Help with simple calculation

I'm slowly learning myself Java through JBuilder 6. I'm currently on with a currency convertor, one of my first programs that does more than say "Hello world". Anyway, this is a section of my code
void submit_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String s = jTextField1.getText();
try {
val = Double.parseDouble(s);
catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
val = 0;
if (jComboBox2.getSelectedItem() == "US Dollar") {
dResult = val * dDollar;
else if (jComboBox2.getSelectedItem() == "Pound Sterling") {
dResult = val * dPound;
else if (jComboBox2.getSelectedItem() == "Euro") {
dResult = val * dEuro;
else if (jComboBox2.getSelectedItem() == "Bahrain Dinar") {
dResult = val * dDinar;
else if (jComboBox2.getSelectedItem() == "Australian Dollar") {
dResult = val * dADollar;
dResult = val *dYen;
jTextField2.setText("" + dResult);
void jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
jTextField2.setText("" + dResult);
The idea is for the user to enter their amount, select which currency they want from the combobox, then the result is displayed back to them. However, each time I run this program as it is, the result is always zero. I assume there's something wrong in the calculation, can anyone help me?

Thanks, how would I do that? I have this code in my program too (I haven't posted the whole thing)
private void jbInit() throws Exception {
this.setSize(new Dimension(400,300));
jButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
jTextField2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
I did try adding another actionListener, but the program would not work when it was inserted. Thanks for any help!

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    and CalcLine2 is a checkbox with an on value of $20
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    This should get you started:
    >if (event) {
    // get values from two text fields
    var a = Number(this.getField('Text1').value);
    var b = Number(this.getField('Text2').value);
    // subtract the values and show it = a - b;
    Place this in a 3d text field, as a Custom Calculation Script.

  • Help with query calculations (recursive)

    Hi All,
    I want some help with a query using a base rate and the result use in the next calculation year.
    Here an example:
    create table rate_type(
    rate_type_id    number,
    rate_desc       nvarchar2(50),
    rate_base_year  number
    insert into rate_type(rate_type_id, rate_desc, rate_base_year) values (1, 'Desc1', 4.6590);
    insert into rate_type(rate_type_id, rate_desc, rate_base_year) values (2, 'Desc2', 4.6590);
    create table rates (
    rate_type_id number
    rate_year    number,
    rate_value   number
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (1, 2012, 1.2);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (1, 2013, 1.3);
    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (1, 2014, 1.4);
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    insert into rates(rate_type_id, rate_year, rate_value) values (2, 2014, 1.4);The calculation for the first year should be the base rate of the rate type. The next year should use the result of the previous year and so on.
    The result of my sample data is:
    2012 = 4.659 + 1.2 + 4.659 * (1.2 * 0.01) = 5.9149
    2013 = 5.9149 + 1.3 + 5.9149 * (1.3 * 0.01) = 7.1859
    2014 = 7.1859 + 1.4 + 7.1859 * (1.4 * 0.01) = 8.4721Query result:
    NAME 2012 2013 2014
    Desc1 5.9149 7.1859 8.4721
    How can I do this in one select statement? Any ideas?

    Assuming you are on 11.2:
    with t as (
               select  a.rate_type_id,
                       count(*) over(partition by a.rate_type_id) cnt,
                       row_number() over(partition by a.rate_type_id order by rate_year) rn
                 from  rate_type a,
                       rates b
                 where a.rate_type_id = b.rate_type_id
         ) as (
                select  rate_type_id,
                        rate_base_year + rate_value + rate_base_year * rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  t
                  where rn = 1
               union all
                select  t.rate_type_id,
                        r.result + t.rate_value + r.result * t.rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  r,
                  where t.rate_type_id = r.rate_type_id
                    and t.rn = r.rn + 1
    select  *
      from  (
             select  rate_desc name,
               from  r
               where rn <= cnt
      pivot (sum(result) for rate_year in (2012,2013,2014))
      order by name
    NAME             2012       2013       2014
    Desc1        5.914908  7.2918018 8.79388703
    Desc2        5.914908  7.2918018 8.79388703
    SQL> Obviously pivoting assumes you know rate_year values upfront. If not, then without pivoting:
    with t as (
               select  a.rate_type_id,
                       count(*) over(partition by a.rate_type_id) cnt,
                       row_number() over(partition by a.rate_type_id order by rate_year) rn
                 from  rate_type a,
                       rates b
                 where a.rate_type_id = b.rate_type_id
         ) as (
                select  rate_type_id,
                        rate_base_year + rate_value + rate_base_year * rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  t
                  where rn = 1
               union all
                select  t.rate_type_id,
                        r.result + t.rate_value + r.result * t.rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  r,
                  where t.rate_type_id = r.rate_type_id
                    and t.rn = r.rn + 1
    select  rate_desc name,
      from  r
      where rn <= cnt
      order by name,
    NAME        RATE_YEAR     RESULT
    Desc1            2012   5.914908
    Desc1            2013  7.2918018
    Desc1            2014 8.79388703
    Desc2            2012   5.914908
    Desc2            2013  7.2918018
    Desc2            2014 8.79388703
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

  • URGENT Help With Scientific Calculator!

    Hi everybody,
    I designed a calculator, and I need help with the rest of the actions. I know I need to use the different Math methods, but I tried tried that and it didn't work. Also, it needs to work as an applet and application, and in the applet, the buttons don't appear in order, how can I fix that?
    I will really appreciate your help with this program, I can't get it to work and I'm frustrated, I need to finish this for next Tuesday 16th. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
    Below is the code for the calcualtor.
    Thanks a lot!
    // calculator
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class calculator extends JApplet implements
      private JButton one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
      eight, nine, zero, dec, eq, plus, minus, mult, div, clear,
      mem, mrc, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, x2, sqrt, exp, pi, percent;
      private JLabel output, blank;
      private Container container;
      private String operation;
      private double number1, number2, result;
      private boolean clear = false;
      public void init()
        container = getContentPane();
        JPanel container = new JPanel();     
        container.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER
        output = new JLabel("");     
        output.setBorder(new MatteBorder(2,2,2,2,Color.gray));
        output.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1,26));     
        getContentPane().add( "North",output );     
        getContentPane().add( "Center",container );
        blank = new JLabel( "                    " );
        container.add( blank );
        clear = new JButton( "CE" );
        container.add( clear );
        seven = new JButton( "7" );
        container.add( seven );
        eight = new JButton( "8" );
        container.add( eight );
        nine = new JButton( "9" );
        container.add( nine );
        div = new JButton( "/" );
        container.add( div );
        four = new JButton( "4" );
        container.add( four );
        five = new JButton( "5" );
        container.add( five );
        six = new JButton( "6" );
        container.add( six );
        mult = new JButton( "*" );
        container.add( mult );
        one = new JButton( "1" );
        container.add( one );
        two = new JButton( "2" );
        container.add( two );
        three = new JButton( "3" );
        container.add( three );
        minus = new JButton( "-" );
        container.add( minus );
        zero = new JButton( "0" );
        container.add( zero );
        dec = new JButton( "." );
        container.add( dec );
        plus = new JButton( "+" );
        container.add( plus );
        mem = new JButton( "MEM" );
        container.add( mem );   
        mrc = new JButton( "MRC" );
        container.add( mrc );
        sin = new JButton( "SIN" );
        container.add( sin );
        cos = new JButton( "COS" );
        container.add( cos );
        tan = new JButton( "TAN" );
        container.add( tan );
        asin = new JButton( "ASIN" );
        container.add( asin );
        acos = new JButton( "ACOS" );
        container.add( cos );
        atan = new JButton( "ATAN" );
        container.add( atan );
        x2 = new JButton( "X2" );
        container.add( x2 );
        sqrt = new JButton( "SQRT" );
        container.add( sqrt );
        exp = new JButton( "EXP" );
        container.add( exp );
        pi = new JButton( "PI" );
        container.add( pi );
        percent = new JButton( "%" );
        container.add( percent );
        eq = new JButton( "=" );
        container.add( eq );
        //Set size and visible
        setSize( 190, 285 );
        setVisible( true );
    public static void main(String args[]){
        //execute applet as application
         //applet's window
         JFrame applicationWindow = new JFrame("calculator");
         //applet instance
         calculator appletObject = new calculator();
         //init and start methods
      } // end main
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
        JButton but = ( JButton )ae.getSource();     
        //dec action
        if( but.getText() == "." )
          //if dec is pressed, first check to make shure there
    is not already a decimal
          String temp = output.getText();
          if( temp.indexOf( '.' ) == -1 )
            output.setText( output.getText() + but.getText() );
        //clear action
        else if( but.getText() == "CE" )
          output.setText( "" );
          operation = "";
          number1 = 0.0;
          number2 = 0.0;
        //plus action
        else if( but.getText() == "+" )
          operation = "+";
          number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
          clear = true;
          //output.setText( "" );
        //minus action
        else if( but.getText() == "-" )
          operation = "-";
          number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
          clear = true;
          //output.setText( "" );
        //mult action
        else if( but.getText() == "*" )
          operation = "*";
          number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
          clear = true;
          //output.setText( "" );
        //div action
        else if( but.getText() == "/" )
          operation = "/";
          number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
          clear = true;
          //output.setText( "" );
        //eq action
        else if( but.getText() == "=" )
          number2 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
          if( operation == "+" )
            result = number1 + number2;
          else if( operation == "-" )
            result = number1 - number2;
          else if( operation == "*" )
            result = number1 * number2;
          else if( operation == "/" )
            result = number1 / number2;       
          //output result
          output.setText( String.valueOf( result ) );
          clear = true;
          operation = "";
        //default action
          if( clear == true )
            output.setText( "" );
            clear = false;
          output.setText( output.getText() + but.getText() );

    Multiple post:

  • Help with simple script

    I was wondering if someone could help me with a simple bit of action script 3. I need to make a movie clip (single_mc) disappear when the user clicks on the mouse (stop_btn). Here’s what I have so far.
    function setProperty(event:MouseEvent):void
    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setProperty);
    Also I was wonder if you could recommend an Action script 3 book for me. I would like one that is not a training book, but has situations and then the script written out. For example: I click a button and a movie symbol disappears from the stage. I am a graphic artist, that from time to time, needs simple interaction in flash, but cant justify the time to learn the script.
    Thanks for your time

    use the snippets panel to help with you with sample code for basic tasks.
    function setProperty(event:MouseEvent):void
    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setProperty);

  • Please help with simple Drag N Drop

    I’m desperate and need some help with this simple drag
    and drop. Here is the scenario…this animation is for a
    kindergarten course. I have 6 different colored teddy bears on the
    floor and the bears are to be placed on the middle shelf in the
    room, in no particular order. I have the code in place to drag the
    bears, and they return to their original location if dropped in the
    wrong area. Everything works, except I can’t make the bears
    stick to the target area. The target area has to be the same for
    all 6 bears. Can someone help me out with this?
    I have a feeling that the problem has something to do with my
    instance names, but I have tried everything I can think of and
    cannot get it to work. Is there some way I can post, send, or
    attach my .fla file for someone to look at? I’m desperate.

    var startX3:Number;
    var startY3:Number;
    var counter3:Number=0;
    vf_A.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp3);
    vf_A.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt3);
    vf_E.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp3);
    vf_E.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt3);
    vf_I.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp3);
    vf_I.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt3);
    vf_O.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp3);
    vf_O.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt3);
    vf_U.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp3);
    vf_U.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt3);
    function pickUp3(event:MouseEvent):void {;
    function dropIt3(event:MouseEvent):void {;
    var myTargetName:String="target";
    var myTarget:DisplayObject=getChildByName(myTargetName);
    if ( != null && == "instance112") {
    reply2_txt.text="Good Job!";,
    var mySound:Sound = new vowels_NAR_goodjob();;
    } else {
    reply2_txt.text="Try Again!";;;
    var mySound2:Sound = new vowel_NAR_nopetryagain();;
    if (counter2==5) {
    reply2_txt.text="Great Job! You did it!";

  • Help with simple applet - dragging box

    Hi I need help with a simple applet concept.
    I have a picture drawn in the background, but I need to draw a square and resize it when I drag.
    So with the picture in the background I click, drag the mouse, and it draws a rectangle from the starting point to where the mouse is while the mouse is clicked.
    The only problem is I can't figure out how to do this without redrawing the whole picture. If I don't repaint, it just keeps stretching around rectangles and leaving them there.
    I don't really need exact code, just an idea on how to do this without repainting the background every time the mouse is moved (because the picture in the background is complicated to draw and takes like a second).
    [nvm, found out about xormode]
    Edited by: BugMenOTdhzj on Nov 30, 2009 4:47 PM

    BugMenOTdhzj wrote:
    ..the picture in the background is complicated to draw and takes like a second).Paint the 'picture in the background' to a BufferedImage, then when it comes to paint()/paintComponent(), draw the BI to the Graphics object (clipped, if necessary (1)), then draw the rectangle to the Graphics object. This would be further optimised at time of rendering, by drawing both the 'picture in the background' BI and rectangle to a second BI, and finally writing that 2nd BI to the Graphics object.
    1) There are potentially other improvements that can be made, particularly with clipping, but I suspect if you try as I suggested, the rendering will be very quick and responsive. I have 40 FPS sound trace animations that do a great deal more on each call to paintComponent(), before bursting the final BI to screen.

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    and returns a boolean result. Here is the XML:
    1. How do I call this script when the form field changes and
    pass the form value as the parameter?
    2. How do I check the returned value in the XML and throw an
    error if true?
    I appreciate any help with this. Please let me know if there
    is a better way to achieve the same result.

    I enabled the call to the XML response. However, I am having
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    result. How do I run my check after the data load and display the
    proper message?

  • Beginner needs help with simple code.

    I just statrted learnind java, and I need some help with this simple program. For some reason everytime I enter my Farenheit value, the Celsius conversion returns as 0.0. Would really appreciate the help. Thanks.
    Here's the code:
    public class TempConverter
    public static void main(String[] args)
    double F = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
    System.out.println("Temperature in Farenheit is: " + F);
    double C = 5 / 9;
    C *= (F - 32);
    System.out.println("Temperature in Celsius is: " + C);

    double C = 5 / 9This considers "5" and "9" to be integers and does an integer division, discarding the remainder. The result of that division is 0. Trydouble C = 5.0/9.0;

  • Help with Auto calculations

    I have an existing pdf that i am trying to edit and make it more functional...i.e. fillable info with auto calculations of cost based on a given number (times a specific cost)
    Example on the form....
    Car Registrations (per car) _____ X $25 _________
    The first line above is # Cars Registered
    The last line is Total Cost
    The blank lines above i have added a text box to for auto calculations. I have formated these boxes as numbers (first line) and dollar value total (second line)
    I've added another text box for the $25 and placed it overtop the worded one. I've locked this box and the total box. I've calculated the product of the total box by linking it to the first line and the $25 to give the total cost...
    Problem is, it isnt working....the total box isn't seeing the $25 to give a proper calc. Whatever number i place in the first line, only zero shows in the total.
    I'm obviously missing something....been at this for two days....frustrated. I have many more inputs like this on the form, and eventually want all the totals to provide sub totals and a grand total. I understand how this all works to a degree, doesnt seem that difficult, but i have to be missing something.
    I even tried re-creating the document in word, input to adobe, make a new form, let the system recoginize areas as fillable, etc, etc, etc. When i get to the calculations portion, same result...there are not many tutorials out there on this...sadly
    Woking on a MAC...
    I have acrobat X Pro

    gr8snkbite wrote:
    I have an existing pdf that i am trying to edit and make it more functional...i.e. fillable info with auto calculations of cost based on a given number (times a specific cost)
    Example on the form....
    Car Registrations (per car) _____ X $25 _________
    The first line above is # Cars Registered
    The last line is Total Cost
    The blank lines above i have added a text box to for auto calculations. I have formated these boxes as numbers (first line) and dollar value total (second line)
    I've added another text box for the $25 and placed it overtop the worded one. I've locked this box and the total box. I've calculated the product of the total box by linking it to the first line and the $25 to give the total cost...
    Problem is, it isnt working....the total box isn't seeing the $25 to give a proper calc. Whatever number i place in the first line, only zero shows in the total.
    I'm obviously missing something....been at this for two days....frustrated. I have many more inputs like this on the form, and eventually want all the totals to provide sub totals and a grand total. I understand how this all works to a degree, doesnt seem that difficult, but i have to be missing something.
    I even tried re-creating the document in word, input to adobe, make a new form, let the system recoginize areas as fillable, etc, etc, etc. When i get to the calculations portion, same result...there are not many tutorials out there on this...sadly
    Woking on a MAC...
    I have acrobat X Pro
    I created your sample.
    name the field after Number  of cars, as car
    The calulation field named total

  • Help with Javascript/Calculations

    Have a building use policy for school.
    Need help with checkboxes and default values.  I can get javascript/math to work when I click check box.
    Someone wants to rent a room they check the rentRoom checkbox.  Then the enter how many rooms 1,2,3 etc..  The value for the rentRoom checkbox is $25.
    I can get it when the checkbox for rentRoom is selected the rentRoom.Total computes correctly.  However, what I want is when the form opens up a default value of $0.00 to be in there.  I also want if someone goes back and unchecks the rentRoom checkbox the value goes back to $0.00 not just blank.   Right now I am getting the error the value entered does not match the value of the field.  That is if I put the default value in options.  Basically, I can't seem to figure out the javascript code to get this to work.
    Am I asking for too much, can someone guide me to javascript to help me out.
    I have tried if/then statements and switch statements.  I just can't figure out how to get it to for lack of better a word - toggle back and forth.
    If this is not possible please tell me.  If it is too complicated tell me.  I am not using livecycle for this as we had a word document and I just used the find form fields.  I am also using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional.

    Thanks that looks good.  I am still missing something but the calc doesn't work when I put in my variables.  I will work with it more but nothing happens.
    The one thing is I have the default value of the checkbox as 15 so don't know if that messes it up.
    Right now I get the default value of $0.00 all the time.  When I click on the check box on/off it doesn't do the calcs.
    sorry, any more input, what am i missing??
    I also changed the syntax error that was posted on your origianl post.  You had == 'Off" I changed that to 'Off'

  • Urgent help with simple BPEL process for reading data from database

    Hello there,
    I need help with BPEL project.
    i have created a table Employee in Database.
    I did create application, BPEL project and connection to the database properly using Database Adapter.
    I need to read the records from the database and convert into xml fomat and it should to go approval for BPM worklist.
    Can someone please describe me step by step what i need to do.

    I have created a table in Database with data like Empno,name,salary,comments.
    I created Database Connection in jsp page and connecting to BPEL process.
    It initiates the process and it goes automatically for approval.
    Please refer the code once which i created.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@page import="java.util.Map" %>
    <%@page import="" %>
    <%@page import="" %>
    <%@page import="" %>
    <%@page import="javax.naming.Context" %>
    <%@page import="java.util.Hashtable" %>
    <%@page import="java.util.HashMap" %>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@ page import= "jspprj.DBCon"%>
    <title>Invoke CreditRatingService</title>
    DBCon dbcon=new DBCon();
    Connection conn=dbcon.createConnection();
    Statement st=null;
    PreparedStatement pstmt=null;
    Hashtable env= new Hashtable();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    Map payload =null;
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "opmn:ormi://localhost:port:home/orabpel");//bpel server
    env.put("", "username");
    env.put("", "password");//bpel console
    Locator locator = new Locator("default","password",env);
    IDeliveryService deliveryService =
    (IDeliveryService)locator.lookupService(IDeliveryService.SERVICE_NAME );
    // construct the normalized message and send to Oracle BPEL Process Manager
    NormalizedMessage nm = new NormalizedMessage();
    java.util.HashMap map = new HashMap();
    String query1="Select * from EMPLOYEE";
    /*reading Data From Database and converting into XML format
    so that no need of going to BPEL console and entering the details.
    while ({
    String xml1 = "<AsynchBPELProcess1ProcessRequest xmlns=''>"+
    nm.addPart("payload", xml1 );
    // EmployeeApprovalProcess is the BPEL process in which human task is implemented"EmployeeApprovalProcess", "initiate", nm);
    // payload = res.getPayload();
    out.println( "BPELProcess CreditRatingService executed!<br>" );
    // out.println( "Credit Rating is " + payload.get("payload") );
    //Incase there is an exception while invoking the first server invoke the second server i.e lsgpas13.
    catch(Exception ee) {
    //("BPEL Server lsgpas14 invoking error.\n"+ee.toString());
    Its working fine.And i want it for Bulk approvals.please help me step by step procedure if any other way to implement this.

  • Urgent help with simple BPEL process

    Hello there,
    I need help with BPEL project.
    I'm new in JDeveloper&BPEL and i'd like to create process that we'll after sending employee ID return personal details of that employee.
    I did create application, BPEL project and connection to the database properly but somehow i can't deal input and output variable.
    Can someone please describe me step by step what i need to do, how to set up variable etc

    Me again. This time i hope i'll get some help :(
    Solution to my problem is change to the data-sources.xml and oc4j-ra.xml.
    Since i have database on same machine with BPEL PM Server that uses Olite DB when i tried to make changes i found in tutorials, here on forum and rest of internet
    BPEL PM Server just freeze, didn't start at all.
    Here are data-sources.xml, oc4j-ra.xml and DBAdapter wsdl file. Plz can someone make changes to those files i'll appreciate that.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <oc4j-connector-factories xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" >
              <import-shared-library name="oracle.bpel.common"/>
              <import-shared-library name="oc4j.internal"/>
              <import-shared-library name="oracle.xml"/>
              <import-shared-library name="oracle.sqlj"/>
              <import-shared-library name="oracle.toplink"/>
              <import-shared-library name="oracle.jdbc"/>
         <connector-factory location="eis/DB/DBConn_XE" connector-name="Database Adapter">
              <config-property name="xADataSourceName" value="jdbc/DBConn_XEDataSource"/>
              <config-property name="dataSourceName" value="loc/DBConn_XEDataSource"/>
              <config-property name="platformClassName" value="oracle.toplink.platform.database.Oracle9Platform"/>
              <config-property name="usesNativeSequencing" value="true"/>
              <config-property name="sequencePreallocationSize" value="50"/>
              <config-property name="defaultNChar" value="false"/>
              <config-property name="usesBatchWriting" value="true"/>
              <connection-pooling use="none">
              <security-config use="none">
         <connector-factory location="eis/DB/BPELSamples" connector-name="Database Adapter">
              <config-property name="xADataSourceName" value="jdbc/BPELSamplesDataSource"/>
              <config-property name="dataSourceName" value=""/>
              <config-property name="platformClassName" value="oracle.toplink.platform.database.Oracle9Platform"/>
              <config-property name="usesNativeSequencing" value="true"/>
              <config-property name="sequencePreallocationSize" value="50"/>
              <config-property name="defaultNChar" value="false"/>
              <config-property name="usesBatchWriting" value="false"/>
              <connection-pooling use="none">
              <security-config use="none">
    HOME \bpel\system\appserver\oc4j\j2ee\home\config
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes'?>
    <!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources" "">
    <!-- Connection pool for oracle database -->
    <connection-pool name="BPELPM_CONNECTION_POOL">
    <connection-factory factory-class="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
    url="jdbc:oracle:thin:[username]/[password]@[hostname]:[port]:[sid]" />
    <!-- Connection pool for oracle lite -->
    <connection-pool name="BPELPM_CONNECTION_POOL">
    <connection-factory factory-class="oracle.lite.poljdbc.POLJDBCDriver"
    url="jdbc:[email protected]:1531:orabpel" />
    <managed-data-source name="BPELServerDataSource"
    jndi-name="jdbc/BPELServerDataSource" tx-level="global"/>
    <managed-data-source name="BPELServerDataSourceWorkflow"
    jndi-name="jdbc/BPELServerDataSourceWorkflow" tx-level="local"/>
    <managed-data-source name="BPELSamplesDataSource"
    jndi-name="jdbc/BPELSamplesDataSource" />
    DBAdapter wsdl file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <import namespace="" location="DBAdapterOutboundHeader.wsdl"/>
    <schema xmlns="">
    <import namespace=""
    <message name="EmpDetailsViewCollection_msg">
    <part name="EmpDetailsViewCollection" element="top:EmpDetailsViewCollection"/>
    <message name="GetData_WSSelect_EMP_ID_inparameters">
    <part name="GetData_WSSelect_EMP_ID_inparameters" element="top:GetData_WSSelect_EMP_IDInputParameters"/>
    <portType name="GetData_WS_ptt">
    <operation name="GetData_WSSelect_EMP_ID">
    <input message="tns:GetData_WSSelect_EMP_ID_inparameters"/>
    <output message="tns:EmpDetailsViewCollection_msg"/>
    <binding name="GetData_WS_binding" type="tns:GetData_WS_ptt">
    <jca:binding />
    <operation name="GetData_WSSelect_EMP_ID">
    MappingsMetaDataURL="GetDataWS_toplink_mappings.xml" />
    <jca:header message="hdr:OutboundHeader_msg" part="outboundHeader"/>
    <!-- Your runtime connection is declared in
    These 'mcf' properties here are from your design time connection and
    save you from having to edit that file and restart the application server
    if eis/DB/DBConn_XE is missing.
    These 'mcf' properties are safe to remove.
    <service name="GetData_WS">
    <port name="GetData_WS_pt" binding="tns:GetData_WS_binding">
    <jca:address location="eis/DB/DBConn_XE"
    <plt:partnerLinkType name="GetData_WS_plt" >
    <plt:role name="GetData_WS_role" >
    <plt:portType name="tns:GetData_WS_ptt" />

  • Help with "simple" JFileChooser problem...

    Hi all,
    how do I set the font in a JFileChooser???
    I have tried everything, but it always uses the Look & Feels default font setting. Can I change the default Look&Feels font setting?
    Greatfully for any suggestions!
    Anders ;-D

    You can use the UIManager, e.g. UIManager.put("FileChooser.font", new Font("Arial",
    Font.BOLD, 14);
    Well, that didn't seem to help with my case either. So I tried something else: I overrided all of the defaults by using UIManager.put(key, value) this way I got all of the Fonts in the JFileChooser to change.
    Correct me if I'm wrong... ;)
    - Cathra -
    Sample Code that performs the requested:
    // Prepare the resources
    FontUIResource font12Arial = new FontUIResource( "Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12 );
    // Put values into UIDefaults (before initializing the JFileChooser)
    UIManager.put( "ToolTip.font", font12Arial );
    UIManager.put( "OptionPane.messageFont", font12Arial );
    // shown for example
    UIManager.put("FileChooser.openButtonText", "OpenUp");
    UIManager.put("Button.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("Label.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("Table.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("TextField.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("ScrollPane.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("ComboBox.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("CheckBox.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("TitledBorder.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("RadioButton.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("ToolTip.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("TextPane.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("TextArea.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("Tree.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("List.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("MenuBar.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("Menu.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("MenuItem.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("TableHeader.font", font12Arial);
    UIManager.put("TabbedPane.font", font12Arial);
    // somewhere in the code:
    JFileChooser c = new JFileChooser();

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