URGENT Help With Scientific Calculator!

Hi everybody,
I designed a calculator, and I need help with the rest of the actions. I know I need to use the different Math methods, but I tried tried that and it didn't work. Also, it needs to work as an applet and application, and in the applet, the buttons don't appear in order, how can I fix that?
I will really appreciate your help with this program, I can't get it to work and I'm frustrated, I need to finish this for next Tuesday 16th. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
Below is the code for the calcualtor.
Thanks a lot!
// calculator
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
public class calculator extends JApplet implements
  private JButton one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
  eight, nine, zero, dec, eq, plus, minus, mult, div, clear,
  mem, mrc, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, x2, sqrt, exp, pi, percent;
  private JLabel output, blank;
  private Container container;
  private String operation;
  private double number1, number2, result;
  private boolean clear = false;
  public void init()
    container = getContentPane();
    JPanel container = new JPanel();     
    container.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER
    output = new JLabel("");     
    output.setBorder(new MatteBorder(2,2,2,2,Color.gray));
    output.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1,26));     
    getContentPane().add( "North",output );     
    getContentPane().add( "Center",container );
    blank = new JLabel( "                    " );
    container.add( blank );
    clear = new JButton( "CE" );
    container.add( clear );
    seven = new JButton( "7" );
    container.add( seven );
    eight = new JButton( "8" );
    container.add( eight );
    nine = new JButton( "9" );
    container.add( nine );
    div = new JButton( "/" );
    container.add( div );
    four = new JButton( "4" );
    container.add( four );
    five = new JButton( "5" );
    container.add( five );
    six = new JButton( "6" );
    container.add( six );
    mult = new JButton( "*" );
    container.add( mult );
    one = new JButton( "1" );
    container.add( one );
    two = new JButton( "2" );
    container.add( two );
    three = new JButton( "3" );
    container.add( three );
    minus = new JButton( "-" );
    container.add( minus );
    zero = new JButton( "0" );
    container.add( zero );
    dec = new JButton( "." );
    container.add( dec );
    plus = new JButton( "+" );
    container.add( plus );
    mem = new JButton( "MEM" );
    container.add( mem );   
    mrc = new JButton( "MRC" );
    container.add( mrc );
    sin = new JButton( "SIN" );
    container.add( sin );
    cos = new JButton( "COS" );
    container.add( cos );
    tan = new JButton( "TAN" );
    container.add( tan );
    asin = new JButton( "ASIN" );
    container.add( asin );
    acos = new JButton( "ACOS" );
    container.add( cos );
    atan = new JButton( "ATAN" );
    container.add( atan );
    x2 = new JButton( "X2" );
    container.add( x2 );
    sqrt = new JButton( "SQRT" );
    container.add( sqrt );
    exp = new JButton( "EXP" );
    container.add( exp );
    pi = new JButton( "PI" );
    container.add( pi );
    percent = new JButton( "%" );
    container.add( percent );
    eq = new JButton( "=" );
    container.add( eq );
    //Set size and visible
    setSize( 190, 285 );
    setVisible( true );
public static void main(String args[]){
    //execute applet as application
     //applet's window
     JFrame applicationWindow = new JFrame("calculator");
     //applet instance
     calculator appletObject = new calculator();
     //init and start methods
  } // end main
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    JButton but = ( JButton )ae.getSource();     
    //dec action
    if( but.getText() == "." )
      //if dec is pressed, first check to make shure there
is not already a decimal
      String temp = output.getText();
      if( temp.indexOf( '.' ) == -1 )
        output.setText( output.getText() + but.getText() );
    //clear action
    else if( but.getText() == "CE" )
      output.setText( "" );
      operation = "";
      number1 = 0.0;
      number2 = 0.0;
    //plus action
    else if( but.getText() == "+" )
      operation = "+";
      number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
      clear = true;
      //output.setText( "" );
    //minus action
    else if( but.getText() == "-" )
      operation = "-";
      number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
      clear = true;
      //output.setText( "" );
    //mult action
    else if( but.getText() == "*" )
      operation = "*";
      number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
      clear = true;
      //output.setText( "" );
    //div action
    else if( but.getText() == "/" )
      operation = "/";
      number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
      clear = true;
      //output.setText( "" );
    //eq action
    else if( but.getText() == "=" )
      number2 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
      if( operation == "+" )
        result = number1 + number2;
      else if( operation == "-" )
        result = number1 - number2;
      else if( operation == "*" )
        result = number1 * number2;
      else if( operation == "/" )
        result = number1 / number2;       
      //output result
      output.setText( String.valueOf( result ) );
      clear = true;
      operation = "";
    //default action
      if( clear == true )
        output.setText( "" );
        clear = false;
      output.setText( output.getText() + but.getText() );

Multiple post:

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    This should get you started:
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    Assuming you are on 11.2:
    with t as (
               select  a.rate_type_id,
                       count(*) over(partition by a.rate_type_id) cnt,
                       row_number() over(partition by a.rate_type_id order by rate_year) rn
                 from  rate_type a,
                       rates b
                 where a.rate_type_id = b.rate_type_id
         ) as (
                select  rate_type_id,
                        rate_base_year + rate_value + rate_base_year * rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  t
                  where rn = 1
               union all
                select  t.rate_type_id,
                        r.result + t.rate_value + r.result * t.rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  r,
                  where t.rate_type_id = r.rate_type_id
                    and t.rn = r.rn + 1
    select  *
      from  (
             select  rate_desc name,
               from  r
               where rn <= cnt
      pivot (sum(result) for rate_year in (2012,2013,2014))
      order by name
    NAME             2012       2013       2014
    Desc1        5.914908  7.2918018 8.79388703
    Desc2        5.914908  7.2918018 8.79388703
    SQL> Obviously pivoting assumes you know rate_year values upfront. If not, then without pivoting:
    with t as (
               select  a.rate_type_id,
                       count(*) over(partition by a.rate_type_id) cnt,
                       row_number() over(partition by a.rate_type_id order by rate_year) rn
                 from  rate_type a,
                       rates b
                 where a.rate_type_id = b.rate_type_id
         ) as (
                select  rate_type_id,
                        rate_base_year + rate_value + rate_base_year * rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  t
                  where rn = 1
               union all
                select  t.rate_type_id,
                        r.result + t.rate_value + r.result * t.rate_value * 0.01 result
                  from  r,
                  where t.rate_type_id = r.rate_type_id
                    and t.rn = r.rn + 1
    select  rate_desc name,
      from  r
      where rn <= cnt
      order by name,
    NAME        RATE_YEAR     RESULT
    Desc1            2012   5.914908
    Desc1            2013  7.2918018
    Desc1            2014 8.79388703
    Desc2            2012   5.914908
    Desc2            2013  7.2918018
    Desc2            2014 8.79388703
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

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    I am referring to the last reply of yours.
    " Hi, there are three approaches I can think of offhand:
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    hi, thanks for responding.
    with using example of dynamic generation with script, I can manage to generate the ramp with controllable delay (generate the whole waveform, including delay with script command, then write to the card).
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    MnthID BranchCod CustID SegCode FXStatus ProfStatus Profit
    200712 B1 C1 20 Y Y 100
    MnthID BranchCod CustID ProdCode ProdIndex
    200712 B1 C1 12 1
    200712 B1 C2 12 0
    MnthID BranchCod SegCode ProdCode CountSegCust CountProdCust ProfitProdCust
    Condition and Calculations:
    1)Source1 customer are base customers.If Source2 has customers who is not in source1 then that customer's record should not be fetched.
    2)SegCode, FX Status, ProfStatus is one variable in destination table. [ SegCode = SegCode+ FXStatus (if FXStatus = Y)+ ProfStatus (if FXStatus = Y) ]
    3)CountSegCust = CountCustID Groupby MnthID,BranchCod,SegCode Only.
    4)CountProdCust = CountCustID Groupby MnthID,BranchCod,SegCode,ProdCode (when ProdIndex = 1)
    5)ProfitProdCust = Sum of Profit of Customers Groupby MnthID,BranchCod,SegCode,ProdCode (when ProdIndex = 1)
    Apologies for bad formatting.
    Thanks in advance!!

    A total guess indeed.
    It's not clear whether some aggregation can be done (summing counts of grouped data might cause some customers being counted more than once)
    insert into destination
    select mnthid,branchcod,segcode,prodcode,countsegcust,countprodcust,profitprodcust
      from (select s1.mnthid,
                   s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end segcode,
                   count(s1.custid) over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                                       s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                              order by null
                                         ) countsegcust,
                   count(case proindex when 1
                                       then custid
                        ) over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                             s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                    order by null
                               ) countprodcust,
                   sum(case proindex when 1
                                     then profit
                      ) over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                           s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                  order by null
                             ) profitprodcust,
                   row_number() over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                                   s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                          order by null
                                     ) the_row
              from source1 s1,source2 s2
             where s1.mnthid = s2.mnthid
               and s1.branchcod = s2.branchcod
               and s1.custid = s2.custid
    where the_row = 1Regards

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    What can be the problem? We need urgent help, because the deadline for our project is Wednesday.
    By the way:
    Where do I have to start CTX on the IFS- or the Oracle-Side?

    Yes, we tried the Oracle HTTP - Server, but we weren4t able to get it to work. We didn4t get our JSP-Files to work with it. But that is another issue. I think it4s not a problem of JWS, but IFS.
    Additionally it is strange, that we are still able to connect to the database via SqlPlus.
    IFS works fine for about 15 minutes, than it crashes, nothing works anymore. We found following errors in the IfsAgents.log:
    maybe it can help?!
    Mon Dec 04 23:12:20 CET 2000
    Server STARTED: IfsAgents(19944) not managed
    Attempting to load agent EventExchangerAgent
    Agent EventExchangerAgent loaded
    Server STARTED: IfsProtocols(19945) not managed
    Attempting to start agent EventExchangerAgent
    EventExchangerAgent: Start request
    Agent EventExchangerAgent started
    Attempting to load agent ExpirationAgent
    Agent ExpirationAgent loaded
    EventExchangerAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent ExpirationAgent
    ExpirationAgent: Start request
    Agent ExpirationAgent started
    Attempting to load agent GarbageCollectionAgent
    Agent GarbageCollectionAgent loaded
    ExpirationAgent: computed initial delay (in ms) is: 10024504
    ExpirationAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent GarbageCollectionAgent
    GarbageCollectionAgent: Start request
    Agent GarbageCollectionAgent started
    Attempting to load agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent
    Agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent loaded
    GarbageCollectionAgent: computed initial delay (in ms) is: 11816890
    GarbageCollectionAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent
    ContentGarbageCollectionAgent: Start request
    Agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent started
    Attempting to load agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent
    Agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent loaded
    ContentGarbageCollectionAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent
    DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent: Start request
    Agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent started
    Attempting to load agent OutboxAgent
    Agent OutboxAgent loaded
    DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent: computed initial delay (in ms) is: 5500105
    DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent OutboxAgent
    OutboxAgent: Start request
    Agent OutboxAgent started
    Attempting to load agent ServiceWatchdogAgent
    Agent ServiceWatchdogAgent loaded
    OutboxAgent: Done processing
    Attempting to start agent ServiceWatchdogAgent
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Start request
    Agent ServiceWatchdogAgent started
    Attempting to load agent QuotaAgent
    Agent QuotaAgent loaded
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Initializing ServerWatchdogTable with 9 entries
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: starting timer
    Server STARTED: FtpServer(20082) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    Attempting to start agent QuotaAgent
    QuotaAgent: Start request
    Agent QuotaAgent started
    QuotaAgent: starting timer
    Server STARTED: CupServer(20124) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    Server STARTED: ImapServer(20130) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    Server STARTED: SmtpServer(20150) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19687
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19666
    Server STOPPED: CupServer(19687) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19723
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19520
    Server STOPPED: FtpServer(19666) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    Server STOPPED: SmtpServer(19723) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19519
    Server STOPPED: IfsAgents(19520) not managed
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19712
    Server STOPPED: IfsProtocols(19519) not managed
    Server STOPPED: ImapServer(19712) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    QuotaAgent: Timer event: 0 active; 0 exceeded
    ContentGarbageCollectionAgent: Freed 5 unreferenced ContentObjects
    QuotaAgent: Timer event: 0 active; 0 exceeded
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-11012: Unable to get events from other services
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException in checkForDeadServices():
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException in handle loop; continuing:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

  • Help with Auto calculations

    I have an existing pdf that i am trying to edit and make it more functional...i.e. fillable info with auto calculations of cost based on a given number (times a specific cost)
    Example on the form....
    Car Registrations (per car) _____ X $25 _________
    The first line above is # Cars Registered
    The last line is Total Cost
    The blank lines above i have added a text box to for auto calculations. I have formated these boxes as numbers (first line) and dollar value total (second line)
    I've added another text box for the $25 and placed it overtop the worded one. I've locked this box and the total box. I've calculated the product of the total box by linking it to the first line and the $25 to give the total cost...
    Problem is, it isnt working....the total box isn't seeing the $25 to give a proper calc. Whatever number i place in the first line, only zero shows in the total.
    I'm obviously missing something....been at this for two days....frustrated. I have many more inputs like this on the form, and eventually want all the totals to provide sub totals and a grand total. I understand how this all works to a degree, doesnt seem that difficult, but i have to be missing something.
    I even tried re-creating the document in word, input to adobe, make a new form, let the system recoginize areas as fillable, etc, etc, etc. When i get to the calculations portion, same result...there are not many tutorials out there on this...sadly
    Woking on a MAC...
    I have acrobat X Pro

    gr8snkbite wrote:
    I have an existing pdf that i am trying to edit and make it more functional...i.e. fillable info with auto calculations of cost based on a given number (times a specific cost)
    Example on the form....
    Car Registrations (per car) _____ X $25 _________
    The first line above is # Cars Registered
    The last line is Total Cost
    The blank lines above i have added a text box to for auto calculations. I have formated these boxes as numbers (first line) and dollar value total (second line)
    I've added another text box for the $25 and placed it overtop the worded one. I've locked this box and the total box. I've calculated the product of the total box by linking it to the first line and the $25 to give the total cost...
    Problem is, it isnt working....the total box isn't seeing the $25 to give a proper calc. Whatever number i place in the first line, only zero shows in the total.
    I'm obviously missing something....been at this for two days....frustrated. I have many more inputs like this on the form, and eventually want all the totals to provide sub totals and a grand total. I understand how this all works to a degree, doesnt seem that difficult, but i have to be missing something.
    I even tried re-creating the document in word, input to adobe, make a new form, let the system recoginize areas as fillable, etc, etc, etc. When i get to the calculations portion, same result...there are not many tutorials out there on this...sadly
    Woking on a MAC...
    I have acrobat X Pro
    I created your sample.
    name the field after Number  of cars, as car
    The calulation field named total

  • Help with Javascript/Calculations

    Have a building use policy for school.
    Need help with checkboxes and default values.  I can get javascript/math to work when I click check box.
    Someone wants to rent a room they check the rentRoom checkbox.  Then the enter how many rooms 1,2,3 etc..  The value for the rentRoom checkbox is $25.
    I can get it when the checkbox for rentRoom is selected the rentRoom.Total computes correctly.  However, what I want is when the form opens up a default value of $0.00 to be in there.  I also want if someone goes back and unchecks the rentRoom checkbox the value goes back to $0.00 not just blank.   Right now I am getting the error the value entered does not match the value of the field.  That is if I put the default value in options.  Basically, I can't seem to figure out the javascript code to get this to work.
    Am I asking for too much, can someone guide me to javascript to help me out.
    I have tried if/then statements and switch statements.  I just can't figure out how to get it to for lack of better a word - toggle back and forth.
    If this is not possible please tell me.  If it is too complicated tell me.  I am not using livecycle for this as we had a word document and I just used the find form fields.  I am also using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional.

    Thanks that looks good.  I am still missing something but the calc doesn't work when I put in my variables.  I will work with it more but nothing happens.
    The one thing is I have the default value of the checkbox as 15 so don't know if that messes it up.
    Right now I get the default value of $0.00 all the time.  When I click on the check box on/off it doesn't do the calcs.
    sorry, any more input, what am i missing??
    I also changed the syntax error that was posted on your origianl post.  You had == 'Off" I changed that to 'Off'

  • Need some URGENT help with 3 DVD mastering issues PLEASE! :

    Hi there,
    Firstly, I am running DVD SP 3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.7 on a G5 Dual 2 GHz 3Gb Ram plenty of HD space...
    I am creating a DVD with: An intro sequence, a main menu, 4 sub menus, and 4 sections with around 12 chapters each.
    I am having some big problems, and a pretty stuck. I will lest them separately below, numbered. If you are able to help, please refer clearly to which number you are helping with. Any help is MUCH appreciated! Many thanks!!
    1. Each of the 5 menus (1 main, 4 sub) have a background video, and a separate audio track. I added the background videos by simply dragging them to the assests panel, then from there onto the menu editor window. They are created in FCP and are properly encoded. However, when I click the motion button, or use the simulator, the videos do not show up. The music plays, but all i see is plain black.
    What is going on?!?!?!
    2. I am really struggling with rollover buttons. I have custom created buttons, and I wand them to have a soft red glow around them when hovered over. HOW ON EARTH DO I ACTUALLY DO THIS??
    The buttons are in photoshop so can be exported with/without background/glow in any format.
    3. Is it possible, once I have got the above rollover working, to have an image to the right hand side of my buttons which changes with the the button rollover. i.e. hover over button 1, see image 1. hover over button 2, image changes to image 2.
    PLEASE PLEASE give any help you can, I have a deadline coming up and am quite stumped. Thanks again!!

    I am still having problems regarding issue Number 1. PLEASE ANYONE HELP?!
    Sorry, I'm not sure about the motion menus. I avoid those whenever possible. But you might click on the menu in the storyline tab (whatever it's called -- the hierarchical view with the disc, tracks, slideshows, etc.) and look at the properties and see if there's anything you have to enable specifically for motion. And be sure the motion button is on on the main display/preview area, but it sounds like you already know how that works.
    For your information, here is a screen grab of the menu I am trying to create:
    I think it is obvious that when a button is hovered over, I want it to glow red, and the image to the right will change to match the respective button.
    First, your menus have to be layered menus. Unfortunately, there's no way to convert non-layered menus to layered menus, so if you already have non-layered, you'll have to just delete them and create new layered menus. The button (and menu item) to create a layered menu should be right by the normal new-menu item.
    Next, the graphical work is all in Photoshop.
    Side tip: You may already know this, but I found it's best to use 640x480 for the Photoshop document. When I do text and leave it as a text object in the Photoshop file, it resizes poorly in DVDSP. So this ends up being another 720x480 vs. 640x480 square/rectangular pixel conversion thing. DVDSP plays in the 640x480 world, at least as far as the designer can see. So I keep my images at 640x480, and it doesn't have to resize, and everything looks right.
    Moving on... Set up your basic background, the part that won't change (or will have other things covering it, like for your square image).
    Then put in all the buttons and images you'll be using, each part in a separate layer. This could have fifteen buttons (you have five buttons, and there can be three versions for each -- inactive, selected, and activated versions) and five or six square images (you said one for each button, and you might want a blank default if, say, you want to add a "back" button on the menu and want some blank or default image for the square when they're on the "back" button).
    Sometimes people don't bother with a separate "active" button state, but you usually want some visual feedback that they clicked the button. Also, I usually just build the default (unselected) button into the background; that's less hassle later on, and it will just draw the selected or activated buttons over that when the user is on that button.
    Line up all your buttons and images. All the square images lined up perfectly on top of each other, all the buttons in the right places (so you'll have three buttons stacked on top of each other in each spot). Give each layer a short but quickly recognizable name, and line them up in a consistent order. (button1-default, button1-selected, button1-active, button1-squarepicture, then button2-default, ... etc.) Photoshop and DVDSP don't care, but it makes it easier for you later.
    Note that earlier versions of DVDSP won't show Photoshop layer effects. (They handle layers, just not the effects, like inner glow, outer bezel, etc.) I don't remember when they changed this, but I think it was version 4.something. So if you're using that method to make your buttons glow, you may have to flatten each selected or active button layer, and you may even need to create a dummy blank layer underneath it first to give it something to flatten onto.
    Save the file as a standard Photoshop file (.psd). Drag the file onto your DVDSP layered menu and set it as the background.
    Now, in DVDSP, create all your buttons. Just drag boxes over/around the button pictures you have. Feel free to make them extra-big; users won't see the actual area you've selected, and bigger areas makes it easier for people to hit them if they're using a mouse on a computer to watch the DVD. You can point the buttons to their targets now if you want, and set the end jumps on the tracks if you want. (I tend to set the end jumps on the tracks so they automatically select the button for the next track.)
    Now's the fun part, since it will actually hook everything up and should be easy if your naming layer order were consistent. Click on the layered menu (in that hierarchical view) and look at the properties window. (Sorry I can't remember the technical names for all these windows; I'm doing this all from memory. So feel free to ask more questions if you can't find what I'm talking about.) One of the properties tabs should have a grid of checkboxes with a list of your layers. Make sure the background is checked for all of the states. Then check the layers you want to show for each button state, as well as the corresponding square image to show for each.
    Again, I'm doing this from memory, and I can't remember exactly how things are listed in that grid. But I remember it keeps your layers in the same order you put them in the Photoshop file and shows you those names, so it should make it easy to go down the list and check the right boxes.
    And another side tip: You can update the Photoshop file, but once you've put it in DVDSP, if you change the layer order, it will screw up the check boxes you checked. It always shows you the layer names correctly, but it keeps the checkboxes in DVDSP simply assigned to the layer number, so the fifth layer will keep the same checkboxes even if you juggle them so some other layer is now the fifth layer. So if you do juggle the layers in Photoshop, go back and fix the checkbox list in DVDSP.
    I put a sample Photoshop file based on yours in
    It's quick and dirty, but shows the layer layout, and you should be able to drop it on DVDSP to play with. (I also won't leave it there forever, maybe a few weeks, so anybody reading this in a month or more probably will get a 404 for that url.)
    Again, doing this from memory, so feel free to ask if anything doesn't work or doesn't make sense.
    G4/dual867   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   2GB/0.8TB

  • URGENT: Help with dynamic borders!

    Hello all -
    I DESPERATLY need help with this! I am using the code from
    kirupa's xml photo gallery with the thumbnails. right now the alpha
    changes on mouseover, fine...but my client is demanding that it
    draw a border instead. I have been at this for about a week and
    have NO idea how to do this...i have looked at things like API's
    and things...but my main issue is that the images and MC's are all
    created on the fly and i dont know how to code in an on mouseover
    draw a border type of function, no idea at all!
    This is my code as it sits now, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!
    thank you in advance!

    really could use some help quick here guys

  • Urgent Help with Image Gallery

    I really need help with an image gallery i have created. Cannot think of a resolution
    So....I have a dynamic image gallery that pulls the pics into a movie clip and adds them to the container (slider)
    The issue i am having is that when i click on this i am essentially clicking on all the items collectively and i would like to be able to click on each image seperately...
    Please see code below
    var xml:XML;
    var images:Array = new Array();
    var totalImages:Number;
    var nbDisplayed:Number = 1;
    var imagesLoaded:int = 0;
    var slideTo:Number = 0;
    var imageWidth = 150;
    var titles:Array = new Array();
    var container_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    container_mc.mask = slider_mc.mask_mc;
    function loadXML(file:String):void{
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(file));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, parseXML);
    function parseXML(e:Event):void{
    xml = new XML(e.target.data);
    totalImages = xml.children().length();
    function loadImages():void{
    for(var i:int = 0; i<totalImages; i++){
      var loader:Loader = new Loader();
      loader.load(new URLRequest("images/"+String(xml.children()[i].@brand)));
    //      loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,onProgress);
    function onComplete(e:Event):void{
    if(imagesLoaded == totalImages){
    function createImages():void{
    for(var i:int = 0; i < images.length; i++){
      var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
      bm = Bitmap(images[i].content);
      bm.smoothing = true;
      bm.x = i*170;
          var caption:textfile=new textfile();
          caption.x=i*170; // fix text positions (x,y) here

    yes, sorry i do wish to click on individual images but dont know how to code that
    as i mentioned i have 6 images that load into an array and then into a container and i think that maybe the problem is that i have the listener on the container so when i click on any image it gives the same results.
    what i would like is have code thats says
    if i click on image 1 then do this
    if i click on image 2 then do something different
    hope that makes sense
    thanks for you help!

  • URgent help with tabbedpane

    Please i need som help with my tabbedpoane. I want my tab to call a new class when it is chosen. I have tried this: tabbedPane.addTab( "Schema", new Schema() ); , but it doesnt work. Schema is a class in the same package. AI could really do with some help on this one.

    Dont answer the question that this same guy is posted here
    He is a good cross-poster

Maybe you are looking for

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    Updated ipad2 tonight to ios7. All went swimmingly but after completion the ipad just sits there saying connect to itunes. Connecting to itunes and syncing works and in itunes on the imac it shows the ipad with all apps, music etc installed etc on th