I'm very unhappy with the performance of CS6. CS5.5 was OK with my setup, but CS6 is virtually unusable.  I thought that if I upgraded my video card, I'd get decent performance, so I got a GeForce 580 (and a new power supply).  The improvement was only marginal.
What makes the product unusable is that EVERY TIME I MAKE THE SLIGHTEST CHANGE, AE has to do this big screen update which takes up to 15 seconds.  IT usually causes the screen to flicker (showing what's behind AE on the desktop.  I was getting this flicker even BEFORE I installed the new video card.) Then I have to click the "MAXIMIZE" button continuously until a click gets through on an idle, and finally I can do something else.  As you can imagine, this makes for pretty slow going.
I've already checked to make sure I have the latest driver and the
latest update to AE.(
Is this just a matter of not having a computer thats fast enough?  Or could something else be happening that I could fix without getting a new box?
I don't have a super computer, but its at least average, I'd say.  Here's the setup:
AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core Processor 2.20 Ghz
8 GB ram
Windows 7 64 Bit, SP1
Operating System:
Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit (Service Pack 1)
DirectX version:
GPU processor:
GeForce GTX 580
Driver version:
DirectX support:
CUDA Cores:
Core clock:
772 MHz
Shader clock:
1544 MHz
Memory data rate:
4008 MHz
Memory interface:
Total available graphics memory:
4094 MB
Dedicated video memory:
1535 MB GDDR5
System video memory:
0 MB
Shared system memory:
2559 MB
Video BIOS version:
PCI Express x16

Have you considered simply reinstalling your system from scratch? That by no means sounds normal. CS6 may suck on many levels, but at least the screen refresh works on my end.... Sounds more like a general systemic issue...

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    Definitive Answer (I believe): It's all about this setting, "Write XMP ID To Files On Import" - which confirms that Adobe Premiere Pro is deliberately modifying the .mov file: http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/preferences.html#WSE3BD4A43-7022-4fe6-97F5-95313 935347B
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    http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/preferences.html#WSE3BD4A43-7022-4fe6-97F5-95313 935347B
    http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/adobe-creative-suite/498627-why-premiere-modifying-video-files .html
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    Here's something you may not have ever consciously considered, Mike, though I'll bet you know it intrinsically:
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    far more
    dependent upon consistency of position than the distinctiveness of color, value, icons or text labels. This isn't just some UI philosophy I'm making up; smarter people than Iand entire institutionshave made deeply detailed studies of this.
    Two things you can experiment with that will help you notice what I'm talking about (if you've somehow never noticed it before):
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    Are there bookmarks or folders full of bookmarks in your browser windows' bookmarks bar that have been in the same place for a long time? Take a minute or two and rearrange them. Maybe add an empty dummy folder or two to the left side of your bookmarks bar. Leave them that way for a few days, so that you kind of forget you rearranged them. I'll bet you'll find that when you move to click on a bookmark you use somewhat regularly, your hand will unconsciously start to move your cursor to where it
    to be. I'll bet it takes upwards of a dozen or more instances of traveling to the bookmarks' new location before your brain re-naturalizes to subconsciously finding that bookmark in its new position. This is because it's easier for our brains to process a location, rather than having to read and interpret a text label every time it wants to perform a function like this.
    Test 2:
    Like most of us, I'm sure you have your Palettes/Panels in different applications set just the way you like them. And if you've dug into the app, you've saved that Workspace set-up so you can return things to where you like them in the event of a reformat, or reinstall, or preferences re-set.
    Go ahead and move all your Panels/Palette to significantly different positions. Save this workspace, and use it exclusively for a few days instead of the set up you're used to. And again, give it a day or three, so you kind of forget you rearranged your workspace. Your brain will find it a bit of a struggle to negotiate the app's tools and functions because now you're forcing it to constantly hunt for and make a new interpretation about where everything is located. To do that, your eys first have to scan and hunt for the icon or text label of the tool or function you want to use. Then it has to interpret that visual signal that then tells your voluntary motor control "Oh, that's where it is, that's what it is, let's move our hand so the mouse cursor goes there."
    That "sea-of-featureleless-gray-with-black-text," as you call it, serves a very important function precisely because of its unobtrusiveness. It gets the heck out of the way and allows your eyeballs and the analytical part of your brain room to focus on the
    task at hand, that is: To make the best adjustments you can to the image you're working on. And that's not even mentioning the fact that a bright or colored interface can significantly skew your interpretation of color and value (because of the brain & retina's persistence of vision effect) where it really matters: In the image you're working on.
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    Hi Xiaoyi,
    Well, I have two log files in that location: ExtensionManager.log and log0.log (the latter is only a minute older).
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:52 2012 [.307] (OWLMain.cpp,899) -APE environment initializd OK
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:52 2012 [.312] (OWLMain.cpp,902) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Extension Manager CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:52 2012 [.437] (OWLMain.cpp,937) -Create APE stage window OK
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:52 2012 [.632] (OWLMain.cpp,969) -Load swf file succeed.
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.692] (OWLMain.cpp,143) -AIR is ready for the invocation from C++ side
    [TRACE] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.692] (CommandExecutorMfc.cpp,35) -MESSAGE
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.697] (..\Control\GetSupportedLocalList.cpp,56) -Sending Get Locale list request to AIR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.697] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.697] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airGetLocaleList
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.697] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --1
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.697] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.793] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,95) ------------------AIR request To C++ Start-----------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.793] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,98) -Receive the request from AIR, Request name is externalCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.793] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) --1
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.793] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.798] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -en_US,da_DK,de_DE,cs_CZ,es_ES,fi_FI,fr_FR,hu_HU,it_IT,ja_JP,ko_KR,nb_NO,nl_NL,pl_PL,pt_B R,ru_RU,sv_SE,tr_TR,uk_UA,zh_CN,zh_TW
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.798] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,142) -----------------AIR request To C++ End--------------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.798] (..\Control\PumpBridgeTalkMessageCommand.cpp,67) -PumpBridgeTalkMessageCommand::execute(), register bridge talk message handler.
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.798] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,165) -RequestId is-1. It is a request used to unlock OK/Cancel
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.798] (..\Control\GetSupportedLocalList.cpp,81) -Get Locale list completed
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1726) -=====Supported locales list items:=====
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -da_DK
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -de_DE
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -es_ES
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -fi_FI
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -fr_FR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -it_IT
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -nb_NO
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -nl_NL
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -pt_BR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1730) -sv_SE
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1750) -The User preferred language code is en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,1753) -en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airSetLocale
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --2
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.833] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.843] (..\MacrExtensionManager.cpp,1280) -Extension Mnaager starts initializing
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.848] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,4262) -Bare version is
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.848] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,4263) -
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.848] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,4268) -Formal version is
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.848] (..\MMFC\Source\MacrOS.cpp,4269) -
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.848] (..\Products\MacrExtensionManagerProduct.cpp,193) -Application name is Adobe Extension Manager CS6.exe
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.868] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,90) -Application path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Support Files\Contents\Windows
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.868] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.868] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.873] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.873] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.873] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.888] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6 (64 Bit)), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.893] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\4.0), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.903] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.913] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.913] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,273) -Got dummy languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS6), with value (da_DK,en_US;en_AE,en_US;en_GB,en_US;en_IL,en_US;es_MX,es_ES;fi_FI,en_US;fr_CA,fr_FR;fr_M A,fr_FR;hu_HU,en_US;nb_NO,en_US;uk_UA,en_US;).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.923] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Support Files\Contents\Windows), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.928] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Extension Manager CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.933] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.933] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.943] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.943] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.948] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,273) -Got dummy languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6), with value (da_DK,en_US;en_AE,en_US;en_GB,en_US;en_IL,en_US;en_XM,en_US;es_MX,es_ES;fi_FI,en_US;fr_C A,fr_FR;fr_MA,fr_FR;fr_XM,fr_FR;hu_HU,en_US;uk_UA,en_US;).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.958] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Fireworks CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.958] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.958] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.968] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Utilities - CS6\ExtendScript Toolkit CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.968] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CS6), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.973] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,232) -Got installed languages for key (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Edge Animate Preview), with value (en_US).
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.998] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,360) -For product (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Support Files\Contents\Windows), the installed languages are (en_US)
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.998] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,75) ----Begin to read xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.998] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,76) -The present xman data file is:
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:53 2012 [.998] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,77) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,86) ----End to read  xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,68) -Sending XML contents to AIR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airParseXML
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --3
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -Configuration.VariableForExMan.Data
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.3] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,95) ------------------AIR request To C++ Start-----------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,98) -Receive the request from AIR, Request name is externalCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) --3
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$illustrator
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../..
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$plugin
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../../Plug-ins
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$scripting
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../../Scripting
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../../Presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DisplayName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Illustrator CS6 32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Illustrator32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -FamilyName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Illustrator
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductVersion
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -16.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -HostNameForCSXS
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ILST
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -IconPath
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Configuration/ai_app_24px.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -SupportedInSuite
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DefaultLocale
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Bit
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,142) -----------------AIR request To C++ End--------------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,165) -RequestId is-3. It is a request used to unlock OK/Cancel
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,111) -XML contents parse completed
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,401) -Product Name for illustrator-16.032 is Illustrator32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1317) -Display Name for illustrator-16.032 is Illustrator CS6 32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,444) -Product version forIllustrator CS6 32 is 16.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,463) -Language code for Illustrator CS6 32 is en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,191) -Icon Path for Illustrator CS6 32 is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Configuration\ai_app_24px.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.13] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,382) -Product Family Name for illustrator-16.032 is Illustrator
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1459) -EMStore path per-machine for illustrator-16.032 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\Illustrator CS6 32\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1528) -MxiFlag path per-machine for illustrator-16.032 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Mxi Flag\Illustrator CS6 32\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1283) -Preferred folder for Illustrator CS6 32 is
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.18] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,90) -Application path is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,360) -For product (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows), the installed languages are (en_US)
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,75) ----Begin to read xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,76) -The present xman data file is:
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,77) -C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,86) ----End to read  xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,68) -Sending XML contents to AIR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airParseXML
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --4
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -Configuration.VariableForExMan.Data
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.23] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,95) ------------------AIR request To C++ Start-----------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,98) -Receive the request from AIR, Request name is externalCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) --4
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$illustrator
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../..
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$plugin
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../../Plug-ins
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$scripting
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../../Scripting
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder/../../../Presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DisplayName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Illustrator CS6 64
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Illustrator64
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -FamilyName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Illustrator
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductVersion
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -16.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -HostNameForCSXS
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ILST
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -IconPath
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Configuration/ai_app_24px.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -SupportedInSuite
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DefaultLocale
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Bit
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -64
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,142) -----------------AIR request To C++ End--------------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,165) -RequestId is-4. It is a request used to unlock OK/Cancel
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.53] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,111) -XML contents parse completed
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,401) -Product Name for illustrator-16.064 is Illustrator64
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1317) -Display Name for illustrator-16.064 is Illustrator CS6 64
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,444) -Product version forIllustrator CS6 64 is 16.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,463) -Language code for Illustrator CS6 64 is en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,191) -Icon Path for Illustrator CS6 64 is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Configuration\ai_app_24px.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,382) -Product Family Name for illustrator-16.064 is Illustrator
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.064 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1459) -EMStore path per-machine for illustrator-16.064 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\Illustrator CS6 64\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.064 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1528) -MxiFlag path per-machine for illustrator-16.064 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Mxi Flag\Illustrator CS6 64\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.064 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1283) -Preferred folder for Illustrator CS6 64 is
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.58] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product illustrator-16.064 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,90) -Application path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,360) -For product (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6), the installed languages are (en_US)
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,75) ----Begin to read xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,76) -The present xman data file is:
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,77) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,86) ----End to read  xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,68) -Sending XML contents to AIR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airParseXML
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --5
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -Configuration.VariableForExMan.Data
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.63] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,95) ------------------AIR request To C++ Start-----------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,98) -Receive the request from AIR, Request name is externalCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) --5
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$indesign
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$InstallFolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$indesign_user
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$UserDataFolder/Adobe/Adobe InDesign CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DisplayName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -InDesign CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -GlobalProductName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Adobe InDesign CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -InDesign
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductVersion
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -8.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -HostNameForCSXS
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -IDSN
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -IconPath
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Configuration/Icon.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -SupportedInSuite
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DefaultLocale
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -NeedLockableExtension
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -true
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ShowInstalledFiles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -true
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Bit
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -PreExtensionFolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$SharedCommonDataFolder/Adobe/InDesign/Version 8.0/en_US/Extensions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -PluginConfigFile
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$UserDataFolder/Adobe/InDesign/Version 8.0/en_US/PlugInConfig.txt
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,142) -----------------AIR request To C++ End--------------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,165) -RequestId is-5. It is a request used to unlock OK/Cancel
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,111) -XML contents parse completed
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,401) -Product Name for indesign-8.0 is InDesign
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1317) -Display Name for indesign-8.0 is InDesign CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,444) -Product version forInDesign CS6 is 8.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,463) -Language code for InDesign CS6 is en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,191) -Icon Path for InDesign CS6 is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6\Configuration\Icon.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.98] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,382) -Product Family Name for indesign-8.0 is
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product indesign-8.0 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1459) -EMStore path per-machine for indesign-8.0 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\InDesign CS6\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product indesign-8.0 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1528) -MxiFlag path per-machine for indesign-8.0 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Mxi Flag\InDesign CS6\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product indesign-8.0 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1283) -Preferred folder for InDesign CS6 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\InDesign\Version 8.0\en_US\Extensions\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.103] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product indesign-8.0 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,90) -Application path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,360) -For product (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6), the installed languages are (en_US)
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,75) ----Begin to read xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,76) -The present xman data file is:
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,77) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,86) ----End to read  xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,68) -Sending XML contents to AIR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airParseXML
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -Configuration.VariableForExMan.Data
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.108] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,95) ------------------AIR request To C++ Start-----------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,98) -Receive the request from AIR, Request name is externalCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) --6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -EmStorePath
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$SharedRibsDataFolder/Adobe/Extension Manager
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$installfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder/Plug-Ins
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder/Presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$platform
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Win
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$actions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Actions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$blackandwhite
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Black and White
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$brushes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Brushes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$channelmixer
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Channel Mixer
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$colorbooks
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Color Books
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$colorrange
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Color Range
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$colorswatches
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.138] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Color Swatches
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$contours
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Contours
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$curves
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Curves
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$customshapes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Custom Shapes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$duotones
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Duotones
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$exposure
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Exposure
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$gradients
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Gradients
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$huesat
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Hue Sat
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$imagestatistics
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Image Statistics
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$keyboardshortcuts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Keyboard Shortcuts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$layouts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Layouts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$lenscorrection
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Lens Correction
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$levels
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Levels
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$liquifymeshes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Liquify Meshes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$menucustomization
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Menu Customization
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$optimizedcolors
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Optimized Colors
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$optimizedoutputSettings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Optimized Output Settings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$optimizedsettings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Optimized Settings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$patterns
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Patterns
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$reducenoise
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Reduce Noise
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$replacecolor
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Replace Color
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$scripts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Scripts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$selectivecolor
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Selective Color
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$shadowhighlight
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Shadow Highlight
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$smartsharpen
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Smart Sharpen
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$styles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Styles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$textures
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Textures
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$tools
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Tools
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$variations
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Variations
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$webphotogallery
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Web Photo Gallery
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$workspaces
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Workspaces
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$zoomify
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Zoomify
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$hueandsaturation
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Hue and Saturation
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$lights
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Lights
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$materials
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Materials
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$meshes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Meshes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$rendersettings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Render Settings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$volumes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Volumes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$widgets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Widgets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder/Locales
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$additionalplugins
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesfolder/$LOCALE/Additional Plug-ins
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$additionalpresets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesfolder/$LOCALE/Additional Presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localeskeyboardshortcuts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesfolder/$LOCALE/Additional Presets/$platform/Keyboard Shortcuts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesmenucustomization
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesfolder/$LOCALE/Additional Presets/$platform/Menu Customization
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesworkspaces
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$localesfolder/$LOCALE/Additional Presets/$platform/Workspaces
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$automate
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Automate
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$digimarc
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Digimarc
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$displacementmaps
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Displacement Maps
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$effects
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Effects
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$extensions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Extensions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$fileformats
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/File Formats
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$filters
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Filters
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$imagestacks
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.143] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Image Stacks
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$importexport
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Import-Export
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$measurements
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Measurements
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$panels
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Panels
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$parser
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Parser
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$3dengines
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/3D Engines
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$lightingstyles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder/Filters/Lighting Styles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$matlab
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder/MATLAB
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -UserExtensionFolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshop
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$UserDataFolder/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Configuration
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -DisplayName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Photoshop CS6 32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Photoshop32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -FamilyName
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Photoshop
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -ProductVersion
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -13.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -IconPath
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Configuration/PS_exman_24px.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -SupportedInSuite
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -HostNameForCSXS
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -PHSP
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Bit
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,142) -----------------AIR request To C++ End--------------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,165) -RequestId is-6. It is a request used to unlock OK/Cancel
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,111) -XML contents parse completed
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,401) -Product Name for photoshop-60.032 is Photoshop32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1317) -Display Name for photoshop-60.032 is Photoshop CS6 32
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,444) -Product version forPhotoshop CS6 32 is 13.0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,463) -Language code for Photoshop CS6 32 is en_US
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,191) -Icon Path for Photoshop CS6 32 is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Configuration\PS_exman_24px.png
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,382) -Product Family Name for photoshop-60.032 is Photoshop
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product photoshop-60.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1459) -EMStore path per-machine for photoshop-60.032 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\Photoshop CS6 32\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.148] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product photoshop-60.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.153] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1528) -MxiFlag path per-machine for photoshop-60.032 is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Mxi Flag\Photoshop CS6 32\
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.153] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product photoshop-60.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.153] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,1283) -Preferred folder for Photoshop CS6 32 is
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.153] (..\MacrProduct.cpp,203) -The product photoshop-60.032 is supported by CS6
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Products\MacrCommonProduct.cpp,90) -Application path is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)
    [INFO] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\MacrProductInfoFromCapsLib.cpp,360) -For product (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)), the installed languages are (en_US)
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,75) ----Begin to read xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,76) -The present xman data file is:
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,77) -C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\MactProductInfoFromBridge.cpp,86) ----End to read  xman configuration data file---
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\macrgetXml_impl.cpp,68) -Sending XML contents to AIR
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,404) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) Start--------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,407) -Method Name: airParseXML
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) --7
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Configuration\XManConfig.xml
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,424) -Configuration.VariableForExMan.Data
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.158] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,450) --------------------Request (C++ side To AIR part ) End---------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,95) ------------------AIR request To C++ Start-----------------------------------------------
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,98) -Receive the request from AIR, Request name is externalCallBack
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) --7
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -0
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -EmStorePath
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$SharedRibsDataFolder/Adobe/Extension Manager
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$installfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$pluginsfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder/Plug-Ins
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$photoshopappfolder/Presets
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$platform
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -Win
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$actions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Actions
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$blackandwhite
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Black and White
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$brushes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Brushes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$channelmixer
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Channel Mixer
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$colorbooks
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Color Books
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$colorrange
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Color Range
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$colorswatches
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Color Swatches
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$contours
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Contours
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.188] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$curves
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Curves
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$customshapes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Custom Shapes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$duotones
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Duotones
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$exposure
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Exposure
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$gradients
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Gradients
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$huesat
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Hue Sat
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$imagestatistics
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Image Statistics
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$keyboardshortcuts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Keyboard Shortcuts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$layouts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Layouts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$lenscorrection
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Lens Correction
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$levels
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Levels
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$liquifymeshes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Liquify Meshes
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$menucustomization
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Menu Customization
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$optimizedcolors
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Optimized Colors
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$optimizedoutputSettings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Optimized Output Settings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$optimizedsettings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Optimized Settings
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$patterns
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Patterns
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$reducenoise
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Reduce Noise
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$replacecolor
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Replace Color
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$scripts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Scripts
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$selectivecolor
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Selective Color
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$shadowhighlight
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Shadow Highlight
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$smartsharpen
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Smart Sharpen
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$styles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Styles
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$textures
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$presetsfolder/Textures
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54 2012 [.193] (..\Control\OWLFrontController.cpp,118) -$tools
    [DEBUG] Mon Dec 03 23:01:54

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 classroom in a book lesson files "file format not supported" error message

    Hey y'all. I have the creative Suite cloud membership and am learning Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and have the latest update. I have an iMac, version 10.8.2 and have been going through the lessons 1-8 so far from the 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a book' with no problems. So far so good. Then, when I opened Lesson 9 project today, I realized that certain media was off line (see pic below-videos and maps) even though I had been able to open the project. I tried to see if it was a link issue but was unable to select the 'Link Media' option and the system did not give me the option to link media when opening a new project. The strange thing is that I am now able to open some lessons with everything working fine but when I try to open other lessons such as lesson 9 or 10 or 11 I notice media files offline after getting the "file format not supported" pop-up error message when attempting to open a project. It's random as some lessons I had opened previously now give this error message of file format not supported when they didn't in the past whilst others work. I have deleted all the lesson files from my hard drive and reinstalled them from the cd onto my hardrive but the issue persists. Any idea as to why all of a sudden Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 is giving the error message "File format not supported"??? when opening the lessons. I have not changed any preferences. I've included some screenshots though I don't know how much help they will be... Is anyone else running into this issue??? Can anyone help???

    Why were you trying to link a file in the project to the project file itself? Shouldn't it be a video file or something? Like .mov .wav .avi .mp4 and not .prproj

  • Cannot install Adobe AIR and CS6 suite

    Hi folks,
    Lets start with: i am the build in local admin account! i did run as admin! and as far as i know i got rights on everything.
    Windows 7 SP1 64bit.
    I did try selective boot through msconfig, and i did try it also in safe modes in the most minimal state.
    Creating a shortcut with the "-uninstall" string obviously not work, because there is no more installation of Adobe air or CS6 products installed on my machine.
    This is what the Adobe AIR installer log tells me,
    [2013-07-16:14:03:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-07-16:14:03:48] Commandline is:
    [2013-07-16:14:03:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\air28d5.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4580_0 -ei
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Exiting due to error: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception TypeError: Error #1009" errorID=1009]
    [2013-07-16:14:03:57] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-07-16:14:03:59] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    Runtime Installer end with exit code 7 Also shows up when trying to install any CS6 Products.
    I googled my cute little hiney off, for almost 2 full days now.. spent alot of time in the Win7 register and in deep hidden windows folders.
    As far as i know i completly removed Adobe Air and CS6 products.
    Also tried the adobe creative cloud cleaner tool everyone is talking about, but it not even start on my machine?!
    Why the hell! i cannot install Adobe AIR or CS6 Products?
    If you need more information, i am happy to give it to you.
    Adobe flash, shockwave and Reader work perfect?!!?!?!?!
    I leave problems reports about Adobe CS6 products out of this discussion for now, because i have a feeling that the problem is connected with eachother.

    I found requirements for Flash and Air on Android from following Sites:
    Android devices
    VGA: Dedicated Cortex A8 (ARMv7) 550MHz App Processor with Neon for A8 only; Hardware Vector FPU
    WVGA: Dedicated Cortex A8 (ARMv7) 800MHz App Processor; Hardware Vector FPU
    Google Android™ 2.2 or later
    256MB of RAM
    WSVGA (1024x600)
    WXGA (1280x800)
    Hardware requirements
    Dedicated Cortex A8 (ARMv7) 550MHz App Processor with Neon for A8 only
    Hardware Vector FPU
    Dedicated Cortex A8 (ARMv7) 800MHz App Processor
    Hardware Vector FPU
    Dedicated Cortex A8 1000Mhz App Processor
    Hardware Vector FPU
    Dual-Core Cortex A8 1000Mhz App Processor
    Hardware Vector FPU
    Operating system
    Android™ 2.2*
    If I am getting it correctly, both requires same ARM version, and Hardware Vector FPU.
    But I have found many devices, where Adobe Flash is installed and running. (If market does not show Adobe Flash, device manufacturer provides flash apk which works)
    But can not install Adobe Air. Market does not show Adobe Air.
    Is there any way to sort this out?
    I get feeling that as Flash is more popular software, people have got patched version for the same. But for Air, it does not exist.

  • Problem with Adobe After Effects CS6 on Windows 8.1 PRO

    Hi Adobe Systems guys, I would like to know when the error will have the solution presented Adobe After Effects CS6 (Latinoamerican Spanish Version) running Windows 8.1 PRO, and throwing the following error.
    I've tried the latest available update 11.0.3 but does not correct the problem. I wonder when will be ready the solution because with Illustrator CS6 also was the same but with the solution described in this page, http://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/kb/illustrator-does-not-start-windows-81.html was solved perfectly.
    I appreciate prompt as we need urgent help to use the software in its Spanish version as was originally purchased. thanks

    That such a friend, for I tell you that none of their solutions is an option for me because:
    • Wait a couple of months with no after effects in the hope That a patch will come ... someday
    R:/ The problem is not mine, is problem of Abode and therefore investing heavily in the creative suite CS6 and for that to be an option.
    It's not fair to have to beg for a solution.
    • Upgrade to CC and enjoy all the latest features
    R:/ It is not possible , because we will not spend more money than they already invested in Suite CS6
    • Use After Effects CS6 in English
    R:/ It is not possible as the staff in charge of managing this program if it is not handled in English and therefore bought the suite in Spanish .
    • Roll your computer back to Windows 8 instead of 8.1
    R:/ It is not possible as it is known all Windows 8.0 failures we have put in 8.1 PRO .
    I do not understand is that if Adobe Illustrator had the same problem and it was fixed within a couple of days getting the patch , why not do the same with After Effects CS6 in Spanish . All users of this suite CS6 and buyers deserve respect and prompt solution to the problems that are the fault of Adobe.

  • FLVs created with ADOBE MEDIA ENCODER CS6 do not display thumbnails in ADOBE BRIDGE CS6

    Could you please attempt to shed some light on why FLVs created with ADOBE MEDIA ENCODER CS6 do not display thumbnails in ADOBE BRIDGE CS6, yet apple finder is able to display thumbnails for these same FLVs without issue?
    I'm running CS6 Production Premium with ALL updates installed on 10.6.8
    I appreciate any input and help provided the input is provided by someone who either
    A) knows the answer because they actually work for adobe
    B) actually tried this themselves before attempting to provide a solution
    If the conclusion is that it is a codec issue or a header issue with the FLVs You'd have to present a very strong case to back that claim up as it makes no sense whatsoever that CS6 is unable to generate thumbnails for media encoded using CS6, yet Apple finder can without issue. NOT to mention the FLVs in question are CREATED on the same machine with the same codecs installed that is trying to generate previews in Bridge.
    Apologies if my frustration is showing, I've gotten and seen several... incompetent replies on this forum regarding this issue and it has never been actually addressed properly as far as I can tell by Adobe support.

    We are all just incompetent users here.  As pointed out before this is just a user to user forum, Adobe rarely checks in.
    I was hoping by now you would have gotten to the bottom of this problem and were offering a solution.

  • I am not able to open one of my photoshop file. I am using Adobe production premium CS6.

    I have try to open one comp file in After effects and i am getting an following error for linked PSD,
    After that i have tried to open that PSD file in photoshop and i am getting an following error,
    I am using Adobe production premium CS6. Could you please anyone faced this problem or provide some solution regarding this.
    Thanks in advance :-)

    The individual file has become corrupted somehow.
    Happens often to users who work across a network, opening or saving a Photoshop image file to a server.
    You're going to have to resort to your backup.
    This is the boilerplate text often used in connection to saving to a network (please NOTE the part where it explains that normally, it does work, but that it is impossible to troubleshoot someone else's network remotely, and that's why it's not supported by Adobe):
    If you are opening files over a network or saving them to a network server, please cease and desist immediately in the event you are currently experiencing problems with one or more files. Working across a network is not supported.
      Copy the CLOSED file from your server to your local hard disk, work on it, save it again to your local hard disk, close it, and copy the closed file back to the server.
         Of course, the fact that Adobe does not support working across a network does not necessarily mean it won't work.   It should.
        Adobe's position is that there are too many variables in a network environment for them to guarantee that everything will work correctly in every network, especially given the fact that if something does not work properly, it's probably the network's fault, and Adobe has no way of troubleshooting your network.
      If you can't work locally, you are on your own, and if something happens, you're on your own. If you must work from a server, make sure your network administrator is a competent professional.
    When problems arise, a lot of valuable work can be lost.

  • Trouble Downloading Adobe Master Suite CS6

    Hello! I just purchased a new computer, a Lenovo Y510P Ideapad running Windows 8. My school gave me the Adobe Master Suite (CS6) with a redemption code which was the first thing I put on my new computer. However, only some of the programs downloaded and the rest did not. The error codes I recieved are as follows... (I called Adobe and was told to uninstall the suite, which I have done and now I do not know how to proceed)/
    Exit Code: 6
    Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DR012, DW050 ... WARNING: DW029, DW066 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 6 error(s), 95 warning(s)
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CC006FD6-00EF-46FC-ACA0-7A28EFF44D20} Adobe Media Encoder CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {C7B1C1B3-368D-4C32-A818-83F1554EB398} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {0C4E7429-E920-4125-980E-029A87AE0A4D} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {51C77DC1-5C75-4491-8645-A17CC33F5A36} AdobeColorEU CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {26F763C9-076F-473D-9A0E-4050C973737C} AdobeColorJA CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {BB66788C-4C4F-4EB0-B146-9178857DE287} AdobeColorNA CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {94FEA41F-7345-429F-AA31-5C615F24CE29} Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {784B5277-7B8A-4058-8F5D-A146F8BA5F7B} Adobe Hunspell Linguistics Plugin CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {7CA3FAD4-7B82-473C-8207-5A283E90742A} Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS6 x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {29DB26AB-81CE-41D6-B0C9-BE15E36C87C6} Adobe Hunspell Linguistics Plugin CS6 x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {1F955A4A-F365-4379-AEE2-B7C83E1AA883} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Support
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {F48E8FE8-8D40-1014-8129-D1C5ABFD087E} Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Base Files2
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {B8CD128B-8D40-1014-B944-C86071713DAE} Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Feature Set Files
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {AA9DC298-8D46-1014-853D-9FC0306FBFCE} Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Base Files
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {152B1DA7-A342-4EAA-BD28-25DD7B74AB3C} Suite Shared Configuration CS5.5
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {D38116C8-C472-4BB0-AD6F-0C1DD1320D1D} AdobeHelp
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {83463106-DD1C-4FE5-A61C-DF6715472AD4} Adobe Extension Manager CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {EB2A8CD4-B247-4810-A294-E3DB8EDC6060} Adobe CSXS Extensions CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {36682D68-3834-487E-BA49-DFA4AB0A2E32} Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {EFBC1075-F890-4293-A0D1-04BE66EE2AB3} Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {7E91BB17-16A1-42CE-9502-D6C98BE04920} PDF Settings CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {00496505-D56B-4B07-A8C5-70A0B4E689F7} Adobe Bridge CS6 (64 Bit)
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {DC00A3E1-9C61-4B11-8070-B592E68D2B3C} Adobe Linguistics CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {8085C16A-3148-40B4-BC8B-12ED59C9C478} Recommended Common Fonts Installation x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {63594DD4-0241-422A-93A5-B6530040E1C7} Required Common Fonts Installation x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {0377892E-FCAC-46EC-AA70-C6AC8A86A81F} Dynamic Link Media Server
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {99FE4191-AC6B-11E0-B602-00215AEA26C9} Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64) 6.0.2900.2180
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {DE7C6FA1-AF75-48A8-B495-CFAD529BCC3D} Recommended Common Fonts Installation
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {311CDC89-AC18-4344-9EC9-0225328C73D3} Required Common Fonts Installation
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {B98E0DCB-1A75-4394-9813-3A114AA3891D} Adobe Mini Bridge CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {97BA0109-F6BE-4F50-8904-C19442D7216E} Adobe Bridge CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {8467887D-92F1-435C-B387-A7551B88EC70} Adobe NPS Panel
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {C41A769E-27ED-44F7-8A11-F2E32F538E05} Adobe Linguistics CS6 x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {F683ECF1-07EC-43CB-90B0-8F325A8C09C1} Adobe Illustrator CS6 Support
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {48623899-C152-457D-9B30-1F957332AC2F} AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {78E38D75-4D92-4F6E-B631-17A436BED680} AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {2A075BB4-E976-4278-BF3F-E5C6945D84C0} SonicWrappers_bl
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {185F9795-9663-4F13-9EF9-307A282ADB5A} SonicWrappers_ph
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {674E5E7D-A6F8-49B4-A026-EB3922144B24} AIR for Apple iOS support (FB)
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {D2583A3E-399C-45D7-8AF1-FE5BAFC946CF} AIR for Apple iOS support (FP)
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {E787BAD7-B750-4E1C-A149-965CF1DEE4AB} Adobe After Effects CS6 Presets
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {98970962-1D70-43D4-B268-EDF57E451BA9} Adobe After Effects CS6 Support
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {C0C7DC90-C8DF-46DA-BA21-848889DAFD11} Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {DBCFA16A-59EC-4DAF-98D1-B4E2C2A9E7B4} Adobe Encore CS6 Support
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CB510A42-9CC2-4FD0-9DA6-0C8C333EF538} Adobe Illustrator CS6 Support32
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {EB5C092C-8D46-1014-A129-F57E0145A7FD} Adobe InDesign CS6 Icon Handler
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {046C2E05-C3C0-45AC-A6A3-D319F751E5CC} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.201
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CDAC14AB-1424-4E9C-8515-EA89D7F37243} Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Support
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {1EA52983-8EDD-1014-A956-E9729DA4AEEB} Adobe Toolhints CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {02EFB598-92AB-4DCB-A417-FE0FCBCD2266} AdobeColorVideoProfilesAE CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {4758849A-8C03-4F90-A024-3D4C7A035B5A} AdobeMotionPicture CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {C5CA53A2-E722-4D76-B5AC-71522CC48AB3} AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {488DE6DF-6D55-1014-8588-B572E54263B5} DPS Desktop Tools CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {A269DDEC-5572-4032-AA26-3485A1620006} AdobeIdeaPluginCS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {7483525E-26E8-4748-870D-1F064AB8AA83} AdobeIdeaPluginCS6 x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {2DAEE15D-8D47-1014-9FF6-ACA9093B5359} Adobe InDesign CS6 Icon Handler x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {1EB907F5-3F33-4495-88E6-8B97B519291F} Adobe Prelude CS6 Support
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {E8AD3069-9EB7-4BA8-8BFE-83F4E69355C0} CS6 Master Collection
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005} Acrobat Professional
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {59EBB3D9-AA2A-4068-AB48-75ED6879B5F9} AIR for Apple iOS Support Wrapper
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {3D46121C-A0E6-4259-B7E0-5127C218A096} Adobe SpeedGrade CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {5D76C825-9827-4D93-813E-6C3754D504B1} Adobe SpeedGrade CS6_AdobeSpeedGrade6.0en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {1BF6648E-DFC9-4371-98B6-F6AD9358DF4F} Adobe Flash Builder 4.6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {30FD541D-3C9D-41C4-B240-A994EE4E0231} Adobe Audition
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {A7A95754-A63E-4052-8945-BBDC27009E7E} Adobe Audition_AdobeAudition5en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {A4ED5E53-7AA0-11E1-BF04-B2D4D4A5360E} Adobe Dreamweaver CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {8FDB26FC-7AA0-11E1-BF04-E25246635842} Adobe Dreamweaver CS6_AdobeDreamweaver12en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CA7C485C-7A89-11E1-B2C8-CD54B377BC52} Adobe Fireworks CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {05E1E278-7A8D-11E1-A0B9-FC0245DB7244} Adobe Fireworks CS6_AdobeFireworks12en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {E0D1B182-6827-4AD8-9C1D-CFFD4314DFE4} Adobe Prelude CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {438F42BD-8A0D-4D39-A50B-08D6C58B6014} Adobe Prelude CS6_AdobePrelude1en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {46251F95-B2F8-484A-9B5B-8C0E5A43A202} Adobe Encore CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {145F0B3B-2643-43A0-9BBC-ADAA51223F5F} Adobe Encore CS6_AdobeEncore6en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {9D3BB9DA-1F59-4DCF-A0BB-691FA8EA2582} Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {9A63F173-0324-43F5-A0CA-75FF3ADE907B} Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)_AdobeIllustrator16en_USLanguagePack_x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {4817D846-700B-474E-A31B-80892B3E92E3} Adobe After Effects CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {D3E89C12-49DE-4A2C-9D24-1A8D704679D5} Adobe After Effects CS6_AdobeAfterEffects11en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {7D4E9D10-AED6-485D-A2B0-9A1DF1A55545} Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {8815EC0E-89C0-4EDB-ACD7-32DB5B67536D} Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core_AdobeIllustrator16en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {42CED1DA-1C36-45D2-88C0-C32DB6B82B49} Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {D094CE41-D4F5-473E-8915-B1D026CB193E} Adobe Premiere Pro CS6_AdobePremierePro6.0en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {4FAB339E-2132-434F-9376-9CD735E4C69C} Adobe Flash CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {1E621A15-CD9F-4543-B3F6-8032B3647A6A} Adobe Flash CS6_AdobeFlash12.0-en_USLanguagePack
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {9124DF4E-617D-486B-A970-8FA632244F24} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {3071EDD7-EA5B-4CAC-B4D0-4D4D664154D1} Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {3289C0E8-78B9-47D4-98E5-F25BFF1CBED4} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core_x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {29A80A19-9E35-455A-AF9D-B39AE5B3035D} Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US_x64
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CFB770D7-8D43-1014-922B-CC2715FADE3F} Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Base Files
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {E04F4B94-8D3F-1014-BB29-98347AEBFF8C} Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Language Files_AdobeInDesign8AppLang-en_US
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {6C98A8B6-8D40-1014-AE3E-EF3F5E8D39AE} Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Language Files_AdobeInDesign8CommonLang-en_US
    ----------- Payload: {92D58719-BBC1-4CC3-A08B-56C9E884CC2C} Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 -----------
    ERROR: Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {63E949F6-03BC-5C40-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRESULT: 0x800736FD.
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Fatal error during installation.
    MSI Error message: Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {63E949F6-03BC-5C40-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRESULT: 0x800736FD.
    ----------- Payload: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005} Acrobat Professional -----------
    WARNING: DW029: Custom Action for payload {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005} Acrobat Professional wants to skip this payload. Skipping this payload.
    ----------- Payload: {CA7C485C-7A89-11E1-B2C8-CD54B377BC52} Adobe Fireworks CS6 -----------
    WARNING: DF012: File/Folder does not exist at C:\Users\Katie\Desktop\Adobe CS6 Master Collection\Adobe CS6\payloads\AdobeFireworks12-mul\OEM(Seq 2141)
    ----------- Payload: {05E1E278-7A8D-11E1-A0B9-FC0245DB7244} Adobe Fireworks CS6_AdobeFireworks12en_USLanguagePack -----------
    WARNING: DF012: File/Folder does not exist at C:\Users\Katie\Desktop\Adobe CS6 Master Collection\Adobe CS6\payloads\AdobeFireworks12en_USLanguagePack\OEM(Seq 76)
    ----------- Payload: {4FAB339E-2132-434F-9376-9CD735E4C69C} Adobe Flash CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DR012: Setting Registry Value Failed. Error 5 Access is denied.(Seq 151)
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Mini Bridge CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0: Install failed
    System Requirements

    Yes, my operating system is updated to the latest version of Windows 8. Yes I do meet the CS6 tech specs. The computer I'm installing Adobe on is literally brand new. The tech specs for the computer I have (Lenovo Ideapad Y510p) are as follows...
    4th Generation Intel Core i7-4700MQ Processor (2.40GHz 1600MHz 6MB)
    -Operating System
    Windows 8.1 64
    15.6" FHD LED Glare Wedge 1920x1080
    NVIDIA GeForce GT755M GDDR5 2GB
    8.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3L SDRAM 1600 MHz
    -Hard Drive
    1TB 5400 RPM+24GB SSD
    -Optical Drive
    DVD Recordable (Dual Layer)
    -Network Card
    Intel 7260 b/g/n Wireless (2x2 BGN)
    Bluetooth Version 4.0
    One year
    6 Cell 72 Watt Hour Lithium-Ion
    I'm not sure why all of the Adobe programs are not installing and why I keep getting the same error code.

  • Problem in Adobe Media Encoder CS6 Presets

    This Problem appears to me when I want to export a project in MPEG preset:
    I can't export an MPEG Video.
    but H.264 and MOV is working.
    My program and version is Adobe Media Encoder CS6. And the same is happened in Adobe Premiere CS6 and Adobe AfterEffects CS6.
    So my question is: I want a link to choose and download presets fro Media Encoder (New presets or update the standard presets).
    With my best wishes to Adobe to move forward.

    OK, give this a shot.
    FAQ: Why are some codecs and sequence presets missing from my installation of Premiere Pro?

  • "Adobe Media Core CS6 has stopped working" error.

    I have had Premiere Elements 11, Photoshop Elements and LR 4 installed for over a year on my Windows 7 computer. Over the last couple months, within a few minutes of turning on my computer I get an error that Adobe Media Core CS6 has stopped working. It seems like this might be related to Premiere but I have not been able to find a solution. This occurs even if I have not run any of my installed programs. Any suggestions what is causing this and how to fix it?

    I had not saved the detail files earlier today (it appears they disappear on a restart), but did a shutdown/startup a short time ago and had a recurrence again. (Although two subsequent cycles did not generate the error.) I saved the files and the .xml file indicates the parent process was Elements 11 Organizer this time, not LR4.
    I had been living with this problem for a while, one of the set of saved error file sets was from 5/1. I don't recall for sure if that was from the first occurrence of the error, but I decided to look for other programs installed just before that time. I see that Adobe Creative Cloud was installed the day before, 4/30. I don't recall how/why that was installed since I don't have any Cloud products. Also installed on 4/30 were three Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable files, which show installation times one minute before the Creative Cloud installation, so I assume they are part of the Cloud installation. The next most recent (before 5/1) installed program was Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro 9.5, which was installed on 4/29.
    The firewall settings have not changed. I was in a chat with my ISP when the problem occurred this afternoon, but not during the latest occurrence. I don't recall any updates since 6/24. I believe the error had occurred every time I started my computer before the Firewall changes, but it seems to be more sporadic now.
    I will see what else I can come up with tomorrow since it is getting late. I wanted to get this all down before I lost my thoughts.
    Update 7/5:
    I have more information, but still no solution.
    I found this thread Adobe Media Core CS6 has stopped working related to the same error, but it had no solution. The error did not occur when I exited PS Elements or Premiere Elements as it did for that person.
    I also found Adobe media core cs6 stopped working......??? and tried the steps to rebuild the Photoshop Elements editor preferences file, but no success.
    I had noticed that Adobe Creative Cloud was installed the day before, so I uninstalled it. Error still occurred.
    I installed a different firewall (Zone Alarm Free) and disabled Windows Defender, error still occurs.
    Uninstalled Anime Studio Pro (that had been installed a couple days before, error still occurred.
    I will provide more updates as I try more changes.
    Update 7/20:
    More things I tried:
    Repaired quicktime via control panel, did not fix
    Uninstalled quicktime, error did not recur
    I noticed that there remained a plug-ins folder in the quicktime folder, so I renamed it.
    Reinstalled quicktime from Apple site on 7/12 and the CS6 error has not recurred.
    Additional info not directly related to original question, but occurred afterwards.
    I don't think it is related, but a few days later started getting a small blank MFC CTxfiHlp window upon windows startup. I haven't resolved that yet, but it is related to my Creative XFi sound card.
    I also noted when I reinstalled Anime Studio Pro that the readme contains a warning that 64 bit windows does not support quicktime; that I should use the 32 bit version of their software.
    I installed the latest Creative sound card software, but started getting lockups. Still working on this, but the original problem seems to be solved.
    The only other thing I can think of is that iTunes software had been installed, but I removed it. It is possible that caused a problem with quicktime??
    Anyway, the removal of quicktime (including the Plug Ins) and re-install did resolve my problem.

  • Hey Adobe, I want to delete my adobe ID

    Hey Adobe, I want to delete my adobe ID, Let me know how to do that.

    [email protected] wrote:
    Hey Adobe, I want to delete my adobe ID, Let me know how to do that.
    Generally, you can't edit your Adobe ID but any posts you have created can be deleted.  I suggest post your request at this link:
    Please explain to them what you want to do and why.
    Good luck.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 crashing when making edits

    I everyone. I migrated to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 (I need to finish a couple of project before I can update the computer to CC and Mac OS 10.8.) and it's been crashing right from the begining. It's a random crash but my impression that it becomes more probable as the projects grow.
    It happens whenever I'm editing and I press the shortcut for "overwrite" or "insert". (It also happens when I press the icon or move the clip to the timeline)
    The screen message I get is this one:
    The log message that I get afterwards goes as follows:
    On previous days, I've been able to keep working just by deleting the Media database preview files from Premiere but it's not working anymore.
    I'm working with XMF files shot with a Canon C300 synced using premiere to sound files (.wav). It only happens when I try to edit but it doesn't matter if I try to edit sound, sound and image or just image.
    What it doesn't make sense is that it says something about "dynamic lynk" and, as far as I know, I'm not using dynamic link at all.
    Thanks in advance for your time and wisdom
    Jaime From Spain

    Now, a few updates after a very long night (just in case it might  help somebody)
    Up until last night, I was saving my Premiere Projects in a Dropbox Folder inside my computer. It was a quick safe way of having a backup copy. Well, it seems that the crash is somehow related. Don't ask me why but once I moved the project file to a regular hard drive (actually a RAID0 where I keep my heavier files) the crashes have stopped.
    This morning I went back to the dropbox idea with a new project and -Voilá!- after three hours of work, it crashed again. I moved the file to the RAID disk and no more crashes. My guess is that it is somehow related to the auto-save files that premiere keeps saving. Once it reaches a certain amount (around 20 in my experience) dropbox and Premiere start to do something weird and they crash the software... (It might be related to the software dropbox uses to keep your folders updated and keep backup versions of everything)
    I'll run a few tests next week trying to keep the Auto-save files out of dropbox and just the regular files there to see what happens.
    Best regards

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