Help with this program

I don't know where is the problem, I'm reading from a array of strings (theArray) and I suppose to get the 3 information from there, however is only displaying the las two. There is something wrong in the write method but I don't know what.
public ArrayofDisplay tokenPacket(StringStorage theArray){
    ArrayofDisplay arrayDisplay = new ArrayofDisplay();
    int size =;
    int sipStart = 7;
    int sipEnd   = 4;
    int dipStart =15;
    int dipEnd   =12;
    int flag     = 3;
      String _sip="";
      String _dip="";
      for(int i = sipStart ; i>=sipEnd; i--){
        int holder = convert(;
for(int i = dipStart ; i>=dipEnd; i--){
int holder = convert([i]);
sip=sip.substring(0,_sip.length()-1); // Geting rule _sip
dip=dip.substring(0,_dip.length()-1); // Geting rule _dip
String flagP =[flag]; // Geting rule flag
int flager = flagConverter(flagP); // Convert the flag thing
Creator c = new Creator(_sip, _dip);     // Create a creator
Display temp = database.check(c); // Receiving a Display object from method
Display d1 = new Display(temp._sip, temp._dip, temp._count, flager);// temp._flag);
sipStart+=24; sipEnd +=24; dipStart+=24;
dipEnd +=24; flagP +=24; size -=24;
// In the other class...
public Display check(Creator c){
int counter=0; // Declaration of the counter which will be inserted into the database
int index; // controler index of the loop
Display nD = new Display(); // Creation of the new Display
Creator c1 = new Creator(c._sip,1); // create a new creator in case this is the first time in D.B.
Display nopacket = new Display();
return nopacket;
for (index = 0; index < currentSize; index++){
if (c._sip.equals((data[index])._sip)){  // Check if the index of the data base is equal to the input
counter = data[index]._counter += 1; // If it is increment the counter
nD = new Display(c._sip, c._dip, counter); // initialize the display
return nD; // return the new display with the incrementation of the counter
nD = new Display(c._sip, c._dip, 1, c._flag);
enqueue(c1); // Insert the new creator to the database
return nD; // <--Here is when the first time c comes
I'm receiving the second an third but the first one appears
    0  0                               <-- suppose to be the first one  1  0         <-- second one  1  0         <-- third one
  Can Somebody help me in this stuff? please

Too much code to read through, at least at 2 am. Can you post a subset where the problem is occurring, or do you have no clue what's going wrong?

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  • New to Java and need help with this program..please!

    I'd really appreciate any helpful comments about this program assignment that I have to turn in a week from Friday. I'm taking a class one night a week and completely new to Java. I'd ask my professor for help, but we can't call him during the week and he never answers e-mails. He didn't tell us how to call from other classes yet, and I just can't get the darn thing to do what I want it to do!
    The assignment requirements are:
    1. Change a card game application that draws two cards
    and the higher card wins, to a Blackjack application
    2. Include a new class called Hand
    3. The Hand class should record the number of draws
    4. The application should prompt for a number of draws
    5. The game is played against the Dealer
    6. The dealer always draws a card if the dealer's hand total is <= 17
    7. Prompt the player after each hand if he wants to quit
    8. Display the total games won by the dealer and total and the total games wond by the player after each hand
    9. Display all of the dealer's and player's cards at the
    end of each hand
    10. Player has the option of drawing an additional card after the first two cards
    11. The Ace can have a value of 11 or 1
    (Even though it's not called for in the requirements, I would like to be able to let the Ace have a value of 1 or an 11)
    The following is my code with some comments about a few things that are driving me nuts:
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class CardDeck
    public CardDeck()
    deck = new Card[52];
    public void fill()
    int i;
    int j;
    for (i = 1; i <= 13; i++)
    for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
    deck[4 * (i - 1) + j - 1] = new Card(i, j);
    cards = 52;
    public void shuffle()
    int next;
    for (next = 0; next < cards - 1; next++)
    int rand = (int)(Math.random()*(next+1));
    Card temp = deck[next];
    deck[next] = deck[rand];
    deck[rand] = temp;
    public final Card draw()
    if (cards == 0)
    return null;
    return deck[cards];
    public int changeValue()
    int val = 0;
    boolean ace = false;
    int cds;
    for (int i = 0; i < cards; i++)
    if (cardValue > 10)
    cardValue = 10;
    if (cardValue ==1)     {
    ace = true;
    val = val + cardValue;
    if ( ace = true && val + 10 <= 21 )
    val = val + 10;
    return val;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    CardDeck d = new CardDeck();
    int x = 3;
    int i;
    int wins = 1;
    int playerTotal = 1;
    do {
    Card dealer = (d.draw());
    /**I've tried everything I can think of to call the ChangeValue() method after I draw the card, but nothing is working for me.**/
    System.out.println("Dealer draws: " + dealer);
    do {
    dealer = (d.draw());
    System.out.println(" " + dealer);
    }while (dealer.rank() <= 17);
    Card mine = d.draw();
    System.out.println("\t\t\t\t Player draws: "
    + mine);
    mine = d.draw();
    System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\t\t" + mine);
    String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
    ("Would you like a card? ");
         mine = d.draw();
    System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\t\t" + mine);
         else if(input.equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
    System.out.println("\t\t\t\t Player stands");
    System.out.println("\t\tInvalid input.
    Please try again.");
    I don't know how to go about making and calling a method or class that will combine the total cards delt to the player and the total cards delt to the dealer. The rank() method only seems to give me the last cards drawn to compare with when I try to do the tests.**/
    if ((dealer.rank() > mine.rank())
    && (dealer.rank() <= 21)
    || (mine.rank() > 21)
    && (dealer.rank() < 22)
    || ((dealer.rank() == 21)
    && (mine.rank() == 21))
    || ((mine.rank() > 21)
    && (dealer.rank() <= 21)))
    System.out.println("Dealer wins");
    System.out.println("I win!");
    } while (playerTotal <= 1);
    String stop = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
    ("Would you like to play again? ");
    if (stop.equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
    if (rounds == 5)
    System.out.println("Player wins " +
    (CardDeck.rounds - wins) + "rounds");
    } while (rounds <= 5);
    private Card[] deck;
    private int cards;
    public static int rounds = 1;
    public int cardValue;
    /**When I try to compile this nested class, I get an error message saying I need a brace here and at the end of the program. I don't know if any of this code would work because I've tried adding braces and still can't compile it.**/
    class Hand()
    static int r = 1;
    public Hand() { CardDeck.rounds = r; }
    public int getRounds() { return r++; }
    final class Card
    public static final int ACE = 1;
    public static final int JACK = 11;
    public static final int QUEEN = 12;
    public static final int KING = 13;
    public static final int CLUBS = 1;
    public static final int DIAMONDS = 2;
    public static final int HEARTS = 3;
    public static final int SPADES = 4;
    public Card(int v, int s)
    value = v;
    suit = s;
    public int getValue() { return value; }
    public int getSuit() { return suit;  }
    public int rank()
    if (value == 1)
    return 4 * 13 + suit;
    return 4 * (value - 1) + suit;
    /**This works, but I'm confused. How is this method called? Does it call itself?**/
    public String toString()
    String v;
    String s;
    if (value == ACE)
    v = "Ace";
    else if (value == JACK)
    v = "Jack";
    else if (value == QUEEN)
    v = "Queen";
    else if (value == KING)
    v = "King";
    v = String.valueOf(value);
    if (suit == DIAMONDS)
    s = "Diamonds";
    else if (suit == HEARTS)
    s = "Hearts";
    else if (suit == SPADES)
    s = "Spades";
    s = "Clubs";
    return v + " of " + s;
    private int value; //Value is an integer, so how can a
    private int suit; //string be assigned to an integer?

    Thank you so much for offering to help me with this Jamie! When I tried to call change value using:
    Card dealer = (d.changeValue());
    I get an error message saying:
    Incompatible types found: int
    required: Card
    I had my weekly class last night and the professor cleared up a few things for me, but I've not had time to make all of the necessary changes. I did find out how toString worked, so that's one question out of the way, and he gave us a lot of information for adding another class to generate random numbers.
    Again, thank you so much. I really want to learn this but I'm feeling so stupid right now. Any help you can give me about the above error message would be appreciated.

  • I need help with this program ( Calculating Pi using random numbers)

    please understand that I am not trying to ask anymore to do this hw for me. I am new to java and working on the assignment. below is the specification of this program:
    Calculate PI using Random Numbers
    In geometry the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is known as �. The value of � can be estimated from an infinite series of the form:
    � / 4 = 1 - (1/3) + (1/5) - (1/7) + (1/9) - (1/11) + ...
    There is another novel approach to calculate �. Imagine that you have a dart board that is 2 units square. It inscribes a circle of unit radius. The center of the circle coincides with the center of the square. Now imagine that you throw darts at that dart board randomly. Then the ratio of the number of darts that fall within the circle to the total number of darts thrown is the same as the ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square dart board. The area of a circle with unit radius is just � square unit. The area of the dart board is 4 square units. The ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square is � / 4.
    To simuluate the throwing of darts we will use a random number generator. The Math class has a random() method that can be used. This method returns random numbers between 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive). There is an even better random number generator that is provided the Random class. We will first create a Random object called randomGen. This random number generator needs a seed to get started. We will read the time from the System clock and use that as our seed.
    Random randomGen = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis() );
    Imagine that the square dart board has a coordinate system attached to it. The upper right corner has coordinates ( 1.0, 1.0) and the lower left corner has coordinates ( -1.0, -1.0 ). It has sides that are 2 units long and its center (as well as the center of the inscribed circle) is at the origin.
    A random point inside the dart board can be specified by its x and y coordinates. These values are generated using the random number generator. There is a method nextDouble() that will return a double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive). But we need random numbers between -1.0 and +1.0. The way we achieve that is:
    double xPos = (randomGen.nextDouble()) * 2 - 1.0;
    double yPos = (randomGen.nextDouble()) * 2 - 1.0;
    To determine if a point is inside the circle its distance from the center of the circle must be less than the radius of the circle. The distance of a point with coordinates ( xPos, yPos ) from the center is Math.sqrt ( xPos * xPos + yPos * yPos ). The radius of the circle is 1 unit.
    The class that you will be writing will be called CalculatePI. It will have the following structure:
    import java.util.*;
    public class CalculatePI
    public static boolean isInside ( double xPos, double yPos )
    public static double computePI ( int numThrows )
    public static void main ( String[] args )
    In your method main() you want to experiment and see if the accuracy of PI increases with the number of throws on the dartboard. You will compare your result with the value given by Math.PI. The quantity Difference in the output is your calculated value of PI minus Math.PI. Use the following number of throws to run your experiment - 100, 1000, 10,000, and 100,000. You will call the method computePI() with these numbers as input parameters. Your output will be of the following form:
    Computation of PI using Random Numbers
    Number of throws = 100, Computed PI = ..., Difference = ...
    Number of throws = 1000, Computed PI = ..., Difference = ...
    Number of throws = 10000, Computed PI = ..., Difference = ...
    Number of throws = 100000, Computed PI = ..., Difference = ...
    * Difference = Computed PI - Math.PI
    In the method computePI() you will simulate the throw of a dart by generating random numbers for the x and y coordinates. You will call the method isInside() to determine if the point is inside the circle or not. This you will do as many times as specified by the number of throws. You will keep a count of the number of times a dart landed inside the circle. That figure divided by the total number of throws is the ratio � / 4. The method computePI() will return the computed value of PI.
    and below is what i have so far:
    import java.util.*;
    public class CalculatePI
      public static boolean isInside ( double xPos, double yPos )
         double distance = Math.sqrt( xPos * xPos + yPos * yPos );        
      public static double computePI ( int numThrows )
        Random randomGen = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        double xPos = (randomGen.nextDouble()) * 2 - 1.0;
        double yPos = (randomGen.nextDouble()) * 2 - 1.0;
        int hits = 0;
        int darts = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int areaSquare = 4 ;
        while (i <= numThrows)
            if (distance< 1)
                hits = hits + 1;
            if (distance <= areaSquare)
                darts = darts + 1;
            double PI = 4 * ( hits / darts );       
            i = i+1;
      public static void main ( String[] args )
        Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
        System.out.print ("Enter number of throws:");
        int numThrows = sc.nextInt();
        double Difference = PI - Math.PI;
        System.out.println ("Number of throws = " + numThrows + ", Computed PI = " + PI + ", Difference = " + difference );       
    }when I tried to compile it says "cannot find variable 'distance' " in the while loop. but i thought i already declare that variable in the above method. Please give me some ideas to solve this problem and please check my program to see if there is any other mistakes.
    Thanks a lot.

    You've declared a local variable, distance, in the method isInside(). The scope of this variable is limited to the method in which it is declared. There is no declaration for distance in computePI() and that is why the compiler gives you an error.
    I won't check your entire program but I did notice that isInside() is declared to be a boolean method but doesn't return anything, let alone a boolean value. In fact, it doesn't even compute a boolean value.

  • Hello, need a little help with this program

    i have this program and i cant see whats wrong with it. but when i run it the error "Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main"
    anyone know what wrong?
    class Assignment2
       public final
       void main( String[] argv )
           Script sc = new Script ("Assignment2.txt");
           KeyboardReader kb = new KeyboardReader();
         System.out.println( "Enter Time In 24hr Mode (use -999 to quit) : " );
         int time = kb.getInt();
         if (time == -999) {     System.out.println( "EXIT" );}
         System.out.println( "" );
         System.out.println( "Enter The Distance Of The Call (use -999 to quit) : " );
         int distance = kb.getInt();
         if (distance == -999) {     System.out.println( "EXIT" );}
           System.out.println( "" );
         System.out.println( "Enter Length Of Call In Minutes (use -999 to quit) : " );
         double length = kb.getDouble();
         if (length == -999) {System.out.println( "EXIT" );}     
           System.out.println( "" );
           Calculation (time, distance, length);
       }// end main
    public void Calculation (int time, int distance, double length)
              while (time != -999 || distance != -999 || length != -999)
                   if (700 <= time && time <= 1900 && distance <= 100)
                          System.out.println( "Cost of call is $0.60 per minute" );
                          double cost = 0.60 * length;
                          System.out.println( "That call will cost $ " + cost );
                     if  (700 <= time && time <= 1900 && distance > 100)
                          System.out.println( "Cost of call is $1.10 per minute" );
                          double cost = 1.10 * length;
                          System.out.println( "That call will cost $ " + cost );
                     if  (700 <= time && time <= 1900 && distance > 100)
                          System.out.println( "Cost of call is $1.10 per minute" );
                          double cost = 1.10 * length;
                          System.out.println( "That call will cost $ " + cost );
                System.out.println( "EXIT" );            
      }//end calculation
    }//end class

    i have this program and i cant see whats wrong with
    it. but when i run it the error "Exception in thread
    'main' java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main"
    anyone know what wrong?When you get exceptions you also get a stack trace pointing you at the exact line where the exception occured in your code.

  • Any help with this program (a bit of a problem with static references)

    Can anyone give me any suggestions for fixing this code:
    package vivarium;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class Render extends java.applet.Applet {
         static Animal[] animal_array_world;
         public static void main(String s[])  {
              JFrame frame = null;
              Graphics g = null;
              int[][] grassarray = new int[16][16];
              Render r = new Render();
              r.rendergrass(g, grassarray);
         public void rendergrass(Graphics g, int[][] array) {
              URL codebase = getCodeBase();
              java.awt.Image grass =  getImage(codebase, "grass.JPG");
              java.awt.Image deadgrass =  getImage(codebase, "deadgrass.JPG");
              for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                   for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
                        int y = (i * 16);
                        int x = (j * 16);
                   if(array[i][j] == 0) {
                        drawimage(g, grass, y, x);
                        drawimage(g, deadgrass, y, x);
         public  void drawimage(Graphics g, java.awt.Image img, int y, int x) {
              g.drawImage(img, y, x, this);
         public static void createapplet(JFrame frame) {
              frame = new JFrame();
              frame.setTitle("Kirby's Vivarium Demo");
              JApplet applet = new RenderApplet();
         //this creates an array of creatures
         public static void createcreatures(int x) {
              animal_array_world = new Animal[x*2];
         //this will than act on that
         public static void live() {
              while(true) {
              int i = 0;
              while(i != animal_array_world.length - 1) {
    The problem seems to be with
    URL codebase = getCodeBase();
    java.awt.Image grass =  getImage(codebase, "grass.JPG");
    java.awt.Image deadgrass =  getImage(codebase, but I do not get how. This is a non-static field, but no matter what I do it seems to complain in some manner. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at java.applet.Applet.getCodeBase(Unknown Source)
         at vivarium.Render.rendergrass(
         at vivarium.Render.main( get this despite whether I put the getCodeBase part in a method, the main or the initialization block.
    Heres line 29: URL codebase = getCodeBase();This is called within my nonstatic method rendergrass.
    And heres line 20: r.rendergrass(g, grassarray);(Where r is a new Render class object)

  • Can anyone help with this error? ;At line 102 of file"C:/Program files (x86)/Macromedia/Dreamweaver

    Can anyone help with this error please?;At line 102 of file"C:/Program files (x86)/Macromedia/Dreamweaver 8/Configuration/Objects/Common/Images.js"; TypeError: cmdDOM.parentWindow.setFormItem is not a function

    If Dreamweaver shows a message saying "the following JavaScript error(s) occurred",  it's usually a sign of a corrupt cache file. The first thing you should always be to delete the file cache. If that doesn't work, delete your personal Configuration folder. Please go through the steps mentioned in thread Deleting a corrupted cache file.

  • Need help fixing a bug with this program...

    I've been working for hours trying to fix the bug I have with this program... - This is the source code of my program - This is an image used inside the program - This is a text file you need to use the program
    First of all, to know what bug I am talking about.. You will need to download those 3 files.. Then you can compile and run it.. When the program has opened, go into: File -> Open Account File
    and browse until you can open up the text file sphereaccu.scp ... Then there should be a list of names appearing on the left, and when you select any, there will be variables appearing in the TextFields on the right. When that's done, all you have to do to see where the bugs are is to use the options: Edit -> Create New Account as well as Edit -> Remove Account ... When you use the Create New Account option for the first time, it works fine.. But when you use it a second time, errors are appearing on the console (can't find what generates those errors...). And the biggest problem is that when you use the Remove Account option, it doesn't remove the selected account, and over that it generates errors in the console as well...
    If anyone can help me fix those errors, I'd be very grateful !

    won't pretend to understand everything or why you do somethings, but FWIW,
    //package Dalzhim.AccountManager;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class AccountManager
          JFrame window;
          Container mainPane;
          JSplitPane splitPane;
          JPanel leftPane,rightPane;
          JList accountList;
          JTextField accountName,plevel,priv,password,totaltime,lasttime,lastchar,firstconnect;
          JTextField firstIP,lastconnect,lastIP,lang;
          JLabel label1,label2,label3,label4,label5,label6,label7,label8,label9,label10,label11,label12;
          JMenuBar menuBar;
          JMenu file,edit,end;
          JMenuItem open,save,quit,create,remove,search,ab;
          JFileChooser jfc,jfcs;
          JButton searchButton,createButton;
          JTextField searchString,newName,newPassword,newPLevel;
          JDialog searchWindow,createWindow;
          File accountFile = null;
          File savingFile = null;
          FileInputStream fis;
          StringTokenizer st;
          String content;
          String lastSearch = "";
          String[] strings,lines;
          String[] parameters,arguments;
          Vector accountNames;
          Hashtable plevels,privs,passwords,totaltimes,lasttimes,lastchars,firstconnects;
          Hashtable firstIPs,lastconnects,lastIPs,langs;
          String newline = "";
          int[] activated;
          int lastSelection = -1;
          AL al;
          LL ll;
          public static void main(String args[])
          AccountManager am = new AccountManager();
          public AccountManager()
          al = new AL();
          ll = new LL();
          window = new JFrame("Account Manager");
          mainPane = window.getContentPane();
          leftPane = new JPanel();
          rightPane = new JPanel();
          leftPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1,5,5));
          splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,leftPane,rightPane);
          mainPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1,5,5));
          menuBar = new JMenuBar();
          file = new JMenu("File");
          edit = new JMenu("Edit");
          end = new JMenu("?");
          open = new JMenuItem("Open Account File");
          save = new JMenuItem("Save Account File");
          quit = new JMenuItem("Quit");
          create = new JMenuItem("Create New Account");
          remove = new JMenuItem("Remove Selected Account");
          search = new JMenuItem("Search");
          ab = new JMenuItem("About");
          accountList = new JList();
          leftPane.add(new JScrollPane(accountList));
          accountName = new JTextField(50);
          plevel = new JTextField(50);
          priv = new JTextField(50);
          password = new JTextField(50);
          totaltime = new JTextField(50);
          lasttime = new JTextField(50);
          lastchar = new JTextField(50);
          firstconnect = new JTextField(50);
          firstIP = new JTextField(50);
          lastconnect = new JTextField(50);
          lastIP = new JTextField(50);
          lang = new JTextField(50);
          label1 = new JLabel("Account Name:");
          label2 = new JLabel("Player Level:");
          label3 = new JLabel("Priv Level:");
          label4 = new JLabel("Password:");
          label5 = new JLabel("Total Connected Time:");
          label6 = new JLabel("Last Connected Time:");
          label7 = new JLabel("Last Character Used:");
          label8 = new JLabel("First Connect Data:");
          label9 = new JLabel("First Connected IP:");
          label10 = new JLabel("Last Connected Date:");
          label11 = new JLabel("Last Connected IP:");
          label12 = new JLabel("Language:");
          Dimension rightdim = new Dimension(380,425);
          public void openAccountFile()
          byte[] b = null;
             fis = new FileInputStream(accountFile);
             b = new byte[fis.available()];
          catch(FileNotFoundException e)
          catch(IOException e)
          content = new String(b);
          newline = String.valueOf(content.charAt(content.indexOf("\n")));
          public void parseAccountFile()
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(content, "[");
          strings = new String[st.countTokens()];
          for (int i=0;i<strings.length;i++)
             strings[i] = st.nextToken();
          for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++)
          public void parseAccountParameters(int which)
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strings[which],"\n");
          lines = new String[st.countTokens()];
          for(int i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
             lines[i] = st.nextToken();
          parameters = new String[lines.length];
          arguments = new String[lines.length];
          for(int i=1;i<lines.length;i++)
          public void parseAccountParameter(int which,int strings)
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(lines[which],"=");
          parameters[which] = st.nextToken();
             arguments[which] = st.nextToken();
          public void stockValues(int a)
          for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++)
         else if(parameters[i].equals("PRIV"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("PASSWORD"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("TOTALCONNECTTIME"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("LASTCONNECTTIME"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("LASTCHARUID"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("FIRSTCONNECTDATE"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("FIRSTIP"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("LASTCONNECTDATE"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("LASTIP"))
         else if(parameters[i].equals("LANG"))
    public String getAccountName(String line)
         String name = "";
         for(int i=0;i<line.indexOf("]");i++)
         name = name + (String.valueOf(line.charAt(i)));
         return name;
    public void createArrays()
         accountNames = new Vector();
         plevels = new Hashtable();
         privs = new Hashtable();
         passwords = new Hashtable();
         totaltimes = new Hashtable();
         lasttimes = new Hashtable();
         lastchars = new Hashtable();
         firstconnects = new Hashtable();
         firstIPs = new Hashtable();
         lastconnects = new Hashtable();
         lastIPs = new Hashtable();
         langs = new Hashtable();
    public void showValues()
         int i = -1 == accountList.getSelectedIndex() ?
         lastSelection :
         accountName.setText((String)accountNames.get( i ));
         plevel.setText((String)plevels.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         priv.setText((String)privs.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         password.setText((String)passwords.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         totaltime.setText((String)totaltimes.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         lasttime.setText((String)lasttimes.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         lastchar.setText((String)lastchars.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         firstconnect.setText((String)firstconnects.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         firstIP.setText((String)firstIPs.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         lastconnect.setText((String)lastconnects.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         lastIP.setText((String)lastIPs.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         lang.setText((String)langs.get(accountNames.get( i )));
         lastSelection = i ;
    public void keepValues()
    public void saveAccountFile()
         String saving = "";
         for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++)
         saving = saving + ("["+(String)accountNames.get(i)+"]"+newline);
         if(plevels.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(plevels.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("PLEVEL="+plevels.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(privs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(privs.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("PRIV="+privs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(passwords.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(passwords.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("PASSWORD="+passwords.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(totaltimes.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(totaltimes.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("TOTALCONNECTTIME="+totaltimes.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(lasttimes.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(lasttimes.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("LASTCONNECTTIME="+lasttimes.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(lastchars.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(lastchars.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("LASTCHARUID="+lastchars.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(firstconnects.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(firstconnects.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("FIRSTCONNECTDATE="+firstconnects.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(firstIPs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(firstIPs.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("FIRSTIP="+firstIPs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(lastconnects.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(lastconnects.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("LASTCONNECTDATE="+lastconnects.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(lastIPs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(lastIPs.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("LASTIP="+lastIPs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         if(langs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))!=null && !(langs.get((String)accountNames.get(i)).equals("")))
         saving = saving + ("LANG="+langs.get((String)accountNames.get(i))+newline);
         saving = saving + newline;
         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(savingFile);
         catch(FileNotFoundException e)
         catch(IOException e)
    public void about()
         final JDialog info = new JDialog(window,"About",true);
         Container aboutPane = info.getContentPane();
         Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("Dalzhim.jpg"));
         ImageIcon sig = new ImageIcon(image);
         JLabel sign = new JLabel(sig);
         JLabel text1 = new JLabel("AccountManager v0.2Beta");
         JEditorPane text2 = new JEditorPane();
         JEditorPane text3 = new JEditorPane();
         JEditorPane text4 = new JEditorPane();
         JButton close = new JButton("Okay");
         JEditorPane jep = new JEditorPane();
         close.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         text2.setText("Created by �alzhim");
         text3.setText("Dalzhim, also known as, Amlaruil");
         text4.setText("[email protected] - [email protected]");
         text2.setBackground(new Color(207,207,207));
         text3.setBackground(new Color(207,207,207));
         text4.setBackground(new Color(207,207,207));
         jep.setBackground(new Color(207,207,207));
    public void search()
         searchWindow = new JDialog(window,"Search");
         Container searchPane = searchWindow.getContentPane();
         searchString = new JTextField(lastSearch);
         searchButton = new JButton("Search");
    public void search(String what)
    public void createAccount()
         createWindow = new JDialog(window,"Create New Account");
         Container createPane = createWindow.getContentPane();
         newName = new JTextField();
         newPassword = new JTextField();
         newPLevel = new JTextField();
         createButton = new JButton("Create Account");
         JLabel createlabel1 = new JLabel("Account Name:");
         JLabel createlabel2 = new JLabel("Account Password:");
         JLabel createlabel3 = new JLabel("Account PLevel:");
    public void createProcess()
         String tempname = newName.getText();
         String temppass = newPassword.getText();
         String templeve = newPLevel.getText();
    public void sort()
         Object[] sorting = new Object[accountNames.size()];
         String[] sorting2 = new String[sorting.length];
         for(int i=0;i<sorting.length;i++)
         sorting2[i] = (String)sorting[i];
         for(int i=0;i<sorting2.length;i++)
    public void removeAccount()
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window,"You must select an account from the list to use the Remove option");
         int i = accountList.getSelectedIndex();
         System.out.println( "ra: " + i + " an: " + accountNames.elementAt( i ) );
         System.out.println(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         plevels.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         privs.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         passwords.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         totaltimes.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         lasttimes.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         lastchars.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         firstconnects.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         firstIPs.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         lastconnects.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         lastIPs.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         langs.remove(accountNames.elementAt( i ));
         accountNames.removeElementAt( i );
         accountList.setListData( accountNames );
    class AL implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              jfc = new JFileChooser(accountFile);
              jfc.setDialogTitle("Select your account file");
         else if(e.getSource()==jfc)
              accountFile = jfc.getSelectedFile();
         else if(e.getSource()==save)
              jfcs = new JFileChooser(savingFile);
              jfcs.setDialogTitle("Where do you wish to save?");
         else if(e.getSource()==ab)
         else if(e.getSource()==jfcs)
              savingFile = jfcs.getSelectedFile();
         else if(e.getSource()==quit)
         else if(e.getSource()==search)
         else if(e.getSource()==searchString)
         else if(e.getSource()==searchButton)
              lastSearch = searchString.getText();
         else if(e.getSource()==create)
         else if(e.getSource()==newName)
         else if(e.getSource()==newPassword)
         else if(e.getSource()==newPLevel)
         else if(e.getSource()==createButton)
              if(newName.getText().equals("") || newPassword.getText().equals("") || newPLevel.getText().equals(""))
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window,"You have to enter an account name, a password and a plevel");
         else if(e.getSource()==remove)
    class LL implements ListSelectionListener
         public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)

  • Help with Note cards?? I thought I could do them with this program...

    Help! I purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 back in September, but due to computer problems and working on other projects, I just got started using it. Or at least I'm trying to!
    My main (read: pretty well ONLY) reason for purchasing was that I thought I could make note cards (photo on front, folded, like a blank card, but with one of my photos on the front) for personal use and Christmas gift for my aunt who writes a lot of notes. I really wanted to create a special gift for her, as well as unique cards for my own use.
    But when I open the program and click "Create" all I see is Greeting Cards! And when I click on it, I don't see anything like what I want to create! Help! Is there any way to create this type of card with this program? Or at least close? I would really appreciate ANY and ALL help!!!

    You can try going to finder, hitting CMD + F and below search this mac, you should see kind. You can try switching that contents and the second option to documents.
    Hope this helps,

  • Help with Paint program.

    Hello. I am somewhat new to Java and I was recently assigned to do a simple paint program. I have had no trouble up until my class started getting into the graphical functions of Java. I need help with my program. I am supposed to start off with a program that draws lines and changes a minimum of 5 colors. I have the line function done but my color change boxes do not work and I am able to draw inside the box that is supposed to be reserved for color buttons. Here is my code so far:
    // The Lab13 program assignment is open ended.
    // There is no provided student version for starting, nor are there
    // any files with solutions for the different point versions.
    // Check the Lab assignment document for additional details.
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Lab13110 extends Applet
         int[] startX,startY,endX,endY;
         int currentStartX,currentStartY,currentEndX,currentEndY;
         int lineCount;
         Rectangle red, green, blue, yellow, black;
         int numColor;
         Image virtualMem;
         Graphics gBuffer;
         int rectheight,rectwidth;
         public void init()
              startX = new int[100];
              startY = new int[100];
              endX = new int[100];
              endY = new int[100];
              lineCount = 0;
              red = new Rectangle(50,100,25,25);
              green = new Rectangle(50,125,25,25);
              blue = new Rectangle(50,150,25,25);
              yellow = new Rectangle(25,112,25,25);
              black = new Rectangle(25,137,25,25);
              numColor = 0;
              virtualMem = createImage(100,600);
              gBuffer = virtualMem.getGraphics();
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              for (int k = 0; k < lineCount; k++)
              switch (numColor)
                   case 1:
                   case 2:
                   case 3:
                   case 4:
                   case 5:
                   case 6:
         public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y)
              currentStartX = x;
              currentStartY = y;
                   numColor = 1;
              else if(green.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 2;
              else if(blue.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 3;
              else if(yellow.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 4;
              else if(black.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 5;
                   numColor = 6;
              return true;
         public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y)
              int Rectheight = 500;
              int Rectwidth = 900;
              currentEndX = x;
              currentEndY = y;
              Rectangle window = new Rectangle(0,0,900,500);
              //if (window.inside(Rectheight,Rectwidth))
              return true;
         public boolean mouseUp(Event e, int x, int y)
              int Rectheight = 500;
              int Rectwidth = 900;
              startX[lineCount] = currentStartX;
              startY[lineCount] = currentStartY;
              endX[lineCount] = x;
              endY[lineCount] = y;
              Rectangle window = new Rectangle(0,0,900,500);
              if (window.inside(Rectheight,Rectwidth))
              return true;
         public void Rectangle(Graphics g, int x, int y)
              Rectangle screen = new Rectangle(100,0,900,600);
    }If anyone could point me in the right direction of how to go about getting my buttons to work and fixing the button box, I would be greatly appreciative. I just need to get a little bit of advice and I think I should be good after I get this going.

    This isn't in any way a complete solution, but I'm posting code for a mouse drag outliner. This may be preferable to how you are doing rectangles right now
    you are welcome to use and modify this code but please do not change the package and make sure that you tell your teacher where you got it from
    package tjacobs.ui;
    import java.awt.BasicStroke;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.Stroke;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    * See the public static method addAMouseDragOutliner
    public class MouseDragOutliner extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener {
         public static final BasicStroke DASH_STROKE = new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 10.0f, new float[] {8, 8}, 0);
         private boolean mUseMove = false;
         private Point mStart;
         private Point mEnd;
         private Component mComponent;
         private MyRunnable mRunner= new MyRunnable();
         private ArrayList mListeners = new ArrayList(1);
         public MouseDragOutliner() {
         public MouseDragOutliner(boolean useMove) {
              mUseMove = useMove;
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
              mStart = me.getPoint();
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) {
              mStart = me.getPoint();
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {
              Iterator i = mListeners.iterator();
              Point end = me.getPoint();
              while (i.hasNext()) {
                   ((OutlineListener), end);
              //mStart = null;
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
              if (mUseMove) {
         public     void addOutlineListener(OutlineListener ol) {
         public void removeOutlineListener(OutlineListener ol) {
         private class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
              public void run() {
                   Graphics g = mComponent.getGraphics();
                   if (g == null) {
                   Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                   Stroke s = g2.getStroke();
                   int x = Math.min(mStart.x, mEnd.x);
                   int y = Math.min(mStart.y, mEnd.y);
                   int w = Math.abs(mEnd.x - mStart.x);
                   int h = Math.abs(mEnd.y - mStart.y);
                   g2.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
         public void doMouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
              mEnd = me.getPoint();
              if (mStart != null) {
                   mComponent = me.getComponent();
         public static MouseDragOutliner addAMouseDragOutliner(Component c) {
              MouseDragOutliner mdo = new MouseDragOutliner();
              return mdo;
         public static interface OutlineListener {
              public void mouseDragEnded(Point start, Point finish);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame f = new JFrame("MouseDragOutliner Test");
              Container c = f.getContentPane();
              JPanel p = new JPanel();
              f.setBounds(200, 200, 400, 400);
              f.addWindowListener(new WindowClosingActions.Exit());

  • Can anyone help with this log? Thanks in advance

    Can you please help with this?
    I cannot make any sense out if it.
    Thank You
    Wed Jan 14 17:06:08 2009
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x001A8CEC): Kernel trap at 0x00c8000e, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x96ff3776, CR3: 0x01461000, CR4: 0x00000660
    EAX: 0x07a3f000, EBX: 0x07a3fd44, ECX: 0x00001342, EDX: 0x00003384
    CR2: 0x96ff3776, EBP: 0x7ab8f918, ESI: 0x07a3f004, EDI: 0x0000001c
    EFL: 0x00010202, EIP: 0x00c8000e, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x077b0010
    Error code: 0x00000002
    Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x7ab8f308 : 0x12b0fa (0x459234 0x7ab8f33c 0x133243 0x0)
    0x7ab8f358 : 0x1a8cec (0x4627a0 0xc8000e 0xe 0x461f50)
    0x7ab8f438 : 0x19eed5 (0x7ab8f450 0x53654c 0x7ab8f918 0xc8000e)
    0x7ab8f448 : 0xc8000e (0xe 0x48 0x7ab80010 0xbe0010)
    0x7ab8f918 : 0xc84911 (0x79df804 0x7a3f004 0x0 0x0)
    0x7ab8f988 : 0xba8f79 (0x79df804 0x7a3f004 0x0 0x0)
    0x7ab8fb48 : 0xba005b (0x0 0x5340f0 0xd3000001 0x8c55a000)
    0x7ab8fb98 : 0xba156f (0x74db400 0x6f1c400 0x0 0x4)
    0x7ab8fbe8 : 0xba1673 (0x74db400 0x74ce100 0xb7e350 0x79b43c0)
    0x7ab8fc08 : 0xb83133 (0x74db400 0x1 0x0 0x0)
    0x7ab8fc68 : 0xb7c93a (0x74db400 0x5 0x5 0x7801a60)
    0x7ab8fc98 : 0x40fbf5 (0x74db400 0x7801a60 0x7801a60 0x0)
    0x7ab8fce8 : 0x43af53 (0x74db400 0x7801a60 0x7801a60 0x0)
    0x7ab8fd48 : 0x18d210 (0x74db400 0x7801a60 0x0 0x0)
    0x7ab8fdb8 : 0x12d17e (0x767d178 0x767d490 0x7ab8fdf8 0x11ee14)
    0x7ab8fdf8 : 0x126257 (0x767d100 0x6db6ebc 0x7722d20 0x0)
    Backtrace continues...
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):>0xdddfff
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 9.5.0: Wed Sep 3 11:29:43 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.7.58~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacBookPro3,1 (Mac-F42388C8)

    Andrea Paesano wrote:
    I have updated the ram but this was over 2 years ago it was right after i purchased the mbp; I never had problem with this computer until last week. Funny enough is now working perfectly "knocking on wood"
    There are two problems with taking that approach to RAM:
    1) RAM can go bad over time for various reasons.
    2) Bad RAM is often only detected if it's something important.
    For example, if a pixel in a graphic changes you may not notice.
    If a jump address in a program changes, it will crash.
    If it's in the kernel, you'll get a panic.
    Worse yet, RAM failures often depend on the value of cells around them, so it's quite possible to get a memory location that only fails if the addresses before and after it contain a particular value.

  • Help with Dice program.

    Hi People!
    This is the homework my professor assigned for me.
    Assignment 2: Write a program that rolls two dice 1000 times, counting the number of box cars (two sixes) that occur, in object-oriented way. (In other words, do not make all your code in one main() method. Use classes and objects.) Use a overloaded constructors.
    I have to use two classes for it. One of is the Dice(Below), and the other would be the client
    This is what I have for the dice part so far.
    public class DiceServer {
    public static void main (String[] args)
    final int ROLLS = 1000;
    int Boxcars = 0, num1, num2;
    Die die1 = new Die();
    Die die2 = new Die();
    for (int roll = 1; roll <= ROLLS; roll++)
    num1 = die1.roll();
    num2 = die2.roll();
    if (num1 == 6 && num2== 6)
    System.out.println("Number of rolls: " + ROLLS);
    System.out.println("Number of Box Cars: " + Boxcars);
    I'm getting an error about the symbol not being resolved, and it's pointing at "Die die1 = new Die();". Can someone please help me. Thank you.
    Also, can someone plaese get me started on the Client Class. Thanks

    I've gotten pretty far with this program thanks to all your help but I've got another question.
    My program so far has been able to display the result of rolling 2 six sided dice 1000 times. I've used as my Client and as my overloaded constructor. Now I want to display the number of Boxcars(Double six)by rolling a six-sided die and a 20 sided die together.
    My question is would I code that in or
    Thank you!!!
    public class BoxCars {
    public static void main (String[] args)
    final int ROLLS = 1000;
    int Boxcars = 0, num1, num2;
    Die die1 = new Die();
    Die die2 = new Die();
    for (int roll = 1; roll <= ROLLS; roll++)
    num1 = die1.roll();
    num2 = die2.roll();
    if (num1 == 6 && num2== 6)
    System.out.println("Number of rolls: " + ROLLS);
    System.out.println("Number of Box Cars: " + Boxcars);
    public class Die {
    private final int MIN_FACES = 4;
    private int numFaces;
    private int faceValue;
    public Die ()
    numFaces = 6;
    faceValue = 1;
    public Die (int faces)
    if (faces < MIN_FACES)
    numFaces = 6;
    numFaces = faces;
    faceValue = 1;
    public int roll ()
    faceValue = (int) (Math.random() * numFaces) + 1;
    return faceValue;
    public int getFaceValue()
    return faceValue;

  • TS3074 Hello anyone with Windows 7, not sure why having followed instructions above, install of latest version of itunes won't work and can no longer open old version either.  anyone help with this?

    Hello anyone with Windows 7, not sure why having followed instructions above, install of latest version of itunes won't work and can no longer open old version either.  anyone help with this?

    thanks for your reply.
    Yes, except n°1 - empty Temp directory, I had tried/checked all of those.
    I emptied the local temp folder tonight, but it still won't work.
    Please note: the installation doesn't give me any problem. The program was working fine, until at one point *plouf* it stopped working. I can re-install it without any problem, it just crashes when opening.
    \\edit\\ I seem to have located the problem, it's in the library files. If I re-install iTunes without my library, it works fine (though there is no music in it, yet). As soon as I import my library, or replace the My Music\iTunes folder with the old one, it stops working.

  • Need help with basic program.....!

    I've to write a program that generates a random number, which the user has to try and guess, after each guess they're told whether it's too high or too low etc., I've gotten this far, however, the user has only 10 guesses.... In my program I've used a while loop and the user gets an infinite number of guesses, I know I'm supposed to use a for loop, but can't seem to get it to work properly. Also, when the user guesses the number, the program then has to print out how many guesses it took, and I have no idea how to get it to do this AT ALL!!! I'd really appreciate some help with this, thanks v. much!!!!

    I've to write a program that generates a random
    number, which the user has to try and guess, after
    each guess they're told whether it's too high or too
    low etc., I've gotten this far, however, the user has
    only 10 guesses.... In my program I've used a while
    loop and the user gets an infinite number of guesses,
    I know I'm supposed to use a for loop, but can't seem
    to get it to work properly. Also, when the user
    guesses the number, the program then has to print out
    how many guesses it took, and I have no idea how to
    get it to do this AT ALL!!! I'd really appreciate some
    help with this, thanks v. much!!!!Hey not every book covers every aspect of Java (if you haven't got a book and don't want to buy 1 i recommend an online tutorial) If u want the user to have an infinate number of guesses, use an infinate while loop. Put this in a file called
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class app extends Applet implements ActionListener
         JLabel lbl=new JLabel("Guess a number between 0 and 10:");
         JTextField txtfield=new JTextField(20);
         JButton button=new JButton("Guess...");
         JLabel lbl2=new JLabel();
         int randomnumber=Math.round((float)Math.random()*10);
         public void init()
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
              String s=new String("");
              if (e.getSource().equals(button) && txtfield.getText().equals(s))
                   lbl2.setText("Got it!");
                   if (Integer.parseInt(txtfield.getText())>randomnumber)
                   lbl2.setText("Too High!");
                   lbl2.setText("Too Low!");
    Then create a HTML document in the classes folder:
         HEIGHT=200 >
    It will do what you wish. If you want to have more then 10 numbers to guess, for example 100, do this:
    int randomnumber=Math.round((float)Math.random()*100);
    Does that answer your question?

  • Please help me this program

    Please help me with this program,the progarm should operates as follows
    1)Calculate the number of words
    2)Calculate the number of sentences
    3)Calculate the repeated words
    * Title: <p>
    * Description: <p>
    * Copyright: Copyright (c) cds<p>
    * Company: s<p>
    * @author cds
    * @version 1.0
    package count;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import com.borland.jbcl.layout.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import com.borland.jbcl.layout.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class Frame1 extends JFrame {
    JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel();
    XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout();
    XYLayout xYLayout2 = new XYLayout();
    JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
    JTextArea jta1 = new JTextArea();
    JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane();
    JTextArea jta2 = new JTextArea();
    JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel();
    JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel();
    JButton jbtCountSentances = new JButton();
    JButton jbtCountWords = new JButton();
    JButton jbtRWords = new JButton();
    JButton jbtClearList = new JButton();
    JTextField jtfNumOfSentances = new JTextField();
    JLabel jLabel3 = new JLabel();
    JLabel jLabel4 = new JLabel();
    JTextField jtfNumOfWords = new JTextField();
    private JFileChooser jFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    public static String sentence,RepeatedWords,repwords,chr=" ";
         public static int i,words,token,periods,characters,len,long_word,long_sent,stop;
    //Construct the frame
    public Frame1() {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Frame1 frame1 = new Frame1();
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    jLabel1.setText(" Type your Doc");
    jLabel2.setText(" Reapeated Words");
    jbtCountSentances.setText("Count Sentances");
    jbtCountSentances.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    jbtCountWords.setText("Count Words");
    jbtCountWords.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    jbtRWords.setText("Reapeted Words");
    jbtRWords.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    jbtClearList.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    this.getContentPane().add(jPanel1, new XYConstraints(4, 4, 986, 469));
    jPanel1.add(jScrollPane1, new XYConstraints(5, 105, 289, 192));
    jScrollPane1.getViewport().add(jta1, null);
    jPanel1.add(jScrollPane2, new XYConstraints(309, 102, 256, 193));
    jScrollPane2.getViewport().add(jta2, null);
    jPanel1.add(jLabel1, new XYConstraints(21, 81, 240, 22));
    jPanel1.add(jLabel2, new XYConstraints(340, 78, 191, 20));
    jPanel1.add(jbtCountSentances, new XYConstraints(69, 309, 190, 30));
    jPanel1.add(jbtCountWords, new XYConstraints(69, 339, 190, 24));
    jPanel1.add(jbtClearList, new XYConstraints(262, 337, 173, 26));
    jPanel1.add(jbtRWords, new XYConstraints(262, 310, 174, 24));
    jPanel1.add(jLabel3, new XYConstraints(14, 37, 105, 20));
    jPanel1.add(jtfNumOfSentances, new XYConstraints(114, 37, 64, 23));
    jPanel1.add(jLabel4, new XYConstraints(212, 38, 82, 23));
    jPanel1.add(jtfNumOfWords, new XYConstraints(304, 35, 83, 27));
    void jbtCountSentances_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader
                   (new InputStreamReader (;
    sentence = jta1.getText();
              System.out.flush ();
    public static int num_periods () {
              chr= ".";
    chr= "!";
    chr= "?";
              while (i<len){
                   if (sentence.charAt(i)==chr.charAt(0))
         return periods;
         }//Method num_words
    void jbtCountWords_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String s = jta1.getText();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
    void jbtRWords_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    repwords = jta1.getText();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(repwords);
              while (st.hasMoreTokens())
    RepeatedWords = st.nextToken(st.toString()) ;
         //}//Method num_words
    /*void jbtClearList_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    void jbtHelp_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    jta1.append("Please open a File Write a document");
    // JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
    //JTextArea jta1 = new JTextArea();
    // JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane();
    //JTextArea jta2 = new JTextArea();
    void jbtClearList_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    Let me try specify the main problem in details
    The code that i had posted displays an interface consisting of a 2 textarea.
    The first textarea is for a user to enter a sentence and the second is for displaying duplicated words.
    The program should allow the user to enter a sentence on the first textarea and when JButton named showduplicatedwords pressed it must display the words that are being duplicated in the sentence on the second textarea.And again count the number of sentence available when
    JButton countsentence is pressed

  • I need help with this?  - Urgent!!!

    I am a beginner with Java, and C++. how can I parse the veritical bar? Could someone help me with this program please? It's due really soon
    | name | sid | class | degree |
    | ABC | 001 | SR | BS |
    | AAA | 002 | FR | BS |
    | BBBB | 050 | JR | BS |
    | CC | 033 | CL | MS |
    | ZZZZ | 201 | SO | BS |
    | cname | cnum | prof | hrs |
    | DBMS | 157A | YAKLUR | 3.0 |
    | DS | 146 | PPP | 4.0 |
    Assignment 01 Due September 10th. (20 points)
    Write a program which will parse the above text file with
    tables and allow the user to select a table among the two
    and one or multiple columns of that table with a condition
    where the condition will be on a column with = or < or >.
    SELECT (* or column name): name
    FROM (type a table name): STUDENT
    WHERE (give a condition ): degree = BS

    Posts like this really get to me....
    I wasnt as fortunate as some and never had the opurtunity to go to school.. Instead I stayed up long hours reading away and learning to things on my own..
    being new to java is not an excuse to be lazy, and reliance on others to solve your problems will get you nowhere fast.....

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