Help With Spry Repeat Regions

Hello everyone,
I've recently started using Spry for a project I've been
asked to work on and I've run in to a few issues since my spec
changed on me today. So any help or advice anyone has is very much
welcome as I'm very much out my comfort zone at the moment.
Original Spec
The idea originally was to have a drop down of roles which
was created from the role tag within a xml file which I was able to
do as you can see below in the attached code. Once the user had
picked a role it would then
ds2.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex) and this would trigger
the spry detail region I have to populate the fields I setup to get
out of the xml the role, process and info.
At the time I was told a role would only appear once in the
file but this is now not the case :(
My problem / New Spec
Unfortunately with the xml now having a role more then once
I've been asked to include a dynamic region which will display the
process and info fields from other records which have this role
name. Which is the bit I'm having problems with. I've been playing
with creating a spry:repeat for each field and then using
Spry:if="'{Role}'.search(^/myVar/) != -1; but I've had no luck
getting a value into a variable and I'm lack of experience is
running out of ideas.
Hope I've made sense this is my first time using spry and
JavaScript, so any help is greatly welcome.
Thanks Nick.
Example of the XML file - Please note this is very much a cut
down version.

tried changing the Region HTML table cell attributes to width:75pct, but this has no effect.Unsurprisingly. Use a valid CSS length specification.

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  • Help with Spry Detail Regions, XML Data Sets, for IMG gallery

    I'm working on a site for a friend of mine, a photo gallery. You can see the gallery here, it's a temporary one I'm working on
    Here are some important parts of my code:
    //initially load these data sets. the function will be called by the links to update components later<script type="text/javascript">
         var intNumPhoto = 0;
         dsGallery = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/ride/photo");
         dsNav = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/ride");
         function updateSpryComponents(galleryDir){
              alert("updating spry components for " + galleryDir);
              intNumPhoto = 0;
              dsGallery = Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/" + galleryDir + "/photo");
              dsNav = Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/" + galleryDir);
              "<span spry:detailregion = 'dsGallery'>
             <a href = 'javascript:' onclick = 'if(intNumPhoto > 0){intNumPhoto -= 1}; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);'>&lt;</a> {@id} / </span>
             <span spry:detailregion = 'dsNav'>{@numPhotos}
             <a href = 'javascript:' onclick = 'if(intNumPhoto < ({@numPhotos} - 1)){intNumPhoto += 1; }; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);'>&gt;</a>
    </script> <--- later ----><!-- SIDEBAR NAV. When link i clicked, set DataSet to the location of the new gallery -->
         <div id = "sideBarNav">
             <a href = "javascript:" onclick ='updateSpryComponents('ride');">Tannersville</a>
                <br />
              <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "updateSpryComponents('dive');">Dive</a>
            <br />
              <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "updateSpryComponents('poland');">Poland</a>
            <br />
              <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "updateSpryComponents('alaska');">Alaska</a>
    <div id = "content2">
         <!-- PHOTO CONTAINER I think I somehow need to refresh this section of the code to reload new data-->
         <div id = "fotoContainer" spry:detailregion="dsGallery"><img src = "photos/{@path}" width = "{@width}" height = "{@height}"/></div>
         <!-- IMAGE NAVIGATION -->
         <div id = "nav">       
             <span spry:detailregion = "dsGallery" id = "galSpan">
             <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "if(intNumPhoto > 0){intNumPhoto -= 1}; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);">&lt;</a> {@id} / </span>
             <span spry:detailregion = "dsNav" id = "navSpan">{@numPhotos}
             <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "if(intNumPhoto < ({@numPhotos} - 1)){intNumPhoto += 1; }; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);">&gt;</a>
    You could view source there to get the code. Here is what I believe is my problem
    I'm trying to automate the site so that when you click on one of the links on the left, without refreshing the page, the paths to the galleries xml file changes, and the spry Detail Regions (1 for the images, 1 for the navigation - left and right arrows). I think the problem is that once the link changes the set and calls my updateSpryComponenets() function, the detail regions need to be refreshed. I'm currently trying to solve this by dynamically rewriting the HTML thru .innterHTML, everytime I call updateSpryComponents().There may also be a problem in the Javascript function updateSpryControllers because if I put the alert after the spry calls, I never get the alert
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Ok, the first query on the Recent tab doesnt work for me because it wont show unless its already voted, and since these are supposed to be new blurts, that kind of breaks the whole site:
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    So I replaced it with what I originally had.
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    But this doesn't provide me with the initial average rating:(


    Im using dreamweaver to deevelop a page that displays questions in ann assessment to the user. First of all the page shows the assessment name to the user and then it gets some information about the questions in the assessment from the table called Item. It gets the Question_ID and then there is a repeat region which uses the Question_ID to display the questions in the assessment. There is a nested repeat region inside this which displays the possible answers the user can respond to the question with It gets this information from a table called outcome. The page should display each question and then all the possible answers but i am having problems and im not sure wether i am doing this in the correct way. What is wrong with my code? PLEASE HELP! can someone tell me what is going wrong and how i can fix this problem thamks.
    here is my code.
    Driver DriverassessmentRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAssessment_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnassessmentRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAssessment_STRING,MM_connAssessment_USERNAME,MM_connAssessment_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementassessmentRecordset = ConnassessmentRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Assessment_ID, Assessment_Name, Time_Limit, Display_Random, Record_Answers FROM Assessment.assessment WHERE Assessment_ID = '" + session.getValue("AssessmentID") + "' ");
    ResultSet assessmentRecordset = StatementassessmentRecordset.executeQuery();
    boolean assessmentRecordset_isEmpty = !;
    boolean assessmentRecordset_hasData = !assessmentRecordset_isEmpty;
    Object assessmentRecordset_data;
    int assessmentRecordset_numRows = 0;
    Driver DriveritemRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAssessment_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnitemRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAssessment_STRING,MM_connAssessment_USERNAME,MM_connAssessment_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementitemRecordset = ConnitemRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Question_ID, Assessment_ID FROM Assessment.item WHERE Assessment_ID = '" + session.getValue("AssessmentID") + "' ");
    ResultSet itemRecordset = StatementitemRecordset.executeQuery();
    boolean itemRecordset_isEmpty = !;
    boolean itemRecordset_hasData = !itemRecordset_isEmpty;
    Object itemRecordset_data;
    int itemRecordset_numRows = 0;
    Driver DriverquestionRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAnswer_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnquestionRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAnswer_STRING,MM_connAnswer_USERNAME,MM_connAnswer_PASSWORD);
    //PreparedStatement StatementquestionRecordset = ConnquestionRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Question_Type, Number_Outcomes, Question_Wording FROM Answer.question WHERE Question_ID = '" + (((itemRecordset_data = itemRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || itemRecordset.wasNull())?"":itemRecordset_data) +"' ");
    //ResultSet questionRecordset = StatementquestionRecordset.executeQuery();
    Driver DriveroutcomeRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAnswer_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnoutcomeRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAnswer_STRING,MM_connAnswer_USERNAME,MM_connAnswer_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementoutcomeRecordset = ConnoutcomeRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Outcome_Number, Outcome_Text, Score, Feedback FROM Answer.outcome WHERE Question_ID = '" +itemRecordset.getObject("Question_ID")+ "' ");
                     ResultSet outcomeRecordset = StatementoutcomeRecordset.executeQuery();
                     boolean outcomeRecordset_isEmpty = !;
                    boolean outcomeRecordset_hasData = !outcomeRecordset_isEmpty;Object outcomeRecordset_data;
                  int outcomeRecordset_numRows = 0;
    int Repeat1__numRows = -1;
    int Repeat1__index = 0;
    itemRecordset_numRows += Repeat1__numRows;
    int Repeat2__numRows = -1;
    int Repeat2__index = 0;
    assessmentRecordset_numRows += Repeat2__numRows;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/assessment.dwt.jsp" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <table width="1000" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td height="190"><img src="../img/assessment_login.png" alt="" name="navigation" width="1000" height="190" border="0" id="navigation" /></td>
        <td height="19"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>
        <td height="19"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main" -->
            <td width="990">Assessment Name:<%=(((assessmentRecordset_data = assessmentRecordset.getObject("Assessment_Name"))==null || assessmentRecordset.wasNull())?"":assessmentRecordset_data)%> </td>
            <td><% int count = 1; %> </td>
            <td valign="top"><table>
                <% while ((itemRecordset_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %>
                  <td width="21"> 
                  <td width="86">Question:<%= count %></td>
                     PreparedStatement StatementquestionRecordset = ConnquestionRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Question_Type, Number_Outcomes, Question_Wording FROM Answer.question WHERE Question_ID = '" +itemRecordset.getObject("Question_ID")+"' ");
                     ResultSet questionRecordset = StatementquestionRecordset.executeQuery();
                  boolean questionRecordset_isEmpty = !;
                  boolean questionRecordset_hasData = !questionRecordset_isEmpty;
                  Object questionRecordset_data;
                  int questionRecordset_numRows = 0;
                     %> <%= questionRecordset.getObject("Question_Wording") %></td>
                      <% while ((outcomeRecordset_hasData)&&(Repeat2__numRows-- != 0)) {%>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Number"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Text"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Score"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Feedback"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
      outcomeRecordset_hasData =;
                      <tr> </tr>
                      <tr> </tr>
      itemRecordset_hasData =;
    Here is the exception i am gettingorg.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 115 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Number"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 116 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Text"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 117 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Score"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 118 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Feedback"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    5 errors
         org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.javacError(     org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.javacError(
         org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(     org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(

    Dont have much time to go through your code, but apparently i can see the error is becoz of the following reason.
    In the following code, you have used "outcomeRecordset_data ", but its not declared. You need to declare the variable first before you can use it.
    <% while ((outcomeRecordset_hasData)&&(Repeat2__numRows-- != 0)) {%>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Number"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Text"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Score"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Feedback"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
      outcomeRecordset_hasData =;
    %>Try declaring the "outcomeRecordset_data " on top as an object
    Hope it helps

  • PHP help with nested repeat region

    Hopefully someone can help me out with this one.
    I basically have some SQL returning results of a search page,
    where you can search on various keywords by checking boxes, and it
    returns Employers that match those keywords :
    mysql_select_db($database_myDatabase, $myDatabase);
    if (isset($_GET['ckbox'])){
    // get profile keys
    $ckbox = array_keys($_GET['ckbox']);
    // sql string
    $sql = 'SELECT Employers.*, EmployerContacts.* FROM
    INNER JOIN Employers ON EmployerContacts.EmployerID =
    INNER JOIN EmployerProfiles ON EmployerProfiles.EmployerID =
    WHERE EmployerProfiles.ProfileID IN(' . implode(',',
    GROUP BY Employers.EmployerID
    ORDER BY Employers.EmployerID DESC';
    $rsContacts = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsContacts = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsContacts);
    @$totalRows = mysql_num_rows($rsContacts);
    echo 'You did not check any profiles.';
    The results are drawing fields from the Employers table and
    EmployerContacts table, hopefully to look like :
    Employer1.Contact 1
    Employer1.Contact 2
    Employer1.Contact 3
    Employer2.Contact 1
    Employer2.Contact 2
    Employer2.Contact 3
    However, I can only seem to get it to repeat the Employers,
    and show just the first Contact for each, like this :
    Employer1.Contact 1
    Employer2.Contact 1
    So I guess I'm looking for help with looping through the
    Contacts for each Employer.
    The code currently looks like this :
    [code attached]
    Hope that makes sense.
    Many thanks.

    The DW Repeat Region cannot be nested because both loops use
    the same
    variable names (e.g. $RepeatSelectionCounter_1).
    You will have to manually edit the code, and DW may not
    recognize it
    after you do, but you should be able to get it working fairly
    easily. I
    think that you just need to change the variable names in the
    inner loop
    so that they do not conflict with the similar names in the
    outer loop
    (e.g. rename $RepeatSelectionCounter_1 to
    Does that make sense?
    > I basically have some SQL returning results of a search
    page, where you can
    > search on various keywords by checking boxes, and it
    returns Employers that
    > match those keywords :

  • Help with Spry Rating Widget within a Spry Repeating Region

    My link
    This is a long question, but it seems to me if answered somewhere it could help alot of people in the spry community creating comment boards as it uses three important spry widgets: rating, repeating, and tabbed panels. I am trying to use spry rating widget within a spry repeating region within a spry tabbed panel with xml. I was trying to go with the pulse light script ( but Gramps told me about the spry rating widget. But I have ran into a couple more problems. First, I couldnt find that much information on the forums or online about how to do the php page with the spry rating widget. None of these have any information on how to do it: .html html ml
    And it seems that the official examples are so poor (or I am just ignorant, which def could be a possiblity) it shows
    to set the initial rating value from the server, but uses a static value of 4
    <span id="initialValue_dynamic" class="ratingContainer">
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>      
             <input id="spryrating1_val" type="text" name="spryrating1" value="4" readonly="readonly" />
             <span class="ratingRatedMsg sample">Thanks for your rating!</span>
    var initialValue_dynamic = new Spry.Widget.Rating("initialValue_dynamic", {ratingValueElement:'spryrating1_val'});
    I finally found a site that has the php and mysql setup. l
    But its not perfect. It has the same problem that I ran into with Pulse light, that you had to use php echo within the spry repeating region to set the initial value from the server:
    <span id="spryrating1" class="ratingContainer">
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <input type="text" id="ratingValue" name="dynamic_rate" value="<?php echo $row['average']?>"/>
            <script type="text/javascript"
                var rating1 = new Spry.Widget.Rating("spryrating1", {ratingValueElement:'ratingValue', afterRating:'serverValue', saveUrl: 'save.php?id=spryrating1&val=@@ratingValue@@'});
    So instead, I tried with three of my panels ( to get the average rating from xml by using the following queries:
    Returns the blurts in most recent order along with average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC
    Wet Eyed
    Returns the blurts in highest ratings order along with the average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt AND ratings.rating_value > 0.1 Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY average_r Desc
    Dry Eyed
    Returns the blurts in lowest rating order along with the average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt AND ratings.rating_value > 0.1 Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY average_r
    These all return the correct xml in the correct order.And they return the average rating of each blurt which I can send to my page with xml.
    My first question is that I dont know how to configure the query on my fourth panel Empathized & Advised the same way because it already has a Group By for the Comment Id.
    SELECT `Comment`.id_Blurt, COUNT(*) as frequency, Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt, `Comment` WHERE Blurt.Id_blurt = `Comment`.id_Blurt GROUP BY `Comment`.id_Blurt ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC";
    Not sure if you guys need more information to understand that all, if so just ask.
    So after I get my average value through xml to the first three panels, I set my spry repeating region up like this:
    (Blurt panel)
    <div spry:region="pv1" spry:repeatchildren="pv1">           
               <div class="blurtbox">
                <!--  most recent blurt tab-->
                <h3> "{pv1::Blurt}"</h3>
                <p> Blurted from {pv1::Location} at {pv1::Date}</p>
                <p>Empathize or Advise about {pv1::Name}'s Blurt #<a href="detailblurt.php?blurtid={pv1::Id_blurt}"> {pv1::Id_blurt}</a></a></p>
               <span id="{pv1::Id_blurt}" class="ratingContainer">
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingRatedMsg">Thank You! Your tears have been tallied.</span>
                <input type="text" id="ratingValue" name="dynamic_rate" value="{pv1::average_r}"/>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                // overview of available options and their values:
                var rating1 = new Spry.Widget.Rating("{pv1::Id_blurt}", {ratingValueElement:'ratingValue', afterRating:'serverValue', saveUrl: 'save.php?id={pv1::Id_blurt}&val=@@ratingValue@@'});
    Ok, it registers the right vote in the database with the right blurt id each time. But I am having two problems so far:
    One, even though {pv1::average_r} returns the correct average through xml, it doesn't show the initial rating value for each of the repeating blurts. It seems to show the first one correct, and then just repeat that same value to the other ones that follow. I just dont understand since it can get the correct server value right after you vote (afterRating:'serverValue), that I can't manipulate spryrating.js in some way that I could just replace 'ratingValue' in ratingValueElement:'ratingValue' with something to give me the initial server value.
    Two: Is even more mysterious to me, if you play around with voting on the site, sometimes you are unable to vote on different blurts. Its weird. It seems like that the javascript is completely off just on those blurts. And sometimes its a whole row, sometimes none. But so far its never a problem on the first tabbed panel (Recent), only on the other three. As far as I know, the coding is exactly the same in each tab's repeating region except for the different xml input.
    And, now on the live server, sometimes the pics of tears used to voting dont show up until you click.
    Any help on those three questions (how to query the fourth panel, how to show the initial server value, and the glitches with voting) would be greatly appreciated!! I looked pretty hard on adobe forums and other sites, and didnt see much on how to really use the spry rating widget with php and xml.

    Ok, the first query on the Recent tab doesnt work for me because it wont show unless its already voted, and since these are supposed to be new blurts, that kind of breaks the whole site:
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    So I replaced it with what I originally had.
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    But this doesn't provide me with the initial average rating:(

  • Usin Spry$$ in spry:repeat regions

    I'm not sure whats happening here but i'll try to be
    I am using spry to make a master page set.
    on a region i have
    var observer = { onPostUpdate: function(notifier, data) { var
    r = Spry.$$(".changeStatusLink").addEventListener("click",
    changeStatus, true); } };
    where the element selector is
    <td align="center" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"
    spry:setrow="ds1 {ds_rowID}">[EDIT] | [<a
    id="statusLink{ds_RowID}" class="changeStatusLink">CHANGE
    STATUS</a>] | [DELETE]</td>
    in a
    spry:repeat region
    Now on a "click" the selector is able to trigger the
    changeStatus function....but for some reason
    only the first row's {ds_RowID} of the
    spry:repeat is being captured when the function
    function changeStatus(e){
    var row = ds1.getCurrentRow();
    var id = row['@id'];
    is it the fact that because the "class" is being repeated it
    is not picking up the actual "element" that triggered the event? or
    is there something wrong with the ds1.getCurrentRow?Text

    the spry:repeat IS on the
    I don't have a URL
    but the code is...
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("get_docs.php",
    ds1.setColumnType("@id", "number");
    function MySuccessCallback(req)
    var state = req.xhRequest.responseText;
    if(state == 1){
    }else if(state == 2){
    function MyErrorCallback(req)
    // Throw an alert with the message that was
    // passed to us via the userData.
    alert("ERROR: " + req.userData.msg);
    function changeStatus(e){
    var row = ds1.getCurrentRow();
    var id = row['@id'];
    var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("POST", "set_status.php", true,
    MySuccessCallback, { postData: "docid="+id+"&action=status",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
    charset=UTF-8" }, errorCallback: MyErrorCallback, userData: row })
    var observer = { onPostUpdate: function(notifier, data) { var
    r = Spry.$$(".changeStatusLink").addEventListener("click",
    changeStatus, true); } };
    Spry.Data.Region.addObserver("documentList", observer);

  • ADDT Dependent Dropdown SB with Spry Repeat Lists

    I first want to say that this forum is fantastic and full of very bright folks willing to help us not so bright types.
    Next, of course, I have a problem. I'm using spry repeat lists as dropdowns in a form. There are 3 that need to be dependent on each other. I had been using the ADDT dependent dropdown SB and it works great for normal selects. It doesn't seem to work at all on spry repeat lists. I was hoping these two would play nicely together, and maybe they do and there's some trick to this.
    If the ADDT SB's don't work with Spry repeat lists, maybe there's a way to do this using javascript?
    Thanks in advance for any help,
    Tony Galfano

    Hi Gunter,
    Thanks for the help. I've decided, based on your accurate assessment of the work involved in getting all this to work with spry, to ditch that and just refresh the damn page after all new entries are made. I appreciate your help, probably saved me many hours.
    I do have a wierd issue with the ADDT editaqble dropdown behavior. I actually use this one a lot and it always works well. I have one dropdown that only showsw the first 2 characters of the contents. A swcreenshot is avaiable here:
    All of the other editable dropdowns on the page, and the site, work fine, but this one is shruken for some reason. I'm wondering if there is a size limitation in the css or the js that can't handle larger records? The largest field in the table contains the value:
    "Flat Guarantee; Purchaser to provide one Fender Amplifier (see rider for list of amps) at no cost to Artist."
    This really shouldn't present a problem, but maybe it's something else?
    Thanks, as always for your great help.

  • No Form Submitting with SPRY:REPEAT?

    After getting more and more spry in my code, I run into a
    problem while combining a <tr spry:repeat> with a
    <form> generated for each row:
    Idea / Code is like this:
    <table spry:region="dsSample">
    <tr spry:repeat>
    <form name="myForm" action="detailPage.php?ID=hiddenID"
    <input type="hidden" name="hiddenID" id="hiddenID"
    <input type="submit" value="Show all infos" >
    The problem is that the submit button doesn't submit! I tried
    also with <input type="button" onClick="sendviaJS();")
    I would like to use this for a list/detail view.
    Ist posting a HTML-Form with a sry:region not allowed /

    Hi Gunter,
    Thanks for the help. I've decided, based on your accurate assessment of the work involved in getting all this to work with spry, to ditch that and just refresh the damn page after all new entries are made. I appreciate your help, probably saved me many hours.
    I do have a wierd issue with the ADDT editaqble dropdown behavior. I actually use this one a lot and it always works well. I have one dropdown that only showsw the first 2 characters of the contents. A swcreenshot is avaiable here:
    All of the other editable dropdowns on the page, and the site, work fine, but this one is shruken for some reason. I'm wondering if there is a size limitation in the css or the js that can't handle larger records? The largest field in the table contains the value:
    "Flat Guarantee; Purchaser to provide one Fender Amplifier (see rider for list of amps) at no cost to Artist."
    This really shouldn't present a problem, but maybe it's something else?
    Thanks, as always for your great help.

  • Limiting Number of Rows in spry:repeat Region

    With the code...
    <tr spry:repeat="dsTitles">
    <td width="60%">{title}</td>
    <td width="14%">{author}</td>
    <td width="9%">{date}</td>
    ... How do I limit the number of rows that will be displayed
    in this repeat region
    to just 5, instead of displaying all 25 rows stored in the
    XMLDataSet (dsTitles)?

    Hey Oscar,
    Glad that works for you.
    Kin and I were thinking that {ds_RowNumber} might be better
    for that particular looping, but you get the idea.
    That was our first overview doc and it was definitive at the
    time. We no longer update it but it's a good intro to Spry.
    You can find the built in data references in that doc,
    granted almost at the very bottom.
    The API doc
    is a good start but we still have a lot to add to it. I have
    plans for it for sure.
    We are doing a big push for 1.6 towards progressive
    enhancement, unobtrusive js and things like that.
    Expect docs and samples and some cool utilities to come out
    this summer and for 1.6.
    And we won't charge for it, but we also won't return any
    cash-laden envelopes... ;)
    Let us know how to improve any part of Spry.

  • Problem with Spry:Repeat and Slide Effect on IE6

    I run the website for my kids' hockey association and I'm not
    a web programmer. I am trying to display events in a Spry region
    using spry:repeat. The data is coming from a Google Calendar . I
    display the event date and title on the main page. I have the
    onclick set to call a javascript function that exposes the details
    using the spry slide effect. It works ok except in IE6.
    The following creates my dataset from a method call to a
    Coldfusion component that returns the XML I need:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("",
    The following function slides open the detail:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function startBlind(rid) {
    var contentdiv = document.getElementById('panel'+ rid
    var panel_height = contentdiv.clientHeight;
    if (panel_height<100){
    var bd = new Spry.Effect.Blind('panel'+ rid +'Content',
    {duration: 800, to: '100px', toggle: true});
    else {
    var bd = new Spry.Effect.Blind('panel'+ rid +'Content',
    {duration: 800, to: '0px', toggle: true});
    Within the repeat I have:
    <div class="EventPanelLabel"
    onclick="startBlind({ds_RowID});">{startDate} &mdash;
    I think the XML looks OK but for some reason when the page
    loads, IE6 returns:
    Exception caught while loading
    [object Error]
    The page seems to work fine in Safari and Firefox on the Mac
    and IE7 as well as Firefox on Windows. Just IE6 seems to be having
    the problem. Could you please take a look at
    and provide any suggestions you may have?
    Also, is there a way to hide the {startDate} - {title} I'm
    seeing while the page loads?

    Thanks for your reply. I made the changes you suggested but,
    unfortunately, IE6 is still giving me the same error when the page
    Exception caught while loading
    [object Error]
    Could this be part of the problem an need to be changed as
    well? :
    <div id="panel{ds_RowID}Content"
    Any other ideas? The page is live if you'd care to look...

  • Help with Spry Content Slideshow

    Hi,  I like the new widget browser and how easy it makes adding widgets in dreamweaver, Top marks to the developers.
    I have been having a play around with the spry content slideshow, with the possibility of using it on a small business website I am working on.  I have managed to alter the width and height of the widget and everything looks and works great.  I was however wondering how I would go about adding say a 250w x 80h logo above the banner on each slide, which would also require that the banner and story be lowered slightly.
    Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer with this.

    I was just playing with Spry Content Slideshow earlier, and conveniently still have it open, so I'll give this one a shot, too. It looks like you've got two options embed a "logo bar" of some sort inside the the Slideshow, or (the easier method) wrap the Slideshow in another container. I just used a single banner image.
    I gave embedding a try and placed a <div class="logo"><img/></div> before the first article, but the JavaScript overrode this, and added a new article. Moving this construct inside the first article created a fairly nice banner, keeping the rounded corners at the top. The construct, however, will need to be added to each article. I didn't like that too much, but it's just a personal preference.
    The easy way (?) would be a wrapper, such as <div class="logo"><img /><div id="theSlideshow">...</div></div>, then style the ".logo" class as needed, maybe even copying portions of the style from ".WLBSlideShow" in "wanderlust-brown.css" for the rounded corners, and maybe giving ".logo" additional "padding-bottom" and ".WLBSlideShow" a negative "margin-top", to overlap the bottom of the logo area. Localized CSS modifications (placed after the linked CSS) might be something like the following?
    .logo { background-color: #491e16; width:700px; border: solid 1px #39312e; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; background-color: #491e16; -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px gray; -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px gray; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px gray; } .logo img { width:100%; height:100px; padding-bottom:40px; } .WLBSlideShow { margin-top:-60px; margin-left:-1px; } 
    If you'd like to see the first method, I can put that up, but the HTML is a bit repetitive.
    Hope this helps. If not you maybe someone!

  • Help with spry tabbed menu bar

    I need help with the spry tabbed menu panel (horizontal) It
    works fine in dreamweaver ( pressing f12 ) but when i goto my
    website it puts it all over and not in boxes
    either just the writing.
    I ahve double checked all uploading is correct and files are
    located but it wont work.
    Here is what i did >
    new> html> 1 column elastic,centered. i have not
    changed any other settings at all. Do i need to change the doc type
    or css layout in the drop down menus before starting (doc
    type=xhtnl 1.0 transitional and layout css=add to head)
    I am still on cs3 , does this matter ? or is 4 easier ?
    any help out there guys is much appreciated but please bear
    in mind that i am not a web designer or pc expert at all , this is
    just me building my own site , until nowit has been an enjoyable
    experience but grrrrrr when it dont work

    so-nouveau wrote:
    > Hi.
    > I need help with the spry tabbed menu panel (horizontal)
    It works fine in
    > dreamweaver ( pressing f12 ) but when i goto my website it
    > puts it all over and not in boxes either just the
    Please post links directly to the page having an issue. I saw
    no tabs on the home page, but I noticed that there is a link on the
    bottom of the page to this page that has a Spry tab on it:
    > I ahve double checked all uploading is correct and files
    are located but it
    > wont work.
    That page refers to a Spry JavaScript file and a Spry CSS
    file, which should be at the following locations but are not
    Make sure you upload the SpryAssests folder and see where
    you're at after that.
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Help with Spry Menu Bar 2.0 customization

    I am having trouble converting my original Spry menu to version 2.0.
    On my website the 'old' menu system works just great but not in iPads (ie the sub menu does not pop out).
    I discovered hat Spry 2.0 does work but I cannot replicate the submenu of the original - I can get the menu to pop out but configuring the different colours for each button has me beat this time.  The original was modified using this piece of css to get the coloured rollover effect for the sub menus but I just cannot figure our how to replicate this.
    /**LINK CLASSES**/
    #rollover1 a.item1 {background: #BDDBEC; border-top-right-radius:15px; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; }
    #rollover1 li a.item1:hover,
    #rollover1 li a.item1:active,
    #rollover1 li a.item1:focus {background: white; }
    #rollover2 a.item2 {background: #B4DE8F; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; }
    #rollover2 a.item2:hover,
    #rollover2 a.item2:active,
    #rollover2 a.item2:focus {background: white;}
    #rollover3 a.item3 {background: #F8B084; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; }
    #rollover3 a.item3:hover,
    #rollover3 a.item3:active,
    #rollover3 a.item3:focus {background: white;}
    #rollover4 a.item4 {background: #CCCCCC; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px;}
    #rollover4 a.item4:hover,
    #rollover4 a.item4:active,
    #rollover4 a.item4:focus {background: white;}
    #rollover5 a.item5 {background: #CC8BD2; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; }
    #rollover5 a.item5:hover,
    #rollover5 a.item5:active,
    #rollover5 a.item5:focus {background: white;}
    #rollover6 a.item6 {background: #FDD760; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; }
    #rollover6 a.item6:hover,
    #rollover6 a.item6:active,
    #rollover6 a.item6:focus {background: white;}
    #rollover7 a.item7 {background: #F2D0E9; border-bottom-right-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; }
    #rollover7 a.item7:hover,
    #rollover7 a.item7:active,
    #rollover7 a.item7:focus {background: white; }
    /**END ROLLOVER**/
    Can anyone please give me a steer?

    I'm back again.  I actually managed to get the rollover effect to work by creating new classes in my css so I'm thinking of staying with Spry 2.0.  However I've found that using an image file for each of the top line menu items stops the menu popping out in my iPad.  If I revert to a coloured box it works just great.
    Can anyone please tell me how I can change the top level of the vertical menu so that I have a different colour for each item in much the same way as the old image version? is my test file and I have (sort of) fudged the Home item with a coloured 'button'.
    Hope someone can step in to help me.

  • Spry Repeat Regions

    Is it possible to restrict repeat regions in Spry to ie. 5 or
    10 records per page. I am sure we could do this before on ASP

    Yes this is possible, Spry has a special class for that
    called: SpryPagedView
    ^ sample

  • Improving Efficiency of Spry Repeat Region

    I'm using the haversine formula (to calculate distance
    between two points on a sphere). Ultimately I'm using the output to
    limit the number of results displayed per the code below. My
    question is why I have to run OPTION 1 instead of just running the
    code in OPTION 2...

    OK one more question. I have this code in a spry:repeat="ds1"
    if (ds1.getDataWasLoaded()) {
    Why does the first alert literally say "{ds1::ds_RowNumber}"
    before it proceeds to give me the expected "0", "1", etc .. ? I
    thought checking for ds1.getDataWasLoaded() would avoid this.
    Dylan Oliver

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