns:
    select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'INN_MONO___' and to_location like 'INN_MONO%BANE%' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)The value for CREATE_DT ---> INFEED.
    select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'INN_MONO%BANE%' and to_location like 'TROLLEY%' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)The value for CREATE_DT ---> TROLLEY.
    select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'TROLLEY%' and to_location like 'UT_OPPLAST____' and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)The value for CREATE_DT ---> OUTFEED.
    select distinct from_lic, from_location, to_location, create_dt from trans where from_location like 'UT_OPPLAST____%' and (to_location like 'STG%' or to_location like 'UT_OPPLAST%GULV') and create_dt > sysdate-(3/24)The value for CREATE_DT ---> STAGING.
    Originally I was thinking of a pivot for this, but there is possibly better ways to accomplish this.
    I would like to have the data in the described format to make data mining easier.
    The query will run on a table with >3M lines.
    I hope this way of formulating the question is better, and more comprehensible.
    Please do not hesitate to ask questions, and I'll do my best to answer.
    I can test any suggested queries in the production database when necessary.
    Edited by: 997749 on Apr 3, 2013 5:18 AM
    Edited by: 997749 on Apr 3, 2013 6:20 AM

    what about something like this:
    with trans as
       SELECT 4100002563 from_lic, 'INN_MONO_05'        to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:54:21', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100002563 from_lic, 'INN_MONO_06_BANE_R' to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:55:08', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100002563 from_lic, 'TROLLEY_19'         to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 12:01:06', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100002563 from_lic, 'STG010801'          to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 12:01:56', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100002563 from_lic, 'UT_OPPLAST_5_2'     to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 12:01:56', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100005037 from_lic, 'INN_MONO_05'        to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:18:31', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100005037 from_lic, 'INN_MONO_04_BANE_R' to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:21:54', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100005037 from_lic, 'TROLLEY_16'         to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:25:43', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100005037 from_lic, 'UT_OPPLAST_3_4'     to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:26:37', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100005037 from_lic, 'STG010703'          to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:27:31', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100006658 from_lic, 'INN_MONO_08'        to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:00:31', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100006658 from_lic, 'INN_MONO_08_BANE_L' to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:02:35', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100006658 from_lic, 'TROLLEY_22'         to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:07:54', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 4100006658 from_lic, 'UT_OPPLAST_7_3'     to_location, TO_DATE('03.04.2013 11:09:03', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') create_dt FROM DUAL
    , got_category AS
       SELECT from_lic
            , CASE
                 WHEN to_location like 'INN_MONO%BANE%'
                 THEN 'INFEED'
                 WHEN to_location like 'INN_MONO%'
                 THEN 'FLOOR'
                 WHEN to_location like 'TROLLEY%'
                 THEN 'TROLLEY'
                 WHEN to_location like 'STG' OR to_location like 'UT%GULV' 
                 THEN 'STAGED'
                 WHEN to_location like 'UT_OPPLAST%'
                 THEN 'OUTFEED'
                 ELSE 'UNKNOWN'
              END as cat
            , create_dt
         FROM trans
        WHERE create_dt > (sysdate -10/24) -- adjusted for different timezone
    SELECT * --FROM_LIC, lic_a, lic_b, lic_c, lic_d, lic_e
      FROM got_category
    PIVOT(MAX(create_dt) FOR cat IN('FLOOR'   as floor,
                                     'INFEED'  as infeed,
                                     'TROLLEY' as trolley,
                                     'OUTFEED' as ooutfeed,
                                     'STAGED'  as staged));
      FROM_LIC FLOOR                  INFEED                 TROLLEY                OOUTFEED               STAGED               
    4100002563 03-APR-2013 11:54:21   03-APR-2013 11:55:08   03-APR-2013 12:01:06   03-APR-2013 12:01:56                        
    4100005037 03-APR-2013 11:18:31   03-APR-2013 11:21:54   03-APR-2013 11:25:43   03-APR-2013 11:26:37                        
    4100006658 03-APR-2013 11:00:31   03-APR-2013 11:02:35   03-APR-2013 11:07:54   03-APR-2013 11:09:03                         If not useful, please post your input data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and your expected output.

  • Help with query to do with aggregating for MIN(DATE)

    Say i have the following table of data:
    Table: TEST               
    ID     TDATE     CLIENT     VAL
    1A     1/10/2005     client1     10
    2A     2/10/2005     client1     30
    3A     3/11/2005     client2     22
    4A     5/10/2005     client2     43
    5A     5/10/2005     client2     3
    6A     6/10/2005     client3     5
    7A     7/10/2005     client3     76
    I want to create a query that will retrieve a distinct list of the CLIENT column (ie. in the above table I want only 3 records retrieved in the query as there are only 3 clients) and the corresponding ID and VAL for the client record with the MIN(DATE). In the case where 2 dates are the same, I dont care which record is selected as long as the ID and VAL columns belong to the same record.
    For example in the above data I would expect the following returned in the query:
    ID     CLIENT     VAL
    1A     client1     10
    4A     client2     43 <- this record could also be 5A, client2, 3
    6A     client3     5
    Please help.

    Hi Joshua,
    You didn't post your Oracle version but I hope it supports analytic functions.
    Try as follows:
    SQL> select id,
      2         tdate,
      3         client,
      4         val
      5    from (select t.*,
      6                 row_number() over
      7                   (partition by client order by tdate) rn
      8            from test t)
      9   where rn = 1;
    ID         TDATE      CLIENT                                VAL
    1A         01/10/2005 client1                                10
    4A         05/10/2005 client2                                43
    6A         06/10/2005 client3                                 5Regards.

  • Need help with query joining several tables into a single return line

    what i have:
    puid, task
    id0, task0
    id1, task1
    id2, task2
    puid, seq, state
    id0, 0, foo
    id0, 1, bar
    id0, 2, me
    id1, 0, foo
    id2, 0, foo
    id2, 1, bar
    puid, seq, date
    id0, 0, 12/21
    id0, 1, 12/22
    id0, 2, 12/22
    id1, 0, 12/23
    id2, 0, 12/22
    id2, 1, 12/23
    what i'd like to return:
    id0, task0, 12/21, 12/22, 12/22
    id1, task1, 12/23, N/A, N/A
    id2, task2, 12/22, 12/23, N/A
    N/A doesn't mean return the string "N/A"... it just means there was no value, so we don't need anything in this column (null?)
    i can get output like below through several joins, however i was hoping to condense each "id" into a single line...
    id0, task0, 12/21
    id0, task0, 12/22
    id0, task0, 12/23
    id1, task1, 12/23
    is this possible fairly easily?
    Edited by: user9979830 on Mar 29, 2011 10:53 AM
    Edited by: user9979830 on Mar 29, 2011 10:58 AM

    Welcome to the forum!
    user9979830 wrote:
    what i have:...Thanks for posting that so clearly!
    Whenever you have a question, it's even better if you post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your sample data, like this:
    CREATE TABLE     tablea
    (       puid     VARCHAR2 (5)
    ,     task     VARCHAR2 (5)
    INSERT INTO tablea (puid, task) VALUES ('id0',  'task0');
    INSERT INTO tablea (puid, task) VALUES ('id1',  'task1');
    INSERT INTO tablea (puid, task) VALUES ('id2',  'task2');
    CREATE TABLE     tablec
    (       puid     VARCHAR2 (5)
    ,     seq     NUMBER (3)
    ,     dt     DATE          -- DATE is not a good column name
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id0',  0,  DATE '2010-12-21');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id0',  1,  DATE '2010-12-22');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id0',  2,  DATE '2010-12-22');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id1',  0,  DATE '2010-12-23');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id2',  0,  DATE '2010-12-22');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id2',  1,  DATE '2010-12-23');This way, people can re-create the problem and test their ideas.
    It doesn't look like tableb plays any role in this problem, so I didn't post it.
    Explain how you get the results from that data. For example, why do you want this row in the results:
    PUID  TASK  DT1        DT2        DT3
    id0   task0 12/21/2010 12/22/2010 12/22/2010rather than, say
    PUID  TASK  DT1        DT2        DT3
    id0   task0 12/22/2010 12/21/2010 12/22/2010? Does 12/21 have to go in the first column because it is the earliest date, or is it because 12/21 is related to the lowest seq value? Or do you even care about the order, just as long as all 3 dates are shown?
    Always say what version of Oracle you're uisng. The query below will work in Oracle 9 (and up), but starting in Oracle 11, the SELECT ... PIVOT feature could help you.
    i can get output like below through several joins, however i was hoping to condense each "id" into a single line... Condensing the output, so that there's only one line for each puid, sounds like a job for "GROUP BY puid":
    WITH     got_r_num     AS
         SELECT     puid
         ,     dt
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  puid
                                   ORDER BY          seq          -- and/or dt
                           )         AS r_num
         FROM    tablec
    --     WHERE     ...     -- If you need any filtering, put it here
    SELECT       a.puid
    ,       a.task
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 1 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt1
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 2 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt2
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 3 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt3
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 4 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt4
    FROM       tablea    a
    JOIN       got_r_num r  ON   a.puid  = r.puid
    GROUP BY  a.puid
    ,            a.task
    ORDER BY  a.puid
    ;I'm guessing that you want the dates arranged by seq; that is, for each puid, the date related to the lowest seq comes first, regardless of whther that date is the earliest date for that puid or not. If that's not what you need, then change the analytic ORDER BY clause.
    This does not assume that the seq values are always consecutive integers (0, 1, 2, ...) for each puid. You can skip, or even duplicate values. However, if the values are always consecutive integers, starting from 0, then you could simplify this. You won't need a sub-query at all; just use seq instead of r_num in the main query.
    Here's the output I got from the query above:
    PUID  TASK  DT1        DT2        DT3        DT4
    id0   task0 12/21/2010 12/22/2010 12/22/2010
    id1   task1 12/23/2010
    id2   task2 12/22/2010 12/23/2010As posted, the query will display the first 4 dts for each puid.
    If there are fewer than 4 dts for a puid, the query will still work. It will leave some columns NULL at the end.
    If there are more than 4 dts for a puid, the query will still work. It will display the first 4, and ignore the others.
    There's nothing special about the number 4; you could make it 3, or 5, or 35, but whatever number you choose, you have to hard-code that many columns into the query, and always get that many columns of output.
    For various ways to deal with a variable number of pivoted coolumns, see the following thread:
    This question actually doesn't have anything to do with SQL*Plus; it's strictly a SQL question, and SQL questions are best posted on the "SQL and PL/SQL" forum:
    If you're not sure whether a question is more of a SQL question or a SQL*Plus question, then post it on the SQL forum. Many more people pay attention to that forum than to this one.

  • Help with query optimization

    Right now my query takes anywhere from 30 to 60 sec's to execute. What should I do to cut this time down?
    Here is my Query
    select * from a , b, c
    where a.a_seq = b.b_seq
    and a.a_seq = c.c_seq
    and a.a_type between 3 and 19
    and a.detl_cod = 'AV'
    and b.detl_stat = 'CLD'
    and is not null
    and != 92342
    these tables have 100 thousand rows each. What should I be looking at to cut down the execution time on this query?

    Sorry, I am fairly new to SQL. I can write queries but, I have no idea where to even begin with when it comes to checking performance. What are the statistics that you are mentioning? how will it effect performance? and what about indexed attributes? there are a lot of indexed attrinutes on each of these tables. I am unable to give you the exact tables because it is production application code(Cofidential).
    I really appreciate any help from you
    Thank you.

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