Help with Resolving Download Issue

I have spent the better part of this afternoon trying every applicable suggestion I could find in the Adobe Reader Forum, FAQ, Microsoft Fixit...all to no avail.  I was finally able to uninstall version 9 through MicrosoftFixit and the Adobe Cleaner.  However, I still get an error message when I try to download any version of Reader.  Since I now have no version of Adobe Reader on my computer, I can't read any of the numerous pdf files I have on it!!!
"Error1324. The path My Pictures or the volume is invalid.  Please enter again"
I am using Windows XP, SP3, English.
If anyone has a remedy, I would be most appreciative!
Thank you in advance.

You may want to try using this tool to remove all traces of previous versions of Reader:
Then, download the full offline Reader installer from
and run it immediately after restarting your computer.

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    background is 2 shades of
    > orange.. if you look at the line that divides those
    colors to the right and
    > left you wil notice that the line is higher
    > if you notice that it seems that there is another
    background on top of the
    > first one..its the only thing i can think of..
    > the only place where the image is being referenced is in
    this CSS style
    > html, body
    > {
    > min-height:100%;
    > margin-bottom:1px;
    > text-align:center;
    > background-repeat:no-repeat;
    > background-image:url(images/Background-Color2.jpg);
    > background-color:#F74902;
    > background-position:center;
    > background-attachment:fixed;
    > }
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    I really do not think it is the iPad or your network connection. Other users have reported this very same issue. Try this and see if it works for you - it may not work - but it's easy to try - harmless - and it has worked in the past for others.
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    E1AUSPM-MSGFN = '009'
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    E1AUSPM-MSGFN = '009'
    E1AUSPM-ATNAM = 'Characteristic 3' (it's a hardcoded value)
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    I find the solution, hope it will help somebody else.
    1 - In the ' Field mapping and conversion rules 'step, press CTRL+F7. In the popup shown, check ' Processing Times '.
    2 - You're gonna see 'begin_of_record' and 'end_of_record' instructions in each segment.
    3 - Choose the segment you want to duplicate
    4 - Assign Characteristic1 and MyStructure-Field1 to the corresponding fields.
    5 - In the end_of_record instruction, add the following lines :
    E1AUSPM-ATWRT = MyStructure-Field2.
    E1AUSPM-ATWRT = MyStructure-Field3.
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            MyStructure is the name of the source structure I use.
            Field1 and Field2 are the source fields I want to map with the field ATWRT of E1AUSPM segment.
    If you don't get something, I'm here to help.

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    Removed personal information to comply with Community Guidelines and Terms and Conditions of Use.

    I think the following Oracle two note looks interesting:
    Note: 330725.1 Scheduler Job has Been Locked For Days Ora-27468
    Note: 731678.1 Scheduled jobs do not run as expected after 10.2 upgrades
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Thanks for any suggestions or advice!
    Message was edited by: frank3si

    Yes my e-mail address is [email protected] 
    Thank you for your kind attention to my problem. I am looking for one on one brief consultation with my laptop in Cincinnati. If not then I will compose a clear question with VI.
    These manuals are well known to me NI Visions Concepts ManualIMAQ Vision for LaVIEW User ManuelNI-IMAQ for USB Cameras My problem is moving to the next step of Create an array of USB imagePerform math on array Display results Sincerely,Tom Lohre cell 513-236-1704, [email protected] Lafley, Chairman & CEO of Proctor & Gamble A.G. Lafley enjoyed hearing of Tom's painting robot and thought it played well to his new book: "The Game-Changer: How You Can Drive Revenue and Profit Growth With Innovation."
    Tom Lohre artist/scientist
    Has a operating painting robot using RoboLab/RCX
    Developing a LabView/ NXT robot that analyzes an image for aesthetic quality.

  • Help with production jvm issues at customer site

    Following is a brief overview of two production issues experienced by an Oracle customer. Customer is currently running 32 bit Java 1.5_20 on Solaris 64 bit OS.
    1)     OOM heap issues – SR #3-2611053901 – Recently we have been seeing OOM errors due to heap space. What we have seen is that some of the instances are not able to free up any memory space even after full GC, which results into a series of full GC’s back to back and eventually leads to OOM. During this time when continuous full GC is going on, we have seen the TCP connections and active JDBC connections shoot up and also lots of stuck threads. This error occurs during peak hours.
    This is the output just before OOM. Just to be clear, this line is printed as last line of Full GC which meant that OOM happened right after Full GC:
    [PSYoungGen: 111616K->82323K(172544K)] [PSOldGen: 1865727K->1865727K(1865728K)] 1977343K->1948051K(2038272K) [PSPermGen: 209111K->209061K(210944K)] GC time is exceeding GCTimeLimit of 98%, 13.3644395 secs]
    2)     OOM swap space- SR: #3-1724941721 – From time to time, we get Exception in thread "CompilerThread0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 32756 bytes for ChunkPool::allocate. Out of swap space?’ error in our production. Mostly this error occurs during off hours or off-peak hours. When this happen, there is plenty of heap and perm memory available which indicates that this is a native memory error. We already put two workarounds suggested by Oracle i.e. -XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace=8m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m but still running into this problem.
    What we are looking for:
    1)     Recommendations on tuning our config parameters -
    These are some recommendations we discussed internally. Please validate these recommendations and provide us the recommended values. We would also welcome any new recommendation on updating other parameters if that will help with our issues.
    •     Change Xmx to 2048m and MaxPermSize to 512m
    •     Specify ratio of young generation to old generation (-XX:NewRatio), and possibly survivor spaces.
    •     Use Concurrent old generation collector (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC), with a compatible parallel young generation collector (-XX:+UseParNewGC)
    Our current config settings are:
    JAVA Memory arguments: -Did=chaserels-cm21 -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace=8m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -verbose:gc -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=ISO646-US
    In a subset of servers, the settings are same as above but for MaxPermSIze, which is set to -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
    2)     Diagnostic help in how to further narrow down to the problem and what tool to use to gather heap dumps
    We have tried to take heap dump using jmap on our production servers when OOM occurs due to heap but most of the time, we run into an exception (attached - which is probably an unresolved jvm bug). While we researched some alternatives to jmap for taking heap dumps, most of these require changing the start-up scripts or installing the tool on production system which may have a performance overhead. What we want is a least intrusive tool which could provide us heap dumps/snapshots without much overhead and could be preferably used remotely. If there are other ways of collecting data than heap dump, we could also use them.
    Let me know if you have any questions or need any data.
    Thanks for your help.
    Error from heap dump :
    Exception in thread "main" sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.UnalignedAddressException: Trying to read at address: 0xfec080a7 with alignment: 4
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerUtilities.checkAlignment(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.proc.ProcDebuggerLocal.readCInteger(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerBase.readAddressValue(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.proc.ProcDebuggerLocal.readOopHandle(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.proc.ProcAddress.getOopHandleAt(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.Oop.getKlassForOopHandle(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ObjectHeap.newOop(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.JavaThread.getThreadObj(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AbstractHeapGraphWriter.writeJavaThreads(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AbstractHeapGraphWriter.write(
    at sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.HeapHprofBinWriter.write(

    1)     OOM heap issues – SR #3-2611053901 – Recently we have been seeing OOM errors due to heap space. What we have seen is that some of the instances are not able to free up any memory space even after full GC, which results into a series of full GC’s back to back and eventually leads to OOM. Which would be exactly what would happen if there were many objects which were not eligible for collection.
    Causes would be either a bug (something not releasing something it should) or because the server is overloaded.
    If there were no code changes it could still be a bug that has now only become apparent due to changes in usage patterns.
    If that is the case then such bugs can usually be made more apparent by reducing the maximum heap. Doing that will cause it to occur faster.

  • Can you help with my connection issues

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    Please try the following steps.
    Delete the existing connection from Edit -> My connection .
    Create a new connection and when you Click the Advanced button next to the "How do you connect to your web server?" field in the Connection Information dialog box.
    Try toggling the Passive Mode check box (if it is unchecked, check it; if it is checked, uncheck it).
    If you are behind a firewall, check the Use firewall/proxy settings when connecting check box and click the Firewall Settings or Proxy Settings button to enter firewall information. Ask your local network administrator for help with these settings.
    Once done with the new connection you would be able to connect to your website. For more information on connection issues you may use this link

  • Poor customer service with resolving billing issue

    I ported 3 numbers from my AT&T account to Verizon in the Hudson Valley Mall, Kingston , NY. Matt << last name removed to comply with Verizon Wireless Terms of Service >> who is the stores manager and an excellent sales person encouraged us to each get the new iPhone 6. We also got a hotspot and tablet on the same day. He made a big deal about how there were no activation fees, there were mail in rebates and line credits for bringing our lines over on 12/22/14 as I had mentioned that being so close to Christmas I was anxious not to overspend. He wrote down what our bill would be monthly for 3 iPhones, 1 hotspot and 10GB of data inclusive of tax @$172 prior to my signing up. We subsequently added the tablet since he "introduced" it to my 4 year old daughter while we were signing up as being "free if you get it today with mail in rebate" that was going to add an additional $10/month and $11/month for one line with insurance. That brings the bill to roughly $198 - allowing for an additional $5 for tax on those items.
    When I received my first bill there was $70 worth of activation fees and my monthly bill is significantly more than what was marked down for us. I am, what I consider a savvy consumer and asked all of the right questions before committing to your service. I imagined the activation fees were merely an oversight since there had been insurance placed on 2 lines instead of one also. I called customer service to remove the charges erroneously placed on my bill. The agent was happy to remove the insurance but advised me that she'd need to talk to Matt at the store before making further adjustments. (That seemed odd to me, that a company deals with an account on a case by case basis?)I was confident that that would not be a problem as I was certain it was simply an error but the call I received the following day was that the charges could not be removed since activations fees applied to the tablet and hotspot. This was NEVER communicated to me, in fact, it was a selling point that there were none. I did not misunderstand this. I was told by the agent that Matt said if I had any questions or comments that I could address him directly. I sent him a message immediately to which I got no reply and I visited the store and he was miraculously not there.
    I am a brand new customer and am disgusted with the treatment or lack of it, I should say, that I have received. The customer service department is based on passing the buck and leads only to dead ends. Resolving this issue seems of little or no importance to you.
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    If the activation fees were on your first bill, you did NOT go to a Verizon store. Verizon stores charge activation fees at the point of sale, not on your first bill. 3rd party retailers are not able to charge activation fees at the point of sale, but are instead added to your first bill. Since you did not pay the activation fees at the point of sale, but instead on your first bill, the store was a 3rd party retailer, premium retailer, etc...
    Additionally, while Verizon occasionally waives activation fees they are ALWAYS charged initially, and then refunded within the 1st 2-3 billing cycles. They are NEVER not initially charged but refunded after the fact.
    Finally, pointing out that Verizon took the time to edit your post but not address your situation is similar to saying that a hospital took the time to clean your room when a janitor does so, but did not take the time to perform your surgery as a surgeon and janitor have completely different roles for the company, just as a forum moderator and CS agent have at Verizon. One does not perform the tasks assigned to the other, nor do they necessarily even have the knowledge or authority to do so.

  • Help with a CS2 issue

    hey there. I have a strange issue going on with my Photoshop CS2. When I open the program and begin to work with my image the program closes without any warning. I have never had any issues before and have done high quality graphics before with it. My current project is a poster for work that is 20 x 30. I tried at 300 and 200 dpi. When I start anything after the original layer it just closes. Is is because of the size? DPI? know the file size is a little larger than normal but to crash right off seemed kind of strange. I included my computer info so I hope that helps and if this has been mentioned before - newbie I apologize.
    ps I haven't used the programs help in a long time.For some reason it isn't working. Is there any issues with the help option not working properly?
    (I pulled this from the system info so I included what I thought would help - with some things yeah could use a new computer no that old but could be better :-)
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 9.0.2 (9.0.2x296)
    Operating System: Windows XP
    Version: 5.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: AMD CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Physical processor count: 1
    Processor speed: 2079 MHz
    Built-in memory: 1023 MB
    Free memory: 459 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 908 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 55 %
    Image cache levels: 6
    Serial number: [deleted by forum host]
    Startup, 105.4G, 49.9G free
    1 Gig of RAM

    First of all, you should update your OS to service Pack 2 and then apply the other updates that have come out since then.
    Try resetting your preferences. There are several ways to do this; the simplest is: Immediately after clicking to open Photoshop, press and hold Ctrl+Alt+Shift; if you get a dialog about your preferences, tell it to delete or clear them, after which Photoshop will open. If you don't get the dialog, you weren't fast enough. Some people find that it helps to press and hold Ctrl+Shift down before clicking, then immediately pressing Alt in addition.
    If you have reset your preferences and still have the problem, you can try doing a repair install; if that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling (which doesn't take long for PSCS2 and is no big deal).
    Let us know what happens.

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