Help with understanding script for rotating objects

Hi all
would some help me with this, I am trying to understand what part of AS3 script says loop through(create a continues 360 loop of objects) the images from an XML file, does this make any sense.
in my script I have this
for(var i:int = 0; i < images.length(); i++)
is this the part that says loop the images/objects
this is a little more to the script including the above to maybe understand better?
private function onXMLComplete(event:Event):void
// Create an XML Object from loaded data
var data:XML = new XML(;
// Now we can parse it
var images:XMLList = data.image;
for(var i:int = 0; i < images.length(); i++)  <<<<<<<<FROM ABOVE ///        {
// Get info from XML node
var imageName:String = images[i].@name;
var imagePath:String = images[i].@path;
var titles:String = images[i].@title;
var texts:String = images[i].@text;
any help would be great

hi rob
ok I found this menu which rotates item around on a 360 wheel trying to see if I can use the same script on my menu,
link to example:
I have highlighted in blue what creates the loop of items
in my menu I do  ot have anything like
var angleDifference:Number = Math.PI * (360 / NUMBER_OF_ITEMS) / 180;
which sest up the 360 circle of the item
//Save the center coordinates of the stage
var centerX:Number=stage.stageWidth/2;
var centerY:Number=stage.stageHeight/2;
//The number of items we will have (feel free to change!)
var NUMBER_OF_ITEMS:uint=15;
//Radius of the menu circle (horizontal and vertical)
var radiusX:Number=200;
var radiusY:Number=200;
//Angle difference between the items (in radians)
var angleDifference:Number = Math.PI * (360 / NUMBER_OF_ITEMS) / 180;
//How fast a single circle moves (we calculate the speed
//according to the mouse position later on...)
var angleSpeed:Number=0;
//Scaling speed of a single circle
var scaleSpeed:Number=0.0002;
//This vector holds all the items
//(this could also be an array...)
var itemVector:Vector.<Item>=new Vector.<Item>;
//This loop creates the items and positions them
//on the stage
for (var i:uint = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++) {
    //Create a new menu item
    var item:Item = new Item();
    //Get the angle for the item (we space the items evenly)
   var startingAngle:Number=angleDifference*i;
    //Set the x and y coordinates
    //Save the starting angle of the item.
    //(We have declared the Item class to be dymamic. Therefore,
    //we can create new properties dynamically.)
    //Add an item number to the item's text field
    //Allow no mouse children
    //Add the item to the vector
    //Add the item to the stage
//We use ENTER_FRAME to animate the items
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
//This function is called in each frame
function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void {
    //Calculate the angle speed according to mouse position
    angleSpeed = (mouseY - centerY) / 5000;
    //Loop through the vector
    for (var i:uint = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++) {
        //Save the item to a local variable
        var item:Item=itemVector[i];
        //Update the angle
        //Set the new coordinates
        //Calculate the vertical distance from centerY to the item
        var dx:Number=centerX-item.x;
        //Scale the item according to vertical distance
        //item.scaleX = (dx / radiusX);
        //If we are above centerY, double the y scale
        if (item.x<centerX) {
        //Set the x scale to be the same as y scale
        //Adjust the alpha according to y scale

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                        return false
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    Many Thanks,

    First off, you're overthinking this.  There's no reason why your friend would lose any data by not backing up prior to shutdown (unless she has a flaky hard drive that needs to be replaced).  Assuming she's saving her work when she quits her apps, she should be fine.
    Second, trying to auto-quit applications is dangerous.  You don't check to see if any files need to be saved (there's no easy way to make that check anyway), and that in itself could cause data loss.
    Third, time machine has its own command line utility: tmutil.  There's no reason to script backupd.
    Last, if I remember correctly, whether or not apps and windows reopen at startup can be set on a system-wide or per-application basis.
    Give a clearer and more specific description of the goals you're trying to accomplish: what kind of apps are likely to be open, which of them will/might need to save data, what you want the machine to look like on restart, all with details.  That would help a lot.

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    message="$torrentname to $torrentpath"
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    echo ---------------------------------------- >> ~/logs/scripts.log
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    from twisted.internet import reactor
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    [edit]  Sorry, I don't use deluge and I messed up my test script. If the script is executable try `/home/bobby/scripts/deluge/ $1`
    Are there any other errors? or try running bash with debug output to see if it will tell you something else
    The problem you are having is bash doesn't recognize variables inside the tick marks.
    Hope that helps
    Last edited by rickeyski (2011-07-05 19:27:36)

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    help very appreciated !
    P.S.: I work tith FCP 7
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              tell application "System Events"
                        delay 0.5
      key code 34 using {shift down} #Go to Begin
                        delay 0.5
      key code 125 # Arrow Down, next edit
                        delay 0.2
      key code 46 #Create a marker
                        delay 0.2
      key code 46 #Edit the marker title
                        delay 0.2
      key code 48 # TAB
                        delay 0.2
      key code 50 # <
                        delay 0.2
      key code 8 using {shift down} # C
                        delay 0.2
      key code 4 # h
                        delay 0.5
      key code 128 # a
                        delay 0.2
      key code 35 # p
                        delay 0.2
      key code 17 # t
                        delay 0.2
      key code 14 # e
                        delay 0.2
      key code 15 # r
                        delay 0.2
      key code 50 using {shift down} # >
                        delay 0.5
      key code 76 #Enter, Get out of marker window
                        delay 0.5
      key code 125 # Arrow Down
              end tell
    end tell

    Use Automator. It's great for repetitious tasks (like the one you've described), and it's very user-friendly. Open Automator, create a new workflow that executes the action you want, and you can apply that action to the resources you wish to edit.
    Good resource here:

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    H.264 (Supported profiles)
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    var FieldName = "FullName2";
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    ValueString = ValueString.replace(/ +/g,' ');
    var names = ValueString.split(' ');
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    letters = names[i].split('');
    letters[0] = letters[0].toUpperCase();
    names[i] = letters.join('');
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    return true;

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    somebody can point me in the right direction or give some tips I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm sure this kind of task has been done by several people in similar environments I just haven't been able to find those people/examples. 

    Here's what I've got so far...
    Moving to new OU
    CSV constructed like below...
    “CN=John R, OU=BB,OU=ES,OU=Students,OU=OSD,DC=usd233,=DC=local”
    Import-Module activedirectory
    $UserList = Import-Csv "c:\yourCSVhere.csv"
    foreach ($User in $UserList) {
    Move-ADObject -Identity $User.DN -TargetPath $User.TargetOU
    Would this work? I also need to remove the user from two groups and add them to two different groups as well. Would I need to use the addUsertoGroups and removeUserfromGroups commands?

  • Help with a script for checking processes

    I have the following script
    while :
    ps -ef |grep f60runm | wc -l
    sleep 60
    I would like this script to also add to a txt file so that I can see the activity overnight.

    Well, if the commands are in a script: >> /path/to/logfile.log
    or you could do this inside the script:
    while :
    date >> $LOGFILE
    ps -ef |grep f60runm | wc -l >> $LOGFILE
    sleep 60

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    I'm trying to implement a script, which monitors the Tx and Rx Load on the Link and sends a syslog in case the load is exceeded 200 mark (i.e If Rx or Tx load > 200)
    I have implemented the following script. But it is not giving the required results.
    event manager applet test
    event interface name Tunnel111 parameter rxload entry-val 200 entry-op gt entry-val-is-increment true poll-interval 5000
    action 1.0 syslog msg "Increase Load On the Link"
    I'm trying to monitor the load on Tunnel 111 which is mapped to WAN interface.
    Router (Cisco 2821) has following IOS

    Hello Joseph,
    As per your suggestion, we made some changes in our script and the following script is working fine. Its giving the required syslogs when the load is exceeded.
    event manager applet test
    event interface name Tunnel111 parameter txload entry-val 200 entry-op gt entry-val-is-increment false poll-interval 5
    action 1.0 syslog msg "Increased Load On the Link"
    Your prompt assistance is really appriciated.

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    I'm working in my own annotation app. It incrementally updates pdfs. Works fine with most of the pdfs.
    But i've found couple of pdfs, that was being corrupted after updating.
    Here goes more details:
    Single page-linearized pdf: when i've looked into pdf source, i found that page object has /Parent key which referencing to non-existing object. Normally, as i understand /Parent for page object is /Type /Pages objects with /Kids /Count etc.
    12 0 obj
    <</ArtBox[26 0 585.999 792]/BleedBox[26 0 586 792]/Contents[14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R]/CropBox[0 0 612 792]/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 8 0 R/Resources 37 0 R/Rotate 0/TrimBox[26 0 586 792]/Type/Page>>
    Parent 8 0 R - Is missing
    But all pdf viewers are ok with that.
    So, this pdf has two Xref tables:
    36 0 obj
    <</DecodeParms<</Columns 4/Predictor 12>>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2C9B406A12A771465F8FE0D6A4DC67ED><9B829DD8BDB09849A00CA5D75E7 5CDF4>]/Index[10 54]/Info 9 0 R/Length 114/Prev 66739/Root 11 0 R/Size 64/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream....
    and Second one at the end of file.
    5 0 obj
    <</DecodeParms<</Columns 5/Predictor 12>>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2C9B406A12A771465F8FE0D6A4DC67ED><9B829DD8BDB09849A00CA5D75E7 5CDF4>]/Info 9 0 R/Length 51/Root 11 0 R/Size 10/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
    Linearized dict:
    10 0 obj
    <</Linearized 1/L 67043/O 12/E 48239/N 1/T 66738/H [ 534 185]>>
    /T 66738 points to Xref table in 5 0 obj's stream
    Now, when my annotation is stored: i'm adding the following object to the end of file:
    8 0 obj <</Type /Pages/Count 1/Kids [ 12 0 R ]>>
    I've create the missing 8 0 obj with Kids and /Count 1
    12 0 obj<</Type /Page/Annots [ 65 0 R ]/ArtBox [ 26 0 585.999 792 ]/BleedBox [ 26 0 586 792 ]/Contents [ 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R ]
    /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]/MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]/Parent 8 0 R/Resources 37 0 R/Rotate 0/TrimBox [ 26 0 586 792 ]>>
    it's page objects with new Reference to Annotation object which is:
    65 0 obj<</Type /Annot/Contents (Test 2)/M (D:20120507172231+03'00')/Open true/P 12 0 R/Rect [ 0 0 100.000 100.000 ]/Subtype /Text/T(Test 1)>>
    then goes my xref table
    8 1
    0000067045 00000 n
    0000067189 00000 n
    0000067591 00000 n
    /ID [ <FE1185EC7443D19473E8A4A1569A1CB2> <FE1185EC7443D19473E8A4A1569A1CB2> ]
    /Info 64 0 R
    /Prev 66739
    /Root 11 0 R
    /Size 69
    And this totally broks my PDF.
    Questing: /Prev in my trailer should point ot 5 0 obj or 36 0 obj?

    Ok, thanks, and /Pref in my trailer should point to which xref? 5 0 (and the end of the original file) or 36 0 at the beginning?


    Please any one help with complete code for "SAVE AS" button to auto save the acrobat form in a user specified path
    with unique name or incremental name.Please post only full script for MOUSE UP event.

    Thanks George but i need an actual need is
    i have created a SAVE INVOICE button.i have set the action"Mouse up" to run a Java script.
    Now i need a scriprt for the same.
    If i press that SAVE INVOICE button.the fie should save on "C:\Users\MUNNA\Desktop" automatically
    with unique name and the name should not remain same for next Save.because it overwrites the previous
    file so please post an example pdf with same.

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