Help with XML Query

I want to create the follow XML from the DATA in my DB:
<customer id="1234">
My SQL query would like a bit like this (returns two rows):
select * from
from orders
join customers on customerID =order_customerID
where customerID = 1234
Is there any way to represent the ABOVE resultant XML from an XmlSqlQuery.
Currently all I managed to do was get two rows of data like this:
select xmlelement("customer", xmlelement("order", xmlelement("date", o_datum))) AS "result"
from orders
join customers on customerID =order_customerID
where customerID = 1234
<customer id="1234">
<customer id="1234">
But this is NOT what I wanted. I want the customer tag once only.

I think xmlagg is correct, I'd try:
select xmlelement("customer", xmlelement("order", xmlagg(xmlelement("date", o_datum)))) ....

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    The problem doesn't lie with your feed, although it does contain an error - you have given a non-existent sub-category. You need to stick to the categories and sub-categories listed here:
    Subscribing to your feed from the iTunes Store page work as such, but the episodes throw up an error message. The problem lies with your episode media files: you are trying to stream them. Pasting the URL into a browser produces a download (where it should play the file) of a small file which does not play and in fact is a text file containing (in the case of ep.2) this:
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    Hello Gurus,
    I would really appreciate your time and effort regarding this query. I have the following data set.
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*20.00*-------------19
    1234567----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment for bad quality---------44345563------------------A-----------------10.00------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765--------------------I---------------------30.00-------------19
    Please Ignore '----', added it for clarity
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    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765-------------------I---------------------30.00--------------19
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    from (
    select sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, sum(paid_amount) amount, vendor_number
    from INVOICE
    group by sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, vendor_number
    ) A, INVOICE B
    where A.sequence_id = B.sequence_id

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    Satyaki De.

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    MnthID BranchCod CustID SegCode FXStatus ProfStatus Profit
    200712 B1 C1 20 Y Y 100
    MnthID BranchCod CustID ProdCode ProdIndex
    200712 B1 C1 12 1
    200712 B1 C2 12 0
    MnthID BranchCod SegCode ProdCode CountSegCust CountProdCust ProfitProdCust
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    5)ProfitProdCust = Sum of Profit of Customers Groupby MnthID,BranchCod,SegCode,ProdCode (when ProdIndex = 1)
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    Thanks in advance!!

    A total guess indeed.
    It's not clear whether some aggregation can be done (summing counts of grouped data might cause some customers being counted more than once)
    insert into destination
    select mnthid,branchcod,segcode,prodcode,countsegcust,countprodcust,profitprodcust
      from (select s1.mnthid,
                   s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end segcode,
                   count(s1.custid) over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                                       s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                              order by null
                                         ) countsegcust,
                   count(case proindex when 1
                                       then custid
                        ) over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                             s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                    order by null
                               ) countprodcust,
                   sum(case proindex when 1
                                     then profit
                      ) over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                           s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                  order by null
                             ) profitprodcust,
                   row_number() over (partition by s1.mnthid,
                                                   s1.segcode || case s1.fxstatus when 'Y' then s1.fxstatus || s1.profstatus end
                                          order by null
                                     ) the_row
              from source1 s1,source2 s2
             where s1.mnthid = s2.mnthid
               and s1.branchcod = s2.branchcod
               and s1.custid = s2.custid
    where the_row = 1Regards

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    select distinct,
    loan_Calculator b,
    bv_user_profile c,
    bv_mr_user_profile d
    where b.loanid = a.loanid
    and c.NET_USER_NO = a.resp_id
    and d.user_id = c.user_id
    and a.is_partner is null
    and a.create_date between
    TO_DATE('6/3/2008 01:00:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS') and
    TO_DATE('27/3/2008 23:59:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS')
    order by a.create_date

    Take a look on the syntax :
    max(...) keep (dense_rank last order by ...)

  • Please need help with this query

    Hi !
    Please need help with this query:
    Needs to show (in cases of more than 1 loan offer) the latest create_date one time.
    Meaning, In cases the USER_ID, LOAN_ID, CREATE_DATE are the same need to show only the latest, Thanks!!!
    select distinct,
    loan_Calculator b,
    bv_user_profile c,
    bv_mr_user_profile d
    where b.loanid = a.loanid
    and c.NET_USER_NO = a.resp_id
    and d.user_id = c.user_id
    and a.is_partner is null
    and a.create_date between
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    TO_DATE('27/3/2008 23:59:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS')
    order by a.create_date

    Perhaps something like this...
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    from (
          select distinct,
                          max(create_date) over (partition by a.user_id, a.loadid) as max_create_date
          from CLAL_LOANCALC_DET a,
               loan_Calculator b,
               bv_user_profile c,
               bv_mr_user_profile d
          where b.loanid = a.loanid
          and   c.NET_USER_NO = a.resp_id
          and   d.user_id = c.user_id
          and   a.is_partner is null
          and   a.create_date between
                TO_DATE('6/3/2008 01:00:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS') and
                TO_DATE('27/3/2008 23:59:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS')
    where create_date = max_create_date
    order by create_date

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    I created a blogging tool for my students to use as I teach
    them internet safety and cyber citizenship. I am no CF master, but
    I dabble a little bit here and there. I need some help with this
    query. It is running extremely slow, which means I have probably
    created some horrendous loop in this query. If any one out there
    has a better solution for this query, I and my middle school
    students would be extremely grateful.
    Here's what I would like it to do. I have two tables, one for
    the blog messages and another for comments. The comments are linked
    to their respective blog messages through a common database field.
    When someone clicks on a link to read a student's blog, a query
    runs which pulls all of the blog messages for that user, the
    comments, and it also counts the number of comments entries for
    each message so that I can place a total # of comments under each
    blog message.

    Not sure why you have this like this: (Select
    count(commentid) from comments where comments.blogid = blog.blogid)
    or this twice: blog.blogusersid = #fname#
    You need to make sure that the comments.blogid and
    blog.blogid fields are indexed. Does this query work any faster?
    <cfquery Name="Myblog" datasource="blog">
    SELECT b.blogid, b.btitle, b.bcontent, b.bdate,
    b.blogusersid, b.fname, b.lname, b.blogpict, b.pictlocation,
    b.userid, c.commentid, c.blogid, b.lastupdated, COUNT(c.commentid)
    AS cc
    FROM blog AS b
    INNER JOIN comments AS c ON c.blogid = b.blogid
    WHERE b.blogusersid = #fname#
    GROUP BY b.blogid, b.btitle, b.bcontent, b.bdate,
    b.blogusersid, b.fname, b.lname, b.blogpict, b.pictlocation,
    b.userid, c.commentid, c.blogid, b.lastupdated
    ORDER BY b.bdate
    ..... but I'm not sure that you will be getting the comment
    count that you want with either query.

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  • Help Needed XML query

    I have troubles with my XML query. It returns to many results and double results.
    My code
    select xmlelement("test", XMLAgg(xmlelement("Customer", XmlAttributes(a.CUSTOMER_ID "cid"))),
    XMLAgg(xmlelement("Account", xmlagg(xmlelement("Account", b.ACCOUNT_ID) ))),
    XMLAgg(xmlelement("ServicePoint", xmlagg(xmlelement("sp", c.SPID) ))) ).extract('*').getstringval() xml
    group by a.CUSTOMER_ID
    i have 1 customer id in the table dm_customer, 2 account_id 's that are linked to customer_id with a FK. DM_Servicepoint contains 6 rows that are linked to dm_customer with a FK.
    My result is 1 result for customer, thats correct but account shows 12 results, where i expect 2 results
    and Service point shows also 12 records where i expect 6 records.
    There is no direct link between account and service point but both are linked to customer. Each customer can have 1 or 2 account And each customer can have 1 or many servicepoints.
    Can you help me?
    Message was edited by:

    Now to see whether we can get this to work with XML....Turns out it's a lot easier than I thought it would be:
    SQL> select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select
      2         , cursor(select a.acctno,
      3                  from my_accounts a
      4                  where a.cust_id = ) as accounts
      5         , cursor(select s.sp_ref
      6                  from my_service_points s
      7                  where s.cust_id = ) as srv_points
      8  from   my_customers c
      9  ') from dual
    10  /
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <NAME>No1 a/c</NAME>
    SQL> Obviously you'll need to do some smartening up of the tag names.
    Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • Need help with XMLTABLE query

    I am new to XML parsing. I am trying to convert xml data into relational data and need some help with this.
    with table1 AS
    (select xmltype(
    '<BuildingData_AllResponse xmlns="">
    <xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
    <xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:UseCurrentLocale="true">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="Table">
    <xs:element name="BldgNum" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="BldgName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Campus" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="StreetNo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="City" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="State" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Zip" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Lat" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Long" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="BldgDesc" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="DeptName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="OrgID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"/>
    <diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
    <NewDataSet xmlns="">
    <Table diffgr:id="Table1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
    <BldgName>Trinity House</BldgName>
    <Campus>College Avenue</Campus>
    <Address>Stone Street</Address>
    <City>New Brunswick</City>
    <Table diffgr:id="Table2" msdata:rowOrder="1">
    <BldgName>Second Reformed Church</BldgName>
    <Campus>College Avenue</Campus>
    <Address>College Avenue</Address>
    <City>New Brunswick</City>
    <Table diffgr:id="Table3" msdata:rowOrder="2">
    <BldgName>Old Queens </BldgName>
    <Campus>College Avenue</Campus>
    <Address>SOMERSET STREET</Address>
    <City>New Brunswick</City>
    <BldgDesc>Old Queens, originally called the Queens Building was erected in 1809. It was named after Charlotte Sophia the wife of George III, King of England. Charlotte Sophia was the youngest daughter of Charles Lewis, brother of Frederic, third Duke of Mecklenburg- Strelitz. She married George III on Sept.8, 1761 and was crowned on Sept. 22. Queen Charlotte was buried in St. George&apos;s Chapel, Winsdor. Source: Catalogue of Building and Place Names at Rutgers.</BldgDesc>
    <DeptName>Division of Continuing Studies, VP</DeptName>
    ) ruloc from dual
    SELECT loc.*
    FROM table1 PO,
    XMLTable('/BuildingData_AllResponse/BuildingData_AllResult/diffgr:diffgram/NewDataSet/Table/BldgNum' PASSING PO.ruloc
    COLUMNS "BldgNum" CHAR(10) PATH 'BldgNum',
    "Name" CHAR(150) PATH 'BldgName',
    "Campus" CHAR(50) PATH 'Campus') AS loc
    In the above example, for simplicity I am pulling only 3 columns, but I am looking to pull all elements within <TABLE> as columns values.

    Please always give your database version (select * from v$version), and the error message (if any).
    The XML document you're querying defines multiple namespaces.
    You have to declare those useful to resolve the XPath expression with the XMLNamespaces clause :
    SELECT loc.*
    FROM table1 PO,
             'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1' as "diffgr"
           , '' as "ns0"
         , '/ns0:BuildingData_AllResponse/ns0:BuildingData_AllResult/diffgr:diffgram/NewDataSet/Table'
           PASSING PO.ruloc
             "BldgNum" CHAR(10) PATH 'BldgNum',
             "Name"    CHAR(150) PATH 'BldgName',
             "Campus"  CHAR(50) PATH 'Campus'
         ) AS loc

  • Need help with conditional query

    guys this is just an extension of this post that Frank was helping me with. im reposting because my requirements have changes slightly and im having a hell of a time trying to modify the query.
    here is the previous post.
    need help with query that can look data back please help.
        "FGL_GRNT_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_FUND_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_ACCT_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_ORGN_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_PROG_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_GRNT_YEAR" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_PERIOD"    VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_BUDGET"    VARCHAR2(60)
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','00','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','0');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('360055','360055','7200','4730','02','10','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('360055','360055','7600','4730','02','10','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','10','14','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','2','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','11','2','600');
    I need to find the greatest grant year for the grant by a period parameter.
    once i find the greatest year i need to check the value of period 14 for that grant for the previous year and add it to the budget amount for that grant. however if their is an entry in the greatest year for period 00 then i need to ignore the period 14 of previous year and do this calculation current period +(current period - greatest year 00)
    hope that makes sense so in other words with the new data above. if i was querying period two of grant year 11. i would end up with $800
    because the greatest year is 11 it contains a period 0 with amount of $400 so my total should be
    period 2 amount $ 600
    period 0 amount $ 400 - period 2 amount of $600 = 200
    600+200 = $800
    if i query period 1 of grant 360055 i would just end up with 800 of grnt year 10.
    i have tried to modify that query you supplied to me with no luck. I have tried for several day but im embarrased to say i just can get it to do what im trying to do .
    can you please help me out.
    here is the query supplied by frank kulash who gracefully put this together for me.
    WITH     got_greatest_year     AS
         SELECT     fgl.*     -- or whatever columns are needed
         ,     MAX ( CASE
                     WHEN  fgl_period = :given_period
                     THEN  fgl_grnt_year
                  ) OVER ()     AS greatest_year
         FROM     fgl
    SELECT     SUM (fgl_budget)     AS total_budget     -- or SELECT *
    FROM     got_greatest_year
    WHERE     (     fgl_grnt_year     = greatest_year
         AND     fgl_period     = :given_period
    OR     (     fgl_grnt_year     = greatest_year - 1
         AND     fgl_period     = 14

    Hi, Miguel,
    Are you waying that, when the greatest year that has :given_period also has period='00' (or '0', or whatever you want to use), then you want to double the budget from the given_period (as well as subtract the budget from the '00', and not count the pevious year's '14')? If so, add another condition to the CASE statement which decides what you're SUMming:
    WITH     got_greatest_year     AS
         SELECT       TO_NUMBER (fgl_grnt_year)     AS grnt_year
         ,       fgl_period
         ,       TO_NUMBER (fgl_budget)     AS budget
         ,       MAX ( CASE
                       WHEN  fgl_period = :given_period
                       THEN  TO_NUMBER (fgl_grnt_year)
                    ) OVER ()     AS greatest_year
         FROM       fgl
    ,     got_cnt_00     AS
         SELECT     grnt_year
         ,     fgl_period
         ,     budget
         ,     greatest_year
         ,     COUNT ( CASE
                       WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year
                       AND       fgl_period     = '00'
                       THEN  1
                    ) OVER ()          AS cnt_00
         FROM    got_greatest_year
    SELECT       SUM ( CASE
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year                    -- New
                  AND       fgl_period     = :given_period                    -- New
                  AND       cnt_00     > 0            THEN  budget * 2     -- New
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year
                  AND       fgl_period     = :given_period       THEN  budget
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year
                  AND       fgl_period     = '00'            THEN -budget
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year - 1
                  AND       fgl_period     = '14'     
                  AND       cnt_00     = 0            THEN  budget
               )          AS total_budget
    FROM       got_cnt_00
    ;You'll notice this is the same as the previous query I posted, except for 3 lines maked "New".

  • Help with XML, display data on swipe/click

    I am trying to create a moibile app that displays XML data. It's basically a phone book. I want the data to change when swiped. I can get the data in just fine. I can get it to display fine. I am not seeing the correct image first, however. I think it's a problem with my imagenum variable.
    Then, I want to change what is displayed when the user clicks/swipes on the screen. How do I do that?
    var nameArray:Array = new Array();
    var countryArray:Array = new Array();
    var portraitArray:Array = new Array();
    var flagArray:Array = new Array();
    var jobtitleArray:Array = new Array();
    var imageNum:Number=0;
    var totalImages:Number;
    //Load XML
    var XMLURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    XMLURLLoader.load(new URLRequest("recbook.xml"));
    XMLURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(event:Event):void {
    var theXMLData:XML = new XML(;;
    for (var i:Number =0; i < totalImages; i++){
      //push xml data into the arrays
    //data is processed
    function loadData():void {
    var thisPortrait:String = portraitArray[imageNum];
    var thisCountry:String = countryArray[imageNum];
    var thisName:String = nameArray[imageNum];
    var thisJobtitle:String = jobtitleArray[imageNum];
    var thisFlag:String = flagArray[imageNum];
    var dataLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    dataLoader.load(new URLRequest(portraitArray[imageNum]));
    dataLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataLoaded);
    function dataLoaded(event:Event):void {
      //I want to start with image 0 (img1.jpg) and cycle through with a mouse click (finger swipe on iOS)
      stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadMainImage1);
      function loadMainImage1(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //add to imageNum (1);
    if (imageNum < totalImages) {//stopping at img2
      trace("imageNum " + imageNum);
      trace("image name (thisPortrait) " + thisPortrait);//losing image 4 somewhere
      trace("Total Images " + totalImages);
    //click to move past the home screenI'd like to ditch this. don't know how.
    homeScreen_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goNext);
    function goNext(event:MouseEvent):void
    */here's the output:
    imageNum 1
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img1.jpg
    imageNum 2
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img2.jpg
    imageNum 3
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img3.jpg
    Total Images 4
    Total Images 4
    Total Images 4
    Total Images 4
    It starts the display on image 1 (the second in the series img2.jpg)*/

    Thank you.
    That helped. I get the correct images in the output, but not in the display. I also get the following error. Any chance you could help with that?
    new output after moving the increment:
    imageNum 0
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img1.jpg
    imageNum 1
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img2.jpg
    imageNum 2
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img3.jpg
    imageNum 3
    image name (thisPortrait) images/img4.jpg
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null.
    at flash.display::Loader/_load()
    at flash.display::Loader/load()
    at iOS_fla::MainTimeline/loadData()
    at iOS_fla::MainTimeline/loadData()
    at iOS_fla::MainTimeline/loadData()
    at iOS_fla::MainTimeline/loadData()
    at iOS_fla::MainTimeline/loadData()
    at iOS_fla::MainTimeline/processXML()

  • Please help with a query

    select * from testme;
    A 1
    A 2
    A 3
    B 1
    B 2
    B 3
    C 1
    C 2
    I want to get the maximum of name and the maximum of corresponding name's value.
    ie., the answer should be
    Name VAL
    C     2
    Please help me with the query.

    SQL> create table testme
      2  as
      3  select 'A' name, 1 val from dual union all
      4  select 'A', 2 from dual union all
      5  select 'A', 3 from dual union all
      6  select 'B', 1 from dual union all
      7  select 'B', 2 from dual union all
      8  select 'B', 3 from dual union all
      9  select 'C', 1 from dual union all
    10  select 'C', 2 from dual
    11  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select max(name) name
      2       , max(val) keep (dense_rank last order by name) val
      3    from testme
      4  /
    C      2Regards,

  • Need help with XML transformation

    I am not sure this is the right place for this. But i will try it here. I am very troubled with my XSLT. Trying to transform a text Coupon which has the following html for it. So,
    _1. INPUT is:_
    This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :
    <p align="center">
    <p align="center">
    <p align="right">
    <b>also</b> whose <var>full_name</var> is Sadd Hossain
    <p align="left">
    <p align="left">
    He is a <font size="3">software </font><font size="4">engineer for</font><font size="5">
    *2. output needed  is:*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <TextMSG >
    This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :
    <TextMSG >
    <TextMSG align="center">
    <TextMSG >
    <TextMSG align="right" >
    also whose full_name is Sadd Hossain
    <TextMSG align="left" >
    He is a software engineer
    for S&H
    *3. XSLT for this*
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml"/>
    <xsl:template match="body">
    <xsl:for-each select="p">
    <!--xsl:if test="not[@align='']"-->
    <xsl:attribute name="align"><xsl:value-of select="@align"/></xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="font"><xsl:value-of select="@size"/></xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <xsl:for-each select="b">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    *4: the above xslt generating this output*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <POSMESSAGE><TextMSG align="" font="">
    This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="center" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="center" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="right" font="">
    also whose full_name is Sadd Hossain
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="left" font="">
    </TextMSG><TextMSG align="left" font="">
    He is a software engineer
    for S&H
    *5: Need help with this. what should my xslt look like to get the desired output???????????????*
    any help or direction will be very much appreciated. Thank you_

    I have below suggestions:
    1. Please use code option given in message editor toolbar for posting any formatted content like XML, Java code snippet etc.
    2. replace & in your source XML with _& a m p ;_ (Without spaces, I have put spaces to make it visible here).
    3. I have modified your XSLT according output XML you have given. I am not sure what you want to do with some elements like <b>, <font>, <var> etc. change below XSLT as you require for these elements.
    Modified XSLT:
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
            <xsl:output method="xml"/>
         <xsl:template match="body">
                   <xsl:for-each select="p">
                             <xsl:if test=". != ''">
                                  <xsl:for-each select="@align">
                                       <xsl:attribute name="align">
                                            <xsl:value-of select="."></xsl:value-of>
                                  <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <TextMSG>This coupon is for a good guy whose first name is :</TextMSG>
         <TextMSG align="center">Sadd</TextMSG>
         <TextMSG align="right">alsowhose full_name is Sadd Hossain</TextMSG>
         <TextMSG align="left">He is a softwareengineer forS&H</TextMSG>

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