Help with Video use in Sarfari

Hi I posted about not being able to access Fox Videos with Safari but am able to with Firefox. Was told to remove any Flash Players present and update to the latest and do re-Permissions settings, which I did, but NO JOY! Still NOT able to access Fox Videos, but can access other Networks videos.
PLEASE I need to know what the problem is with SAFARI as its obviously not a Flash Player problem.
Would an older version of Flash Player on my 'Parallels Desktop' also affect playing the New Latest Flash Player in Safari even though I am Not in Parallels? Just a thought?
If no answer or ability to resolve this problem I simply will cease using Safari altogether as its obviously an inferior platform for Videos and use only Firefox.

Would an older version of Flash Player on my 'Parallels Desktop' also affect playing the New Latest Flash Player in Safari even though I am Not in Parallels? Just a thought?
Since it's not interfering with Firefox, I doubt it.
Install the v10.5.8 Combo Update
And go to ~/Library/Caches/ and move the "cache.db" file to the Trash.
Relaunch Safari.

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    Hi, Keith Lee -
    I'm sorry that I cannot help with your problem, but I'm posting a few URLs that may perhaps help - 
    Working with video:
    Getting started with stage video:
    Stage video articles and tutorials:
    ActionScript reference: html
    Mallika Yelandur
    Adobe Community Help & Learning

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    also here is the link to the original page
    Thanks again, Robin.

    On this page you'll find code to open a page with video in a new window :
    Click where it says :
    Here's a basic sample page with shaded background you can use for testing.
    Click to open a window with the pop-up code.

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    Hi thanks for the reply - suppose I will have to buy a new imac then !


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    Neither Quicktime Pro or iTunes have the ability to successfully encode a muxed video file with audio. You'll end up with video and no audio.
    You'll need to use some other third-party software to do the conversion. There's a handful of software available. Just search the forums and you'll find many titles mentioned.
    Videora iPod Converter seems to be popular amongst Windows users, although I've read that you might get mixed results using it.

  • Need help with video problems

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    With those specs you should be absolutely fine. I would suggest that you update to 10.4.10 at least (download the full Combo updater). Once you are on that:
    These are the downloads and the settings you need in order to view/hear pretty much everything that the net can throw at you: The setup described below has proved repeatedly successful on both PPC and Intel macs, but nothing in life carries a guarantee!
    It is known to work in the great majority of cases with Safari 3.0.4, QT 7.3 and OS 10.4.11. (If you are running Leopard, ensure that all plug-ins have been updated for OS 10.5)
    Assuming you already run Tiger versions OS 10.4.9 or above (this has not yet been verified with Leopard) and have Quicktime 7.2 or above, and are using Safari 2 or 3, download and install (or re-install even if you already had them) the latest versions, suitable for your flavor of Mac, of:
    RealPlayer 10 for Mac from RealPlayer%2010&proc=g3&lang=&show_list=0&src=macjack
    Flip4Mac WMV Player from (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft)
    Perian from
    Adobe FlashPlayer from
    (You can check here: to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS. This: may also interest you.)
    In Quicktime Preferences, under advanced, UNcheck Enable Flash, and under Mime settings/Miscellananeous only check Quicktime HTML (QHTM).
    See also the very informative post from QuickTimeKirk dated Dec 3, 2007 in this thread:
    In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them).
    Now go to Safari Preferences/Security, and tick the boxes under Web Content (all 4 of them).
    Lastly open Audio Midi Setup (which you will find in the Utilities Folder of your Applications Folder) and click on Audio Devices. Make sure that both Audio Input and Audio Output, under Format, are set to 44100 Hz.
    Important: Now repair permissions and restart.
    The world should now be your oyster!
    You should also consider having the free VLC Player from in your armory, as this plays almost anything that DVD Player might not.

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    Hi, Keith Lee -
    I'm sorry that I cannot help with your problem, but I'm posting a few URLs that may perhaps help - 
    Working with video:
    Getting started with stage video:
    Stage video articles and tutorials:
    ActionScript reference: html
    Mallika Yelandur
    Adobe Community Help & Learning

  • Please help with video streaming

    I'm trying to play a video on a web page. I got the below
    script from
    a website tutorial, but it does not work correctly. The
    script will
    play a video in both IE and firefox browsers, but in IE, it
    will not
    show the video player controls even though I have added more
    enough height.
    <OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer" WIDTH="208" HEIGHT="300"
    STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player components..."
    <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="videofilename.wmv">
    <PARAM name="autostart" VALUE="true">
    <PARAM name="ShowControls" VALUE="true">
    <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="false">
    <PARAM name="ShowDisplay" VALUE="false">
    <EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2"
    WIDTH="208" HEIGHT="300" ShowControls="1" ShowStatusBar="0"
    ShowDisplay="0" autostart="1"> </EMBED>

    That is an older site but there is a lot of information there
    John Malone
    "Canned Heat" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    |A followup. The site you linked to (mediacollege) does have
    a wealth
    | of info. However, for anybody else reading this post I did
    want to
    | point out that it is the same site is where I got the
    script (in my
    | original post) that didn't work. It was located here:
    | So I would recommend using Joh's much simpler script, not
    the one from
    | mediacollege referenced above.
    | Again, thanks John.
    | On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:06:56 -0500, "John Malone" <John
    |> wrote:
    | >Well I couldn't get it to work in IE7..
    | >And you get the prompt to "click here to activate this
    | >here is a sample >
    | >
    | >
    Autoplay when page loads.
    | >
    | >If you look at the source code on the page you will see
    I am using an external script
    | >file...
    | >This takes care of the outlined player (in IE) with the
    prompt to "click here to
    | >activate".
    | >By changing the script you can load the page without
    starting the movie.
    | >
    | >Like this..>
    | >
    | >
    | >Steal the code and the script (test.js or auto.js) and
    your good to go...
    | >
    | >Or look at .....>
    | >
    | >
    | >and read how......
    | >This is mostly for MIDI music but can work with video
    with minimal modifications.
    | >
    | >Also here is a good site...
    | >
    | >You will need to follow the links>> to get a
    wealth of information.
    | >
    | >Hope this helps...
    | >
    | >Just an after thought...
    | >
    | >Beware of bandwidth limitations of your site this could
    cost you money!!!
    | >
    | >On that sample site(at the top) is a movie (1.3 Megs)
    that is viewed enough to cause
    | >usage to be about 3 Gigs a month. (now)
    | >But at times (September) that goes up to 10~20 Gigs and
    at it's peak I had 17 Gigs a
    | >usage.
    | >(It is the 911 Flash movie)
    | >
    | >Hope this helps......
    | >
    | >John Malone
    | >===============
    | >"Canned Heat" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    | >news:[email protected]...
    | >| Thanks for taking the time to test it. I want to make
    sure, tho, that
    | >| we're not talking about two different things.
    | >|
    | >| The script plays videos fine for me too. However, the
    problem is that
    | >| when playing with IE the video controls such as play,
    pause, etc are
    | >| not displayed.
    | >|
    | >| When you played it did you see the controls in IE?
    | >|
    | >| I have tested it on three machines, ones with the
    same IE version as
    | >| yours, and I get no controls. I only see the controls
    in firefox.
    | >|
    | >| Thanks,
    | >| -Dan
    | >|
    | >|
    | >| On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:48:02 -0500, "Eugene J. Maes"
    | >| <[email protected]> wrote:
    | >|
    | >| >Your script works fine in ie 6 with my wmv file.
    | >| >
    | >| >gene
    | >| >"Canned Heat" <[email protected]> wrote in
    | >|
    >news:[email protected]...
    | >| >> I'm trying to play a video on a web page. I
    got the below script from
    | >| >> a website tutorial, but it does not work
    correctly. The script will
    | >| >> play a video in both IE and firefox
    browsers, but in IE, it will not
    | >| >> show the video player controls even though I
    have added more than
    | >| >> enough height.
    | >| >>
    | >| >> <OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer" WIDTH="208"
    | >| >>
    | >| >> STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player
    | >| >> TYPE="application/x-oleobject">
    | >| >> <PARAM NAME="FileName"
    | >| >> <PARAM name="autostart" VALUE="true">
    | >| >> <PARAM name="ShowControls"
    | >| >> <param name="ShowStatusBar"
    | >| >> <PARAM name="ShowDisplay"
    | >| >> <EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2"
    | >| >> NAME="MediaPlayer"
    | >| >> WIDTH="208" HEIGHT="300" ShowControls="1"
    | >| >> ShowDisplay="0" autostart="1">
    | >| >> </OBJECT>
    | >| >
    | >|
    | >

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    dude. some time itunes just doesnt support drag and drop techniques . just try the simple copy and paste(ctrl(c+v)). if that file is gonna be played on the ipod u get a small tab box in the itunes that the file which u r copying is being processed .
    even if this technique doesnt work , then thats a faulty format . u can try another video converter . say videora or Aplus video converter . u will find them in


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    5g ipod video    

    ok...i just uninstalled itunes and installed the previous version...and it worked fine....

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    Neither Quicktime Pro or iTunes have the ability to successfully encode a muxed video file with audio. You'll end up with video and no audio.
    You'll need to use some other third-party software to do the conversion. There's a handful of software available. Just search the forums and you'll find many titles mentioned.
    Videora iPod Converter seems to be popular amongst Windows users, although I've read that you might get mixed results using it.

  • Need help with video installation

    I'm no DW guru, as I know just enough to do some damage... so I did
    Anyhow, I am trying to install a video into my (ahem) purchased responsive web template, but each time I try a new approach, I keep getting "Invalid Source" when I "F12" it  -- Any Ideas?

    It might be better to test video in a plain, unstyled web page first to ascertain exactly where your problems are.
    Below is all the code necessary for a responsive HTML5 video player.  Change YourVideo.mp4, .ogv and .webm to your actual path & video file names. 
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 with Video</title>
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src=""></script>
    video {width:100%;}
    <!--IE8 End of Life-->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    You're using an outdated browser that limits your web experience. 
    Please upgrade to a modern browser.
    <!--begin video-->
    <video controls>
         <source src="YourVideo.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
          <source src="YourVideo.webm" type='video/webm' />
          <source src="YourVideo.ogv" type='video/ogg' />
    <!--end video-->
    Nancy O.

  • Need help with video-scroll

    I need some help with a project. What I eventually want is that a webcam controls the mouse position and the mouse position
    controls a video. But first I would like the part where the mouse position controls the video.
    So if the mouse is on the left on your screen the video will be at the first frame and when you move you're mouse to
    the right the video will play accordingly to the movement. and stop when the mouse is all the way to the right.
    Effectivly the mouse scrolles through the video. It only needs to be on the x-axis.
    I'm not that formilliar with flash so any help would be great

    I fixed it in an other way.
    Made a imgseq and following code (with some help ):
              stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler);
              stage.addEventListener(FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, resizeHandler);
              stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, inputHandler);
              stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
              stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
              var imgSeq:ImgSeq = new ImgSeq();
              var columnWidth;
              var numColumns;
              imgSeq.x = 350
              columnWidth = stage.stageWidth / imgSeq.totalFrames;
              numColumns = stage.stageWidth / columnWidth;
              function resizeHandler(e:Event):void {
              // verdeel het scherm in kolommen, iedere keer dat het scherm geresized wordt.
                        // breedte van 1 kolom (schermbreedte gedeeld door aantal plaatjes)
                        columnWidth = stage.stageWidth / imgSeq.totalFrames;
                        // totaal aantal kolommen dat binnen het scherm past (breedte gedeeld door breedte van één kolom )
                        numColumns = stage.stageWidth / columnWidth;
              function inputHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
              // voer dit iedere keer dat je de muis beweegt uit.
                        // kijk voor iedere kolom of de muis er binnen valt.
                        for(var i = 1; i <= numColumns; i++){
                                  //vergelijking die checkt of de muispositie binnen de waarden van kolom valt.
                                  if(mouseX <= i * columnWidth && mouseX >= (i * columnWidth) - columnWidth ){
                                            // zet het framenummer van de imageSequence gelijk aan de huidige kolom.
    many thx!

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