Help with Web Galleries.

Hi. When I create a web gallery and post it to my website, everthing works fine. The only problem is that when ever I update it, because of my cache (I believe) it still shows the old pictures and none of the new ones, is there a way to prevent this from happening on my galleries, and other pages, not just for me but for everyone that looks at the site?

I don't do web galleries, but your note is confusing, or perhaps it is just because I don't to web stuff.
What  does this mean "The only problem is that when ever I update it, because  of my cache (I  believe) it still shows the old pictures and none of the new ones"?  The  cache (in Bridge) is just a collection of thumbnails of pictures in  your folders.  So if you do not see any of the new ones they are not in your system.

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    I would use a search help exit. Nothing WDA specific here, as this has been possible long before WDA came around.  With a search help exit you define the search help like normal, but instead of database table or view being the source of selection, you have a function module.  Within the coding of this function module you can call an RFC to read data from another system or call a web service if you need to bridge over to something that isn't ABAP based.
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    I would use a search help exit. Nothing WDA specific here, as this has been possible long before WDA came around.  With a search help exit you define the search help like normal, but instead of database table or view being the source of selection, you have a function module.  Within the coding of this function module you can call an RFC to read data from another system or call a web service if you need to bridge over to something that isn't ABAP based.
    You can read more about Search Help Exits here:

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    Plug-ins that failed to load:
    It seems to me that something is wrong with your install. Maybe you did clone a former mac to install on this one? or copies old stuff to the new one. Don't know, it seems easy and quick but I prefer always a new install using a new computer or switching to a new system upgrade.
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    MentatYP wrote:
    Yeah, I have 1 gigantic catalog so it makes sense for me to keep presets with the catalog file for backup purposes.
    I disagee. You've already discovered that Web Galleries remain in the default location when you use "Store Presets with Catalog", and there are other things as well which remain in the default location. So if you want to backup your entire Lightroom environment, including settings, now you have to backup not only the Lightroom Settings folder adjacent to the catalog, but also the Lightroom folder in the appdata area of your user profile. It's far simpler to leave everything in the default location (cos you still have to back it up, right), than mess about with backing up partial sets of settings.
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    Yes, I have seen your name come up a lot in these posts. It seems it's just a total oversight on the part of Apple. I'm sure the issue lies with iWeb and not Aperture. There must be some list to look up and iWeb just fails to look in more than one place. Lets hope there is a +0.0.1 update soon.
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    Here is a simple bit of PHP to stick in the page your form posts to. You would need to edit the first three variables to your liking, and add the html you want to serve afterwards:
    $emailFrom = '[email protected]';
    $emailTo = '[email protected]';
    $emailSubject = 'Subject';
    $date = date('l, \t\h\e dS \o\f F, Y \a\t g:i A');
    $message = "$date\n\nAddress: $hostname\nBrowser: $browser\n\n";
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $message .= $key . ": " . $value . "\n";
    $mailResult = mail($emailTo,$emailSubject,$message,"From: $emailFrom");
    This script will grab the server's date and the submitter's address and browser type. It will then list the name and value of each form field you have put on your form.
    Also, this script expects your form method="post".
    Lastly, you can offer alternate text later on in your html page based on the success of the above script with a snippet like this:
    if ($mailResult) {
    echo "Your comments have been received thank you.";
    } else {
    echo "There was an error. Please try again or contact us using an alternate method.";

  • Please help with web services (JSR 172)

    I'm in need of some help. I've only worked with web services some few weeks. I have two web services that I want to access from J2ME.
    Both works nice in regular Java (J2SE). I use axis so with the help of WSDL2Java I got a working client.
    One of them has four operations
        public boolean tryToLoginUser( String username, String password ) {}   
        public boolean tryToLogOffUser( String username, String password ){}
        public boolean createUserAccount( String username, String password ){ }
        public boolean removeUserAccount( String username, String password ){ } The problem is when I want to use Sun's Wireless Toolkit 2.2 and create stubs that way with the Stub Generator. It complains with this
    warning: Operation tryToLoginUser is of the wrong encoding SOAP style/use (rpc/encoded).  Document/literal only.  Skipping generation of operation.
    warning: Operation tryToLogOffUser is of the wrong encoding SOAP style/use (rpc/encoded).  Document/literal only.  Skipping generation of operation.
    warning: Operation createUserAccount is of the wrong encoding SOAP style/use (rpc/encoded).  Document/literal only.  Skipping generation of operation.
    warning: Operation removeUserAccount is of the wrong encoding SOAP style/use (rpc/encoded).  Document/literal only.  Skipping generation of operation.What I can tell is I need to put this in my axis deployment descriptor
    <service name="UserWebService" provider="java:RPC" style="document" use="literal">instead of this:
    <service name="UserWebService" provider="java:RPC">This wont work. It don't work with HTTP GET I get this error
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    - <soapenv:Body>
    - <soapenv:Fault>
      <faultstring>org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.</faultstring>
    - <detail>
      <ns1:hostname xmlns:ns1="">slukare</ns1:hostname>
      </soapenv:Envelope>I doesn�t work with WSDL2Java and when I run Sun's Wireless Toolkit 2.2 to generate stub it complains with
    warning: ignoring operation "tryToLoginUser": more than one part in input message
    warning: ignoring operation "tryToLogOffUser": more than one part in input message
    warning: ignoring operation "createUserAccount": more than one part in input message
    warning: ignoring operation "removeUserAccount": more than one part in input message
    warning: Port "UserWebService" does not contain any usable operationsDoes this mean I can only use one parameter for input in an operation when I use style="document" use="literal" ??
    I understood it that way, so I created a new web service that takes username and password in one String.
    The new web service has four operations
        public boolean tryToLoginUser( String usernameAndPassword ) {}   
        public boolean tryToLogOffUser( String usernameAndPassword ){}
        public boolean createUserAccount( String usernameAndPassword ){ }
        public boolean removeUserAccount( String usernameAndPassword ){ }The problem is that I get this error when running HTTP GET.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    - <soapenv:Body>
    - <soapenv:Fault>
      <faultstring>org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.</faultstring>
    - <detail>
      <ns1:hostname xmlns:ns1="">slukare</ns1:hostname>
      </soapenv:Envelope>If I get a WSDL2Java client it works (!) if I manually changes the parameter names. I have four operations which all takes
    String usernameAndPassword
    in one String since I can only use one parameter with style="document" use="literal"
    The WSDL2Java automatically set the parameter names to
    for the different operations. If I manually changes them to all have the name
    it works. Why doesn�t it work without manual changes? I haven�t tested the code from Sun�s Wireless Toolkit 2.2 Stub Generator yet, but that at least doesn�t give any errors .
    My other web service doesn�t work either if I set style="document" use="literal".
    This web service returns my own classes I have written. It works as I said previously in J2SE with WSDL2Java, but not with style="document" use="literal�. When I set this my byte[] which is returned is null when using the client from WSDL2Java, this wasn�t the case without style="document" use="literal�.
    I also get an error in Sun�s Wireless Toolkit 2.2 that byte[] is not recoigniced. This wasn�t the case with axis WSDL2Java.
    If I put this inside the axis deployment descriptor
    <deployment xmlns=""
           <service xmlns:j2melab2="urn:businessobject.j2melab2"
                     name="RecipeWebService" provider="java:RPC" style="document" use="literal">
              <parameter name="scope" value="session"/>
              <parameter name="className" value="j2melab2.webservices.RecipeWebService"/>
              <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
                    <typeMapping qname="j2melab2:ArrayOfString"
                    <beanMapping qname="j2melab2:Recipe" languageSpecificType="java:j2melab2.businessobject.Recipe"/>         
                    <beanMapping qname="j2melab2:Ingredient" languageSpecificType="java:j2melab2.businessobject.Ingredient"/>         
                    <typeMapping qname="j2melab2:ArrayofIngredient"
                    <typeMapping qname="j2melab2:ArrayOfByte"
    </deployment>instead of this
    <deployment xmlns=""
           <service xmlns:j2melab2="urn:businessobject.j2melab2"
                     name="RecipeWebService" provider="java:RPC">
              <parameter name="scope" value="session"/>
              <parameter name="className" value="j2melab2.webservices.RecipeWebService"/>
              <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
                    <typeMapping qname="j2melab2:ArrayOfString"
                    <beanMapping qname="j2melab2:Recipe" languageSpecificType="java:j2melab2.businessobject.Recipe"/>         
                    <beanMapping qname="j2melab2:Ingredient" languageSpecificType="java:j2melab2.businessobject.Ingredient"/>         
                    <typeMapping qname="j2melab2:ArrayofIngredient"
    </deployment>axis WSDL2Java won�t work anymore. And Sun�s Wireless Toolkit doesn�t work either with this. How can I get this to work with Sun�s Wireless Toolkit 2.2?
    So my questions are:
    Do I really need style=�document� use=�literal� for J2ME?
    Can I only have one parameter as input when I use style=�document� use=�literal� ?
    Why do I need to manally change the parameter names?
    How can I make Sun�s Wireless Toolkit 2.2 understand byte[] ?
    Many thanks for help :) (I have to present a solution in 1 � week to my J2ME teacher L).

    i was wandering if you manage to successfully generate the stubs through the wireless toolkit at the end? i am currently having similar problem (i.e., trying to generate stub files based on wsdl from axis)? it seems that the WTK can only handle document/literal format, and so i change the wsdl to that. however, now it complains that it can't handle more than one input part in the message, (which is similar to the problem you had). so did you manage to find a solution to that, or J2ME simply does not support more than one arguement as the input?
    thanks in advance,

  • Frustrated with web galleries

    I think I'm about ready to install Gallery on my website and forget about LR's web galleries. I want such simple changes to the defaults, but it seems to be impossible.
    I want HTML galleries, not flash. The HTML galleries have the "title" on top and the "description" below the pictures. I thought I could live with this, but I use this as a title and more info. My own eyes were hopping back and forth from top to bottom. That is just unacceptable. The flash galleries, however, have the two together, not separated by the picture.
    Forgetting about LR's galleries would also allow me not to have my various metadata fields all mushed together. LR allows you to select multiple items to put into the "description", but no way to format them. Yes, I can put commas, but there are often empty fields, and then it's a mess.
    I don't like the font sizes either, but I can fix that by changing one .css file after creating the gallery.
    I tried to take the xslt and and xml files extracted from the module, but more files are needed and I don't know which or exactly how to configure them. Even more frustrating because I have found the lines that need to be moved/modified.
    I've found descriptions for starting from scratch and other people's flash galleries, but not how to twiddle with the existing galleries. Such small changes I want to do!

    [email protected] wrote:
    > I think I'm about ready to install Gallery on my website and forget
    > about LR's web galleries. I want such simple changes to the defaults,
    > but it seems to be impossible.
    > I want HTML galleries, not flash.
    Me too. I'm taking a different approach to things, though. Rather than
    creating a gallery that produces lots and lots of identical pages, each
    containing different images and indexes and so on, I'm working on a gallery
    that doesn't produce any HTML at all (or, rather, produces very basic HTML
    so I can see the images in the Web Gallery Preview). Instead, I just let it
    produces the XML file describing the images and (of course) the image files
    themselves (in three sizes: thumbnail, display, and full). I've written a
    JSP-based application that can read the XML file and produce the appropriate
    pages (that is, I'm treating the XML and image files as a database).
    The benefit of this is that if I want to change how my site looks or
    behaves, I simply change the JSP and *all* of my galleries change
    instantly - I don't have to go back and regenerate them. This also frees me
    up to use any technology I want to for the display (right now it's HTML,
    since I despise Flash, but if a new tech comes along, I can easily adopt
    The downside is that I can only put my site on a JSP-capable server. Most
    people don't have access to those (because most ISP's only provide straight
    HTML and maybe a few canned scripts), but anyone who can put JSP on their
    site could probably use this. In fact, I imagine a similar system could be
    written in PHP (perhaps that's what Gallery is - I've only glanced at it),
    ASP/.NET, CGI, or any other server-side language.
    If anyone is interested in learning more about this, I'd be glad to
    open-source it when it's ready (or share ahead of time if you're willing to
    take an unfinished project). I don't get to the forums as much as I'd like,
    so email me: my first name AT my last name with an "s" on the end DOT com
    Rob Freundlich
    "Males are biologically driven to hunt giraffes" - Newt Gingrich
    "Some folks you don't have to satirize - you just quote 'em" - Tom Paxton

  • What Can I do with Web Galleries?

    I want to use web galleries, but for different purposes. Say some for business, some personal, some for discussion boards. If I have one .mac account do they all end up in one gallery? If so, is there a way to prevent that? I don't want the business guys seeing my home galleries, and vice versa...

    You can password protect the home galleries with a user name and password and give it out only to those you want to have access.
    For the business you might consider another .Mac account, a deductible expense, and put the galleries there as well as any web page you might create for the business.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Help with Web Authentication

    Having a couple of issues with web authentication, and not getting much help from Cisco TAC. Basically, I'm trying to set up different login pages for each WLAN (so far I have two) with a 4402 controller running 5.1.151.
    For one WLAN, I'm using the internal (default) login page with the following modifications: Cisco Logo is hidden, custom Headline and custom Message. User authentication is done through RADIUS. This works great, but every time I reboot the controller, my custom Message disappears and I get the generic Cisco message, which I don't want. When I add the custom message, I make sure to click Apply and Save Configuration.. don't know if this is a bug or not, anyone else seeing this?
    For the second WLAN, because I need a different login page, I've tried using a customized downloaded login page and also an external web page.
    For the external web authentication, the documentation says you don't need a pre-authentication ACL and yet without this, the redirect doesn't work. Does anyone have this working without an ACL? Also, the sample login page provided by Cisco does not work and I have no clue what code is needed for the username and password credentials to be passed on to WLC for RADIUS authentication.
    As for the customized downloaded login page, I've gotten a sample page from Cisco which they've said they do not support and this page has several issues which I can't seem to get around: it redirects users to the generic welcome page (which we don't want), and does not prompt the user when they enter incorrect credentials (though I can tell the code for this is there).
    So, I'm wondering if anyone has either an external or internal login page that is working properly and is willing to point me in the right direction?

    We have had some similar issues with the controllers not telling user they have used the right username/password, but have solved it. Whether it will help or not we can let you have a copy of our login.tar file if you want, just stick your email address in a reply.
    As far as I know, there is only one place to enter a re-direct page, which is in the config for the default web auth page and all web auth methods use this re-direct...that is our experience at least.

  • Please need Help with web application deployment in Jdeveloper 12c

    I am desperate for help guys. am trying to deploy a web application in weblogic server, but nothing works!!
    I created a project in jdeveloper and created a jsp page inside the project, all what i want is to run that page!
    I followed the instruction here: Deploying Fusion Web Applications , I don't really know if i did it right or wrong, the document is too detailed and not understood clearly.
    I am a newbie oracle user, and trying to build jsp web application connected to oracle database. application deployment fails it says: cannot run application error deploying IntegratedWeblogic..
    please could you tell me the steps of application deployment in Jdeveloper 12c?
    what deployment profiles I need to create (ear, war , mar)?
    what deployment descriptor I need for my app to work?
    please guys I am newbie to oracle, if you could give me simplified answers and straight instructions it will be appreciated .
    thank you

    hi Timo,
    I am building a local web application, meaning the server is internal and will not connect to the web, only to local pcs via network. the application will insert/select data from the database server. My company wants to embed oracle technology on the datatabse and that what am trying to. I am not that expert in java and oracle in general, my main knowledge are in php, html and mysql programming. through my long internet research a lot has recommended jsp with html to be a good choice.
    At beginning I played around with ADF faces, I found it annoying because I prefer coding than using drag and drop interfaces, which always create unwanted results.
    Also am not that professional java programmer, i started learning jsp and found it easier.
    What I am thinking of is to make a web based application that works in browsers (like php), this application has forms to insert data, and also has forms to output data for printing. that's all. I tried to make it in php, but through my little knowledge and internet researches it seems php does not work with oracle and java is the recommended choice (or it works with php but too complicated to make it)
    any recommendation will be much appreciated
    thank you

  • Multiple selection in value help  with Web service

    Hi All,
    I want to get data from web service and store in data base. I created input form with set of inputfields. For some input filds in that input form, I want to get value from web service.So I have used value help wizard. I followed below link to create value help wizard for web service.
    Value help wizard working with java web service ?
    While creating value help, it is only showing 'single selection' option. It does not showing any other options. Here I want to get multiple values from value help. How can I acheive this?.
    Venkatesh R

    Hi Venkat,
    Try the below links for value help in visual composer.
    Visual Composer: Value Help Data Service
    Choosing Multiple Values within Visual Composer

  • Help with Web Services

    am trying to call a web service from a particular WSDL, i need to use JAX-WS 2.0 as part of this assignment am currently working on, but i just cannot put my head around it and where to start,,
    would i need to just write a client that would call a specific method and pass the parameteres through it ?
    would i need to use annotations ? as i was reading, you only use them if you expose the web service. All i was supplied with is a WSDL, and i need to design an interface using JFrame and call a specific service of my choice and receieve a response back.. and display it back.
    Any helpful tips, suggestions, sample code ??

    You can easily work with WSDL2Java class in axis.jar found from apache site
    java -cp axis.jar:commons-logging.jar:commons-discovery.jar:wsdl4j.jar:jaxrpc.jar:saaj.jar org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -va "wsdl file"
    This will create a stub files for the webservice, then you work with that.

  • Need help with Web Services SDK.

    I am new to Web Services SDK can I get documentation on same.

    For documentation about the BOE XI R2 SP2 Web services go to our DevLibrary:
    then locate the Web Services topic under which, you will find the necessary info to help you deal with BOE Web Services.

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