Help with youtube on safari!!??

Ok so ive had my ipad 2 for seven months now. Just two days ago youtube on safari wont work. The site works and all the videos pop up but when i click play, the audio works but it doesnt show up anything, it just stays black. I really need to know whats wrong. It will show up on the app but on safari it wont. As i said before the audio will work but the screens stay black and the play/pause buttons dont show either. Has this happened to any of youll if so how do you fix it?? Please help!!

Applegn wrote:
....... videos on youtube in safari have been working fine unti now!!!!
And now, for no reason, they don't. Why? Well, if it's YouTube changing something, there's nothing you can do about that. It's probably not going to be a hardware issue. So, if you think that the app, Safari in this case, and/or your iPad OS itself is causing the problem, then there are steps available to try to fix the problem.
Your Users Guide has a whole chapter (at the end) devoted to what you do when things aren't going well, generally following the sequence of
Restart - red slider, then boot up again
Force Quit apps - either via Sleep/Wake followed by Home, or via Recents Tray
Reset - hold Home & Sleep/Wake to force reboot
Reset iPad Settings - Settings > General >Reset
Erase All Content -   same as above
Restore iPad Software - iTunes or iOS 5 equivalent
You start at #1 and work your way through until the issue you're seeing goes away. If you get through all of the steps and it still doesn't work, you're pretty much out of gas and have to start talking to Apple.

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    Hi ...
    Quit Safari.
    Really helps to tell us which Mac OS X you have installed when you post.
    If you are running v10.7 Lion, open System Preferences > Flash Player then select the Storage tab. Click: Delete All
    If you aren't running v10.7 Lion, start here:
    If you are sure you UNINSTALLED the original Flash plugin first before reinstalling new, launch Safari From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Empty Cache
    Now try a video.
    BTW... if you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    edited by:  cs

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    Use the you tube app that came with the pad, and see if the problem happens there are well. 
    Do you internet on other apps or browsing?  I think you have an internet issue, not a you tube issue.

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    Sorry if it sounded like I was telling you to "go away." Far from it: I was trying to point you to the place where you might get an answer most expeditiously. I'm trying to save you time vs. simply having your question sit around unanswered.
    For example, if other Parallels users have had the same problem, the Parallels folks would be the most likely know. I would not assume that"Parallels' answer will inevitably be, "We don't support third-party software."without first asking them.
    You'd be surprised to know how many times folks post questions here about third-party applications and the questions go unanswered, while the answer is actually waiting to be found at the Web site of the third-party app's developer.
    You might also try the HP Web site since it may be a general problem with that set of drivers under Windows.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X


    I cant get into youtube!!
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    Goshia, that is not true. You can open a link in a Safari page that automatically switches to the YouTube App for playback. The odd behavior is that only links with certain properties initiate the transfer to the YouTube app. example: while in Safari, clicking a youtube link in yahoo mail will work however typing the link directly into the Safari address bar will only send you to the YouTube webpage for that video. This is a very odd discrepancy that must be purposefully designed to limit YouTube usage or something.
    The workaround, until Safari can transfer a link to the youtube app, is to email yourself the link and open it from within or a Mail site within Safari. It works for me.
    It is odd. The only difference between a link in an email and a direct link on a youtube webpage is that the email link tries to open a second browser window. Why that is a problem I do not understand.

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    Hi goddessinrepose!
    Here is an article for you that will help you troubleshoot this issue with your ability to sync your iCloud bookmarks:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Bookmarks and Reading List
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    Try troubleshooting the Safari .plist file.  Quit Safari.
    Open a Finder window. Select your Home Folder in the Sidebar on the left. It has a small house icon. Then open the Library folder then the Preferences folder.
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    I have reset all settings myself and it is a PITA to enter all of the settings again back to where you had them so I know how you feel.
    Issues that crop up in Safari that cant be fixed by clearing the cache and/or resetting all settings only leave a couple of other possibilities that I can think of.  An app conflict, or something corrupt in the Safari software now.
    I'm guessing that you know how to close apps in the recents tray and you could try that now, unless you have already attempted that. You could try restoring form a recent backup - if you have a very recent backup. You said that this problem just started today, so there could be something that went corrupt on the iPad today that's causing the problem. Or you could try backing up, restore to factory settings and then restore from the backup.
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    Easiest way is to click/drag the image to your desktop, where it is automatically saved in its original file format (e.g. jpeg, gif etc.). From there you can move the file to a designated location via your Finder.
    The other path is to right click or control key/click on an image, opening the contextual menu. There, you have a choice to directly download the image to your designated Safari download location (Safari preferences>General), or you can hold down the "option" key, which changes the contextual menu command from "save image to Safari download" to "save image as". Here, you can navigate to your location of choice.
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  • Don't click on help with youtube question

    If you click on youtube question you will get Porn

    Did you get a private message with it, or what?

  • Really need help with this, can't use safari on my ipod

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    aand why were the older ipods less crash-prone?
    answers are very helpful, especially for the first question, because i am clueless about technoloy. Honestly, it took me a year to learn how to turn on my computer....

    A lote of sitesuse the Flash version of YourTube. no iOS devices support flash. The you have to either use the YourTube app or Safari to go to YouTube since Safari tells the YouTube site to use HTML5.
    For other problems withwith Safari try going to Settins>Safari and clear Histor, Cookies and Data.
    Also reset the iPod. Nothing is lost.
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

  • Problems with YouTube - iPad app and Safari on iPad

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    The second problem lies with the subscriptions feature of the YouTube app. When I tap the subscriptions button, not all of them show up. I've tried finding a video by the user I want to subscribe to, tapping 'More From', followed by 'Subscribe,' but this brings up the error message 'YouTube not avaliable.' Subscribing to any other channel from the app works fine.
    Thanks - any help with either porblem would be greatly appreciated! I don't really want to go to the Apple store, and my free telephone support that came with the iPad finished some time ago.

    OMG Apple, I'm am fed up with this stupid YouTube problem I paid $500 for my iPad if not more, and I expect better! I cannot view official music videos, episodes and I can't even view 2 out of 10 videos I search for. stop trying to make people buy from your stupid iTunes store and let them be able to view all videos on YouTube. Anyone who asks me if I'd recommend and iPad, you know what I say? Its not worth the money because the reason I got an iPad was being able to have freedom just like a pc and clearly I don't have that. They ask me; can an iPad do everything a pc can do, and I say no it can't, all because I can't view videos properly on YouTube. I'm 15 and saved for an iPad and it took me 2 years, $500 I regret spending!
         Kind regards



    This sounds like a problem that YouTube can help you with.
    For Safari, when you are at a page that has a video, copy and paste it in IE or Firefox to make sure it works.
    If it does, go back to Safari and click Help -> Report Bugs to Apple. Select "Content Missing"

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    hello applecare  can you help with the macbook pro i did the update the last one and safari doesn't open anything .. what should i do ?

    Hello John...
    You may have a Safari third party add on installed that was compatible with the previous version of Safari but not 5.1. Try troubleshooting > Safari: Unsupported third-party add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues
    FYI... this is a user to user forum. If you can't resolve the issue, information for contacting AppleCare  here.

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