Help With Splitting Months / Hours

Post Author: shmoov
CA Forum: Formula
Hi all - this is my first post to the forum...I am trying to create a report based on data I pull from a MS-SQL backend database.  The data I'm pulling is based on projects my employees are working on and/or are scheduled to perform.  Each of those projects has a certain amount of man hours assigned to it to complete.  What I'm trying to do is create an employee capacity chart that shows over the course of the next twelve months, how many man hours for each month are required to get our projects done - I use this to project new hires. Anyway, I have no problem creating the chart, but it's not as accurate as I'd like.  The four fields I'm pulling from the database for each project are START_DATE, END_DATE, MANHOURS, and STATUS.  The chart I've created bases the man hours on the start date, then sums all of the manhours up for the month, creating a bar graph by month.  My problem is that if a project stretches out over a month-end boundary - say, it starts on March 28th and goes to April 15th, I want to be able to split that up amongst the two months.  I'm able to get the numbers on this through the following formula snippet:if ((month ({@ConvertStartDate})) < (month ({@ConvertEndDate}))) then   // Does the project only span over two months?    if (month ({@ConvertEndDate}) - month ({@ConvertStartDate})) = 1 then         //See how many days the project is scheduled for        (TotalDaysOfProject := (DateDiff ("d", {@ConvertStartDate}, {@ConvertEndDate}) + 1);        //See how many days we have left in start month        DaysLeftInMonth := (DateDiff ("d", {@ConvertStartDate}, DateAdd ('m', 1, ({@ConvertStartDate}) - day({@ConvertStartDate}) + 1) - 1) + 1);        HoursForThisMonth := {@ChangeHoursToNumber} * (DaysLeftInMonth / TotalDaysOfProject);        HoursForNextMonth := {@ChangeHoursToNumber} - HoursForThisMonth);So, what I want to do as each row is read in is make this evaluation - if it does span two months, I want it to print out two rows...For instance, instead of:START                END                MANHOURS                STATUS3/28/2008           4/15/2008        120                                Scheduled I would like it to print the following: START                END                MANHOURS                STATUS3/28/2008        3/31/2008        25.26                                Scheduled4/1/2008        4/15/2008        94.74                                    Scheduled  I know it sounds like a lot...Is it possible?  Thanks!

Post Author: V361
CA Forum: Formula
You could insert another detail section (or group if that is the level you are working on)
Use this formula to determine if you have spanned more than one month.
month() - month()                            {@MTAM}
The result can be used to supress / not supress various sections.
You can then use this formula to get the last day of the month   {@ldofM}
//Crystal syntax
Local DateTimeVar d := {Sheet1_.Start_DATE};
DateSerial(Year(d), Month(d) + 1, 1 - 1)
Use this one to get the first day on the next month.              {@1stdofM}
//Crystal syntax
Local DateTimeVar d := {Sheet1_.Start_DATE};
DateSerial(Year(d), Month(d) + 1, 1 - 0)
You can then use those formulas to display your days difference.  Put your
startdate   {@ldofM}
{@1stdofM} enddate
in your new detail section, and set to display if {@MTAM} = 1 
hope this helps.

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    And put the name between "UZ0RN0" the second field
    MEX GS BT 01APR 0421Z 385310 MX
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    This program divide a file.txt in "n" files.txt's according of the block's that the file.txt contain and catch the name of the second tokent to name the new file.txt
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
    public class FileCopy {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              if(args.length==0) {
                   System.out.println("No existe archivo a copiar. Application usage is: \n" +
                                            "java -classpath. Filecopy \" filepath\"" );
              File fromFile = new File(args[0]);
              if(!fromFile.exists()) {
                   System.out.println("Archivo a copiar. " + fromFile.getAbsolutePath()
                                       + ", no existe.");
              FileInputStream inFile = null;
                   inFile = new FileInputStream(fromFile);
              } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
                   //assert false;
              FileChannel inChannel = inFile.getChannel();
              int SizeFile = (int)inChannel.size();
              ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(SizeFile);
              int length = 0;
              int lengthArch = 0;
              int NoArch = 0;
              int NoComilla = 0;
              String str = new String("");
                   while ((length = != -1 ) {
                        for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
                        byte b = buf.get();
                        //Delimita caracter. Cada bloque tiene 6 "'s
                        if ( b == 34 ) {
                        //Definir nombre del archivo
                        if (NoComilla==3) {
                             if ( b!=34) {
                             str += (char)b;
                        //Imprime archivo
                        if (NoComilla==6) {
                             fromFile = fromFile.getAbsoluteFile();                         //Asegura una ruta absoluta
                             File parentDir = new File(fromFile.getParent());          //Obtiene el directorio
                             File bFile = new File(parentDir,str + ".txt");               //Genera nuevo archivo
                             str = ("");
                             File toFile1 = createFile(bFile);
                             FileOutputStream outFile1 = null;
                                  outFile1 = new FileOutputStream(toFile1);
                             } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
                                  //assert false;
                             FileChannel outChannel1 = outFile1.getChannel();
                             // Write the files
                             try {
                             inChannel.transferTo(((i + 1) - lengthArch),lengthArch,outChannel1);
                             outFile1.close(); // Close the output stream & the channel
                             System.out.println("Archivo " + (NoArch/6) +": " + ((i +1) - lengthArch) + " long " + lengthArch);
                             } catch(IOException e) {
                             lengthArch = 0;
                             NoComilla = 0;
              System.out.println("Tamano del archivo de Origen " + SizeFile);
              System.out.println("EOF " + (NoArch/6) + " Archivos copiados.");
              catch(IOException e) {
              } catch(IOException e) {
         // Metodo para crear un achivo y en caso de que exista hacer *+_backup.*
         public static File createFile(File aFile) {
              aFile = aFile.getAbsoluteFile();                         //Asegura una ruta absoluta
              File parentDir = new File(aFile.getParent());          //Obtiene el directorio
              String name = aFile.getName();                              //Obtiene el nombre del archivo
              int period = name.indexOf('.');                              //Busca el separador de la extension
              if(period == -1)                                             //Si no es
                   period = name.length();                                   //Lo coloca al final del String
              String nameAdd = "_backup";                                   //Agrega "Backup" al nombre
              //Crea el objeto archivo que es unico
              File backup = new File(name.substring(0,period)
                                       + name.substring(period));
              while (backup.exists()) {                                   //Si el nombre ya existe....
                   name = backup.getName();                              //Obtiene el nombre actual del archivo
                   period += nameAdd.length();                              //Agrega el separador
                   backup = new File(parentDir, name.substring(0,period) //agrega backup de nuevo
                                       + nameAdd + name.substring(period));
              return backup;
    This is the example of the file with 2 blocks
    385310 MX
    TKT -T/OK
    1 MX 7M 01APR MEXMTY HK 1 650A 815A
    AB * FLT 7 7A
    MEX GS BT 01APR 0419Z 385310 MX
    AB | FLT 7 7A
    MEX GS BT 01APR 0421Z 385310 MX
    .... PNR.TSCS44 CR25MAR 1834Z HDQ BY RM 1S
    CC D4C2
    OSI MX TKNA 13235822315830
    1 MX 70K 28MAR MTYMEX HK 1 645A 815A
    2 MX 7K 01APR MEXMTY HK 1 650A 815A
    HDQ RM 1S 25MAR 2205Z
    HDQ RM 1S 25MAR 2231Z
    HDQ RM 1S 26MAR 0055Z

  • Can someone help with splitting a Linked List.??

    Any help would be awesome!!!
    My code just will not work!! Any help would be appreciated! My problem is in the last method SplitAt. These are the conditions set and my code:
    Splitting a Linked List at a Given Node, into Two Sublists
    a. Add the following as an abstract method to the class
    public void splitAt (LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item);
    //This method splits the list at the node with the info item into two sublists.
    //Precondition: The list must exist.
    //Postcondition: first and last point to the first and last nodes of the first sublist,
    // respectively. secondList.first and secondList.last point to the first
    // and last nodes of the second sublist.
    Consider the following statements:
    UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> myList;
    UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> otherList;
    Suppose myList points to the list with the elements 34, 65, 18, 39, 27, 89, and 12 (in this order). The statement
    myList.splitAt(otherList, 18);
    splits myList into two sublists: myList points to the list with elements 34 and 65, and otherList points to the sublist with elements 18, 39, 27, 89, and 12.
    b. Provide the definition of the method splitAt in the class UnorderedLinkedList. Also write a program to test your method.
    public class UnorderedLinkedList<T> extends LinkedListClass<T>
           //Default constructor
        public UnorderedLinkedList()
            //Method to determine whether searchItem is in
            //the list.
            //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
            //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public boolean search(T searchItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            boolean found;
            current = first;  //set current to point to the first
                              //node in the list
            found = false;    //set found to false
            while (current != null && !found) //search the list
                if ( //item is found
                    found = true;
                   current =; //make current point to
                                           //the next node
            return found;
            //Method to insert newItem in the list.
            //Postcondition: first points to the new list
            //               and newItem is inserted at the
            //               beginning of the list. Also,
            //               last points to the last node and
            //               count is incremented by 1.
        public void insertFirst(T newItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> newNode;     //variable to create the
                                        //new node
            newNode =
               new LinkedListNode<T>(newItem, first); //create and
                                           //insert newNode before
            first = newNode;   //make first point to the
                               //actual first node
            if (last == null)   //if the list was empty, newNode is
                                //also the last node in the list
                last = newNode;
            count++;     //increment count
            //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
            //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
            //               newItem is inserted at the end
            //               of the list. Also, last points to
            //               the last node and
            //               count is incremented by 1.
        public void insertLast(T newItem)
            LinkedListNode newNode; //variable to create the
                                    //new node
            newNode =
               new LinkedListNode(newItem, null);  //create newNode
            if (first == null)  //if the list is empty, newNode is
                                //both the first and last node
                first = newNode;
                last = newNode;
            else     //if the list is not empty, insert
                     //newNode after last
       = newNode; //insert newNode after last
                last = newNode;      //set last to point to the
                                     //actual last node
        }//end insertLast
            //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
            //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
            //               deleteItem is deleted from the
            //               list. Also, first points to the first
            //               node, last points to the last
            //               node of the updated list, and count
            //               is decremented by 1.
        public void deleteNode(T deleteItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent; //variable just
                                            //before current
            boolean found;
            if ( first == null)    //Case 1; the list is empty
                System.err.println("Cannot delete from an empty "
                                 + "list.");
                if ( //Case 2
                    first =;
                       if (first == null)  //the list had only one node
                          last = null;
                else  //search the list for the given info
                    found = false;
                    trailCurrent = first; //set trailCurrent to
                                          //point to the first node
                    current =; //set current to point to
                                          //the second node
                    while (current != null && !found)
                        if (
                            found = true;
                            trailCurrent = current;
                            current =;
                    }//end while
                    if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
                        if (last == current)  //node to be deleted
                                              //was the last node
                           last = trailCurrent;  //update the value
                                                 //of last
                       System.out.println("Item to be deleted is "
                                        + "not in the list.");
                }//end else
            }//end else
        }//end deleteNode
        public void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item)
         LinkedListNode<T> current;
         LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent;
         int i;
         boolean found;
         if (first==null)
              while(current !=null &&!found)
                       found= true;
                        count = count- i+1;
                        count = i-1;
                        System.out.println("Item to be split at is "
                             + "not in the list.");
        }Edited by: romeAbides on Oct 10, 2008 1:24 PM

    I dont have a test program at all. The program is supposed to prompt for user input of numbers. (it does) Take the input and end at input of -999 (it does). Then it asks user where it wants to split list (it does). When I enter a number it does nothing after that. I am going to post updated code and see if that helps along with all the classes. Thanks!
    This is the class to prompt:
    import java.util.*;
    public class Ch16_ProgEx6
        static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
         public static void main(String[] args)
             UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> list
                              = new UnorderedLinkedList<Integer>();
            UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> subList =
                              new UnorderedLinkedList<Integer>();
             Integer num;
             System.out.println("Enter integers ending with -999.");
             num = console.nextInt();
             while (num != -999)
                 num = console.nextInt();
            System.out.println("list: ");
            System.out.println("Length of list: " + list.length());
            System.out.print("Enter the number at which to split list: ");
            num = console.nextInt();
            list.splitAt(subList, num);
            System.out.println("Lists after splitting list");
            System.out.print("list: ");
            System.out.println("Length of list: " + list.length());
            System.out.print("sublist: ");
            System.out.println("Length of sublist: " + subList.length());
    }This is the ADT:
    public interface LinkedListADT<T> extends Cloneable
        public Object clone();
           //Returns a copy of objects data in store.
           //This method clones only the references stored in
           //each node of the list. The objects that the
           //list nodes point to are not cloned.
        public boolean isEmptyList();
           //Method to determine whether the list is empty.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
           //               false otherwise.
        public void initializeList();
           //Method to initialize the list to an empty state.
           //Postcondition: The list is initialized to an empty
           //               state.
        public void print();
           //Method to output the data contained in each node.
        public int length();
           //Method to return the number of nodes in the list.
           //Postcondition: The number of nodes in the list is
           //               returned.
        public T front();
           //Method to return a reference of the object containing
           //the data of the first node of the list.
           //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
           //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
           //               contains the info of the first node
           //               is returned.
        public T back();
           //Method to return a reference of object containing
           //the data of the last node of the list.
           //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
           //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
           //               contains the info of the last node
           //               is returned.
        public boolean search(T searchItem);
           //Method to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
           //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public void insertFirst(T newItem);
           //Method to insert newItem in the list.
           //Postcondition: newItem is inserted at the
           //               beginning of the list.
        public void insertLast(T newItem);
           //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
           //Postcondition: newItem is inserted at the end
           //               of the list.
        public void deleteNode(T deleteItem);
           //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
           //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
           //               deleteItem is deleted from the
           //               list.
        public void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item);
    }This is the linked list class:
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    public abstract class LinkedListClass<T> implements LinkedListADT<T>
        protected class LinkedListNode<T> implements Cloneable
            public T info;
            public LinkedListNode<T> link;
               //Default constructor
               //Postcondition: info = null; link = null;
            public LinkedListNode()
                info = null;
                link = null;
               //Constructor with parameters
               //This method sets info pointing to the object to
               //which elem points to and link is set to point to
               //the object to which ptr points to.
               //Postcondition:  info = elem; link = ptr;
            public LinkedListNode(T elem, LinkedListNode<T> ptr)
                info = elem;
                link = ptr;
               //Returns a copy of objects data in store.
               //This method clones only the references stored in
               //the node. The objects that the nodes point to
               //are not cloned.
            public Object clone()
                LinkedListNode<T> copy = null;
                    copy = (LinkedListNode<T>) super.clone();
                catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
                    return null;
                return copy;
               //Method to return the info as a string.
               //Postcondition: info as a String object is
               //               returned.
            public String toString()
                return info.toString();
        } //end class LinkedListNode
        public class LinkedListIterator<T>
            protected LinkedListNode<T> current;  //variable to
                                                  //point to the
                                                  //current node in
            protected LinkedListNode<T> previous; //variable to
                                                  //point to the
                                                  //node before the
                                                  //current node
               //Default constructor
               //Sets current to point to the first node in the
               //list and sets previous to null.
               //Postcondition: current = first; previous = null;
            public LinkedListIterator()
                current = (LinkedListNode<T>) first;
                previous = null;
               //Method to reset the iterator to the first node
               //in the list.
               //Postcondition: current = first; previous = null;
            public void reset()
                current = (LinkedListNode<T>) first;
                previous = null;
               //Method to return a reference of the info of the
               //current node in the list and to advance iterator
               //to the next node.
               //Postcondition: previous = current;
               //               current =;
               //               A refrence of the current node
               //               is returned.
            public T next()
                if (!hasNext())
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                LinkedListNode<T> temp = current;
                previous = current;
                current =;
                //Method to determine whether there is a next
                //element in the list.
                //Postcondition: Returns true if there is a next
                //               node in the list; otherwise
                //               returns false.
            public boolean hasNext()
                return (current != null);
               //Method to remove the node currently pointed to
               //by the iterator.
               //Postcondition: If iterator is not null, then the
               //               node that the iterator points to
               //               is removed. Otherwise the method
               //               throws NoSuchElementException.
            public void remove()
                if (current == null)
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (current == first)
                    first =;
                    current = (LinkedListNode<T>) first;
                    previous = null;
                    if (first == null)
                        last = null;
                    if (current == last)
                        last = first;
                        while ( != null)
                            last =;
                    current =;
               //Method to return the info as a string.
               //Postcondition: info as a String object is returned.
            public String toString()
        } //end class LinkedListIterator
           //Instance variables of the class LinkedListClass
        protected LinkedListNode<T> first; //variable to store the
                                           //address of the first
                                           //node of the list
        protected LinkedListNode<T> last;  //variable to store the
                                           //address of the last
                                           //node of the list
        protected int count;  //variable to store the number of
                              //nodes in the list
           //Default constructor
           //Initializes the list to an empty state.
           //Postcondition: first = null, last = null,
           //               count = 0
        public LinkedListClass()
            first = null;
            last = null;
            count = 0;
           //Method to determine whether the list is empty.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
           //               false otherwise.
        public boolean isEmptyList()
            return (first == null);
           //Method to initialize the list to an empty state.
           //Postcondition: first = null, last = null,
           //               count = 0
        public void initializeList()
            first = null;
            last = null;
            count = 0;
           //Method to output the data contained in each node.
        public void print()
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            current = first;    //set current so that it points to
                                //the first node
            while (current != null) //while more data to print
                System.out.print( + " ");
                current =;
        }//end print
           //Method to return the number of nodes in the list.
           //Postcondition: The value of count is returned.
        public int length()
            return count;
           //Method to return a reference of the object containing
           //the data of the first node of the list.
           //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
           //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
           //               contains the info of the first node
           //               is returned.
        public T front()
            //Method to return a reference of object containing
            //the data of the last node of the list.
            //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
            //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
            //               contains the info of the last node
            //               is returned.
        public T back()
           //Returns a copy of objects data in store.
           //This method clones only the references stored in
           //each node of the list. The objects that the
           //list nodes point to are not cloned.
        public Object clone()
            LinkedListClass<T> copy = null;
                copy = (LinkedListClass<T>) super.clone();
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
                return null;
                //If the list is not empty clone each node of
                //the list.
            if (first != null)
                   //Clone the first node
                copy.first = (LinkedListNode<T>) first.clone();
                copy.last = copy.first;
                LinkedListNode<T> current;
                if (first != null)
                    current =;
                    current = null;
                   //Clone the remaining nodes of the list
                while (current != null)
                            (LinkedListNode<T>) current.clone();
                    copy.last =;
                    current =;
            return copy;
           //Method to return an iterator of the list.
           //Postcondition: An iterator is instantiated and
           //               returned.
        public LinkedListIterator<T> iterator()
            return new LinkedListIterator<T>();
           //Method to determine whether searchItem is in
           //the list.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
           //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public abstract boolean search(T searchItem);
           //Method to insert newItem in the list.
           //Postcondition: first points to the new list
           //               and newItem is inserted at the
           //               beginning of the list. Also,
           //               last points to the last node and
           //               count is incremented by 1.
        public abstract void insertFirst(T newItem);
           //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
           //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
           //               newItem is inserted at the end
           //               of the list. Also, last points to
           //               the last node and
           //               count is incremented by 1.
        public abstract void insertLast(T newItem);
           //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
           //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
           //               deleteItem is deleted from the
           //               list. Also, first points to the first
           //               node, last points to the last
           //               node of the updated list, and count
           //               is decremented by 1.
        public abstract void deleteNode(T deleteItem);
        public abstract void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item);
    }And this is the UnorderedLinked Class with the very last method the one being Im stuck on. The SplitAt Method.
    public class UnorderedLinkedList<T> extends LinkedListClass<T>
           //Default constructor
        public UnorderedLinkedList()
            //Method to determine whether searchItem is in
            //the list.
            //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
            //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public boolean search(T searchItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            boolean found;
            current = first;  //set current to point to the first
                              //node in the list
            found = false;    //set found to false
            while (current != null && !found) //search the list
                if ( //item is found
                    found = true;
                   current =; //make current point to
                                           //the next node
            return found;
            //Method to insert newItem in the list.
            //Postcondition: first points to the new list
            //               and newItem is inserted at the
            //               beginning of the list. Also,
            //               last points to the last node and
            //               count is incremented by 1.
        public void insertFirst(T newItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> newNode;     //variable to create the
                                        //new node
            newNode =
               new LinkedListNode<T>(newItem, first); //create and
                                           //insert newNode before
            first = newNode;   //make first point to the
                               //actual first node
            if (last == null)   //if the list was empty, newNode is
                                //also the last node in the list
                last = newNode;
            count++;     //increment count
            //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
            //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
            //               newItem is inserted at the end
            //               of the list. Also, last points to
            //               the last node and
            //               count is incremented by 1.
        public void insertLast(T newItem)
            LinkedListNode newNode; //variable to create the
                                    //new node
            newNode =
               new LinkedListNode(newItem, null);  //create newNode
            if (first == null)  //if the list is empty, newNode is
                                //both the first and last node
                first = newNode;
                last = newNode;
            else     //if the list is not empty, insert
                     //newNode after last
       = newNode; //insert newNode after last
                last = newNode;      //set last to point to the
                                     //actual last node
        }//end insertLast
            //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
            //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
            //               deleteItem is deleted from the
            //               list. Also, first points to the first
            //               node, last points to the last
            //               node of the updated list, and count
            //               is decremented by 1.
        public void deleteNode(T deleteItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent; //variable just
                                            //before current
            boolean found;
            if ( first == null)    //Case 1; the list is empty
                System.err.println("Cannot delete from an empty "
                                 + "list.");
                if ( //Case 2
                    first =;
                       if (first == null)  //the list had only one node
                          last = null;
                else  //search the list for the given info
                    found = false;
                    trailCurrent = first; //set trailCurrent to
                                          //point to the first node
                    current =; //set current to point to
                                          //the second node
                    while (current != null && !found)
                        if (
                            found = true;
                            trailCurrent = current;
                            current =;
                    }//end while
                    if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
                        if (last == current)  //node to be deleted
                                              //was the last node
                           last = trailCurrent;  //update the value
                                                 //of last
                       System.out.println("Item to be deleted is "
                                        + "not in the list.");
                }//end else
            }//end else
        }//end deleteNode
        public void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item)
         LinkedListNode<T> current;
         LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent;
         int i;
         boolean found;
         if (first==null)
              while(current !=null &&!found)
                       found= true;
                        count = count- i+1;
                        count = i-1;
              } else  {
                  System.out.println("Item to be split at is "
                    + "not in the list.");
        Any help or just advice would be fine. Im not the best at Java, better at VB. Am completely stumped! Thanks so much!

  • Help With split tunneling and multiple subnets behind asa

    Hello All,
    our vpn clients can no longer access internet while connected to vpn.
    I was hoping I could get an answer on here for an issue we are having. let me explain this with as little words as possible.
    here was old network layout:
    ASA   ---->  the rest of the internal subnet (was only subnet in network)
    ASA                              3560 ----->>
    so what we did was route from 3560 to asa  so we would be able to have multiple subnets since our asa has base license.
    Our vpn with easy connect worked with our split tunneling before and now we made the change above and it no longer works. Can someone help me out as to why it no longer works and what changed need to be made to make it work.
    Thank you.
    ciscoasa# sh run
    : Saved
    ASA Version 8.2(2)
    hostname ciscoasa
    enable password 1N7bTm05RXLnBcUc encrypted
    passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted
    interface Vlan1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan2
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address x.x.x.x
    interface Ethernet0/0
    switchport access vlan 2
    ftp mode passive
    clock timezone est -5
    same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
    access-list NoNat extended permit ip any
    access-list SplitTunnel standard permit
    access-list SplitTunnel standard permit
    access-list SplitTunnel standard permit
    pager lines 24
    logging asdm informational
    mtu inside 1500
    mtu outside 1500
    ip local pool VPNPool mask
    icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    no asdm history enable
    arp timeout 14400
    global (outside) 1 interface
    nat (inside) 0 access-list NoNat
    nat (inside) 1
    route outside x.x.x.x 1
    route inside 1
    route inside 1
    timeout xlate 3:00:00
    timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
    timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00
    dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
    http server enable
    http inside
    no snmp-server location
    no snmp-server contact
    snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
    crypto ipsec transform-set TransformSet1 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto dynamic-map DynamicMap1 1 set transform-set TransformSet1
    crypto map MainMap 999 ipsec-isakmp dynamic DynamicMap1
    crypto map MainMap interface outside
    crypto isakmp enable outside
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    authentication pre-share
    encryption 3des
    hash sha
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    telnet inside
    telnet timeout 5
    ssh timeout 5
    console timeout 0
    threat-detection basic-threat
    threat-detection statistics access-list
    no threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept
    ntp server source outside
    enable outside
    svc image disk0:/anyconnect-dart-win-2.5.0217-k9.pkg 1
    svc enable
    tunnel-group-list enable
    group-policy RenotreUsers internal
    group-policy RemoteUsers internal
    group-policy RemoteUsers attributes
    vpn-tunnel-protocol svc webvpn
    split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
    split-tunnel-network-list value SplitTunnel
    tunnel-group RemoteUsers type remote-access
    tunnel-group RemoteUsers general-attributes
    address-pool VPNPool
    default-group-policy RemoteUsers
    tunnel-group RemoteUsers webvpn-attributes
    group-alias Southeast-Security-VPN enable
    tunnel-group RemoteUsers ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared-key *****

    I think it could be your NAT statement. You should try an avoid using any unless you tunnel everything. Try making this change
    no access-list NoNat extended permit ip any
    object-group network INTERNAL_NETWORKS
    description Internal Networks
    access-list NoNat extended permit ip object-group INTERNAL_NETWORKS
    You may have to re-add your NAT0
    nat (inside) 0 access-list NoNat

  • Help with splitting and arranging clips

    Hi All,
    Can some please help a complete noob by explaining their simple workflow for FCE HD from after capture to edit.
    I am new to digital editing and am working my way through Tom's book but am a little confused in regards to arranging and organising my clips. I have a new project (My niece's 1st B'day party) which currently has 1 master clip (I think this is the terminology) with several (27) segments after running DV Start/Stop.
    This is where I get confused. I want to arrange the segments into Bins, for example: Birthday girl, cake, games etc... But there is something about relationships between master clip, segments and subclips which I don't understand.
    How is the best way to "cut up" (and is that the best way) the segments into smaller master clips so i can rename then, rearrange them and add comments in preperation for editing?
    Sorry for the long post, but when you don't really know what you want to say you end up saying a lot

    I don't use the Master/Subclip relationships. My method of sorting out various types of clip, by subject (your examples of "Birthday girl, cake, games etc...") is to slide (click, hold and drag) all obviously bad clips into V3 and ignore (mostly), and then slide all the Birthday girl clips on to V2 and move them sideways to group them closer together, then do the same for each other group. This leaves in V1 some shots such as establishing shots, closeups of decorations, departures etc. which you know where to put (eg., establishing shots at the beginning, closeups cut in somewhere where suitable as the editing proceeds). Next, I drag down and left or right various clips from V2 to V1 to their appropriate positions in order, leaving gaps between here and there to avoid having to move sets of clips left and right too often to make room. Then I set In and Out points in the Timeline (or Viewer) and close gaps between the clips within each set and see how that set looks. When all the material has gone through that process I check the whole video and make (usually) minor) changes, then do transitions and set audio levels, then leave it for a few days to look at it afresh.
    Is this a bizarre method? What do you pros do?

  • Need help with detail by hour in SQL query

    Hello all,
    I am using the following query to track the usage on a circuit and I have the detail by day, but now they are asking for hourly usage from 0900 to 1200 on these days. Any ideas how I can append to include hour in my detail?
    select 'Report Name Here'  as Circuit,'Usage'  as Measurement,
     MONTH(interfacetraffic.datetime) as month, year(interfacetraffic.datetime) as year, day(interfacetraffic.datetime) as day,
     '' as Mo_yr,
     interfaces.inbandwidth as bandwidth,
      '' as adjustedbandwidth,
     max (interfacetraffic.in_maxbps )  as max_in,
    max (interfacetraffic.out_maxbps)  as max_out,
    avg(interfacetraffic.in_maxbps )  as avg_in,
    avg(interfacetraffic.out_maxbps)  as avg_out,
    max(case (interfacetraffic.in_maxbps ) when 0 then 0  else(interfacetraffic.in_maxbps  )/interfaces.inbandwidth *100 end) as 'max_in_%',
    max(case ( interfacetraffic.out_maxbps) when 0 then 0  else( interfacetraffic.out_maxbps )/interfaces.outbandwidth *100 end) as 'max_out_%',
    avg(case (interfacetraffic.in_maxbps ) when 0 then 0  else(interfacetraffic.in_maxbps  )/interfaces.inbandwidth *100 end) as 'avg_in_%',
    avg(case ( interfacetraffic.out_maxbps) when 0 then 0  else( interfacetraffic.out_maxbps )/interfaces.outbandwidth *100 end) as 'avg_out_%',
    nodes.location as location,nodes.sysname as sysname,nodes.timezone,interfaces.interfaceid as interfaceid,nodes.nodeid as nodeid,interfaces.fullname as fullname
    (Nodes INNER JOIN Interfaces ON (Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID))  
    INNER JOIN InterfaceTraffic ON (Interfaces.InterfaceID = InterfaceTraffic.InterfaceID AND InterfaceTraffic.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID)
    where InterfaceTraffic.DateTime > GETDATE() -180
    and interfaces.InterfaceID = '31072'
    and month(interfacetraffic.datetime) = 1
    and year(interfacetraffic.datetime) = 2015
    --and  DATEPART(hh,interfacetraffic.datetime)  in ('09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19')
    group by interfaces.inbandwidth, year(interfacetraffic.datetime), 
    MONTH(interfacetraffic.datetime) ,nodes.location ,nodes.sysname,interfaces.inbandwidth,nodes.timezone ,interfaces.interfaceid,nodes.nodeid,interfaces.fullname, day(interfacetraffic.datetime) 

    select 'Report name here' as Circuit, 'Usage' as Measurement,
    month(...) as month, year(...) as year, day(...) as day, datepart(hour, ...) as hour,
    from ...
    group by month(...), year(...), day(...), datepart(hour, ...), ...
    Note - have you considered just having a single column for the date as opposed to 3 separate columns? And for efficiency, change your where clause from
    where InterfaceTraffic.DateTime > GETDATE() -180
    and interfaces.InterfaceID = '31072'
    and month(interfacetraffic.datetime) = 1
    and year(interfacetraffic.datetime) = 2015
    where interfaces.InterfaceID = '31072'
    and interfacetraffic.datetime >= '20150101' and interfacetraffic.datetime < '20150201'
    and datepart(hour, ...) between 9 and 19
    That first part involving "getdate() - 180" does nothing useful when you only want values from January of this year.

  • Help with query: monthly accumulated sales by month

    i need to build a query that shows two key figures:
    KF1) Sales accumalated on last 60 months.
    KF2) Sales for actual month.
    i know i can solve this using selections, the problem is my client needs it on columns for each month selected
    from a range. For example:
    Selecting months 01.2009 - 04.2009:
    01.2009 | 02.2009 | 03.2009 | 04.2009
    KF1|KF2 | KF1|KF2 | KF1|KF2 | KF1|KF2
    KF2 appears by default, but is it possible to show KF1 using selections ?

    Hola Juan Pablo.
    Here the main problem I see is the possibility of select a range for the 0CALMONTH. First of all try to speak to your customer to agree the possibility of select in the variables the "Ending/Last" 0CALMONTH. If you can achieve this the rest is more  o less easy.
    You have to define an structure o several RKF and from 0CALMONTH you make a set of variables (post-popop) to restric them:
    RKF_1M_01  (Selected Month)
    RKF_1M_60  (Selected Month) - (offset - 60)
    RKF_2M_01  (Selected Month -1 )
    RKF_2M_60  (Selected Month -1 ) - (offset - 60)
    RKF_3M_01  (Selected Month -2 )
    RKF_3M_60  (Selected Month -2 ) - (offset - 60)
    RKF_4M_01  (Selected Month -3 )
    RKF_4M_60  (Selected Month -3 ) - (offset - 60)
    I've made something similar for Balance Sheet
    Hope it helps you.

  • How can I get help with pending songs that have taken over 12 hours to fully download?

    How can I get help with pending songs that have taken over 12 hours to fully download?

    You can only suspend service for 3 months at a time (with or without payment) and only twice a year.

  • Photoshop is split-screening & freezing causing me to lose work? "Support" did not help with this.

    I have Photoshop CS5 and the problem started about a week ago.
    I opened an image, got 3/4s of the way through it, and the computer screen "split into two" and froze. Causing me to shut down my computer, entirely, and lose an hour and half's worth of work. I shut my computer down, completely and did a full system reboot, and tried again. This time I didn't even get a full step into editing before the same thing occured.
    Worried, I had contacted Apple Support because I thought it might have been something with the video card. After putting me through various tests, all of which turned up clean, Apple said it was something that showed it wasn't with Mac, it was with CS5 itself (or at least with Adobe's Photoshop application). They told me to try calling Adobe. However, they only have certain hours, so I tried chat support - which was hysterical, becuase they kept sending me over here to the forums. (Apple's support takes much better care of their customers, I've noticed, at least when it comes to full "chat support".) Anyways, I had given this computer a break for a day or two, completely shut off. Today, I turned it on, and the same thing happened. Opened a .Raw image, got it into the Photoshop main screen, got a step into editing, had the computer screen split again, and freeze.
    I would greatly appreciate anyone's help with this subject. I have been unable to work for about a week, which is completely devastating to someone who runs their own business. Advice, or thoughts?

    You say it only happens when you work on raw.  Is this only when you’re using the Camera Raw plug-in?  If you work on a small JPG in the ACR plug-in, does it happen? 
    Have you tried turning off the OpenGL acceleration in PS / Preferences / Performance as Mylenium suggested? 
    I would agree it sounds like a video hardware failure, due to it locking up your computer.   Do you have a way to photograph and share what the screen looks like when it is locked up?

  • Hourly rate will not multiply with period working hours to give monthly Pay

    Dear All,
    Hourly rate 10.9 will not multiply with period working hours 173 to give monthly Pay. Thsi is for hourly employee, but they are paid monthly. Basic pay.

    At the moment, I am trying to maintain rate in infotype 0008. Please advise. Do you think that is why it is not calculating?
    Kindly help, as this very urgent now in my company.

  • Help with Internet Settings for Blackberry Curve 8520 On Orange Pay-Monthly

    I need help with my internet settings I'm currently on Orange Pay-Monthly and have recently bought a second hand Blackberry Curve 8520 which is unlocked but used to be on 02! I don't have a clue on what to do or where to start all I know is in the top right hand corner where the signal bar is it says GPRS and WIFI ! I don't want WIFI as I don't have a wireless connection and would like to get the settings for my curve so I can browse the internet and go on Facebook etc and BBM!! I've clicked on the internet logo in the menu bar but it just say's hotspot browser.. but wont let me browse!! Some one please help me !! 

    Hey BaByPaW1990,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    You can get your APN settings from your network service provider, also make sure you have a BlackBerry data plan.  
    Let me know if you have any more questions.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Why is it ok for a verizon wireless service representative to lie to a customer? I went over my monthly data and i called to ask for some help with the overage because i was barely over. They told me they would take care of it and sold me on a shared data

    why is it ok for a verizon wireless service representative to lie to a customer? I went over my monthly data and i called to ask for some help with the overage because i was barely over. They told me they would take care of it and sold me on a shared data plan that would result in 2gb less data but told me i would save 20$ a month. I agreed and recieved my next statement and to my suprise my bill actually went up 15$ a month and i talked to several people and they all told me there is nothing that can be done to get back on the plan i was on and they can not even give me a discount to get me back to what i was paying. They can only offer me a convenience credit. I will be cancelling service.

    We do not want to see you go. I truly apologize for any misinformation regarding your plan. Let's investigate into this a little further. What plan were you on? What plan were you switched to? If you look at the detailed billing online of your previous bill do you see any additional charges other then the plan?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • TS2446 I've been trying to get into my apple account since Tuesday to do updates. I have tried everything. I have been on the phone with apple for hours at a time and nobody can help. Does anybody know what I can do.

    I've been trying to get into my apple account since Tuesday to do updates. I have tried everything. I have been on the phone with apple for hours at a time and nobody can help. Does anybody know what I can do.

    Try Resetting the PRAM

  • Help with hours between two dates

    Hi I need help with the below query
    select count(*),a.col1,max(a.dt),min(a.dt)
    from tab1 a
    where a.dt > to_date('01-JUL-08','dd-mon-yyyy')
    group by col1
    having count(*) >=2
    and (max(a.dt) - min(a.dt))* 24*60*60 > 360;
    I am trying to pull the records with more than 2 entries, and having more than 6 hrs difference between max date and min date. When I am trying to execute this I am getting an error at "(max(a.dt) - min(a.dt))* 24*60*60 > 360".
    any ideas how can I pull the records more than 6 hrs?
    Thanks in advance!

    Sorry is the erros i am getting
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND got NUMBER
    my version : 9.2
    SQL> @ver
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE       Production
    TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> --
    SQL> drop table tab1;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table tab1 as
      2    select 'stin_8723646' as col1, to_date('7/22/2008 5:48:32 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') as dt from dual union all
      3    select 'stin_8723646', to_date('7/22/2008 1:34:12 PM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual union all
      4    select 'stin_8723646', to_date('7/22/2008 3:16:25 PM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual union all
      5    select 'stin_8723647', to_date('7/22/2008 1:10:07 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual union all
      6    select 'stin_8723647', to_date('7/22/2008 4:19:00 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual union all
      7    select 'stin_8723647', to_date('7/22/2008 9:52:44 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual;
    Table created.
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select * from tab1;
    COL1         DT
    stin_8723646 07/22/2008 05:48:32 am
    stin_8723646 07/22/2008 01:34:12 pm
    stin_8723646 07/22/2008 03:16:25 pm
    stin_8723647 07/22/2008 01:10:07 am
    stin_8723647 07/22/2008 04:19:00 am
    stin_8723647 07/22/2008 09:52:44 am
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> --
    SQL> select
      2    count(*),
      3    a.col1,
      4    max(a.dt),
      5    min(a.dt)
      6  from tab1 a
      7  where a.dt > to_date('01-JUL-08','dd-mon-yyyy')
      8  group by col1
      9  having count(*) >=2
    10  --and (max(a.dt) - min(a.dt))* 24*60*60 > 360
    11  and (max(a.dt) - min(a.dt))* 24 > 6;
      COUNT(*) COL1         MAX(A.DT)              MIN(A.DT)
             3 stin_8723646 07/22/2008 03:16:25 pm 07/22/2008 05:48:32 am
             3 stin_8723647 07/22/2008 09:52:44 am 07/22/2008 01:10:07 am

  • Help with browser/cache Possible iCloud issue- I think

    A few months ago I built a website through  I also bought my domain name through them:
    Shortly afterward I became dissatisfied with their service and chose to move to
    In order to move my domain name, I had to transfer it to first and then follow Shopify instructions on how to have it point to my new store with them. IP address, etc.
    So I did all that, and for a little while it seemed okay, but periodically would still point to the old Volusion store.  Today, Shopify told me that I needed to make sure all the setting with them were set correctly and to also add the domain name without the “www” to the list of what would point to the domain name.
    Everything in Shopify is now set so that the following three items all point only to the main domain name
    For the rest of the day and still tonight, I cannot get to my Shopify store at all.  Not on either of my desktops, laptop, two iPads, iPhone or iPod.  Everything on my network takes me to the old Volusion store when I type in that domain.  I even downloaded Chrome and tried that on the three computers, still no success. 
    Even when I am in my admin section ON the Shopify website, when I input the data for a product, save it, then click the link to view in browser- it STILL takes me to the old Volusion site- even from INSIDE my Shopify admin!!!
    Over an hour on the phone with Shopify tech support did not clear it up.  I cleared the data on every device on every browser.  Restarted every device, etc.  My daughter is next door with her own internet service account and can bring up my new site with no problem. 
    The internet service provider swears they cannot store anything like cookies or cache on the router so it is not on them, Shopify is able to get to my site with no problem.  They told me that their only job is to make sure I have a connection to the internet. Period.  And that the problem of not getting the ‘right one’ is not something they can help with and if they sent someone out to prove that I would be charged for the service call.
    Is it possible that there are cookies/cache on the iCloud that keeps putting the information back on my devices?  Is there some way that within my network they are all sending each other the case information before I can clear it?
    I am the only one, and every device on my network, that cannot get any browser to go to the new website instead of the old one.
    In addition, even with all the updates AND restarting several times, my internet connection is dragging something awful now.
    I am very frustrated.

    The browser icon availability is controled by the carrier provisioning. Assuming that you have a BlackBerry specific data plan then your device is properly provisioned. All you should have to do to get the browser icon back is register your BlackBerry on the network.
    Go to Options > Advanced Options > Host Routing Table. Press the menu key and select Register Now. If the icon does not reappear after a minute or two them remove the battery for 10 seconds.

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